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CSCE866 Team Assignment 2 JOYY


Create the use case diagrams.

) )* customer contractor )* ). &'( Site )*
Edit Addendum




/et &'(

-#8 + Addendum Inter!ace subcontractor )+ )) Subcontractor )+ Site0ine The numbers are corresponding to the use case ID. A actors shou d use Inter!ace c ass to communication "ith other. That inc udes !i ing !orm# send re$uest# send $uote and so on. %ender



1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description ) Customer &egistration Customer# customer in!ormation pro%ider concrete customer 4ame# address# phone number# customer ID &egister inter!ace This use case begins "hen a ne" user come to the contractor5s "ebsite and "ant to see6 business opportunities. The customer c ic6 the 7&egister8 menu on the "ebpage# !i out the registration !orm inc uding customer ID# compan3 name# bi ing address and phone9!a: numbers etc. I! e%er3 data !ie d is !i ed correct 3 and the customer ID is not occupied b3 other customers# the customer ma3 use the &e$uest !or (uotation use case to re$uest ser%ice !rom the contractor. The customer ma3 a so use the ;ro!i e Editing use case to edit the in!ormation entered in the registration !orm. 49A 2 Sending &'( Customer# pro<ect in!ormation pro%ider concrete &'( Description o! pro<ect= "or6 sites# e$uipment >site ine?# standard# t3pe. &'( !orm This use case begins "hen a registered customer "ant to start business "ith the contractor. The customer ogs into the s3stem# goes to the &'( !orm. 'i out the !orm# inc uding customer ID# bonding re$uirement# bond amount# o%erhead# ta:# and most important 3# <obsites and ine items. 49A

A ternati%e 1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

A ternati%e

1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

. Customer in!ormation modi!3 Customer# customer in!ormation modi!ier Concrete Customer in!ormation changer# database 4ame# address# phone number modi!3 inter!ace This use case begins "hen a registered customer "ant to change its pro!i e in!ormation. The customer enters its customer ID and pass"ord# c ic6 the 70og In8 button on the s3stem "eb page. A pro!i e data "i be brought to the user in a !orm o! editab e data entries. A!ter the customer ma6es changes# it c ic6 the 7submit8 button. I! no data error !ound# a 7success8 message "i send to the customer. 49A + &ep 3 &'( Addendum Customer# pro<ect in!ormation modi!ier Concrete &'(# customer Speci!ication modi!3 inter!ace This use case begins "hen a registered customer recei%e the &'( addendum !rom constructor. The customer shou d rep 3 the &'( addendum= Ans"er the $uestion# c ari!3 the speci!ication. 49A

A ternati%e 1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

A ternati%e

1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

, Send &'( addendum Contractor #%ender or subcontractor# &'( addendum sender Concrete &'(# contractor# subcontractor Speci!ication &'( addendum inter!ace This use case begins "hen the contractor has $uestions on the arge &'(s or the @ender has $uestions on re$uest !or prices. 1pon receipt o! &'(s# i! the contractor has $uestions need to c ear on &'(s and it is be!ore the due date# the contractor "i send the customer an addendum !or c ari!ication. The customer "i send bac6 the response o! the addendum. I! the %ender has $uestions on the re$uest !or prices# it a so send an addendum to the contractor. I! it is be!ore the due date# and the contractor can ans"er it# the contractor send the response bac6 to the %ender. I! the addendum in%o %es $uestions !or the customer# the contractor use the send &'( addendum use case to customer 49A 6 (uer3 abor Contractor# abor $uer3 Concrete Contractor# &'(# database "or6 sites# e$uipment >site ine?# standard# t3pe. (uer3 database inter!ace This use case begins "hen contractor $uer3 abor cost. A!ter contractor recei%es the &E( !rom customer# Contractor "i $uer3 abor cost !rom contractor5s database according to customer5s &'(. 49A

