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CENTRE FOR GEOTECHNICAL RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY ELASTIC SOLUTIONS FOR SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS by HG. Poulos and E.H. Davis ‘The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Telephone: (02) 692 2109 Telex: AA 26169 ELASTIC SOLUTIONS FOR SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS SERIES IN SOIL ENGINEERING Edited by T.William Lambe Robert V. Whitman Professors of Civil Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Books in Series: Soil Testing for Engineers by T. William Lambe. 1951 ‘Soil Mechanics by T. William Lambe and Robert V. Whitman, 1968 Elastic Solutions for Rock and Soil Mechanics by Harry G. Poulos and E.Davis, 1974 ‘Soil Dynamics by Robert V. Whitman (in progress) Fundamentals of Soil Behavior by James K. Mitchell (in progress) ‘Tho aim ofthis series isto present the modern concepts of soil ‘engineering, which is the science and technology of soils and their application to problems in civil engineering. The word “soil” is interpreted broadly to include all earth materials whose properties and behavior influence civil engineering construction. Soil engineering is founded upon many basic disciplines? mechanics and dynamics: physical geology and engineering geology: clay mineralogy and colloidal chemistry: and mechanics of granular systems and fluid mechanics. Principles from these basic disciplines are backed by ‘experimental evidence from laboratory and field investigations and from observations on actual structures. Judgment derived from experience and engineering economics are central to soil engineering. “The Books In this series are intended primarily for use in university ‘courses, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The editors also ‘expect that al ofthe books will serve as valuable reference material for practicing engineers. T. William Lambe Robert V. Whitman ii ELASTIC SOLUTIONS FOR SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS H G Poulos Reader in Civil Engineering University of Sydney EH Davis Professor of Civil Engineering (Soil Mechanics) University of Sydney Originally Published in 1974 by: JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. NEW YORK - LONDON - SYDNEY - TORONTO. Reprinted in 1991 by: CENTRE FOR GEOTECHNICAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY iti Details of original publication: ‘Copyright © 1974, by Jona Wiley & Sons, Inc. [Alright reserved Published simultaneously in Canad. ‘No pat of thia book may be reproduced by any means. ‘or ianamiied, nor Wansiated into a machine language ‘without he writen permission ofthe pubiher. Urary of Congress Cataioging in Puttcaton Date: Povo H G84 laste slitlns for en and rock mechanics. ibiography: p. . 4, Soll mechanics—Probloms, exercises, etc. 2. lock mechanies—Probieme, exerts, ot |. Elastcty—Probiems, exercises, et. Davia, EM, joint author. Ik Tie. Taniope? — e2essia 7371 ISBN 0471-605653, Printed in th United States of America woeaTesaaz1 iv PREFACE TO REPRINTED EDITION The original edition of this book has been out of print for several years, but there have been many requests for it to be reprinted. The original publishers, John Wiley and Son Inc, New York, have been gracious in re-assigning copyright to the surviving author, and hence, the book is now being reprinted through the Centre for Geotechnical Research at the University of Sydney. This reprinted edition contains a significant number of corrections which were brought to the author's attention by a number of users, in particular, Dr John T Christian, Dr Peter T Brown, Professor M R Madhav, Mr J M Shen, Sir Alan Muir Wood, Dr K J Cheverton, Professor Michael J Pender, Dr | D Moore, Associate Professor J C Small and Mr M A Adler. | am very grateful to these persons for their interest in bringing the errors to my attention. | am also grateful for the encouragement of my colleagues within the Centre for Geotechnical Research at the University of Sydney to prepare the corrected edition, and to Ms Monica Martin, who undertook the typing of the corrections and Miss Kim Pham for correcting the figures. Harry G Poulos August, 1991 PREFACE ‘The authors have attenpted to asseable as comprehensive a collection as possible of graphs, tables and explicit solution of probleas in elasticity relevant to soil and rock nechanies. Many of these solutions are well known and‘widely used in geotechnical practice, and are available in standard xeferences. However, new solutions of relevance appear at frequent intervals and in diverse publications, and it is~ difficult for the practising engineer to locate, or even to kmow of the existence of, solution which may be of interest. ‘The large majority of solutions are for an isotropic hono- geneous nass, but some important solutions are also included for cross-anisotropic and non-hopogeneous elastic materials. Because of the vast literature in the theory of elasticity and the need to keep the book to a reasonable size, coverage of solutions in this book is by no means exhaustive, and solutions which nay be considered of relevance by sone people will doubt- Jess have been onitted. In a number of instances, a reference is given even though no solution is reproduced in the book. Tt has not been found practicable to maintain 2 uniform notation throughout the book; where there appeared to be valid reasons for doing so, the original author's notation has been adhered to, but particularly in the nore basic material, a comon notation has been used. However, a uniform sign con- vention has been used in that the following are considered as positive: compressive stress, reduction in length or volme, and displacement in the positive co-ordinate direction. ‘The authors have not attempted the imense task of a full check of all the solutions they have reproduced, but a more Jimited check has been carried out by testing solutions for self= consistency and consistency with other solutions and this has uncovered a mmber of errors in the original solutions which have ‘been corrected. However, it is probable that some further errors vill have escaped the-authors' notice and any information on such errors will be gratefully received by then, ‘The book is divided into essentially four parts: (2) __an introductory sumary of the basic equations and relationships in elastic theory (Chapter 1) and then basic solutions for problens involving concentrated leads on elastic nedia (Chapter 2); () __ solutions for loading of simple geonetrical areas, both unifornly loaded and rigid (Chapters 3 to 9); (©)___ solutions of a nore complicated nature having relevance to practical soil mechanics, rock mechanics and foundation problens (Chapters 10 to 15); (@__ appendices containing complete solutions for various cases of surface loading on an anisotropic or isotropic elastic half space. PREFACE As a reference for students, research workers and practising engineers, this book may be used in a umber of ways: (2) __as an immediate source of solutions for use in solving geotechnical problems; (b) __as a source of basic solutions from which nore complicated solutions may be evaluated by the user; (6)___ as a source of reference solutions against which numerical computer solutions (e.g. from the finite elenent method) may be checked. Grateful achnowledgenent is given to the great mmber of persons and institutions, too mmerous to list individually, who have given permission for their solutions to be reproduced. Special thanks are due to Dr. T. William Lanbe; Edmund K. Tumer Professor of Civil Engineering at M.I.T., for his original encouragenent of the preparation of the book; Dr. J.P. Giroud of the University of Grenobie, France, for his generous permission to reproduce many of his results, both published and unpublished; Drs. J.R, Booker and P.T, Brown of the University of Sydney for their coments and advice, and Dr. C. M, Gerrard and Mes. W.J. Harrison for permission to reproduce ‘their papers in full as Appendices A and B. Finally, the authors are greatly indebted to Mrs. M. Brown, who cheerfully and patiently carried out the major task of typing the manu- seript, and to Mr. R. Brew, Mes. H. Papallo and Miss A. Chittendon, who undertook the onerous task of preparing the diagrans. H. G. Poulos EH. Davis June 1973 vii Lae 12 Ls Ls Ls 1.6 Lar 1g HAPTER 2 24 22 23 GUAPTER S aa 3.2 33 34 CHAPTER 4 4a. 42 43 CONTENTS FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS Analysis of stress Analysis of strain Equilibein equations Strain-displacenent and compatability equations Stress-strain relationships Digferential equations of isotropic elasticity Convenient methods of considering loaded areas ‘Superposition of solutions for various loadings Equations of simple bending theory BASIC SOLUTIONS FOR CONCENTRATED LOADING Point Loading Line loading Line loading-axial symetry DISTRIBUTED LOADS ON THE SURFACE OF A SEMI- INFINITE YASS Loading on an infinite strip Loading over half the infinite surface Loading on a circular area Loading on a rectangular area Loading on an elliptical area ‘Loading over any area - DISTRIBUTED LOADING BENEATH THE SURFACE OF A ‘SEMI-INFINITE MASS Vertical Loading on a horizontal area Horizontal loading on a vertical rectangle Rectangles subjected to shear loading wean 10 2 “ 1s 16 26 41 a3 54 4 92 7 99 CHAPTER 5 Sal 5.2 5.3 5.4 GUPTER 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 CHAPTER 7 7 7.2 73 78 1s 7.6 17 7.8 79 CHAPTER 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 85 CHAPTER 9 9. 9.2 9.3 CONTENTS SURFACE LOADING OF A FINITE LAYER UNDERLAIN BY A RIGID BASE Loading on an infinite strip Loading on a circular area Loading on a rectangular area Vertical loading over any area ‘SURFACE LOADING OF MULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS ‘Tworlayer systems ‘Three-layer systens Four-layer systens Approximate solutions for mlti-layer systens RIGID LOADED AREAS Infinite strip on a seni-infinite mass Cirele on semi-infinite mass Circular ring on seni-infinite mass Rectangle on semi-infinite nass Ellipse on semi-infinite mass Infinite strip on finite layer Circle on finite layer Rectangle on finite layer Rigid areas enbedded within a semi-infinite mass ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN CROSS- ANISOTROPIC MEDIA Concentrated loading on a semi-infinite mass Strip on semi-infinite mss Circle on seni-infinite mass Loading on miti-layer systems Particular cases of anisotropy STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN A NON-HOMOGENEOUS ELASTIC MASS Seni-infinite mass with linear variation of nodulus Generalized Boussinesq theory for non- homogeneous semi-infinite mass Finite layer with linear variation of modulus 103 a us 182 138 us 162 162 165 16 167 168 169 17 178 180 180 183 184 18s 187 191 193 195. 198 CHAPTER 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 CHAPTER 11. iL 1.2 CHAPTER 12 12a 12.2 12.3 CHAPTER 15 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 CHAPTER 14 Web 14.2 14.3 CHAPTER 15 15.1, 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 CONTENTS ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN EMBANKMENTS ‘AND SLOPES Enbankeent on rigid base Exbankeeht on elastic foundation Infinite slope ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS AROUND UNDERGROUND OPENINGS Unlined openings Lined openings RAFT FOUNDATIONS Strip foundations on a seni-infinite mass Circular rafts Rectangular rafts AXIALLY LOADED PILES Single incompressible floating pile Single compressible floating pile Single compressible end-bearing pile Negative friction in a single end-bearing pile Floating pile groups End-bearing pile groups PILES SUBJECTED TO LATERAL LOAD AND MOMENT Single floating pile ‘Tip-restrained piles Pile groups MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS ‘Thick-wall cylinder in triaxial stress field Cylinder with rough rigid end plates Inclusien in an infinite region Stigé plate subjected to moment and horizental load Stresses in a layer with @ yielding base Stresses ‘behind retaining walls 199 208 226 29 245 249 235 260 269 27. 278 278 279 281 283 287 291 297 297 304 305 APPENDIX A STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN A LOADED ORTHORHOMBIC HALF SPACE APPENDIX B CIRCULAR LOADS APPLIED TO A CROSS~ ANISOTROPIC HALF SPACE REFERENCES AUTHOR DXDEX 309 337 399 405 407 Chapter 1 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Analysis of Stress 1.1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS AND SIGN CONVENTION Since it is often convenient in soil nechanics to consider compressive stresses as positive, this conventional will be adopted here. The normal and shear stresses acting on an elenent are shown in Fig.11, the stresses all being of positive sign. ‘The normal stresses Gz, Jy, dz are positive when directed into the surface. The notation for the shear stress Tj; is as follows: is the shear stress acting inthe direction on a plane normal to the i axis. ‘The sign convention for shear stress is as follows: ‘The shear stress is positive when directed in a negative Cartesian direction while acting on a plane whose outward normal points in a positive direction, or, when directed in a positive Cartesian direction while acting on a plane whose outward normal points in a“hegative Cartesian direction. Equilibriua requires that wy" ye Tye = ty Te 7 Teg For the definition of stresses in other coordin- ate systems, see Section 1.3. 1.1.2 STRESS COMPONENTS ON ANY PLANE Referring to Fig.1.2, the stress components Pres Pays Pra on any plane with a directed normal » can be expressed in tems of the stresses in the 2, y and 2 coordinates as PIG.1.2, 2 FUNDAMENTAL DEPINITIONS AND RELATIONSEIPS Paz Tye Tee | | eo ua Pry | = | Tay Sy Tay | [orate Jos G0 Paz Tee Tys Sx | [e082 where cos(njz) is the cosine of the angle between the 7m and = directions, and similarly for cos(ny) and cos(n,z). y Zi Nem FIG.1.2 1,1,3 TRANSFORMATION OF AXES If anew set of orthogonal axes !, y', x! are chosen, the stress components in this coordinate system are related to the stress components in the original =, y, 2 system as follows: 8 =Asat see (1.2) where $, is the stress matrix with respect tothe xty'z! axes, Sis the stress matrix with respect tothe zy = axes, A is the direction cosine matrix, ies, A= | cos(s',2) cos(a',y) qos(s',z) cos(y',2) coa(y',y) cos(y',a) eoe(a",2) cos(a',y) cos(a',z) AT is the transpose of A. 1.1.4 PRINCIPAL STRESSES It is possible to show that there is one set of axes with respect to which all shear stresses are zero and the nornal stresses have their extreme values. The three mutually perpendicular planes where this condition exists are called the princtpal planes, and the normal stresses acting on these planes are the principal stresses. The principal stresses, 01, 62 and os (the maximum, intermediate and ninimm stresses respect- ively) may be found as the roots of the equation o oe OD 9,3-s10;2 + d20, - Js where Jy = 0_40,40,,= @(bulk stress) oie see (Leda) 2g tag 2 Ja Oye tey “ys ee see (edb) - 0.1.2 tiga? Je = 00,9508 yg Oy an ~Oa*ay + Ryytyeteg -++ 40) Jy (or 0), Jz, Js are often known as the first, second and third stress invariants, as they remain constant, independent of the coordinate system. In terms of the principal stresses, T= 6 =o +02 +03 see G52) Jz = 0102 + 0203 + 0302 + (50) Ty = 010203 see G50) The directions of the normals to the principal planes are given by 208 (3,2) ss Q.6a) 2s c09(nzs4) = + (1.66) Ma tas,240,2 fy 8240; ses G62) F004) 0,r0,) Ty kyy Tykes ~ Tey (6, yo Tay ys “Tee and ©, are the principal stresses = 1,2,3)6 © 1.1.5 MAXIMUM SHEAR STRESS ‘The maximm shear stress occurs on a plane whose normal makes an angle of 45° with the o; and oy directions. The maximm shear stress, Tmar at @ point is given by ANALYSIS OF STRESS 3 paz 7 (01-03) we ON 1.1.6 OCTAHEDRAL STRESSES The octahedral normal stress yoy and the octahedral shear stress Tost at a point are the stresses acting on the eight planes of an imaginary octahedron surrounding the point, the normals to the faces of the octahedron having direction cosines of 41/73 with the direction of the principal stresses. ‘The magnitudes of the octahedral stresses are 6,49, Sete ve (1.8) 3 Tot = 2 ((or-o2)* Horas? #103-01)*)* = ty) *#(0,,-0,,)*+(0,-0,)* Ht Hg Hyg )) ves 2.9) 1.1.7 TWO-DIMENSIONAL STRESS SYSTEMS Many situations in soil mechanics can be treated as two-dimensional problems in which only the stresses in a single plane need be considered. The most important case is that of plave strain, in which the strain (see Section 1.2) in one of the coordinate directions (usually the y direction here) is zero. Another class of problems are those involving plane ‘stress conditions, in which the stress in one of the coordinate directions (usually y here) is zero. In two-dimensional stress situations, the stress relationships are considerably simplified in relation ‘to the general three-dimensional case. Referring to Fig.1.3, the stresses on a plane making an angle @ with the 2 direction are 1g = H(0,40,)44(0,-0,)ovs20+t,.sin2® ... (1.10) = 1,,00820-K(0,, -0,)sinze se Qa % ‘The principal stresses are given by By soso) e((or0,J*4r,,7)* ... 