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Stallings, W.

Organizacin y arquitectura de computadores #$lculo% &na 'aria(le

7ma. ed.

Pearson Educacin


T omas, !eorge ".

))a ed.

Pearson Educacin Manning O'Reilly


Walls, #raig Warden, Pete ,arris, -lan

Spring in action de. Big data glossary Sinatra: Up and Running )a ed.


20)) 20)) 20)2

O'Reilly 0'a. ed. Pearson Educacion

.o nson, /ic ard -.

Probabilidades y Estadstica para ingenieros El lenguaje unificado de modelado: gua de usuario 'reating games


Booch, Grady [et al.]

2a ed

Pearson Educacion


Mc#uire$ Morgan y %en&ins$ Odest '(ad)ic&e -(omas$ .a/e

* + Peters


Programming Ruby 0 , 1 2 !: t(e pragmatic programmer's guide Beginning android tablet application de/elopment Professional *ndroid 4 application de/elopment 5ntroduction to mat(ematical logic 6t( ed

Pragmatic Boo&s


1ee, Wei23eng

%o(n 3iley 1 Sons %o(n 3iley 1 Sons 'R' Press


Meier$ Reto


Mendelson$ Elliott


AUTOR/ES .ongarra$ %ac& 7et al 8 9eds : Menden(all$ 3illiam; Bea/er$ Robert$ % ; Bea/er$ Barbara M Myers, Glenford J. [et al.] -anenbaum$ *ndre) y 3et(erall$ .a/id % >alsall$ ?red Purcell, Ed4in .. ,ala(i, Sam y 3cP erson, 5anny #rossman$ S 5 Piattini Delt(uis$ Mario Eec(ner$ Mario; #reen$ Robert Solis$ .aniel Eambon$ #iulio Mittal$ Dib(u O G7et al 8$ eds 3est$ .ouglas B Oppen(eimer$ *lan B ; Sc(afer$ Ronald 3 Bondy$ % * Y Murty, U. S. R. Breslin$ %o(n; .ec&er$ Stefan; Passant$ *leJandre

TTULO Sourceboo& of parallel computing 5ntroducci<n a la probabilidad y estadstica -(e *rt of Soft)are -esting Redes de 'omputadoras


EDITORIAL Morgan +aufmann

AO 2!!2 2!0!

02a ed

'engage =earning .o n Wiley Pearson Educaci<n Pearson Educaci<n Pearson Educaci<n 'isco Press Mc#ra)C>ill *lfaomega RaC Ma *press *press *press Springer

2rd ed 5ta ed.

2!02 2!02 2!!@ 2!!@ 2!!0 2!02 2!00 2!02 2!02 2!02 0,,H

Redes de computadores e internet 'Alculo 5nternet routing arc(itectures Blgebra lineal ,a ed 2a ed

@ma ed 'alidad de sistemas de informaci<n 2da ed. Beginning *ndroid #ames 5llustrated 'F 2!02 Beginning %SP$ %S? and -omcat: %a/a )eb de/elopment *ssisti/e tec(nology and artificial intelligence: applications in robotics$ user interfaces$ and natural language processing 5ntroduction to grap( t(eory -ratamiento de seIales en tiempo discreto #rap( t(eory -(e social semantic )eb 0a ed 0a ed 2dn ed. 4ta ed 2da ed

2da ed

Prentice >all Pearson Educaci<n Springer Springer

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2!!H 2!!,






#rimm$ ' y Sc(lKc(termann$ # Banerjee$ Ltpal 1ipsett, /oger6 Sc ae7er, #arl 8. 6 &ssery, #ary *rdagna$ .anilo; Mecella$ Massino; Mang$ %ian Babar$ Mu(ammad *li; #orton$ 5an 3olff$ Bur&(art; EaNdi$ ?ati(a 9eds : >ug(es$ M 7et al 8 Smit($ Robert Margaria, Tiziana Staa!, Ste77en 9 Editor: Elmasri$ RameO "ill, #ennis G. %e&is, 'arry R. Papadimitriou, # ristos ,. *(mar$ *bbas Russell, Stuart J. (or)ig, Peter ?reedman$ .aniel P Wein(erg, !erald 3.

