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This is the Preliminary working draft. If any Comments/Suggestions to offer, Please send them to e-mail: info@c tu.go!.

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Standard Tender Document (STD) For Procurement of Goods (National)

(Open Tendering Method / Limited Tendering Method)

(For value upto Tk 2.5 million)

Central Procurement Technical Unit Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division Ministry of Planning

ul! "##$


Guidance Notes on the Use of The tandard Tender Document

These guidance notes have been prepared by the CPTU to assist a Procuring ntity in the preparation! using the "tandard Tender #ocument ("T#)! $or the procurement o$ %oods and &elated "ervices having estimated cost up to T% "&' million . The Procuring ntity should also re$er to the Public Procurement 'ct 2(() and the Public Procurement &ule 2((* (PP&2((*)! issued to supplement the 'CT! available on CPTU+s ,ebsite ,,, use o$ "T# (P%2) applies ,hen a the Procuring ntity (the Purchaser) ,ishes to select a Tenderer (a "upplier) $or the supply o$ small value %oods and &elated "ervices $or ,hich the Contract a,ard is being determined on the basis o$ the lo,est evaluated Tender. This document may be used $or the .pen Tendering method (OTM) and also $or the /imited Tendering method (LTM)! ,hereby Tenders are invited $rom a list o$ nlisted Tenderers under LTM. "ince the intention is that "T#(P%2) should only be used $or Contracts $or short duration and o$ lo, risk !the provision o$ Tender "ecurity is optional ,hen using this "T#. "T# (P02) has 1 "ections! o$ ,hich Section () *nstruction to Tenderer and Section +) General ,onditions of ,ontract must not be altered or modi$ied under any circumstances The $ollo,ing brie$ly describes the "ections o$ the "T# (P%2) and ho, a Procuring should use these ,hen preparing a particular Tender #ocument. Section (& *nstructions to Tenderers (*TT) The 2nstruction to Tenderer (2TT) speci$ies the instructions and procedures that govern the tendering process. This "ection also contains the criteria to be used by the Procuring ntity to determine the lo,est evaluated Tender and the 3uali$ications o$ the Tenderer to per$orm the Contract. The 2nstructions to Tenderer (2TT) are there$ore not a part o$ the Contract. Section "& Tender Data Sheet (TDS) The Procuring ntity shall speci$y in the T#" only the in$ormation that the 2TT instructs to be speci$ied in the T#". To $acilitate the preparation o$ the T#"! its Clause 4umbers are numbered ,ith the same numbers o$ the corresponding 2TT Clauses. Section +& General ,onditions of ,ontract (G,,) This "ection provides the %eneral Conditions o$ Contract that ,ill apply to the Contract $or ,hich the Tender document is issued Section -& Particular ,onditions of ,ontract (P,,) This "ection provides clauses speci$ic to the particular Contract that modi$y or supplement Section +) General ,onditions of ,ontract& The Procuring ntity should include at the time o$ issuing the Tender #ocuments all in$ormation that the %CC indicate! shall be provided in the PCC. 2ts Clause 4umbers are numbered ,ith the same numbers o$ the corresponding %CC Clauses. ntity


Section '&

Tender . ,ontract Forms Tender Forms This "ection provides the standard $orm $or the Tender Su/mission Letter (Form PG"0()1 Price Schedule (Form PG"0") Specifications Su/mission and compliance sheet (Form PG"0+) and 2an% Guarantee for Tender Securit!1 if an! (Form PG"0-) to be submitted by the Tenderer. These $orms along ,ith re3uired documents mentioned in the 2TT ,ill constitute the Tender! to be submitted by the Tenderers. ,ontract Forms This "ection also contains the $orm o$ the Notification of 34ard (Form PG"0 ')1 ,ontract 3greement (Form PG"05) and $orms o$ 2an% Guarantee for Performance Securit! (Form PG"06)

Section 5&

Schedule of 7e8uirements This "ection provides the /ist o$ %oods and #elivery "chedule and /ist o$ &elated "ervices and Completion "chedule and must be care$ully prepared by a Procuring ntity $or each ob5ect o$ procurement. The purpose o$ the "chedule o$ &e3uirements is to provide in$ormation to enable the tenderer to prepare the their tenders accurately! in particular! the Price "chedule! $or ,hich the Price "chedule (Form P%262) is provided.

Section 6&

Technical Specifications This "ection provides the detailed Technical "peci$ications that describe the %oods and &elated "ervices to be procured.



[ enter here the name and address of the Procuring Entity]


[enter here the nature of the goods and related services to be procured]

*n<itation for Tender No) *ssued on) Tender Pac%age No)



Ta/le of ,ontents
Section 1. Instructions to Tenderers.......................................................................1
3& General&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ( 2& Tender Document&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" ,& Tender Preparation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" D& Tender Su/mission&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&9& Tender Opening and 9<aluation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&F& ,ontract 34ard&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5

Section 2. Tender Data Sheet....................................................................................7

3& General&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&6 2& Tender Document&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&6 ,& Preparation of Tender&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&6 D& Su/mission of Tender&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&= 9& Opening and 9<aluation of Tenders&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&=

Section 3 . General Section ". Particular

onditions of


onditions of ontract........................................................13 ontract $orms..........................................................13

Section #. Tender $orms %

Tender Su/mission Letter (Form PG" > ()&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(' Price Schedule for Goods . 7elated Ser<ices (Form PG"0")&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(5 Specifications Su/mission and ,ompliance Sheet (Form PG"0+)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(= 2an% Guarantee for Tender Securit! (Form PG" > -)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"# Notification of 34ard (Form PG" 0 ')&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"" ,ontract 3greement (Form PG" 0 5)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"+ 2an% Guarantee for Performance Securit! (Form PG" > 6)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"-

