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CI Learn|ng Lunch

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S|x 1h|nk|ng nats
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nost - Denn|s Sergent Q S17-28S-SS00
Iebruary 21st, 2012
CI rev|ew - 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM - D|a|-In
Conference Access Number: 1-218-632-9378
Conference asscode: 734-2S4-9433#
Learn|ng Lunch - 10:30 AM to 2:00 M - In erson
;*6<'%,67= >/2? )0 @6:86A$* 17$7'
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1oday's rocess
A Short kev|ew
kev|ew of 1rad|nona|, L|near, Latera|, ara||e| 1h|nk|ng
kev|ew of Ldward de8ono's S|x 1h|nk|ng nats |n 8roader Context
W. Ldwards Dem|ng - Cut of 1he Cr|s|s & 1he New Lconom|cs
Numerous Cther kesearchers & Scho|ars
Lspec|a||y ao|o Ir|ere
Chr|s Argyr|s, eter Senge
our D|a|ogue & Cons|deranons
|ck a rob|em
Use the S|x 1oo|s
1ab|e D|scuss|ons
What adds va|ue to you and your organ|zanon?
What are the pos|nve aur|butes you can use?
What are the d|erences wh|ch |nuence your th|nk|ng?
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 2 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
SergenL 8esulLs Croup 317-381-3330
8ank|ng Mode| vs. D|a|ogue Mode|
8ank|ng MCDLL
lnformauon rocesslng ConLexL
1. ArgumenL
2. Loglc - Amrmauve / negauve
3. Lvldence
4. lmpacL
8anklng Model* of Learnlng
8eadlng AL Speed Lo Memorlze
8epeaung 8ack AL 8oLe, lncomprehenslble
CuoLe LxperL ldeas & AuLhors
Cverwhelm CpponenLs wlLh reponderance
of Lvldence
ConLradlcL CpponenLs
Wln / Lose roposluon
Acuve Learnlng ConLexL
1. ldenuLy
2. urpose
3. MeLhod
4. AdapLauon
ursue Acuve Learnlng
Challenge 1hlnklng ln ldeas
ose Cuesuons ln ulalogue
uene AdapLauon We MusL Make
Wln / Wln roposluon
* 8ank|ng Method as descr|bed by ao|o Ir|ere and n8C Documentary keso|ved about the
|nnovanve approach of a coach and two students |n the debate compennons of 2006 and
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 3 01-10-2012
SergenL 8esulLs Croup 317-381-3330
Llnear vs. LaLeral vs arallel
1rad|nona| 1h|nk|ng (Adversar|a|)
Greeks founded |t on argument or adversar|a| th|nk|ng
Lach slde Lakes posluon Lo prove LhaL Lhe oLher slde ls wrong.
CompleLely lacks a consLrucuve, creauve or deslgn elemenL.
lnLended only Lo dlscover Lhe 'LruLh' noL Lo bulld anyLhlng.
LINLAk 1nINkING (auern)
ou cannot d|g a ho|e |n a d|erent p|ace by d|gg|ng the same ho|e deeper
1rylng harder ln Lhe same dlrecuon vs. changlng dlrecuon. (3 Whys.)
LorL ln Lhe same dlrecuon (approach) wlll noL necessarlly succeed.
Assume cerLaln percepuons, concepLs and boundarles.
LA1LkAL 1nINkING (rovocanve)
Latera| 1h|nk|ng |s for chang|ng concepts and percepnons
ln mosL real llfe slLuauons Lhe concepLs and boundarles are noL glven.
LaLeral Lhlnklng seeks Lo change Lhe concepLs and boundarles.
LaLeral Lhlnklng ls concerned wlLh Lhe percepuon parL of Lhlnklng
Where we organlze exLernal world lnLo Lhe pleces we can process.
8raln a self-organlzlng lnformauon sysLem wlLh asymmeLrlc pauerns.
WlLh a maLhemaucal need for movlng across pauerns.
LaLeral Lhlnklng deslgned Lo achleve such 'laLeral' movemenL.
AkALLLL 1nINkING (Co-operanve and Coord|nated) U',6A*'" ?= !"#$%" "' ()*)

