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Stage 3 Spelling Ancient Civilisations

Week 1
When a word ends in e, drop the e before adding ing, eg create, creating; practise, practising

Week 2
If a word ends in l, to add a suffi double the l, eg travel, travelling

Week 3
When a word of one s!llable "ontains a single short #owel, double the final "onsonant before adding a suffi , eg run, running, runner; star, starred

Week 4
If adding able to a word ending in e, drop the e first eg advise, advisable

Week 5
$ontra"tions %&bo#e where the letter is supposed to be, we put the apostrophe'( the!'ll, we're, there's, didn't, the!'re, aren't, won't, )ustn't, wouldn't and isn't

Week 6
*o add a "onsonant ending to a word ending in e, +ust add the ending, but to add a #owel ending to a word ending in e, drop the e before adding the ending, eg( sideways, chasing

Spelling Rules

$ore Words

-o)ophones, &nton!)s . S!non!)s

bur! obe! tre)ble "abbage rubbish bi"!"le bis"uit des"ribe absent "o)bination reigns /h0 reins /h0 inappropriate e "eption biolog! /bios life0

)anner grandfather a""ident pra"ti"e pra"tise national "alendar fla))able a)bition a"ti#ities fa)iliar /a0 foreign /a0 irrele#ant assistant opto)etrist /opto 4 #ision, seeing0

&r"ti" publi" dire"tor "olon! "ourt a""ept "li)ate "on"ert a",uire wre"ked rese)blan"e /s0 likeness /s0 illegal )entor astronaut /astro 4stars0

inse"t pen"il petrol breath sele"t re"ess error re"ipe en#elop en#elope li"en"e /h0 li"ense /h0 unbeatable e)plo!ee geographi"al /geo 4 the earth0

adopt needle deathl! re)ained ad#i"e addition de#eloper de"lare period preside resist /a0 "ooperate /a0 restore attenti#e audio#isual /audio 4 hearing, sound0

spilt listen interpret in"luding i)prison eli)inate s"issors )!ster! s!llable )is"hief responsible /s0 dependable /s0 e "lai) photographer "hronologi"al /"hrono 4 ti)e0

1refi Suffi 2reek . 3atin Root

Theme Words

Week 1
pyramid Egyptology architecture pharaohs hieroglyphics archaeologist mummified Tutankhamen deciphered etymology Mediterranean incarnation circumference circumstance claustrophobic rheumatism regurgitate circumvent procrastinate circumnavigate manner

Week 2
grandfather accident practice practise national calendar flammable ambition activities epitaph grotesque antibiotic antiquity authentic artificial sociology magnificent deification archaeology

Week 3
excavations biannual mortuary immediately authorities mysterious antechamber Akhenatun exaggerated asphalt anaesthetics bibliography magnificent physique bipartisan embellish controversial bicarbonate deteriorate diarrhoea

Week 4
reanimate Nefertari domesticated colossal decahedron decasyllabic exhibition descendants mummification decagon genealogy plausible resuscitation calendar antiquities unauthorised decadence magnitude quadrilateral sarcophagus site

Week 5
birth berth thrown throne describe interpret perspectives bias ancient empathy consequences primary piece artefact chronological secondary source radiocarbon dating contradictory define evidence hypothesis archaeological

Week 6

contrast amulet inundation scarab peasants artisans dynasty papyrus Egyptians excavated domesticated vizier birth





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