0.12) ‘The principal planes are inclined at an angle a, 6 = Hart Sart see 2.13) and 490° to the 2 axis. ¥IG.1.3 ‘The maxim shear stress occurs on planes inclin~ ed at 45° to the principal planes and is of magnitude Tne = ¥ ((0,7,)*4 40,,2)¥ see Qed) (It should be noted that the sign of this maxim shear stress is opposite on the two planes, in order to confora to the sign convention given in Section Lip. 1.1.8 MOHR'S CIRCLE OF STRESS A geometrical solution for stresses in any dir- ection is provided by Mohr's circle, shown in Fig.1.4 for a two-dimensional stress systen. The circle is drawn in relation to a set of orthogonal axes, one for normal stress (c) and the other for shear stress (1). The seale of these two axes mst be equal. I£ the principal stresses 1, 6 are known, the circle can be drawn with the centre at o=4(01403) and of radius (01-03)/2. If the normal and shear stresses are known, the cirele can be drawn with the centre at o=k(oztdy) and passing through the points (0_, t,,) and (0,,-T,)» The radius of the circle thus constructed is equal to the maximm shear stress Taz (see Equation 1.14). ‘The angle 28; is twice the angle between the a coordinate axes and the axes corresponding to the directions of principal stress (the 1-3 axes in Fig.1.4). The direction of rotation of the radius fron its original constructed position to where the circle intersects the normal stress axis is in the same angular sense as the direction of rotation of the axes for the =-z axes to becone the principal 3-7 axes: The stresses in any other directions x’, 2! nay similarly be determined by drawing a diameter, through the ‘centre of the circle, at an angle 20 to the diameter describing the stress conditions on the 4 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 2-2 axes, where 0’ is the angle between the az axes and the x!‘ axes (see Fig.2.4). It should be noted that shear stresses are con- sidered positive if they tend to produce a clockwise rotation about a point, outside the elenent, at the plane on which they act (Fig.1.5). This convention is consistent with that previously developed for ‘three-dimensional conditions. Q 1.1.9 POLE CONSTRUCTION ‘The pole construction is a useful way of Linking the stresses at a point in the physical plane (Fig. 1.60) to the Mohr circle diagram for the stresses (Fig.1.6a). The pole, P, is the point on the circle such that the normal and shear stresses on any plane & (perpendicular to the physical plane) are given by the intersection with the Mohr circle of a line ‘through P parallel with the plane a. For example the stresses on vertical and horizontal planes are as indicated in Fig.1.6a and the major principal plane is inclined at the angle 8 above the horizontal. 1.2 Analysis of Strain 1.2.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS Considering first the case of two-dimensional strain (Fig.1.7), the normal strains e and ¢, are defined as see (L158) ANALYSIS OF STRAT 5 -3 see (Le15b) where Pz, Og are the displacements in the = and 2 directions. A positive normal strain corresponds to a decrease in length. ‘The shear strain Yzz is the angular change in a right angle in a material and is related to the dis- placements pz and pz as + @.16) ‘A positive shear strain represents an increase in the right angle and a negative shear strain represents a decrease in the right angle. = Considering the sy and yz planes similarly, the six strain components are related to the displace- Rents Pz» Pys bg inthe =,y and z directions as ap, 20, 20, oe -aee gt Se 7 Ge Ny 7 Be ee et?) 20, a, 2, ae5t = - oh oe ae ato FE + Gam) ap, a, Pe ce gg ee oes (LT) as a2 Os As for shear stresses Ge! te sro! postion fons exrtigaration oF the ‘origina! right orgie AOB. ‘Shear SOM Yqg 2-017 Oe 1.2.2 STRAIN IN A PLANE Considering again a two-dimensional strain situ- ation, the normal strain cg in 2 plane inclined at @ tothe = axis is x, 00820 + 2 sine & = see 28) and the shear strain is Ye = Yoq 07820 - (6,764) einde see G19) (ote that the above expressions correspond to those for the noraal and shear stresses (Section 1-1), except for a factor of i in the last tem). 1.2.5 TRANSFORMATION OF AXES I£ a new set of orthogonal axes =!, y', 2! are chosen, the strain components in this coordinate system are related to the strain components in the original =, y, 2 system as Dy = ADAT +++ (1.20) where D is the strain matrix in the 3 Ys 2 systea, Fx Ny Fea] pe ye Y My} ... a tse May D, is the strain matrix in the a!, y!, 2! system. A is the direction cosine matrix defined in Section 1.1.3. AT iis the transpose of A. In matrix operations, it is convenient to use the double suffix notation and to define 4ygj as 23. ‘The strain matrix is then ese Sey Se pe ye °w &ya B wes (1.22) az "ye Sa 1.2.4 PRINCIPAL STRAINS Analogous to the principal planes of stress, there are three principal planes of strain. The shear strains in these planes are zero and the normal strains are the principal strains. The major and minor prin- cipal strains are respectively, the greatest and least normal strains at the point. For an isotropic elastic material, the principal planes of strain can be shown to coincide with the principal planes of stress. 6 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS ‘The principal strains are determiied, in a sinil- ar manner to principal stresses, as the roots of the ‘equation ef - het +ne,- t= 0 vee 2.25) were Th = 6, + 6, +6, ese (24a) Yet Tenet, +6, + 66, - ere) ate le 4 4. cea ety San? Tyecee, - eae. Stee aty’s G é ey? _ Sale? | Yo Yes 4 4 see (1.240) Ih, Iz, Is are the strain invariants, analogous to ‘the stress invariants. In two-dimensional systens, the principal strains €1, €3 are as follows: see (1.25) a ete = 22s we), pe Sale es and the principal planes are inclined at an angle 6; to the = and 2 axes, where ses 1.26) ran = 827 ss G27 where €, = maximum principal normal strain, €3 = minimm principal normal strain. ‘Ymge _ccours on a plane whose normal makes an angle of 46° with the €, and 3 directions. 1.2.6 MOHR'S CIRCLE OF STRAIN A geonctrical solution for strains in any direct- ion is provided by Vohr's circle of strain (Fig.1.8). ‘The only difference between the circle of strain and the cizcle of stress is that, in the circle of strain, the ordinate represents only one-half the shear strain Ge. the ordinate axis is y/2). As in Fig.1.4, the axes 1-3 represent the principal axes, 2-2. the horizontal and vertical space axes and ‘2'-2! the axes in direction at an angle @/ to the 2-2 axes. ‘The diameter of the circle is equal to the maximm shear strain Jeaapaeet Ynune = ME greg) + Yaw ‘The pole construction as described for’ the Mohr circle of stress may be adapted for the Mohr circle of strain. FIG.1.8 Mohr circle of strain, 1.3 Equilibrium Equations 1.3.1 CARTESIAN COORDINATES By considering the equilibrium of the element shown in Fig.1.1 in the Cartesian coordinate systen, the following equilibrium equations are obtained: 20, at, t, pow 3 i, ye see (2.288) te ay ee Mer, Be eng vee 288) az ay as a, », Seep de eee vo Gate here Z, ZZ. are the body forces, per unit volume, in the 2, y and = Siceetionsy eee (1-308) With an ordinary gravity field and the z dir- ection vertically downwards, X and J are zero and a, we Ot Z is the unit weight, y, of the material. = oqte 20 eee (2.306) at 1.5.2 CYLINORICAL coonpmsaTEs 1.5.5. SPHERICAL coonomiaTes (Fig.1.10) 710.1.10 Baoytgtygeots a e+ Q-31a) Stygtlogayieot® F see GL.31b) Corisidering the equilibrium of the elenent in the cylindrical (r,z,0) coordinate system shown in Fig. ‘nga ggoot8 1.9, the equilibriua equations are (neglecting body . oe forces) ses Ge31e) see 1.298) For complete spherical symmetry these become 20, 20,6, . Bp, Mee + (323 oe see G.290) 8 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.4. Strain-Displacement and Compatibility Equations 2.A.1CARTESEAN CoonDINATES ‘The strain - displacement relationships are given 4m equation (1.17). Since six strain components are derived from only three displacenents, the strains are not independent of each othor. Six further relation- ships, known as the compatibility equations, can be derived. These are as follows: “a se+ (33a) ate, ate, ay, ay, 2 2 Se tat * at ss (1-350) Fe, Fe, ye WtaF "le noe TAateh Be, ye ee %, Ga "at ae tap tae Gs ae, Nye Men, %, -2 G#_—= Ge 3 Ge Fee. asm ae, 9 ty, 37, YY, Zee 2,2. Heap GEE ano 1.4.2 CYLINDRICAL COORDINATES ‘The strain ~ displacement equations are 2, 2, Yap 7 Op 7 Ge sss Qs34e) ‘The corresponding compatability equations are quoted by Lture (1964). 1.4.3. SPHERICAL COORDINATES ‘The strain - displacement equations are: 12% _ Ho te tee e358) ggg oon ae (eg ““reind ap 7 26 ogees —_— > ves (1.358) a, e, ®, night ta Yer oe * yr ” Reine 3p = wig te ‘Feine 3¢ ve Qu350) ‘The compatibility equations, for the case of axial symmetry, are quoted by Lure (1964). 1.5 Stress-Strain Relationships 1.5.1 LINEAR HOMOGENEOUS ISOTROPIC MATERIAL Strains in terms of stress: = Ft, - voy +01 es, = Zio, - vo, +0.) y 7 By” Cet oe 1 «, 7 biez- ve, +o 2 “ey” G tee ei Tye” 6 "ye 1 Yen” G Tee where E = Young's modulus v= Poisson's ratio G = shear modulus E 2(140) Also, volume strain ) 8 e = where. c, = Extoytes © = ot0y40, = bulk ee (36a) ses (1-360) ses 1-360) + (1.368) see G.360) s++ (1.368) see 137) see (1.37) stress STRESS-STRAIH RELATIONSHIPS 9 X= balk modulus. Stresses in terms of strains: o, = dey + 200, oy = Ae, + 206, o, = Ae, + 26e, see 38a) see 380) vee (1.38e) = Oy, ete see (1.384) where 1,@ are Lame's paraneters ve, (149) (1-20) see (1-398) a= —2_« shear modulus 20) ves (1-396) (© 4s also often denoted as u). Fot the special case of plane stress e.g. in the az plane, o=0 in the above equations. For the special case of plane strain in the mz plane, ey=0 and hence 9, = veo, +6,) a.40) Equations (1.36) then reduce to a= 22 aw - ww) se (sda) gro ves (eae) 6, = SM to,2-) - wo ses Ge4le) = 2 wit vee Qo) Solutions for a plane strain problea can be used for the corresponding plane stress problem provided that the following equivalent values of E and v are used in the plane strain problem: 2, = “ibe see (42a) (a)? x vet ses 1.420) ew Conversely, to use solutions for a plane stress problem for the corresponding plane strain problen, the equivalent moduli are z ey fc Tt (2.438) see (1.436) Plane stress solutions which do not involve the elastic parameters aze therefore identical with the corresponding plane strain solutions e.g. stresses within a semi-infinite plate and stresses due to line loading on a semi-infinite mass. Sumary of Relationships Zetween Elastic Paraiieters (ory) = ses G48) 31+) a= —_ see (1-48) (4) 2-20) : xe —S—. shee see (1-46) 3ti-2v) 5(1-2v) ae 2 + G47) 340 : vy = Gti + (1.48) 2(3x+0) X 2 . Ae - @.49) ope Constrained modulus (1/my in Soil Mechanics) » + @.50) (ey) (2-20) : 1.5.2 CROSS ANISOTROPIC MATERIAL ‘Stresses in terms of strains: Cartesian cobniinates: 1, = 8, + bey + oc, +++ 51a) = be, + ae, tee, ses Q.S1b) = 06, + os, + a, see Q.5lc) Ten = Fogg see G.514) ty fey ses G.Ste) LF fable, + G.514) Gylindeicat coordinates: 0, = at, + bey + ec, see (1.528) % = be, + Oty toe, eee (1.526) O, = 6c, + cg + de, ses @.826) Tye Seng so (1.528) Tee Teg + @.520) Tyg = abe + G52) 10 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS Fy(1-VpYop) (4) YP %54) see (1.538) Fx on) (Fy) yr 2 oq) see (1536) ee) 5 Yon Trop see (2.530) assay and E, = sodulus of elasticity in the horizontal direction B, = modulus of elasticity in the vertical direction Vy, = Poisson's ratio for effect of horizontal stress on con : plenentary horizontal strain Vgy 7 Poisson's ratio for effect of horizontal stress on vertical strain = Poisson's ratio for effect of vertical stress on horizontal strain. Tt can be shown that , . 2- oe ase) D ‘vk The elastic constant f is a shear modulus and cannot be expressed in terns of the Young's moduli or Poisson's ratios. f is often denoted as G,. Strains in terms of stresses: ese (1.558) see (1-550) see G.55¢) see (1.588) see Q.85e) + (558) In sone works (e.g. Uren et al, 1966) Vig is denoted merely as Uy and the use of vy, is avoid- ed by using equation (1.54). ‘The fact that the strain energy must be positive imposes restrictions on the values of the elastic parameters. For a cross-anisotropic material with a Yertical axis of elastic symetry, Hearmon (1961) gives these restrictions as a>0 ses (1.568) a>0 ses (2.560) fo ses (1.560) at> bt ass (1.568) (atb)d > 20% vee (1.560) ad > - wee 568) In terms of the Poisson's ratios, these restrictions impose the limits see (1.578) = My yn? 7 1-y,20 +++ 1.576) 1+y,>0 see (570) 1.6 Differential Equations of Isotropic Elasticity 1.6.1 EQUATIONS IN TERMS OF STRESSES Cartestan Coordinates vo, +2 M8. v ye, yeh F pat ty a yo ae see (1-588) +2 y +++ (2.58) +28 as see (1.58¢) vot 1 #0 a eee (1.584) YF tev yds ty vr, b 2B, k eee (2.586) = wee & & EQUATIONS OF ISOTROPIC ELASTICITY a ass (588) oO =a tyro, For constant or zero body forces, the first three ‘equations of (1.58) reduce to the Laplace equation ve =0 see (1.59) For the special case of plane stress, the equat- ions are the equilibriun equations , 20, Be Mey 2 0 s+ (1.608) a Oe ao, 3 ye, eg ++ (2.600) eo and By 2) fo +0) = co Ee tae ae Oe sos (1.608) For plane strain, the first two of the above three equations are again applicable. The third equation is E+ we roy Gate ses (1.61) I£ body forces are constant, the equations for plane stress and plane strain conditions are identical. Cylindrical Coordinates With zero or constant body forces: vo +t Berg ses (1.628) 1 Oat fo 42 4 1 30 v0, + Aog-o,) - £8 +1 F826 et! Ge” Tas ast c++ (1.620) ar, 2, 49 a v0, - 2fog-0,) +4 + + ER 70 M0 te ay eon =o see (1.62) Vtg 20,2 oe = @ r 240 » 3088 ves (1.628) For the general case of non-constant body forces, the corresponding equations, in tensor fora, are given by Lure (1964). 1.6.2 EQUATIONS IN TERMS OF STRESS FUNCTION. ¢ Cartesian Coordinates w= where ot pe at ay? ae For plane stress or plane strain, 6. 24, at ate, to, ate act aataz? an* ses 1.63) 0 1.64) and the stresses are related to $ as follows: o, = Xt (i652) ast ses (1.656) 7 Gt ses (1.65) Cylindrical Coordinates For axial synmetry, vo = 0 = Vy vee (1,66) where a az ‘The stresses are related to ¢ as 2 o, = & (we - =H ves 67a) as ar® = 2 pvp - 24%) ses (1.676) as rap 2, o, = Liew ve - Ft) ses (1.670) on aa? 2 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 2, tye 2 Eta e-F2y ... carey or az? 41.6.3 EQUATIONS IN TERMS OF DISPLACEMENTS Cartesion Coordinates ac, 040) 2+ op, -x = 0 ses (1688) ae Pe 2, 046) 2+ cp, -¥ = 0 see (1.680) wy a 2, Ose) 24 Gp,-2 = 0 see (1-686) aa where A,@ are Lane's parameters &, = volume strain 2 tyre Cylindrical Coordinates For axial symmetry, 3p, 7 Pn Pp, 3, ao, (Ove) (—E +2 2) +g —*+ rg) —2 ar? rar x as? ores = Ro. (1.698) #e, a, ap, ov2g) 2422 yeh a2? rar or vor oa +++ (1-696) rae 3r where R,2 are the body forces in the py and z directions. Qn the Z axis. (70) the relevant equation is ao, ao, ao, 426) —2 + 26 —2 + 2000) —T= ast art arta +++ (2.690) 1.7 Convenient Methods of Considering Loaded Areas 1.7.1 SUPERPOSITION OF RECTANGLES If the loaded area can be approximated by a rec- tangle, or by a series of rectangles, and appropriate influence factors for stress or displacement beneath the comer of a rectangle are available, the stress or displacement at any point nay be determined by superposition of rectangles. For the simple case of a single rectangle, the stress beneath an interior point Oy (see Fig.1.11) may simply be calculated as = hy +h + Ky +H) ses 70) where Xi, X2s Ks, Xy_ are the approp- ‘iate influence factors for areas 1,2,3 and 4, for the appropriate geonetry of each rectangle. FIG.1.11, For an exterior point 0g (Fig.1.11) O = PlKitatate ~Katy -Xaty #Xs) vee G7) For computer calculations, the superposition principle can be stated as (see Fig.1.11): 6 = IOWX) = IlWOV,X) ~ IEW XAT) + lwo, X-V) see (1.72) where J(mn) = sign (mdot|n|,[n[) sign (mm) = 1 when m>0O a m <0 o¢|mls|n|) = stress beneath comer of a rectangle mx n. Displacements are calculated similarly. For horizontal and shear stresses, care mst be taken to take account of the sign of k for each rectangle. 