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MODEL EXAM Subject: Computer Architecture SEM/ Year: IV / II



Marks: 75 Hours: 3

MODEL EXAM Subject: Computer Architecture SEM/ Year: IV / II


Marks: 75 Hours: 3

Answer any fifteen questions 1. What is MBR and MBR? 2. What is binary adder? 3. What are the important fields of an instruction format? 4. What is fetch cycle? 5. Expand BCD and ASCII? 6. What do you mean by divide overflow? 7. What do you mean by normalization? 8. What is the use of AVF flip flop? 9. What is an I/O interface? 10. What is the advantages of handshaking method? 11. What is a priority encoder? 12. Name any two control character used in character oriented protocol? 13. Write any two auxiliary memory? 14. What is CAM? 15. What is cache memory? 16. Define address space? 17. What is an effective address? 18. What do you mean by parallel processing? 19. Expand BIU and IP? 20. Name the different types of array processor? PART B Answer all the questions 21. (A) (i) Draw and explain one stage of logic circuit.(6m) (ii) Draw the bus organization for seven CPU registers and explain.(6m) (Or) (B) Draw the structure of control unit and explain each cycle.(12m) 22. (A) (i) Discuss the hardware for fixed point multiplication.. (6m) (ii) Draw and explain the register configuration for floating point arithmetic operations.(6m) (Or) (B) Draw the flowchart for floating point addition and subtraction and explain.(12m) 23 . (A) (i) With a diagram explain the functions of an I/O interface.(6m (ii) Explain strobe control method of data transfer? (6m) (Or) (B) Explain DMM transfer with a block diagram.(12m) 24. (A) (i) Describe the organization and operational principle of cache memory.(6m) (ii) Explain set associative mapping in cache memory.(6m) (Or) (B) Explain set associative mapping in cache memory.(12m) 25. (A) (i) Explain arithmetic pipeline.(6m) (ii) Write a note an segment register in 8086(6m)(Or) (B) Draw the block diagram of 8086 microprocessor and explain.(12m)

Answer any fifteen questions 1. What is MBR and MBR? 2. What is binary adder? 3. What are the important fields of an instruction format? 4. What is fetch cycle? 5. Expand BCD and ASCII? 6. What do you mean by divide overflow? 7. What do you mean by normalization? 8. What is the use of AVF flip flop? 9. What is an I/O interface? 10. What is the advantages of handshaking method? 11. What is a priority encoder? 12. Name any two control character used in character oriented protocol? 13. Write any two auxiliary memory? 14. What is CAM? 15. What is cache memory? 16. Define address space? 17. What is an effective address? 18. What do you mean by parallel processing? 19. Expand BIU and IP? 20. Name the different types of array processor? PART B Answer all the questions 21. (A) (i) Draw and explain one stage of logic circuit.(6m) (ii) Draw the bus organization for seven CPU registers and explain.(6m) (Or) (B) Draw the structure of control unit and explain each cycle.(12m) 22. (A) (i) Discuss the hardware for fixed point multiplication.. (6m) (ii) Draw and explain the register configuration for floating point arithmetic operations.(6m) (Or) (B) Draw the flowchart for floating point addition and subtraction and explain.(12m) 23 . (A) (i) With a diagram explain the functions of an I/O interface.(6m (ii) Explain strobe control method of data transfer? (6m) (Or) (B) Explain DMM transfer with a block diagram.(12m) 24. (A) (i) Describe the organization and operational principle of cache memory.(6m) (ii) Explain set associative mapping in cache memory.(6m) (Or) (B) Explain set associative mapping in cache memory.(12m) 25. (A) (i) Explain arithmetic pipeline.(6m) (ii) Write a note an segment register in 8086(6m)(Or) (B) Draw the block diagram of 8086 microprocessor and explain.(12m)


Subject: C Programming SEM/ Year: IV / II


Marks: 75 Hours: 3


Subject: C Programming SEM/ Year: IV / II

Marks: 75 Hours: 3

Answer any fifteen questions 1. Write the general form to declare a variable. 2. Define on expression. 3. Write the syntax of printf() statement. 4. Write any two making statements. 5. How the nested ifelse statement formed? 6. What is a nested for loop? 7. What is the use of continue statement? 8. What is a string? 9. What are the functions used to read a string? 10. What are the types of function call? 11. What are formal arguments? 12. What is an array? 13. Write any one difference between array and structure. 14. Write the syntax to define array of structure. 15. Write any one use of union. 16. Write the syntax to declare a pointer variable. 17. Write the syntax to define array of structure. 18. Define pointer Expression. 19. How to close a fine. 20. Give the general form of putc(). PART B Answer all the questions 21. (A) (i) Explain the different types of constants..(6m) (ii) Explain the function available in <ctype.h> header file.(6m) (Or) (B) Explain the operators available in C.(12m) 22. (A) (i) Explain ifelse statement. (6m) (ii) Write a program to compute sum of series using while loop.(6m) (Or) (B) Explain while loop and dowhile loop statements with example.(12m) 23. (A) (i) Explain how to define a function.(6m) (ii) Explain recursion with an explain (6m) (Or) (B) Explain different types of string handling functions(12m) 24. (A) (i) Explain how to read and write elements in 2D array with example.(6m) (ii) Explain how the structure members are accessed and initialized..(6m) (Or) (B) Explain structures and function with example.12m) 25. (A) (i)Explain pointer & access address variable...(6m) (ii) Explain array of pointers.(6m)(Or) (B) Explain the input and output operations on files..(12m)

Answer any fifteen questions 1. Write the general form to declare a variable. 2. Define on expression. 3. Write the syntax of printf() statement. 4. Write any two making statements. 5. How the nested ifelse statement formed? 6. What is a nested for loop? 7. What is the use of continue statement? 8. What is a string? 9. What are the functions used to read a string? 10. What are the types of function call? 11. What are formal arguments? 12. What is an array? 13. Write any one difference between array and structure. 14. Write the syntax to define array of structure. 15. Write any one use of union. 16. Write the syntax to declare a pointer variable. 17. Write the syntax to define array of structure. 18. Define pointer Expression. 19. How to close a fine. 20. Give the general form of putc(). PART B Answer all the questions 21. (A) (i) Explain the different types of constants..(6m) (ii) Explain the function available in <ctype.h> header file.(6m) (Or) (B) Explain the operators available in C.(12m) 22. (A) (i) Explain ifelse statement. (6m) (ii) Write a program to compute sum of series using while loop.(6m) (Or) (B) Explain while loop and dowhile loop statements with example.(12m) 23. (A) (i) Explain how to define a function.(6m) (ii) Explain recursion with an explain (6m) (Or) (B) Explain different types of string handling functions(12m) 24. (A) (i) Explain how to read and write elements in 2D array with example.(6m) (ii) Explain how the structure members are accessed and initialized..(6m) (Or) (B) Explain structures and function with example.12m) 25. (A) (i) Explain pointer & access address variable.(6m) (ii) Explain array of pointers.(6m)(Or) (B) Explain the input and output operations on files..(12m)

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