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Total Harmonic Distortion Reduction for n-level Cascaded H-bridge Boost Inverter using Hybrid Method

S.Veerakumar1 and Dr.A. Nirmalkumar2

Abstract -- These days to improve the battery voltage for a conventional three-phase
inverter, a multilevel boost inverter is used by Electric vehicles (EV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) available power inverter systems for HEVs. ue to the e!istence of high range of Total Harmonic istortion (TH ), the present HEV inverters have low efficiency and low power density. "n this paper, dc-ac cascaded n-level boost converters with #daptive $euro %u&&y "nterference 'ystem (#$%"') controller have been proposed. The feature of this techni(ue is minimi&ation of TH and also provides the discriminatory elimination of harmonics. #n n-level boost inverter is comprised in the proposed design. #n ordinary three phase, three leg inverter and an H-bridge in series with each leg of the inverter (for each phase allocated one leg), which uses capacitor as a dc source. To generate the staircase output voltage waveform fundamental switching scheme is used. )nowledge base generation, #$%"' training and %ine tuning are the three steps followed in #$%"'. "n the *nowledge base generation, the random number of switching angles and the e(uivalent output voltages are generated. $e!t by the training dataset, the #$%"' was trained and at last produces the optimum switching angle. To develop the correctness of the system this process includes the fine tuning process. This will be finding out the error produced in the system, which is tuning to reduce the error and produce the optimum switching angle. The final output is reduced TH rate and high power density.

Key words: dc-ac cascaded n-level boost inverter, Electric Vehicles (EV), Hybrid Electric
Vehicles (HEV), #daptive $euro %u&&y interference 'ystem (#$%"').

Nomenclature Vdc - Input dc voltage

s - Switching angles 1, 2 and

V T - arget voltage
V ph - !hase voltage

new - New switching angle old - Value o" switching angle

- uning constant

Vhbc - Voltage o" h th order harmonics

! Introduction
A glo#al concern has grown with vehicle generated air pollution emissions, greenhouse gas emissions and energ$ consumption %&'.Design "or heav$ dut$ h$#rid electric vehicles ()*Vs+ that have large electric drives such as tractor trailers, trans"er trucks, or militar$ vehicles will re,uire advanced power electronic inverters to meet the high-power demands( 1-- k.+ re,uired o" them%1'. /or these vehicles,the improvement o" large electric drive

trains will result in #etter "uel e""icienc$, lower emissions, and likel$ #etter vehicle per"ormance acceleration and #raking %2' o increase the #atter$ voltage "or a traditional three-phase inverter, power inverter s$stems "or )*Vs use a dc0dc #oost converter%11'. wo di""erent approaches to the )*V modeling can #e adopted the #ackward and "orward"acing modeling with respect to the ph$sical causalit$ principles %2, 3-'.4an$ new applications such as contactless power suppl$ "or pro"essional tools contact-less #atter$ charging across large air gaps "or electric vehicles, compact electronic devices, mo#ile phones, and medical implants have #een ena#led #$ the modern power electronics %3'.Due to their potential improved sa"et$, relia#ilit$ and convenience, several 5** s$stems have #een developed "or electric vehicle #atter$-recharging applications %1'. hese s$stems are designed to trans"er power continuousl$, provided that good hori6ontal and vertical alignment e7ists #etween the track and power pickups %8'. he rechargea#le #atteries and ultracapacitors electrochemical capacitors are the energ$ storage technologies that are #eing utili6ed

%9'.*lectric vehicles (*Vs+ and h$#rid *Vs ()*Vs+ have #een identi:ed to #e the most via#le solutions to "undamentall$ solve the pro#lems associated with I5*Vs %;'. o #lend a pre"erred high voltage "rom a num#er o" levels o" dc voltages that can #e #atteries, "uel cells, etc. is the common "unction o" the multilevel inverter %18'. /or a given interaction, statistics, initial densit$ matri7, and coupling, the potential is a "unctional o" the time-dependent current densit$ %1-'.A multilevel converter was presented in which the two separate D5 sources were the second Aries o" two trans"ormers coupled to the utilit$ A5 power %11'. he cascaded multilevel converter with separate D5 sources can "it man$ o" the needs o" allelectric vehicles #ecause it can use on#oard #atteries or "uel cells to generate a nearl$ sinusoidal voltage wave"orm to drive the main vehicle traction motor %13, 22'. Attaining high power rating is not the onl$ goal "or a multilevel it also ena#les the use o" renewa#le energ$ sources %12'. he #atter$ model integrated to the Sim!ower S$stems (S!S+ is used in the complete simulation o" an )*V power train %19'. .ithout e7cessive simulation times, the electrical model o" each #atter$ t$pe must precisel$ represent the terminal voltage, state-o"-charge (S<5+, and power losses. he paper includes e7perimental con"irmation o" the models and simulator at a num#er o" levels %1;'.It is #roadl$ accepted that "or middle- and highspeed applications #ack-*4/-#ased methods carr$ out well %1&'. =oth "or the "uel cell h$#rid vehicle design and on the testing side o" the development c$cle, achieving this goal re,uires state-o" the-art technolog$ %12'.*lectrical s$stems generall$ comprise several working modes caused #$ switches. o attain convergence and>or accurac$ electrical s$stems also tend to #e ?sti""@ #$ nature, re,uiring ver$ small time steps or varia#le-step solvers %2-'. A ke$ issue in designing an e""ective multilevel inverter is to ensure that the total harmonic distortion ( )D+ in the voltage output wave"orm is small enough %21'. rans"ormers less multilevel inverters are uni,uel$ suited "or these applications #ecause o" the high power ratings possi#le with these inverters %22'.