Section &. Schedule of 'e(uirements....................................................................2# Section 7. Technical S)ecifications.......................................................................2&



Section (& *nstructions to Tenderers

(& Scope of Tender


7.7 The Procuring ntity! as indicated in the Tender #ata "heet (TDS) ,ishes to issues these Tender #ocuments $or the supply o$ %oods! and &elated "ervices incidental thereto! detailed in Section 5) Schedule of 7e8uirements& 2.7 The %overnment re3uires that Procuring ntities! as ,ell as Tenderers and "uppliers shall! during the Procurement proceedings and the e8ecution o$ Contracts under public $unds! ensure6 (a) (b) (c) strict compliance ,ith the provisions o$ "ection )9 o$ the Public Procurement 'ct 2(() ('ct 29 o$ 2(()): abiding by the code o$ ethics as mentioned in the &ule721 o$ the Public Procurement &ules! 2((*: that neither it+s any o$$icer nor any sta$$ or any other agents or intermediaries ,orking on its behal$ engages in any practice as detailed in the &ule 721.

"& ,orrupt1 Fraudulent1 ,ollusi<e or ,oerci<e Practices


2$ corrupt! $raudulent! collusive or coercive practices o$ any kind determined by the Procuring ntity against any Tenderer alleged to have carried out such practices! the Procuring ntity shall 0 (a) (b) (c) e8clude the concerned Tenderer $rom $urther participation in the particular Procurement proceeding: or re5ect any recommendation $or a,ard that had been proposed $or that concerned Tenderer or: declare! at its discretion! the concerned Tenderer to be ineligible to participate in $urther Procurement proceedings! either inde$initely or $or a speci$ic period o$ time.

+& 9ligi/le Tenderers

;.7 2$ so speci$ied in TDS! only nlisted Tenderers o$ the categories speci$ied in the TDS are eligible to participate in the Tender under Limited Tendering Method (LTM). ;.2 2n case o$ Open Tendering Method! invitation $or Tenders is open to all potential Tenderers. ;.; The Tenderer shall have the legal capacity to enter into the Contract. ;.9 Tenderers and all parties constituting the Tenderer shall not have a con$lict o$ interest pursuant to &ule 55 o$ the Public Procurement &ules! 2((*. ;.5 The Tenderer in its o,n name or its other names or also in the case o$ its Persons in di$$erent names! shall not be under a declaration o$ ineligibility $or corrupt! $raudulent! collusive or coercive practices as stated under 2TT Clause 2. ;.) The Tenderer is solvent! e.g. the Tenderer is $inancially capable to per$orm the contract $or the proposed Procurement.


;.1 The Tenderer shall have $ul$illed its obligations to pay ta8es under the provisions o$ la,s and regulations o$ <angladesh

-& ,larification of Tender Documents

Tender Document

9.7 ' prospective Tenderer re3uiring any clari$ication o$ the Tender #ocument shall contact the Procuring ntity in ,riting at the Procuring ntity+s address indicated in the TDS be$ore t,o6third o$ time allo,ed $or preparation and submission o$ Tender elapses. 5.7 't any time prior to the deadline $or submission o$ Tenders! the Procuring ntity on its o,n initiative or in response to a clari$ication re3uest in ,riting $rom a Tenderer! may revise the Tender #ocument by issuing an addendum pursuant to &ule =5 o$ the Public Procurement &ules! 2((*.

'& 3ddendum to Tender Documents

,& Tender Preparation

5& ,ontents of Tender ).7 The Tender prepared by the Tenderer shall comprise the $ollo,ing> (a) Tender "ubmission /etter *$orm PG2+1, as $urnished in "ection 9> Tender Forms! ,hich shall be completed ,ithout any alterations to its $ormat! $illing in all blank spaces ,ith the in$ormation re3uested! $ailing ,hich the Tender may be considered as non6responsive as being incomplete: The completed Price "chedule $or %oods and &elated "ervices *$orm PG2+2,: Tender Securit! as stated under 2TT Clause (" . (+ : The completed "peci$ications "ubmission and Compliance "heet *$orm PG2+3,: 0ritten con$irmation authorising the signatory o$ the Tender to commit the Tenderer *-ttachment 1 of $orm PG2+1,: ' certi$icate issued by the competent authority stating that the Tenderer is a Ta8 payer having valid Ta8 identi$ication 4umber (T24) and ?'T registration number (as applicable)? ?alid Trade /icense:

(b) (c) (d) (e) ($)

(g) 6& Tender Prices 1.7

Tenders are being invited either $or one or more items on an @item0/!0 itemA /asis or a single lot or $or a number o$ lots on @lot0/!0lotA /asis! as speci$ied in the TDS. 'll lots or items as listed in "ection )> "chedule o$ &e3uirements must be listed and priced separately on the Price "chedule $ollo,ing the Form PG"0". The price to be 3uoted in the Tender "ubmission /etter shall be the total price o$ the Tender





'll applicable ta8es! custom duties! ?'T and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract shall be included in the unit rates! prices and the total Tender price submitted by the Tenderer 'll prices shall be 3uoted in <angladesh Taka.

=& Tender ,urrenc! $& Documents 9sta/lishing the ,onformit! of the Goods and 7elated ser<ices (#& Technical ,riteria


=.7 To establish the con$ormity o$ the %oods and &elated "ervices to the Tender #ocuments! the Tenderer shall $urnish as part o$ its Tender the documentary evidence that the %oods and &elated services con$orm to the technical speci$ications and standards in "ection 1! Technical "peci$ications. 7(.7 The completed "peci$ications "ubmission and Compliance "heet details the minimum speci$ication o$ the goods re3uired. The goods o$$ered must meet this speci$ication! but no credit ,ill be given $or e8ceeding the speci$ication.

