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1) ln prlmary hyperparathyroldlsm
a. Malnly due to carclnoma than adenoma
b. Ma[orlty are asymptomatlc
c. Assoclated wlth lncreased level ol clrculatlng calcltonln
d. Assoclated wlth hlgh serum phosphate level
e. 8enal calcull ls a recognlzed compllcatlon
2) Adult Cku
a. Autosomal recesslve
b. Cause SAP
c. Assoclated P1 treated wlth ACLl
d. known cause lor nephrltlc syndrome
e. Lnd stage renal lallure at 3
3) alnlul genltal ulcers
a. Perpes genltalls
b. Chanchrold
c. Syphllls
d. Cranuloma lngulnalae
e. Lymphovenereum granuloma
4) 33 year old woman wlth LCW and excesslve sweatlng, 1SP ls low.
a. 1oxlc autonomous nodule.
b. 1oxlc multlnodular golter
c. Craves dlsease
d. Medullary CA ol thyrold
e. Pashlmoto's thyroldltls
3) 8egardlng lungal lnlectlons ol the skln
a. Scaly patches wlth central clearlng ls seen ln tlnea corporls
b. Satelllte leslons are seen ln tlnea crurls
c. uermatophyte lnlectlons spread by dlrect contact
d. A lungal skln lnlectlon that has been modllled by toplcal sterold appllcatlon ls called
'tlnea lncognlto'
e. Cral ltraconazole ls the drug ol cholce ln tlnea capltls
6) Arlthmetlc mean
a. Consldered as a measure ol central tendency
b. ldentlcal to medlan ln normal dlstrlbutlon sample
c. used as a measure ol degree ol scatter ln a sample
d. Can be dlllerent lrom mode ln skewed dlstrlbutlon
e. not allected by out llers
7) Culllaln-8arre syndrome
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a. ls characterlzed by progresslve weakness lor 8 weeks
b. Causes resplratory muscle paralysls
c. lmprove wlth hlgh dose cortlcosterolds
d. Causes autonomlc dyslunctlon
e. 1yplcally due to axonal neuropathy
8) 33 year old male patlent lle on road wlth unconsclousness. 1o llnd out the cause
a. 8lght lorearm thrombophlebltls
b. 8/L plnpolnt pupll
c. 8-74/mln, regular
d. CCS- 11/13
e. urpurlc rash over the body
9) Amoeblc llver abscess
a. 8lght slde L
b. More than 3cm slze need asplratlon
c. Concomltantly assoclated wlth amoeblc colltls
d. Worse prognosls than pyogenlc
e. Metronldazole used as slngle agent ln most patlents
10) Pypoglycaemlc agents whlch can be salely used ln patlents wlth llver clrrhosls
a. lsophane lnsulln
b. loglltazone
c. Cllclazlde
d. Metlormln
e. Acarbose
11) 1yplcal cllnlcal leatures ol sero negatlve arthropathles
a. 8ackache relleved by rest aggravated by exertlon
b. Malnly lnvolved lower llmb asymmetrlcally
c. AnA posltlve
d. Anterlor uveltls recurrence
e. PLA 27 assoclated
12) uementla
a. Cccur early ln the course ol dlsease
b. 8eversed by thyroxlne ln case ol hypothyroldlsm
c. 8lvastlgmlne used to treat early Alzhelmar dlsease
d. Mlnlmental score used lor analysls
e. uepresslon occur as co-morbldlty.
