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In each case below, decide whether the associative technique used is direct t ransfer, close analogy, remote analogy, or forced analogy. (a) Dreaming about circling snakes provides the insight that the elements of the chemical benzene can be represented by a ring-shaped structure. (b) Copying an old bottle-sealing technique for a new bottle design. (c) Solving a hospital infection problem by arbitrarily comparing it to playing tennis. (d) Getting an idea for a new camera lens by examining a microscope lens. (a) Forced analogy. Dreaming about circling snakes has nothing similar to the el ements of the chemical benzene, the similarity of the circling snakes was forced with the problem. (b) Direct transfer. The old bottle-sealing technique was a solution to a proble m in the past and was reapplied for a new bottle design. (c) Forced analogy. Hospital infections have nothing in common with playing tenn is, the connection was arbitrarily chose and must be forced into similarity with the problem. (d) Close analogy. Both the camera lens and a microscope lens both bend light as it comes through the lends, an analogy can be made with these two points of sim ilarity. 2. True or False: The direct transfer associative technique must always involve two similar manufactured technologies. False. While it is true that the two must be similar, they are not always manufa ctured; many solutions are taken from nature such as insect-catching plants whic h are not manufactured. 3. True or False: For forced analogy to work, it is not necessary for the proble m and the compared thing to have any obvious similarities at first. True. Forces analogy begin with a selection of an item which must be then forced into similarity with the problem, the similarities would not have to be forced if similarities were obvious. 4. A. B. C. The analytic technique that breaks the problem into component parts is reversal attribute analysis public solution

B. attribute analysis. Attribute analysis is the process of breaking down a prob lem into attributes, qualities, or component parts and then working with individ ual attributes rather than the problem as a whole. 5. To say that a reversal "should form a stimulus for thought, even though it is not itself useful or practical" is to describe a reversal as a possible A. analogy B. attribute analysis C. stepping stone C. stepping stone. In some reversals, ideas are generated, which then can be rev ersed again into ideas that apply to the original problem. 6. A Why Tree combines what two types of Why questioning? A Why Tree combines the Parallel Why and Serial Why. 7. Action words (such as combine or divide) that require the problem solver to a ct imaginatively on the problem are called ______ ______.

Manipulative Verbs. 8. What are the four guidelines for a brainstorming session? The four guidelines for a brainstorming session are; Suspend judgement, all idea s are written down and evaluation is reserved for later; Think Freely, wild and impossible ideas are fine; Tag on, improve, modify or build on the ideas of othe rs; And Quantity of ideas is important, concentrate on generating a large stock of ideas for later evaluation. 9. When you are brainstorming for new ideas, when should analysis take place to determine which ideas are good and which are not? When brainstorming for new ideas analysis should take place after the brainstorm ing session, if the ideas are condemned immediately they would be unavailable fo r further use. 10. Which form of role playing involves becoming something not human? Mental Metamorphosis is the form of role playing where you change yourself into the problem object (something not human), such as becoming a trash can or a car.

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