((& Balidit! Period of Tender

77.7 Tenders shall remain valid $or the period speci$ied in the TDS a$ter the date o$ Tender submission deadline prescribed by the Procuring ntity. 77.2 ' Tender valid $or a period shorter than that speci$ied shall be considered as non6 responsive.

("& Tender Securit! (+& Form of Tender

72.7 Tender "ecurity as speci$ied in TDS& 7;.7 The Tender "ecurity shall be at the Tenderer+s option! be either in the $orm o$ a bank dra$t or pay order. The Tender "ecurity may be in the $orm o$ an irrevocable bank guarantee issued by a scheduled <ank o$ <angladesh! in the $ormat (Form PG"0-) $urnished in "ection 5> Tender and Contract Forms. The Tender "ecurity shall remain valid $or at least t,enty eight (2*) days beyond the e8piry date o$ the Tender ?alidity. Tender not accompanied by a valid Tender "ecurity shall be considered as non6responsive.



7;.9 (-& Forfeiture of Tender Securit!

79.7 The Tender security pursuant to &ule 25 o$ the Public Procurement &ules!2((* may be $or$eited i$ a Tenderer> (a) ,ithdra,s its Tender a$ter opening o$ Tenders but ,ithin the validity o$ the Tender: or

*"+ re$uses to accept a 4oti$ication o$ ',ard : or

(c) $ails to $urnish per$ormance security: or (d) re$uses to sign the Contract : or (e) does not accept the correction o$ the Tender price $ollo,ing the correction o$ arithmetic errors


('& Deadline for Su/mission of tenders

Tender Su/mission

75.7 Tenders shall be delivered to the Procuring ntity at the address speci$ied in the TDS and no later than the date and time speci$ied in the TDS. /ate submissions ,ill be not be considered.

(5& Tender Opening

Tender Opening and 9<aluation

7).7 Tenders shall be opened pursuant to &ule =1 $ollo,ing steps in Part # o$ "chedule 2? o$ The Public Procurement &ule! 2((* as speci$ied in the TDS but no later than ON9 ;O:7 a$ter e8piry o$ the submission date line. 71.7 The Tender valuation Committee (T9,) may consider a Tender as responsive in the valuation! only i$ it is submitted in compliance ,ith the mandatory re3uirements set out in the Tender #ocument. The evaluation process should begin immediately a$ter tender opening $ollo,ing $our steps> (a) (b) (c) (d) Preliminary 8amination: Technical 8aminations and &esponsiveness: Financial evaluation and price comparison: Post63uali$ication Tenders. o$ the lo,est evaluated responsive

(6& 9<aluation of


(=& Preliminar! 9Camination

7*.7 The T C shall firstl! e8amine the Tenders to con$irm that all documentation re3uested in 2TT Clause ) has been provided. 8amination o$ the compliance! ade3uacy and authenticity o$ the documentary evidence may $ollo, the order belo,> (a) veri$ication o$ the completeness o$ the eligibility declaration in the Tender "ubmission /etter (Form PG"0(): (b) veri$ication o$ the Trade /icense : (c) veri$ication o$ ,lause + ? the eligibility re3uirements as stated under *TT

(d) veri$ication o$ the ,ritten authori@ation con$irming the signatory o$ the Tenderer to commit the Tender has been attached ,ith Tender "ubmission /etter (Form PG"0(): (e) veri$ication o$ the Tender "ecurity! i$ applicable. 7*.2 The T C shall con$irm that the above documents and in$ormation have been provided in the Tender and the completeness o$ the documents and compliance o$ instructions given in corresponding 2TT Clauses shall be veri$ied! $ailing ,hich the tender shall be considered as non6responsive. ($& Technical 9Caminations . 7=.7 .nly those Tenders surviving preliminary e8amination need to be e8amined in this phase. 7=.2 Secondl!! the T C ,ill e8amine the ade3uacy and authenticity o$ the

7esponsi<eness &('%$&&$).doc

documentary evidence ,hich may $ollo, the order belo,> (a) veri$ication and e8amination o$ the documentary evidence and completed "peci$ication "ubmission "heet (Form P%26 ;) to establish the con$ormity o$ the %oods and &elated "ervices to the Tender #ocuments. veri$ication and e8amination o$ the documentary evidence that Tenderer has met all the re3uirements in regards to scope o$ "upply as stated under "ection )! "chedule o$ &e3uirements! ,ithout any material deviation or reservation.


7=.; T C may consider a Tender as responsive in the evaluation! only i$ comply ,ith the mandatory re3uirements as stated under Clause 7=.2 "#& ,larification on Tender &$.( The T C may ask Tenderers $or clari$ications o$ their Tenders! including breakdo,ns o$ unit rates! in order to assist the e8amination and evaluation o$ the Tenders. 2(.2 2$ a Tenderer does not provide clari$ications o$ its Tender by the date and time set in the T C+s ,ritten re3uest $or clari$ication! its Tender shall not be considered in the evaluation. "(& ,orrection of 3rithmetical 9rrors 27.7The T C shall correct any arithmetic errors that are discovered during the e8amination o$ Tenders! and shall promptly noti$y the concerned Tenderer(s) o$ any such correction(s) pursuant to &ule =*(77) o$ the Public Procurement &ule! 2((*. 27.2'ny Tenderer that does not accept the correction o$ the Tender amount $ollo,ing correction o$ arithmetic errors as determined by the application o$ 2TT "ub6Clause 27.7 shall be considered as non6 responsive. ""& Financial 9<aluation 22.7 Thirdl! the T C! pursuant to &ule =* o$ the Public Procurement &ules! 2((*! ,ill evaluate each Tender that has been determined! up to this stage o$ the evaluation! to be responsive to the mandatory re3uirements set out in the Tender #ocument 22.2 To evaluate a Tender in this stage! the Procuring ntity shall consider the $ollo,ing> (a) (b) (c) "+& Price ,omparison "-& Negotiation 2;.7 29.7 ?eri$ication and e8amination o$ the Price "chedule $or %oods and &elated "ervices (Form P%262): valuation ,ill be done $or each 2tem or lot by lot: 'd5ustment $or correction o$ arithmetical errors