A ternati%e 1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

A ternati%e

1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

Send &'( to %ender Contractor# &'( sender Concrete Contractor E$uipment# standard. &'( to %ender inter!ace This use case begins "hen the contractor send the re$uest to %ender to as6 the price o! materia . I! the materia >e$uipment? need to be prepared b3 contractor# the contractor need to send the &'( o! materia to %endor according to the &'( !rom customer. 49A 8 Send materia Addendum @ender# materia addendum sender concrete @ender speci!ication @endor inter!ace This use case begins "hen the %endor has $uestions on the arge re$uest !or prices sent b3 the contractor. 1pon receipt o! &e$uest 'or ;rices# i! the %endor has $uestions need to c ear on &';s and it is be!ore the due date# the %endor "i send the contractor an addendum !or c ari!ication. The contractor "i send bac6 the response o! the addendum. I! the contractor cannot ans"er the $uestions and need to contact the customer# the contractor use the 7send &'( addendum8 use case to re$uest !or addendum. 1pon the receipt o! the addendum !rom the customer# the contractor sends its o"n addendum bac6 to the %endor. 49A

A ternati%e 1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

A ternati%e

1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

A Ca cu ate tota cost Contractor# subContractor# ca cu ator concrete Contractor# &'(# Subcontractor# Site Bateria cost# abor cost 49A This use case begins "hen contractor get the materia cost and abor cost. A!ter contractor get materia cost !rom %ender# abor cost !rom o"n database. The contractor ca cu ates the tota cost. 49A )* Send $uote to customer Contractor# $uote sender concrete Contractor# customer# inter!ace Tota cost Sender inter!ace The contractor sends the $uote >inc ude materia cost# abor cost and other !ee? to customer in order to response the &'( !rom customer. 49A )) Send &'( to subcontractor Contractor# &'( sender Concrete Contractor# subcontractor Description o! pro<ect &'( inter!ace In some case# the contractor can not !inish "ho e pro<ect b3 itse !. So the contractor need to send the &'( to subC contractor b3 !i ing the &'( !orm. 49A

A ternati%e 1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description A ternati%e 1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description A ternati%e

1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description A ternati%e 1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description A ternati%e 1se Case ID 1se Case Tit e Actor 2 &o e T3pe Corresponding C asses Corresponding Attribute Corresponding Inter!ace 1se Case Description

)2 Send &'( Addendum to subcontractor Contractor# &'( Addendum sender Concrete Contractor# subcontractor#Inter!ace Addendum &'( Addendum inter!ace The contractor need to ans"er the $uestion or c ari!3 the speci!ication a so <ust i6e customer did. 49A ). Send $uote to contractor SubContractor# $uote sender Concrete Contractor# subContractor# inter!ace Tota cost Sender inter!ace The subcontractor sends the $uote >inc ude materia cost# abor cost and other !ee? to contractor in order to response the &'( !rom contractor 49A )+ Ca cu ate the Cost !rom Site ine Contractor# SubContractor# $uote sender Concrete Contractor# subContractor# inter!ace# Site0ine# Addendum Cost !or each site ine Ca cu ator inter!ace The contractor >subcontractor? ca cu ates the cost >materia and abor? according to the in!ormation in the Site0ine. The site0ine can be updated b3 customer through Addendum. 49A

A ternati%e


CRC cards

Class: Customer (RFQ issuer) Responsibility Collaborators Issue &'( and addendum Client Contractor Addendum Inter!ace

Server Input Customer In!o Dui d&'( Issue&'( Dui dAddendum Issue Addendum

Class: RFQ (price/cost aggregator) Responsibility Collaborators Dui d &'( spread sheet and Client database !rom the customer5s Addendum input Customer Contractor

Server AddSiteIn!o 1pdateSiteIn!o De eteSiteIn!o Ca cu ate(uote'orSite

Class: Addendum (modification controller) Responsibility Collaborators Ba6e updates to the pre%ious Client &'( Customer

Server Add1pdateDetai 1pdate&'(

Site (siteline aggregator) Responsibility Banage Site In!o o! &'(

Collaborators Client &'( Addendum

Server AddSiteIn!o 1pdateSiteIn!o AddSite0ine 1pdateSite0ine

Contractor (respond to RFQ) Responsibility Collaborators &e$uest (uote based on Client &'( and return to the Customer customer &'( Addendum

Server &ecordCustomerIn!oInDatabase &e$uest(uote'rom@endor &e$uest0abor(uote Ca cu ate(uote BergeAddendumTo&'( Send(uoteToCustomer /etSiteIn!o

Class: SubContractor Responsibility &e$uest (uote based on &'( and return to the Contractor

Collaborators Client &'( Contractor Addendum

Server Ca cu ate(uote &eturn(uote BergeAddendumTo&'( Send(uoteToContractor

Class: Interface Responsibility ;ro%ide Inter!ace !or customer# Contractor# %ender# subcontractor to input in!ormation# communicate# or $uer3 !rom database

Collaborators Client &'( Customer Contractor SubContractor Addendum

Server 'i &'(!orm 'i customerIn!ormation &'(ToContractor (uer30abor &'(ToSubContractor (uoteToCustomer AddendumtoCustomer AddendumtoContractor (uoteToContractor

Class: siteline Responsibility ;ro%ide each di!!erent "or6 site in!ormation.