"! Related #or$s

Ilhami5olaket al. %23'.have proposed to most common multilevel inverter topologies and control schemes have #een reviewed. 4ultilevel inverter topologies (4AIs+ were increasingl$ #eing used in medium and high power applications due to their man$ advantages such as low power dissipation on power switches, low harmonic contents and low electromagnetic inter"erence (*4I+ outputs. he

selected switching techni,ue to control the inverter will also have #een e""ective role on harmonic elimination while generating the ideal output voltage. Intensive studies have #een per"ormed on carrier#ased, sinusoidal, space vector and sigma delta !.4 methods in open loop control o" inverters. he selection o" topolog$ and control techni,ues ma$ var$ according to power demands o" inverter review results constitute a use"ul #asis "or matching o" inverter topolog$ and the #est control scheme according to various application areas. 4auricio Botella et al.%21'.have applied a nonredundant three-stage 2;-level inverter using ?)@ converters was anal$6ed "or medium- and highpower machine drive applications. he main advantage o" this converter was the optimi6ation o" levels with a minimum num#er o" semiconductors. )owever, the s$stem needs si7 #idirectional and isolated power supplies and three more unidirectional i" the machines were not using regenerative #raking these nine power supplies were reduced to onl$ "our, all o" them unidirectional, using three strategiesC 1+ the utili6ation o" independent and isolated windings "or each phase o" the motorD 2+ the utili6ation o" independent input trans"ormersD and 3+ the most important o" them, the application o" special pulse width modulation (!.4+ strategies on the 2;levelconverter, to keep positive average power at the medium power #ridges and 6ero average power at the low-power #ridges. he generation o" this !.4 and control o" this multi converter was implemented using DS! controllers, which give Ee7i#ilit$ to the s$stem. 5. hanga BaFet al. %28' have presented due to ro#ustness, relia#ilit$, low price and maintenance "ree, induction motors (I4s+ used in most o" the industrial applications. he in"luence o" these motors (in terms o" energ$ consumption+ in energ$ intensive industries was signi"icant in total input cost a review o" the developments in the "ield o" e""icienc$ optimi6ation o" three-phase induction motor through optimal control and design techni,ues. <ptimal control covers #oth the #road approaches namel$, loss model control (A45+ and search control (S5+. <ptimal design covers the design modi"ications o" materials and construction in order to optimi6e e""icienc$ o" the motor. he use o" Arti"icial Intelligence (AI+ techni,ues such as arti"icial neural network (ANN+, "u66$ logic, e7pert s$stems and nature inspired algorithms (NIA+, Genetic algorithm and di""erential evolution in optimi6ation were also included. *7perimental and simulation e7amples on e""icienc$ optimi6ation were illustrated. 5hris 4i et al. %29'.have proposed to power electronics circuits pla$ an important role in the success o" electric, h$#rid and "uel cell vehicles.

$pical power electronics circuits in h$#rid vehicles include electric motor drive circuits and D5>D5 converter circuits. 5onventional circuit topologies, such as #uck converters, voltage source inverters and #idirectional #oost converters were challenged #$ s$stem cost, e""icienc$, controlla#ilit$, thermal management, voltage and current capa#ilit$, and packaging issues. Novel topologies, such as isolated #idirectional D5>D5 converters, multilevel converters, and H-source inverters, o""er potential improvement to h$#rid vehicle s$stem per"ormance, e7tended controlla#ilit$ and power capa#ilities gives an overview o" the topologies, design, and thermal management, and control o" power electronics circuits in h$#rid vehicle applications. IonstantinosAaskariset al.%2;'.have proposed !ermanent magnet s$nchronous machines with nonoverlapping concentrated "ractional-slot windings on improved electrical characteristics compared to "ull pitch windings con"igurations descri#es the design process and construction o" two 1--pole permanent magnet s$nchronous motors, "eaturing "ull-pitch and "ractional-pitch windings these two con"igurations in terms o" per"ormance and e""icienc$. =oth motors have #een designed "or direct-drive applications with low speed and high e""icienc$ capa#ilit$ and were intended to #e used as a traction drive in an electric protot$pe vehicle. he proposed motors have #een e7ternal rotor con"iguration with sur"ace mounted Nd/e= magnets. he electromagnetic characteristics and per"ormance were computed and anal$6ed #$ means o" "inite elements anal$sis. hese results were "inall$ compared with the e7perimental measurements on respective protot$pes. <ne o" the "actors that a""ect the overall per"ormance o" multilevel inverters is harmonics. )armonics are mainl$ generated due to non-linear loads connected to the inverters. Some o" the pro#lems that occur due to harmonics are wiring overload, trans"ormer heating etc. he harmonics are generated in each order and "or controlling these harmonics certain controllers are utili6ed. /or output regulation o" inverters, di""erent linear controller schemes such as !ID, )-#ased or dead#eat controllers are used. )owever, these controllers are una#le to $ield satis"actor$ results in the case o" distur#ances. Some works, have used "ilters to eliminate the harmonics, #ut the harmonic contents are not "ull$ eliminated #$ them. 5ertain other works have attempted to reduce the harmonics #$ var$ing the switching angles using techni,ues that control the switching angles like "u66$ logic, neural network etc. hese controlling methods eliminate the harmonic contents, #ut not in all circumstances. Now, the increasing demand o" electrical vehicles leads to eliminate the harmonic contents under all