13) Causes lor perlcardltls
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a. uraemla
b. Systemlc lupus erythematosls
c. 8adlatlon
d. Pypothyroldlsm
e. uressler's syndrome
14) 1he lollowlng ls/are dlagnostlc ol dlabetes mellltus
a. A 88S value ol 300mg/dl ol a patlent wlth osmotlc symptoms
b. A slngle blood glucose value ol 180mg/dl
c. A lastlng blood glucose level ol 130mg/dl on two consecutlve days
d. A two hour blood glucose level ol 220mg/dl on a 73g oral glucose tolerance test
e. urlne sugar ++ ln a dlpstlck test
13) Whlch ol the lollowlng 1/l regardlng autosomal domlnant condltlon
a. Paemochromatosls
b. uuchenne muscular dystrophy
c. Puntlngton's dlsease
d. Peredltary spherocytosls
e. Paemophllla 8
16) 33 year old male has haemophllla A presented wlth haemarthrosls. WC1l 1/l
a. Slngle dose ol lactor vlll enough ln treatment
b. lbuprolen ls glven lor paln rellel
c. Lllelong lactor vlll prophylaxls needed
d. 30 ol male ollsprlng have haemophllla A
e. All ol hls daughters are carrlers
17) Antlpsychotlc drugs
a. Clanzaplne causes metabollc syndrome
b. Paloperldol doesn't cause akathesla
c. uepot ln[ectlon saler than oral drugs
d. Clopromazlne causes mllk suppresslon
e. Clozaplne used ln 1
eplsodes ol schlzophrenla
18) Whlch ol the lollowlng suggest grade 3 dengue haemorrhaglc dlsease
a. Pypocalcaemla
b. 8 60/30
c. Cold perlphery
d. Low serum albumln
e. Arthralgla.
19) Acute lulmlnent hepatlc lallure
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a. Cccur ln hepatltls A
b. Cccur ln dengue lever
c. rolonged prothrombln tlme
d. Splder naevl
e. lnverted sleep pattern
20) WC1l 1/l regardlng LCC
a. elevatlon ls seen ln lelt atrlal hypertrophy
b. C8S complex wldenlng ln physlologlcal Av nodal conductlon delay
c. 1
degree heart block characterlzed by progresslve prolongatlon ol 8 lnterval
d. 8S8 ln lead v1 ls seen ln 8888
e. ln Lv aneurysm perslstent S1 elevatlon
21) 1/l regardlng llver blopsy
a. Ascltes ls a contralndlcatlon
b. Should be obtalned at the end ol lnsplratlon
c. 8lght shoulder paln commonly occurs alter the procedure
d. rothromblne tlme should be checked prlor to the procedure
e. uC ls an lndlcatlon
22) WC1l are lavour dlagnosls ol schlzophrenla than depresslon
a. ' l hear a volce commentlng on everythlng l do'
b. 'nelghbour control my thoughts by hls newly bought computer'
c. 'l don't have a mouth / stomach, no polnt ln eatlng'
d. 'l know l have done wrong to my lamlly, l have to be sent to prlson'
e. 'l have no energy to do anythlng work plle, don't know how l'm golng to cope'
23) Pyperthyroldlsm
a. Anaemla
b. 1hyrold storm
c. 1ranslent thyrotoxlcosls to neonate
d. Cardlomyopathy
e. uecreased lC ol ollsprlng
24) Ll8
a. 8est measured durlng suplne posltlon
b. ulurnal varlatlon present ln normal lndlvlduals
c. Should lncreased more than 20 alter 2 agonlst lnhalatlon
d. 8ellable lndlcator lor total lung capaclty
e. ls a clue lor dlscharge monltorlng ln 8A patlent.
23) Compllcatlons ol hyperthyroldlsm
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a. roxlmal myopathy
b. C1S
c. Ataxla
d. Csteoporosls
e. Cardlac lallure
26) lndlcatlons lor antl snake venom
a. Cobra blte wlth spreadlng local necrosls
b. Ceylon kralt by wlth abdomlnal paln and dllllculty ln breathlng
c. Saw-scaled vlper blte wlth haematemesls
d. 8ussel's vlper blte wlth 8/L ptosls
e. Pumped nose vlper blte wlth lncoagulable blood
27) Mlcroscoplc haematurla ls lound ln
a. ulabetlc nephropathy
b. Membranous prollleratlve Cn
c. Mlnlmal change Cn
d. Acute dllluse prollleratlve Cn
e. local segmental Cn

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