Collaborators Client Site Contractor SubContractor

Server AddSite0ine 1pdateSite0ine Ca cu ate(uote

Class diagram

Interface FillRFQform() FillcustomerInformation() RFQToContractor() QueryLabor() RFQToSubContractor() AddendumtoCustomer() AddendumtoContractor() QuoteToContractor() opname() create

RFQ number customerID description date total_amount bondin&_re'uirement o-er#ead ta. addSite() updateFromAddendum() calculateQuatation() 1

Contractor ID !ame Address "#one $mail 1 RecordCustomerInfoInDatabase() Re'uestQuoteFrom(endor() Re'uestLaborQuote() 1 CalculateQuote() %er&eAddendumToRFQ() SendQuoteToCustomer() )etSiteInfo() 1

handler *++,

assotiated with Addendum RFQ_number Date Description pdateRFQ() Add pdateDetail() pdateSite() 1

/Quote1Re'ues tor


Request quote

1++, Site site_number site_name site_city site_state site_country total_site_amount AddSiteInfo() pdateSiteInfo() AddSiteLine() pdateSiteLine()

/"arts0Ser-ice1"ro-ider ID !ame Address "#one $mail



SiteLine Composed of Amount !umber Description 1++, 1

CalculateQuote() ReturnQuote() %er&eAddendumToRFQ() SendQuoteToContractor() opname()

Class Diagram Description R!" is the &e$uest 'or (uotation !orm the user !i ed at the c ient. It "i be sent to the contractor and be hand ed b3 contractor. 'or e%er3 &'(# it contains in!ormation about the customer ID# description o! the pro<ect# the date and other genera in!ormation about the &'(. &'( is composed o! se%era Site# and siteCspeci!ic in!ormation are "rapped in the Site c ass.

Ehen an addendum is recei%ed re ating the this &'(# the contractor "i trigger the update !unction o! &'( and merge the addendum to the &'(. Addendum is to update the pre%ious &'(. 1sers ha%e to speci!3 the origina number o! &'(# so that the update can be merged to the origina &'(. A short description o! the addendum describes the ma<or updates. Site C ass is created !rom the &'(. The detai o! &'( is retrie%ed !rom the user inter!ace# and then added to the Site c ass. A Site ma3 contains se%era site ines# and the Site0ine c ass contains detai ed in!ormation !or each product or ser%ice re$uired. The creation and updating o! site ine is managed b3 the Site c ass Site$ine c ass is a data oriented c ass# it contains detai ed in!ormation !or each product or ser%ice re$uested in &'(. 1pon recei%ing o! &'(# C%ntract%r ana 3se the &'(# and send corresponding $uest to subconstractors. Ca cu ate the returned resu t !rom the subcontractors# !orm the resu t in a standard !ormat# then return it to the customer. 1pon recei%ing o! addendum# the contractor !ind the &'( this addendum is associate "ith# merge the update and bui d a ne" &'(. Su&C%ntract%rs inc ude parts pro%iders and ser%ice prodi%ers. Contractor c ass "i oo6up the subcontractor c ass !or detai ed in!ormation !or the speci!ic subconstractor. The subcontractor is responsib e !or re$uest the $uotes o! re$uested products or ser%ices. 'nter(ace is the "eb inter!ace that the customer can access and !i in the &'( !orm# ma6es updates b3 the addendum !orm.