circumstances in a critical wa$. 4oreover, less works have #een considered in the literature in perspective o" appl$ing harmonic elimination e""orts "or inverter that could #e applied in electric vehicle and appliances. hese pro#lems motivated to "ind a solution and to do this research work.

%! &ro'osed Methodology
he proposed adaptive techni,ue reduces the harmonics #$ com#ining the "u66$ logic and the neural network. his techni,ue can eliminate harmonics selectivel$ #$ choosing the switching angles o" the )$#rid *lectric Vehicles ()*V+ optimall$ and adaptivel$. =$ selecting optimal switching angles, harmonics generation can #e avoided in inverters that are used in )*V. 5onsider that the )*V utili6es a dc-ac 5ascaded )-=ridge 4ultilevel =oost Inverter with No Inductors "or *lectric>)$#rid *lectric Vehicle Applications. he general mathematical model o" the inverter output voltage with s steps can #e represented as,

V ( t + =

1 V dc 1 %cos(n 1 + + cos(n 2 +....... + c 2 n=1,3,8 n


s are the switching angles. he phase voltage o" the multi level inverter can #e represented as, V ph =V1 +V2 +........ +Vn (2+

.here, Vdc is the input dc voltage and

1 , 2

/igure.1. Dc0ac cascaded )-#ridge n- level #oost inverter.

N-level dc-ac cascaded H-bridge multilevel boost inverter (Figure.1) for EV and HEV applications is described in this paper. The dc-ac cascaded H- bridge n-level boost inverter has the standard three phase inverter and each phase of the inverter is connected in series with the H-bridge. The H-bridge capacitor is used as a dc power source. For this proposed topology the usage of large inductors can be eliminated. Usually fundamental switching scheme is used to do modulation control and to output staircase voltage waveform. The proposed dcac cascaded Hbridge n-level boost inverter without inductors will provide a boosted ac voltage output. The operation of the dc-ac cascaded H-bridge n-level boost inverter is explained in next section 3.1. 3.1 Mode of Operation he single phase structure o" the dc-ac cascaded nlevel inverter is shown in /igure. 2. he circuit operates with the help o" switching actions. he outputs are generated according to the switching actions. I" the switch ' 8 is closed in the #ottom level inverter, the output voltage o" V1 will #e
/igure.2. Single phase o" the dc-ac cascaded )-#ridge multilevel #oost converter.

In this inverter which uses "undamental "re,uenc$ switching modulation control, a staircase wave"orm output is produced with a sinusoidal load current wave"orm. Accordingl$ the capacitor voltage regulation depends on the phase angle di""erence o" the output voltage and current otherwise the highest output ac voltage o" the inverter depends on the displacement power "actor o" the load. he magnitudes o" the /ourier coe""icients when normali6ed with respect to Vdc are as "ollows,

H ( n+ =

1 %cos(n1 + + cos( n2 + + ......... cos(ns +' n

Vdc 2 .Similarl$ the switch ' 9 closed the output o" the V1 is Vdc 2 . his output is given to the
)-#ridge, which is supplied #$ a capacitor voltage. he capacitor is kept charged to Vdc 2 , then the switches ' 2 and ' 3 is closed. Similarl$ switches

'1 and ' 1 are closed, the )-#ridge output V2 is taken to Vdc 2 .I" the output voltage is -, when the switches '1 and ' 1 or ' 2 and ' 3 will #e

