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THE NINTH HOUR FOR SATURDAYS The priest: Blessed is our God always: now and ever, and

unto ages of ages. All: Amen. The priest: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. 1 O heavenly King, O Comforter, the S irit of truth, who art in all la!es and fillest all things" Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come and a#ide in us and !leanse us from every stain, and save our souls, O Good One. All: $oly God, $oly %ighty, $oly immortal: have mer!y on us. (thrice)& Glory to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. All(holy Trinity, have mer!y on us. )ord, !leanse us from our sins. %aster, ardon our ini*uities. $oly God, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy +ame,s sa-e. )ord, have mer!y. (thrice) Glory to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our 'ather, who art in heaven, hallowed #y Thy +ame" Thy -ingdom !ome" Thy will #e done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily #read" and forgive us our tres asses, as we forgive
These rayers are not said from the Sunday of .as!ha until the Sunday of .ente!ost. /uring the .as!hal Season 0that is, until the As!ension1, we say the .as!hal Tro arion 2Christ is risen34 0thri!e1 instead of the Trisagion 0that is, 2$oly God41.
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those who tres ass against us" and lead us not into tem tation, #ut deliver us from the evil one. The priest: 'or Thine is the -ingdom, and the ower, and the glory, of the 'ather, and of the Son, and of the $oly S irit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. The reader: )ord, have mer!y. (twelve times) Glory" #oth now. O !ome, let us worshi and fall down #efore God our King. O !ome, let us worshi and fall down #efore Christ, our King and our God. O !ome, let us worshi and fall down #efore the 7ery Christ, our King and our God. And the following Psalms: . SA)% <= ow #eloved are Thy dwellings" O )ord of $osts" my soul longeth and fainteth for the !ourts of the )ord. %y heart and my flesh have re>oi!ed in the living God. 'or the s arrow hath found herself a house, and the turtledove a nest for herself where she may lay her young, 5ven Thine altars, O )ord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house" unto ages of ages shall they raise Thee. Blessed is the man whose hel is from Thee" he hath made as!ents in his heart, in the vale of wee ing, in the la!e whi!h he hath a ointed. :ea, for the lawgiver will give #lessings" they shall go from strength to strength, the God of gods shall #e seen in Sion. O )ord of hosts, hear-en unto my rayer" give ear, O God of ?a!o#. O God, our defender, #ehold, and loo- u on the fa!e of Thine anointed one. 'or #etter is one day in Thy !ourts than thousands elsewhere. 8 have !hosen rather to #e an out!ast in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of sinners.


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'or the )ord loveth mer!y and truth, God will give gra!e and glory" the )ord will not withhold good things from them that wal- in inno!en!e. O )ord God of hosts, #lessed is the man that ho eth in Thee. . SA)% <@ hou hast #een gra!ious, O )ord, unto Thy land" Thou hast turned #a!- the !a tivity of ?a!o#. Thou hast forgiven the ini*uities of Thy eo le" thou hast !overed all their sins. Thou hast made all Thy wrath to !ease" Thou hast turned #a!- from the wrath of Thine anger. Turn us #a!-, O God of our salvation, and turn away Thine anger from us. Ailt Thou #e wroth with us unto the agesB Or wilt Thou draw out Thy wrath from generation to generationB O God, Thou wilt turn and *ui!-en us, and Thy eo le shall #e glad in Thee. Show us, O )ord, Thy mer!y, and Thy salvation do Thou give unto us. 8 will hear what the )ord God will s ea- in me" for $e will s eaea!e to $is eo le and to $is saints and to them that turn their heart unto $im. Surely nigh unto them that fear $im is $is salvation, that glory may dwell in our land. %er!y and truth are met together" righteousness and ea!e have -issed ea!h other. Truth is s rung u out of the earth, and righteousness hath loo-ed down from heaven. :ea, for the )ord will give goodness, and our land shall yield her fruit. 6ighteousness shall go #efore $im and shall set $is footste s in the way.

. SA)% <C ow down Thine ear, O )ord, and hear-en unto me, for oor and needy am 8.

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.reserve my soul, for 8 am holy" save Thy servant, O my God, that ho eth in Thee. $ave mer!y on me, O )ord, for unto Thee will 8 !ry all the day long" ma-e glad the soul of Thy servant, for unto Thee have 8 lifted u my soul. 'or Thou, O )ord, art good and gentle, and lenteous in mer!y unto all them that !all u on Thee. Give ear, O )ord, unto my rayer, and attend unto the voi!e of my su li!ation. 8n the day of mine affli!tion have 8 !ried unto Thee, for Thou hast heard me. There is none li-e unto Thee among the gods, O )ord, nor are there any wor-s li-e unto Thy wor-s. All the nations whom Thou hast made shall !ome and shall worshi #efore Thee, O )ord, and shall glorify Thy +ame. 'or thou art great and wor-est wonders" Thou alone art God. Guide me, O )ord, in Thy way, and 8 will wal- in Thy truth" let my heart re>oi!e that 8 may fear Thy +ame. 8 will !onfess Thee, O )ord my God, with all my heart, and 8 will glorify Thy +ame for ever. 'or great is Thy mer!y u on me, and Thou hast delivered my soul from the nethermost $ades. O God, transgressors have risen u against me, and the assem#ly of the mighty hath sought after my soul, and they have not set Thee #efore them. But thou, O )ord my God, art !om assionate and mer!iful, long( suffering and lenteous in mer!y, and true. )oo- u on me and have mer!y u on me" give Thy strength unto Thy servant, and save the son of Thy handmaiden. Aor- in me sign unto good, and let them that hate me #ehold and #e ut to shame" for Thou, O )ord, hast hel ed me and !omforted me. And again: Aor- in me a sign unto good, and let them that hate me #ehold and #e ut to shame" for Thou, O )ord, hast hel ed me and !omforted me.

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Glory" #oth now. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia: Glory to Thee, O God. (thrice) )ord, have mer!y. (thrice) Then we say: Glory, the Dismissal Hymn of the Saint of the day or of the Feast, if there e one! if not, read the following Dismissal Hymn of Sat"rday:

ye a ostles, martyrs and ro hets, hierar!hs, venera#le and righteous ones, who have finished well the !ontest and guarded the faith: #esee!h, we ray, sin!e you have #oldness #efore the Savior Aho is good, that he may save our souls. Both now. Theoto#ion hou Aho for our sa-es was #orn of a 7irgin and didst suffer !ru!ifiDion, O good One, and didst des oil death through death and as God didst reveal resurre!tion: /es ise not those whom Thou hast !reated with Thine own hand" show forth Thy love for man-ind, O mer!iful One" a!!e t the inter!essions of Thy %other, the Theoto-os, for us, and save The des airing eo le, O our Savior.

And Straightway: eliver us not u utterly, for Thy $oly +ame,s sa-e, neither disannul Thy !ovenant, and !ause not Thy mer!y to de art from us, for A#raham,s sa-e, Thy #eloved, and for 8saa!,s sa-e, Thy servant, and for 8srael,s, Thy holy one.

And immediately: $oly God. All($oly Trinity. Our 'ather. The priest: 'or Thine is the -ingdom. The reader: Amen. Then the $onta#ion of the Saint of the day or of the Feast, if there e one! if not, read the following $onta#ion:

nto Thee, the Author of !reation, the universe doth offer the God(#earing martyrs as the first(fruits of nature. By whose rayers, through the Theoto-os, reserve in ea!e rofound Thy Chur!h, O most mer!iful One. Then, )ord, have mer!y (forty times), and the following:

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Thou who at all times, and at every hour, #oth in heaven and on earth, art worshi ed and glorified, O Christ our God, longsuffering, lenteous in mer!y and !om assion" Aho lovest the >ust and showest mer!y to sinners" Aho !allest all men to salvation through the romise of good things to !ome: /o Thou the same )ord, re!eive also our su li!ations at this resent hour, and dire!t our lives a!!ording to Thy !ommandments. San!tify our souls" urify our #odies, set aright our minds" !leanse our thoughts" and deliver us from all !alamity, wrath and distress. Com ass us round a#out with Thy holy angels, that guided and guarded #y their hosts, we may attain unto the unity of the faith, and unto the !om rehension of Thine ineffa#le glory. 'or #lessed art Thou unto ages of ages. Amen. )ord, have mer!y (thrice)% Glory" #oth now.

ore honora#le than the !heru#im and more glorious #eyond !om are than the sera him" thou who without !orru tion #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os: we magnify thee. Bless, 'ather, in the +ame of the )ord. The priest: %ay God have !om assion u on us and #less us" may $e show The light of $is !ountenan!e u on us and #e mer!iful unto us. The reader: Amen. Then the priest says the following:

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%aster, )ord ?esus Christ our God, Aho art longsuffering toward our sins, and Aho hast led us even to the resent hour, in whi!h, as Thou didst hang u on the life(giving Tree Thou didst ma-e a way into aradise for the enitent thief, and #y death didst destroy death" #e gra!ious unto us sinners and Thine unworthy servants" for we have sinned and have dealt ini*uitously, and we are not worthy to lift u our eyes and loo- u on the heights of heaven inasmu!h as we have de arted from the ath of Thy righteousness, and have wal-ed after the desire of our own hearts. But we im lore Thy #oundless goodness: s are us, O )ord, a!!ording to the multitude of Thy mer!ies, and save us, for Thy holy +ame,s sa-e" for our days have

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assed away in vanity. Arest us out of the hand of the adversary, and forgive us our sins, and mortify our !arnal imagination" that, utting off the old man, we may #e !lothed u on with the new man, and may live unto Thee, our %aster and Benefa!tor" that, following after Thy !ommandments, we may attain unto rest eternal, where is the a#ode of all those who re>oi!e. 'or Thou art in verity the true ?oy and 5Dultation of those who love Thee, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we as!ri#e glory, together with the 'ather, who is without #eginning, and Thine all(holy, good, and life(giving S irit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. The reader: Amen. The priest: Glory to Thee, O Christ our God and our ho e, glory to Thee. The reader: Glory" #oth now. )ord, have mer!y (thrice)% 'ather, #less. The priest ma#eth the Dismissal: ay Christ our true God (insert appropriate characteristic phrase), through the inter!essions of $is all(imma!ulate and all(#lameless holy %other" of the holy and righteous an!estors of God ?oa!him and Anna" of (the Saint of the day), whose memory we !ele#rate this day and of all the Saints: have mer!y on us and save us, forasmu!h as $e is good and loveth man-ind.

The priest saith: Through the rayers of our holy fathers, )ord ?esus Christ our God, $ave mer!y on us and save us. The reader: Amen. So endeth the order of the &inth Ho"r for Sat"rdays%

THE SERVICE OF GREAT VESPERS The priest: Blessed is our God always, now ever and unto ages of ages.=

'or 7es ers during the .as!hal Season 0that is, until 7es ers of the As!ension1, in la!e of 2Come, let us worshi 34 we !hant 2Christ is risen34 0thri!e1.

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And the reader saith the Pro'mial Psalm: . SA)% 8O= Bless the )ord, O my soul. O )ord my God, Thou art very great. Thou art !lothed with honor and ma>esty, who !overest Thyself with light as with a garment, Aho hast stret!hed out the heavens li-e a !urtain: who hast laid the #eams of $is !ham#ers in the waters,

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Aho ma-eth the !louds $is !hariot, who wal-eth u on the wings of the wind, Aho ma-eth $is angels s irits, $is ministers a flaming fire, Aho esta#lisheth the foundations of the earth, so that it should not #e removed forever. Thou didst !over it with the dee as with a garment" u on the mountains shall the waters stand. At Thy re#u-e they will flee" at the voi!e of Thy thunder they shall #e afraid. The mountains rise u " the valleys sin- down to the la!e whi!h Thou hast founded for them. Thou hast set a #ound that they may not ass over, that they turn not again to !over the earth. $e sendeth the s rings into the valleys" they flow #etween the mountains. They shall give drin- to every #east of the field" the wild asses *uen!h their thirst. By them the #irds of the heaven have their ha#itation, whi!h sing among the #ran!hes. $e watereth the mountains from $is !ham#ers" the earth is satisfied with the fruit of Thy wor-s. $e !auseth the grass to grow for the !attle, and her#s for the servi!e of man, to #ring forth food out of the earth, and wine to gladden the heart of man. Oil to ma-e his fa!e to shine, and #read to strengthen man,s heart. The trees of the lain are full of sa " the !edars of )e#anon whi!h Thou hast lanted. There will the #irds ma-e their nests" the house of the heron is !hief among them. The high mountains are a refuge for the wild goats, and the ro!-s for the hares. $e hath a ointed the moon to mar- the seasons" the sun -noweth its time for setting. Thou ma-est dar-ness, and it is night, when all the #easts of the forest !ree forth. The young lions roar after their rey and see- their food from God.

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The sun ariseth" they gather themselves together and lay down in their dens. %an shall go forth unto his wor- and to his la#or until the evening. O )ord, how manifold are Thy wor-s. 8n wisdom hast Thou made them all. The earth is full of Thy ri!hes. So is this great and s a!ious sea, wherein are things !ree ing, innumera#le, #oth small and great #easts. There go the shi s" there is that dragon whi!h Thou hast made to lay therein. These all wait u on Thee, to give them their food in due season. Ahen Thou givest it to them, they gather it. Ahen Thou o enest Thy hand, they are filled with good things. Ahen Thou turnest away Thy fa!e, they are trou#led. Ahen Thou ta-est away their #reath, they die and return to their dust. Ahen Thou sendest forth Thy S irit, they are !reated" and Thou renewest the fa!e of the earth. The glory of the )ord shall endure for ever, the )ord shall re>oi!e in $is wor-s. Aho loo-eth on the earth and ma-eth it trem#le" Aho tou!heth the mountains and they smo-e. 8 will sing unto the )ord as long as 8 live" 8 will !hant to my God while 8 have my #eing. %y meditation of $im shall #e sweet" 8 will re>oi!e in the )ord. )et the sinners #e !onsumed out of the earth, and let the wi!-ed #e no more. Bless the )ord, O my soul. And again: The sun -noweth its time for setting. Thou ma-est dar-ness and it is night. O )ord, how manifold are Thy wor-s. 8n wisdom hast Thou made them all. Glory to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit: now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia: Glory to Thee, O God. (thrice)% O our God and our $o e, glory to Thee.


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The deacon or priest saith the (reat )itany% *e chant, after each petition )ord, have mer!y. The right choir respondeth to the first + petitions, and the left choir respondeth to the rest% 8n ea!e, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:

'or the ea!e from a#ove, and for the salvation of our souls, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:

'or the ea!e of the whole world, for the good estate of the $oly Chur!hes of God, and for the union of all men, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:

'or this $oly $ouse, and for those who with faith, reveren!e, and fear of God, enter therein, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:


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'or our father and metro olitan (&ame), for our #isho (&ame), for the honora#le riesthood, the dea!onate in Christ, for all the !lergy and the eo le, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:

'or the .resident of the 9nited States, for all !ivil authorities, and for our Armed 'or!es everywhere, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

'or this !ity, and for every !ity and land, and for the faithful who dwell therein, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

'or healthful seasons, for a#undan!e of the fruits of the earth, and for ea!eful times, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

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'or travelers #y sea, #y land, and #y air" for the si!- and the suffering" for !a tives and their salvation, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

'or our deliveran!e from all tri#ulation, wrath, danger, and ne!essity, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

$el us" save us" have mer!y on us" and -ee us, O God, #y Thy gra!e. )eft:

Calling to remem#ran!e our all(holy, imma!ulate, most #lessed and glorious )ady Theoto-os and ever(virgin %ary, with all the Saints:

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(and we chant: %ost holy Theoto-os, save us %) let us !ommend ourselves and ea!h other, and all our life unto Christ our God. )eft:

'or unto Thee are due all glory, honor, and worshi : to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit" now and ever and unto ages of ages. All:


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Then the selections from the first $athisma of the Psalter are chanted:


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Then the Small )itany% *e chant, after each petition )ord, have mer!y: Again and again, in ea!e, let us ray to the )ord.

$el us" save us" have mer!y on us" and -ee us, O God, #y Thy gra!e.

Calling to remem#ran!e our all(holy, imma!ulate, most #lessed and glorious )ady Theoto-os and ever(virgin %ary, with all the Saints: (and we chant: %ost holy Theoto-os, save us %) let us !ommend ourselves and ea!h other, and all our life unto Christ our God.

The priest: 'or Thine is the might, and the -ingdom and the ower and the glory of the 'ather and of the Son and of the $oly S irit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

*e egin the following in the appointed tone of the wee#: . SA)% 8@O )ord, 8 have !ried out unto Thee" hear Thou me. $ear Thou me, O )ord. O )ord, 8 have !ried out unto Thee" hear Thou me. Give ear to the voi!e of my su li!ation, Ahen 8 !ry out unto Thee. $ear Thou me, O )ord. )et my rayer #e set #efore Thee as the in!ense" And the lifting u of my hands as the evening sa!rifi!e. $ear Thou me, O )ord.


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. SA)% 8@O - First Tone


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. SA)% 8@O - Second Tone


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. SA)% 8@O - Third Tone


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. SA)% 8@O - Fo"rth Tone


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. SA)% 8@O I Plagal of First Tone


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. SA)% 8@O - Plagal of Second Tone


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. SA)% 8@O - (rave Tone


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. SA)% 8@O - Plagal of Fo"rth Tone


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,ight: Set a wat!h O )ord #efore my mouth, and a rote!ting door a#out my li s. The priest: 8n!line not my heart to evil words, to ma-e eD!uses in sins. )eft: Aith men that wor- ini*uity, and 8 will not !ommuni!ate with the !hoi!est of them. The priest: The >ust man shall !orre!t me in mer!y and shall re rove me" But let not the oil of the sinner anoint my head. ,ight: 'or my rayer also shall still #e against the things with whi!h they are well leased" Their >udges falling u on the ro!- have #een swallowed u . The priest: They shall hear my words for they are sweet, as when the thi!-ness of the earth is #ro-en u on the ground" their #ones are s!attered #y the side of hell. )eft: But to Thee, O )ord, are my eyes, in Thee have 8 ut my trust" Ta-e not away my soul. The priest: Kee me from the snare whi!h they have laid for me" And the tra s of the wor-ers of ini*uity. ,ight: )et the wi!-ed fall into their own nets" Ahile 8 alone es!a e. . SA)% 8@8 The priest: 8 !ried unto the )ord with my voi!e" Aith my voi!e unto the )ord did 8 ma-e my su li!ation. )eft: 8 oured out my su my trou#le.

li!ation #efore $im" 8 showed #efore him

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The priest: Ahen my s irit was overwhelmed within me" Then Thou -newest my ath. ,ight: 8n the way wherein 8 wal-ed have they se!retly laid a snare for me. The priest: 8 loo-ed on my right hand and #eheld, #ut there was no one that would -now me. 6efuge failed me" no one !ared for my soul. )eft: 8 !ried unto Thee, O )ord. 8 said, Thou art my refuge and my ortion in the land of the living. The priest: Attend unto my !ry, 'or 8 am #rought very low. ,ight: /eliver me from my erse!utors" 'or they are stronger than 8. For ./ verses The priest: Bring my soul out of rison that 8 may raise Thy name. The right choir chanteth the . st Sticheron% The priest: The righteous shall wait for me, until Thou re!om ense me. The left choir chanteth the 0 ndSticheron% . SA)% 8&G For 1 verses The priest: Out of the de ths have 8 !ried unto Thee, O )ord. )ord, hear my voi!e. The right choir chanteth the 2 rdSticheron% The priest: )et Thine ears #e attentive to the voi!e of my su li!ations. The left choir chanteth the 3 thSticheron%

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For 4 verses% The priest: 8f Thou, O )ord, should mar- ini*uities, O )ord, who shall standB 'or with Thee is forgiveness. The right choir chanteth the + thSticheron% The priest: Be!ause of Thy name have 8 waited for Thee, O )ord. %y soul hath waited u on thy word. %y soul hath ho ed in the )ord. The left choir chanteth the 4 thSticheron% For 3 verses% The priest: 'rom the morning wat!h until night, from the morning wat!h, let 8srael trust in the )ord. The right choir chanteth the 5 thSticheron% The priest: 'or with the )ord there is mer!y, and with $im is a#undant redem tion" and $e will deliver 8srael from all his ini*uities. The left choir chanteth the 1 thSticheron% . SA)% 88E The priest: .raise the )ord, all ye nations. .raise $im, all ye eo les. The right choir chanteth the 6 thSticheron% The priest: 'or $is mer!y is great toward us, and the truth of the )ord endureth forever. The left choir chanteth the ./th Sticheron% The right choir chanteth Glory, and the Do7astichon, if there e one% The left choir chanteth Both now, and the First Theoto#ion of the Tone% .f there e no Do7astichon, the left choir chanteth Glory" #oth now, and the First Theoto#ion of the Tone%

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After the completion of the verses is said the prayer efore the hymn of than#sgiving The priest or deacon: )et us ray to the )ord. All:

The priest: 8n the evening and in the morning and at noonday, we raise Thee, we #less Thee, we give than-s to Thee, and we ray to thee, the )ord of all: /ire!t our rayer #efore Thee as in!ense, and in!line not our hearts to words or thoughts of wi!-edness" #ut deliver us from all who see- after our souls. 'or to Thee, O )ord, we lift u our eyes, and in Thee we have trusted. /o not ut us to shame, O our God. 'or unto Thee are due all glory, honor and worshi , to the 'ather and to the Son and to the $oly S irit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. The priest saith 8"ietly: Blessed is the entran!e into thy San!tuary always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. And alo"d: Aisdom. )et us attend.