1.7.2 NEWMARK'S METHOD This method was developed by Newark (1935) and is a graphical method involving the use of an influence chart, examples of which are shown in Figs.3.68-3.78. A drawing is nade of the loaded area to a scale which is marked on the chart, and this drawing is so placed on the chart that the origin of the chart coincides with the point at or beneath which the stress or dis- placement is required. ‘The mumber of blocks covered by the loaded area is then counted and multiplied by’an appropriate factor (shown on the chart) and the applied loading to. give the required stress or displacenent. METHODS FOR LOADED AREAS a3 When the area is not uniformly loaded, the charts can still be used by considering the non-uniform load~ ing to be made up of several sets of uniformly loaded areas. In using the charts, parts of blocks may be est- imated with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes. In general, the loaded area will be drawn on tracing paper and laid upon the chart. Several "Newmark Charts" for stresses and dis- placements in a semi-infinite mass are given in Section 5.6. For a finite layer, Burmister (1956) has prepared charts, but the use of these charts is more complicated as they must be used in conjunction with a table of influence values (see Section 5.4.1). 1.7.3. SECTOR YETHOD ‘This method has been described by Poulos (19672). For any particular problea, a set of curves relating the stress or displacenent influence factor beneath the apex of a uniforaly loaded sector to the sector radius may be obtained by integration of the approp- riate point load influence factors over a sector. Such sets of curves are referred to as "sector curves", and fppical examples are given in Sections 3.6.2 and 34.2. ¥IG.1.12 Division of loaded area into sectors. In order to use the sector curves for calculation of the required influence factors for a loaded area of any shape, a scale diagram of the area is dram, anda number of relatively snall-angled sectors are dram to cut the loaded area, each sector enanating from an apex which lies on the sime vertical Line as the point at which the influence factor is required. The point on the surface of the elastic solid through which this vertical line passes will be termed the "surface origin". In Fig.1.12, typical sectors Op AaBs and Oy A\B, are shown in plan for surface origins Og outside and Or inside the loaded area. For invariant stresses such as the bulk stress 8, and for the stress ¢, and the displacement p;, the influence of the typical sector Og 4232 for the exter- nal surface origin Og is (1, - 1,,) -88 where 1, fs, 8 the sector influence value at the required depth for a mean sector radius 7m, and similer- ly for IZ, ‘The influence factor at Og for the whole loaded area is T= Wty, -1,,) 8 a.73) For the surface origin Oy within the loaded area, the influence factor for the whole loaded area is I= Yr,,.88 see (74) ‘hen evalue ing the influence factor for a stress or displacement sich is in a direction other than the 2 direction, the sumation of sector influence factors must be vectorial. To calculate the horizon- tal stress cy in the = dizection at Op, both the ‘tangential and radial stress influence factors for each sector are required, the influence value for the whole loaded area being given by = Wlote,n oyZe,)-58c088 + +Goe%g,.- opg,)}68-ein*9}.. (1.75) where Io, is the influence factor for due to the loaded area, are the sector influence fact- ors for the radial stress, for sector radii of ry and rz respectively. os'sy? ones cole;? cole, a8 the sector influence fact- esi" 962 ors for the tangential stress, for sector radii of ri, 72. ‘The influence factors for horizontal stress 9, in the y direction may be obtained similarly, Fa, 7 WG Zo, “aplos)-S0-00078 2 + (glen ~ agZo,)50-070°8} wes (1-76) In the same manner, it may be shown that the influence factors for the three shear stresses in the Cartesian coordinate system are as follows: ag Tg 7 Mies econ “aslo ted -88.8in 6.008 6} ses 778) 14 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS = UG tan spglan)so000.68 see GL.770) = - I.) . sin6.ée ge” ago fed @.77¢) where <..Tos tygla are the sector influence factors for radial shear stress, for sector radii of m, fe For the displacements 9; and py in the = arid y directions for the surface origin Og, the influence factors are see 78a) ates) +88,0088 0g * Meter ~ o, Zo, 7 Uogler ~ spleen «TE where Jp, and Toy are influence fact- ors for”the displacements in the = and y directions due to the whole loaded area, are the sector influence fact- ors for radial displacenent, for sector radii of ri,re- alex? 9,702 Having found the influence factor I for the whole area, the stresses and displacements for Oz and 0 due to uniform loading are given in all cases by o-2.r ss 1.79) a and, p = PE. 7 sss (1.80) mE The accuracy of the influence factors calculated by the sector method increases with the mmber of sec- ‘tors used, and the more irregular the shape of the loaded area, the greater is the desirable mumber of sectors. For the calculation of influence factors for stresses and displacements which are neither in- variant nor in the z direction, the sector angle 88 mist be small in order to preserve the accuracy of both the magnitude and direction of the calculated influence factor. Stresses and Displacements Beneath the Centre of @ Uniformly Loaded Cizele Beneath the centre of 2 uniformly loaded circle, the expressions for stresses and displacements reduce to very sizple forms. For dy, 0; and the invariant stresses, I= tl,, oe G81) where Igq is the sector influence factor for a sector radius equal to the radius of the circle. For the horizontal stresses 0 and o , = y =I, = Jaa * opled! see (1.82) where o,Zeas oglea ate sector influence factors for og and Gp for a sector radius equal to the redius of the circle. ‘The influence factors for all shear stresses and for the horizontal displacenents pz and py are zero in this case. 1.8 Superposition of Solutions for Various Loadings Solutions are usually only available for relativ- ely simple types of loading. If the loading pattern is complicated, superposition of solutions for simple loadings may frequently be exployed. Examples of the decomposition of complicated loadings into simpler Joads have been given by Giroud (1968) in terns of four simple loading types, uniforn vertical load, linearly varying vertical load, uniform horizontal Joad and linearly varying horizontal load. Fig.1.15 shows the examples given by Giroud, the signs in each case referring to the signs of the four simple loading types. ‘The foregoing is exact for generalized linear loading. The approach can be extended approximately to completely general non-linear loading by division of this loading into a series of general linear ‘loadings. © ® ™ [zp GSD __ Sf 3ed0)y? (2-0) =60( 40) {(1-20) 2-20 q PH) 14 22 reg) (Ee tt 0, = Fag (1+ Get a) GS - Taal _ Soewte(ate) _ £(1-v)(I-20) y see (2.34) Rp 2, (Rtat0) PO) pzy _ (dnoviey x 2 < hor (UGE eae! ore GSD (Ge - aratarar -#) ses ub) 2.1.4 ~MINDLIN'S PROBLEM NO.2 Vertical point load P acting beneath the surface Jfaneh of a semi-infinite mass. (Mindlin, 1936). (Fig.2.4)- R R _ Sace)® _ 3(5-4v)2( ate} ~5e( ate) (S2-c) =P) (stv)(éno)_ aat(ae) = 7 wae a i a Sez(ero) [Hebe t8t2ce)-av(ate) - Bexiee ses Bete) = A 18 CONCENTRATED LOADING te 7 Py Y _ Sf2-0)* 2 Tye" BT [ - oy ER seg ~ SS-Av)alste)~Sol3te) _ 30ea(2te) 7 a a a BE 2 + (2.48) _ Udetv)alate)~Se(32re) _ 3002 ate) a % see (248) 2° Tener - a sce , (S-4v) (2-0) 5 [age Sage ~ ov (1-20) , Séa(ate) Gotiate) Seale ses (2.43) _ S(S-4v)2(ate)-Sol3ate) _ 3002(ate)* 7 * 3 2 vee (2ede) P| sogu , a(tov)?-(snav) 0 P| Sev, Blew)? (seg) Terai | “Ry Fe Se) gees 4 lara)? , (Sty) (st0)* ~208 , Gent ate) 2 [_ Saco) _ SUSo40)(2-0), + z i [ty 4090-0) 1 _ 4d + RR gate) “Rerate * Re Influence factors for 0g, and Gp and , the axis have been tabulated by Geddes’ (1966). ~ Stez(zte) + 24H 2 2.1.5 MINDLIN'S PROBLEM NO.2. Horizontal point load @ acting beneath the surface of a semi-infinite mass, (Mindlin, 1936). =P (i-2v) (zee) _ (1-20) (2470). (Fig.2.4). oe + wifayl fen cane Bet), B58) | oe ors _ ui yy = ¢ HAVUABV) | B*Czre) = ay 2 R Bik,tate) a . = Satya? _ sow) (1-20) Y p Salt=Bv) (ate)?-60" (ate)~3(5-4v) 2? (3-0) a R, (pate) Fe : a (3 - 2 URatate) y _ Sortalate) wee (248) E(B tate) oH we Gs . 6 se +9 (30 - (aeate) + =] Pliny) [20 , (S60) (ste)afe %9 * “enciewy [a * R see (25a) 4(1-v) Selzte)? _ ge* (ate) (4-2y) , (1-20) (3-40) _ 5y* yCReare) ay” Bway °y Rtas [SP nee ae wee (2e4h) _ SScavy® _ stv) (1-2) A 2B, (R,tat0)* x (1 - Efstatately (contiames) Fi(Ratate) porwr LoaDzNG a9 Gi sez . 4, (tu) | foe +8 (0 comtare) + )] mS le i. fe ses (2.56) . _ stv) (1-20) em R(R,tate)® as = | eee) | ey) | hoeo)* Re mas | om” oR RE 315-4) (340) i. 0, (Sotv) (are) ee 2 Fenaci-w [Uae * a 2, Sa(ato)? Sex(zte) , $(1-v)(In2v) 2 Si $2. 7 Salzte)? - svi (a-b0) vee 2.58 + (e+ aeaweare « BE )} at aa @.siy ses (2150) 2.1.6 POINT LOAD ON FINITE LAYER S(z-e) _ 55-40) (240) ; Tye" ae Vertical point load acting at the surface of a 7: E + layer méerlain by a rough rigid base (Fig.2.5). This rablen has been Studied in deat? by Purnister 7 Salzte) 1943,1945). + ga + GH] ves (2.58) 213 01054-01002 “01116 "0.210 : 3.0 0.012 -0.015 -0.067 -0.135 Spa? a eee (2.138) 40 01002-0002 “0/026 201053 1s Tatyet 72 6:0 0:000 "0.000 70:00 "0-007 8.0 01000 0.000 -0:000 -0-000 _ Rest) -30 Be 89 = Sy aye Lae) Cates?) -ae4 see (2.130) TABLE 2.15 cava INFLUENCE VALUES 7, FOR SURFACE DISPLACEMENTS 0» ee sos Qe) LINE Loan «2 = 0g * Blog two eos @158) VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT 9, = PGW [aw +2] ... 2.3) oh 0 0.2 0.4 0.5 2 Bates?) (aPea*) 13.756 3.466 2.635 1.926 2 21461 2.222 11858 0.973 =o see (@.138) 73 «11730-1533 0.964 0.488 41124 1069 0.583 0.132 35 0.896 0.749 (0.328 -0.079 1-6 0.643 0.511 0.245 0.217 2.3.2 UNIFORM VERTICAL SUBSURFACE LINE LOAD 0.455 0.347 (0.045 -0.299 (Fig. 2.14) 01313 0.218 -0.057 -0.344 0.212 0.141 -0.101 0.358 0:126 0.059 -0.139 0.359 0.025 -0,006 -0.146 -0.315 0.012 -0.024 -0.112 -0.254 0.025 -0.023 -0.086 -0.198 0.017 -0.015 -0.071 0.134 0.010 -0.009 0.034 -0.085 0,008 -0.001 -0.014 -0.057 > . if 0.002 -0.000 -0.007 -0.025 0.000 -0.000 -0.002 -0.004 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 Surtace FIG, 2.14 EINE LOADING ~ AXIAL Sviu@TRY 33 Geddes (1966) evaluated the following express- ions for the stresses from Mindlin's equations: 2 P B(ay) + 21-2) BB+) + B 2 2 (a-avi2 gg anita 240) (2) wt a x F a P 2 tm 120) (rt) + 2) ~ Canton?) ~ 2 on?) ont? - 2, pret *) ee, abe Fo ses (2.14a) z ae" Sn 'p * Gafz-¥) (-w) _ pve FG + db B a(2-v)-12(1-v) @) 1 F sntaente2( 1420) mt + P 7 Sn2antee (1420) med)? + ?, etna) yma) + 2) - mtnty + + F eo + armani ge ghz) | poyt@ ot 62 (1-20) (3-4v)46 (2 + 5) 2 2 2(1-20)?-6(1-20)(@) = 6 F + ax-antvectentieen? 2+ 8 + 3 un’. an? 2¢t42vInt 2 # + + Havant ep) ] see (2.140) - z awe ee > ay [SR mve-* ales boy ard ee om eume (m2) 9((2) "4 12 2 + 3 82 (ot) 9 + 2) stent SO * m 6@) & -202-) 2 ? + + amtemn 2+ 1221 omntven? (2) ] — Fe ee ses (2.144) On the axis with mo and 91.0, sw) _ 202-v) , 2(2-) mm” (amay * ae 4n(2-\ 2 +m - Sr] ses 140) 1 [_2e2v(7-2v) 00 = wits [ ™ S2(1-2y)?_ on, _ an? GP. ie tear] vee (2148) o see (2.148) where n= 2/D, m= 2/D Pen? nt? Ae tn? + (me1)?] Bie fn? + (me1)*). %zq throughout the mass, and Kye and Kg on the axis, are tabulated by Geddes (1966). Ey CONCENTRATED LOADING 5 2(5420) Be + 4(5-v)m® ——==e—~ 2.5.3. LINEARLY VARYING SUBSURFACE LINE LOAD - (Fig. 2.15) Pe mn? (m?-n?)~122) (me) § | ae Surtace pacar? 6m? (ni?-n?) 18 Be Vet “ HE 4 (1-ay)log Aah q toas [> me a | f ¥ ((2-20)?- 6Hog CY FIG. 2.15 + 21w)(i-ay GEE * ‘The following expressions for stress have been ses 2.150) obtained by Geddes (1966): ze eg -1 (2-v) Egg = 55 = = 4-4 F = ae PSY _ 2 2 (o 20) 2) 2¢-¥) (amet) 262-20) 2) met) Gna (40461 2) 2) (mt) 46 (=) + zB my e(1-2v) Br 412m + FP 2m)? -22)* et)? 2 op Latina aan (amet) *+¢me1)® = (1-2v) & ; 3 ; 3 g6an?-2n*-6 29° (met) ® eT ae tonto ort x + = P 5 5 Paton? 7 gm! sen ent 1029 tot tatiana Ban) omit Se + — F P EB 22) nb rom? (n?-m*) Ha-ev)tog, (HEY +£c2-20)?-6) : 7 Benet mlm = 220) tog, (AME. Samet | + tog CR - 2C1-v) (1-20) gar - Fae! (2.150) see (2.180) gece 1 [(1-2v) and, 7” be OF = ae [GS pe wg [BEIT BIB le) 2 tata ® * Rts r (7-2y)=120412(1-v) &) (mt) 5 . 7 2¢2-v)4(1-2v)2, (met) -6 Bfmed) ————EETE— rv’ 2 a deez) Beg) nes Tr @ Byne1) ?-n' tmp) 9-24 22-40)e*49( 6420) Ott)? 7 LINE LOADING ~ AXIAL SYMMETRY 2 (340) Ga rt) ay 420m? ned Teme? B . ‘ (2-20) Be 44(S-vnte2 ae tenet 2 6 By Cnet) 9-6 2 (mbt) S120? + = gt Be no Ba rant? Pe + (2.188) On the loading axis with m1.0 o1_[,_ 2(2vin , S(2ovim _ 2(7-2v)n? - kag = fmm) *~ (mei) ~~ met) ® ‘a FI + Bhs rewiee, 5] + (2.25¢) Xe Neg = Gator [preraswca-vecz-oy + Tog EB (2-20) 20g YY ~ 810g + (2) BE ay t1C-avF -181 Gay on™ 2m? +t - Gee ses (2.258) =0 c++ (2-158) where n= 2/D, m= 2/D Frente nt APs [nt (me1)?) Bt inte (m2)*) ~ Values of Xgg throughout the mass, and Kew and Xgg on the axis,are tabulated by Geddes (1966). 35 Chapter 3 DISTRIBUTED LOADS ON THE SURFACE OF A SEMI-INFINITE MASS 3.1 Loading on an Infinite Strip 3.1.1 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING (Fig.3.1) 20 Tree" nz) FIG.3.2 = 2 [a+ sina cos(o+26)] + Gus) 1, = 2B [a ~ sina cos(at26)] see Gelb) = Bye y 7 ses Gale) _* B sina sin(at26) vee Geld) 6, = 2 lar cina) ses Gale) 3 = 2 la- sine] os GD a 2 eine eee Gel) Loci of constant 0; and oz are circles passing through 01 and O2. Loci of constant tmaz are circles passing through 01 and Os. 36 Trajectories of 0; are a family of confocal hyper- bolas, foci at 0; and 0;. These curves bisect the angle, a, at all points. Trajectories of 02 ellipses, are a family of confocal foci at 0, and 03. Trajectories of tmar are two orthogonal familie equiangular spirals intersecting the ellipses under 45°. Maximum Twaz = p/", occurs at all points of the semi- ‘circle through 0; and 02. Maximum 01 =p, occurs at points (2,0), -bSecb. Minimum os = 0, 0" =" =" (2,0), ~b>=>b. Values of oz, Gz Tox, 01 03 and Tar are tabulated in Table 3.1, and contours of "and Tpaz are given in Fig.3.2 (Jurgenson, 1934). As for Line loading, displacements due to strip Joading on or in a semi-infinite mass are -only mean= ingful if evaluated as the displacement of one point relative to another point, neither point being located at infinity, The vertical displacement at the sur- face, relative to the centre of the strip, is given by stupunos or starsses woen 4 wows rooms FIG.3,2 Stresses beneath a strip (Jurgenson,1934). 20250) ~ 9,(0,0) = BI t(o.5)¢n|-b] 7 ~(o#b)in|21b| + Band} INFINITE STRIP (See plot in Fig.9.2a, Chapter 9) G2) TABLE 3.1 STRESSES BENEATII A UNIFORMLY LOADED STRIP (urgenson, 1934) fo s/o 9/0 Of? Tya/P 8 Tyaq/P OP 93/P © 0 1.0000 1.0000 © = += 01.0000 1.0000 S 19594 14498 0 0.2548. 9594 4498 i le1a3 1gi7_ 0 = 013183 -8183 1817 1.5 16678 10803 0 02937-6678 0803 2° 15508 (0810 9 «= 012546 $508 0410, 2.5 14617 10228 0 0.2195 4617 0228 3 13954 10138 0 «= 011908 3954 0138, 3.8 13457 10091 0 011683. +3457 .009 4° 13050 ‘0061 0 0 11499 3050 L006 0.5 01,0000 1.0000 0 0 01.0000 1.0000 25 19787 16214 0522 8°35" .1871 .9871 .6129 [5 19028 13920 :1274 13°17" 12848 9323-3629 i 17352 T1a63 11590 14es2" ‘3158 17763-1446, 1,5 16078 ‘0994 1275 13°18" 12847 16370-0677 2° 15107 0542 0959 11°25" 12470 15298 .0357 2.5 14372 10334 10721 9°49" 12143 14693 0206, 1.25 4996 4208 «3134 41°25" 43158 .7760 «1444 ‘5 14969. 13472 12996 37°59" (3088-7308 -1133 i l4797 12250 ‘254s 31e4s¢ 12847 ‘6371 0677, 1.5 l44go 11424 12037 26°34" 12546 ‘5498 0406, 2 409s 0908 11892 2230" 12251 14751 Lo249 2.8 13701 10895 11243 19°20" ‘1989 14137 10159 15.25.0177 .2079 .0606 75°47" .1128 .2281 0025 15 0892 2850 ‘1466 61°50" 11765 13636 10106 i laas7 “2aas ‘2101 47223" 12115 “4428 ‘0198, 1.8 12704 11807 2022 38e44' 12071 14327 L0184 2° 12876 11268 .1754 32°41" 11929 14007 .0143 2.5 12851 10892 .1469 28°09" 11765 +3637 .0106 2 28.0027 .0987 .0164 80°35" .0807 .1014 .0002 Ts loi9a ‘1714 0552 71°58" 10840 /1893 ‘0014 1 10776 2021 1305 s8°17" 11424 12834 0052 1.5 11458 11847 11568 48°52" 11578 13232 2 11847 11456 .1567 11879 13232 2.5 12045 11256 ‘1442 11515. 