(3) .here n J 1, 3, 8, ;... he switching angles 1, 2 ,...... s , can #e selected such that the voltage total harmonic distortion is minimum. In general these angles are chosen so that the maFor lower "re,uenc$ harmonics, 8th, ;th, 11th, and 13th, harmonics are eliminated. he switching angles are chosen with the help o" Adaptive Neuro /u66$ Inter"erence S$stem (AN/IS+. he AN/IS technolog$ was e7plained in ne7t section 3.2. 3.2 Example of Mode Operation: (Switch ' 8 ' 2 and ' 3 !losed" his section descri#es the multilevel inverter mode operation with ' 8 , ' 2 and ' 3 switches are closed, which is shown in /igure.3. he output

voltage V1 o" leg o" the #ottom inverter (with respect to the ground+ is Vdc 2 when the switch

' 8 is closed. his leg is connected in series with a

"ull )-#ridge and it is supplied #$ a capacitor voltage. he capacitor is kept charged to Vdc 2 , and then the output voltage o" the )-#ridge can take on the values Vdc 2 switches ' 2 and ' 3 are closed. he output - means '1 and ' 1 is closed. he num#er o" levels chosen high to produce #etter sinusoidal voltage wave"orm. Similarl$ the other modes are operated.

AN/IS used to pla$ "undamental role in otal )armonic Distortion ( )D+ reduction techni,ue. It is used "or training the neural network according to the switching angles and the harmonics generated #$ them. It provides a random generation o" switching angles and also corresponding output voltages. he ordinar$ switching angles range is divided into di""erent intervals and a switching angle pattern is generated. he switching angle intervals and the corresponding voltages are determined using the "ollowing ta#le.
* -1 -11 V V-3 * -2 -21 V V13 - $ 1 - $ 2 - $ * ( $g 1+ * V$ (-+1 V$ (-+ 3 * -1(-1 $g 1+ * -2 ( $ g 1+ 11
(-+ h (-+ h h ( -+

Switching Angles

<utput Voltage

V-*$ H V1* $H
h H

* V$ (-+ $


111 -21


* 11( $g 1+ -1 * -- ( $ g 1+ 11


(1 + h -


(1 + h 1

1 * * $ h (1(+1( $ g 1 + V V $ +1 $ (1+ 3
h h

* -3 * 13

* - $H * 1$ H


* (1+ $h $H

$ 1 $ 2
l l

$ 11 $ 21
l l ( $l + 1 h

* * V-1 $ l 1( $ gV 1-3 + * * V11 $ l 2( $ gV 1 + 13

$ $

( $l + h

$ $

* * V + $ $ ( $l V ( $ ( ($ $1+ +

V-*$ H V1* $H
* ( $l + $h $H

/igure.3. 4ode o" operation e7ample



/igure.1. Becon"igured dataset

(! AN)I* Based +n *,itching Angles

he optimum choosing o" switching angle using AN/IS mainl$ consists o" three steps, 1. Inowledge #ase generation 2. AN/IS training 3. /ine tuning #.1 Knowled$e %ase &eneration

,2,......$ h are random .here, abc b =1 integers generated within the corresponding intervals, Vhbc c =1,3......$ H is the voltage o" h th
order harmonics. he AN/IS was trained #$ using the recon"igured dataset +a . .hen the training process is completed, the AN/IS is read$ to use and to o#tain the output voltage "or the given switching angle. #.2 '()*S +rainin$ he s$stem consists o" an adaptive network and /IS that aids in the elimination o" harmonics that are generated #$ the *lectric Vehicle and )$#rid *lectric Vehicle. he AN/IS network to #e utili6ed "or the s$stem is illustrated in /igure. 8.

- < 1 < 2 .........$ 1 < 2

he switching angles are maintained at, (1+

The THD (odd harmonics) can be calculated using the following relation


V8 + V;

+ ..... + V$ H



per"ormance and accurac$ o" the s$stem #$ using tuning process. In this tuning process the constant elements like TH T and the V T taken into account. he tuning process is illustrated #elow. Step 1 o "ind the error )D value that is denoted #$ *rror ( E1 +
/igure.8. the AN/IS structure used in the proposed techni,ue

E1 = -.8(TH



AN/IS consists o" "ive la$ers, "u66$ la$er, product la$er, normali6ed la$er, de"u66$ la$er, and total output la$er. he input consists o" )D and voltage o" the multilevel inverter. he dataset will #e needed to train the network. he dataset +a is shown in /igure.1. his can #e made capa#le #$ taking + a as the re"erence dataset and e7tracting the patterns "rom B. he B dataset ) th class satis"ies the + a dataset in same class, this "orm is one o" the training elements in training dataset + train .In the same wa$, this process is per"ormed "or all the patterns present in B and there"ore the total training dataset is "ormed.