The T C shall compare all responsive Tenders to determine the lo,est6evaluated Tender. 4o negotiations shall be held during the Tender evaluation or a,ard ,ith the lo,est or any other Tenderer pursuant to &ule == o$ the Public Procurement &ules! 2((*. '$ter determining the lo,est6evaluated responsive tender as sated under 2TT "ub6Clause 2;.7! the T C pursuant to &ule 7(( o$ the Public Procurement &ules! 2((*! shall carry out the Post6Auali$ication o$ the Tenderer.

"'& Post08ualification



"5& Notification of 34ard &).(

,ontract 34ard

Prior to the e8piry o$ the Tender validity period and ,ithin seven (1) ,orking days o$ receipt o$ the approval o$ the a,ard by the 'pproving 'uthority! the Procuring ntity pursuant to &ule 7(2 o$ the Public procurement &ules! 2((*! shall issue the 4oti$ication o$ ',ard (4.') to the success$ul Tenderer

"6& Performance Securit!

21.7 The amount o$ Per$ormance "ecurity shall be (#D (Ten) o$ the Contract Price 21.2 0ithin "even (1) ,orking days $rom the date o$ acceptance o$ the 4oti$ication o$ ',ard (4.') but not later than the date speci$ied therein! the success$ul Tenderer shall $urnish the Per$ormance "ecurity &..# The Per$ormance "ecurity shall be in the $orm o$ a <ank dra$t! pay order or an irrevocable <ank %uarantee in the $ormat (Form P%261)! issued by any scheduled bank o$ <angladesh acceptable to the Procuring ntity.

"=& Balidit! of


Performance Securit!
"$& 3uthenticit! of Performance Securit! 2=.7

The Per$ormance "ecurity shall be re3uired to be valid until a date t,enty eight (2*) days beyond the date o$ completion o$ the "upplier+s per$ormance obligations under the Contract! including any ,arranty obligations. The Procuring ntity shall veri$y the authenticity o$ the Per$ormance "ecurity submitted by the success$ul Tenderer by sending a ,ritten re3uest to the branch o$ the bank issuing the Pay .rder! <ank #ra$t or irrevocable <ank %uarantee in speci$ied $ormat 0ithin $ourteen (79) ,orking days o$ the issuance o$ 4oti$ication o$ ',ard! the success$ul Tenderer and the Procuring ntity shall sign the contract provided that the Per$ormance "ecurity submitted by the Tenderer is $ound to be genuine. 'ny Tenderer has the right to complain i$ it has su$$ered or likely to su$$er loss or damage due to a $ailure o$ a duty imposed on the Procuring ntity to $ul$il its obligations in accordance ,ith "ection 2= o$ the Public Procurement 'ct 2(() and pursuant to Part 72 o$ Chapter Three o$ the Public Procurement &ules! 2((*.

+#& ,ontract Signing


+(& 7ight to ,omplain ;7.7


Section "& Tender Data Sheet

Instructions for completing the Tender Data Sheet are provided, as needed, in the notes in italics and under lined mentioned for the relevant ITT clauses. 2TT Clause 'mendments o$! and "upplements to! Clauses in the 2nstruction to Tenderers

*TT (&( The 4ame o$ the Tender is> Title o$ the 0orks> Tender &e$> /ot 4o(s)>


The Procuring ntity is [state name of Procuring Entity]

*TT +&(

.nly nlisted Tenders o$ the categories

[state the categories] are


.in case of /)en Tendering 0ethod it 1ill not 2e a))lica2le]

*TT -&(

Tender Document

For clarification of Tender purposes only! the Procuring ntity+s address is> 'ttention [state name !ith designation] 'ddress> [state detail address including room number] Telephone> Facsimile number> lectronic mail address>

*TT 6&( .r

Preparation of Tender

Tenders are being invited $or [state single lot] Tenders are being invited $or a [state number of lots on "lot#by#lot$ basis] .r Tenders are being invited $or [state one or more items on an "item#by#item$ basis] .delete as a))ro)riate]

*TT ((&(

The Tender validity period shall be [sate days] days.


[%ote normally &' to (' days] *TT ("&( The amount o$ the Tender "ecurity shall be [ state amount ]
[note %ot e)ceeding three percent *+,- of the official estimated cost but as a fi)ed amount] .r Tender "ecurity shall not be re3uired .delete as a))ro)riate]

*TT ('&( 'ttention> 'ddress>

Su/mission of Tender

For Tender su/mission purposes only! the Procuring ntity+s address is>

[%ote important to avoid delays or misplacement of tenders] The deadline $or submission o$ Tenders is> Time B #ate>

*TT (5&(

Opening and 9<aluation of Tenders

The Tender opening shall take place at > 'ddress> Time B #ate>


Section + & General ,onditions of ,ontract

(& Definitions
The $ollo,ing ,ords and e8pressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them. <old$ace type is used to identi$y the de$ined term>