8est understood |n contrast to trad|nona| argument or adversar|a| th|nk|ng.
1he dlrecuon lLself can be changed ln order Lo glve a full scan of Lhe slLuauon.
AL every momenL each Lhlnker ls Lhlnklng ln parallel wlLh all Lhe oLher Lhlnkers.
SLaLemenLs or LhoughLs whlch are conLradlcLory are noL argued ouL buL lald down ln parallel.
ln Lhe nal sLage, Lhe way forward ls 'deslgned' from Lhe parallel LhoughLs. (Slx PaLs
Six Thinking Hats
- S|x nats method a||ows us to unbund|e th|nk|ng
- Separate out the d|erent aspects of th|nk|ng
- ay auennon to each aspect |n turn
! Argument |s adversar|a|, S|x 1h|nk|ng nats |s cooperanve
! A does not argue w|th 8
! A and 8 wear each hat together
! A and 8 try to bu||d on one each others th|nk|ng
! 1he process |s construcnng and exp|or|ng
169 .86*S6*A P$7, E%$V'#)%S
169 .86*S6*A P$7, E%$V'#)%S
Lncourages para||e| th|nk|ng
.6V P6AA6*,+ 1/6"'
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 3 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
Designed by Edward de Bono

1. WhlLe PaL - Iacts
neuLral, Cb[ecuve, lnformauon
2. 8ed PaL - Lmonons
Punches, lnLuluon, CuL leellngs
3. 8lack PaL - Cr|nc
AnalysL, Loglcal negauve
4. ?ellow PaL- Sunsh|ne
Cpumlsm, Loglcal osluve
3. Creen PaL - Creanve
CrowLh, osslblllues, ldea
6. 8lue PaL - Coo|
Agenda, rocess, Crganlzer, Cvervlew, ueclslon
WhaL Are 1he PaLs
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 6 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
1. Allows us Lo say Lhlngs wlLhouL rlsk
2. CreaLe awareness of muluple perspecuves
3. Mechanlsm ls convenlenL for Lhlnklng ln new ways
4. ConvenlenL mechanlsm for Lhlnklng wlLh slmple rules
3. Can focus our Lhlnklng
6. Leads Lo more creauvlLy ln our Lhlnklng
7. lmproves communlcauon
8. lmproves declslon maklng
Maln 8eneLs of Slx 1hlnklng PaLs
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 7 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
1. resenL Lhe known facLs - WhlLe haL