.here, TH T is arget otal )armonic Distortion, )D is actual otal )armonic Distortion. Step 2 o "ind the error voltage V that is denoted ( E #$ *rror 2+

E 2 = -.8(V T V ph + 2
.here, V T is target voltage, V ph is phase voltage. Step 3 Determine the average o" the error value E avg E avg = -.8( E1 + E 2 + Step 1 /ind the new switching angle

-1 -11 V V -2 -21 V V -$ 1 -$ 2 -* * $( - + ( $g V 1+ ( - + V$ 1 $ 3
* -1( $g 1+ -1 * -2 ( $ 1+ 11 g * -3 * 13
(-+ h (-+ h h ( -+

Switching Angles

<utput Voltage


111 -21

* * V V-3 11( $g 1+ -1 * -( $ 1+ V V* 11



(1 + h -


(1 + h 1


(1 +

- to 1, old is the value o" * switching angle calculated. V$ (-+ Step 8 h $H o check the result that is must satis"$ the V-*$ "ollowing H i < i +1 < i +2 < ...... < i +n D i > V1* $H I" the result not satis"ied means, it will #e corrected in the "ollowing wa$

* - $ H .here, new is * normall$ 1 $ constant H

new = % E avg K K old K r ' + old

( = -.2+ ,r is random num#ers

new switching angle, is tuning

selected within the range

* ( $ g 1+ (1+ h (1 + $h 1 $h 3

* V$ (1 + $

i new > i +1 new

Becover the

is the error condition, i > -

$ 1 $ 2
l l

$ $

( $l + h

/igure.9. raining dataset

* * $ 11 V-1 V-*$ H relation $ 1(V $ -3 1+ new old * * * o check i $ 21 V11 < i +1 i" the condition V1 $ 2 (V $13 1+ $H old satis"ied i +1 will #e taken to ne7t steps. * * * I" it is not satis"ied $ $ 1 V$ V$ ( $l + $ $ V ( ($ $ l + 1+ ( $l + $h 3 $H 1 h h i +1 new = i new + r
l l g l l g l ( $l + h l h ( $l + g

i +1 new value using the "ollowing


#.3 )ine +,nin$ Generall$ the AN/IS output is not accurate i.e., the switching angle generation and the corresponding voltage and )D is not e,ual #ut e,uivalent. So it is re,uired to increase the

.here, r = -,1 (Bandom num#ers+ hen repeat the steps 1 and 8. It will #e proceeding when the result is satis"ied.

-! ./'erimental Results

he e7ecution o" the proposed techni,ue is per"ormed in the working plat"orm o" 4A AA= ;.12.-(B2-11a+ and we have utili6ed the provided AN/IS tool#o7es. In the implementation process, we have considered that the )*V has the cascaded )#ridge multilevel inverter, which is dependa#le "or generating the harmonics a""ected voltage wave"orms. he multilevel inverter has n-levels and the corresponding switching angles. he selections o" switching angles are needed to #e optimall$. he techni,ue is e7ecuted in such a wa$ that it can eliminate the selective order harmonics. During the random generation o" switching angles are considered and accordingl$ the rules are generated "or the corresponding angles, which is used to the network training. <nce the training process was "inished, which is read$ to work. o improve the per"ormance o" the techni,ue #$ adding tuning techni,ue (tuning constant = -.2 +. he implementation and the corresponding results are illustrated #elow.

/igure.&C !roposed 3rd order harmonic with tuning

/igure.2.!roposed 3rd order harmonicL "undamental harmonic with tuning

/igure.9. proposed method without harmonic elimination

/igure.1-. 3rd order magnitude without harmonic elimination

/igure.;. !roposed method without tuning

/igure.11. 3rd order magnitude without "ine tuning

/igure.18. 8th order magnitude without "ine tuning /igure.12. 3rd order magnitude with "ine tuning

/igure.19. 8th order magnitude with "ine tuning /igure.13. 3 order magnitude with neural network #ased "ine tuning

/igure.11. 8th order magnitude without harmonic elimination

/igure.1;. 8th order magnitude with neural network #ased "ine tuning

/igure.1&. ;th order magnitude without harmonic elimination

/igure.21. ;th order magnitude with neural network #ased "ine tuning

/igure.12.;th order magnitude without "ine tuning /igure.22. 2th order magnitude without harmonic elimination

/igure.2-. ;th order magnitude with "ine tuning /igure.23. 2th order magnitude without "ine tuning

/igure.21. 2th order magnitude with "ine tuning

/igure.28. 2th order magnitude with "ine tuning neural network

0! Discussions
/igure 1- illustrates the inverter output without harmonic elimination techni,ue whereas /igure 11, 12 and 13 illustrates inverter output with selectivel$ mitigated 3rd order harmonics using proposed techni,ue without "ine tuning, proposed techni,ue with "ine tuning and neural network-#ased harmonic elimination techni,ue, respectivel$. .hen no harmonic elimination techni,ue is implemented, 3 rd order harmonic voltage magnitude is 22-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude, which is "undamental voltage magnitude (normali6ed+ and proposed techni,ue without "ine tuning is implemented the resultant magnitude is 22-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. he 3rd order harmonic elimination with proposed "ine tuning techni,ue magnitude is reduced compared to the other two techni,ues in which magnitude range is ;&M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. he neural network #ased tuning techni,ue reduced the magnitude level that is not #etter than the proposed "ine tuning techni,ue in which magnitude is