(a) ,ompletion Schedule means the $ul$ilment o$ the &elated "ervices by the "upplier in accordance ,ith the terms and conditions set $orth in the Contract: (b) ,ontract 3greement means the 'greement entered into bet,een the Procuring ntity and the "upplier! together ,ith the Contract #ocuments re$erred to therein! including all attachments! appendices! and all documents incorporated by re$erence therein: (c) ,ontract Documents means the documents listed in the Contract 'greement! including any amendments thereto: (d) ,ontract Price means the price stated in the 4oti$ication o$ ',ard and therea$ter as ad5usted in accordance ,ith the provisions o$ the Contract: : (e) Da! means calendar days unless other,ise speci$ied as ,orking days: ($) Deli<er! means the trans$er o$ o,nership o$ the %oods $rom the "upplier to the Procuring ntity in accordance ,ith the terms and conditions set $orth in the Contract: (g) Goods means ra, materials! products and e3uipment and ob5ects in solid! li3uid or gaseous $orm! electricity! and related "ervices i$ the value o$ such "ervices does not e8ceed that o$ the %oods themselves : (h) Go<ernment means the %overnment o$ the People+s &epublic o$ <angladesh: *i+ Procuring 9ntit! means a ntity having administrative and $inancial po,ers to undertake Procurement o$ %oods! 0orks or "ervices using public $unds: (5) 7elated Ser<ices means "ervices linked to the supply o$ %oods contracts: (k) Supplier means a Person under contract ,ith a Procuring ntity $or the supply o$ %oods and related "ervices under the 'ct: (l) Eriting means communication ,ritten by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by $acsimile or electronic mail.



"& ,orrupt1
Fraudulent1 ,ollusi<e or ,oerci<e Practices

2.7 The %overnment re3uires that Procuring ntities! as ,ell as Tenderers and "uppliers shall! during the Procurement proceedings and the e8ecution o$ Contracts under public $unds! ensure6 (a) strict compliance ,ith the provisions o$ "ection )9 o$ the Public Procurement 'ct 2(() ('ct 29 o$ 2(()): (b) abiding by the code o$ ethics as mentioned in the &ule721 o$ the Public Procurement &ules! 2((*: *c+ that neither it+s any o$$icer nor any sta$$ or any other agents or intermediaries ,orking on its behal$ engages in any practice as detailed in the &ule 721. 2.2 2$ corrupt! $raudulent! collusive or coercive practices o$ any kind determined by the Procuring ntity against any Tenderer alleged to have carried out such practices! the Procuring ntity shall 6 (a) (b) (c) e8clude the concerned Tenderer $rom $urther participation in the particular Procurement proceeding: or re5ect any recommendation $or a,ard that had been proposed $or that concerned Tenderer or: declare! at its discretion! the concerned Tenderer to be ineligible to participate in $urther Procurement proceedings! either inde$initely or $or a speci$ic period o$ time.

+& Documents


Forming the ,ontract . the order of precedence

The $ollo,ing documents $orming the Contract shall be in the $ollo,ing order o$ precedence! namely > (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ($) (g) (h) the signed Contract 'greement: the 4oti$ication o$ ',ard: The Tender and the appendices to the Tender: Particular Conditions o$ Contract: %eneral Conditions o$ Contract: Technical "peci$ications: Priced "chedule and schedule o$ re3uirements and : .ther #ocuments as appropriate.

-& 3ssignment of

9.7 The "upplier shall not assign his rights or obligations under the Contract! in ,hole or in part. 5.7 #elivery o$ the %oods and completion o$ the &elated "ervices shall be in accordance ,ith the #elivery and Completion "chedule speci$ied in the "ection )> "chedule o$ &e3uirements. The documents to be $urnished by the "upplier shall be speci$ied in the P,, ).7 The Procuring ntity shall pay the "upplier! in consideration o$ the provision o$ %oods and &elated "ervices! the Contract Price under the provisions o$ the Contract at the times and manner prescribed in the Contract 'greement. 1.7 'cceptance by the Procuring ntity shall be completed in the $orm o$ an 'cceptance Certi$icate! unless any de$ects in the supply! any damage during transportation or any $ailure to meet the re3uired per$ormance

'& SupplierAs

5& Procuring 9ntit!As


6& 3cceptance



criteria o$ the supply. 1.2 The appropriate Technical 2nspection and 'cceptance Committee o$ the Procuring ntity must commence the inspection and acceptance process ,ithin t,enty6$our(29) hours $rom delivery o$ the goods! and shall complete the same as soon as practicable.

=& ,ontract Price $& Transportation

*.7 The Contract Price shall be speci$ied in the P,, =.7 The "upplier is re3uired under the Contract to transport the %oods to a speci$ied place o$ destination as speci$ied in "ection )> "chedule o$ &e3uirements. 7(.7 The method and conditions o$ payment to be made to the "upplier under this Contract shall be as $ollo,s> On Deli<er! and 3cceptance) /'', percent o$ the Contract Price o$ the %oods delivered shall be paid a$ter submission o$ documents speci$ied in %CC Clause 5! supported by the 'cceptance Certi$icate issued by the Procuring ntity as per %CC Clause 1


Terms of Pa!ment


Performance Securit!

77.7 The proceeds o$ the Per$ormance "ecurity shall be payable to the Procuring ntity as compensation $or any loss resulting $rom the "upplier+s $ailure to complete its obligations under the Contract. 77.2 The Per$ormance "ecurity shall be discharged by the Procuring ntity and returned to the "upplier not later than Thirty (;() days $ollo,ing the date o$ Completion o$ the "upplier+s per$ormance obligations under the Contract! including any ,arranty obligations as stated under %CC Clause 7;! provided that there are no claims $ield against the supplier.


*nspections . Tests

72.7 The Procuring ntity shall have the right to test the %oods to con$irm their con$ormity to the Contract speci$ications. The supplier shall at its o,n e8pense and at no cost to the Procuring ntity! carry out all such tests o$ the %oods and related services as are speci$ied in the Contract. 7;.7 ' ,arranty shall be re3uired $rom the "upplier $or a minimum period as may be speci$ied in the P,,& 79.7 The "upplier must deliver the %oods or per$orm the services procured ,ithin the period prescribed by the Procuring ntity! as speci$ied in the Contract. 79.2 The Procuring may e8tend original contract time! the e8tension shall be rati$ied by the Parties by amendment o$ the Contract as stated under %CC Clause 71.