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T $A+KSG878+G AT T$5 ) 8G$T8+G O' T$5 ) A%.S An ancient composition! according to some, of the 9artyr Athenogenes%


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The priest or deacon saith The evening chanteth The )ord is King as elow% S AT96/A: 5 75+8+G Plagal of Second Tone

ro-eimenon. Then he

The right choir repeateth: The )ord is King and hath !lothed $imself with ma>esty. :erse: The )ord hath ut on $is a arel and hath girded $imself with strength. )eft: The )ord is King and hath !lothed $imself with ma>esty. :erse: 'or $e hath esta#lished the world, and it shall never #e sha-en. ,ight: The )ord is King and hath !lothed $imself with ma>esty. :erse: $oliness #efits Thy Tem le, O )ord, forevermore. )eft: The )ord is King and hath !lothed $imself with ma>esty. The priest or deacon: The )ord is King ,ight: and hath !lothed $imself with ma>esty. .f readings are appointed for :espers, they are read here% Then the deacon or priest saith the )itany of Fervent S"pplication: )et us say with our whole soul, and with our whole mind, let us say. ,ight :


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O )ord Almighty, the God of our 'athers, we ray Thee, hear-en and have mer!y. )eft:

$ave mer!y on us, O God, a!!ording to Thy great mer!y, we ray Thee, hear-en and have mer!y. ,ight:

Again we ray for all ious and OrthodoD Christians. )eft: JKLMN N ( OPQ ( RST. JKL(M(N RST. N ( OP(Q (RST. JKL ( M ( N N OP( Q(

Again we ray for our father and %etro olitan (&ame), and for our Bisho (&ame). ,ight:

Again we ray for our #rethren: the riests, hieromon-s, dea!ons, hierodea!ons and monasti!s and all our #rotherhood in Christ. )eft: UVWXVYZ, XV[Z\]^. UVWXVYZ, XV([Z ( \]^. \]^. UVWXV(YZ, XV([Z ( (


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Again we ray for mer!y, life, ea!e, health, salvation and visitation and ardon and remission of sins for (the servants of (od, ;&ames<, and) all OrthodoD Christians of true worshi , who live and dwell in this !ommunity. ,ight:

Again we ray for the #lessed and ever(memora#le founders of this holy !hur!h and (for the departed servants of (od, ;&ames<, and) all our fathers and #rethren, the OrthodoD de arted this life #efore us, who here and in all the world lie aslee in the )ord. )eft: JKLMN N ( OPQ ( RST. JKL(M(N RST. N ( OP(Q (RST. JKL ( M ( N N OP( Q(

Again we ray for those who #ear fruit and do good wor-s in this holy and all(venera#le tem le, those who serve and those who sing, and for all the eo le here resent, who await Thy great and ri!h mer!y. ,ight:

The priest: 'or Thou art a mer!iful God and lovest man-ind, and unto Thee we as!ri#e glory: to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit" now and ever, and unto ages of ages. All: Amen.


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*e read the following prayer:

ou!hsafe, O )ord, to -ee us this night without sin. Blessed art Thou, O )ord, the God of our fathers, and raised and glorified is Thy +ame forever. Amen. )et Thy mer!y #e u on us, O )ord, even as we have set our ho e on Thee. Blessed art Thou, O )ord" tea!h me Thy statutes. Blessed art Thou, O %aster" ma-e me to understand Thy !ommandments. Blessed art Thou, O $oly One" enlighten me with Thy re!e ts. Thy mer!y, O )ord, endureth forever: O des ise not the wor-s of Thy hands. To Thee #elongeth worshi , to Thee #elongeth raise, to Thee #elongeth glory: to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. The deacon or priest saith the )itany of S"pplication% The right choir chanteth, after each petition )ord, have mer!y. )et us !om lete our evening rayer unto the )ord. $el us" save us" have mer!y on us" and -ee us, O God, #y Thy gra!e. That the whole evening may #e erfe!t, holy, ea!eful and sinless, let us as- of the )ord. Then the left choir chanteth, after each petition Grant this, O )ord. An angel of ea!e, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and #odies, let us as- of the )ord. .ardon and remission of our sins and transgressions, let us as- of the )ord. All things good and rofita#le for our souls and ea!e for the world, let us as- of the )ord. That we may !om lete the remaining time of our life in ea!e and re entan!e, let us as- of the )ord. A Christian ending to our life, ainless, #lameless, ea!eful, and a good defense #efore the fearful >udgment seat of Christ, let us as- of the )ord. Calling to remem#ran!e our all(holy, imma!ulate, most #lessed and glorious )ady Theoto-os and ever(virgin %ary, with all the Saints: let

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us !ommend ourselves and ea!h other, and all our life unto Christ our God. )eft: To Thee, O )ord. The priest: 'or Thou art a good God and lovest man-ind, and unto Thee we as!ri#e glory: to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit" now and ever, and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. The priest: .ea!e #e to all. All: And to thy s irit. The priest or deacon: Bow your heads unto the )ord. All: To Thee, O )ord. The priest saith The Prayer with Heads =owed:

)ord our God, Aho #owed the heavens and !ame down for the salvation of the human ra!e, loo- u on Thy servants and u on Thine inheritan!e. 'or to Thee, the fearful ?udge Aho loves man-ind, have Thy servants #owed their heads and su#missively in!lined their ne!-s" not eD e!ting hel from men, #ut entreating Thy mer!y and loo-ing !onfidently for Thy salvation. Guard them at all times, es e!ially in this resent evening and in the a roa!hing night, from every enemy, from all adverse owers of the devil, from vain thoughts and from evil imaginations. Blessed and most glorified #e the might of Thy -ingdom, of the 'ather and of the Son and of the $oly S irit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. .f there e a Service of >ntreaty ()iti), it is chanted here%


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Then the Aposticha% .f there e a Do7astichon, the . st Apostichon is chanted y the right choir, "t if there e no Do7astichon, the left choir eginneth the Aposticha% :erse: The )ord is King, $e is !lothed with ma>esty" the )ord is !lothed with strength and $e hath girt $imself. :erse: 'or $e esta#lished the world whi!h shall not #e sha-en. :erse: $oliness #e!ometh Thy house, O )ord, unto length of days. The right choir chanteth Glory, the Do7astichon, and then the left choir chanteth Both now, the Theoto#ion% .f there e no Do7astichon, the left choir chanteth Glory" #oth now, the Theoto#ion% After the completion of the Aposticha, we chant the ?anticle of St% Simeon the (od@receiver in Plagal of Second Tone:


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Then: $oly God. All(holy Trinity. Our 'ather. The priest: 'or Thine is the -ingdom. *e chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn(s) and the Theoto#ion:


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Then the priest or deacon shall say: Aisdom. All: 'ather, give the #lessing. The priest: Christ our God, the 5Disting One, is #lessed, always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. .reserve, O God, the holy OrthodoD faith and all OrthodoD Christians, unto ages of ages. Amen. The priest: O most holy Theoto-os, save us. All: %ore honora#le than the !heru#im and more glorious #eyond !om are than the sera him, Thou who without !orru tion gave #irth to God the Aord. True Theoto-os, we magnify Thee. The priest: Glory to Thee, O Christ our God and our ho e, glory to Thee. All: Glory" #oth now. )ord, have mer!y (thrice). 'ather, #less. And the priest saith the Dismissal: ay (insert the appointed characteristic phrase) , Christ our true God, through the inter!essions of his all(imma!ulate and all #lameless holy %other" #y the might of the re!ious and life(giving !ross" #y the rote!tion of the honora#le #odiless owers of heaven" at the su li!ation of the honora#le, glorious .ro het, 'orerunner and Ba tist ?ohn" of the holy, glorious and all(lauda#le a ostles" of the holy, glorious and right(vi!torious martyrs" of our venera#le and God( #earing fathers" of the holy and righteous an!estors of God, ?oa!him and Anna" of (&ame), whose memory we !ele#rate and of all the saints: have mer!y on us and save us, forasmu!h as $e is good and loveth man-ind. Through the rayers of our holy fathers, )ord ?esus Christ our God, have mer!y on us, and save us.

All: Amen. Amen. So endeth the order of (reat :espers for Sat"rdays%


THE SERVICE OF ORTHROS =egin with the lessing and the "s"al introd"ctory prayers as set forth at the eginning of the &inth Ho"r: O heavenly King. $oly God. All(holy Trinity. Our 'ather. The priest: 'or Thine is the -ingdom. The chanters: Amen.

And then the following Troparia: )ord, save thy eo le, and #less Thine inheritan!e. Granting to thy eo le vi!tory over all adversaries" and #y thy Cross, reserving Thine estate.

Glory. o thou, Aho of Thine own good will wast lifted u u on the Cross, O Christ our God, #estow thy #ounties u on the new +ation whi!h is !alled #y thy +ame" ma-e glad in thy might those who lawfully govern, that with them we may #e led to vi!tory over our adversaries, having in Thine aid a wea on of ea!e and a tro hy invin!i#le.


Both now. Theoto#ion% Cham ion dread, who !anst not #e ut to !onfusion, des ise not our etitions, O Good and All( raised Theoto-os" esta#lish the way of the OrthodoD" save those who have #een !alled u on to govern us, leading us all to that vi!tory whi!h is from heaven, for thou art she who gavest #irth to God, and alone art Blessed. Then the priest saith the .mpetratory >#tenia: $ave mer!y on us, O God, a!!ording to thy great mer!y, we ray thee, hear-en and have mer!y. All chant in "nison, in the Second Tone: )ord, have mer!y. (thrice) The priest: Again we ray for all ious and OrthodoD Christians. All: JKLMN NOPQRST. (thrice)

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The priest: Again we ray for our father and %etro olitan (&ame), and our #isho (&ame), and all our #rotherhood in Christ. All: (thrice) The priest: 'or thou art a mer!iful God and lovest man-ind, and unto thee we as!ri#e glory to the 'ather and to the Son and to the $oly S irit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. Bless, 'ather, in the name of the )ord. The priest: Glory to the holy, !onsu#stantial, life(giving, and undivided Trinity, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. And we egin the Si7 Psalms, listening in all silence and with comp"nction while the appointed reader saith with reverence and fear of (od:


lory to God in the highest and on earth, ea!e, good will among men. (thrice) )ord, thou shalt o en my li s, and my mouth shall de!lare thy raise. (twice)

. SA)% = ord, how are they in!reased that trou#le me. %any are they that rise u against me. %any there #e whi!h say of my soul, There is no hel for him in God. But Thou, O )ord, art a shield for me" my glory, and the lifter u of mine head. 8 !ried unto the )ord with my voi!e, and $e heard me out of $is holy hill. 8 laid me down and sle t" 8 awa-ed, for the )ord sustained me. 8 will not #e afraid of ten thousands of eo le, that have set themselves against me round a#out. Arise, O )ord" save me, O my God: for Thou hast smitten all mine enemies u on the !hee- #one" Thou hast #ro-en the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation #elongeth unto the )ord: Thy #lessing is u on thy eo le.


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And again: 8 laid me down and sle t" 8 awa-ed" for the )ord sustained me. . SA)% =F )ord, re#u-e me not in Thy wrath: neither !hasten me in Thy hot dis leasure. 'or Thine arrows sti!- fast in me, and Thy hand resseth me sore. There is no soundness in my flesh #e!ause of Thine anger" neither is there any rest in my #ones #e!ause of my sin. 'or mine ini*uities are gone over mine head: as an heavy #urden they are too heavy for me. %y wounds stin- and are !orru t #e!ause of my foolishness. 8 am trou#led" 8 am #owed down greatly" 8 go mourning all the day long. 'or my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh. 8 am fee#le and sore #ro-en: 8 have roared #y reason of the dis*uietness of my heart. )ord, all my desire is #efore Thee, and my groaning is not hid from Thee. %y heart anteth, my strength faileth me: as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me. %y lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore" and my -insmen stand afar off. They also that see- after my life lay snares for me: and they that seemy hurt s ea- mis!hievous things, and imagine de!eits all the day long. But 8, as a deaf man, heard not" and 8 was as a dum# man that o eneth not his mouth. Thus 8 was as a man that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no re roofs. 'or in Thee, O )ord, do 8 ho e: Thou wilt hear, O )ord my God. 'or 8 said, $ear me, lest otherwise they should re>oi!e over me: when my foot sli eth, they magnify themselves against me. 'or 8 am ready to halt, and my sorrow is !ontinually #efore me. 'or 8 will de!lare mine ini*uity" 8 will #e sorry for my sin.


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But mine enemies are lively, and they are strong: and they that hate me wrongfully are multi lied. They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries" #e!ause 8 follow the thing that good is. 'orsa-e me not, O )ord: O my God, #e not far from me. %a-e haste to hel me, O )ord my salvation. And again: 'orsa-e me not, O )ord: O my God, #e not far from me. %a-e haste to hel me, O )ord my salvation.

. SA)% E& God, Thou art my God" early will 8 see- Thee: my soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. To see Thy ower and Thy glory, so as 8 have seen Thee in the san!tuary. Be!ause Thy loving-indness is #etter than life, my li s shall raise Thee. Thus will 8 #less Thee while 8 live: 8 will lift u my hands in Thy name. %y soul shall #e satisfied as with marrow and fatness" and my mouth shall raise Thee with >oyful li s: Ahen 8 remem#er Thee u on my #ed, and meditate on Thee in the night wat!hes. Be!ause Thou hast #een my hel , therefore in the shadow of Thy wings will 8 re>oi!e. %y soul followeth hard after Thee: Thy right hand u holdeth me. But those that see- after my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower arts of the earth. They shall fall #y the sword: they shall #e a ortion for foDes. But the -ing shall re>oi!e in God" every one that sweareth #y $im shall glory: #ut the mouth of them that s ea- lies shall #e sto ed. And again: 8 meditate on Thee in the night wat!hes. Be!ause Thou hast #een my hel , therefore in the shadow of Thy wings will 8 re>oi!e.


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%y soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand u holdeth me. Glory" #oth now. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia: Glory to Thee, O God (thrice)% )ord, have mer!y (thrice)% Glory" and the ne7t reader saith Both now. The foregoing, from the first Glory to the final one, is said witho"t ows or the sign of the ?ross% Then the priest cometh forth from the sanct"ary and readeth the 9atinal Prayers silently efore the .con of the 9aster ?hrist% . SA)% <F )ord God of my salvation, 8 have !ried day and night #efore Thee: )et my rayer !ome #efore Thee: in!line Thine ear unto my !ry, 'or my soul is full of trou#les: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave. 8 am !ounted with them that go down into the it: 8 am as a man that hath no strength: 'ree among the dead, li-e the slain that lie in the grave, whom Thou remem#erest no more: and they are !ut off from Thy hand. Thou hast laid me in the lowest it, in dar-ness, in the dee s. Thy wrath lieth hard u on me, and Thou hast affli!ted me with all Thy waves. Thou hast ut away mine a!*uaintan!e far from me" Thou hast made me an a#omination unto them. 8 am shut u , and 8 !annot !ome forth. %ine eye mourneth #y reason of affli!tion. )ord, 8 have !alled daily u on Thee, 8 have stret!hed out my hands unto Thee. Ailt Thou show wonders to the deadB Shall the dead arise and raise theeB Shall Thy loving-indness #e de!lared in the graveB Or thy faithfulness in destru!tionB Shall Thy wonders #e -nown in the dar-B And thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulnessB But unto Thee have 8 !ried, O )ord" and in the morning shall my rayer !ome #efore thee.


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)ord, why !astest Thou off my soulB Ahy hidest Thou Thy fa!e from meB 8 am affli!ted and ready to die from my youth u : while 8 suffer Thy terrors 8 am distra!ted. Thy fier!e wrath goeth over me" Thy terrors have !ut me off. They !ame round a#out me daily li-e water" they !om assed me a#out together. )over and friend hast Thou ut far from me, and mine a!*uaintan!e into dar-ness. And again: O )ord God of my salvation, 8 have !ried day and night #efore Thee: )et my rayer !ome #efore Thee: in!line Thine ear unto my !ry. . SA)% 8O& less the )ord, O my soul: and all that is within me, #less $is holy name. Bless the )ord, O my soul, and forget not all $is #enefits: Aho forgiveth all Thine ini*uities" Aho healeth all thy diseases" Aho redeemeth thy life from destru!tion" Aho !rowneth thee with loving-indness and tender mer!ies" Aho satisfieth thy mouth with good things" so that thy youth is renewed li-e the eagle,s. The )ord eDe!uteth righteousness and >udgment for all that are o ressed. $e made -nown $is ways unto %oses, $is a!ts unto the !hildren of 8srael. The )ord is mer!iful and gra!ious, slow to anger, and lenteous in mer!y. $e will not always !hide" neither will $e -ee $is anger forever. $e hath not dealt with us after our sins" nor rewarded us a!!ording to our ini*uities. 'or as the heaven is high a#ove the earth, so great is $is mer!y toward them that fear $im. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath $e removed our transgressions from us. )i-e as a father itieth his !hildren, so the )ord itieth them that fear $im. 'or $e -noweth our frame" $e remem#ereth that we are dust.


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As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. 'or the wind asseth over it, and it is gone" and the la!e thereof shall -now it no more. But the mer!y of the )ord is from everlasting to everlasting u on them that fear $im, And $is righteousness unto !hildren,s !hildren" To su!h as -ee $is !ovenant, and to those that remem#er $is !ommandments to do them. The )ord hath re ared $is throne in the heavens" and $is -ingdom ruleth over all. Bless the )ord, ye $is angels, that eD!el in strength, that do $is !ommandments, hear-ening unto the voi!e of $is word. Bless ye the )ord, all ye $is hosts" ye ministers of $is, that do $is leasure. Bless the )ord, all $is wor-s in all la!es of $is dominion: #less the )ord, O my soul. And again: 8n all la!es of his dominion: #less the )ord, O my soul. . SA)% 8@& ear my rayer, O )ord, give ear to my su li!ations: in Thy faithfulness answer me, and in Thy righteousness. And enter not into >udgment with Thy servant: for in Thy sight shall no man living #e >ustified. 'or the enemy hath erse!uted my soul" he hath smitten my life down to the ground" $e hath made me to dwell in dar-ness, as those that have #een long dead. Therefore is my s irit overwhelmed within me" my heart within me is desolate. 8 remem#er the days of old" 8 meditate on all Thy wor-s" 8 muse on the wor- of Thy hands. 8 stret!h forth my hands unto Thee: %y soul thirsteth after Thee, as a thirsty land. $ear me s eedily, O )ord: my s irit faileth.