2. CeneraLe ldeas on how Lo proceed - Creen PaL

3. SLaLe Lhe beneLs - ?ellow PaL

4. LvaluaLe Lhe beneLs - ?ellow PaL

3. uene drawbacks - 8lack PaL

6. Ask for guL feellngs abouL Lhe cholces - 8ed PaL
7. Summarlze where we are aL and nexL sLeps - 8lue PaL
A SLarung Slx PaLs rocess
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 8 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
1. repare everyone on Lhe Leam Lo be heard
2. uene Lhe problem ln wrlung rsL
3. SLarL 8lue" and ask Lhe Leam whaL haLs and order Lo
4. keep everyone ln Lhe haL of Lhe momenL
3. SLarL slow, speed up wlLh experlence
6. Can be used by yourself when you become
uslng Lhe Slx 1hlnklng PaLs
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 9 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
WhlLe PaL - Iacts - Cbserver
neuLral, Cb[ecuve, lnformauon CaLherlng
locus on avallable lnformauon
WhaL ls needed
WhaL ls mlsslng
Pow Lo obLaln lL
WhaL quesuons do we need Lo ask
D|rects us toward |nformanon
WnI1L nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 10 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
ked nat - Lmonons & Iee||ngs of Se|f & Cthers
Punches, lnLuluon, CuL leellngs, Lmouons
WarmLh, re, heaL
SLaLes perspecuve wlLhouL explanauon or [usucauon
We may noL know or be able Lo explaln why
Cur opporLunlLy Lo be speak up and be heard wlLhouL havlng Lo
explaln why
D|rects us towards hear|ng each other
kLD nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 11 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
8|ack nat - Cr|nc of Se|f & Cthers
AnalysL, Loglcal negauve, Cauuon
!udgmenLal, crlucal,
WhaL are rlsks & dlsadvanLages
Why Lhlngs are wrong, why Lhey may noL work
SLops us from dolng harmful Lhlngs
Loglcal negauve polnL of vlew
Cveruse can be dangerous
lllp slde of ?ellow PaL
D|rects us to |ook for obstac|es
8LACk nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 12 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
e||ow nat- Sunsh|ne - In Se|f & Cthers
Cpumlsm, Loglcal osluve
Sunshlne, brlghLness,
Seeks Lhe beneLs, how Lhey wlll come abouL
uenes whaL ls good, whaL are advanLages
uenes Lhe dlerenL values
Cveruse moderaLed by 8lack PaL
Loglcal posluve - lp slde of 8lack PaL
D|rects us to |ook for Cpportun|nes
LLLCW nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 13 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
Creen PaL - Creanve energy
CrowLh, osslblllues, ldeas
vegeLauon, growLh, energy
roposals and suggesuons
uescrlbe AlLernauves
Modlcauons and varlauons
osslblllues, Lheorles, new ldeas
D|rects us to redehne our terr|tory or expand the farm
GkLLN nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 14 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
8lue PaL - Coo|
Agenda, rocess, Crganlzer, Cvervlew, ueclslon
Managlng Lhe Lhlnklng process
WhaL should we do
WhaL have we done
WhaL do we wanL Lo achleve
WhaL order do we wanL Lo use Lhe haLs?
WhaL have we learned?
WhaL may be supplemenLal Lools Lo Lhe meLhod?
When do we leave Lhe Slx PaLs Lo sLarL acuons?
D|rects us to |earn |n new areas
8LUL nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 13 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
Six Thinking Hats - Summary
- Un|eashes creanv|ty by prov|d|ng focus and a d|sc|p||ned
techn|que for exp|or|ng top|cs
- Lnab|es us to put d|erences as|de and focus on reso|v|ng the rea|
- Generates |deas qu|ck|y, eva|uates them emc|ent|y, and
|mp|ements acnon p|ans eecnve|y
- Used to |mmed|ate|y ach|eve |ong-|asnng resu|ts
.6V P6AA6*,+ 1/6"'
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 16 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
!"#$%" "' ()*)+, 56,")V
In Groups of S|x or Less
1. 1hlrLy seconds each
2. uescrlbe our blggesL slngle problem
3. voLe on whlch one ls Lhe one we wanL Lo
Lry Lhe Slx PaLs on
4. 8lggesL slngle voLe geuer ls Lhe one we
3. lllp a coln lf we have a ue
6. ln Slx MlnuLes we wlll have an answer
7. uescrlbe 1able Cholce ln 30 seconds each
8. nexL We 1ry on 1he PaLs
lck A roblem 1o Work Cn
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 17 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
1. 1he exerclse chosen ls a CCl challenge, problem or opporLunlLy.
2. CCl ls a long llved organlzauon and we need Lo lmplemenL a new
model for nanclal success or lndependence.
3. 1here ls a decllne ln membershlp and sponsorshlp and evenL
4. We have a chlcken and egg scenarlo
We need pald sLa Lo develop CCl Lo geL sponsorshlp monles and
We need Lhe monles Lo develop CCl
3. We need Lo bulld a nanclal model Lo lnclude pald sLa, whlch
may lnclude a pald dlrecLor, conLracLors or oLher sLa Lo
lncrease Awareness of CCl value Lhrough 8euer romouon & Adveruslng
lncrease Membershlp, Sponsorshlp numbers
lncrease value Lo CommunlLy
uevelop rograms and Scholarshlps
Cur Slx PaLs Lxerclse
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 18 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
1. resenL Lhe known facLs - WhlLe haL

