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In This Section


This function confines the cursor to a rectangular area on the screen.


This function creates a cursor having the specified size, bit patterns, and
hot spot.


This function destroys a cursor created by the CreateCursor function and frees
any memory the cursor occupied.


This function retrieves the handle to the window, if any, that has captured
the mouse or stylus input.


This function retrieves the screen coordinates of the rectangular area to

which the cursor is confined.


This function retrieves the handle to the current cursor.


This function retrieves the cursor's position, in screen coordinates.


This function retrieves the current double-click time for the mouse or stylus.


This function retrieves points, associated with WM_LBUTTONDOWN and

WM_MOUSEMOVE messages, that the OS typically discards when an application cannot
process these messages as fast as the application receives these messages.


This function enables an application to define and load a customized, animated

wait cursor.


This function loads a cursor resource.


This function synthesizes mouse motion and button clicks.

This function releases the mouse or stylus capture from a window in the
current thread and restores normal processing of input.


This function sets the mouse or style capture to a specified window that
belongs to the current thread.


This function establishes the cursor shape.


This function moves the cursor to the specified screen coordinates.


This function displays or hides the cursor.

The mouse is controlled using the mouse functions at interrupt 33h. There are many
functions, but this section will only cover the basic set required to get things
going. For more information, see the references on the web page.

In order to use the mouse, you must first call Function 0000h (Reset Driver and
Read Status). This initializes the drivers and hardware. The mouse cursor will
initially be hidden, so you must use Function 0001h (Show Mouse Cursor) to make it
visible. From then on, just call Function 0003h (Return Position and Button
Status) to get the position and button status whenever your program needs it. Make
sure you hide the mouse cursor before your program exits.

In computing, a keyboard is an input device, partially modeled after the

typewriter keyboard, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys, to act as
mechanical levers or electronic switches. A keyboard typically has characters
engraved or printed on the keys and each press of a key typically corresponds to a
single written symbol. However, to produce some symbols requires pressing and
holding several keys simultaneously or in sequence. While most keyboard keys
produce letters, numbers or signs (characters), other keys or simultaneous key
presses can produce actions or computer commands.

In normal usage, the keyboard is used to type text and numbers into a word
processor, text editor or other program. In a modern computer, the interpretation
of keypresses is generally left to the software. A computer keyboard distinguishes
each physical key from every other and reports all keypresses to the controlling
software. Keyboards are also used for computer gaming, either with regular
keyboards or by using keyboards with special gaming features, which can expedite
frequently used keystroke combinations. A keyboard is also used to give commands
to the operating system of a computer, such as Windows' Control-Alt-Delete
combination, which brings up a task

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