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through Bertha Dudde 7437

Answer to questions ....

Observe all questions arising within you and wat h your thoughts orres!onding to these questions .... but !rior to su h thoughts you should always enter into a heart"elt dialogue with your eternal God and Father .... As soon as you onta t #e in thought or in !rayer and o$$end your guidan e to #e% as soon as you ons iously !resent your questions to #e% you will also re eive the answer% "or & want you to be o$e enlightened about all issues that o u!y your $ind. And thus & want you to 'now that you never need to "ear a ting against #y will as long as you hand everything over to #e .... as long as your will !redo$inantly wants to wor' a ording to #y will. (hen & will also bless everything you underta'e in this resolve. )owadays addressing !eo!le in a re$ar'able way is not very su ess"ul% irres!e tive o" whether & s!ea' #ysel" "ro$ above or through you% #y servants on earth .... *eo!le do not want to hear what would bene"it the$ s!iritually+ as a result they re,e t everything whi h ould disturb their worldly !leasures. &n ontrast% those who have already re eived in"or$ation and 'nowledge about the things they now hear in total larity "ro$ you an be ins!ired to greater s!iritual a tivity .... But the world itsel" will $a'e sure that !eo!le are in"or$ed about unusual things in the universe% and then there is still ti$e to draw their attention to the s!iritual orrelation% the su ess o" whi h again only de!ends on !eo!le-s will% "or no hu$an being shall be onde$ned% no hu$an being shall be o$e sub,e t to

o$!ulsory "aith% whi h is always a danger when they are o""ered obvious !roo" where "aith alone should s!ea'. .u$anity is so "aithless that it never a e!ts !ro!hesies as being true% and there"ore it is also unwise to onvey su h !ro!hesies to the$ .... On the other hand% o!en/$inded !eo!le should be in"or$ed about what is $ade 'nown through seers and !ro!hets .... (hen these will do what they an in order to enlighten !eo!le% "or they an easily !ass on and onvin ingly !resent to their "ellow hu$an beings what they 'now the$selves .... And then there is still enough ti$e to "or$ an o!inion about it. But every single !erson will "eel in his heart how he should ondu t hi$sel" towards his "ellow hu$an beings% and he will s!ea' when he "eels inwardly urged to do so and 'ee! silent when an inner voi e !revents hi$ "ro$ s!ea'ing .... &t is always #y will that you onta t #e and attentively listen within% and you will learly and distin tly hear #y will ....


*ublished by "riends o" new revelations o" God 0 &n"or$ation% download o" all translated revelations% the$e/boo'lets at1 htt!122www.bertha/"$l 4 htt!122en.bertha/dudde.org2

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