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$ide not Thy fa!e from me, lest 8 #e li-e unto them that go down into the it. Cause me to hear Thy loving-indness in the morning" for in Thee do 8 trust. Cause me to -now the way wherein 8 should wal-" for 8 lift u my soul unto Thee. /eliver me, O )ord, from mine enemies: 8 flee unto Thee to hide me. Tea!h me to do Thy will" for Thou art my God. Thy s irit is good" lead me into the land of u rightness. _ui!-en me, O )ord, for Thy name,s sa-e. 'or Thy righteousness, sa-e #ring my soul out of trou#le. And of Thy mer!y !ut off mine enemies, And destroy all them that affli!t my soul: for 8 am Thy servant. And again: O )ord, give ear to my su li!ations, and enter not into >udgment with Thy servant. (twice) Thy s irit is good" lead me into the land of u rightness. Glory" #oth now. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia: Glory to Thee, O God (twice)% Then the reader chanteth: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia: Glory to Thee, O God O )ord our $o e, glory to Thee. Then the (reat )itany: *e chant, after each petition )ord, have mer!y. The right choir respondeth to the first + petitions, and the left choir respondeth to the rest% 8n ea!e, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:

'or the ea!e from a#ove, and for the salvation of our souls, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:


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'or the ea!e of the whole world, for the good estate of the $oly Chur!hes of God, and for the union of all men, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:

'or this $oly $ouse, and for those who with faith, reveren!e, and fear of God, enter therein, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:

'or our father and metro olitan (&ame), for our #isho (&ame), for the honora#le riesthood, the dea!onate in Christ, for all the !lergy and the eo le, let us ray to the )ord. ,ight:

'or the .resident of the 9nited States, for all !ivil authorities, and for our Armed 'or!es everywhere, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

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'or this !ity, and for every !ity and land, and for the faithful who dwell therein, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

'or healthful seasons, for a#undan!e of the fruits of the earth, and for ea!eful times, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

'or travelers #y sea, #y land, and #y air" for the si!- and the suffering" for !a tives and their salvation, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

'or our deliveran!e from all tri#ulation, wrath, danger, and ne!essity, let us ray to the )ord. )eft:

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$el us" save us" have mer!y on us" and -ee us, O God, #y Thy gra!e. )eft:

Calling to remem#ran!e our all(holy, imma!ulate, most #lessed and glorious )ady Theoto-os and ever(virgin %ary, with all the Saints: (and we chant: %ost holy Theoto-os, save us %) let us !ommend ourselves and ea!h other, and all our life unto Christ our God. )eft: To Thee, O )ord 'or unto Thee are due all glory, honor, and worshi : to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit" now and ever and unto ages of ages. All: Amen

Then the following is chanted in the tone of the S"nday: od is the )ord, and hath a eared unto us" #lessed is $e that !ometh in the +ame of the )ord.

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.


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And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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G O/

8S T$5

) O6/ % First Tone

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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G O/

8S T$5

) O6/ % Second Tone

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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G O/

8S T$5

) O6/ % Third Tone

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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G O/

8S T$5

) O6/ % Fo"rth Tone

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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G O/

8S T$5

) O6/ % Plagal of First Tone

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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G O/

8S T$5

) O6/ % Plagal of Second Tone

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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G O/

8S T$5

) O6/ % (rave Tone

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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G O/

8S T$5

) O6/ % Plagal of Fo"rth Tone

And the same is also chanted after each verse: :erse: O give than-s unto the )ord, and !all u on $is holy +ame. :erse: All the nations !om assed me round a#out, and #y the +ame of the )ord 8 warded them off. :erse: This is the )ord,s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. And we chant the appointed Dismissal Hymn 0s1 and the Theoto#ion%


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After the Dismissal Hymns, the priest or deacon saith the )ittle )itany% *e chant in "nison in the Second Tone, after each petition )ord, have mer!y. Again and again in ea!e, let us ray to the )ord. $el us" save us" have mer!y on us" and -ee us, O God, #y thy gra!e. Calling to remem#ran!e our all(holy, imma!ulate, most(#lessed and glorious )ady Theoto-os and ever(virgin %ary with all the saints: (and we chant: %ost holy Theoto-os, save us %) let us !ommend ourselves and ea!h other, and all our life unto Christ our God. All: To thee, O )ord. The priest: 'or Thine is the ma>esty and Thine is the -ingdom and the ower and glory, of the 'ather, and of the Son, and of the $oly S irit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. *e read, or chant in the tone of the wee#, the Sessional Hymns% .f it e a feast or the commemoration of a cele rated Saint, or if it e etween Septem er 00nd and Decem er .6th, or if it e etween Aan"ary .+th and the S"nday of the Prodigal Son, the third stichologion from the Psalter is the Polyeleos (Psalms .23 B .2+, or selected verses therefrom,) instead of, or as some say, in addition to, the Amomos%%


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' 86ST T O+5 First Sessional Hymn% The original melody% he soldiers who -e t wat!h over Thy grave, O Savior, #e!ame as dead from the shining of the a earing angel who told the good tidings of the 6esurre!tion to the women. Thee, therefore, do we glorify, O 6emover of !orru tion, and to Thee do we #ow, O Thou Aho didst rise from the grave, O Thou, our only )ord. Glory. The soldiers standing g"ard% hou was nailed u on the !ross willingly, O mer!iful One" and Thou wast la!ed in a grave li-e one who is dead, O Giver of )ife, tram ling the ride of death, O mighty One" for #e!ause of Thee the gate-ee ers of $ades did trem#le" and Thou didst raise the dead with Thee from eternity" for Thou alone art the )over of man-ind. Both now. Theoto#ion% The soldiers standing g"ard% e have all -nown thee as Theoto-os, and after giving #irth thou didst a ear truly virgin. Ae who eagerly see- refuge in thy goodness, have thus -nown thee" for we sinners have ta-en thee as inter!essor, and in tem tations have ossessed thee as our salvation, O thou who alone art #lameless.


A 7

Second Sessional Hymn% erily the women did ro!eed to the grave early, where they #eheld an angeli! s!ene, and did trem#le. And when the grave shone forth with life they were stru!- with astonishment. Aherefore, they returned to the dis!i les and did rea!h the 6esurre!tion, saying, 7erily, Christ hath invaded $ades" for $e alone is the owerful and mighty One" and $e raised with $im all those who were !orru t, and with the ower of $is Cross $e removed the fear of !ondemnation. Glory. hou wast verily nailed u on the Cross, O )ife of all" and wast num#ered among the dead, O deathless )ord. Thou didst rise after three days, O Savior, and didst raise Adam from !orru tion. Aherefore, the heavenly owers shouted to Thee, O giver of life" Glory to Thy assion, O Christ, Glory to Thy resurre!tion, Glory to Thy !ondes!ension, O Thou alone the )over of man-ind. Both now. Theoto#ion% The soldiers standing g"ard% %ary, the reverend a#ode of the )ord, life of us who have fallen in the a#yss of evil des air, tres asses and sorrows" for thou didst give salvation to sinners. Thou art a hel er and a strong inter!essor, and dost save thy servants.


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S 5CO+/ T O+5 First Sessional Hymn% erily, the honoura#le ?ose h did #ring down thy ure #ody from the Tree, wra ed it in fine linen. and laid it in a new tom#. But thou didst rise in three days, O )ord, granting the world Great %er!y. Glory. erily, the angel did a ear at the tom#, saying to the ointment( #earing women, The ointment is worthy of the dead, #ut Christ hath #een shown to #e foreign to !orru tion. 6ather !ry ye instead, The )ord is risen, granting the world Great %er!y. Both now. Theoto#ion% virgin Theoto-os, eD!eeding glorified, we raise thee" for #y the Cross of thy Son $ades hath #een demolished and death hath #een ut to death. And we did rise, after we were dead" and #e!ame worthy of life" and o#tained the aradise of an!ient #liss. Aherefore, we glorify Christ in than-fulness" for he is our dear God and alone a#undant in mer!ies.

7 7

Second Sessional Hymn% ord, sin!e thou didst not revent the sealing of the tom#stone when thou didst arise, thou didst #estow on all the ro!- of fidelity. Glory to thee. Glory. erily, the assem#ly of thy /is!i les re>oi!ed in unison with the ointment(#earing women. As for us, we !ele#rate with them a !ommon festival to the honour and eDaltation of thy 6esurre!tion, eD( !laiming to thee, O )ord, )over of man-ind, grant thy eo le, through their su li!ations, Great %er!y. Both now. Theoto#ion% hou hast trans!ended all #lessings, O virgin Theoto-os" for $ades hath #een s oiled #y him who was in!arnate of thee. :ea, Adam was re!alled" the !urse was a#olished" 5ve was delivered" death was ut to death" and we were made to live again. Aherefore, in raise we !ry, Blessed art thou, O Christ our God, who hast thus shown thy leasure. Glory to thee.

) 7 T


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T $86/ T O+5 First Sessional Hymn% hrist is risen from the dead, $e Aho is the first(fruits of those that sle t: the 'irst(#orn of !reation and the Creator of all things !reated. $e hath renewed #y $imself the nature of our !orru t ra!e. Aherefore, Thou shalt reign no more, O /eath" for the )ord of all hath nullified thy ower and dissolved it. Glory. hen Thou didst taste death in the flesh, O )ord, Thou didst !he!- #itter /eath #y the 6esurre!tion, and didst ma-e man to revail over it, restoring vi!tory over the old !urse. Aherefore, O Su orter and Cham ion of our life, glory to Thee. Both now. Theoto#ion% The original melody% wed #y the #eauty of thy virginity and the eD!eeding radian!e of thy urity, Ga#riel stood ama`ed and !ried to thee, O mother of God: Ahat raise may 8 offer thee that is worthy of thy #eautyB By what name shall 8 !all theeB 8 am lost and #ewildered, #ut 8 shall greet thee as 8 was !ommanded: $ail, thou that art full of gra!e.


Second Sessional Hymn% Awed y the ea"ty% e!ause of Thine immuta#le /ivinity, O )ord, and Thy voluntary sufferings, $ades was overwhelmed, and moaned within itself, saying, 7erily, 8 am in dread fear of the .erson of this in!orru ti#le #ody" for 8 see the unseen fighting me se!retly, and #ehold those whom 8 have held shouting, Glory to Thy 6esurre!tion, O Christ. Glory. Awed y the ea"ty% et us #elievers s ea- of divine things, of the se!ret of Thine ins!ruta#le Cru!ifiDion, of Thine ineffa#le 6esurre!tion" for today have /eath and $ades #een led !a tive, and the ra!e of man hath #een invested with in!orru tion. Therefore, do we !ry in gratitude, Glory to Thy 6esurre!tion, O Christ. Both now. Theoto#ion% Awed y the ea"ty% erily, O Theoto-os, the in!om rehensi#le and #oundless, !on( su#stantial with the 'ather and the S irit, hast thou held se!retly in thy wom#. And #y thy #irth(giving we have learned to glorify in the

B )


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world the a!t of the one immis!i#le Trinity. Therefore, with gratitude we !ry to thee, 6e>oi!e, O thou that art full of gra!e.
' O96T$ T O+5 First Sessional Hymn% he ointment(#earing women glan!ed into the entran!e of the tom#" and, #e!ause they !ould not #ear the #rillian!e of the angel, they trem#led in astonishment, saying, $ath $e #een stolen Aho o ened aradise to the thiefB Or is $e risen u , Aho #efore $is .assion didst rea!h 6esurre!tionB 7erily, Christ God hath risen, granting 6esurre!tion and life to those who are in $ades. Glory. Aoseph marveled% hou hast suffered !ru!ifiDion willingly, O Savior, and mortal men la!ed in a new tom# Thee Aho didst esta#lish the !orners of the world with a word. Therefore, hath death the stranger #een #ound and ta-en !a tive, #eing defeated. And all those in $ades, !ried out through Thy reviving 6esurre!tion, 7erily, Christ the )ife(giver is risen" for $e is everlastingly !onstant. Both now. Theoto#ion% The original melody% hy #etrothed and guardian, O Theoto-os, when he #eheld thy su er( natural Con!e tion without seed, was ama`ed and er leDed. But he re!alled to his mind the rain falling on the flee!e of wool, and the #ush #urning with fire #ut not !onsumed, and he testified #efore the riests !rying, A 7irgin giving #irth, and after remaining virgin.


Second Sessional Hymn% =e 8"ic# to anticipate% hou didst rise from the tom#, O Christ Savior, our God, #e!ause Thou art deathless" and Thou didst raise with Thee Thy world #y Thy 6esur( re!tion, and didst !rush the might of death, ro!laiming 6esurre!tion to all. Aherefore, do we glorify Thee, O Thou Aho alone art mer!iful and the )over of man-ind. Glory. Aoseph marveled% a#riel des!ended from his su#lime height wra ed in a white ro#e, and !ame to the stone where the 6o!- of )ife was, and he shouted to the wee ing women, saying, Cease your wailing and !rying, and re!eive ye smiling >oy, with !omfort" for $e whom ye see- wee ing is verily risen. Aherefore, go and ro!laim to the A ostles that the )ord is risen. Both now. Theoto#ion% Aoseph marveled% ll the ran-s of the angels, O thou who art undefiled, have #een da``led #y the se!ret of thy dreadful #irth(giving" that the All(


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en!om assing at a sign from $im was en!om assed in thy #osom as a #a#e, and that $e Aho is #efore eternity re!eived a tem oral #eginning, and that $e who feedeth every living #reath with $is ineffa#le goodness was nourished with mil-. Aherefore, did they glorify thee with raise" for thou art truly the Theoto-os.

. )AGA) O' ' 86ST T O+5 First Sessional Hymn% )et "s worship the *ord% et us laud the honored Cross of the )ord" let us honor with song $is holy Burial" let us glorify $is divine 6esurre!tion" for $e hath raised the dead from the graves, sin!e $e is God, and hath led !a tive the might of death and the ower of /ia#olus, and hath shed light on those who are in $ades. Glory. hou hast #een !alled dead, O )ord, Aho hast !aused death to die. And Thou wast la!ed in a grave, O Thou Aho hast em tied the grave. A#ove, the soldiers guarded the tom#, #ut #elow, Thou didst raise the dead who were from eternity. Aherefore, O )ord Almighty, the 8n!om rehensi#le, glory to Thee. Both now. Theoto#ion% )et "s worship the *ord% e>oi!e, O holy mountain whom the )ord !rossed in assing. 6e>oi!e, O res iring #ush, un!onsumed. 6e>oi!e, O thou who alone art a #ridge for the world towards God, transferring the dead to eternal life. 6e>oi!e, O ure one, free of !orru tion, who didst give #irth without wedlo!- to the Savior of the world.

) T

Second Sessional Hymn% fter the third(day 6esurre!tion and the worshi of the /is!i les, O )ord, .eter !ried to Thee: The women made #old to Thee, #ut 8 !owered fearing" the thief did s ea- of Thy /ivinity, and 8 denied Thee ungratefully. Aouldest Thou still, 8 wonder, !all me /is!i le, or ma-e me a fisher of the dee B +evertheless, O God, re!eive me, re entant, and save me. Glory. he transgressors of the law, O mer!iful )ord, nailed Thee #etween two thieves and sta##ed Thy side with a s ear. And Thou didst su#mit to #urial, O Thou Aho didst invade the gates of $ades, and didst rise in three days. Aherefore, the women hastened to #ehold Thee, and told the good tidings of Thy 6esurre!tion to the A ostles, O Savior


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trans!endent in height, and raised of angels. Aherefore, O #lessed )ord, glory to Thee. Both now. Theoto#ion% )et "s worship the *ord% Theoto-os, trans!endent in raise, O #ride who hast not tried marriage, O thou who hast !hanged 5ve,s sorrow to >oy, we wor( shi ing #elievers give raise" for that thou didst lift us u from the first !urse. And now inter!ede !easelessly, O all(holy one, for our salvation. . )AGA) O' S 5CO+/ T O+5 First Sessional Hymn% hen the tom# was shown to #e o en and $ades wailing, %ary !ried unto the !owering A ostles, saying, Come out, ye la#orers of the vineyard, and ro!laim the words of the 6esurre!tion" for the )ord is risen, granting the world Great %er!y. Glory. ary %agdalene, O )ord, did stand #y Thy tom# and !ry, wee ing. And when she thought Thou wast the gardener, she said, Ahere hast Thou hidden the everlasting )ifeB Ahere hast Thou la!ed $im Aho sitteth on the !heru#i! throneB And when she saw the guards who -e t $im, a earing from fear li-e dead, she !ried unto them, Give me my )ord" or else !ry with me saying, O Thou Aho was num#ered among the dead, and Aho didst raise the dead, O )ord, glory to Thee. Both now. Theoto#ion% erily, Gideon did i!ture thy Con!e tion aforetime, and /avid inter reted thy #irth(giving, O Theoto-os" for the Aord did fall on thy wom# as the rain on the flee!e, and so thou didst !ause to #ran!h for us Christ our God, a Salvation to the world without seed, O holy earth and full of gra!e.

7 7 7

Second Sessional Hymn% erily, )ife was la!ed in the grave, and the seals were a lied to the stone. And the soldiers guarded Christ as they would a slee ing -ing. But the )ord rose, smiting $is enemies in an invisi#le way. Glory. erily, ?onah did !ome #efore and made a sign of Thy tom#" and Simeon did inter ret Thy divine 6esurre!tion, O deathless )ord"

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for Thou didst des!end into the grave as one who is dead, O Thou Aho didst invade the gates of $ades, and didst rise free of !orru tion for the salvation of the world, #eing the %aster, O Christ our God, and didst light those who are in dar-ness. Both now. Theoto#ion% ray, O 7irgin Theoto-os to thy son Christ our God, Aho was wil( lingly nailed u on the Cross and did rise from the dead, that $e might save our souls.

G 6A75 T O+5 First Sessional Hymn% erily, )ife was la!ed in a grave, and a seal was la!ed on the stone, and the soldiers guarded Christ as they would a slum#ering -ing. The angels, therefore, did glorify $im" for $e was a deathless God, and the women !ried, saying, The )ord hath risen, Aho giveth the world Great %er!y. Glory. )ord Christ, Thou hast led death !a tive #y Thy three(day #urial, and didst raise !orru t man #y Thy life(#earing 6esurre!tion. Aherefore, glory to Thee, O Thou alone the )over of man-ind. Both now. Theoto#ion% 7irgin Theoto-os, inter!ede untiringly to Christ God, Aho was !ru!ified for our sa-es, Aho rose and #ro-e the might of death, to save our souls.


Second Sessional Hymn% hile the tom# was sealed Thou didst shine forth from it, O )ight. And while the doors were !losed, Thou didst !ome to the /is!i les, O Christ God, the 6esurre!tion of all, renewing in us, through them, an u right s irit, a!!ording to the greatness of Thy mer!y. Glory. he women #earing ointment miDed with tears did hasten to Thy grave. And when they saw the soldiers guarding Thee, O King of all, they said to themselves, Aho shall roll for us the stoneB But the


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%essenger of the great !ounsel did rise, tram ling down death. Aherefore, O Almighty One, O )ord, glory to Thee. Both now. Theoto#ion% e>oi!e, O 7irgin full of gra!e, Theoto-os, O $aven of man-ind and their 8nter!essor" for from thee was in!arnate the Savior of the world" for thou alone art %other and 7irgin at the same time. Aherefore, inter!ede with Christ our God, that $e grant safety to the universe, O ever(#lessed and glorified one.