3094 25.5 .0068 1104 .0254 76°43" 0569-1141 1 10357 ‘1615 10739 65°12" 10970 ‘1957 1.5 10771 ‘1645 11096 55°52" 1180 2388 2 lan39 11447 11288 48°32" 11265-2556 2.5 lados 11205 11266 42°45" 1269 2575 3 «8. .0026 .0741 .0137 79°25' 0379 .0758, i lox71_ ‘1223 10449 69°42" 10690 11384 1.5 1042711388 10757 61°15" 10895-1803 0012 2° 10708 1341 “o9S4 sae12* ‘1006 2029 ‘0018, 2.5 10952 ‘1196 11036 48°20 11054 2128 0020 3° 11139 ‘1018 11057 43*22" 11058 2137 ‘0020 B is angle between direction of 0; and the vertical. 3.1.2. UNIFORM HORIZONTAL LOADING (Fig.3.3). 2 unit eree Ie ‘ FIG.3.3 - £ [teg, a. sina sin(ar25)) ... (3-3a) o, = 2 [sina sin(ar2s)] see GB.3b) Taq = $ [o-cina cos(at26)] oe ey Values of o2/q have been tabulated and are given in Table 3.2, It should be noted that 2/¢ Yalues are equal to the corresponding values of tzz/p for uniform vertical loading. TABLE 5.2 VALUES OF ,/q FOR UNIFORM HORIZONTAL LOADING ‘OVER STRIP (Scott, 1963) 0.0 0,00 0.70 - ~—0.60 0.2 0.00 0.62 1.16 0.68 0:5 0.00 0.39 0.60 0.87 10 0:00-0:13 0.26 0.39 1S 0.00 0.06 © 0.12024 2.0 0,000.03 0.06 0.15 3:0 0:00 0.01 0.02 0.06 5.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 ‘The expression for the horizontal displacement of a point on the surface, relative to the centre of the strip, pz(2,0)-p2(0,0), is identical with the express- ion for the relative vertical displacement due to uniform vertical load in equation (3.2). 38 SURFACE LOADS OW SEMI-INFINITE MASS 5.1.3 VERTICAL LOADING THCREASING LINEARLY 5.1.4 HORIZONTAL LOADING LINEARLY INCREASING ig. 3-4) (lax. loading = 4, Fig.3-4) = £8842 tog At costs - 5} Se t+ (3.68) 1g = EL + coe88 - Za] soe (5.66) te ELE. a - #109, + ointé] ca” BIR a - 009, B+ oints] ... (3.00) ‘The expression for the horizontal displacenent of a point on the surface, relative to 0, is identical with the expression for relative vertical movement due to vertical loading (equation 3.5). r16.3.4 3.1.5 SYUMETRICAL VERTICAL TRIANGULAR LOADING (Fig.3-5, Gray, 1936) = Bifa- ot 5 a, = & [Ea- oinss] vee Buta) cs og Rife f tony re oinst] ... (5.00) 2 a ot ty & [1+ 00028 - ] ses (Bede) ew area Values of 2/P have been tabulated by Scott wk (1963) and are given in Table 5.5. nad TABLE 5.5 s ‘VALUES OF 2/P FOR LINEARLY INCREASING : LOAD ON STRIP ¥16.3.5 (Scott, 1963) DR 3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0 «1.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,50 0.50 0.00 0.00 = 2 [faytaz) + For-az)] see G78) 0'5 0.00 0:00 0:00 0:08 0.48 0.42 0.02 0.00 10 0:00 0:00 0.02 0:15 0.41 0:35 0.06 0:00 250 0.01 0:03 0.06 0.16 0.28 0.25 0.13 0.01 1g = B (Cartas) + Flaras) ~ 22 tog 2 | 510 0102 0:05 0.10 0.1 0.20 0.19 0.12 0:04 3 410 0105 0.06 0.09 0115 0:16 0:15 0.11 0.05 set G70) tye = EE tea) ws 70) The vertical displacement of 2 point on the « 2 aoe Bal sutface, relative to the value at 20, is given by O1 mG [lertted + Flar-a2)-§ Dog 2 PE (tog? ae 2y* g(0)~0,(0,0) = PE) (202m 2b + (too? A + car-a2)*) 70 = Bhnet(- 25°) tn| 20-2] 2) 2 2 to, Bah wee (3.5) os = 2 [larta2) + lara) § 109, at] = FE (bogs BE + tarnant?)F 2. (3.70) 2 ARR, . Tae 7 (toa 3a + (m-0g)*)* (3.70) Stresses have been tabulated by Jurgenson (1934) and are given in TABLE 3.4. Contours of 0, Gurgenson, 1934). TABLE 3.4 STRESSES BENEATH A STRIP WITH SYMMETRICAL “TRIANGULAR LOADING (Jurgenson, 1934) and Tyg axe shown in Fig.3.6 a/b xfo ofp ofp ,f? & Trax/? %/P o/0 ‘0 @ 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 1.0000 1.0000 28 8440 13931 0 0.2285 8640 +3931 1S. ‘70a “1925 0 0 27048 1925 17s ‘s904 1028 0 0 13908 11025 1.0 .5000 .0s88 0 © 0 =5000 0588 1 14296 10359 0 0 [4296 Lo3s9 1s T3744 10238 0 0 ‘3784 lo23e LB 13508 loss 0 0 13305 ‘o1s8 2i0 ‘2952 ‘oll 0 = 0 2952 lout 213 [2422 ‘0062 0 90 2422 “0062 .28 0 7500 .7500 0 == ~—o_—. 7500-7500 128 7196 13874-1151 17922" .2021 °7556 13514 TS) 16344 12026 ‘and6 13°59" 2444 °6629 11741 i7s ‘s462 11138 logst 11°53" ‘2361 “5661-0939 1.0. [4711 loss. lo7s6 10°17" :21s2 L4sas L0s4a 1.2 4101 loasz 10597 9°01" 11930 14197 10337, +8000 .3000 9 - 9.5000 .5000 1494913387 .1525 51°13" 1720 15873 12433 Taig T2152 11762 27°00" ‘2178 ‘s611 1255 14350. 11385 11570 23°19" 2160 15028 10708 +3955 .0913 «1299 20°15' .2000 .4434 0434 +3577 0617 «1055 17°45" 1817 .3914 .0280 T3238 10483 ‘osss 1seadr ‘i644 13480 0192 2682 [0229 ose2 12°42" 11358 2814 0098 12266 [0130 “041s 10°37" ‘1146 2544 0052 -2500 .2500 0 = 0.2500 2500 12620 12620 .1476 45c00" .1475 4096 “1144 T2ans "2162 “isto 39°26" 11845 4364 0674 13000 [1611 11735 34°0S* ‘169 4175 10837 T29e0 1ins7 11528 29°39) 11777 ‘3851-0297 12869 ‘0847 11309 26°10" 11654 3512 0204 o 0 o = o 09 oO 0766 1956 .0959 60°54" 1129 2490 .0232 11393 [2005 L144 51°06" 1487 “3146 10252 «1813 .1693 .1534 43°S3' .1535 .5288 0218 B is angle between vertical and direction or oo > TABLE 3.4 (Cont.) a/b 2/> 0./p o/P t,/P 8 Tmas/P i/p 93/P Satan ie eee ge er oer EB Oe ae “BG oa: eh a Lae fe cueee. in oe ae ae ee ee Meg ike de sai oe oat sae al Pam Am cee ae ae me a 3 ae ae oe oe ee a Gi a sen ce ae 2 re ae ae oe se as apt aul aloes jaa le PRE Be amma ge ae ae eg eee ae rae fe ee ee eee 5 eee ie ae ee Si ties Reagan sll dln bb ABE og mw ae uae aa one es cee ae ee sas incl rat ting fh cat ee 2S On Seay oe me ae fg Se SG oe So eal 2 eee a oe ee See eon: oe ee 22 in ; R Ret I : a ee Ee FIG.3.6 Stresses beneath strip with triangular Jeading (Jurgensen, 1934). SURFACE LOADS OW SEMI-INFINITE MASS ASYMMETRICAL VERTICAL TRIANGULAR LOADING (Fig.5.7, Gray, 1936) 3.1.6 ee afore rea is F16.3.7 o, = & [B+ SES a) ses (8.80) mathe, 2 May = 2 [+ Meee Beg, he 2 tog, sos (3:80) 8 tee” FIE-5) wes (3-8e) ay = B[Zar PEs +2 to, Bef tog, B) Lice Balt % ae +B (tog, +f tog, Bee @- HF ses (8.88) a, = 8 +2109, By Eto, 2] Lig & ~% (Ste, He Seg, Bee g- BF see (3.82) Ligg Byling Rie, @_ B2)¥ Tuas FG ee Hy tb te Bt GB) ves (8.80) 3.1.7 VERTICAL "ENBANKOENT" LOADING " (ig.3.8, Gray, 1956) o, = 2 [6 +o og oe] sss G.9a) 2B 2,4 21, Fi o, = F[s+2 te eM tog, gt] +++ G.9b) a " ats ale J ses (3.90) Bh FIG.3.8 see (3.98) Influence factors ford, beneath the edge of ‘the loading have been published by osterberg (1957) and are shown in Fig.3.9. 050) 0-49} “4 66100 om 2 4 6801 2 «6810 2 ol FIG.3.9 Influence chart for vertical stress due to ‘enbanknent loading (Osterberg, 1957). ‘LOADS OVER HALF INFINITE SURFACE a 3.2 Loading over Half the Infinite Surface 3.2.1 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING (Fig.510, Gray, 1936). pleett orca donor cs+ (3.108) see (3-106) ase (3-100) see G.10d) ses B.10e) + G10) Loci of constant o and 03 are radial lines, OR. Loci of constant t,,,, are radial lines, OR. Trajectories of 0; are a family of confocal parabolas*. Focus at 0. Horizontal axis. ‘Trajectories of os are a family of confocal parabolas*. Focus at 0, Horizontal axis. The two families are orthogonal. elas. Focug at 0. Vertical axis. ~~ Trajectories of are two orthogonal families of paras Vaximm 1," P/T, occurs at points (0,2), 20. Maximum 0, = py a a (0), 20. Minimum ¢3 = 0, " ” . (w,0), <0. ‘These curves bisect the angle,B, at all points. 5.2.2 LINEARLY INCREASING VERTICAL LOADING (Fig.3.11, Gray, 1936). PRE e FI.3.12 (8 +2] see Gulla) (eB - 2-25 logR] (3.118) 28 G.1e) 2, 22 cap = a tog,p) +2 [eae tage) 62) (3.114) [a+ tog pt + 88F ... G.11e) 5.2.3 VERTICAL "EMBANKMENT" LOADING (Fig.3.12, Gray, 1936). FIG.3.12 see Get2a) = 5 [as + a] Ro 0, = Elab + eat 22 log, F] +++ (3.120) a SURFACE LOADS, ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS + Be 126) R R = Ziaprars Jog, 3 (iog3, Rtey -2 1a a fe (og, Fe +a} oe Be + Be Values of stresses, presented originally by Jurgenson (1934), are tabulated in TABLE 3.5. TABLE 3.5. STRESSES DUE TO SEMI-INFINITE EMBANKMENT LOADING (Jurgenson, 1934) 124) 12e) fa z/a o 0 225 5 275 an) o,/P o,/P 0 0 +0780 3034 +1476 .4038 +2088 4487 +2500 4706 +2852 4821 +3129 4883 +3524 4946 +3789 4968 +2500 .2500 +2643 .3924 +3023. 4544 33814784 3659-4885 3867-4935 0 ° +0161 .2201 10633 3430 +1156 4077 +1650 .4431 +2032 4634 5000 5000 +5000 .5000 5000 .5000 5000-5000 +5000 .5000 +5000 .5000 +5000 .5000 +5000 +5000 0 0 0051-1642 10286 .2847 0650 .3614 +1045 .4086 +1422, .438L +1762 .4566 22317-4771 22734-4869 Tyq/P 90°. ° -2055 +1762 12214 +2500 +2685 £2807 12982 +3028 ° -1619 £2302 $2643 22828 £2936 ° 20468 :us7 11692 $2072 12339 ° +1762 £2500 £2807 £2952 £5028 13072 15119 T3144 0 +0257 10738 11239 21653 21972 r2218 12537 12729 21°33 27°00" 30°35" 33°06" 34°56" 36°20" 38°14 39°30" sarist 35°52! 37°34" 38°53" 59°51" izeist 19°48 24°36" 27°59" 30°28" 45200° 45°00" 45°00" 45°00" 45200" 45°00" 26°41" 28°50! 0 1844 12178 £2528 12732 +2860 12941 73036 "3085 ° -1781 "2424 12734 12894 12984 0 +1123 11816 12235 12501 12677 0 1762 2500, 12807 12982 £3028 13072 3119 23144 o +0829 11478 11932 12246 12465 12621 12818 £2930 0 -3451 24935 13796 76335 -6697 16047 inn 27464 -2500 *5025 16208 16817 i716 17385 0 +2304 13848 14852 18532 +6010 +5000 16762 +7500 +7807 17952 78028 18072 ‘a1i9 Ts144 ° -1676 23045 74064 14812 15367 15785 16362 16732 Tyan’? %/P O2/P ° 0363 +0579 20740 20871 0977 £1065 T1199 21294 -2800 Tis43 71360 21349 11378 21417 0 0058 10216 10382 +0530 10656 -5000 15238 +2500 12193 12048 11972 11928 11881 11886 0 +0018 70089 0200 10320 £0437 10543 10726 10872 ‘TABLE 3.5 Continued Basa Ojp “jp % pp WB yp nlp ov/p 0.75.0 .7500 .7500 7300 .7500 +25 .7357 6076 1458 14976 Is) 16978 15457 Teea2 13794 175 6619-5217 [3652 13184 io 6341 ‘5114 "3622 12834 125.6133 ‘S065, 13583 12615 0.50 0 Oo oo +25 0023 .1502 +1519 .0007 18) ‘0147 ‘2382 [2487 L003 1.0 0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 +25 19220 16973 19638-6556 13 9524 ‘5962 ‘9421 15065 175 17951 ‘5812 12214 59°26" 12528 19260 4204 1.0 17500 ‘5204 12500 Sess" 2732 ‘9129 3665 115.7148 15178 :2685 55°05" 12860 9023-3505 115 16871 15117 12807 S3e41" 12041 13935 13053 210 1676 15054 2952 51°47" 13036 ‘8801-2729 218 16211 15032 13028 50°31" 13085 18707 2557 2.00 0 0 0 0 oo <5. .0083 2031 0348 9*50" -2091 .0023 Lo :04s2 13369 L024 17*33" [1782 13693-0129, 15 [0967 4092 [1621 23*02" ‘4782 0278 210 11475 lade 12089 26°57" 12536 15506 10434 215 L115 14674 12343 29°45" T6014 :0576 1.2 0 1.0000 1.0000 0 90*00 1.0000 1.0000 25.9803 -7763 77°51" 1120 19903 7665 15. 19367 16570 yor1s" 19785 16153 175 18844 °5923 e524" 12235 9619 15149 1.0 18370 5569 62°02" ‘9471 14469 118-7632. 15247 87°38" 12795 19235 13645 2i0 17125 ‘5124 54957" 19062 ‘3186 215 16765 5069 55°10" 13935 2899 1.5 01.0000 1.0000 0 90°00" 9 1.0000' 1.0000 28 19949 18357 0257 81°42" .0829 (9982 8254 15. 19714 17152. [0738 75*02" (1478 ‘9911-6955, [78 19350 16385 11239 70°03" 11932 19800 15936 1,0 .8955 .5913 1653 6619" .2246 .9680 5188 L.S 18238 15433 ‘2214 g1ti1' 2621 19457 “a2is 210 17682 15229 ‘9274 13638 215 17266 15130 19128 13268 2.0 01.0000 1.0000 9 9000" 9 1.0000 1.0000 +25 .9989 8919 19997 “8911 15 lep16 17968 19976 7908 1.0 19548-6631 19871 [6309 15 19032 ‘5908 ‘9722 ‘sais 2.0 +8524 15534 19566 :4492 215 18085 15325 ‘3424 ‘3986 CIRCULAR AREA a 3.3 Loading on a Circular Area 3.3.1 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING (Fig. 3.13) corte] elent eee we ¥IG.3.13, On the axis (ro), 1 v3 -e[p- Py] soe (5158) 7 1+ (a/a)* =o 28 [ve - {Gee +oihrl a2 Matiz?) (atea*) so G10) se G.15e) o = same “saat | (atea*)® a, = salt’) (JT 5 afal* 2/a) — i+ a(i-w'1 + (2/a)® (.138) General expressions and tabulated values for all stresses, strains and displacements are given in Appendix'B, as a special case of the values for sn anisotropic material. Values of Oz, Or, 06, Trg and pz for v=0.5 have been presented in graphical form by Foster and ablvin (1954) and are reproduced in Figures 3.14 to 3.18. A complete tabulation of stresses, strains and deflections for ali values of V has been presented by by Anlvin and Ulery (1962) and is given in Tables 3.6 to 3.13. The key to the use of these Tables is shown below. Butk tress @ = apltH)A = 0,40,40,= 6 2 (3.148) 80 Vertical otrese o = pura} Radial hortsontat etree o,, = lava #0 + (1-20) see (Ble) fangential horizontal stress = piavd - D+ (1-208) ses (Be14€) Vertical-radial shear atress Tyg? Top 7 PO ses Ge) Bulk strain act) e =p AGH) (120d = 66,46; GMD) Vertical strain =p 2 eca-2ya + 1 see (B.14g) Radial horizontal strain c, p22 (aR + a1 ses (S148) Tangential horézontal strain eg2P a [(1-2v)B, ~ D} vee Be14i) Vertical-radial shear strain 20) Ga zap Yeo" Var 7 P Tye 6.49) Vertioat deflection 9, = PAE atZa+ (1-v)ay see (8.4K) Radial horizontal deflection 0, = PE (ory [1-2K~ = =r 6 Guy Tangential horizontal deftection = see Goldn) “ SURFACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS ‘Stress im Percent of Surtoce Contact Pressure PhS Ot OS OIS 2 4 SOM 4 OED SSS }p0° iI r FIG.3.14 Vertical stress 0, beneath uniform circular Joad (Foster and ahivil, 195: 3| i +3} J. a se “20,7 bs rizont stress =m [Se ear tay nites te i 1B lI i fe ae a ces : 3 i | | : d Hl FIG.3.16 Horizontal stress , beneath uniform circular load (¥#0.5) (Foster and ahlvin, 1954). 7 Inaceer” ofeet oatances s inrat 3 CIRCULAR fA\ i till wing SS etn Red % “5 FIG.3.17 Shear stress t_, beneath uniform circular load (Foster and ani¥in, 1954). FIG.3.18 Vertical deflection p_ beneath uniform cixcular load (Foster and Mhivin, 1954). 46 SURFACE LOADS OW SEMI-INFINITE "RSS TABLE 5.6 FINCTION "A" (Ahivin and Ulery, 1962) s °F “Base “Howse t Bees “eam ones ha ‘hes ‘oats ‘one is Tse ‘esos ooo z “eons ‘esans ‘oes is “26573 at ‘oss ; coaor “ean ose i “oa ‘2430 ‘tosee 5 coset ‘ ‘eosee i 0380 3 ‘ose te on oer (Anivin and Ulery, 1962) oe Ea on a zs ss 7 8 © OM 18796 °.ossua Sora *.o2472 S.cosas *.cono S000 °.o2042 ity ott 201595 --o0t12 oles -co00eS ~.00024 -,000n5 -.00010 crs tgp “eziee <-onshs 0308 Coos Tees “lozses ce +0091 +,00588 00199 +. 00136 -.00075 00049 +.00025 00014-00009 =. 01225 09608-00544 00210-0018 -.00062 -0006 -.00028 -.c00n8 ‘asses 1) ses G.160) ROUGH CIRCULAR AREA (Fig.3.13) ‘This problem was considered by Schiffman (1968), who obtained general solutions for stresses and dis- placements. ‘The radial distribution of trz beneath the surface of the circle is shown in Fig.3.26 for various values of ¥. Along thi » the stresses are as follovs: . par ac a The surface displacements are as follows: sie o, = pir- t+ ay ~ nF x3(0,2)] 7 1+ @ = Patiev) (2-20) % Eo [2tt-vigtr/a) - G2 7 a, = p (ae. 2am, Ae o) (t/a< 1) wee (3.17a) BO abeaty (ataat) = Believe pea) _ (rP-a®) yea entaewd (0, 2) = 38 0,89] = GE eh - Se ae) 5.155) (r/a> + 17) e, = 0 (fae... (8.170) ” wee GulSe ° Te" 0 G.18e) vhare KS (0,a/a) = WEFiltax*(a/s) - 222) ° 2) (190) (1-20) p0 FP 59 14% a") = Gee (Eetg + 2B) 2 (0,2/a) = VFR / (14(3/a)*)* (r/a>1) —... (3.178) The distributions of Gy and og along the where X(k) is the complete elliptic integral of the axis are shom in Figs. 3.254 and 3.256 for v0 and first kind, 0.5. Also shown are the corresponding distributions E(k) is the complete elliptic integral of for a frictionless or sooth surface. For v0.5, second Kind, Pri integral of she friction has no influence on the stresses. Along the surface (2-0), the shear stress is Surface displacement profiles are shown in Fig. 3.27 for both a frictionless and fully rough circular areas. For W0.5, fricl juence = EE yan)... (3.163) SMaplacenent. oe ee (evn Pant The influence of von the central vertical surface displacement is shown in Fig.3.28. 53 CIRCULAR AREA %, Radiol Distonce r/a o oz os 06 ot 02 04 08 08 +0 se SS 05 vee ‘esion (+0) T ° . Fricpontess vo ai] | ° + ‘Acheson (705), ve BU : sien . 116.3.26 nistetbution of sheas stzess 1, slong sertece (chifioan, 190): fa) Vertical stress 0, adit Dstence r/o % 30 | z ‘ é | | ef aS? / 5 L | 2} (e) radial stress @, oa 710.3.28 Distribution of stress on axis of circle, F10.3.27 vertical displacesent profile along surface, (Schigéman, 1968). (Schiffman, 1968). 54 SURFACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS Poisson's Ratio v w—_O1 0203s os ue, foro v6 2/020 - ae 7 1! FIG.3.28 Influence of V on p, at surface on axis. (Schiffman, 1968). 3.3.6 OTHER TYPES OF LOADING (G) Parabolic loading - see Harr and Lovell (1963) and Schiffman (1963). (41) Linearly varying vertical stress = see Appendix B. (4ii) Linearly varying torsional stress = see Appendix B. 3.4 Loading on a Rectangular Area 3.4.1 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING Ueitorm verti! y stress pJurit ore. FIG.3.29 Beneath the corner of the rectangle (see Fig. 3.29), Holl (1940) gives the following expressions for stresses for v = 0.5: o, = Beltan? Bs Bey es yl (3.188) «* (8.180) - ses Gule) tea ses (Gu284) Tye" (.18e) we er) where By = (a*/* Be = (b4a8/ Ry = (2 4b%2", Influence factors for the nomal stresses have been presented by Gizoud (1970). These stresses are expressed a5 follows: under the corners: 0, = PX ses B.198) P UKe- (2-20)K2) a s++ G.29b) P Ula~ (1-20)14) (3.190) Je influence factors fo(# 1 tn Fig5.30), Mast sath eet tpaiacel in Tables 3. ee dibs Influence factors for dg beneath the corner are shown in Fig.3.30(Fadum, 1948). For points other than the comer, the principle of superposition may ‘be employed. Beneath the corner of a rectangle (see Fig.5.29), Harr (1966) quotes the following expression for vertical displacenent at depth 3: = Bawa-EB» Yttmtmtm * 1 where A = (an see G20) +m tn =m Stam ened + my So ) Viemen- RECTANGULAR AREA 55 TABLE 3.14 VALUES OF Ko (atso0d, 1970) a 0 O.1 0.2 YS 0.4 OS 2/3 2 15 2 253 s © 0 0,000 0.250 0,250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 9.