12-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. /igure 11-1; shows the multilevel inverter output without harmonic elimination, proposed techni,ue with selectivel$ eliminates 8th order harmonics without "ine tuning, proposed techni,ue with "ine tuning and neural network #ased "ine tuning harmonic elimination, respectivel$. he 8th order harmonic voltage magnitude is 1;-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude, when no harmonic elimination techni,ue is implemented. he proposed method without "ine tuning process is implementedD the resultant is 11-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude and implements the proposed method with "ine tuning techni,ue, in which magnitude o" the harmonics range is reduced #$ 2-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. he 8th order selective harmonic mitigation using neural network "ine tuning techni,ue is 11-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. he multilevel inverter output without harmonic elimination ,selectivel$ mitigated the ;th order harmonic techni,ue using proposed techni,ue without "ine tuning, proposed method with "ine tuning and neural network #ased "ine tuning is illustrated in "igures 1&-21 respectivel$. he without harmonic elimination techni,ue is implemented, which ;th order harmonic voltage magnitude is 21-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude and the proposed techni,ue without "ine tuning result is 11-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. In proposed techni,ue with "ine tuning is implemented, which reduced the harmonic magnitude is 12-Mo" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude and the neural network #ased "ine tuning techni,ue is implemented, which harmonic magnitude is 13-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. he "igures 21-28 shows the output o" the multilevel inverter without harmonic elimination, selectivel$ mitigated the 2 th order harmonics using proposed techni,ue without "ine tuning, proposed techni,ue with "ine tuning and neural network #ased "ine tuning respectivel$. .hen no harmonics elimination techni,ue is implemented, the output o" the harmonic magnitude is 12-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. he 2 th order selective harmonic elimination using proposed techni,ue without "ine tuning is implemented, which harmonic magnitude is 11-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. he proposed techni,ue with "ine tuning is reduced the harmonic voltage magnitude in 2-M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. Neural network #ased "ine tuning is to mitigate the 2th order harmonic is implemented, which harmonic voltage magnitude is ;&--M o" normali6ed "undamental voltage magnitude. he comparative results are proved that

the AN/IS controller with "ine tuning techni,ue is more su""icient to mitigate the selective harmonics.

In this paper, the )*Vs n-level cascaded )-#ridge inverter was represented and the )D was controlled #$ the AN/IS controller. he input to #e given "or AN/IS controller was harmonic voltage to #e minimi6ed and the re,uired )D value o" the s$stem. It was success"ull$ trained with the random generation o" switching angles and the corresponding output voltages. he AN/IS output controls to o#tain optimal switching angles, which is not e,ual #ut e,uivalent. So that "ine tuning process was introduced to improve the accurac$ o" the s$stem. /rom the results, it was seen that the proposed techni,ue reduced )D and mitigated the selected harmonic order using the determined optimal switching angles when compared to the previous techni,ues. he comparative results proved that the proposed techni,ue mitigated the selected harmonics to su""icient level which are competent over the other techni,ues.

%1'.Aeon 4. ol#ert, /ang Hheng!eng, im 5unn$ngham, and Nohn N. 5hiasson, O5harge =alance 5ontrol Schemes "or 5ascade 4ultilevel 5onverter in )$#rid *lectric VehiclesO I*** ransactions <n Industrial *lectronics, Vol. 12, No.8, pp.1-8&-1-91, <cto#er 2--2. %2'.Aeon 4. ol#ert, Senior 4em#er, I***, /ang Hheng!eng, and homas G. )a#etler, O4ultilevel 5onverters "or Aarge *lectric DrivesO, I*** ransactions <n Industr$ Applications, Vol. 38, No. 1,pp.39-11, /e#ruar$ 1222. %3'.5hwei-Sen .ang, <skar ). Stielau and Grant 5ovic, ODesign 5onsiderations "or a 5ontactless *lectric Vehicle =atter$ 5hargerO, I*** ransactions <n Industrial *lectronics, Vol.82,No.8, pp.13-&-1311, <cto#er 2--8. %1'.Pungtaek Nang, and 4ilan 4. Novanovic, OA 5ontactless *lectrical energ$ ransmission S$stem "or !orta#leelephone =atter$ 5hargersO, I*** ransactions <n Industrial *lectronics, Vol.8-, No.3, pp.82--82;, Nune 2--3. %8'.Grant A. N. *lliott, Ste"an Baa#e, Grant A. 5ovic, and Nohn . =o$s, O4ultiphase !ickups "or Aarge Aateral olerance 5ontactless !ower- rans"er S$stemsO, I*** ransactions <n Industrial *lectronics, Vol.8;, No.8, pp.182--182&, 4a$ 2-1-. %9'. Andrew ". =urk,O=atteries and Qltra-capacitors "or *lectric, )$#rid, and /uel 5ell VehiclesO, In !roceedings o" the I***, Vol.28, No.1, pp.&-9-&2-, April 2--;. %;'.5hau I , 5han, 55 and Aiu, 5, O<verview o" permanentmagnet #rushless drives "or *lectric and h$#rid electric vehiclesO, I*** ransactions on Industrial *lectronics, Vol. 88, No. 9, pp. 2219-228;, Nune 2--2.