2. CeneraLe ldeas on how Lo proceed - Creen PaL

3. SLaLe Lhe beneLs - ?ellow PaL

4. LvaluaLe Lhe beneLs - ?ellow PaL

3. uene drawbacks - 8lack PaL

6. Ask for guL feellngs abouL Lhe cholces - 8ed PaL
7. Summarlze where we are aL and nexL sLeps - 8lue PaL
Cur Slx PaLs Lxerclse
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 19 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
WhlLe PaL - Iacts - Cbserver
1. Pow much $ funds do we need?
2. Pow much $ funds do we have?
3. Pow much $ revenue ow do we have?
4. Pow much $ cosL do we have?
3. Pow many sLa do we have and whaL are Lhelr roles?
6. WhaL ls Lhe cosL of pald sLa? lncludlng expenses? WhaL ls Lhe salary level?
7. WhaL ls Lhe value of pald sLa?
8. Pow do we Lrack enrollmenL and overall evenL paruclpauon?
9. WhaL Lype of evenL ls mosL auended?
10. Pave we losL sponsors? Why?
11. Pave we galned sponsors? Why?
12. WhaL ls Lhe currenL number of members? WhaL does membershlp mean? uoes lL mean a pald person aL an evenL?
13. WhaL do members Lhlnk abouL dues or fees?
14. uo we have a membershlp model? uo we have a recrulLmenL model and process?
13. Who do we wlsh Lo help? Who are our cusLomers?
16. Who are Lhe people/organlzauons who are Lhe naLural members LhaL are lnLeresLed and can beneL?
17. Pow can we expand Lhe knowledge of CCl ln Lhose people?
18. WhaL do we oer Lhem? Where can we reach Lhem Lo leL Lhem know?
19. WhaL changed? ls Lhere a new reallLy?
20. lf CCl ls Lhe answer, whaL ls Lhe quesuon?
WnI1L nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 20 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
ked nat - Lmonons & Iee||ngs of Se|f & Cthers
AmnlLy, buL compeung commlLmenLs
CCl = CreaL 8eglonal Leader Lhrough rograms, Lducauon 8esources
Plre someone now
LlghL Lhe re, need new blood
All have Lools, why use yours?
1oo much compeuuon (for CCl!)
value, 1lme, Money
8reak CommunlLy paradlgms
need a home or sugardaddy" Lo embrace us
8eneLs obvlous, buL unknown
kLD nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 21 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
8|ack nat - Cr|nc of Se|f & Cthers
MosL organlzauons (poLenual members) do noL undersLand
need examples of rms LhaL are successful wlLh CCl help
8ellglous connoLauons" geL ln Lhe way
ulvlslons 8eslsL on unlLy
ls CCl Lrylng Lo accompllsh Loo much?
arL ume?
uullze Lechnology for emclency
8ellance on hlred dlrecLor may be negauve Lo volunLeers
8LACk nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 22 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
e||ow nat- Sunsh|ne - In Se|f & Cthers
?ou have Cood news & 8lesslngs, worklng LogeLher Lo help oLhers!
We are here learnlng now - how Lo use Lhls new" Lool - whlch ls noL a uemlng
1ake away some of Lhe volunLeer" work needed
Lconomlc lmprovemenL
8euer workplaces
valuable maLerlals
We have so much golng for us we wlll gure Lhls ouL
CenLrallzed focused Lo CCl
CCl goals beneL Lhe enure communlLy
CpporLunlLy for collecuve learnlng and collecuve wlsdom
1he hearL LhaL lndlvlduals share of Lhe concepL
knowledge ln Lhe room - everyone should have an opporLunlLy Lo be
lnLroduced Lo open mlnded Lhlnklng.
1he synergy of everyone LogeLher - everyone should be exposed Lo Lhls
learnlng Lo galn Lhe passlon of Lhls (Lrln)
LLLCW nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 23 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
Creen PaL - Creanve energy
Collaborauon posslblllues
8oad show ln communlLy, go lnLo organlzauons and assoclauons
Maybe we need Lo pay an admlnlsLrauve asslsLanL and Lhe leadershlp ls
Synergy wlLh organlzauon who beneLs wlll proL ln growLh
neLwork, Lell your assoclaLes & oLhers , 81l, eLc
llnd ways Lo lnLeresL Lhe nexL generauon
Cer new Lo quallLy" Lralnlng & workshops
LvenL wlLh popular quallLy Lype presenLer [ low cosL Lo auracL members
arLner wlLh Mlchlgan ManufacLurers Assoclauon, SocleLy of ManufacLurlng
Lnglneers and oLher organlzauons
CooperaLe wlLh oLher provlders of Lools & suppllers
Pave clear sLeps and umellnes Lo grow
new markeung campalgn - LargeL oLhers
GkLLN nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 24 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
8lue PaL - Coo|
Macro vlew of revenue ow Lo goal wlLh cusLomer feedback used Lo
gulde CCl
CaLher communlLy supporL
CollecL Lhls daLa and share wlLh 8oard & ueslgn 1eams and follow up
wlLh WhlLe PaL" answers Lo our quesuons
Plre Lhe assoclauon admlnlsLraLor
Share mlnuLes
1hlnk many volunLeers feed back
8LUL nA1 1h|nk|ng
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 23 01-10-2012 O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
-D-C-A - roceed W|th Contro|
We LAN what we want to accomp||sh over a per|od of nme and what we w||| do to get there.
We DC someth|ng that furthers the strateg|es and goa|s deve|oped |n our p|an.
We CnLCk (Study) the resu|ts of our acnons to make sure we ach|eve what we p|an.
We AC1 by deve|op|ng procedures to ensure our p|ans connnue to be successfu| and by chang|ng what
|s needed to ach|eve the |n|na| goa|s.
Acnon |an
Do Check
goa|s and
methods of
reach|ng goa|s
Lngage |n
educanon and
Check the
eects of what
we have
1ake appropr|ate
acnon to adopt the
change, susta|n |t,
abandon |t or
correct, prevent
Issues and beg|n
Ian 8radburys presentanon on
Des|gn and Contro| of ua||ty
has expanded our v|ews of
the DCA |earn|ng cyc|e,
adapted by Dem|ng from
O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 26 01-10-2012
Transformation Process Described by Deming
O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
Compared Lo Lhe uSA/uCA Cycle
1here are a number of dependenc|es between
the hases and 1asks wh|ch are not dep|cted.
kead books,
papers, see
v|deos, and
other sources
In not, then
e|ther theory or
m|s|eads us.
theor|es and
test them |n
If theory and exper|ence
match, then we have a
beuer theory, aher many
tests, we have know|edge
1hen, we can
use know|edge
to |mprove our
Do the
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 27 01-10-2012
SergenL 8esulLs Croup 317-283-3300
New Way 1h|nk|ng
know|edge 8ased 1ransformanon
1ransformauve 1hlnklng
Leadlng 1ransformauon
use of 8eformauon and 1ransformauon
8esource & 8elauonshlp ManagemenL
SLrlvlng for 8alance
1hlnklng & Learn|ng 1ogeLher
1hen Worklng 1ogeLher
Conunuous lnvesLmenL
use of 1ools ApproprlaLe 1o roblems 1hey Can Solve
use 1hlnklng for AllgnmenL
SysLems 1hlnklng, ln1hlnklng and LnLerprlse 1hlnklng

uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 28 01-10-2012
- Let's co||ect our |unch!
- koom w||| be secure
- Sta w||| take your dr|nk orders when you return
- Wh||e you |unch, connnue the d|a|ogue
- Make sure everyone |s heard from
- 8e prepared to share your answers to the fo||ow|ng quesnons!
- Higher Quality - Lower Costs - Better Workplaces - uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 29 01-10-2012
1ab|e D|scuss|ons

- WnA1 AkL CUk NLk1 AC1ICN S1LS?
- What d|d we |earn here?
- What do we need to d|scuss next?
- Who e|se needs to hear about th|s?
- What w||| we do w|th our |earn|ng?
- What adds va|ue to you and your organ|zanon?
- What are the pos|nve aur|butes you can use?
- What are the d|erences wh|ch |nuence your th|nk|ng?
- Higher Quality - Lower Costs - Better Workplaces - uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 30 01-10-2012
Future Agenda
New 2012 rogram - at 9:00 AM 8efore Lach Learn|ng Lunch
- Cne nour Conference Ca|| on 1he Sub[ect of 1he Day
- Iree and Iac|||tated by CI
- If you can't |eave your desk for the Learn|ng Lunch
- If you can't aord to come for |unch & d|a|ogue |n person
- If you want more than the usua| nme to d|scuss the sub[ect

What Are our Ideas?
- 8enchmark|ng
- C|v|||ty - Lack of |t Costs up to 5300 8||||on Annua||y (ame McNe||)
- Lecnve Measurement for 1ra|n|ng & Deve|opment In|nanves
- Inuence (Inuenc|ng our Leader and our 1eam)
- Innovanon as "hase 0" |n ua||ty
- Mentor|ng & artnersh|p 8etween Generanons (8aby 8oomer, Genk, Gen, 1rans|non to Iuture)
- ua||ty Assurance 1hrough roohng
- DCA vs. DSA Compar|sons W|th Langford "rob|etun|ty" rocess
- 1ransformanon ] Imp|ementanon |ans for ua||ty Systems and Connnuous Improvement
- Safety and ua||ty Synerg|es
- Higher Quality - Lower Costs - Better Workplaces - uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 31 01-10-2012
2012 CI rograms
O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 32 01-10-2012
Ian 6 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Conunuous lmprovemenL aradlgms & rlnclples
Ian 30 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
lnnovauon Lhrough AcceleraLed Learnlng and CuallLy
IL8kUAk 7 - 8kLAkIAS1 kCGkAM Q7:30 AM
I$* (%$"?2%= - ueslgn & ConLrol of CuallLy
Ieb 21 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Slx 1hlnklng PaLs - Change of 1hlnklng lor 1he Mlllenlum
MAkCn 14 - 8kLAkIAS1 kCGkAM Q7:30 AM
Ioe kae||n - 1he Leaderful Crganlzauon & Why lL Mauers
SLMINAk & WCkkSnC Io||ows Q 9:1S AM
Apr S - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Mulu-CulLural & vlrLual 1eams - Changlng normal"
Apr 27 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Appreclauve lnqulry
May 7 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
ldeallzed ueslgn - SLarung Cver
May 16 - 8kLAkIAS1 kCGkAM Q7:30 AM
H6,$ .)'**6A', - CeL Lhe eople erformance ?ou need: Slx
Cuesuons Lo Ask
May 21 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Conunuous lnvesLmenL, Cver Conunuous lmprovemenL
Iun 19 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Why 8esL LorLs Are never Lnough