(+& Earrant! (-&

Dela!s in Deli<er! and 9Ctensions of Time


Li8uidated Damages

75.7 "ub5ect to the grant o$ time e8tensions by Procuring ntity! i$ the "upplier $ails to deliver any or all o$ the %oods by the #ate(s) o$ delivery and-or per$orm the &elated "ervices ,ithin the period speci$ied in the Contract! the Procuring ntity shall ! ,ithout pre5udice to all its other remedies under the Contract! deduct $rom the Contract Price! as li3uidated damages! a sum e3uivalent to the #&' percent of the ,ontract Price o$ the delayed %oods or unper$ormed &elated "ervices $or each ,eek or part thereo$ o$ delay until actual delivery or



per$ormance! up to a ma8imum deduction ((#D of the Total ,ontract Price) . .nce the ma8imum is reached! the Procuring ntity may terminate the Contract as stated under %CC Clause 7).


Termination for Default

7).7 The Procuring ntity shall terminate this Contract $or de$ault ,hen any o$ the $ollo,ing conditions attends its implementation> (a) (b) The "upplier $ails to per$orm any other obligation under the Contract: 2$ the "upplier! in the 5udgment o$ the Procuring ntity has engaged in corrupt! $raudulent! collusive or coercive practices! as stated under %CC Clause 2! in competing $or or in e8ecuting the Contract: 0hen deductable amount due to li3uidated damage reaches its ma8imum as stated under %CC Clause 75.


7).2 Termination o$ a contract $or de$ault is ,ithout pre5udice to other remedies available to the Procuring ntity $or breach o$ contract! such as payment o$ li3uidated damages and other! i$ there are grounds $or the latter. (6& ,ontract


71.7 "ub5ect to applicable la,s! no variation in or modi$ication o$ the terms o$ this Contract shall be made e8cept by ,ritten amendment signed by the parties. 71.2 The Procuring ntity! in accordance ,ith their #elegation o$ Financial Po,ers! may amend the Contract to re$lect the changes introduced to the .riginal terms and Conditions o$ the Contract.

(=& Settlement of

7*.7 'micable "ettlement> The Procuring ntity and the "upplier shall use their best e$$orts to settle amicably all disputes arising out o$ or in connection ,ith this Contract or its interpretation.




Section -& Particular ,onditions of ,ontract

Instructions for completing the Particular 0onditions of 0ontract are provided, as needed, in the notes in italics mentioned for the relevant 100 clauses. G,, ,lause 3mendments of1 and Supplements to1 ,lauses in the General ,onditions of ,ontract The documents to be $urnished by the "upplier shall be as $ollo,s> Cinsert the detail re3uirements o$ documentsD The documents to be $urnished by the "upplier as $ollo,s> a. Copies o$ "upplier+s invoice sho,ing goods+ description! 3uantity! unit price! total amount: b. "upplier+s ,arranty certi$icate (i$ any): [%ote The above re2uirements should be revie!ed by a Procuring Entity on a case#by#case basis, !ith amendments being made as necessary.] G,, =&( G,, (+&( The Contract price is> Cinsert the contract PriceD The period o$ validity o$ the 0arranty shall be > C insert the period o$ validity o$ the ,arrantyD

G,, '&(

Section '& Tender Forms . ,ontract Forms

&('%$&&$).doc (#



Tender Forms
P%2 E 7 P%2 E 2 P%2 E ; P%2 E 9 Tender "ubmission /etter Price "chedule $or %oods B &elated "ervices "peci$ications "ubmission and Compliance "heet <ank %uarantee $or Tender "ecurity

Forms P%267 to P%269 comprises part o$ the Tender and should be completed as stated in 2TT Clause ).

,ontract Forms
P%2 E 5 P%2 E ) P%2 E 1 4oti$ication o$ ',ard Contract 'greement <ank %uarantee $or Per$ormance "ecurity

Forms P%265 to P%261 comprises part o$ the Contract.



Tender Su/mission Letter (Form PG" > ()

[This letter shall be completed and signed by the 3uthorised Signatory preferably on the 4etter#5ead pad of the Tenderer].
To> [%ame and address of Procuring Entity] 2nvitation $or Tender 4o> Tender Package 4o> /ot 4o> #ate >

2n accordance ,ith 2TT Clauses 1! the $ollo,ing prices apply to our Tender> The Tender Price is> (2TT Clause 1) Ta6a [state amount in figures] and Ta6a[state amount in !ords]

2n signing this letter! and in submitting our Tender! ,e also con$irm that> a) our Tender shall be valid $or the period stated in the Tender #ocument (2TT "ub6 Clause 77.7) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time be$ore the e8piration o$ that period: b) a Tender "ecurity is attached in the $orm o$ a [pay order 7 ban6 draft 7 ban6 guarantee] in the amount stated in the Tender #ocument (2TT Clause 72) and valid $or a period o$ 2* days beyond the Tender validity date: c) 0e! declare that ,e are eligible to participate in this Tender and meet the eligibility criteria speci$ied in the Tender #ocument (2TT Clause ;): d) $urthermore! ,e are a,are o$ 2TT Clause 2.2 concerning such practices and pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing $or or in e8ecuting the Contract: e) 0e understand that your ,ritten 4oti$ication o$ ',ard shall become a binding Contract bet,een us! until a $ormal Contract is prepared and e8ecuted.

