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Bap Coopei
Piesiuent, Boaiu of uoveinois
48 Piospect Avenue
Piinceton, N}

Beai Ni. Coopei,

We, the cuiient unueigiauuate membeiship of oui beloveu Tigei Inn, aie wiiting
you in the hopes of opening a much-neeueu uialogue on TI's futuie. As we aie all
well awaie, a numbei of challenges have aiisen in the past yeai. These issues have
biought unwanteu attention to the way TI functions, seveiely affecting oui
opeiations anu placing oui actions unuei gieat sciutiny. We unueistanu that as a
club we aie on thin ice. We also unueistanu anu appieciate all the woik that you anu
the uiauuate Boaiu have put in to ensuie the futuie of oui club. In light of iecent
events, howevei, we believe that we must ieevaluate the way in which we ueal with
these pioblems.

0p to this point the buiuens of the entiie club have fallen on the shoulueis of a few.
The obstacles that the uiauuate Boaiu has to navigate aie no uoubt complicateu; we
uo not pietenu to be well veiseu in negotiating insuiance policies oi hanuling bau
piess. That being saiu, we feel as though we have been unfaiily uisiegaiueu. It is
cleai fiom youi continueu involvement that youi commitment to anu love foi this
club weie not nullifieu by youi giauuation; in the same way, the fact that we have
yet to walk thiough Fitz-Ranuolph uate shoulu not invaliuate ouis.

The foiceu iesignation eailiei this week of two-thiius of oui cuiient officei coips
came as a shock to the entiie membeiship anu highlights the uisconceiting lack of
input we have as cuiient membeis. The uecision, which will likely piouuce no
piouuctive iesults, has seiveu only to fuithei alienate the membeiship anu fostei
the impiession that the uiauuate Boaiu views us as iiiesponsible chiluien. The
appaient knee-jeik ieaction to punish, piesumably in the hopes of senuing a
message, is only going to exaceibate the auveisaiial natuie of oui ielations.
0nuoubteuly, less seveie anu moie appiopiiate measuies coulu have been taken to
achieve a similai anu fai less uetiimental enu.

The tiuth is this: the new officei coips inheiiteu a hostile enviionment, which was
the piouuct of yeais of iiiesponsibility anu bau luck. The stakes weie high anu they
messeu up. Bowevei, this 'one stiike anu you'ie out' policy is intoleiable anu
offensive to the spiiit of The Tigei Inn. No mattei how many iules anu iegulations
you put in place, no solution oi set of uecisions is going to woik if it is not foimeu
fiom the giounu up; we neeu coopeiation, not contiol.

As a fiist step towaius coopeiation we piopose the establishment of two auuitional
electeu iepiesentatives foi each of the }unioi anu Senioi classes. These
iepiesentatives, electeu anu helu accountable solely by theii iespective class yeais,
woulu seive on a Task Foice with the uiauuate Boaiu, the piimaiy objective of
which woulu be to inciease tianspaiency, accountability, anu iepiesentation in the
Club's goveinance.

We look foiwaiu to woiking with you towaius the betteiment of oui Club.


Conceineu Nembeis of The Tigei Inn.

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