* CI kLVILWS Q 9:00 AM - Lvery Learn|ng Lunch Morn|ng
01/23/12 updaLe
Iu| 10 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
1reaung Puman Lrror as an LecL, noL A Cause
Aug 1 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
erformance Analysls and 8ooL Causes
Aug 23 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
CulLural lnuences on Change
SL1LM8Lk 6 - 8kLAkIAS1 kCGkAM Q7:30 AM
@$%= W'*S6*, - CuallLy ln Compensauon
Sep 14 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Crganlzauonal uevelopmenL
Cct 8 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Leadershlp versus ManagemenL
Cct 23 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
8alanclng Acuons & 1hlnklng
Nov 13 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
Pavlng ulmculL Conversauons - rlnclples and 1ools
Dec 6 - Learn|ng Lunch Q 10:30 AM *
8ralnsLormlng & 8enchmarklng - lfalls
ICUk1n UAk1Lk 8kLAkIAS1 kCGkAM - Date 18D
Speaker 1o 8e ueLermlned
March 14, 2012 - U%X W)' F$'/6*
8kLAkIAS1 kCGkAM 7:30 AM
>%'$3*A H'$"'%02/ Y%A$*6Z$3)*,[ \U'<'/)T6*A Y78'%,
.8%)2A8 H'$"'%02/ ]%$:3:'^ )% \F'T/$:6*A P'%)6:
I*,T6%$3)* #678 18$%'" !*A$A'V'*7^
1he CCl ls Lhankful for Lhe opporLunlLy Lo brlng ur. !oe
8aelln, auLhor of "Creanng Leaderfu| Crgan|zanons:
now to 8r|ng Cut Leadersh|p |n Lveryone" and Lhe
knowles Chalr of racuce - CrlenLed Lducauon and
rofessor of ManagemenL and Crganlzauonal uevelopmenL
aL norLheasLern unlverslLy Lo Lanslng for a CCl 8reakfasL.
AL 8:00 AM, he wlll lnLroduce an exclung new way Lo
pracuce leadershlp and leadershlp developmenL, Lhrough
whaL he calls leaderful pracuce."
!oln us for breakfasL wlLh ur. 8aelln aL 7:30 AM ln Lhe MSu
unlverslLy Club and from 8:00 AM unul 9:00 AM, he wlll
revlew hls exclung ldeas and share Lhe proofs of new
models of engagemenL and leadershlp aL all levels.
1he CCl 8reakfasL ls $30 for members and $40 for non-

SLMINAk & WCkkSnC - 9:1S AM to 12:1S M
IVT/'V'*3*A 78' H'$"'%02/ Y%A$*6Z$3)*

Aer a shorL break, ur. !oe 8aelln wlll reconvene wlLh Lhose
reglsLered for a Lhree hour experlenual workshop and
semlnar - whlch beglns aL 9:13 AM and conunues ln an
explorauon of hls new eldbook, whlch wlll be provlded Lo
1hls Lhree hour semlnar and workshop wlll be $100 for CCl
members and $123 for non-members and lncludes a copy
of 1he Leaderfu| I|e|dbook: Strateg|es and Acnv|nes
for Deve|op|ng Leadersh|p |n Lveryone.
1hls workshop ls deslgned for everyone wlLh novlce,
lnLermedlaLe or experL levels of experuse and we encourage
Leam members Lo come and learn LogeLher.
lor reglsLrauon lnformauon please go Lo Lhe webslLe Lo
reglsLer aL
uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 33
O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O
2012 - SCNSCkS
O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 34 01-10-2012
S|x 1h|nk|ng nats - Learn|ng Lunch
uo more uo less
+ -
O P6A8'% Q2$/67= O H)#'% >),7, O ('R'% 5)%ST/$:', O uennls SergenL 317-283-3300 - age 33 01-10-2012
!"#$%" "' ()*)+,
S|x 1h|nk|ng nats -
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