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Community Group Facilitators Guide for Week of April 6, 2014 The Matter of Giving and Receiving-Part Two - Philippians

4:18-23 Intro: This week we continue to look at Pauls expression of thanks to the Philippian believers for their generosity. As Paul concludes his letter to them, he makes sure that the value and benefit of their generosity becomes an example for believers of future generations. Opening Question - Ask your group to talk about what they think are the biggest fears people have about money. Have them discuss how these fears affect their generosity. Discussion Questions Begin this section by asking group members to identify one word that they think best describes the tone of Paul in this section on the subject of giving and receiving. Have group members discuss where they find themselves being encouraged by what Paul writes and where are they most challenged? You may want to have your group discuss how this thank you from Paul affected these believers. The group can interact on what it must have been like for them to read this portion of the letter what did their small group discussions look like. Close out this time by distributing copies of the Looking Back (below) and ask each of your group members to pick just one of the questions and share their response with the group. Prayer Time: This week you can pray for two items. One is to pray for what God wants to teach each one in the group about the matter of giving and receiving. The second is the impact this summer of the Operation Cooperation offering the impact on the children who will attend Camp in the City and the impact on Mountain View families through the summer food program.

LOOKING BACK Chain Reaction: The Matter of Giving and Receiving Part 2 Philippians 4:18-23 This draws to a close our study through Pauls letter to the Philippians. What a dynamic reality! Chain Reaction - we are the current link in the chain. This whole thing started with the gospel and the matter of giving and receiving. Simple, yet so profound and powerful. The question is, how will my life be different as a result? Thinking It Through Riches enlarge, rather than satisfy appetites. ~Thomas Fuller Money has never made anyone rich. ~Seneca He who waters, will himself be watered. ~Proverbs 11:25 If one first gives himself to the Lord, all other giving is easy. ~John S. Bonnell 1. What are the issues of your heart when it comes to your relationship to money and material things? How was it handled in your home of origin? 2. How does faith enter into the matter of giving and receiving in your life? 3. How would giving increase your faithand draw you closer to God? Next step?

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