. )AGA) O' ' O96T$ T O+5 First Sessional Hymn% hou hast risen from the dead, O )ife of all. And a res lendent angel shouted to the women, /ry your tears and ro!laim to the A ostles, and !ry out in raise, that Christ the )ord hath risen, $e Aho hath #een leased to save man-ind, sin!e $e is God. Glory. hou hast verily risen from the tom#" and Thou didst !ommand the righteous women to rea!h to the A ostles the 6esurre!tion, as it was written. And as for .eter, he did hasten to the tom#" and when he saw the light in the grave, he was da``led with sur rise. Then he saw the linen !lothes lying aside, where it was not ossi#le to see them #y night, and he #elieved, and !ried out, Glory to Thee, O Christ God" for Thou hast saved us all, O our Savior, Aho still remainest in truth the 6adian!e of the 'ather. Both now. Theoto#ion% et us glorify her who is in the ta#erna!le and the heavenly gate, the most holy mountain, the shining !loud, the heavenly ladder, the aradise, endowed with s ee!h, the deliverer of 5ve, the re!ious and great treasure of the universe" for #y her did salvation !ome to the world, and the forgiveness of an!ient sins. Aherefore, do we !ry to her, 8nter!ede to thy Son and God to grant forgiveness of sins to those who #ow in true worshi to thy most holy #irth(giving.

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en did seal Thy tom#, O Savior, and the angels did roll the stone from off Thy grave" and the women witnessed Thy 6esurre!tion from the dead. They ro!laimed to Thy /is!i les in aion that Thou didst rise, O )ife of all, and didst #rea- asunder the #onds of death, O )ord, glory to Thee. Glory. erily, when the women !ame with #urial ointment, they heard from the grave an angeli! voi!e, saying, Cease your tears and re!eive >oy instead of sorrow" and !ry in raise that Christ the )ord is risen, Aho #eing God was leased to save man-ind. Both now. Theoto#ion% erily, all !reation re>oi!eth in thee, O full of gra!e" the assem#lies of angels and the ra!es of men, O holy tem le and aradise endowed with s ee!h, the ride of virginity from whom God was in!arnate and #e!ame a !hild, #eing yet our God #efore the ages" for $e hath made thy re!e ta!le a throne and thy wom# more s a!ious than the heavens. Aherefore, O full of gra!e, the whole !reation re>oi!eth in thee and glorifieth thee.


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T $5 . O):5)5OS ?hanted instead of Psalm ..1, when appointed, on S"ndays% After each verse, we chant Alleluia. Psalm .23 O :e Servants, .raise the )ord. Alleluia. .raise ye the name of the )ord" O ye servants, raise the )ord. :e that stand in the house of the )ord, in the !ourts of the house of our God. .raise ye the )ord, for the )ord is good" Chant unto $is name, for it is good. 'or the )ord hath !hosen ?a!o# unto $imself, 8srael for $is own ossession. 'or 8 -now that the )ord is great, And that our )ord is a#ove all gods. All that the )ord hath willed $e hath done, 8n heaven and on the earth, 8n the seas and in all the a#ysses. Bringing !louds u from the uttermost arts of the earth, )ightnings for the rain hath $e made. $e #ringeth winds out of $is treasuries" $e smote the first#orn of 5gy t, 'rom man unto #east. $e sent forth signs and marvels in the midst of thee, O 5gy t, On .haraoh and on all his servants. $e smote many nations And slew mighty -ings. Seon, -ing of the Amorites, And Og, -ing of the land of Basan, And all the -ingdoms of Canaan. And $e gave their land for an inheritan!e, An inheritan!e for 8srael $is eo le. O )ord, Thy name endureth for ever, And Thy memorial unto generation and generation. 'or the )ord will >udge $is eo le, And #e!ause of $is servants shall $e #e !omforted. The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the wor-s of the hands

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of men. They have a mouth #ut shall not s ea-, 5yes have they and shall not see. 5ars have they and shall not hear, +or is there any #reath in their mouth. )et those that ma-e them #e!ome li-e unto them, And all they that ut their trust in them. O house of 8srael, #less ye the )ord. O house of Aaron, #less ye the )ord. O house of )evi, #less ye the )ord. :e that fear the )ord, #less ye the )ord. Blessed is the )ord out of Sion, Aho dwelleth in ?erusalem. Psalm .2+ O give than-s unto the )ord, for $e is good" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. O give than-s unto the God of gods" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. O give than-s unto the )ord of lords" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. To $im Aho alone hath wrought great wonders" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. To $im that made the heavens with understanding" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. To $im that esta#lished the earth u on the waters" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. To $im Aho alone hath made great lights" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. The sun for dominion of the day" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. The moon and the stars for dominion of the night" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. To $im that smote 5gy t with their first#orn" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. And led forth 8srael out of the midst of them" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. Aith a strong hand and a lofty arm"

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for $is mer!y endureth for ever. To $im that divided the 6ed Sea into arts" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. And led 8srael through the midst thereof" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. And overthrew .haraoh and his host in the 6ed Sea" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. To $im that led $is eo le through the wilderness" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. To $im that smote great -ings" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. And slew mighty -ings" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. Seon, -ing of the Amorites" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. And Og, -ing of the land of Basan" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. And gave their land for an inheritan!e" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. An inheritan!e for 8srael $is servant" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. 'or in our humiliation the )ord remem#ered us" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. And redeemed us from our enemies" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. $e that giveth food to all flesh" for $is mer!y endureth for ever. O give than-s unto the God of heaven" for $is mer!y endureth for ever.


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A %O%OS Selections from Psalm ..1 lessed are the #lameless in the way. who wal- in the law of the )ord. Blessed are they that sear!h out $is testimonies" with their whole heart shall they see- after $im. 'or they that wor- ini*uity have not wal-ed in $is ways. Thou hast en>oined Thy !ommandments, that we should -ee them most diligently. Aould that my ways were dire!ted to -ee Thy statutes. Then shall 8 not #e ashamed, when 8 loo- on all Thy !ommandments. 8 will !onfess Thee with u rightness of heart, when 8 have learned the >udgments of Thy righteousness. 8 will -ee thy statutes" do not utterly forsa-e me. Aherewithal shall a young man !orre!t his wayB By -ee ing Thy words. Aith my whole heart have 8 sought after Thee, !ast me not away from Thy !ommandments. 8n my heart have 8 hid Thy sayings that 8 might not sin against Thee.

T $5 6 5S9665CT8O+A) 5 7)OG5TA68A Plagal of First Tone% Blessed art Thou, O )ord, tea!h me Thy statutes. he !om any of the Angels was ama`ed, when they #eheld Thee num#ered among the dead, yet Thyself, O Savior, destroyed the ower of /eath, and with Thee raising u Adam and releasing all men from $ell.

Blessed art Thou, O )ord: tea!h me Thy statutes. herefore, O Aomen /is!i les, do ye mingle sweet(smelling s i!es with your tears of ityB The radiant Angel within the se ul!her !ried unto the %yrrh(#earing Aomen: Behold the grave, and understand" for the Savior is risen from the tom#.

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Blessed art Thou, O )ord: tea!h me Thy statutes. ery early in the morning did the %yrrh(#earing Aomen run lamenting unto Thy tom#" #ut an Angel !ame toward them

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saying: The time for lamentation is assed" wee not" #ut announ!e unto the A ostles the 6esurre!tion. Blessed art Thou, O )ord: tea!h me Thy statutes. he %yrrh(#earing Aomen mourned as #earing s i!es they drew near Thy tom#, O Savior. But the Angel s a-e unto them saying: Ahy num#er ye the )iving among the deadB 8n that $e is God, $e is risen from the grave.

Glory. Triadicon% e adore the 'ather, as also $is Son, and the $oly S irit, the $oly Trinity in One 5ssen!e" !rying with the Sera him: $oly, $oly, $oly art Thou, O )ord.

Both now. Theoto#ion% n that thou didst #ear the Giver of )ife, O 7irgin, thou didst redeem Adam from sin, and didst give to 5ve >oy in la!e of sadness" and $e Aho was in!arnate of thee, #oth God and man, hath restored to life those who had fallen therefrom.

Alleluia" alleluia" alleluia: Glory to Thee, O God. (thrice) O our God and our $o e, glory to Thee. After the >vlogetaria, the priest or deacon saith the )ittle )itany% *e chant in "nison in the Second Tone, after each petition )ord, have mer!y. Again and again in ea!e, let us ray to the )ord. $el us" save us" have mer!y on us" and -ee us, O God, #y thy gra!e. Calling to remem#ran!e our all(holy, imma!ulate, most(#lessed and glorious )ady Theoto-os and ever(virgin %ary with all the saints: (and we chant: %ost holy Theoto-os, save us %) let us !ommend ourselves and ea!h other, and all our life unto Christ our God. All: To thee, O )ord.

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The priest: 'or #lessed is Thy +ame, and glorified is Thy -ingdom: of the 'ather, and of the Son, and of the $oly S irit" now and ever, and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. Then we chant the ,es"rrectional Hypa#o', the Hymns of Ascent, and the Pro#eimenon in the Tone of the S"nday%


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'86ST Tone. Hypa#o'% he re entan!e of the thief gained him aradise #y stealth, and the sighing of the ointment(#earing women ro!laimed the glad tidings that thou wast risen, O Christ, and hadst #estowed u on the world thy Great %er!y.

Hymns of Ascent% First Antiphon% O )ord, to thee in my sorrows do 8 !ry. $ear thou my !ry of ain. 7erily, the divine desire shall #e without delay u on the eo le of the wilderness" for that they have !ome out of the vain world. Glory. Both now. erily, glory and honour #e!ome the $oly S irit, as they #e!ome the 'ather and the Son. Aherefore, do we raise the Triune, One in might.


Second Antiphon% God, sin!e thou hast raised me to the hills of thy laws, shed #rightly thy light of virtue u on me, that 8 may raise thee. O Aord, hold me fast with thy right hand" -ee me and reserve me, lest the fire of sin !onsume me. Glory. Both now. erily, all !reation together is regenerated #y the $oly S irit, and returns to its former #eing: for he is !obmni otent with the 'ather and the Aord.

Third Antiphon% y soul did re>oi!e with those who say, )et us go into the !ourts of the )ord. %y heart was eD!eedingly glad. Great fear shall #e in the house of /avid, where the seats shall #e set, and all tri#es and tongues of the earth shall #e >udged. Glory. Both now. erily, it is meet to offer glory, might and ower to the $oly S irit as to the 'ather and to the Son" for the Trinity is one in su#stan!e, not in .erson.



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Pro#eimenon% First Tone% ow will 8 arise, saith the )ord. 8 will set myself for salvation. 8 will ma-e no tarrying therein. :erse: The words of the )ord are ure words.


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S5CO+/ TO+5% Hypa#o'% he women went to the tom# after Thy assion to anoint Thy #ody, O Christ God, where they saw a vision of angels, and were astonished" for they heard them !rying with a loud voi!e, The )ord is risen and hath granted the world Great %er!y.

Hymns of Ascent% First Antiphon% ehold, O Savior, toward heaven 8 raise the eyes of my heart to Thee. Save me #y Thine illumination. O Christ, have mer!y u on us guilty men who transgress against Thee often and in every hour. Give us #efore the end the means of re entan!e a!!e ta#le to Thee. Glory" Both now. erily, sovereignty over !reation, its san!tifi!ation, and its motion are of the $oly S irit" for $e is God !onsu#stantial with the 'ather and with the Aord.

Second Antiphon% D!e t the )ord were in our midst, who !ould have #een -e t safe from the man(destroying enemyB 7erily, my enemies roar li-e lions, O Savior. /eliver not Thy servant to their teeth. Glory" Both now. he $oly S irit is the element of )ife and honor" for as God $e doth esta#lish all !reatures and reserve them in the 'ather and the Son.

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Third Antiphon% hey who ut their trust in the )ord are li-e the holy mountain" for they are never sha-en #y the atta!-s of Belial. They ut not forth their hands to evil, who live the divine life" for Christ God will not deliver $is inheritan!e to the evil ones. Glory" Both now. he $oly S irit is the fount of all wisdom" for from $im !ometh gra!e to the A ostles" the %artyrs #y $im are !rowned in their struggles" and the .ro hets in fore-nowledge loo- to $im.


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Pro#eimenon% Second Tone% rise, O my )ord and God in the re!e t whi!h Thou hast !ommanded, and a !ongregation of eo le shall surround Thee. :erse: %y )ord and my God, in Thee have 8 ut my trust.


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T $86/ T O+5 % Hypa#o'% o the ointment(#earing women the #rilliant angel of sweet words, startling them, did say: Ahy see- ye the living One in the graveB $e is verily risen, and hath em tied the tom#s. Know ye, therefore, that the !hangeless One hath !hanged !orru tion to in!orru tion. And say to God: $ow dreadful are Thy wor-s" for Thou hast saved man-ind.


Hymns of Ascent% First Antiphon% hou didst verily deliver the !a tivity of aion from Ba#ylon, O Aord. )i-ewise, draw thou me out of suffering into life. They who sow in Timan with divine tears, shall rea with re>oi!ing the sheaves of eternal life. Glory" Both now. ith the $oly S irit every gift is good" for $e doth shine forth together with the 'ather and the Son" and in $im doth all !reation live and move.

Second Antiphon% f the )ord #uildeth not the house of virtues, then vainly do we la#or" #ut if $e defend and rote!t our lives, none shall revail against our !ity. The saints are verily the hire of the fruit the wom#. And they have not !eased to #e Thy sons, in the S irit, O Christ, and Thou art li-e a father. Glory" Both now. y the $oly S irit hath all holiness and wisdom #een o#served" for $e is the Creator of all the essen!e of !reation. Therefore, let us worshi $im" for $e is God, as is the 'ather and the Aord.

Third Antiphon% a y are they who fear the )ord" for they wal- in the way of $is !ommandments, and eat of the fruits of universal life. 6e>oi!e with gladness, O !hief She herd, as thou #eholdest thy !hildrencs !hildren around thy ta#le, offering #ran!hes of good deeds. Glory" Both now.


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erily, all the ri!hes of honor are of the $oly S irit. And of $im too is gra!e and life for all !reation. Aherefore, $e is to #e raised with the 'ather and the Aord. Pro#eimenon% Third Tone% ay among the heathen that the )ord reigneth. The world also shall #e so esta#lished that it shall not #e moved. :erse: .raise the )ord with a new raise.


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' O96T$ T O+5 Hypa#o'% he ointment(#earing women hastened running to the A ostles and related to them the a!!ount of Thy 6esurre!tion, O Christ, saying, Thou hast risen #e!ause Thou art God, granting the world Great %er!y.

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Hymns of Ascent% First Antiphon% rom my youth u many assions have warred against me, #ut do Thou hel and save me, O my saviour. :e who hate Sion shall #e ut to !onfusion of the )ord: li-e grass in the fire shall ye #e withered u . Glory" Both now. hrough the $oly S irit is every soul *ui!-ened and eDalted in urity and made res lendent #y the Triune 9nity in mysti! holiness.

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Second Antiphon% o Thee, O )ord, have 8 !ried fervidly from the de th of my soul. )et Thy divine ears listen to me. All those who have la!ed their trust in the )ord shall trans!end all sorrows. Glory" Both now. hrough the $oly S irit the !hannels and streams of gra!e overflow, showering all !reation with invigorating life. Third Antiphon% et my heart rise to Thee, O Aord, and let not the leasures of the world enter into me to vie with the earthly life. And as ea!h of us hath sur assing love to his mother, the more should we love the )ord with utmost fervor. Glory" Both now. y the $oly S irit !ometh the ri!hes of divine -nowledge, divine vision, and wisdom" for through $im the Aord doth ro!laim all the !ommandments of the 'ather.


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Pro#eimenon% Fo"rth Tone% Arise, O God, hel us and redeem us for Thy +amecs sa-e. :erse: O God, with our own ears have we heard.


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. )AGA) O' ' 86ST T O+5 . Hypa#o'% he minds of the ointment(#earing women were da``led #y the angeli! s!ene, and their souls with the divine 6esurre!tion. Aherefore, they s o-e to the A ostles, saying, /e!lare in the nations the 6esurre!tion of the )ord, Aho wor-est wonders with ye, who #estoweth on us the Great %er!y.

Hymns of Ascent% First Antiphon% my )ord, 8 sing to Thee li-e /avid in my sorrow. Save my soul from the de!eitful tongues. 7erily, the life of the dwellers in the wilderness is a very ha y one" for #y divine assion are they ever !arried u . Glory" Both now. y the $oly S irit are all !reations seen and unseen reserved, the !ontrol thereof #eing in $imself Aho is without dou#t one of the Trinity.


Second Antiphon% ome, my soul, let us as!end the mountain yonder, when!e !ometh thy hel . O Christ, let Thy raised right hand en!om ass me, reserving me from all evil de!eits. Glory" Both now. y the $oly S irit do we s ea- divinely, saying, 7erily, Thou art God, )ife, )ove, )ight and %ind. Thou art goodness" Thou dost reign for ages.

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Third Antiphon% have #een filled with great >oy #y those who say to me, )et us go into the !ourts of the )ord. 7erily, 8 have offered a !onstant rayer. 8n the house of /avid dread wonders ta-e la!e" for there is a #urning fire !onsuming every evil mind. Glory" Both now. erily, the $oly S irit is the 5lement of life and its #eginning" for through $im doth every living thing #reathe" as is the 'ather and the Aord.


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Pro#eimenon% Plagal of First Tone% rise, O my )ord and my God, for Thou dost reign to the end of time. :erse: To Thee do 8 !onfess, O )ord, from my whole heart.


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. )AGA) O' S 5CO+/ T O+5 . Hypa#o'% y Thy willing yet life giving /eath, O Christ, Thou hast !rushed the gates of $ades, #e!ause Thou art God, and hast o ened the old aradise" and having risen from the dead, Thou hast redeemed our life from !orru tion.


Hymns of Ascent% First Antiphon% o the heavens do 8 lift mine eyes, O Aord of God. $ave mer!y u on me that 8 may live #y Thee. O Aord, have mer!y u on us who are des ised, and ma-e us good and !hosen vessels. Glory" Both now. erily, in the $oly S irit is the !ause of salvation for all" for when $e #loweth on one worthily, $e doth raise him s eedily from earthly things, doth wing him and !ause him to grow, and doth ranhim in the heavenly la!es.

Second Antiphon% ere not the )ord in our midst it would not #e ossi#le for any of us to stand firm in his wrestling with the enemy" for only there#y do the vi!tors attain the eDaltation of vi!tory. Aoe to me, how shall 8 es!a e the enemies while 8 am a lover of sin. Aherefore, deliver not my soul, O Aord, li-e a #ird, to their teeth. Glory" Both now. erily, through the $oly S irit is everyone made divine" and in $im is leasure, understanding, safety, and #lessing" for $e is e*ual to the 'ather and the Aord together.

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Third Antiphon% hey who trust in the )ord are feared #y their enemies and are wondered at #y all" for their sight is very high. The arty of the righteous hath se!ured Thee as its su!!or, O Savior, and therefore shall not rea!h out its hands to ini*uities. Glory" Both now. erily, the $oly S irit hath might over all" for $im do all the heavenly hosts worshi , and every #reath #elow.


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Pro#eimenon% Plagal of Second Tone% O )ord, arouse Thy strength, and !ome to our salvation. :erse: $ear-en, O She herd of 8srael.


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G 6A75 T O+5 . Hypa#o'% Thou Aho hast ta-en our image and our li-eness, and endured !ru!ifiDion in the flesh, save me #y Thy 6esurre!tion, O Christ God, for Thou art the )over of %an-ind.


Hymns of Ascent% First Antiphon% Savior, Aho didst restore aion from the !a tivity of error, deliver me from the #ondage of sufferings and restore my life. $e that soweth sorrow in the south, fasting with tears, the same shall rea sheaves of reviving and ever(nourishing >oys. Glory" Both now. n the $oly S irit is the fountain of divine treasures" for from $im !ometh wisdom, awe, and understanding. To $im, therefore, #e raise, glory, might, and honor.

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Second Antiphon% f the )ord #uildeth not the house of the soul, then vainly do we la#or" for without $im no need in saying is ever !om lete. 7erily, the saints who are the hire of the fruit of Thy wom#, #y the moving of the s irit flourish the #eliefs of fatherly ado tion. Glory" Both now. y the S irit was eDisten!e #estowed on all !reation" for $e is of the Godhead #efore eDisten!e, and $e is the una roa!ha#le )ight, the God of all, and their life.