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.2 01000 0.137 0.204 0-234 0.240 0.244 0.247 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 0.249 018 0.000 0.076 0.136 0.187 0.202 0.218 0.251 0.240 0.243 0.244 0.244 0.244 0.248 015 0.000 0.061 0.113 0-164 0,181 0.200 0.218 0.252 0.238 0.239 0.240 0.240 0.240 06 0.000 0.051 0,096 0.143 0.161 0.182 0.204 0.223 0.231 0.233 0.234 0.234 0.234 018 0.000 0.037 0.071 0-111 0.127 0.148 0.175 0.200 0.214 0.218 0.219 0.220 0.220 1» 91000 01028 0.055 0.087 0.101 0.120 0.145 0.175 0.194 0.200 0.202 0.203 0.204 1.2 01000 0.022 0.045 0.069 0.081 0.098 0.121 0.152 0.173 0.182 0.185 0.187 0.189 114 01000 0-018 0.035 0.056 0.066 0.080 0.101 0.131 0.154 0.164 0.169 0.171 0.174 113 01000 01016 0-081 0.051 0.060 0.073 0.092 0.121 0.145 0.156 0.161 0.164 0.166 156 01000 0:014 0.028 0.046 0.055 0.067 0.085 0.112 0.136 0.148 0.154 0.157 0.160 Ys 01000 0.012 0.024 0.039 0.046 0.056 0.072 0.097 0.121 0.135 0.140 0.143 0.147 2° 01000 0.010 0.020 0.033 0.039 0.048 0.061 0.084 0.107 0.120 0.127 0.131 0.156 2.5 0.000 0.007 0.013 0.022 0.027 0.033 0.043 0.060 0.080 0.095 0.10h 0.106 0.115 5°” 91000 0.005 0.010 0.016 0.019 0.024 0.031 0.045 0.061 0.073 0.081 0.087 0.096 4 01000 0:003 0.006 0.009 0.011 0.014 0.019 0.027 0.038 0.048 0.055 0.060 0.071 S 0,000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.012 0.018 0.026 0.035 0.039 0.043 0.055 Yo 0,000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.011 9-013 0.020 15 0,000 0.000 0.000 0-001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0,003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.010 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.006 50 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 TABLE 3.15 VALUES OF Kz (Giroud, BE wo Od 02 WS AS SS 2S SS © 0,000 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.2 01000 0.069 0.116 0.149 0.159 0.169 0.177 0.184 0.187 0.188 0.188 0.188 0:4 0.000 0.031 0.058 0.085 0.095 0.106 0.118 0.128 0.133 0.134 0.134 0.135 0.5 0.000 0.022 0.083 0.064 0.073 0.083 0.094 0.105 0.110 0.112 0.112 0.113 0:6 0.000 0.017 0.032 0.049 0.056 0.065 0.075 0.086 0.091 0.095 0.093 0.098 0.8 0,000 0.009 0.018 0.029 0.034 0.040 0.087 0.057 0.062 0.064 0.068 0.065 1° 9,000 0.006 9.011 0.018 0.021 0.030 0.037 0.042 0.044 0.045, 0.045 1.2 01000 0.003 0.007 0.011 0.013 0.020 0.025 0.029 0.031 0.032 0.032 154 0,000 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.008 0.013 0.017 0.020 0.022 0.025, 0.028, 118 0,000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.011 0.014 0.017 0.019 0.019 0.020 156 0,000 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.017 118 0,000 0.001 9.002 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.013 2° 0,000 0.001 9.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 9.006 0.008 0.069 0.009 0.010 2.8 0,000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.006 3” 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 9.002 0,002 0.003 0.003 0.003, 4 0,000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001, S 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 9.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 10 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000° 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 50 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 SURFACE LOADS OW SEMT-INFIWITE KASS 56 TABLE 3.16 : wiaes OF Se (Gixoud, 1970) wo 0.1 02 S04 0S SS 2S © 0,000 0.234 0.219 0.199 0.189 0.176 0.156 0.125 0.094 0.074 0.061 0.051 0.031 0.016 0.000 0.2 0.000 0.059 0.097 0.18 0.121 0.122 0.118 0.103 0.082 0.067 0.056 0.048 0.030 0.016 0.000 0.4 0.000 0.026 0.048 0.069 0.075 0.082 0.086 0.083 0.071 0.060 0.051 0.045 0.029 0.015 0.000 0.5 0.000 0.019 0.036 0.054 0.060 0.067 0.073 0.074 0.066 0.056 0.049 0.043 0.028 0.015 0.000 0.6 0.000 0.015 0.028 0.043 0.049 0.056 0.062 0.053 0.047 0.041 0.028 0.015 0.000 9-8 0.000 0.008 0.018 0.029 0.033 0.039 0.046 0.047 0.043 0.038 0.026 0.015 0.000 TY" 0,000 0.007 0.013 0.021 0.026 0.029 0.035 0.042 0.039 0.035 0.025 0.014 0.000 1.2 0.000 0.005 0.009 0.015 0.018 0.022 0.027 0.037 0.035 0.032 0.024 0.014 0.000 1.4 0.000 0.004 0.007 0.012 0.014 0.017 0.021 0.033 0.032 0.030 0.023 0.014 0.000 1.5 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.010 0.012 0.015 0.019 0.031 0.030 0.029 0.022 0.014 0.000 156 0:000 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.011 0.013 0.017 0.029 0.028 0.027 0.022 0.013 0.000 1:8 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.014 01025 0.926 0.025 0.021 0.013 0.000 2° 01000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.012 0.023 0.023 0.025 0.020 0.013 0.000 2.5 0.000 9.001 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.017 0.012 0.000 3” 01000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.013 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.011 0.000 4 42000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.008 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.010 0.000 5 01000 0-000 0.001 9.001 0.001 0.002 9.002 0.006 0.007 0-008 0.009 0.009 0.000 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.092 0.003 0.005 0.000 15 0,000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.091 0.002 0.003 0.000 20 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.091 0.001 0.002 0.000 $0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.090 0.000 0.000 0.000 TABLE 3.17 me “ee (Giroud, 1970) we 0 ik 0.2 /S_ SS LS 2S SS 0.000 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250° 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 9.000 0.010 0.045 0.094 0.201 0.208 0.211 0.214 0.217 0.218 0.219 0.000 0.002 0.010 0.032 0.156 0.169 0.175 0.179 0-186 0.188 0.189 0.000 0.001 0.006 0.020 0.136 0.251 0.159 0.164 0.172 0.175 0.176 0.6 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.015 0.118 01134 01144 0.189 0.158 0.165 0.164 0.8 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.006 0.087 0.306 0.127 0.124 0.135 0.141 0.143 1 01000 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.064 0.083 0.095 0.103 0.126 0.125 0.125 1.2 01000 0:000 0.000 0.002 0.047 0.085 0.077 0.085 0.100 0.108 0.111 1:4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.03 0.051 0.062 0.071 0.087 0.095 0.099 1:5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.030 0.045 0.056 0.064 0.081 0.090 0.094 156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0,026 0.040 0.081 0.059 0.076 0.085 0.089 1:8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.031 0.041 0.089 0.066 0.077 0.081 2° 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.025 0.025 0.034 0.061 0.058 0.069 0.074 2.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.014 0.021 0.027 0.043 0.055 0.061 3° 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.008 0.013 0.018 0.032 0.045 0.051 4 9.000. 0:000 0.000 0.000 9.002 0.003 0.006 0.008 0.018 0.031 0.059 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.900 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.011 0.022 0.031 30 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 0.000 0.001 0.006 0.016 15 0.000 0-000 0.000 0-000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.011 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.008 $0 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.090 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.003 RECTANGULAR AREA 7 TABLE 5.18 yeast (Gizoud, 1970) Wo on 02 3 04 0S 2S 1 1S 2 25 5 5 10 © 0 0,000 0.051 0.061 0.074 0.094 0,125 0.156 0.176 0.189 0.199 0.219 0.2 0,000 0.041 0.049 0.060 0.076 0.103 0.130 0.148 0.160 0-169 0.188 0.4 0.000 0.032 0.039 0.047 0.061 0.085 0.106 0.122 0.133 0.141 0.159 0.5 0.000 0.029 0.034 0.042 0.054 0.074 0.096. 0.111 0.121 0.129 0.146 0:6 0.000 0, 01025 0.030 0.037 0.048 0.066 0.086 0.100 0.110 0.118 0.134 0:8 0.000 0. 0.020 0.023 0.029 0.037 0.052 0.069 0.082 0.091 0.098 0.114 1° 0.000 0 01015 0.018 0.023 0.029 0.042 0.056 0.067 0.075 0.082 0.097 1.2 05000 0.004 0.007 0-012 0.015 0.018 0.024 0.054 0.046 0.056 0.063 0.069 0.083 154 0,000 0.003 0.006 0.010 0.012 0.015 0.019 0.027 0.058 0.046 0.053 0.058 "0.072 1°5 0:000 0.003 0.005 0.009 0-011 0.013 0.017 0.025 0.035 0.043 0.089 0.054 0.067 1.6 0.000 0,010 0.012 0.018 0.025 0.032 0.039 0.045 0.050 0.062 1/8 01000 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.019 0.027 0.035 0.039 0.045 0.055 2° 0,000 0.002 0.003 0.006 0-007 0.008 0-011 0.016 0.023 0.029 0.035 0.038 0.048 2.5 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.005 0-006 0.007 0.011 0.016 0.020 0.024 0.027 0.036 3° 0,000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.005, 0.008 9.012 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.028 4 01000 0-000 0:001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.015 0.018 3 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0-001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.013 To 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-001 0-001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 13 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 20 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 mo ma Boe pe tan) ee 7 m “em +n m= t/> m= af ood oe] 23456810 2 3456800 Sac 2 3456607 FIG.2.30 Vertical stress beneath comer of uniformly Joaded rectangle. (Fadun, 1948). the vertical displatement at the surface Explicit expressions and influence factors for (@=0) have been evaluated for four points beneath the rectangle, and for the mean displacement pm, by Gixoud (1968). These influence factors are shown in Fi; tabulated in Table 3.19. For all points, "a where 2 G2) pps soas ko 5.51 and are + G21) is the length of the shorter side is the centre of the longer side the centre of the shorter side the comer the centre of the rectangle ‘the mean 58 SURFACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE ¥ASS TABLE 3.19 INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR VERTICAL SURFACE DISPLACEMENT BENEATH RECTANGLE (Giroud, 1968) a la=$ Ip ty ty ty 4, @ 4 joie i 1,122 0,946] 15 1.401 2.362 1.621 11176 0.992| 20 1.493 2.544 1.713, 11226 1.035| 25 1-564 2.686 1.784 11273. 11078) 30 1.622 2.802 1.842 11317 1.122] 40 1.713. 21985 1.934 11358 11148} $0 1.784 3.127 2.005 11596 1.181} 60 1.842 3.243 2.063 11433 1.215] 70 1.891 3.341 2.112 11467 11244] 80 1.934 3.426 2.154 11800 1.273] 90 1.971 3.501 2.192 11532 1.500] 100 2.005 3.568 2.225 11590 1.353] 200 2.225 4.010 2.446 11644 1.401] 300 2.355 4.268 2.575 11669 11424] 400 2.446 4.451 2.667 il7es. 11527] $00 2.517 4.593 2.738 11880 11616] 600 2.575 4.709 2.796 L964 1.694] 700 2.624 4.807 2.845 21038 11763] 800 2.667 4.892 2.887 2108 1.826] 909 2.704 4.967 2.925 21220 11935] 10° 2.738 5.034 2.958 2.518 2.028] 10% 3.471 6.500 3.691 21403 21110] 105 4.204 7.966 4.424 2.477 21182] 10° 41937 9.432. 5.157 2154s 21266) @ © = © bh ben BeVon eae BOOVOUE RUUD NONE EE For a point on the centre-line of the rectangle, distance = from the centre (Fig.3.32), Giroud (1969) gives the following expression for the horizontal surface displacement zt (149) (1-20) 99 |B. gy $(4a) 24? - pe [2 yn Sica) eee = 2nE 2h date Dt s > 3 +20 - Pactm ghar - Govt £1 ves G20) From this expression, the solution for Psy beneath the corner of a rectangle of proportions 25 may be obtained by taking half the value of p= ‘obtained fron equation (3,21) when ==£. 1 PIG.3.31 Influence factors for vertical surface FIG.3.32 ‘Gisplacement beneath rectangle. (Gizoud, 1968). RECTANGULAR AREA 58 5.4.2 LINEARLY VARYING VERTICAL LOADING (Fig. 5.53) 7 FxG.3.33 ‘The normal stresses are expressed as Giroud (1970): Under the corners: © DM, 1g = © PL Ma ~ (1-2v)¥E) oy = © a Me - (iain) Under the centre: o, = 0 = 0 a, = 0 follows by see B.22a) see B.22b) see 220) vee 3.25) see G.23) see G.230) where e= +42 at Ciand Cl, and, Tat Cand chy HosMapMiN2,Ni ore influence factors which are given in Tables 3.21 80-5.25. Influence factors for the vertical surface dis- placement beneath various points have been obtained by Giroud (1968), and are tabulated in Table 3.20. Explicit expressions for the displacements are given by Giroud. At the corners o, - Spr: SE bE. (8.2Ha) 2 or Geviie ys sf aw (5.280) and a= D/L see Be24e) a FS 4 anfa + Vea) and a= #/b wee (5.244) Levt : oe, = Gees, if BRE. (5.240) -s8)pb Gai py) seed. (3.248) P= 0 at points M and 0 .., (5.24g) TABLE 5.20 INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR VERTICAL SURFACE DISPLACEMENT DUB TO LINEARLY VARYING COMPRESSION TO TENSION ‘LOADING (Gizoud, 1968) bee tee bh ty ty [ve Tg “fo 0.149 0.263 15 0.785 0.995 0,162 0.282 20 0.872 1.084 0:74 0.300 25 0.940 1.154 0.187 0.517 50 0.995 1.211 0.198 0.334 40 1084 1,301 0.210 0.349 SO 1,254 1.371 0.221 0.364 60 1,211 1.429 0.252 0.379 70 1,259 1.478 0.243 0.392 80 1,301 1.520 0.253 0.406 90 1.338 1.557 0:26 0.418 100 1,371 1.590 0.282 0.462 200 1,590 1.810 01300 0.465 300 1.739 1.959 0.308 0.475 400 1/810 2.051 0.349 0,524 500 1.881 2.101 01386 0.566 600 1.939 2.159 0.418 0.603 700 1.988 2.208 0.448 0.656 800 2.031 2.251 0.475 0.666 909 2.068 2.788 0.524 0.719 108 21101 2.322 01566 0.765 10% 2.834 3.055 0.603 0.804 105 31567 5.788 0.636 0.840 10° 4.300 4,521 0,666 0,872 = = = 60 SURFACE LORDS ON SEME—DHFTUTTE MASS TABLE 3.21 - VALUES OF Mo (Gizous, 1970) A O.1 02 VS O04 O08 43 1 LS 2 25 5 § 1 © ° 0.250 0.250 0.250 0,250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.2 0:180 0.185 0.186 0:187 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.168 0.188 0:188 0-188 oa Oc121 0-218 0.126 0.151 0.134 0.154 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135. 0.155 0:5 0.085 0-092 0.100 0.107 0.111 0.112 0.115 0.115 0.115 01113. 01113 016 0.065 0-072 0.079 0.087 0.092 0.095 0.094 0.094 0.08 01094 0.094 0:8 0.038 0.083 0.049 0.056 0.062 0.064 0.065 0-065 0.065 0065 0.065 1 0.025 0:026 0051 0.056 0:042 0-045 0.045 0.085 0-045 01045 0.045, 12 01014 0.017 0.020 0.024 0.029 0.081 0.052 0.052 0.032 0.052 0.052 1a 0:09 0:011 0.013 0.016 0-020 0-022 0-025 0.023 0.025 0.023 0.023 us 0007 0:009 0.011 0.013 0:017 0.019 0:020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 16 0.006 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.018 0.016 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 us 0004 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.015 0.015 0101s 0.013 2 0.003 0.005 0.004 0-005 0-007 0.009 0:010 0.010 0.010 0010 2s 9.001 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.005 0.005 0006 0-006, 3 0.001 0.001 0.001 0-001 0.002 0:05 0:05 0.005 0.003. 0.003 4 9.000 0:000 0:00 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 5 9000 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0:00 0:001 0-001 0:01 0-001 10 9:000 0:00 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0-000 15, 0000 9000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20 0:000 0.000 0.000 0:00 0.000 9.000 0.000 0009 0:00 50 9,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:00 0:00 TABLE. 5.22 7 Sa (Gixoud, 1970) a 01 02 WS 04 OF 3 1 1S 2 25 3 § 10 © ° 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.2 01026 0.080 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.085 0.083 0.042 0.042 0.042 01082 0.042 0.082 o8 0.002 0:03 0.002 0.001 ~0.000 -0:002 -0.005 - -0:008 -0:008 -0:008 -0-008 0:5 -0.001 -0002 -0:005 -0:006 =0.008 -0:010 0.013 2olo16 Zolois “0/018 “02016 o6 702002 “0008 20:007 “0-009 “0-010 “0-013 0:018 ~ o:019 20.020 “0:020 “07020, 0:8 70002 “0008 0:007 -0:009 -0:010 0.015 -0.016 ~ “0.018 201019 “0:019 “0/019 1 701002 70:005 “0005 “0-007 0.008 -9.010 -0.015 ~ “0.016 Zo:a1s “0-016 “0016 12 2o!001 “02002 “0004 -0008 -0:006 =0:007 -0:009 - 201012 2o!015 “0/013 -0015 ua ZoZ001 0:02 20003 “0.005 ~0:008 -0:005 0.007 ~ “0-009 0010 “0-010 “0010 us 707001 “0.001 20002 20003 0.003 -0004 0006 = 70:08 702008 =0:008 =0:009 16 ZoZ001 “0001 20002 “0002 =0:005 “0.004 0.005 ~ 20007 “9%007 70:008 “0008 1s 707000 70001 “0001 -0:002 0.002 -0:005 0.004 ~ 20.005 20006 70:06 -0008 2 20000 “0:001 “0:001 “0001 =0.002 -0.002 0.005 ~ “0:08 0005 “0.005 “0:00 2.5 ~0000 “9.000 0:000 -0:001 -0.001 -0-00. 