"ignature> 4ame> 2n the capacity o$>

[insert signature of authorised representative of the Tenderer] [insert full name of signatory !ith %ational ID] [insert designation of signatory]

#uly authori@ed to sign the Tender $or and on behal$ o$ the Tenderer

3ttachment (> 0ritten con$irmation authorising the above signatory(ies) to commit the Tenderer



Price Schedule for Goods . 7elated Ser<ices (Form PG"0")

2nvitation $or Tender 4o> Tender Package 4o> Tender /ot 4o> #ate> Package #escription> /ot #escription> [enter description as specified in Section &] [enter description as specified in Section &]

3) P7*,9 OF GOODS (*ncluding Spare Parts1 7elated Ser<ices if an!) 3ND D9L*B97F S,;9D:L9 7 2tem 4o . 2 #escription .$ 2tem ; Unit o$ Feasurement 9 5 ) Auantity Unit price Total price 1 Point o$ #elivery as per "chedule (col. 9 5) o$ &e3uirement

* #elivery Period .$$ered as per "chedule o$ &e3uirement


4ote 7> Price shall include all customs duties! ?'T and other ta8es already paid or payable i$ Contract is a,arded and "hall be delivered price in $inal destination or at point o$ delivery. 4ote 2> The Tenderer ,ill complete these columns as appropriate $ollo,ing the details speci$ied in "ection )> "chedule o$ &e3uirements
"ignature> 4ame> 2n the capacity o$> [insert signature of authorised representative of the Tenderer] [insert full name of signatory !ith %ational ID] [insert designation of signatory]

#uly authorised to sign the Tender $or and on behal$ o$ the Tenderer





Specifications Su/mission and ,ompliance Sheet (Form PG"0+)

2nvitation $or Tender 4o> Tender Package 4o> Tender /ot 4o> #ate> Package [enter description #escription> as specified in Section &] /ot [enter description #escription> as specified in Section &] Country Fake and o$ Fodel (!hen .rigin applicable; 9

2tem 4o.

4ame o$ %oods or &elated "ervice


Full Technical "peci$ications and "tandards


4ote 7

FO7 79L3T9D S97B*,9S

"ignature> 4ame> 2n the capacity o$>

[insert signature of authorised representative of the Tenderer] [insert full name of signatory !ith %ational ID] [insert designation of signatory]

#uly authorised to sign the Tender $or and on behal$ o$ the Tenderer



4ote 7

[The Tenderer should complete all the columns as re2uired]



2an% Guarantee for Tender Securit! (Form PG" > -,

[this is the format for the Tender Security to be issued by a scheduled ban6 of 8angladesh as stated under ITT 0lauses /9 and /+] 2nvitation $or Tender 4o> Tender Package 4o> Tender /ot 4o> To> C4ame and address o$ Procuring ntityD T9ND97 G:373NT99 No) 0e have been in$ormed that [insert name of Tenderer] (hereina$ter called Gthe TendererH) intends to submit to you its Tender dated [insert date of Tender] (hereina$ter called Gthe TenderH) $or the supply o$ [description of goods and related services] under the above 2nvitation $or Tenders (hereina$ter called Gthe 2FTH). Furthermore! ,e understand that! according to your conditions! Tenders must be supported by a <ank %uarantee $or Tender "ecurity . 't the re3uest o$ the Tenderer! ,e [insert name of ban6] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you! ,ithout cavil or argument! any sum or sums not e8ceeding in total an amount o$ Tk [insert amount in figures and in !ords] upon receipt by us o$ your $irst ,ritten demand accompanied by a ,ritten statement that the Tenderer is in breach o$ its obligation(s) under the Tender conditions! because the Tenderer> a.has ,ithdra,n its Tender a$ter opening o$ Tenders but ,ithin the validity o$ the Tender "ecurity : or$used to accept the 4oti$ication o$ ',ard (4.') ,ithin the period as stated under 2nstructions to Tenderers (2TT) : or c.$ailed to $urnish Per$ormance "ecurity ,ithin the period as stipulated in the 4.': or$used to sign the Contract 'greement by the time speci$ied in the 4.': or e.did not accept the correction o$ the Tender price $ollo,ing the correction o$ the arithmetic errors in accordance ,ith the 2TT: or This guarantee ,ill e8pire> (a) i$ the Tenderer is the success$ul Tenderer! upon our receipt o$ a copies o$ the contract signed by the Tenderer and the Per$ormance "ecurity issued to you in accordance ,ith the 2TT: or &('%$&&$).doc &$ #ate>

(b) i$ the Tenderer is not the success$ul Tenderer! t,enty eight (2*) days a$ter the e8piration o$ the Tenderer+s Tender validity period! being C date of e)piration of the Tender validity plus t!enty eight*9:- days] Conse3uently! ,e must receive at the above6mentioned o$$ice any demand $or payment under this guarantee on or be$ore that date.





Notification of 34ard (Form PG" 0 ')

Contract 4o> To> [%ame of 0ontractor] #ate>

This is to noti$y you that your Tender dated [insert date] $or the supply o$ %oods and related "ervices $or [name of contract] $or the Contract Price o$ Tk [state amount in figures and in !ords] as corrected and modi$ied in accordance ,ith the 2nstructions to Tenderers! has been approved by [name of Procuring Entity]. Iou are thus re3uested to take $ollo,ing actions> i. accept in ,riting the 4oti$ication o$ ',ard ,ithin seven (1) ,orking days o$ its issuance pursuant to 2TT "ub6Clause 2).7 $urnish a Per$ormance "ecurity in the speci$ied $ormat and in the amount o$ Tk [state amount in figures and !ords] ,,ithin seven (1) ,orking days o$ acceptance o$ this 4oti$ication o$ ',ard but not later than *specify date-, in accordance ,ith 2TT Clause 21 sign the Contract ,ithin $ourteen (79 ) ,orking days o$ issuance o$ this 4oti$ication o$ ',ard but not later than *specify date-, in accordance ,ith 2TT Clause ;(



Iou may proceed ,ith the e8ecution o$ the supply o$ %oods and related "ervices only upon completion o$ the above tasks. Iou may also please note that this 4oti$ication o$ ',ard shall constitute the $ormation o$ this Contract! ,hich shall become binding upon you. 0e attach the dra$t Contract and all other documents $or your perusal and signature.