Third Antiphon% erily, they who fear the )ord are now forever #lessed" for they have found the way of life in the never(de!aying glory. O high .riest, as thou seest thy !hildren,s !hildren li-e lants around thy ta#le, re>oi!e and #e ha y, and offer them to Christ. Glory" Both now. y the $oly S irit is the a#undan!e of gifts, the ri!hness of glory, and de th of the great ordinan!es" for $e is worshi ful and !oeternal in glory with the 'ather and the Son.


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Pro#eimenon% (rave Tone% rise, O )ord my God, and let Thy hand #e eDalted. 'orget not Thy wret!hed ones to the end of time. :erse: To Thee do 8 !onfess, O my )ord, from my whole heart.


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. )AGA) O' ' O96T$ T O+5 . Hypa#o'% he ointment(#earing women !ame to the tom# of the )ife(giver, see-ing among the dead the )ord Aho is not dead" and when they re!eived the glad tidings from the angels, they rea!hed to the A ostles that the )ord hath risen, and granted the world the Great %er!y.

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Hymns of Ascent% First Antiphon% rom my youth the enemy hath tem ted me and with tem tations hath he #eguiled me. But 8, O )ord, trusting in Thee, have re>e!ted him in shame. They who hate aion shall #e!ome li-e grass #efore it is ulled u " for Christ shall !ut down their ne!-s with the s!ythe of torment. Glory" Both now. erily in the $oly S irit all shall live" for $e is the )ight of )ight, a great God. )et us, therefore, raise $im with the 'ather and the Aord.

Second Antiphon% ea, let my hum#le heart #e lighted #y Thy fear, lest it rise and fall from Thee, O all(!om assionate One. $e that trusteth in the )ord shall not fear when God shall >udge all with tormenting fire. Glory" Both now. erily, #y the $oly S irit every divine one seeth and uttereth things to #e, and erformeth heavenly wonders" for he singeth to one God in three" for the Godhead, al#eit of three )ights, is one in )eadershi .


Third Antiphon% o Thee have 8 !ried, O )ord. )isten and turn Thine ear towards me when 8 shout. .urify me #efore Thou raisest me from this la!e. 7erily, everyone shall return and disa ear in his mother the earth, and shall #e dissolved at on!e, to re!eive either honors or unishments as reward for what he hath done in his lifetime. Glory" Both now.


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erily, through the $oly S irit one s ea-eth of the Godhead, the One, the Thri!e($oly" for from the 'ather, Aho is without #e( ginning, the Son did ro!eed without time. And the S irit, Aho is Their e*ual in a earan!e and on the throne, hath shone forth from the 'ather li-ewise. Fo"rth Antiphon% ehold, how good and how #eautiful for the #rethren to live together" for of this did the )ord romise eternal life. 7erily, $e Aho #eautifieth the flowers of the field !ommandeth that no one ta-e heed for his dress. Glory" Both now. erily, the $oly S irit is the !ause of all, and !ontaineth in $imself the harmony of safety" for $e is truly e*ual to the 'ather and the Son in su#stan!e.

Pro#eimenon% Plagal of Fo"rth Tone% he )ord shall reign forever, Thy God O aion, from generation to generation. :erse: .raise the )ord, O my soul.


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T $5 O 6T$6OS G OS.5) The deacon or priest: )et us ray to the )ord. All: )ord, have mer!y. The Priest: 'or $oly art Thou, O our God, Aho restest in the $oly .la!e, and unto Thee we as!ri#e glory: to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit" now and ever, and unto ages of ages. All: Amen. And we chant, in "nison, the following:

The priest saith: .raise God in $is san!tuary" raise $im in the firmament of $is ower.

The deacon or priest chanteth the Holy (ospel% After the (ospel, the reader (or, if he desireth, the priest) saith: n that we have #eheld the 6esurre!tion of Christ, let us #ow down #efore the $oly )ord ?esus, the only sinless One. Thy Cross do we adore, O Christ, and Thy $oly 6esurre!tion we raise and glorify: for Thou art our God, and we -now none other #eside Thee" we !all u on Thy +ame. O !ome, all ye faithful, let us adore Christ,s $oly 6esurre!tion. 'or lo, through the Cross is >oy !ome into all the world. 5ver #lessing the )ord, let us sing $is 6esurre!tion: for in that $e endured the Cross $e hath destroyed /eath #y death.

Then the Psalm +/ is read or chanted:


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. SA)% CO (HT9 translation) ave mer!y on me, O God, a!!ording to Thy great mer!y" and a!!ording to the multitude of Thy !om assions #lot out my transgression. Aash me thoroughly from mine ini*uity, and !leanse me from my sin. 'or 8 -now mine ini*uity, and my sin is ever #efore me. Against Thee only have 8 sinned and done this evil #efore Thee, that Thou mightest #e >ustified in Thy words, and revail when Thou art >udged. 'or #ehold, 8 was !on!eived in ini*uities, and in sins did my mother #ear me. 'or #ehold, Thou hast loved truth" the hidden and se!ret things of Thy wisdom hast Thou made manifest unto me. Thou shalt s rin-le me with hysso , and 8 shall #e made !lean" Thou shalt wash me, and 8 shall #e made whiter than snow. Thou shalt ma-e me to hear >oy and gladness" the #ones that #e hum#led, they shall re>oi!e. Turn Thy fa!e away from my sins, and #lot out all mine ini*uities. Create in me a !lean heart, O God, and renew a right s irit within me. Cast me not away from Thy resen!e, and ta-e not Thy $oly S irit from me. 6estore unto me the >oy of Thy salvation, and with Thy governing S irit esta#lish me. 8 shall tea!h transgressors Thy ways, and the ungodly shall turn #a!unto Thee. /eliver me from #lood(guiltiness, O God, Thou God of my salvation" my tongue shall re>oi!e in Thy righteousness. O )ord, Thou shalt o en my li s, and my mouth shall de!lare Thy raise. 'or if Thou hadst desired sa!rifi!e, 8 had given it" with whole(#urnt offerings Thou shalt not #e leased. A sa!rifi!e unto God is a #ro-en s irit" a heart that is #ro-en and hum#led God will not des ise. /o good, O )ord, in Thy good leasure unto Sion, and let the walls of ?erusalem #e #uilded.


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Then shalt Thou #e leased with a sa!rifi!e of righteousness, with o#lation and whole(#urnt offerings. Then shall they offer #ullo!-s u on Thine altar. . SA)% CO (Service =oo# translation) ave mer!y u on me, O God, a!!ording to Thy great mer!y" a!!ording to the multitude of Thy tender mer!ies, #lot out mine ini*uity. Aash me thoroughly from mine ini*uity, and !leanse me from my sin. 'or 8 a!-nowledge mine ini*uity, and my sin is ever #efore me. Against Thee only have 8 sinned, and done evil in Thy sight, that Thou mightest #e >ustified in Thy words, and revail when Thou art >udged. 'or #ehold, 8 was sha en in ini*uity, and in sin did my mother !on!eive me. 'or #ehold, Thou hast loved truth" the un!lear and hidden things of Thy wisdom Thou hast made !lear to me. Thou shalt s rin-le me with hysso , and 8 shall #e !lean" Thou shalt wash me, and 8 shall #e whiter than snow. Thou shalt ma-e me to hear >oy and gladness" the #ones whi!h Thou hast #ro-en shall re>oi!e. Turn away Thy fa!e from my sins, and #lot out all my ini*uities. Create in me a !lean heart, O God, and renew a right s irit within me. Cast me not away from Thy resen!e and ta-e not Thy $oly S irit from me. 6estore unto me the >oy of Thy salvation and steady me with a guiding s irit. Then will 8 tea!h transgressors Thy ways, and the im ious shall #e !onverted unto Thee. /eliver me from #loodguiltiness, O God, Thou God of my salvation, and my tongue shall sing aloud of Thy righteousness. O )ord, o en Thou my li s and my mouth shall de!lare Thy raise. 'or hadst Thou desired sa!rifi!e, 8 would have given it Thee" Thou delightest not in #urnt offerings. Sa!rifi!es to God are a !ontrite s irit" a !ontrite and hum#le heart, O God, Thou wilt not des ise.


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/o good, O )ord, in Thy good will unto aion, that the walls of ?erusalem may #e #uilt u . Then shalt Thou #e leased with the sa!rifi!e of righteousness, with #urnt offerings and whole #urnt offerings. Then shall they offer #ullo!-s u on Thine altar.


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Then we chant, in the Second Tone: Glory. hrough the inter!essions of the A ostles, O Thou who art mer!iful, #lot out all the mulitudes our transgressions Both now. Theoto#ion% hrough the inter!essions of the Theoto-os, O Thou who art mer!iful, #lot out all the mulitudes our transgressions

:erse: $ave mer!y on me, O God, a!!ording to Thy great mer!y" and a!!ording to the multitude of Thy !om assions #lot out my trans( gression. esus, having risen from the grave as he foretold, hath given unto us life eternal and great mer!y.

="t if it e a S"nday in the period of the Triodion, instead of the a ove hymns, we chant the following: Glory. Plagal of Fo"rth Tone% o Thou o en unto me the doors of re entan!e, O Giver of )ife" for my s irit goeth early unto Thy $oly Tem le, #ringing the tem le of my #ody all defiled. But, as One !om assionate, !leanse me #y Thy !om assionate mer!y.

/ /

Both now. Theoto#ion% o thou ma-e straight for me the aths of salvation, O Theoto-os" for 8 have defiled my soul with shameful sins, having wasted my whole life in slothfulness. By Thine inter!essions deliver me from all im urity.
:erse: $ave mer!y on me, O God, a!!ording to Thy great mer!y" and a!!ording to the multitude of Thy !om assions #lot out my transgres( sion.

hen 8, the ha less one, #ring to mind the multitude of my terri#le deeds, 8 trem#le at the fearful day of >udgment. But

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trusting in the mer!y of Thy !om assion, li-e /avid 8 !ry out to Thee: $ave mer!y on me, O God, a!!ording to Thy great mer!y.


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Then deacon or priest shall ma#e intercessions: O God, save Thy eo le. *e chant )ord, have mer!y twelve times, the last three eing after the e7clamation y the priest% Then we may read or chant the 9esodion $athisma and the ,es"rrectional $onta#ion and .#os in the tone of the S"nday% $onta#ion% First Tone% s God, Thou didst rise in glory from the grave, raising the world with Thee. All nature doth raise Thee as God. /eath is destroyed and Adam doth re>oi!e, O %aster, whilst 5ve, now freed from #ondage, doth re>oi!e, saying: Thou it is, O Christ, Aho granteth ,es"rrection to all.

.#os et us raise $im Aho arose on the third day as the all( owerful God. $e hath shattered the gates of $ades and hath raised from the tom# those who were there from eternity. $e didst willingly a ear to the myrrh(#earers and say to them first: 6e>oi!e" and to the A ostles $e didst reveal >oy as the only )ife(giver. The women announ!e with >oy the signs of vi!tory to the /is!i les, $ades groans and death laments" #ut the world is glad and all re>oi!e. 'or Thou it is, O Christ, Aho granteth ,es"rrection to all.

$onta#ion% Second Tone% Tho" so"ghtest the heights% hou didst arise from the grave, O Almighty Savior, and $ades seeing the mira!le wast astonished, and the dead arose. Creation doth see this and doth re>oi!e with Thee, whilst Adam >oins in eDaltation, and the world doth raise Thee forever, / my Savior.


.#os% hou art the )ight of those in dar-ness" Thou art the 6esurre!tion and the )ife of all whom Thou hast raised, having destroyed the ower of death, O Savior, and shattered the gates of $ades, O Aord. Seeing su!h wonders, mortals were astonished, and all !reation re>oi!es in Thy 6esurre!tion, O loving One. Therefore, all doth glorify and raise Thy !ondes!ension, and the world doth raise Thee forever, / my Savior%

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$onta#ion% Third Tone% /n this day the :irgin% oday, Thou didst arise from the grave, O mer!iful )ord, and Thou didst eDtra!t us from the gates of death. Today, Adam dan!es and 5ve re>oi!es. Aith them the ro hets and atriar!hs un!easingly raise the divine might of Thy $ingdom.

T )

.#os% et heaven and earth dan!e today and harmoniously raise Christ our God, for $e hath raised the !a tives of /eath from the tom#s. All !reation doth re>oi!e and offer worthy hymns to the Creator and 6edeemer of all. Today, as the giver of life, Thou drawest the human ra!e from $ades and raisest them with Thyself to heaven. Thou hast !rushed the ride of the enemy and shattered the gates of $ades #y the divine might of Thy $ingdom. $onta#ion% Fo"rth Tone% /n this day Tho" hast appeared% y Savior and 6edeemer, as God Thou hast raised from the grave all those who were in !hains, and hast shattered the gates of $ades. As )ord, Thou didst arise on the third day.

% )

.#os% et us all give raise and with than-s let us offer un!easing raises to Christ, the giver of )ife Aho didst arise from the dead on the third day. Today, $e hath shattered the gates of death, ut $ades to death, #ro-en the sting of death, and set Adam and 5ve free. )et us sing to $im, all ye eo le, and with than-s let us offer $im un!easing raise. 'or as the only sovereign God and %aster, $e didst arise on the third day.


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$onta#ion% Plagal of First Tone% hou didst des!end into $ades, my Savior, and shattered its gates, for Thou art almighty. As Creator, Thou didst raise the dead and destroy the sting of death. Thou didst deliver Adam from the !urse, O loving One. Therefore, all !ry out to Thee: O )ord, save "s.

.#os% aving heard the words of the angel, the women were over>oyed. They !eased their lamenting and trem#ling, and didst #ehold the 6esurre!tion. And #ehold, Christ a roa!hed them, saying: 6e>oi!e. Ta-e !ourage, for 8 have !on*uered the world and have saved the !a tives. $asten and announ!e to the /is!i les that 8 go #efore them into Galilee to announ!e the news. Therefore, we !ry out unto Thee, O )ord, save "s.

$ T

$onta#ion% Plagal of Second Tone% he )ife(giver, Christ our God, raised the dead from the valley of death with $is life(giving hand, awarding 6esurre!tion to all. 'or $e is the Savior, the 6esurre!tion, the life and the (od of all. .#os% e the faithful raise and worshi Thy Cross and tom#, O Giver of life, for Thou hast !hained $ades, O immortal One, and as the almighty God, Thou hast raised the dead with Thee and hast shattered the gates of $ades and destroyed the ower of death. Therefore, we raise Thee with love" Thou Aho didst arise and demolish the ower of the deadly enemy. Thou hast raised all who #elieve in Thee, delivered the world from the arrows of the ser ent, and freed us from the errors of the enemy, O almighty One. Therefore, in faith we raise Thy 6esurre!tion #y whi!h Thou hast saved us as (od of all.


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$onta#ion% (rave Tone% he ower of death no longer rules over us, for Christ hath !ome destroying and !rushing its ower. $ades is #ound and the ro hets together ro!laim: The Savior hath a eared saying to the faithful" !ome forth to the ,es"rrection.


.#os% oday, $ades and death trem#le #efore One of the Trinity. The earth *ua-es and the gates of $ades, seeing Thee, art sei`ed with fear. All !reation, together with the ro hets, doth re>oi!e and sing a hymn of vi!tory to our God and Savior Aho hath tram led the ower of death. )et us !ry out and shout to Adam, and those of Adam: This Tree leads to aradise" !ome, faithful, to the ,es"rrection. $onta#ion% Plagal of Fo"rth Tone% As first@fr"its of o"r nat"re% ising from the tom#, Thou didst raise the dead and resurre!t Adam. 5ve re>oi!es in Thy 6esurre!tion" and the ends of the earth re>oi!e in Thy rising from the dead, / mercif"l /ne.

6 T

.#os% hou didst des oil the -ingdom of $ades, O !om assionate One, and raise the dead. Thou didst go #efore the myrrh(#earers and #ring them >oy instead of sorrow. Thou didst reveal the signs of vi!tory to Thine A ostles, O my Savior and sour!e of life. Thou didst enlighten all !reation, O loving God. Therefore, the world re>oi!es at Thy rising from the dead, / mercif"l /ne. .f the Syna7arion is to e read, the reader saith: Bless, father, the reading from the $oly SynaDarion. And the priest giveth the lessing% The Syna7arion is then read from the Great $orologion, with the final sentence eing intoned% The priest will then say Through the rayers, after which we chant the Seasonal $atavasiC% The $atavasiC of the A#athist ?anon is printed elow% The other common $atavasiC are appended to this vol"me%


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KATA7AS8d O' T$5 T$5OTOKOS ?hanted from Septem er 00 to &ovem er 5, from Fe r"ary DE to the eginning of the Triodion, on the Second, Fo"rth, and Fifth S"ndays of the (reat Fast, and from the S"nday of All Saints to A"ly 04% O/5 O+5 Fo"rth Tone shall o en my mouth and it will #e filled with the S irit" and 8 shall s ea- forth to the _ueen and %other. 8 shall #e seen >oyfully singing her raises, and 8 shall delight to sing of her wonders. O/5 T$655 s a living and !o ious fountain, O Theoto-os, do thou strengthen those who hymn thy raises, and are >oined together in s iritual !om any for thy servi!e" and in thy divine glory ma-e them worthy of !rowns of glory. O/5 'O96 e Aho sits in !louds of glory u on the throne of Godhead, ?esus the most high God, !ame with mighty hand and saved those who !ried out unto $im: Glory to Thy ower, O Christ. O/5 '875 ll !reation was ama`ed at thy divine glory, for thou, O unwedded 7irgin, didst hold in thee the God of all, and didst #ear the 5ternal Son, Aho rewards with salvation all those who hymn thy raises. O/5 S8e s we the Godly minded, !ele#rate this divine and all(honora#le feast of the %other of God: !ome, let us !la our hands together and glorify the God Ahom she #ore. O/5 S575+ he godly(minded !hildren worshi ed not the !reature rather than the Creator, #ut tram ling u on the threat of fire in manly fashion, they re>oi!ed and sang: O All( raised )ord and God of our 'athers, #lessed art Thou. O/5 58G$T

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he three holy !hildren in the furna!e the Child of the Theoto-os saved" then was the ty e, now is its fulfillment, and the whole world gathers to sing: All ye wor-s raise the )ord and magnify $im unto all ages. After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' ' $ $ $

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain @ #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain% And we concl"de with
Or, 2!orru tion4.


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O/5 +8+5 et all the earth(#orn mortals re>oi!e in the S irit, #earing their lam s. And let the nature of disem#odied %inds !ele#rate with honor the holy festival of the %other of God, and !ry out: 2$ail, All( #lessed, ure, and ever(virgin Theoto-os.


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After the small litany, the following is chanted, in "nison, in the Second Tone:

And then the >7aposteilaria as appointed% And straightway the Praises are chanted in the tone of the wee#%

et 5verything that hath #reath raise the )ord. .raise ye the )ord from the heavens. .raise ye $im in the heights. To Thee, O God, is due our song.


ye $im all $is angels. .raise ye $im all $is hosts. To Thee, O God, is due our song.


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T $5 . 6A8S5S - First Tone


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Stichera of the Praises% First Tone :erse: 0To do in them the written >udgment1 This glory shall #e to all $is saints. Christ, thy saving .assion do we raise" and thy 6esurre!tion do we glorify.


:erse: .raise the )ord in $is san!tuary. .raise ye $im in the firmament of $is ower. thou who didst su#mit to the Cross and didst a#olish death, who didst arise from the dead, reserve our lives, O )ord, sin!e thou alone art almighty. :erse: .raise ye $im for $is mighty a!ts. .raise ye $im a!!ording to the multitude of $is greatness. Christ, who as a /estroyer didst invade $ades, and who didst raise man #y thy 6esurre!tion ma-e us worthy to raise thee with ure hearts, and to glorify thee. :erse: .raise $im with the sound of trum et. .raise $im with the saltery and har . Christ, we raise thee, glorifying thy !ondes!ension, whi!h #e!ometh God. O thou who vast #orn of a 7irgin and wast yet inse ara#le from the #osom of the 'ather" who didst suffer li-e man, didst su#mit to the Cross willingly, didst arise from the tom# as from a !ham#er, that thou mightest save the world, glory to thee, O )ord. :erse: .raise $im with the tim#rel and dan!e" raise $im with stringed instruments and organs. hen thou wast nailed u on the tree of the Cross, then was the ower of the enemy ut to death" then did !reation trem#le in fear of thee, #y thy might $ades was invaded, thou didst raise the dead from their graves, and thou didst o en the gate of aradise to the thief. O Christ, our God, glory #e to thee.