%&'. )* Nianhui, PANG Ain, RIANG Nia7i, 5)*N Hi,iang and H)Q Nian7in, ONovel /le7i#le )$#rid *lectric S$stem And Adaptive <nline <ptimal *nerg$ 4anagement 5ontroller /or !lug In )$#rid *lectric VehiclesO, Nournal o" 5entral South Qniversit$,Vol.89, No.8, pp.292-2;3, 2-12. %2'.5ristian4usardo, Giorgio Bi66oni, /ellow,and =enedetto Staccia, OA-*54SC An Adaptive Algorithm "or )$#rid *lectric Vehicle *nerg$ 4anagementO, In !roceeding <" I*** 5on"erence on Decision And 5ontrol, and he *uropean 5ontrol 5on"erence Seville, Spain,Vol.13, No.11, pp.1&19-1&23, Dec 2--8. %1-'.Iieron =urke, Bo#erto 5ar, and Balph Ge#auer, ODensit$ /unctional heor$ o" the *lectrical 5onductivit$ o" 4olecular DevicesO, he American !h$sical Societ$, Vol.21, No.11, pp.1-1, April 2--8. %11'.Hhong Du, Aeon 4. ol#ert,Nohn N. 5hiasson and =urakS6pineci,OA 5ascade 4ultilevel Inverter Qsing a Single D5 SourceO, In !roceeding o" Industr$ Applications, I*** ransactions <n, 4ultilevel Inverter Qsing a Single D5 Source, Vol.32,No.8, pp.129-13-, 2--9. %12'.SurinIhom"oi and Aeon 4. ol#ert, O/ault Diagnostic S$stem "or a 4ultilevel Inverter Qsing a Neural NetworkO, I*** ransactions on !ower *lectronics, Vol.22, N<.3, pp.1-92-1-92, 4a$ 2--;. %13'.Hhong Du, Aeon 4. ol#ert, Nohn N. 5hiasson, =urak<6pineci, )ui Ai and Ale7 R. )uang, O)$#rid 5ascaded )-#ridges 4ultilevel 4otor Drive 5ontrol "or *lectric VehiclesO, In !roceeding o" !ower *lectronics Specialists 5on"erence, I***, No.3;, pp.1-9, Nune 2--9. %11'.Hhong Du, =urak<6pineci, Aeon 4. ol#ert, and Nohn N. 5hiasson, OD50A5 5ascaded )-=ridge 4ultilevel =oost Inverter with No Inductors "or *lectric>)$#rid *lectric Vehicle ApplicationsO, I*** ransactions <n Industr$ Applications, Vol.18, No.3, pp.293-2;-, Nune 2--2. %18'.)aiwen Aiu, Aeon 4. ol#ert, SurinIhom"oi, =urak<6pineci and Hhong Du, O)$#rid 5ascaded 4ultilevel Inverter with !.4 4ethodO, In !roceeding o" !ower *lectronics Specialists 5on"erence I***, pp.192-199, Nune 2--&. %19'.<livier rem#la$, Aouis-A. Dessaint, and A#delIllahDekkiche, OA Generic =atter$ 4odel "or the D$namic Simulation o" )$#rid *lectric VehiclesO, In !roceeding o" Vehicle !ower and !ropulsion 5on"erence V!!5 I***, pp.2&1-2&2, Sept 2--;. %1;'.B$an 5. Iroe6e and !hilip . Irein, O*lectrical =atter$ 4odel "or Qse in D$namic *lectric Vehicle SimulationsO, In !roceeding o" !ower *lectronics Specialists 5on"erence I***, pp.1339-1312, Nune 2--&. %1&'.Nunggi Aee, Ninseok )ong, Iwanghee Nam, Bomeo <rtega, Aaurent !ral$, and Alessandro Astol:, OSensor less 5ontrol o" Sur"ace-4ount !ermanent-4agnet S$nchronous 4otors =ased on a Nonlinear <#serverO, I*** ransactions <n !ower *lectronics, Vol. 28, No.2, pp.22--22;, /*= 2-1-. %12'.5hristian Du"our, Nean =Tlanger, etsuhiro Ishikawa and IousukeQemura, OAdvances in Beal- ime Simulation o" /uel 5ell )$#rid *lectric VehiclesO, In !roceedings o" the *lectric Vehicle S$mposium, No.21, April 2--8. %2-'.5hristian Du"our, Nean =Tlanger and Simon A#ourida, OBealime Simulation o" <n#oard Generation and Distri#ution !ower S$stemsO, In !roceeding o" International 5on"erence on 4odeling and Simulation o" electrical 4achine, 5onverters and S$stems, No.&, April 2--8. %21'.Aeon 4. ol#ert, Nohn N. 5hiasson, Hhong Du, and Ieith N. 4cIen6ie, O*limination o" )armonics in a 4ultilevel 5onverter with Non e,ual D5 SourcesO, I*** BANSA5 I<NS <N INDQS BP A!!AI5A I<NS, Vol.11, No.1, pp.;8-&2, /e# 2--8. %22'.Nohn N. 5hiasson, Aeon 4. ol#ert, Ieith N. 4cIen6ie, and Hhong Du, O*limination o" )armonics in a 4ultilevel 5onverter Qsing the heor$ o" S$mmetric !ol$nomials and