"igned #uly authorised to sign $or and on behal$ o$ [name of Procuring Entity] #ate>



,ontract 3greement (Form PG" 0 5)

TJ2" '%& F 4T made the [day] day o$ [month] [year] bet,een [name and address of Procuring Entity] (hereina$ter called Gthe Procuring ntityH) o$ the one part and [name and address of Supplier] (hereina$ter called Gthe "upplierH) o$ the other part> 0J & '" the Procuring ntity invited Tenders $or certain goods and related services! vi@! [brief description of goods and related services] and has accepted a Tender by the "upplier $or the supply o$ those goods and related services in the sum o$ Taka [0ontract Price in figures and in !ords] (hereina$ter called Gthe Contract PriceH). 4.0 TJ2" '%& F 4T 02T4 "" TJ '" F.//.0"> 7. 2n this 'greement ,ords and e8pressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the %eneral Conditions o$ Contract herea$ter re$erred to. 2. The $ollo,ing documents $orming the Contract shall be in the $ollo,ing order o$ precedence! namely > (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ($) (g) ;. the signed Form o$ Contract 'greement: the 4oti$ication o$ ',ard The Tender and the appendices to the Tender Conditions o$ Contract: Technical "peci$ications: Price "chedules and "chedule o$ &e3uirements and: other document! i$ any

2n consideration o$ the payments to be made by the Procuring ntity to the "upplier as hereina$ter mentioned! the "upplier hereby covenants ,ith the Procuring ntity to provide the goods and related services and to remedy any de$ects therein in con$ormity in all respects ,ith the provisions o$ the Contract. The Procuring ntity hereby covenants to pay the "upplier in consideration o$ the provision o$ the goods and related services and the remedying o$ de$ects therein! the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions o$ the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.


24 02T4 "" ,hereo$ the parties hereto have caused this 'greement to be e8ecuted in accordance ,ith the la,s o$ <angladesh on the day! month and year $irst ,ritten above. For the Procuring 9ntit!) "ignature Print 4ame Title 2n the presence o$ 4ame For the Supplier)




2an% Guarantee for Performance Securit! (Form PG" > 6)

[this is the format for the Performance Security to be issued by a scheduled ban6 of 8angladesh in accordance !ith ITT 0lauses 9;,9: < 9(] Contract 4o> #ate>

To> C4ame and address o$ Procuring ntityD P97FO7M3N,9 G:373NT99 No) [insert Performance 1uarantee number] 0e have been in$ormed that [name of supplier] (hereina$ter called Gthe "upplierH) has undertaken! pursuant to Contract 4o [reference number of 0ontract] dated [date of 0ontract] (hereina$ter called Gthe ContractH) $or the supply o$ [description of goods and related services] under the Contract. Furthermore! ,e understand that! according to your conditions! Contracts must be supported by a per$ormance guarantee. 't the re3uest o$ the "upplier! ,e [name of ban6] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you! ,ithout cavil or argument! any sum or sums not e8ceeding in total an amount o$ Tk [insert amount in figures and in !ords] upon receipt by us o$ your $irst ,ritten demand accompanied by a ,ritten statement that the "upplier is in breach o$ its obligation(s) under the Contract conditions! ,ithout you needing to prove or sho, grounds or reasons $or your demand o$ the sum speci$ied therein. This guarantee is valid until [date of validity of guarantee] ! conse3uently! ,e must receive at the above6mentioned o$$ice any demand $or payment under this guarantee on or be$ore that date.
[Signatures of authori=ed representatives of the ban6]





Section 5& Schedule of 7e8uirements

2nvitation $or Tender 4o> Tender Package 4o>



List of Goods . 7elated ser<ices and Deli<er! Schedule

This Section provides the 4ist of 1oods and Delivery Schedule and 4ist of >elated Services and 0ompletion Schedule and must be carefully prepared by a Procuring Entity for each ob?ect of procurement.

*tem No&

Description of *tem

:nit of Measurement


Point of Deli<er!

Deli<er! Period 7e8uired (from date of contract signature in 4ee%s)



Lot No () .enter descri)tion]

.add as many ro1s and details as there are indi3idual items in the 4ot]



Section 6& Technical Specifications

The %oods and &elated "ervices shall comply ,ith $ollo,ing Technical "peci$ications>

*tem No (

Name of *tem or 7elated Ser<ice "

[add as many ro!s and details as there are individual items in the 4ot]

Technical Specification and Standards +

Lot No () .enter descri)tion]

Notes on Technical Specifications [The Procuring Entity shall follo! the >ule 9( of Public Procurement >ule,9'': !hile preparing the Technical Specifications of the 1oods ] [3 set of precise and clear specifications is a prere2uisite for Tenderes to respond realistically and competitively to the re2uirements of the P>.0@>I%1 E%TITA. In the conte)t of 0ompetitive Tender, the specifications must be prepared to permit the !idest possible competition and, at the same time, present a clear statement of the re2uired standards of !or6manship, materials, and performance of the goods and services to be procured. .nly if this is done !ill the ob?ectives of transparency, e2uity, efficiency, fairness and economy in procurement be reali=ed, responsiveness of Tenders be ensured, and the subse2uent tas6 of Tender evaluation and post#2ualification facilitated. The specifications should re2uire that all items, materials and accessories to be included or incorporated in the goods be ne!, unused, and of the most recent or current models, and that they include or incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials ]



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