:erse: .raise $im u on the loud !ym#als: raise $im u on the high( sounding !ym#als. )et everything that hath #reath raise the )ord.


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he honoured women did !ome hastening to the grave, with !aution and wailing. And when they found the grave o en and -new from the angels the story of the new and wonderful mira!le, they did #ring the good tidings to the /is!i les that the )ord had risen granting the world Great %er!y. :erse: Arise, O my God, lift u Thy hand, and forget not the hum#le. Christ God, we do #ow to the wound of thy divine .assion and to the lordly servi!e whi!h was fulfilled in aion, !oming at the end of times in thy divine 5 i hany" for thou, O Sun of >usti!e, didst shine on those who were sitting in dar-ness" thou didst lead them to the light whi!h is never overta-en #y eventide. O )ord, glory to thee.


:erse: 8 will raise Thee, O )ord, with my whole heart: 8 will show all Thy marvelous wor-s. ?ewish ra!e, whi!h loveth trou#le, understand and !om rehend. Ahere are they who went in unto .ilateB )et your guardian soldiers tell where the seals of the tom# are. Ahither was the #uried One moved from the graveB Ahither was the ri!eless One soldB $ow was the Treasure stolenB Ahy do you deny the 6esurre!tion of the Cru!ified, O wavering eo le, thus falling into error, O ?ews who transgress the lawB $e hath verily risen, standing u , free among the dead, and hath granted great mer!y to the world.


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T $5 . 6A8S5S - Second Tone


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Stichera of the Praises% Second Tone% :erse: 0To do in them the written >udgment1 This glory shall #e to all $is saints. ll !reatures glorify thee, O )ord, with every #reath" for #y the Cross thou didst a#olish death, that thou mightest manifest to the nations thy 6esurre!tion from the dead" for thou alone art the )over of man-ind.


:erse: .raise the )ord in $is san!tuary. .raise ye $im in the firmament of $is ower. nswer, O ?ews, how was it that the guardian soldiers lost the King whom they were guardingB Ahy was it that the stone !ould not retain the Boo- of lifeB 5ither must ye, therefore, deliver to us him that was #uried, or worshi with us him who is risen, shouting, Glory to thy #ountiful mer!ies, our Saviour, glory to thee. :erse: .raise ye $im for $is mighty a!ts. .raise ye $im a!!ording to the multitude of $is greatness. e>oi!e, O nations, and #e glad" for the angel hath sat on the stone of the grave, and given us the glad tidings, saying, Christ the Saviour of the world is risen from the dead. $e hath filled all with sweet s!ent. 6e>oi!e, O ye nations, and #e >oyful.

:erse: .raise $im with the sound of trum et. .raise $im with the saltery and har . )ord God, verily, #efore thy Con!e tion an angel did !ome with ea!e to her who is full of gra!e. And now an angel hath rolled the stone from the door of thy tom#, made glorious #y thy 6esurre!tion. The first angel s a-e with signs of >oy instead of sorrow" and the latter #rought us the glad tidings of a )ord who giveth life instead of death. Therefore, do we shout to thee, O Benefa!tor of all, glory to thee, O )ord.

:erse: .raise $im with the tim#rel and dan!e" stringed instruments and organs.

raise $im with


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erily, the women did s rin-le s i!es with tears on thy grave, and their mouths were filled with laughter when they said, The )ord is risen. :erse: .raise $im u on the loud !ym#als: raise $im u on the high( sounding !ym#als. )et everything that hath #reath raise the )ord. et the nations and eo le raise Christ our God who did suffer !ru!ifiDion willingly for our sa-es, and did remain in $ades three days. )et them worshi his 6esurre!tion from the dead, #y whi!h all the ends of the earth were illuminated.

:erse: Arise, O my God, lift u Thy hand, and forget not the hum#le. Christ, thou wast !ru!ified and #uried as thou didst will" thou didst lead death !a tive, #eing God and )ord, who granteth the world life eternal and the Great %er!y.


:erse: 8 will raise Thee, O )ord, with my whole heart: 8 will show all Thy marvelous wor-s. transgressors of the law, when ye did seal the stone ye did in truth #ut magnify to us the mira!le, as the guards -now" es e!ially sin!e ye ersuaded them on the day of his 6esurre!tion from the tom#, that they should say, Ahile we sle t the /is!i les !ame and stole him away" for who would steal a !or se, es e!ially a na-ed oneB 7erily, he arose #y his own ower 0for he is God1, leaving his !offin in the grave. Come ye, therefore, O ?ews, and see how he hath not #ro-en the seals, who hath tram led down death, giving to man-ind life eternal and Great %er!y.


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T $5 . 6A8S5S - Third Tone


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Stichera of the Praises% Third Tone% :erse: 0To do in them the written >udgment1 This glory shall #e to all $is saints. ome together, all ye eo le, and -now the ower of the dreadful se!ret" for Christ our Saviour, the eternal Aord, hath #een !ru!ified for our sa-e, and was #uried willingly, and hath risen from the dead to save all. To him let us #ow down in worshi .

:erse: .raise the )ord in $is san!tuary. .raise ye $im in the firmament of $is ower. he guards have u#lished it a#road, O )ord, telling of all thy wonders. But the assem#ly of falsehood filled their right hands with #ri#es, thin-ing that there#y they might !on!eal thy 6esurre!tion whi!h the world doth glorify. Aherefore, have mer!y u on us.

:erse: .raise ye $im for $is mighty a!ts. .raise ye $im a!!ording to the multitude of $is greatness. erily, all !reatures were filled with >oy when they re!eived the glad tidings of thy 6esurre!tion" for %ary %agdalene, !oming to thy grave, met an angel in a #rilliant ro#e sitting on the stone, who said, Ahy see-est thou the living among the deadB $e is not here, #ut is risen. As he said, he will go #efore you into Galilee.


:erse: .raise $im with the sound of trum et. .raise $im with the saltery and har . %aster, )over of man-ind, with thy light do we #ehold light" for thou art risen from the dead, granting salvation to the ra!e of man, that the whole !reation may glorify thee alone, who art without sin. $ave mer!y u on us.

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:erse: .raise $im with the tim#rel and dan!e" raise $im with stringed instruments and organs. erily, the ointment(#earing women, O )ord, did offer to thee their tears as a morning raise" for when they rea!hed thy grave #earing eD!eeding sweet s!ent, hastening to see- thine in!orru ti#le #ody, an angel, sitting on the stone, s a-e to them, saying Ahy seeye the living among the deadB 'or verily, he hath trodden down death and is risen, #e!ause he is God, granting to all Great %er!y. :erse: .raise $im u on the loud !ym#als: raise $im u on the high( sounding !ym#als. )et everything that hath #reath raise the )ord. o the #rilliant angel on the life(giving tom# didst say to the ointment(#earing women, 7erily, the Saviour hath em tied the tom#s, and hath led $ades !a tive, rising on the third day" for he alone is omni otent God.

:erse: Arise, O my God, lift u Thy hand, and forget not the hum#le. n a Saturday, %ary %agdalene !ame see-ing thee in the grave. And when she found thee not, she wailed, !rying with sighs, and said, Aoe is me, O my Saviourf $ow hast thou #een stolen, O King of allB And from within the grave a air of life(#earing angels !ried out to her saying, Aoman, why wee est thouB And she answered, saying, 8 !ry #e!ause they have removed my )ord from the grave" and 8 -now not where they have ta-en him. But as she turned #a!- and saw thee, she !ried, saying, %y )ord and my God, glory to thee.

:erse: 8 will raise Thee, O )ord, with my whole heart: 8 will show all Thy marvelous wor-s. he $e#rews did !lose the tom# of life" #ut the thief did o en aradise with his tongue, as he !ried, saying, O thou who for my sa-e hast #een !ru!ified with me, hast hung on the tree of the Cross, and hast a eared to me sitting on the throne with the 'ather, thou art the Christ our God, .ossessor of Great %er!y.


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T $5 . 6A8S5S - Fo"rth Tone


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Stichera of the Praises% Fo"rth Tone% :erse: 0To do in them the written >udgment1 This glory shall #e to all $is saints. e glorify thy 6esurre!tion, O )ord Almighty, O thou who sufferedst !ru!ifiDion and death and didst rise from the dead.

:erse: .raise the )ord in $is san!tuary. .raise ye $im in the firmament of $is ower. hou hast freed us, O Christ, from the first !urse. And #y thy /eath thou didst #anish the insurgen!y of /ia#olus revailing over our nature. And in thy 6esurre!tion thou didst fill all with >oy. Aherefore, we !ry to thee, O thou )ord, who didst rise from the dead" glory to thee.

:erse: .raise ye $im for $is mighty a!ts. .raise ye $im a!!ording to the multitude of $is greatness. Christ Saviour, who didst rise from the dead, lead us #y thy Cross to thy right hand, and save us from the gins of the enemy. Stret!h forth thine arm and raise us who are .fallen in sins" through the inter!ession of thy saints, O )ord, the )over of man-ind.


:erse: .raise $im with the sound of trum et. .raise $im with the saltery and har . only Son of God, thou didst !ome to earth, #ut wast not se arated from the .aternal #osom" and #e!ause of thy love to man-ind thou didst #e!ome un!hangea#le man. Thou didst suffer !ru!ifiDion and death in the flesh, O thou who in thy /ivinity suffereth not. Thou didst rise from the dead, granting man-ind immortality" for thou alone art Almighty. :erse: .raise $im with the tim#rel and dan!e" raise $im with stringed instruments and organs. hou didst ur!hase for us deathlessness, O Saviour, when thou didst a!!e t death #odily. Thou didst dwell in a grave to deliver us from $ades, raising us with thee" for as man thou didst suffer, #ut sin!e thou art God thou didst arise. Therefore, do we shout, Glory to thee, O )ord, Giver of life, who art alone the )over of man-ind.


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:erse: .raise $im u on the loud !ym#als: raise $im u on the high( sounding !ym#als. )et everything that hath #reath raise the )ord. hen thy Cross, O Saviour, was lanted in Golgotha, the ro!-s were s lit asunder" and when thou wast la!ed in a grave li-e the dead, the gate(-ee ers of $ades were afraid" for thou didst a#olish the might of death, and in thy 6esurre!tion thou didst #estow in!orru ti#ility on all the dead. Aherefore, O )ord, Giver of life, glory to thee.

:erse: Arise, O my God, lift u Thy hand, and forget not the hum#le. he women, O Christ God, desired to #ehold thy 6esurre!tion. And %ary %agdalene went ahead of them, and she found the stone rolled from the grave, and she saw the angel sitting thereon, who said, Ahy see- ye the living among the deadB 7erily, he hath risen to save all !reation" for he is God.


:erse: 8 will raise Thee, O )ord, with my whole heart: 8 will show all Thy marvelous wor-s. ay, O ?ews, where is ?esus whom ye thought ye were guardingB Ahere is he whom ye had thrown into the grave, and sealed thereto the stoneB Give us the dead One, O deniers of life. Give us the #uried One, or else #elieve in the risen One. And. if ye -ee silent a#out the 6esurre!tion, the stone shall ro!laim it, even that stone whi!h was rolled away from the door of the tom#. Al#eit great is thy mer!y, and great is the mystery of thy dis ensation, O Saviour" glory to thee.


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T $5 . 6A8S5S - Plagal of First Tone


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Stichera of the Praises% Plagal of First Tone% :erse: 0To do in them the written >udgment1 This glory shall #e to all $is saints. he grave, a )ord, having #een sealed #y the transgressors of the law, thou didst emerge from within li-e as thou wast #orn of the Theoto-os" for the in!or oreal angels did not -now how thou wert in!arnate. )i-ewise the guardian soldiers were not aware when thou didst rise" for these two matters were !on!ealed from all see-ers. But the wonders a eared to those who worshi ed the mystery in faith. Therefore, grant us who offer raise >oy and Great %er!y.

:erse: .raise the )ord in $is san!tuary. .raise ye $im in the firmament of $is ower. )ord, thou hast demolished the everlasting gates and #ro-en asunder the !hains. Thou didst rise from the tom#, leaving #ehind thy wra ings and ointments in the grave, in testimony of thy true three(day Burial, and didst go #efore into Galilee, O thou who wert -e t in a !ave. Great, therefore, are thy mer!ies, O ineffa#le Saviour" have mer!y u on us.

:erse: .raise ye $im for $is mighty a!ts. .raise ye $im a!!ording to the multitude of $is greatness. he women did hasten to thy tom# to #ehold thee, O )ord, who didst suffer for us. And when they arrived, advan!ing, they saw an angel sitting on the stone rolled #a!- from fear. And he shouted to them, saying, The )ord hath risen. Go and tell the /is!i 1es that the Saviour of our souls is risen from the dead.

:erse: .raise $im with the sound of trum et. .raise $im with the saltery and har . )ord Saviour, thou didst enter unto thy /is!i les, the doors #eing !losed, as thou didst !ome out of the sealed tom#, showing the sufferings of the flesh whi!h thou didst a!!e t in long(suffering" for thou didst su#mit to ains atiently sin!e thou art the seed of /avid. But sin!e thou art the Son of God, thou didst li#erate the


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world. Great therefore, are thy mer!ies, O in!om rehensi#le Saviour. $ave mer!y u on us.
:erse: .raise $im with the tim#rel and dan!e" raise $im with stringed instruments and organs. )ord, King of ages and Creator of all, who didst a!!e t !ru!ifiDion and #urial in the #ody for our sa-es, to deliver us all from $ades, thou art our God, and #eside thee we -now no other.


:erse: .raise $im u on the loud !ym#als: raise $im u on the high( sounding !ym#als. )et everything that hath #reath raise the )ord. )ord God, who shall tell and who shall ro!laim thy da``ling wondersB Or who shall de!lare thy dread mysteriesB 'or thou wast in!arnate for our sa-es willingly, manifesting the might of thy ower. And #y thy Cross thou didst o en aradise to the thief, and #y thy /eath thou hast !rushed the #ars of $ades, and #y thy 6esurre!tion thou hast enri!hed all !reation. Therefore, O !om assionate One, glory to thee. :erse: Arise, O my God, lift u Thy hand, and forget not the hum#le. erily, the ointment(#earing women rea!hed thy tom# very early see-ing to anoint thee, O deathless Aord. And when they were instru!ted #y the words of the angel, they turned #a!- with >oy to tell the A ostles lainly that thou hadst risen, O )ife of all, and hadst given the world forgiveness and Great %er!y.

:erse: 8 will raise Thee, O )ord, with my whole heart: 8 will show all Thy marvelous wor-s. he guards -ee ing wat!h over the God(#earing tom# said to the ?ews, Aoe to your vain !ounsel" for ye sought to -ee the Boundless. 7ainly have ye la#oured" for ye thought that ye !ould hide the 6esurre!tion of the Cru!ified, #ut ye only showed it in !learer manifestation. Aoe to your !oun!il of false o inionf Ahy ta-e ye !ounsel to hide what !annot #e hiddenB Better it were that ye hear of us and !hoose to #elieve in that whi!h ha ened, whi!h is, that an angel, res lendent li-e lightning, des!ended from heaven and rolled away the stone, and from fear of him we were en!om assed #y death. And to the ointment(#earing steadfast women he shouted saying, See ye not the death of the guards, the unsealing of the tom#, and the em tiness of


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$adesB Ahy see- ye then as dead, him who a#olished the vi! tory of $ades and !rushed the thorn of deathB Go ye in haste and tell the glad tidings of the 6esurre!tion to the A ostles, and shout ye fearlessly, saying, in truth, the )ord, .ossessor of Great %er!y, is risen.


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T $5 . 6A8S5S - Plagal of Second Tone


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Stichera of the Praises% Plagal of Second Tone% :erse: 0To do in them the written >udgment1 this glory shall #e to all $is saints. he Cross, O )ord, is life and 6esurre!tion to Thy eo le, and in it we do trust. Aherefore, Thee do we raise, O our risen )ord" have mer!y u on us.


:erse: .raise the )ord in $is san!tuary. .raise ye $im in the firmament of $is ower. hy #urial, O %aster, has o ened aradise for man-ind. Aherefore, as we es!a e !orru tion, we raise Thee, O our risen God" have mer!y on us. :erse: .raise ye $im for $is mighty a!ts. .raise ye $im a!!ording to the multitude of $is greatness. ith the 'ather and the S irit, let us raise Christ risen from the dead. )et us !ry to $im, Thou art our life and 6esurre!tion" have mer!y on us.

:erse: .raise $im with the sound of trum et. .raise $im with the saltery and har . hou hast risen from the tom# in three days, as it was written, O Christ, and hast raised with Thee our an!estors. Aherefore, man-ind doth glorify Thee and raise Thy 6esurre!tion.

:erse: .raise $im with the tim#rel and dan!e" raise $im with stringed instruments and organs. reat and fearful is the mystery of Thy 6esurre!tion, O )ord" for Thou hast emerged from the grave li-e a #ridegroom from $is !ham#er, annulling death #y /eath in order to free Adam. Aherefore, do the angels in heaven eD!hange glad tidings, and men on earth glorify Thy !om assion toward us, O )over of man-ind


:erse: .raise $im u on the loud !ym#als: raise $im u on the high( sounding !ym#als. )et everything that hath #reath raise the )ord. ?ews, transgressors of the law, where are the seals and the silver whi!h ye gave to the soldiersB 7erily, the Treasure hath not #een

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stolen, #ut hath risen" for $e is mighty. Be ye !onfounded, therefore, O deniers of Christ, the )ord of glory Aho suffered, was #uried, and did rise from the dead. $im let us worshi . :erse: Arise, O my God, lift u Thy hand, and forget not the hum#le. ow were ye ro##ed of the #uried One when the tom# was sealed, after having la!ed guards and signs thereonB Behold, the King hath !ome out, the doors #eing !losed. Therefore, either show $im as dead, or worshi $im with us as God, singing, Glory to Thy Cross and Thy 6esurre!tion, O )ord.

$ T

:erse: 8 will raise Thee, O )ord, with my whole heart: 8 will show all Thy marvelous wor-s. he ointment(#earing women O )ord, !ame to Thy life(re!eiving grave, wailing and !arrying ointment, see-ing Thy ure #ody to anoint it. Then they found an angel wra ed with light and sitting on a stone" and he s a-e to them, saying, Ahy shed ye tears for One from Ahose side life overflowed to the worldB Ahy see- ye in the grave as dead One Aho is /eathlessB %ore ro er for ye that ye hasten to $is /is!i les to ro!laim to them with >oy $is glorious 6esurre!tion, gladdening the whole world, #y whi!h, O Savior, sin!e Thou didst lighten us there#y, grant us forgiveness and the Great %er!y.


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T $5 . 6A8S5S - (rave Tone


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Stichera of the Praises% (rave Tone% :erse: 0To do in them the written >udgment1 This glory shall #e to all $is saints. hrist hath risen from the dead, loosening the #onds of death. Be of good !heer, and of great >oy, and, O $eavens, raise the glory of God.


:erse: .raise the )ord in $is san!tuary. .raise ye $im in the firmament of $is ower. eeing the 6esurre!tion of Christ, let us worshi the holy )ord ?esus, Aho alone is #lameless of all error. :erse: .raise ye $im for $is mighty a!ts. .raise ye $im a!!ording to the multitude of $is greatness. erily, we !ease not worshi ing the 6esurre!tion of Christ" for we are saved from our sins. $oly, therefore, is the )ord ?esus Aho did manifest the 6esurre!tion.