0.001 ~ ~0:002 =07005 -0:005 -0:00 5 20000 “0/000 0:000 -0000 =0:000 -0:001 20001 0002 “0.002 “0002 4 70000 79:000 “0:000 “0000 “0-000 -0:000 001 $001 -0001 -0:001 5 =0:000 “0000 0.000 0.000 =0.000 0.000 =0:000 70000 0:000 “0:00 10 70009 “0.000 0:00 -0:000 “0-000 -0:000 “0:000 “0-000 0.000 -0:000 -0:000 18 “0000 -9.000 0-000 -0:000 -0.000 -0.000 =0:000 =0:000 =0.000 0.000 -0.000 20 70000 “0.000 0:000 -0000 -0:000 -0:000 707000 “0-000 “0:000 -0000 0.000 50 “0000 “9:090 0:000 -0:000 -0:000 -0:000 707000 “0000 “0:000 -0:000 0.000 RECTANGULAR AREA a TABLE 3.23 VAWES OF ME (Giroud, 1970) Foon 02 VS 08 OS WS 1 1S 2 25 $3 $ W © ° 0.006 9.005 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.2 9:005 0.002 0.001 0.001 0:00 0.000 0.000 oa 0,004 0,002 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 og 0.003 0:002 0:001 0.001 0.000 01000 0.000 0:6 0.003 0.002. 9.001 0.001 0:00 0.000 0.000 0:8 0.000 0,002 0:001~ 0:001 0:001 0:000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0:002 0.001 0.001 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 1.2. 0.000 0:001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 114 0,000 0.001 0.001 9.001 0.000 0-000 0.000 0.000 1:5 0.000 0:001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 1.6 0.000 : 0:001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18 0.000 ° 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 0.000 0.000 2° 0,000 9.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 0.000 2.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5°” 0,000 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4 0.000 9.000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 0.000 9-000 0.000 0.000 S 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:00 0:00 0.000 0:000 9.000 0.000 - 0-000 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 TABLE 5.26 — Giroud, 1972 ae 0.1 0.2 WS 04 O05 WS 1 1S 2 25 3 $ 10 © © 0,000 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.2 01000 0.008 0.034 0.067 0.078 0.110 0.114 0.114 0.115 0.115 90.118 0.115 0:4 0,000 0.001 0.006 0.018 0.024 02056 0.061 0.062 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063 0:5 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.010 0.014 01040 0.045 0.047 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 05 02000 0.000 0.002 0-006 0.008 01028 0.054 0.036 0.036 0.037 0.037 0.037 0:8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-002 0.003 01015 0.019 0.021 0.022 0.022 0.023 0.023 1° 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 02008 0.011 0.013 0.014 0.014 0.015 0.015 1.2 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.007 0.008. 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.010 154 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.008 0.006 0.007 0.007 115 0:000 0.000 0.000 0-000 0.000 0,002 0.003 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.008 0.006 156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 02001 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.005 1/8 02000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 05001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.004 0.004 2° 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 2.5 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0,001 0.001 0.001 3°” 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0-001 4 0000 0.000 0.000 0:000- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 02000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1S 0.000 0.000 0000 0.000 0.000 -0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 05000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 62 SURFACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS TABLE 5.25 WACAIESIOF? “Ma (Giroud, 1970) I OVOOOoamc6_'0 aA 0 02 Sk S/S SSS © 0.000 0.039 0.135 0.175 0.187 0.202 0.219 0.249 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.2 0.000 0.022 0.042 0.062 0.070 0.079 0.091 0.114 0-115 0.115 0.115 0:4 01000 0.009 0.018 0.028 0.033 0.038 0.045 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.S 0.000 0.006 0.013 0.020 0.025 0.027 0.035 0:047 0.048 0.048. 0.048 0.6 0.000 0.005 0.009 0.014 0.017 0.020 0.024 0.036 0.037 0.037 0.057 0.8 0-000 0.002 0.005 0.008 0.009 9.011 0.015 0.022 0.023 0.023 0.025 1° 0-000 0.001 0.003 0:00 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.014 0.015 0.015 0.015 1.2 0.000 0.001 0.002 0-003 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010 1:4 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0-006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.007 1:5 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.005 0-005 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006 1.6 0,000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.004..0.005 0.005 0.005 1:8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.005 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0,002 0.003 0.003 0.003 2.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. . 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 3° 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 °. 0.001 0:001 0-001 0,001 4 0-000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 °. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 i 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 $0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ~0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 For a point at a distance = from the edge 3.4.3 VERTICAL EMBANKMENT LOADING Clie, on the axis HOY (Fig.5.33),Giroud (1969) (Fig.5.34) gives the following solution for the horizontal Vertical surface displacements ps have been displacement Pp: evaluated for several points by Giroud (1968b). EP) A-B) gb (y ypq EOowIE BE ___Influence factors Xo, Ke etc for the seven a ep OE ep goints marked in Fig.3.s4"dre shom in Figs, 3.35 to 2, > > ~ & (1-H) (aratan 2 + arctan sy) Im all cases iv? 2 2e 2Qmz) b = pak see G26) + Fplactan F + arctan OE) - 5] 2" E see G25) Expressions for the influence factors Xo(centre) As in Section 3.4.1, the solution for the and Xe(corner) are as follows: comer of a rectangle of proportions 22/b may be ii taking half the value of for zak. 2 3 rains yas = y= Eel bin cae Vaal) + am Lethe? The resutts in this section can be coined wich ose ty Seeties Seth to give the eeuite fora . __ ‘trapezoidal distribution of loading. For the par- _ Gna8)? ,,, 228 + it-ap)? + (ana EEediar case ven she Ioaling aries 1ineriy aetoss CaO yy stb + Ateaal + (eoas) the seceatle to sero a ene tne, smresions and Tarik velteal sense tf given by Gray © naps MESFET? Figus, 1048) expressions for the horizontal and’ shear = GEER pq 2B + HtnaB) + (on stresses by Ambraseys (1960) and graphs and expressions a-28 for vertical displacement by Stanatopoulos (1959). RECTANGULAR AREA ae ent AGF 1081 ] For the point A, veB Rd=28)?42(a- 28) 484047 see (8.278) En (odie + 2 gy, Solita ke 4 20 ke 2[f« (onlin?) + F ay LAMA fsa! Ly, Aa=26)7 198 48-2 ” 3B faa * Ba EEL -1 ty Sotelo) Gan? eras) eae 46-201 7+(1-B)? 2/28 Va(i+4a?)~ (1420) “1, Aatatras 204 _ G28) ,, __fass-28)*-28 Been 8 Yei=28) 4 (a8) 42(8-a) Hob)» aonb) 2 F, 5, = at, ABteate-B)t2i0 fn -f im 8 We-28) 4 (0-8) 4428-1 vB atve-1) = 28 = 2 _ lant, AEB tee ot 8 tn Teo | a8 fa(tsa*)—(140) —- Be a Hio-8) In the above expressions, "Ja-8) (0-8) 45-0 a= b/a B= c/a _ feo)? y, _Maerp a * . 8 Yei-B)*e(0-8) 48-1 +28 nurw] es (8.270) =e PE Joi tye — Lapua -. . < T © L |e [| ' ‘SURFACE LOADS OH SEMI-INFINITE MASS 64 FIG.2.35 Displacement Influence Factors K,.(Giroua, 1968). FXG.3.36 Displacement Influence Factors K. (Giroud, 1968). Factors ¥y. (Giroud, 1968). FIG.3.37 Displacement Influence *o RECTANGULAR AREA PIG.3.38 Displacenent Influence Factors X,. (Giroud, 1968). FIG.3.39 Displacenent Influence Factors K,'. (Gizoud, 1968). at Ss 1 10 5 20% os 1 ¥1G.3.40 Displacement Influence SI Factors X,'. (Giroud, 1968). SS I 1s = = 2 = 2 = 25 Pot [ a t 66 SURFACE LOADS OW SEMI-INFINITE MASS Ket 3.4.4 UNIFORM HORIZONTAL LOADING (Fig-3.42) S cs FIG.3.42, Holl (1940) gives the following solugions for the stresses beneath the comers Cz and Ci of the rectangle: o = & [b.eb - oS & = + .28a) ean Oe) HE = 2 (a —— see (5.280) OU 20H) a Ry ome ‘Ry (bt) gy = fen ———- oh -2)] . 5,280) or z(btRy) RR, FIG.3.41 Displacement Influence Factors K_'. (Girowd, 1968). = % fear. Bee an Rs Ri Ry wee (3.288) = % fetes tye < Zee ee b) ... ooze) =D Itm CFR) gp 2 1, = [en ary a +h) see (3,288) where Ry = (24453) Ry = (Batt Ry = (1228) Tt should be noted that the values of Tez tys and 0g for unifora horizontal loading correspond ¢o ‘the values of Oz, Tey and Tz, for uniform vertical loading (€rom the reciprocal theoren). ‘The principle of superposition may be applied to determine the stresses at points not beneath the comer of the rectangle. Influence factors for the normal stresses have been obtained by Giroud (1970). The stresses are expressed as follows: Under the comers, eqh see (3.294) 0, = © thy ~ (1-20)K3] see (3.296) €q Ks ~ (1-20)K31 ses (3.290) RECTANGULAR AREA or where €= +2 at Cz and C} (see Fig.3.42) Under the centre, add at Cy and ch, o, 20 Ki, Ks, #3, Xs, X are influence factors 70 which are given in Tables 5.26 to 3.50. oy = 9- TABLE 3.26 - VALUES OF _Ky (Giroud, 1970) ee 01 0.2 308 0S 2/8 25 3 5 0 @ 0.159 0.159 0.159 0,159 0.159 0.153 0.153 0.153 0.153 0.153 0.137 0.137. 0.157 0.137 0.137 0.127 0.127 0.127 0.127 0.127 0.117 0.117 0.117 0.117 0.117 0.096 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.080 0.080 0.064 0.064 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.052 0.053 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.047 0.048 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.043 0.044 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.035 0.056 0.037 0.038 0.038 0.029 0.030 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.019 0.020 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.016 0,159 0.159 0.159 0.159 0.159 0.159 0,159 0.071 0.111 0.135 0.140 0.145 0.149 0.152 0.037 0.067 0.095 0,105 0.115 0.125 0,133, 0.028 0.054 0.079 0.089 0.100 0.111 0.121 0.023 0.043 0.066 0.075 0.085 0.097 0.109 0.015 0,029 0.046 0.053 0.062 0.073 0.086 02010 0,020 0.032 0.037 0.045 0.084 0.067 0.007 0.014 0.023 0.027 0.033 0.040 0.051 0.005 0.010 0.017 0.020 0.024 0.030 0.040 0.004 0.009 0.014 0.017 0.021 0.026 0.035 0.004 0,008 0.013 0.015 0.018 0.023 0.031 0,000 0.003 0.006 0.010 0.011 0.014 0.018 0.024 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.014 0.019 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.011 0,000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.005 9.007 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.009 0.009 0. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.006 0. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0. 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.0 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 UhUNNE EEE EE eooose S8n5 3 TABLE 5.27 VALUES OF _Ky_ (Gizoud, 1970) too 02 ifs 0 OS 2/8 SSS : a. 2. 6 © = @ = =< «© © « @. = - 0.2 0.107 0.189 0.259 0.282 0.555 0.562 0.564 0.565 0.565 0.565 0.366 0.366 ou 0,057 0.069 0.104 0.117 0:167 0.175 0.177 0.177 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.178 0.5 01025 0.045 0.069 9.079 01118 01125 0.127 0.128 0.129 01129 0.129 0.129 0:6 07016 0.030 0.047 0.054 0,085 0.091 0.093 0.094 0,094 0.094 0.095 0.095 018 02007 0.014 0.023 0.026 01045 0.080 0.052 0.082 0.052 0.053 0.083 0.055 1 02004 0.007 0.012 9.014 0025 02028 0.050 0.050 0.030 0.051 0.051 0.031 12 02002 0.008 0.006 0.007 0:014 0.017 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.019 0.019 0.019 a 02001 0.002 0.004 0.004 0009 0:010 0.011 0.011 0.012 01012 0.012 0.012 is 02001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0. 0,008 0.009 0,009 0.009 1s 02001 0:01 0:02 0.003 0.1 0006 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.008 is 0:00 0.001 0.001 0.002 0. 0:003 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 2 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0. 0,002 9003 01003 01003 0.004 0.004 2s 9,000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 0.001 0002 01001 0,001 0.002 0.002 5 02000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 07000 0001 01001 0.001 0.001 0.001 4 92000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 02000 9000 05000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 10 0:00 01000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 02000 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15 01000 0:00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 02000 0:000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 20 0.000 0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0:00 0.000 0.000 50 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 cy SURFACE LOADS ON SEME-INFINITE 2ASS TABLE 3.28 a (Gixoud, 1970) Wr aft 0-01 0.2 WS 04 O85 2/3 1 15 2 25 3 $5 10 © © 0.000 0.143 0,128 0.109 0.100 0.088 0.071 0.047 0.027 0.017 0.011 0.008 0.003 0.2 0.000 0.025 0.040 0.048 0.049 0.048 0.044 0.035 0.021 0.014 0.010 0.007 0.003 0:4 0.000 0.009 0.016 3.025 0.025 0.026 0.026 0.025 0.016 0.011 0.008 0.006 0.003 9:5 0,000 0.006 0.011 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.021 0.019 0.014 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.003 0:6 0,000 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.016 0.016 0.012 0.009 0.007 0.005 0.002 9.8 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.009 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.002 1° 0.000 0.001 0-003 0.004 0:005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.002 1,2 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.005 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.002 1:4 0.000 0.001 0.001 9.002 0.003 0.004 0.004 9.004 0.004 0.003 0.002 1:5 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.002 156 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002 1.8 0,000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.001 2° 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 2.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 9.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 3° 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 5 0,000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0,000 9.000 0.000 30 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1S 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 50 0,000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TABLE 3.29 oe eee (Giroud, 1970) by we o_o 02 V3 04 08 23 2 15 2 28 3 5 0 © 0.00 © © 2 » © © 2 e® » 2 2® e@ @ » 0.000 0.005 0.027 0.066 0,085 0,109 0.142 0.185 0.218 0.234 0.242 0.247 0.000 0.001 0.005 0.017 0.025 0.038 0.059 0.091 0.118 0.133 0.141 0.145 01000 0.000 0.003 0.010 0.015 0.024 0.039 0.065 0.090 0.104 0.121 0.116 0.009 0.015 0.026 0.048 0.070 0.082 0.008 0.007 0.013 0.026 0.042 0.053 9.002 0.003 0.007 0.035 0.027 0.035 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.009 0.017 0.024 02001 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.011 0.016 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.009 0.013 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.011 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.008 0.000 0.000 90.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0,000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0,000 3 2° 0-000 9.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.006 2.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.003 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 4 0,000 0.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 0.000 10 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.000 15 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 9.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20 0.000 -9.000 -0.000 =0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 50 =0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 TABLE 3.50 : vaunes oF 1b a 7 afk o 0.1 0.2 ys 0.4 os 2/3 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 s 10 “ 7 7 -_-< «= @ 7 7 °. 0.036 0.120 0.159 0.164 0.397 0.223 0.244 0.258 °. 0.016 0.058 0:069 0.085 0-107 0.127 0.143 0.157 °. o:o11 0.043 0.064 0.083 0.100 ous, 0.127 °. 009 ot0s2 (050 0.065 0.080 0.033, o:105, 2. 0.005, 0.020 031 0.042 0,058 0.068 0.074 i 0.003, 0013 0.020 01028 0.036 0.085, 01082 9.084 1 0.002 0009 02014 01019 0.025, 0.033 01039 0.042 L 0.002 01006 91007 0.010 0.014 0.018 0.024 0.030 9.032 i 0:00 8.008 92006 0.008 0-012 0.016 021 01026 9.028 i 0.001 81004 92003 0:007 0.010 0.014 0.019 01023 0.025, i 0.001 01003 02004 0.003 0.008 0.010 O11 0.019 0.020 2 0.001 01002 01005 0.004 0.006 0.008 Ooi O.01s 0.017 2 02000 8.001 02002 0:002 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009. 