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YUI Open Hours: Modules and Loaders Demystifying Loader: Advanced Module Configuration Loader Changes: ips and ric!s
Y"App #ram$or! YUI App #rame$or!: You%ve &een 'anting his
Daniel (toc!man: A )oignant *uide to Y"App

Lu!e (mith: YUI , - &elo$ the (urface Anthony )ip!in: he .e/t (tep: #rom Idea to 'idget 0)art 12 )at Cavit: he .e/t (tep: #rom Idea to 'idget 0)art 32 Attri4ute class $al!through )rogressive enhancement 3"5 YUI Calendar: A Case (tudy of &uilding Modules $ith (tyle Class Inheritance and Composition )atterns in YUI ilo Mitra: Handling Data in YUI ,

Dav *lass: .ode"6s 7 YUI , Dav *lass: Using .ode"6s and YUI , Matt aylor: YUI , 8 .ode"6s for 9ava(cript :ie$ ;endering on Client or (erver More fun $ith YUI on .ode9(

UI Design
YUIConf 3515 )anel Discussion: he #uture of #rontend <ngineering Allen ;a4inovich: he Many Hats of the #rontend <ngineer

Datata4le 'idget
Data a4le rendering tric!s Datata4le update for YUI ,"="5

Yeti .e/t ;eid &ur!e: Yeti - YUI>s <asy esting Interface .icholas ?a!as: YUI est
.icholas ?a!as: est Driven Development $ith YUI est
Caridy )ati@o: Mo6ito for YUI Developers

Mo4ile + ouch Input

(atyen Desai: A )honeA a a4let and a Laptop 'al! into a &ar .ate Boechley: A a/onomy of ouch Mar! Ba$a!ami: #inger ips: Lessons Learned from &uilding a ouch&ased </perience Matt (eeley: Lessons from the YahooC a4let #ront )age

Misc YUI ools

&uildy YUIDoc updates and ravis CI server integration

*eneral 9s Development
Croc!ford on 9ava(cript D Act III: #unction the Ultimate Croc!ford on 9avascript - (ection E: )rogramming (tyle 8 Your &rain om Hughes-Croucher: Ho$ to (top 'riting (paghetti Code --------------------------*onFalo Cordero: A )revie$ of YUI , ree:ie$ A 'hirl$ind our of AlloyUI Components in the YUI , *allery Dan Hunt: &uilding the .e/t *eneration of YahooC Mail $ith YUI , ree:ie$ Automating 'e4site OptimiFations ed Dra!e: Common H ML and C(( Accessi4ility Mista!es ;yan *rove: Introducing YUI , AutoComplete .or4ert Linden4erg: InternationaliFing Applications Using YUI ,
Dmitry (avintsev and Al4ert Yu: (ecurity esting of YUI-)o$ered Applications &ishan Bochar : (ecure Coding $ith YUI Montie sai and ?ordius Chen: &ottle Mo4ile UI Li4rary Douglas Croc!ford: Monads and *onads 0YUIConf <vening Beynote2 9eff Conniff and ilo Mitra: he #uture of YUI C(( Anthony )ip!in: &uilding Modules for the .e$ *allery 9eff )ihach: Use YUI to Lo$er )ro6ect Development Costs ;eid &ur!e: 'rite Code hat 'or!s Lingyan ?hu: M6ata"6s -- &ring Data Models to Life ;yan Cannon: here is no off-season: .#L"com>s move to YUI High )erformance 9ava(cript <ric #erraiuolo: 'e4 App Development $ith YUI , Matt aylor: YUI , 8 .ode"6s for 9ava(cript :ie$ ;endering on Client or (erver .icholas ?a!as: (cala4le 9ava(cript ApplicationArchitecture <ugene Bashida: YUI Communication Layer (tephen 'oods: Creating &eautiful Documentation $ithYUI Doc ;yan *rove: Achieving )erformance ?en $ith YUI , Lu!e (mith: <vents <volved

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