:erse: .raise $im with the sound of trum et. .raise $im with the saltery and har . ith what shall we reward the )ord for all that $e hath given usB 'or God, for our sa-es, dwelt among men" and for !orru t nature the Aord #e!ame flesh and lived among us. :ea, $e hath done this, the Benefa!tor of ingrates, the Savior of !a tives, the Sun of >usti!e to those lying in dar-ness, the .assionless on the Cross, the )ight in $ades, the )ife in death, and the 6esurre!tion of the fallen. Aherefore, do we !ry to $im, O our God, glory to Thee.

:erse: .raise $im with the tim#rel and dan!e" raise $im with stringed instruments and organs. )ord, thou hast demolished the gates of $ades, and #y thy re!ious might thou hast a#olished the ower of death, and #y thy divine and glorified 6esurre!tion thou hast raised the dead lying in dar-ness from everlasting time" for thou art King of all and an almighty God.


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:erse: .raise $im u on the loud !ym#als: raise $im u on the high( sounding !ym#als. )et everything that hath #reath raise the )ord. ome, let us re>oi!e in the )ord, and #e >oyous in his 6esurre!tion" for he #ath raised the dead with him from the indissolu#le #onds of $ades. And, #eing God, he hath granted the world eternal life and the Great %er!y.

:erse: Arise, O my God, lift u Thy hand, and forget not the hum#le. erily, the res lendent angel sat on the stone of the life(re!eiving grave and ro!laimed to the ointment( #earing women, The )ord #ath risen as he foretold you. Tell, therefore, his /is!i les that he will go #efore them to Galilee, he who granteth the world eternal life and the Great %er!y.

:erse: 8 will raise Thee, O )ord, with my whole heart: 8 will show all Thy marvelous wor-s. hy have ye re>e!ted the Cornerstone, O ye ?ews, transgressors of the lawB 'or verily, the same is the stone whi!h God #ath la!ed in aion, who in the wilderness oured forth water from the ro!-, and whose side oureth out for us deathlessness. $e is the Stone that was !ut out from the virginal mountain without will of man, the Son of man, !oming in the !louds of heaven, to the An!ient of /ays, as /aniel said, and his -ingdom shall last forever.


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T $5 . 6A8S5S - Plagal of Fo"rth Tone

Stichera of the Praises% Plagal of Fo"rth Tone%


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S A T 96 /A: 5 7 5 +8+GS ; S 9+/A: % O6 +8+ GS

:erse: 0To do in them the written >udgment1 This glory shall #e to all $is saints. hough Thou didst stand in >udgment, O )ord, !ondemned #y .ilate, Thou didst not va!ate Thy throne, sitting with the 'ather. Thou didst arise from the dead, releasing the world from the #ondage of the stranger" for Thou art !om assionate and the )over of man-ind.


:erse: .raise the )ord in $is san!tuary. .raise ye $im in the firmament of $is ower. hough, O )ord, the ?ews la!ed Thee in a grave li-e dead, the soldiers guarded Thee as a slum#ering King" and as a Treasure of life, they sealed Thee. But Thou didst rise and grant in!orru ti#ility to our souls. :erse: .raise ye $im for $is mighty a!ts. .raise ye $im a!!ording to the multitude of $is greatness. hou didst give us Thy Cross, O )ord, as a wea on against /ia#olus, who, una#le to #ehold its ower, doth fear and trem#le" for it raiseth the dead and hath annulled death. Aherefore, do we worshi Thy Burial and 6esurre!tion. :erse: .raise $im with the sound of trum et. .raise $im with the saltery and har . he angel ro!laiming Thy 6esurre!tion, O )ord, did frighten the guards" #ut to the women he !ried out, saying, Ahy see- ye the living among the deadB 7erily, $e hath risen, #eing God and hath granted life to the universe. :erse: .raise $im with the tim#rel and dan!e" raise $im with stringed instruments and organs. hou didst suffer #y the Cross, O thou unsuffering through the Godhead, and didst a!!e t #urial for three days that thou mightest set us free from the #ondage of the enemy and grant us life through thy 6esurre!tion, O Christ, the )over of man-ind. :erse: .raise $im u on the loud !ym#als: raise $im u on the high( sounding !ym#als. )et everything that hath #reath raise the )ord.

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do worshi , glorify, and raise thy 6esurre!tion from the tom#, O Christ, #y whi!h thou didst release us from the fast #onds of $ades" for, #eing God, thou hast granted the world eternal life and the Great %er!y. :erse: Arise, O my God, lift u Thy hand, and forget not the hum#le. erily, the transgressors of the law guarded thy life( re!eiving tom#, and didst seal it, la!ing guards. But thou, sin!e thou art a deathless and almighty God, didst rise on the third day.

:erse: 8 will raise Thee, O )ord, with my whole heart: 8 will show all Thy marvelous wor-s. hen thou didst ass through the gates of $ades and didst demolish them, then its !a tive shouted, saying, Aho is this who is >udge not in the a#yss of the earth, #ut who hath annulled the rison of death as though it were a ta#erna!leB 'or verily, 8 have re!eived him as dead and have feared him as God. Aherefore, O almighty Saviour, have mer!y u on us.


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The right choir chanteth Glory, and the Do7astichon% The left choir chanteth Both now, and the Theoto#ion:

ost #lessed art thou, O 7irgin Theoto-os, for through $im that was in!arnate of thee is $ades des oiled, Adam is re!alled from the dead, the !urse is made void, 5ve is set free, death is slain, and we are endowed with life. Aherefore, in hymns of raise, we !ry aloud: Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, Aho is thus well leased, glory to Thee.


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T $5 G 65AT / OeO)OG: The priest eginneth the (reat Do7ology: lory to Thee, Aho has shown us the )ight" Glory to God in the highest, and on earth ea!e, good will among men.

,ight: Ae raise Thee, we #less Thee, we worshi Thee, we glorify Thee" we give than-s unto Thee for Thy great glory. The priest: O )ord, heavenly King, God the 'ather Almighty" O )ord, the only(#egotten Son, ?esus Christ" and the $oly S irit. )eft: O )ord God, )am# of God, Son of the 'ather, Aho ta-est away the sin of the world, have mer!y on us" O Thou Aho ta-est away the sin of the world. The priest: 6e!eive our rayer, O Thou Aho sittest at the right hand of the 'ather, and have mer!y on us. ,ight: 'or Thou only art holy, Thou only art the )ord, O ?esus Christ, to the Glory of God the 'ather. Amen. The priest: 5very day will 8 #less Thee, and 8 will raise Thy +ame forever" yea, forever and ever. )eft: 7ou!hsafe, O )ord, to -ee us this day without sin. The priest: Blessed art Thou, O )ord God of our 'athers, and raised and glorified #e Thy +ame forever. Amen. ,ight: )et Thy mer!y, O )ord: #e u on us, as we do ut our ho e in Thee.


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The priest: Blessed art Thou, O )ord: tea!h me Thy statutes. )eft: Blessed art Thou, O )ord: tea!h me Thy statutes. The priest: Blessed art Thou, O )ord: tea!h me Thy statutes. ,ight: )ord, Thou hast #een our refuge in all generations. 8 said: Be mer!iful unto me" heal my soul, for 8 have sinned against Thee. The priest: )ord, 8 have fled unto Thee: tea!h me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God. )eft: 'or with Thee is the fountain of life: in Thy light shall we see light. The priest: O !ontinue Thy loving(-indness unto them that -now Thee. $oly God, $oly %ighty, $oly 8mmortal: have mer!y on us. ,ight: $oly God, $oly %ighty, $oly 8mmortal: have mer!y on us. The priest: $oly God, $oly %ighty, $oly 8mmortal: have mer!y on us. )eft: Glory to the 'ather, and to the Son, and to the $oly S irit: The priest: Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. ,ight: $oly 8mmortal: have mer!y on us. A S%AT8KO+ The priest: $oly God. )eft: $oly %ighty The priest: $oly 8mmortal: have mer!y on us.

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.f the tone of the wee# e First, Second, Third, or Fo"rth, we chant: Fo"rth Tone oday is Salvation !ome into the world. )et us sing raises to $im Aho arose from the grave, the Author of our life" for having #y /eath destroyed death, $e hath given us vi!tory and Great %er!y.

.f the tone of the wee# e Plagal of First, Plagal of Second, (rave, or Plagal of Fo"rth, we chant: Plagal of Fo"rth Tone aving risen from the tom#, and having #urst the #onds of $ades, Thou didst loose the !ondemnation of death, O )ord, releasing all man-ind from the snares of the enemy. $aving manifested Thyself to Thine A ostles, Thou didst send them forth to ro!laim Thee" and through them Thou hast granted Thy ea!e unto the !ivili`ed world, O Thou Aho alone art lenteous in mer!y.

So endeth the order of /rthros for S"ndays%


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THE KATAVASI FOR THE SEASONS OF THE YEAR KATA7AS8d O' T$5 C6OSS ?hanted on A"g"st ., from A"g"st 4 thro"gh A"g"st .2, and from A"g"st 03 to Septem er 0.% O/5 O+5 Plagal of Fo"rth Tone erily, %oses having stru!- hori`ontally with his rod, !leaving the 6ed Sea and !ausing 8srael to !ross on foot, then having stru!- it transversely #ringing it together over .haraoh and his !hariots, did tra!e the Cross, thus sym#oli`ing that invin!i#le wea on. Aherefore, do we raise Christ our God, for that $e hath #een glorified.

O/5 T$655 he rod is ta-en as a sym#ol of the mystery" for #y its #udding, it designateth the .riest. But now the tree of the Cross hath #lossomed forth with might and steadfastness to the hitherto #arren Chur!h.

T 8

O/5 'O96 have heard, O )ord, of the mystery of Thy dis ensation, and have !ontem lated Thy wor-s. Aherefore, have 8 glorified Thy Godhead. O/5 '875 thou thri!e(#lessed Tree, whereon the )ord Christ the King was stret!hed, and through whi!h $e Aho was #eguiled #y the tree fell, having #een #eguiled #y thee, #y the God that was nailed u on thee in the flesh, Aho granteth safety to our souls.


O/5 S8e

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hen ?onah in the #elly of the whale did stret!h forth his hands in the form of a !ross, he did foreshadow !learly the .assion of salvation" and when he !ame out on the third day, he did sym#oli`e the world(trans!ending 6esurre!tion of Christ, nailed u on thee in the flesh, and illuminating the world #y $is third(day 6esurre!tion.


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O/5 S575+ he mad !ommand of the infidel tyrant hath sha-en the nations, #reathing forth threats and #las hemies loathed of God. But the three youths were not terrified #y the #estial terror, nor the !onsuming fire" for #eing together amidst the fire #lown forth #y a dewy #ree`e, they were singing, O Thou eD!eedingly raised, #lessed art Thou, God of our 'athers.

O/5 58G$T Ae raise, we #less, and we worshi the )ord. ye youths, e*ual in num#er to the Trinity, #less the 'ather, the God Creator" raise the Aord whi!h did !ondes!end and turn the fire to a dewy #ree`e" and eDalt more and more the all(holy S irit, Aho giveth life to all for evermore.

After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' ' $

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain C #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

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$ $ T

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain% And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 hou art the mysti!al aradise, O Theoto-os" for that thou, #eing untilled, didst #ud forth Christ, #y Ahom was lanted on earth the life(giving tree of the Cross. Aherefore, as we adore it #eing elevated, we magnify thee. Another Heirmos erily, death whi!h #efell the human ra!e #y eating from the tree, hath #een a#olished today #y the Cross" for the !urse of the first mother and all her des!endants hath #een undone #y $im Aho was #orn of the undefiled Theoto-os, whom all the owers of $eaven do magnify.


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KATA7AS8d O' T$5 T$5OTOKOS ?hanted from Septem er 00 to &ovem er 5, from Fe r"ary ./ to the eginning of the Triodion, on the Second, Fo"rth, and Fifth S"ndays of the (reat Fast, and from the S"nday of All Saints to A"ly 04% O/5 O+5 'ourth Tone shall o en my mouth and it will #e filled with the S irit" and 8 shall s ea- forth to the _ueen and %other. 8 shall #e seen >oyfully singing her raises, and 8 shall delight to sing of her wonders.

O/5 T$655 s a living and !o ious fountain, O Theoto-os, do thou strengthen those who hymn thy raises, and are >oined together in s iritual !om any for thy servi!e" and in thy divine glory ma-e them worthy of !rowns of glory.

O/5 'O96 e Aho sits in !louds of glory u on the throne of Godhead, ?esus the most high God, !ame with mighty hand and saved those who !ried out unto $im: Glory to Thy ower, O Christ.


O/5 '875 ll !reation was ama`ed at thy divine glory, for thou, O unwedded 7irgin, didst hold in thee the God of all, and didst #ear the 5ternal Son, Aho rewards with salvation all those who hymn thy raises. O/5 S8e s we the Godly minded, !ele#rate this divine and all(honora#le feast of the %other of God: !ome, let us !la our hands together and glorify the God Ahom she #ore.


O/5 S575+ he godly(minded !hildren worshi ed not the !reature rather than the Creator, #ut tram ling u on the threat of fire in manly

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fashion, they re>oi!ed and sang: O All( raised )ord and God of our 'athers, #lessed art Thou. O/5 58G$T he three holy !hildren in the furna!e the Child of the Theoto-os saved" then was the ty e, now is its fulfillment, and the whole world gathers to sing: All ye wor-s raise the )ord and magnify $im unto all ages.

After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' ' $ $

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain E #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain%

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$ )

e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain% And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 et all the earth(#orn mortals re>oi!e in the S irit, #earing their lam s. And let the nature of disem#odied %inds !ele#rate with honor the holy festival of the %other of God, and !ry out: 6e>oi!e. All(#lessed, ure, and ever(virgin Theoto-os.


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KATA7AS8d O' T$5 5+T6: O' T$5 T$5OTOKOS ?hanted from &ovem er 1 to &ovem er 0/% O/5 O+5 Fo"rth Tone shall o en my mouth and it will #e filled with the S irit" and 8 shall s ea- forth to the _ueen and %other. 8 shall #e seen >oyfully singing her raises, and 8 shall re>oi!e in her 5ntran!e with gladness.

O/5 T$655 s a living and !o ious fountain, O Theoto-os, do thou strengthen those who hymn thy raises, and are >oined together in s iritual !om any for thy servi!e" and in thy solemn 5ntran!e ma-e them worthy of !rowns of glory.

O/5 'O96 e Aho sits in !louds of glory u on the throne of Godhead, ?esus the most high God, !ame with mighty hand and saved those who !ried out unto $im: Glory to Thy ower, O Christ.


O/5 '875 ll !reation was ama`ed at thy ure solemn 5ntran!e" for thou didst go into the interior of the tem le as an all( ure tem le, esta#lishing with safety all those who raise thee. O/5 S8e s we the Godly minded, !ele#rate this divine and all(honora#le feast of the %other of God: !ome, let us !la our hands together and glorify the God Ahom she #ore. O/5 S575+ he godly(minded !hildren worshi ed not the !reature rather than the Creator, #ut tram ling u on the threat of fire in manly fashion, they re>oi!ed and sang: O All( raised )ord and God of our 'athers, #lessed art Thou.


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O/5 58G$T he three holy !hildren in the furna!e the Child of the Theoto-os saved" then was the ty e, now is its fulfillment, and the whole world gathers to sing: All ye wor-s raise the )ord and magnify $im unto all ages.

After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' ' $ $ $

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain F #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain%
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And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 et all the earth(#orn mortals re>oi!e in the S irit, #earing their lam s. And let the nature of disem#odied %inds !ele#rate with honor the holy 5ntran!e of the %other of God, and !ry out: 6e>oi!e. All(#lessed, ure, and ever(virgin Theoto-os.


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KATA7AS8d O' O96 )O6/,S +AT878T: From &ovem er 0. to Decem er 03, the first set of $atavasiC only is chanted! on Decem er 0+ and Decem er 2., oth sets! from Decem er 04 to Decem er 2/, the second set only% O/5 O+5 First Tone hrist is #orn. Glorify $im. Christ !ome from heaven. Go to meet $im. Christ is on earth. Be eDalted. Sing to the )ord all the earth. .raise $im in gladness O eo le. 'or $e hath #een glorified.

The Second ?anon% Same Tone% he )ord erformed a mira!le and saved the eo le when of old $e turned the moist waves of the sea into dry land. And having #een #orn now of a 7irgin #y $is own !hoi!e, $e hath trodden the way for us to heaven, #eing e*ual to the 'ather and to men in essen!e" therefore, do we glorify $im.

T T 8

O/5 T$655 o the Son #egotten of the 'ather #efore all ages and in!arnate of the 7irgin without seed in these latter days: to Christ our God let us !ry out, Thou hast raised u our horn. $oly art Thou, O )ord. The Second ?anon% n!line Thine ear, O glorious #enefa!tor, to the raise of Thy servants, a#olishing the #oasting of the roud adversary. And hel us who sing to Thee to over!ome sin, and !onfirm us on the unsha-ea#le foundation of faith.


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O/5 'O96 tem and flower of the root of ?esse Thou hast #lossomed from the 7irgin, O Christ. 'rom the mountain overshadowed #y the forest Thou hast !ome, made flesh from her that -new no man. O God not formed from matter, glory to Thy ower, O )ord.

The Second ?anon% he .ro het $a#a-u- of old foretold in song the re(!reation of man-ind" 'or he was worthy to #ehold that sign in an ineffa#le manner" 'or the Aord did !ome forth as a new Ba#e 'rom the mountain of the 7irgin, for the re(!reation of the nations.

O/5 '875 God of ea!e, father of mer!y, Thou hast sent Thine angel of great !ounsel to grant us ea!e. Ae are guided to the light of the -nowledge of God, and wa-ing from the night, we glorify Thee O lover of man-ind.


The Second ?anon% rant forgiveness, O Christ, to us who have #een in the dar-ness of our deeds of error sin!e the night, who eagerly raise Thee, sin!e Thou art our Benefa!tor" that Thou mayest hasten to us and re are for us a good way, wherein if we wal- we shall find glory and honor. O/5 S8e he whale !ast forth ?onah as it had re!eived him, li-e a #a#e from the wom#. And when the Aord !ame to dwell in the 7irgin and was made flesh, $e !ame forth reserving her un!orru t. 'or as $e $imself was not su#>e!t to de!ay he -e t his mother free from harm.

The Second ?anon% erily, ?onah when he was in the de th of the sea, #egged to as!end to Thee and to #e res!ued from the tem est. But as for me, having #een ier!ed #y the arrows of the tyrant, in Thee 8 seerefuge, O evil(destroying Christ. $asten Thou to me and deliver me hastily from my negligen!e.


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O/5 S575+ he !hildren #rought u together in godliness s!orned the im ious de!ree of the tyrant. They were not afraid of the threat of fire, #ut standing in the midst of the flames they sang, #lessed art thou, O God of our 'athers.


The Second ?anon% he youths having !lung steadfastly to the love of the King of all, ridi!uled the rating and #las hemy of the #las heming usur er. And #eing filled with wrath, he delivered them to the terri#le fire whi!h did not harm them. Aherefore, they lifted their voi!es to the %aster, saying, Blessed art Thou unto all ages. O/5 58G$T Ae raise, we #less, and we worshi the )ord. he furna!e moist with dew was an image refiguring a wonder #eyond nature: for it did not #urn the !hildren whom it had re!eived, nor did the fire of divinity !onsume the 7irgin,s wom# when it entered it. So let us raise the song, let all !reation #less the )ord, and eDalt $im unto all ages. The Second ?anon% he youths who were !ast of old into the fire and remained un#urned, were a sign of the wom# of the %aiden who gave #irth su ernaturally while yet sealed. These two matters gra!e hath a!!om lished through one mira!le, arousing the nations to raise.


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After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' ' $ $ $

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain < #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain% And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 9egalynarion %agnify, O my soul, the most ure 7irgin Theoto-os. %ore honora#le and more glorious than the heavenly hosts.

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$atavasia #ehold a strange, most wonderful mystery: the !ave is heaven, the 7irgin the Cheru#i! throne, the manger the la!e where Christ lay, the un!ontaina#le God, whom we magnify in song.