5P traffic t(eory and performance =oop transformations for restructuring compilers: t(e foundations D>.=: (ard)are description an design Business Process Management 3or&s(ops Soft)are *rc(itecture -esting soft)are and systems 'omputer grap(ics: principles and practice 'Alculo: /olumen 5 Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, erification and alidation. : !echnologies for Mastering "hange, #art $ ?undamentals of database systems Ecuaciones diferenciales: con aplicaciones de modelado Elements of t(e t(eory of computation #rid computing: a practical guide to tec(nology and applications *rtificial 5ntelligence: * Modern *pproac( >andboo& of 3al&t(roug(s$ 5nspections$ and -ec(nical Re/ie)s: E/aluating Programs$

0a ed 0a ed 0a ed

Springer +lu)er *cademic +lu)er *cademic Springer

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0a ed


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$entro de *studiantes de la 8acultad de ;n7orm$tica <#E8;= Suppes$ P y >ill$ S LQ=P ?acultad de 5nformAtica Binimelis$ Maria 5sabel *ntoniou$ #rigoris 7et al 8 PaenOa$ *driAn 'otlar$ Misc(a y Ratto de Sados&y$ 'otta %uul$ %esper RuiO$ .iego Bro)n$ Simon al 8 7et

2!04 'uadernillo de 5ngreso 5ngeniera en 'omputaci<n 2!04: 5ntroducci<n a la 5nformAtica Primer curso de l<gica matemAtica "urso de ingreso Lic. % A.#.U. Lna nue/a manera de /er el mundo: la geometra fractal * semantic )eb primer MatemAtica RestAs a(S: sobre nTmeros$ personajes$ problemas y curiosidades 5ntroducci<n al *lgebra: Qociones de Algebra lineal 2ra ed 0a ed @a ed 1a ed. Re/ertP 'E?5 RB* M5- Press Siglo UU5 Eudeba M5- Press MP 3roJ Mc#ra)C>ill Mourdon Press Mc#ra)C>ill Pearson Educaci<n 2!0! 2!04 2!0! 2!02 2!00 0,@0 2!00 2!!6 2!!0 0,HH 0,H0 2!!" 0,,6 0,,, Prentice >all 2!!!

>alfCreal: /ideo games bet)een real rules and fictional )orlds 'F: la gua total del programador 2da ed. Professional %SP Probabilidad y estadstica: aplicaciones y mPtodos ?undamental concepts of information modeling dsP5': diseIo prVctico de aplicaciones 'Alculo /ectorial -(e not so s(ort introduction to =a-eU 2e: or =a-eU 2e in H@ minutes 5nternet)or&ing )it( -'PW5P 0a ed 0a ed 0ra ed 0ra ed 0a ed '. +.7 4ta ed

'ana/os$ #eorge ' ?la/in$ Matt *ngulo Lsategui$ %osP Mara 7et al 8 Pita RuiO$ 'laudio Oeti&er$ -obias G7et al 8 'omer$ .ouglas E

AUTOR/ES .a/ie$ * % #oldreic($ Oded Ra+say, ,llan %ordan$ >arry ? y *lag(band$ #ita -(ompson$ Simon Bury$ +arl -aulson, %a&rence $. 3alpole$ Ronald E $ y otros +endall$ + M +endall % 'ortagerena$ *licia y ?reijedo$ 'laudio MarroXun$ QPstor

TTULO *n introduction to functional programming systems using >as&ell 'omputational compleJity: a conceptual perspecti/e ?ormal met(ods in artificial intelligence ?undamentals of parallel processing >as&ell: t(e craft of functional programming Statistical distributions in engineering M= for t(e )or&ing programmer Probabilidad y estadstica para ingeniera y ciencias *nAlisis y diseIo de sistemas -ecnologas de la informaci<n y las comunicaciones -ras los pasos de un (ac&er

ED. 0a ed 0a ed 0ra Ed 0a ed 2ra ed 0ra ed 2da ed ,na ed H/a ed 2da ed. 0ra de

EDITORIAL 'ambridge Lni/ersity Press 'ambridge Lni/ersity Press #am(ridge &ni'ersity Press Pearson Education Pearson Education 'ambridge 'ambridge Pearson Educaci<n Pearson Educaci<n Pearson Educaci<n

AO 0,,2 2!!H 0,HH 2!!2 2!00 0,,, 0,," 2!02 2!00 2!!" 2!0!

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