0.011 3 02000 01001 0.001 0-001 0.002 0.003, 0.004 0.006 9.008 a 000 02000 0.000 0:001 0.001 0.001 :002 0.003 9.004 5 0000 1000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.002 9.003 190.000 0.000 02000 0.000 0-000 0.000 0.000, 0000 9.000 9.000 18 0,000 0-000 9000 02000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20 0.000 0-000 8000 02000 0:000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0,000 9.000 $00,000 0.000 9000 02000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 01000 9.000 : Explicit expressions and influence factors for or MUI-BIEL TE yyy vertical displacenent py” beneath the points Ci, C2, r z By and By of the rectangle have been evaluated by’ Gixoud (1968) and are given in Table 3.31 (refer Fig. 3.42 for definition of £ and b). +++ G.31b) Giroud (19698) gives the following expression At Co, p, = SUtw)G-tvla bo xe pap for the horizontal displacement ‘of a point on a z the conerecline. 22s "(Pigr3vt2), distance” =" fon see (B.30a) Ba Py a 14 a or SGWG-B)a LT ie yyy 6: fe 2) at [aca-w9(e1 - 3 ty Dev (me? + B' F 7 Pe aes) see (3.306) de +E py, DARE, by, tea [arctanat atn FEA]... (5.506) L ele] a lee + Make | and a = b/L o> G3) For the comers Cy and Ce, Grow! (18558) Loe 1a L an fat ves T= [met t+ Lin Maal]... (8.302 | snd a= 4 be = Beh os [avin BAH, by, elt) tes) + G.33a) — Sete? myo etiatta ttn te tb Py = AT glatd-/ateb?) see (5.336) 5 s+» (3-310) (+ for ch and Cg = for Cy and Ch), 70 SURPACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS ‘TABLE 3.31 INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR VERTICAL SURFACE DISPLACEMENT DUE TO UNIFORM HORIZONTAL LOADING (Giroud, 1968) 22d Ip te ty Ty 0.276 15 0.590 0.701 0.290 20 0.636 0.746 0.303 25 0.671 0.782 0.315 30 0.701 0.811 0.326 40 0.746 0.857 0.337 50 0.782 0.347 60 0.811 0.921 0.356 70 0.835 0.946 0.365 80 0.373 90 0.381 100 0.396 200 0.410 300 0.416 400 0.445 S00 0.469 600 2.491 700 0-509 800 0.526 909 0.555 10° 0.579 10° 0.601 105 0.619 10° 3.4.5 LINEARLY VARYING HORIZONTAL LOADING (Fig.5.43) 8 _ ss 4 ch & 2 [> G cz FIG.3. Influence factors for the normal stresses have been obtained by Giroud (1970). The stresses are expressed as follows: Under the corners: o,=-ath se (3.548) 0, = -qiMs - (2-20)m3) see (3.340) oy = als - (2-20)H5) see (B.54e) Under the centre, O, = 2(Ki~ My) wee .35a) ©, = 29 fy My~(1-20) (3-H )) see (3.350) oy = 2qlKs- Mg=(1-20) (x3- M4)) ses (8.35) The influence factors My,Ms,M},Ms,Mi are given in Tables 3.32 to 3.36. Tables 3.26 to 3.30, Ea,Ks,Ki,ks,X} are given in’ Explicit expressions and influence factors for vertical displacement 0, beneath the points 0.4,C1, Ci,B1,C2,Ch,B2 of the rectangle have been evaluated by Giroud (1968) and are shown in Table 3.37. Influence factors for the mean settlement 9, are also given. -(14y) (Io2v)q bg At oe 4 2, ? ifb2L s+ B.36a) or Cw A=tv0b TS sey yy $ 2 ses 56) and similarly for points B2 and Bi, 1 An? athe) see (3,36) 12 1 B= Eli +l acta + wie] es : see (3.364) and a= t/b Ae 0, 5, = AAUGBVOEID 56 yo ses (8.378) ox Ciabidebveb af 22 ses B37) and similarly for point 4 and the mean Settlement Opp Giroud (19690) gives the following expressions for the horizontal displacements at the corners of the ‘rectangle: RECTANGULAR AREA pr a p= 2M 4 pm tear = UN 9 p= Ban LEY ee > y 15 2 % 2 he ~ a) 2 ABE - by]. (8.588) ses (8.380) (+ for Cy and Cl, - for Cz and Ch) (+ for C} and Ch, - for ¢y and C2). TABLE 3.32 a a yur ce (Girovud, 1970) wn Ol 0.2 VS 04 O8 YS 1.25 2 25 3 5 1 & © 0,000 0.159 0.159 0.159 0,159 0.259 0.159 0,159 0.159 0.159 0.159 0.159 0.2 0,000 0.043 0.065 0.075 0.076 0.078 0.078 01078 0.078 0.078, 0.078 0.078 0:4 0,000 0.012 0.022 0.027 0.029 0.030 0.031 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 015 01000 0.006 0.011 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.017 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0:6 0,000 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.007 9,005 0.005 0.005, 0.005 0,004 0:8 0.000 -0.000 0001 -0.001 -0.002 -0-003 -0,006 -0.006 -0.007 -0.007 -0,007 1 0,000 -0-001 70005 0004 -0.005 -0.006 ~0:010 -0.011 -0.011 -o.011 -0,011 1.2 0.000 -0.001 “0,004 =0.004 -0.005 -0.007 “0.011 -0:011 -0.012 -0:012 701012 114 0000 -0.001 701003 =0.004 ~0:008 -0.006 70:010 =0.011 -0.011 -0.012 -0.012 -0,012 1:5 0.000 -0.001 =0.003 =0.004 -0:004 -0.006 “07009 ~0:010 -0.011 -0.013 -0.011 -o:011 16 001 70.003 -0.003 -0:004 -0.005 0.010 -0.010 -0:011 -0.011 20:01 1.8 0000 -0.001 “0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0,004 0.009 0.009 ~0.009 -0.010 “0:010 2° 0.000 -0.001 =0:002 =0.002 -0.003 =0:007 -0.008 -0.008 0.009 =0.009 2.8 0,000 -0.000 70.001 =0.001 -0:002 70;008 -0:006 ~0.006 0.008 70,006 3° 0.000 -0.000 0:001 0.001 -0:001 -0-001 70.004 -0.004 -0.004 -0.005 =0,005 4% 0,000 -0.000 0000 0.000 -0.001 -0-001 =0.002 =0.002 -0:002 -0.003 -0.003 3 0.000 -0.000 0000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.001 =0.001 -0.001 -0.002 =0;002 10 0000 -0.000 0000 0.000 -0.000 -0-000 0.000 =0.000 -0.000 -0.000 =0.001 15 0.000 -0.000 ‘000 =0.000 0.000 -0.000 0,000 =0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0,000 20 0.000 -0.000 0000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 =0.000 -0,000 -0.000 0.000 50 ~ 0.000 -0.000 ~0:000 -0.000 -0.000 0000 =0:000 -0:000 -0.000 =0.000 TABLE 3.33 VALUES OF My (cirowd, 1970) be wt 0 01 02 3/3 0.4 08 WS 1 15 2 25 3 5 10 © 0. 00008 8 2 «© © «© © © » se » 0.2 0,000 0.015 0,017 0.012 0.008 0.002 -0.006 -0.015 -0.021 -0.021 -0,021 014 01000 -01006 0.012 -0.020 -0.024 -0.028 -0.035 -0.042 -0:047 -0.048 -0.048 015 0,000 -0.006 0.012 -0.019 -0.022 -0.026 “0.031 -0.037 -0.042 -0.043 -0.043 0:6 0,000 -0:005 -0.010 -0.035 -0.018 -0.021 -0.026 -0.031 -0:036 -0.036 -0.036 058 0.000 -0.003 -0.006 0.008 -0.011 -0.015 -0.016 -0.020 0.025 -0023 -0.024 10.000 -0.002 -0.003 “0.012 70,015 -0.015 -0.015 1.2, 0,000 -0:001 -0.002 -0.007 701009 -0010 -0.010 114 0,000 -0:001 -0.001 “0:04 07006 -0.008 -0.006 1s 0.000 -0:000 -0-001 -0:008 0.005 -0.005 -0-005 156 0000 -0.000 -0.001 20:003 02006 -0.004 -0,004 18 0000 -0.000 -0.000 “0:02 0.003 -0.003 -0:003 2 0.000 =0.000 -0.000 “0/001 02002 -0.002 -0.002 2.5 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 =0:000 02001 -0:001 -0.001 5° 0,000 0.000 -0.000 =0:000 -0:000 -0.000 -0.000 4 07000 0.000 -0.000 “9:00 20000 -0:000 -0:000 -0.000 5 9.000 -0:000 -0.000 10 0,000 -0.000 -0.000 15 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 20 0,000 -0.000 -0.000 50 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0:00 -0.000 0:00 -0.000 0:00 -0.000 0:00 ~0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0:000 -0.000 01000 -0:000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 SURFACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS TABLE 3.34 1 VALUES OF M} (Girend, 1970) s we Oe SH S/S 1S 2S SS © 0,000 0.080 0.043 0.017 0,009 0.001 -0.006 -0.009 -0.007 -0.005 -0.003 -0.003 -0.001 -0.000 0.000 0.2 0.000 0.004 0.005 0.001 -0.002 -0.003 -0.006 -0.007 -0.006 -0.004 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 -0.000 0.000 0.4 0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0.004 -0.005 -0.004 -0.003 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 -0.000 0.000 0.$ 0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0.004 -0.004 -0.004 -0.003 -0.002 0.001 -0.000 0.000 0.6 0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0.004 -0.005 -0.003 -0.002 0.001 -0.000 0.000 0.8 9.000 0.001 -0.001 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0.002 -0.002 0.001 -0.000 0.000 10.000 0001 -0:001 -0:001 -0.001 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 0,001 -0.000 0.000 1,2 0000 -0:000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0-001 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 =0,001 -0.000 0.000 1:4 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.000 0.000 1.5 0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 0.001 -0:000 0.000 1,6 0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 ~0.000 0,000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 - -0.001 -0.000 0.000 1.8 0.000 ~0.000 =0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 0:00 -0.000 0.000 2 +0000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 000 -0.000 0.000 2.5 -0.000 -0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0:000 0.000 3 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 4 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0,000 -0.000 0.000 5 0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 10 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 15 0.000 -0.000 -0:000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 +=0.000 -0.000 0.000 20 0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 50 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 TABLE 3.35 VALUES OF Ms __(Gizovd, 1970) Wr af 00.2 SA S/S OS 2S SS 0 0000 | © 8 2 2 o© © © 8 8s 2 @© @ ow 0.2 0.000 0.005 0.015 0.031 0.036 0.042 0.040 0.036 0.034 0.032 0.030 0.029 0.028 0.4 0,000 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.002 0-002 -0-004 ~0.005 -0.008 -0.009 -0.009 0.5 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 (004 0.007 ~0.009 -0.010 -0.013 -0.014 -0.014 0.6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 006 -0.009 ~0.011 -0.012 -0.014 -0.015 -0.016 0.8 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 1.006 -0.009 -0.010 -0.012 -0.014 -0.015 -0.015, 1 000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 005 ~0.007 0.009 -0.010 -0.012 -0.013 0.015, 1.2 0.000 0.000 ~0.000 0.000 -0.000 ~0.000 0.001 -0.002 -0.004 -0.005 -0.007 -0.008 -0.010 -0.011 -0.011 1.4 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0.003 ~0.004 -0.005 -0.006 ~0.008 -0.009 -0.009 1,5 0.000 -0.000 ~0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0-000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.003.-0.004 -0.005 -0.007 ~0.008 -0-008 1.6 0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 -0.005 0.006 -0.007 -0.008 1.8 0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002 ~ 0.003 -0.004 -0.005 ~0.006 -0.006 2 _ 0.000 0.000 ~0.000 -0,000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 ~0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 -0.005 -0.005 2.5 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0,000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 ~0.002 -0.005 -0.003 -0.004 30,000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0-000 ~0.000 -0.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002 0.002 -0-003 4 0,000 -0,000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0-001 -0.002 5 000 -0.000 ~0.000 -0,000 -0.000 ~0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.002, =0-000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 ~0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 - 0.000 3 10 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 100 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 100 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 - ~9.000 ~0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 =0.000 ~0,000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 RECTANGULAR AREA 73 TABLE 5.36 2 VALUES OF Mi fein, 7 bf aft ° O1 0.2 WS 04 05 2/3 1 Ls 2 25 3 s 0 08 0 6m 2 2 = «@ = 8 ee ee ele 0.2 0.000 0.016 0.028 0.038 0.041 0.045 0.038 0.055 0.055 0.082 0.030 0.029 0.028 0.4 0,000 0,002 0,004 0.006 0.006 0.003 -0.000 0,006 -0,008 -0.009 -0.009 0.5 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 -0.006 0.011, -0.013 ~0.014 -0.014 0.6 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 0,005 -0.008 0.013 -0.014 -0.015 -0.016 0.8 0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002 -0.002 0.009 0.012 -0.014 -0,015 -0.015 1 0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002 -0.002 0.007 ~0.011 -0,012 -0.013 -0.013 1.2 0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 -0.006 -0.009 -0.010 -0,011 -0.011 154 0/000 “0000 “07001-0001 -0001 0:002 -0:002 -0-003 -0.005, “0'007 “0/008 “07009 0.009 15 0,000 -0000 ~0.001 -02001 -0:001 -0:002 -0.002 -0-003 -0.004 70008 “0007: -0:008 -0.008 16 01000 -0.000 “0.001 -0:001 -0:001 0.001 -0.002 008 70.006 201007 -0:007 -0.008 1.8 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0,002 -0.003 0.005 -0.005 -0.006 -0.006 2° 04000 0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0:001 -0.001 -0.001 0.002 -0.002 70008 70:006 “0004 0.008 -0.008 2.5 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0.004 5°” 0000 0.000 0.000 -0000 -0:000 -0:000 -0.000 0.001 -0.001 0001 “0/002 “0.002 =0.002 -0.003 4 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 +0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002 5 04000 -0.000 0,000 -0:000 -0000 0.000 0,000 -0.000 -0.000, 707000 0000 “0001 0.001 =0.001 10 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 15 0,000 -0:000 -0:000 -0.000 -0;000 -0.000 -0:000 -0.000 79000 “0:000 0000 0.000 -0.000 20 01000 0.000 -0-000 -0-000 -0.000 -0:000 -0.000 -0.000 -0-000 707000 “0000 0000 “0000 -0.000 50 0,000 -0000 0.000 -0000 -0:000 -0:000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 70000 “0:000 0000 -0:000 -0:000 TABLE 5.37 INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR VERTICAL SURFACE DISPLACEMENTS DUE TO LINEARLY VARYING HORIZONTAL LOADING Goud, 1965) heb 22d ber afb tq; Ty a afo I; Ty th Efi v/a Ty Oy _1o In 1 o.1s9 0.080 | 1 0.021 0.057 35 0.021 0.057 0.100 0.159 0.080 ha ores 0-08 | 1.1 01024 01064 20 +1 01020 0.056 01102 0.166 0.085 1.2 0.176 0.087 1.2 0.028 0.071 25 «2 0.019 0.054 0.104 0.171 0.087 13 0.183 0.090 1.3 0.032 0.078 30 +3 0.018 0,052 0.105 0.176 0.090 1.4 0.189 0,095. 1.4 40 4 0.017 0,051 0.107 0.181 0.093 1S 0.195 0.096 Ss 50 5 0.016 0.049 0,108 0.185 0.095 16 0.201 0-098 | 1:8 60 56 01015 0.048 0:109 0.188 0.098 i 0:20¢ 0-100 | 1-7 7 [7 0.014 0.046 07110 0.191 0-100 1.8 0.210 0.102 1.8 80 +8 0,014 0.045 0.110 0.194 0.102 19 0.215 0.104 19 90 +9 0.013 0.043 0.111 0.197 0.104 2 0.219 0.106 2™-. 0.087 0.119 100 0.012 0.042 0.112 0.199 0.106 2.2 0.226 0.110 2.2 0.064 0.129 200 +2 0,011 0.039 0.115 0.204 0.109 2/5 01285 0:11 | 2:4 0.071 0.139 300 "5 0,010 0.086 0-114 0.209 0.115 5 01247 01119 | 2'5 0.074 0.148 400 0009 0.051 0.116 0.218 0.119, 3.5 01255 01124 | 5° 0.090 0.165 500 5 0.007 0.028 01117 0.220 0.124 a 01262 01127 | 3.8 0.105 0.185 600 01007 0.025 0/118 0.224 0.127 5 0:27 0.133 | 4” 0.119 0.202 700 0.005 0.020 01120 0.229 0.133 7 01285 01139 | 4.5 0.182 0.217 800 01004 01015 07121 0.238 0.140 10 01294 0114s | 5 309 10 0.003 0:010 0.122 0.239 0-146. 1s 0.302 0.149 6 19° 1s 0.002 0.007 0.123 0.243 0.151 20 0.306 0.151 7 108 20 0.001 0.005 0.124 0.245 0.155 50 0.313 0.156 8 105 30 0,001 0.002 0.124 0.248 0.161 100 0.316 0.158 9 10 100 0.000 0.001 0,125 0.249 0.163 : 01318 0.159 | 10 . 0 00.125 (0.250 0.167 ee SURFACE LOADS OW SEMI-INFINITE MASS 3.5 Loading on an Elliptical Area mex! B 3.5.1 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING oF mS? 03 o_o ‘ l7 Stresses and displacements at the surface and on hs the axis of the ellipse have been obtained by Deresiewicz (1960) (Fig.3.44). Expressions are derived for the stresses and dis- 1 placements on the axis within the mass, and on the surface. ‘The varistion of maximm shear stress with depth for various e values is shown in Fig.3.45. Stress distributions along the axis for four values of ¢ 2 + are given in Fig.3.46, In all cases, v=0.3, and e os is defined as e=(1-a*/b*)%. Sexe 08 y aod 80 FIG.3.45 Maximum shear stress down axis of ellipse. (eresiewicz, 1960). Values of the horizontal stresses on the axis are tabulated in Table 3.38. fenit oreo FIG.3.44 TABLE 3.38 HORIZONTAL STRESSES ON AXIS OF ELLIPSE (00.8)! Deceatiattes. ‘bed e °o 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.99 Extla ofp %y/p_—2/P alpen? uP a? e/D o 0.8000 0.8000 0.8047 0.7953 0.8222 0.7778 0.8786 0.7214 0.9636 0.6364 0.05 0.7351 0.7351 0.7404 0.7330 0.7585 0.7244 0.8157 0.6875 0.8987 0.6158 0.1 0.6711 0.6711 0.6765 0.6716 0.6954 0.6716 0.7535 0.6538 0.8343 0.5954 0.2 0.5488 0.5488 0.5542 0.5542 0.5744 0.5694 0.6338 0.5875 0.7100 0.5551 0.4 0.5428 0.3428 0.5488 0.3531 0.5681 0.3894 0.4236. 0.4647 0.5003 0.4849 0.7 0.1488 0.1488 0.1524 0.1599 0.1999 0.2094 0.3137 0.2587 0.3839 1.0 1.0575 0.0575 0.0648 0.0949 0.0928 0.2060 0.1235 0.3105 1.5 0.0064 0.0064 0.0090, 0.0229 0.0997 0.0179 0.2270 2 +0050 -0.0050 0.0037, 9.0017 0.0457 0.0277 0.1721 3 -0.0064 ~0.0064 0.0067 0.0054 0.0080 -0.0604 0.1095, 4 0046 -0.0046 0.0064 0.0086 0.0011 -0.0723. 0.0761 5 0033 -0.0035 0.0050 0.0040 0.0030 -0.0783 0.0566 10 -0.0009 -0.0009 0.0002. 