The Second ?anon% 9egalynarion Today the 7irgin giveth #irth to the )ord inside the !ave. $atavasia erily it is easier for us to endure silen!e sin!e there is no dread danger there from for us. But #e!ause of our strong desire, O 7irgin, and %other of sameness, to #egin well(#alan!ed songs of raise, this #e!ometh indeed onerous to us. Aherefore, grant us ower to e*ual our natural in!lination.


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KATA7AS8d O' T$5 '5AST O' )8G$TS /n Aan"ary ., 4, and .3, oth sets of $atavasiC are chanted! from Aan"ary 0 to +, the first set only! from Aan"ary 5 to .2, the second set only% O/5 O+5 Second Tone he )ord mighty in wars un!overed the #ottom of the sea, and drew $is own to dry land" and with it $e su#merged $is adversaries" for $e hath #een glorified.

The Second ?anon% Plagal of the Second Tone% erily, 8srael assed the tem est of the tumultuous sea, having a eared to him again as dry land. But the tri(s eared 5gy tians were lost wholly #y the dar-ness of the dee , as a graveyard swe t #y waters, #y the ower of the re!ious right hand of the %aster.

O/5 T$655 he )ord that granteth ower to our -ings, and Aho raiseth those #orn of $is anointed ones, was #orn of the 7irgin, and !ometh to #a tism. Aherefore, let us #elievers shout, There is none holy li-e our God, and there is no one righteous eD!e t Thee, O )ord.

The Second ?anon% e have #een delivered from the an!ient snares, and the tus-s of devouring lions have #een !rushed. Aherefore, let us re>oi!e and o en wide our mouths, inditing to the Aord sayings of raise for $is #enefa!tions granted to us" for $e is leased there#y.


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O/5 'O96 e of whom Thou didst say, O )ord, that $e is a voi!e !rying in the wilderness, heard Thy voi!e when Thou didst thunder on the many waters, testifying to Thy Son. And having #een filled wholly #y the resen!e of the S irit, $e shouted, saying, Thou art Christ, the wisdom of God and $is ower.

$ T

The Second ?anon% he .ro het having #een !leansed #y the fire of mysti!al vision, raising the renewal of man-ind, sang with a great voi!e, moved #y the S irit, revealing the ineffa#le 8n!arnation, the 8n!arnation of the Aord, #y whi!h the might of the mighty hath #een !rushed. O/5 '875 erily ?esus, the Originator of life, !ometh to unravel the fall of Adam, the first of !reation" and $e Aho needeth not urifi!ation, sin!e $e is God, granteth to the fallen one urifi!ation in the ?ordan. And as $e a#olisheth in $im the enmity, $e there#y granteth safety trans!ending all intelligen!e.

The Second ?anon% e who have #een washed #y the urifi!ation of the S irit from the venom of the dar- and mire(defiled enemy, have !ome u on a new way, not misleading, #ut leading to a #liss una roa!ha#le eD!e t #y those who have #een re!on!iled to God.

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O/5 S8e erily the voi!e of the Aord, the lam of the )ight, the mysti!al star and 'orerunner of the Sun, doth !ry out in the wilderness, saying to all the eo le, 6e ent and #e urified" for Christ hath !ome to deliver the world from !orru tion. The Second ?anon% im Ahom the 'ather had !aused to overflow from the wom#, in $is all(#lissful voi!e $e ro!laimed #eloved, saying, :ea, this is %y Son !onsu#stantial with %e" the 6adian!e of %y light hath #een


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#orn of man-ind. And $e $imself is %y living Aord and %an at the same time, for $is own dis ensation. O/5 S575+ he youths of true worshi , when they were !ast in the furna!e of the fire, were -e t from harm #y the gentle, dewy #ree`e and #y the des!ent of the divine angel. Aherefore, when they were moistened #y the flames, they sang with gratitude, shouting, Blessed art Thou, O )ord, trans!ending raise, the God of our 'athers.

The Second ?anon% erily, $e Aho *uen!hed the flaming fire of the furna!e !ontaining the youths of true worshi , hath #urned the heads of dragons in the !ourses of water" and #y the dew of the S irit hath !leansed the a#ysmal dar-ness resulting from sin.

7 7

O/5 58G$T Ae raise, we #less, and we worshi the )ord. erily, the furna!e of Ba#ylon revealed a strange se!ret when it overflowed with dew. But ?ordan was a#out to re!eive in its !ourses the immaterial 'ire, and was to !ontain the Creator #a ti`ed in the flesh, Ahom the nations #less and eDalt yet more unto the end of ages. The Second ?anon% he rin!e of dar-ness groaneth to himself #e!ause !reation hath #een freed, and those who were of old in dar-ness have #e!ome sons of the )ight. Aherefore, all the nations of the Gentiles that #efore hath #een wret!hed, now !easelessly #less Christ the Cause.


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After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' ' $ $ $

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain G #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain% And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 9egalynarion %agnify, O my soul, her who is more honora#le and more eDalted than the heavenly hosts.

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$atavasia erily, all tongues are at a loss to raise thee ro erly" and every mind, even though trans!ending the world, is distra!ted in thy raise, O Theoto-os. But #e!ause thou art good, a!!e t our faith, having -nown our divine longing. Aherefore, sin!e thou art the hel er of Christians, we do magnify thee.

The Second ?anon% 9egalynation Today the %aster #endeth $is ne!- to the hand of the 'orerunner. $atavasia the wonder of thy su er(intelligent #irth(giving, thou all( ure #ride, the #lessed %other through whom we have re!eived erfe!t salvation, we indite a fitting song, offering as a gift the song of gratitude.


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KATA7AS8d O' T$5 %55T8+G 8+ T$5 T5%.)5 ?hanted from Aan"ary .+ to the Apodosis of the Feast of the 9eeting in the Temple% O/5 O+5 Third Tone he sun on!e shone on dry land that was #egotten of the a#yss" for the water #e!ame as hard as a wall on either side for the eo le that !rossed the sea #y foot, and sang in a God( leasing manner: )et us sing to the )ord" for gloriously is $e glorified.


O/5 T$655 hou foundation of them that ho e in Thee, O )ord, ma-e steadfast the Chur!h, whi!h Thou hast ur!hased with Thy re!ious Blood.

O/5 'O96 hy virtue hath !overed the heavens, O Christ" for !oming forth from the Ar- of Thy holiness, even Thine undefiled %other, Thou hast a eared in the tem le of Thy glory as an infant #orne in arms, and all things were filled with Thy raise O/5 '875 hen 5saias #eheld God sym#oli!ally on an eDalted throne attended #y Angels of glory, he !ried: O wret!hed man that 8 am. 'or 8 have seen #eforehand the in!arnate God, the )ord of ea!e and unwaning light


O/5 S8e hen the 5lder had seen with his eyes the salvation that !ame from God unto the eo les, he !ried to Thee: O Christ, Thou art my God. O/5 S575+ hee, the Aord of God, we raise with hymns, Aho in the fire didst on!e #edew the Three Children that !onfessed and raised Thee as their God, and Aho dweltest in a 7irgin who was free of


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defilement, and with all reveren!e, we sing Blessed is the God of our 'athers


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O/5 58G$T Ae raise, we #less, and we worshi the )ord. tanding together in the un#eara#le fire, yet not harmed #y the flame, the Children, the !ham ions of godliness, sang a divine hymn: O all ye wor-s, #less ye the )ord, and su remely eDalt $im unto all the ages.

After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' ' $ $ $

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain 1H #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain%
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And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 9egalynarion O Theoto-os, thou ho e of all Christians" -ee reserve them that set their ho e in thee.

and shelter and

$atavasia n the shadow and letter of the )aw, let us the faithful !ontem late a refiguring: 5very male !hild that o eneth the wom# is holy unto God. Therefore do we magnify the first(#orn Aord, the Son of the 'ather Aho is without #eginning, the first(#orn Child of a %other who hath not -nown wedlo!-.


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KATA7AS8d O' T$5 T6A+S'8G96AT8O+ ?hanted from A"ly 05 to A"ly 2., and from A"g"st 0 to A"g"st +% O/5 O+5 Fo"rth Tone he hosts of 8srael, having assed the 6ed Sea and watery dee with feet unmoist, and having seen the three(s eared riders of the enemy drowned #eneath the waters, sang aloud with >oy: )et us raise our God" for $e hath #een glorified.


O/5 T$655 he #ows of the mighty are #e!ome wea-" and the wea- ones are girded with strength. Therefore, hath my heart #een made steadfast in the )ord. O/5 'O96 Christ, 8 have heard of Thy glorious roviden!e, and that Thou wast #orn of a 7irgin to deliver those who are in error, who !ry out to Thee, Glory to Thy might, O )ord.


O/5 '875 Christ, Creator, Aho didst se arate light from rimeval dar-ness, that Thy wor-s might raise Thee in the light, guide Thou our feet in Thy light.

8 7

O/5 S8e n my sorrow 8 !ried unto the )ord, and the God of my salvation hath heard me.

O/5 S575+ erily, the A#rahamite youths did tread of old the flames of the furna!e in Ba#ylon, singing in raise, Blessed art Thou, God of our 'athers.


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O/5 58G$T Ae raise, we #less, and we worshi the )ord. hen the youths in Ba#ylon were -indled #y divine `eal they tram led #ravely u on the flames and the threats of the violator. And when they were !ast into the midst of the fire, #eing watered with dew, they sang, Bless the )ord, all $is wor-s.

After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' ' $ $ $

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain 11 #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain%
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And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 hy #irth(giving, O Theoto-os, hath #een shown free of !orru tion" for God did !ome forth from thy wom# utting on flesh" and on earth $e did a ear, and wal-ed among men. Aherefore, thee do we all magnify.


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KATA7AS8d 9S5/ 8+ A9G9ST A"g"st .: /f the ?ross (Septem er .3)% A"g"st 0@+: /f the Transfig"ration (A"g"st 4)% A"g"st 4@.2: /f the ?ross (Septem er .3)% A"g"st .3: /f the Dormition, Fo"rth Tone (A"g"st .+) A"g"st .+@02: /f the Dormition, First Tone (A"g"st .+)% A"g"st 03@2 .: /f the ?ross (Septem er .3)% .65'5STA) KATA7AS8d O' T$5 /O6%8T8O+ ?hanted on A"g"st .3% O/5 O+5 Fo"rth Tone shall o en my mouth to !hant and with the S irit shall 8 #e filled, and words shall 8 now our forth unto the %other and _ueen, and 8 shall #e seen in >oyous >u#ilation, a!!laiming her falling(aslee with eDultant hymns.

O/5 T$655 a-e steadfast, O holy Theoto-os, thou living and never(failing 8 s ring, all them that form a !om any and gather for to raise thy name" and on thy godly memory, deem them all worthy of glory,s !rowns.

O/5 'O96 hen the .ro het A##a!um, O Thou %ost $igh, learned of the divine and untra!ea#le !ounsel of Thy ure in!arnation from the wom# of the #lest 7irgin, he !ried out: Glory to Thy ower, O )ord my God.


O/5 '875 ll !reatures were sore ama`ed at thy divine and great glory, %aid, O ure 7irgin, who hast not -nown wedlo!-" for thou wast translated from earth to the eternal a#odes, and to a life that never doth end, and dost grant salvation unto all them that a!!laim thy name.

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O/5 S8e n this divine and most honoured feast of God,s all(holy %other, let all of godly mind now !ele#rate" !ome, let us faithful now !la our hands, and send u glory unto the God Ahom she hath #orne.

O/5 S575+ o !reated thing, #ut only the Creator would the godly(minded :ouths adore and worshi as God" #ut manfully tram ling down. threats of fire, they !ried out: O su remely( raised and all(a!!laimed One, #lest art Thou, O Thou )ord God of our 'athers.

O/5 58G$T Ae raise, we #less, and we worshi the )ord. hree guiltless :ouths !ast in the furna!e were saved #y the Offs ring whi!h the Theoto-os #are, then in figure and in ty e, now in very truth and deed" and $e hath gathered all the world, whi!h !rieth out in !hant: :e wor-s of $is, O sing the )ord,s raises, and eDalt $im greatly for ages and all ages.

After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % '

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain 1& #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

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' $ $ $ )

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain% e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain% And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 et every earth#orn man u lea in the s irit, and now hold his tor!h on high" and let all the #odiless, noeti! hosts now !ele#rate >oyously the Theoto-os,s su#lime and sa!red falling(aslee , as they !ry out: 6e>oi!e, O thou all(#lessed one, ever(virgin and ure %other of our God.


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KATA7AS8d O' T$5 /O6%8T8O+ ?hanted from A"g"st .+ to A"g"st 02% O/5 O+5 First Tone hy no#le solemn memorial, O 7irgin, adorned with divine glory, hath #rought all #elievers together in re>oi!ing as %iriam did of old, !oming forward with tim#rels and dan!es, singing to thine only Son" for in glory hath $e #een glorified.

O/5 T$655 Christ, Aisdom of God and $is !reating and almighty .ower, esta#lish Thy Chur!h without guile, and unsha-en" for Thou alone art holy, O Thou Aho dwellest among the holy.

O/5 'O96 he sayings of the .ro hets, O Christ, and their sym#ols eD lained !learly Thine 8n!arnation of the 7irgin" and the #rillian!e of Thy lightning doth send forth light to the Gentiles, and the dee !alleth out to Thee shouting with >oy, Glory to Thy might, O )over of man-ind.

O/5 '875 erily, 8 ro!laim, O Christ, the divine goodness of Thine ineffa#le virtues" for Thou didst rise from eternal glory as a ray, !oeternal in Thy .erson, and wast in!arnate in the 7irgin,s wom#, #ringing forth a sun to those who are in dar-ness and error.

7 7

O/5 S8e erily, the fire in the vitals of the dee (#orn whale was a sym#ol of Thy three(day Burial, of whi!h ?onah was an eDem lar" for having es!a ed without hurt when he was swallowed, he shouted, saying, 8 will sa!rifi!e unto Thee with the voi!e of than-sgiving, O )ord.


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O/5 S575+ erily, the divine assion did defeat the #estial wrath and fire, moistening the fire, and with ins ired wor-s issuing forth from the three(voi!ed song of the righteous ones, s!orning wrath, o osing the musi!al instruments, as they sang in the midst of the flames, shouting, Blessed art Thou, O glorified One, the God of our 'athers.

7 7

O/5 58G$T Ae raise, we #less, and we worshi the )ord. erily, the angel of the Almighty God did reveal the flames moistening the three righteous youths and #urning the infidels. And $e made the Theoto-os a fountain for the 5lement of life, /estroyer of death, and overflowing with life to those who sing, Ae who are saved raise the Creator along, ever eDalting $im to the end of ages. After the >ighth /de the deacon or priest saith: The Theoto-os and the %other of the )ight, let us honor and magnify in song.

% % ' '

Then is chanted the 9agnification: y soul doth magnify the )ord, and my s irit hath re>oi!ed in God my Saviour.

The following refrain is chanted after every verse: ore honora#le than the Cheru#im, and more glorious #eyond !om are than the Sera him, thou who without stain 1= #earest God the Aord, and art truly Theoto-os, we magnify thee. or $e hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden" for #ehold from hen!eforth all generations shall !all me #lessed. ,efrain%

or $e that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is $is name, and $is mer!y is u on them that fear $im throughout all generations. ,efrain%

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$ $ $

e hath showed strength with $is arm. $e hath s!attered the roud in the imagination of their hearts. ,efrain%

e hath ut down the mighty from their seat and hath eDalted the hum#le and mee-. $e hath filled the em ty with good things, and the ri!h hath $e sent em ty away. ,efrain% e remem#ering $is mer!y hath hel ed $is servant 8srael as $e romised to our forefathers: A#raham and $is seed forever. ,efrain% And we concl"de with O/5 +8+5 9egalynarion All generations #less thee, O thou only Theoto-os. Katavasia n thee, O s otless 7irgin, the laws of nature were sus ended" for thy virginity was reserved in thy !hild(#earing, and )ife is >oined with death. Thou, O Theoto-os, didst remain a 7irgin after !hild(#irth, and after death thou art still alive and dost ever deliver thy heritage.


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T$5 KATA7AS8d O' .ASC$A O/5 O+5 First Tone t is the day of 6esurre!tion, let us #e radiant, O ye eo les" .as!ha, the )ord,s .as!ha" for Christ God hath #rought us from death unto life, and from earth unto $eaven as we sing the trium hal hymn.

O/5 T$655 ome, let us drin- a new drin-, not one marvelously #rought forth from a #arren ro!-, #ut the Sour!e of in!orru tion, whi!h s ringeth forth from the grave of Christ, in Ahom we are esta#lished.

O/5 'O96 et the .ro het $a#a--u-, the ro!laimer of divine things, -ee the divine wat!h with us, and show forth the radiant Angel who with resounding voi!e hath de!lared: Today doth #ring salvation to the world, for Christ is risen as omni otent.

) ) T T

O/5 '875 et us arise in the dee dawn and, instead of myrrh, offer raise to the %aster" and we shall see Christ, the Sun of 6ighteousness, Aho !auseth life to dawn for all. O/5 S8e hou didst des!end into the dee est arts of the earth, and didst shatter the everlasting #ars that held fast those that were fettered, O Christ. And on the third day, li-e ?onas from the sea monster, Thou didst arise from the grave. O/5 S575+ he only #lest and most glorious God of our 'athers, Aho hath redeemed the Children from the furna!e, is #e!ome man, and as a mortal doth suffer, and through suffering doth !lothe mortality with the gra!e of in!orru tion.

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O/5 58G$T Ae raise, we #less, and we worshi the )ord. his !hosen and holy day is the first of the sa##aths, the *ueen and lady, the feast of feasts, and the festival of festivals, wherein we #less Christ unto the ages.

O/5 +8+5 9egalynarion %agnify, O my soul, $im Aho suffered willingly, and was #uried, and arose from grave on the third day.


Heirmos hine, shine, O new ?erusalem, for the glory of the )ord hath arisen u on thee" dan!e now and #e glad, O aion, and do thou eDult, O ure Theoto-os in the arising of $im Ahom thou didst #ear.

9egalynarion %agnify, O my soul, Christ the Giver life, Aho arose from the grave on the third day. And again the Heirmos hine, shine, O new ?erusalem, for the glory of the )ord hath arisen u on thee" dan!e now and #e glad, O aion, and do thou eDult, O ure Theoto-os in the arising of $im Ahom thou didst #ear.

9egalynarion Christ is the new .as!ha, the living sa!rifi!ial 7i!tim, the )am# of God that ta-eth away the sin of the world. Troparion Thy divine and #eloved and most sweet voi!e" Thou hast truly romised that Thou wouldst #e us unto the end of the world, O Christ" and we faithful re>oi!e, having this as an an!hor of ho e.

9egalynarion Today the whole !reation is glad and doth re>oi!e, for Christ is risen, and $ades hath #een des oiled.

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And again the Troparion Thy divine and #eloved and most sweet voi!e" Thou hast truly romised that Thou wouldst #e us unto the end of the world, O Christ" and we faithful re>oi!e, having this as an an!hor of ho e.


Glory. 9egalynarion %agnify, O my soul, the dominion of the 9ndivided Godhead of Three $y ostases. Troparion Great and most sa!red .as!ha, Christ" O Aisdom and Aord and .ower of God. Grant that we arta-e of Thee fully in the unwaning day of Thy Kingdom. Both now. 9egalynarion 6e>oi!e, O 7irgin, re>oi!e" re>oi!e, O #lessed one" re>oi!e, O most glorified one, for thy Son hath arisen from the grave on the third day. And again the Troparion Great and most sa!red .as!ha, Christ" O Aisdom and Aord and .ower of God. Grant that we arta-e of Thee fully in the unwaning day of Thy Kingdom. 9egalynarion The Angel !ried unto her that is full of gra!e: O ure 7irgin, re>oi!e, and again 8 say, re>oi!e" for thy Son hath arisen from the grave on the third day.

$atavasia hine, shine, O new ?erusalem, for the glory of the )ord hath arisen u on thee" dan!e now and #e glad, O aion, and do thou eDult, O ure Theoto-os in the arising of $im Ahom thou didst #ear.


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