CRC card metam%del A C&C card can be conceptua iFed as an inde: card that inc udes the !o o"ing items= )? Each card represents one c ass 2? Each c ass represented on each card has one ro e# that is one tas6 that is its responsibi it3 to e:ecute. .? Each ro e entai s one responsibi it3 that the c ass is created to e:ecute. +? Each C&C card ists a other c asses that the primar3 c ass associates or co aborates "ith. i. Co aborations consist o! c ient c asses that the primar3 c ass pro%ides ser%ices !or. ii. Co aborations a so consist o! the speci!ic ser%ices pro%ided b3 the primar3 c ass to the c ient c asses. *. Use Case diagram metam%del A use case diagram is a combination o! use cases and actors as !o o"s=

,? 1se cases# "hich are descriptions o! acti%ities that the s3stem# and its users9actors engage in. i. This a so inc udes a description o! the re ationships among the %arious use cases in the s3stem. 6? A use case diagram inc udes actors# "hich are GperhapsH endCusers# or other s3stems "hich are outside o! the s3stem boundaries co%ered b3 the use case diagram. i. A description o! the actors entai s a description o! the re ationships bet"een actors and use cases# and among actors. C. A&stract class metam%del Abstract c asses can be %isua iFed in the !o o"ing manner= -? Abstract c asses are intentiona 3 incomp ete. 8? The3 are not used to generate ob<ects. A? The3 are a "a3s a GpureH superc ass. )*? The3 must ha%e concrete subc asses. i. The3 can generate ea! c asses I that ha%e direct instances ii. The3 can generate nonC ea! c asses "hich act as superc ass to generate 3et other c asses in the c ass hierarch3. D. Class Diagram metam%del C ass diagrams are an abstraction o! rea it3 and encompass the !o o"ing items= ))? Descriptions o! the c asses in%o %ed9in the s3stem. i. C asses each ha%e a meaning!u name. ii. C asses ha%e attributes "hich describe the %arious %a ues that instances o! the c ass can assume. iii. Deha%iors# operations# or methods# "hich describe the ser%iceGsH the c ass o!!ers. )2? Descriptions o! ob<ects# or instantiations o! c asses. ).? Tagged %a ues "hich can !or most purposes be considered constraints )+? ;ac6ages# "hich can be seen as subs3stems# composed o! a number o! c asses pro%iding the subs3stems ser%ices. ),? C ass diagrams shou d detai inheritance !rom superc asses to subc asses. )6? C ass diagrams mode associations bet"een c asses# "hich inc ude= i. A meaning!u name. ii. Bu tip icit3 iii. Cardina it3 i%. Association attributes %. Association c asses# i! necessar3 I "hen the association has attributes and beha%iors. %i. Associations are t3pica 3 binar3# but ma3be ternar3 or higher degree in e:treme 3 rare cases


,alue %( OO Design heuristics

A. C asses se ected that ma6es sense in the prob em domain. The c asses "e se ected !or this prob em "ou d on 3 ma6e sense in this domain# and not necessari 3 an3 other domain G0ecture +# s ide )2H. D. Ee !ound use cases to be instances o! s3stems beha%iors. G0ecture +# s ide 2.H.

C. Ee !ound it he p!u to de!ine the s3stem boundaries "hen "e "ere creating the use case and c ass diagrams G0ecture ,# si des )- 2 )8H. This a so he ped us to identi!3 associations bet"een the c asses in the s3stem. D. Ee used the AJO9ATO ru es to determine the aggregation re ationships !rom site ine to site to &'(. E. Ee used the K1ses5 re ationship to describe a number o! the re ationships in our s3stem# such as &'(CAddendum# &'(CContractor# and ContractorCSubcontractor G0ecture )*# s ide 2+H.


M%del Essentials
A. Ee ha%e attempted to 6eep the mode s simp e# in that there are - uses cases and si: c asses identi!ied !or our s3stem at the present time. D. Ee ha%e a so attempted to be comp ete in the construction o! the mode . Lo"e%er# there is sti a good possibi it3 at this stage that "e ha%e missed an important# or e%en critica e ement or e ements. C. Stabi it3 I stabi it3 is a topic that has rea 3 not been addressed 3et in our mode . Ee ha%e up to this point attempted to capture the essence o! "hat the bidding s3stem is supposed to do. D. The mode shou d be testab e# and that shou d pro%ide c ues as to comp eteness and possib 3 some degree o! the stabi it3 o! the s3stem. E. The mode is Gat east to our mindsH c ear or eas3 to understand. It captures the basic idea o! "hat the bidding s3stem is supposed to do# and a3s out the basic !unctiona ities. '. The mode s and diagrams used here are in genera $uite %isua # and not entire 3 te:tua in nature# so it shou d be re ati%e 3 straight!or"ard !or those un!ami iar "ith the s3stem to $uic6 3 gain an understanding o! the purpose o! the s3stem.

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