BesultantsO, I*** ransactions <n 5ontrol S$stems echnolog$, Vol.13, No.2, pp.219-223, 4AB5) 2--8. %23'.Ilhami5olak, *rsanIa#alci and Bama6an=a$indir, OBeview o" multilevel voltage source inverter topologies and control schemesO, *nerg$ 5onversion and 4anagement, Vol.82, No.2, pp.111-112&, /e# 2-11. %214auricio Botella, Gon6alo !eUailillo, Navier !ereda, and Nuan Di7on, O!.4 4ethod to *liminate !ower Sources in a Nonredundant 2;-Aevel Inverter "or 4achine Drive ApplicationsO, I*** ransactions on Industrial *lectronics, Vol. 89, No. 1, Nan 2--2. %28'.5. hanga BaF, 4em#er IA5SI , S. !. Srivastava, and !ramodAgarwal, O*nerg$ e""icient 5ontrol o" hree-!hase Induction 4otor - A BeviewO, International Nournal o" 5omputer and *lectrical *ngineering, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1;23&12&, April 2--2. %29'.5hris 4i, /ang H. !eng, Ienneth N. Iell$, 4ichael <V Iee"eandVaha#)assani, O opolog$, design, anal$sis and thermal management o" power electronics "or h$#rid electric vehicle applicationsO, International Nournal o" *lectric and )$#rid Vehicles, Vol. 1,No.3, pp.2;9-221, 2--&. %2;'.IonstantinosAaskaris, *""ros$ni heodorou, Vasilios!apanikolaou, AntoniosIladas, O)igh *""icienc$ !ermanent 4agnet .heel 4otor Design "or Aight *lectric Vehicle ApplicationsO, 4aterials Science /orum, Vol.;21, pp.313-31&, Nune 2-12. %2&'. Hhong Du, =urak <6pineci, Aeon 4. ol#ert Nohn and N. 5hiasson, ?D5-A5 5ascaded )-=ridge 4ultilevel =oost Inverter with No Inductors "or *lectric>)$#rid *lectric Vehicle Applications@, I*** ransactions on Industr$ Applications, Vol.18, No.3, pp.293-2;-, 4AP>NQN* 2--2. %22'. .anFekeche. , Nimoh.A.A, Nicolae, D. V, OA Novel 2-Aevel 4ultilevel Inverter =ased on 3-Aevel N!5>)-=ridge opolog$ "or !hotovoltaic ApplicationsO, IB**, Vol.1, No.8, %3-' pp.;92-;;;, 2--2. Nik6ad 4ohammad Be6a and Badan Ahmad, O5omprehensive Anal$sis o" Interior !ermanent 4agnet S$nchronous 4otor Drive in Directl$ 5onnected =atter$Inverter, !arallel )$#rid *lectric VehiclesO, IB**, Vol.1, No.1, pp.891-892, 2--2.

S.Veerakumar o#tained his =achelorWs degree in *lectrical and *lectronics *ngineering "rom =harathi$ar Qniversit$ 5oim#atore. hen he o#tained his 4asterWs degree in !ower *lectronics "rom Vellore Institute o" echnolog$, Deemed Qniversit$. 5urrentl$, he is a Assistant !ro"essor (Senior Grade+ in *lectrical and *lectronics *ngineering, =annari Amman Institute o" echnolog$, Sath$amangalam, amil Nadu, India. )is speciali6ations include !ower *lectronics and Drives, 4icroprocessor, *lectric Vehicle.

Dr. A. Nirmalkumar completed his graduation and post graduation in *lectrical *ngg "rom 5alicut and Ierala Qniversit$ in 12;2 L12;9 respectivel$. 5ompleted his Doctorate "rom =harathiar Qniversit$ in 1222. )e is currentl$ an !ro"essor and )ead in the Department o" *lectrical and *lectronics *ngineering at IN/< Institute o" *ngineering, Iovilpala$am, 5oim#atore, amil Nadu, India. )is area o" speciali6ation includes !ower converters "or renewa#le energ$ application and drives. )e has more than 3- $ears o" teaching e7perience. )e is guiding at present 2- research scholars. )e is the recipient o" Institution o" *ngineers Gold 4edal "or the $ear 12&2. )e has man$ pu#lications in national and international Fournals to his credit.

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