0.0013 -0.0021 -0.0018 0.0898 0.0252 1 [ pe eo © our ozeze & ounce Josese lo7070 +0 +0 02 Gs % ow sy % 4 vy @ wey ‘V=0.3. (Deresiewiez, 1960). 46 Variation of normal stresses with depth on axis g é & 3 3 3 8 a 3 - 24 $ 3 gy q vith 2 7 eines” 76 SURFACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS On the axis the displacements are given by , = Aisles x6) eee (8.398) 1 °, = s+ (3.396) where X(e) = complete elliptic integral of the first kind. Relative vertical displacements 9/p,on the axis of the ellipse are shown in Fig.5.47 for v=0.3. ‘The variation of 9/0, along the boundary of the ellipse with position is given in Fig.3.48, while Fig.3.49 shows the variation of the displacements at the extremity of the major axis (py) and the minor axis (fm). Pz_ is expressed in all cases as a ratio of the surface displacement A. FIG.3.47 Vertical displacesent on axis as ratio of surface value p, . (Deresievics, 1960). + o-4} | . | | 2030 306070 80 80 FIG.3.48 Variation of boundary surface displacement 9 to centre value p, with position along boundary. (Deresiewicz, 1960). +o-—— os} Pr o- jt on Ph Ful Po. on — 02 ° ° oz o4 os 08 +0 FIG.3.49 Variation of ratio of displacement at extremity of major axis, p_, and minor axis, Pay to that at centre, P,.” (eresiewiez, 1960). 3.5.2 VERTICAL SENI-ELLIPSOIDAL LOADING ‘This type of loading has been used to simulate wheel loading on road pavements. Vertical stresses and vertical displacenents within the mass have been evaluated by Sanborn and Yoder (1967). ORDING OVER ANY AREA 3.6 Loading over Any Area 5.6.1 "NEWARK CHARTS" The basis for, and use of, "Newmark Charts", is described in 1.7.2. Charts for vertical stress Gz» horizontal stress, bulk stress @ and shear stresses Tez and try (all as a function of the applied stress), originally presented by Newmark (1942), are reproduced in Figs. 3.50 to 3.54. F 3,55 gives correction factors for when Poisson's ratio is different from 0.5, while Fig. 5.56 gives part of the correction factor for Gz. When W0.8, dz is given by the value of op for v0.5, plus (1-20)/6 times the value of © for V0.5 (Fig. 3.52) plus (1-2v) times the quantity obtained from Fig. 3.56. Similar charts for vertical displacement pz on the surface and below the surface were obtained by Newmark (1947) and are shown in Figs.3.57 and 3.58. A chart for correcting the vertical subsurface di placements in Fig.5.S8, which are for vel.5, for other values of v, is given in Fig.5.59. Figs. 3.50 to 3,59 are for vertical surface loading. Charts for the horizontal normal stress due to an applied surface horizontal shear loading have been prepared by Barber (1965) and are given in Figs.3.60 to 5.65. Stresses parallel to, and perpendicular to, the applied loading are considered for both v=0.5 and V=0. As pointed out by Barber (1966), the vertical stress due to shear loading is, by the ‘reciprocal theorem, identical to the shear stress due to a vertical load and may thus be determined from Fig,3.53. 3.6.2 SECTOR CURVES ‘The sector method and the use of sector curves have been described in 1.7.3, Sector curves for ‘the normal and shear stresses due to vertical loading, obtained by Poulos (1967a), are shown in Figs.3.64 and 5.65. For the vertical and radial displacements pz and ‘pp, plots of the curves are unnecessary, as the sector curves have the following simple explicit form: 2, = 2a, Go) ". see (8.398) , = Bigg GHG = Ea8e see (3.390) ot Sry oor 02 03 04 05 2 15 40 08 0 ™%, FIG.3.64 Sector Influence Values for d, and T,,. ‘Sector itive Fock tof. Bausoase Case | Tengen! Stress a rg toon, pa Bias f ; A ott eS I ° +4] Tororo OE vs 10 os 6 * hy FIG.3.65 Sector Influence values for @ and J. 7 78 SURFACE LORDS ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS eae ot Datpee 8. Deptn at which Stress is] Computes PIG.3.50 Influence chart for vertical stress ¢, (Newark, 1942) (@21 values of v) o, = .colup where Weno.of blocks. cmarrs Depin 2" at whien stress aT) Seqle of Distance 02 is | Compe FIG.3.51 Influence chart for horizontal stress 6, (Newmark, 1942). 0.5 a7 001 ‘where Weno. of blocks. 79 80 SURFACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE KASS Far Bices S801 Depths at whieh Stress is| Computed FIG.3.52 Influence chart for bulk stress © (Newark, 1942) (gor all values of v) e= 22) comp s ‘where weno.of blocks. an NEWHARK CHARTS ‘uBjs(-) snujw pb +syo0Ta gorouatt ox0KH autoo" = ox. (q zo sontea Tre 703 s(epor ‘yxemnon) +7) ssexze zeays zz azey> ooWONTIUT ES°E*OTE p2yp2!pu} aun ~ = S! - an|pA BduanyuT ‘SURFACE "E LOADS. ow semr-2"1 (FINITE mass ~/ — PK Se SEE TOS oO 100.0 100.03 S$} 901g ad aN|OA ZouaN)JU) - WUT [ [TR SYA Be et ec ~ Se ee : Sees SSE EO <<] i SK LL (a ra Ou, aos py SE Ta dates LES \ | ar OSs | WORE Cece Pee WROBe SRS 16 “100 LT? ~ Oe Mi I i Ss eo ie A ll wy See REET BOO PHOS Ly ‘SURFACE LOADS OW SEMI-INFINITE MASS SURFACE LOADS ON SEMI-INFINITE HASS *exo0Tq JorouRN oxoyN 7 Butoor = Yb *(996T ‘z0q7e8) *s*o=n *peot awoys porTdde ue 03 ToTTexed ‘ss0x3s TequoZFIOY TOs IzUYO sOUNTFUT O9"C*DIa ajoos Bumold *2'“hded' ¥ . Vv ql 10| PDO} JO UO}}PD2! JO UO!}DD JO dur] Bunioid= 4 ajoas Bun30id=Z Tdea' Y SS2}S 89 MERMARK CHARTS vexpotg go‘ouaN sz0uH Broo" *(s96t ‘zoqze) ‘oma *peoT porrdde ue 03 jorrexed ‘esex3s TeqUOZTIOY TOs 3zEYD eOUONT FUT ays Bursiold =Z —aeq7 V Vv WlOd ] PDO! JO UORI2~1 $$O4}S JO UON}DD JO DUT]—-} 1 or ajpos Bunjolg =Z: SURFACE LOADS OW SEMI-INFINITE MASS joys payTdde ue 03 zeTnoypuedsed «ss: Bu Ia MMOld *Z'— asa \ eras Test07 \\ OO SRR DORE LS a XK SRKSEE Se - $$D4}S JO UOIJID 40 dur. SRK ORS » SRB SR isan COO AT ——| Lf Chapter 4 | DISTRIBUTED LOADING BENEATH THE SURFACE OF A SEMI-INFINITE MASS ae ean) Re = eb eath)* ae(s-n)* xh = a #(ath)? Been)? rh B*eCaen)? al Loading on a Horizontal Area where Ry Ht 0 3 RECTANGULAR AREA ‘The Mindlin point load equation (Section 2.1.4) 4 for vertical stress z has been integrated over a rectangular area by Skopek (1961). The following expression has been obtained for 0, beneath the The stresses at other points within the mass may comer of a rectangle ab (Fig.4.1): be obtained by use of the principle of superposition. (an)? Influence factors for the vertical displacement of the corner of a rectangle are shown in Fig.4.2 {Groth and Chapman, 1969). The displacement is given _ at p= 28 vee 2) where a is the shorter side of the rectangle. 36.4.2. ‘The influence factor I is given by = mnie weeks + inloelieB)} + ef in PE) +5 mE sda*p? Bs o, = —2—| (1-v(arctan = 4x) (a-WRy Tratee - rt (Ly 1 ((o8) (Bent) + erctor —2— ) (e-Bay _ afe-id? saben? CE) + éabta (Geeteethy (oR ari abr 9 + caskytan"? pL + Saree ¢ WGdotv)slath) “hl Sech) Jae ‘eat 0 (14404?) stated +t al vee tah _ LSe4y)2(ath) oh (ath) (S2-h)]a SR where x)= pi on koe Fav) ¢ Palsenary , Shook _ hatseh)ta X= bev bert (ard beh Re Kas Saws? a= 8B = be , Ga" 2] + GD) 2 RR 92 VERTICAL LOADING ON HORIZONTAL AREAS 93 For the limiting case of a miformly loaded strip eo = Viti (b/a=), Skopek gives the following expression for the + = Jae vertical stress on the central axis of the strip: 2 2 4 2 [acta Sp + axoten 3p Stresses and displacements beneath a rigid rect- angle embedded in a semi-infinite mass are given in Section 7.9. 4 alah ¢ —aL(S-4v) 24h) Bla*#(a-AJ73(1-v) 2fa*#(aeh) 71 (1-v) Bhz (2th Ja [a+ (a#h)?1?(2-v) - se Gea) set} T 10 vs05 A, = vi02 4.2 Vertical displacenent factor for corner of enbedded rectangle. 94 SUBSURFACE LOADING Fox (1948b) has obtained solutions for the relat- ionship between the mean vertical displacement p, of @ rectangle beneath the surface to the mean displace- Rent fm of a similar rectangle situated at the Surface. Oy/omq is plotted against i/vab and Yash in Hg.4°3 for various values of b/a and for we0.5. +0 os) ————_| FIG.4.3 Ratio of mean displacement Of rectangle at depth h to that os of rectangle at surface. V=0.5. | (Fox, 1948). o7| % SS g PSS see ost 0 oz 04 os 08 1 08 os 020 a a we ——_ Twereosing Darth ——— 4.1.2. CTROULAR AREA (Fig.4.4) oe G3) FIG.4.4 20 = Bee | (say) {Yate (2-e)?-(2-c)} 45(2-¥) ‘liana (i866) tras dotted che Peliowing + (Se1ayesyt){vaP#(are)® - (ate)} + (2-0) expressions for vertical stress o, and vertical displacement pg: _ lee)? , (3-40) (ate)*~ 208 (a) Beneath the contre W+(2-0)* ate Gy = —— | Geavytere) { _ _teatate)® 202 4(1-0) (hE +(ate)*)” ” (ate) 1 2 = (Sedu) (ate)? = 2ez ] WE +(a-2)* ses 44) fF +(a-2) Wee (ate)® ate)? pal, iG 7} hie, °, 2 ses (4.40) VERTICAL LOADING ON HORIZONTAL AREAS (>) Beneath the edge (ra) See Nishida (1966) for explicit expressions. , beneath the edge is given by 95 Values of ¢z/p beneath the centre and edge of the circle given by Nishida are tabulated in Table 4.1, Influence factors I, and Ig for the vertical displacement beneath the centre and edge of the circle are tabulated in Table 4.2. pal, 2 vee G5) z TABLE 4.1 VERTICAL STRESS ¢, BENEATH CIRCULAR AREA | (ishida, 1966) °s0/? (centre) Sne/P (edge) 4 % v 12 3 © o 1 2.5 «© 4, ° 0.00 0 1,00 0,70 0.56 0.54 0.50 0.50 0.35 0.30 0.28 0.25 1 0.64 0.35 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.34 0.21 0.18 0.17 0.15 2 0.28 0.17 0.13 0.12 0:10 0.20 0:32 0.10 0.09 0.07 4 0109 0:06 0.05 0.04 0103 0.12 0-05 0.04 0:05 0-01 0.25 0 1.00 0.71 0.87 0.53 0.50 0.50 0.38 0. 1 0.64 0.46 0.39 0.29 0.26 0.34 0.24 0 2 0128 0:18 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.20 0.13 0 4 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.12 0.08 0. 0.50 0 1.00 0.75 0.58 0.54 0.50 0.50 0.40 0. 1 0.64 0.45 0.58 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.29 0. 2 0.28 0.22 0:18 0.15 0.14 0.20 0.17 0 4 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.07 0. ‘The centre displacement may also be obtained from 4.6) Pg = Fae (OQ), 2 where (pz), is the surface displacenent given in Section 3.3.1, and Zy_—_is a reduction factor, plotted in Fig.4.7. For this case, rend. ‘TABLE 4.2 INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT OF CIRCLE (Nishida, 1966) Z, (centre) T, (edge) e/a» 9-50 0.25 0.00 0.50 0.25 0.00 0,09 1.500 1.875 2.000 0.955 1.194 1.273 3.50 0.908 0.995 0.909 5.00 0.862 0.947 0.862 0.586 0.640 0.585 100 0.750 0.835 0.750 0.478 0.530 0.478 1000 0.750 0.835 0.750 0.478 0.530 0.478 eo, = 6 SUBSURFACE LOADING 4.1.3. GENERAL AREAS Sector curves for bulk stress © are shown in Figs. 4.5 and 4.6 for v=0 and 0.5 (Poulos, 1967). Sector curves for the ratio Fy of the vertical displacement of a sector at depth d below the sur- face to the vertical displacement of the same sector situated at the surface, are shown in Fig.4.7 (Poulos, 1967a) . eo} Sacer see vones H omy Sow © 7 oa j 6 03 ntooToeake {—— $Z a}. a a leet r_| | ool nt oF 0 FIG.4.5 Sector curves for bulk stress 0. FIG.4.6 Sector curves for bulk stress 0. ve0. =0.5. 1-0; T v=0: os FIG.4.7 Ratio Fy of displacement at apex 208 ‘of sector "at depth d to that of . sector at surfac Bor 2 Sos Zo ae Z onf—}——|- 4 o . 2 3 4 5S 6 7 8 9 HORIZONTAL LOADING OM VERTICAL, RECTANGLE, 7 4.2 Horizontal Loading on a Vertical Rectangle ‘The horizontal displacement P, at the upper and lower comer of a rectangular area (Fig.4.8) has been obtained by Douglas and Davis (1964). At the upper corners A and B, horizontal pressure Pp, for a uniforn pg = —PR— {(s-avyriePutd (1-20) (I-VI Fs} = encta-0) oD ‘At the lower corners D and C, pg = PR { (3-40) y+ 244 (1-20) (1-0) Pa} 3enG(1 - v) see (4.8) 203 where meh kes Bea b = (y-Ke) tn (ated ‘Be V4e(Ky-Kq)® A= __2___j uaa ed 7 fa) 2 an (— 2a tvteR) de (Rs) x (tia) +A Ka) 2+ AinGisreg)*) x mn ¢ (Ha) 1 tae: _ Aa, Oy) Ky Pe rae x ary tn (EL) + trying) x te” ty (Matted _y Belay) = ay (ateeleletn)), et) ak +14) 4 x VERA)? Ota) — CAG - Ky) pawn te (2D Beta) (Ky #Ke )4V4+(Ky +R )® 2r/4+(Ky tia)") + (iyrKe) tn ( (isha) +g He | Ay (4h) Ps => 2K2 in Xs = (y+) « Cm tka Ey; x en (— Eth _y Canter + my (attede/e tte) ati 2(Ket/14%3) € x War)? = yt) = Ke (eV) For the displacement at other points in the same plane, the principle of superposition may be employed. Values of Fy to Fs are plotted in Figures 4.9 to 4.11. 98 SUBSURFACE LOADING . - “ ¥1G,4.9 Factors 1 and Fe re (Douglas and Davis, 1964) vol —— I a oet—e 4 oe] d FIG.4.10 Factors Fa and Fs (Douglas and Davis, 1964). os. FIG.4.11 Factor Fs (Douglas and Davis, 1964). RECTANGLES WITH SHEAR LOADING 4.3 Rectangles Subjected to Shear = easels ~ 2(2+26%(140)) Loading aye ‘Three cases have been considered by Groth and 2eryge Chapman (1969), as shown in Fig.4.12, of the comer + [t+ crs (14201) 3} displacenents in the direction of uniform loading applied to subsurface rectangles. Influence factors for the displacenents are shown in Figs. 4.15 to 4.17. In all cases, the displacenent is expressed as where a,8,%),4, as above 8 = Vi468? (140)? pe = 232 see (4.9) <= Ez t = Mi+6* (1420)? case 1 case 2 ‘Top Corner A: ‘Top Corner A: asta Ja I = KelCers1) inl belie) + Bey Ce ie. {axons om CABS (Kite) tx Ct8G#20)) + eet) an ad? pcan 208 an CDI B(1H2a) Ks tn (StL 33 + Cieza?) + to CBSE xs tn (BABY = anita tn) + 08 tn (SH = o(liasttetad _ 00898, s n t (3t1) essa 6? 08 in E+ 208 + 2(1ev) (1-20) (81420) (0-8 (1420) eats), ae oe s06(er208) + tn (248C4#20))) h rare eS where 0,8,K1,%1 as above b= 2 s = Ae (ie? = Vee area) t = fiate = Seaatgt © = %8 wy Be" Ra) th= 3a Bottom Comer Bz rd T= xefscment in CGH Bottom Comer B: Ja, et T= soli CES ~ cxy93y on AaB) + Bia) tn Gia 1 iytka) on BGI = (1420) —— eB (T4a)) + 2kB(140) tn(—H8 = Ky tn (1148* -8)4 tn Gees) 28¢140) - 1 _ ape, = K2B(1#20) tn(—H#E} -2B(1e0) F - 3) - 26% (140) . (2428) 28140) ‘B(i420): + acara( mnt) - (4 +o ea™ - aa) + B(1ov)(1o20) [28(140)5-B(1420) ¢ 100 SUBSURFACE LOADING where @,8,X»,K; as above ~ 487 (140)*+ 8? (1420)? Ka = 4(1-y) (1-20) 3128(140) - GPa tin esszb (sea) o = Vie8? (4407) t = Vinats* where 6,8,Xo,k: as above u = Bea? 9 = viva? (140)* t= Vise? (1420)? » 4 1 q aL | [ieee | (=== ; ¥1G.4.12 Loading cases for horizontal loading on ieee) ie oees| ‘2 rectangle. ts 7 = z Sesei vera Shear on Hocaomst Ser on Horr Spar on Veruca! inenge era ene econo 20 18 16 i L—v.os Case 3 NN ja-—— vere 12 ; I= Kofi, [tn (aries?) + 48 tn a { = PX ee 2, ~. + 80x92) te CHB ee a — + cnn) tn ES) + sae 2) os a - Mt=1) il oe == = + tab itor (Soareray) ~ "26 = o3 ] = oe = a(s*-1) wid oF + As - wore , TE oO 0s +0 +5 20 b 83 04 03 02 o1 0 8). petted + Ka (ean (ereay) ~ tar? (Ga) * om FIG.4.13 Vertical displacement factor for upper corner A. Case. I. 202 RECPANGLES WITH SWEAR LOADING srr eseo“y x9uz09 odin 403 zon0¥s quouooeTdsyp TwIozTIOR ST ptoTE © 40 20 £0 M0 £9 82 % sz 909 ‘gq xouz00 enoT Tox TOADeS JUeUBDETESTD TEOTIOA PT'P'OTS SUBSURFACE LOADING 202 ‘exouxos 303 103083 quousoeTdeyp TeaUcZTICH CTY OTE ° % ho to & % on txar 98v0 £0 ° ° siz 9609 “a x0Ux09 xonoy x03 403905 jusmoseTSTP [U3UORTION OT" POTS % 4 % on Chapter 5 SURFACE LOADING OF A FINITE LAYER UNDERLAIN BY A RIGID BASE 5.1 Loading on an Infinite Strip 5.1.1 UNEFORM VERTICAL LOADING (Fig.5.1) 2 p/urt ores on Ih SoG 02 03 04 08 2 2 15 10 08 0 * 2 ? ¥IG.5.2 Strip curves for p,. v2 F1G.5.1 [= +9} ° og it Influence factors for the vertical displacenent ° pg and the horizontal displacement o, beneath the ° edge of the strip, obtained by Poulos (1967b), are shown in Figs. 5.2 and 5.3. me 0 Influence factors for the vertical stress oz, ° bulk stress © and shear stress tg beneath the 0. edge are shown in Figs. 5.4 and S.5, for four values of v. The interface between the layer and the base 0 is rough ("adhesive"). 20 ‘The horizontal stresses G; and dy may be evaluated as follows: * a > 4 | —J 1 02 03 04 OF o, = 5-4 + GD) 23 ts 10 os 0 % ey = vlo,t0,) see G2) FIG.5.3 strip curves for p,. 104 FINITE LAYER he o-| He ° ont Str tnmence Factors ‘wrtea Stress e, vr02 0 ot 08 63 Ga OS om iB » FIG.5.4 Strip curves for ¢,. 0. FIG.S.5 Strip curves for ¢,. v0.2. + % al 12 “2 "I sof . * | of on SP tke seen of ebint— | of 8803 Os GS % % 1 05 0 ‘ve eo FIG.5.6 Strip curves for o,. v=o. FIG.S.7 “Strip curves for ¢,. v=0.5. ‘UNTFORM LOADING ow S7AIP 308! “ o4, 1 ° Wo aoe 4 Ter ol coon Eira od a Pow 1 03 0 e 7 O-Gr G2 05 04 OF 216.5.8 Strip curves for ©. v0. % ows 10 os 0 % FIG.5.9 strip curves for 8, W0.2 “0 50) 7 : * 20 2 % i od * 2q o: oy ‘gl 4 2 A | ies Sip omanee asors 4 ere ' Orbin 1% 10 08 0 . % FIG.5.10 Strip curves for @. WH0.4. FIG.5.11 Strip curves for @. v=0.5. & 106 FINITE LAYER ° the tomes Rass |p og teas tow te” |F oo feb ob 5 o os ° ¥ Te od, | o- = f os Da cal ° i Z o| 0: 0: s “| ro oal 1 —T Comor 02 03 04 05 0 OF 02 03 O4 O85 is 1 09 0 a 15 10 08 % “% 10.512, stelp curves for ts U0. Fr0.5.13 Steip cures £08 Tye 0.2. af srg uae ris [ “ar o . : “ hy ee y - a 1 “TH ° 7 ° caf 2a °: cm [ a °. oA o on ° ° | to Sonos 0a G5 Sores 07 oF BB us yo 0s 0 fn Fy 10 08 0 Me 3 * FIG.5.14 Strip curves for t,.. Vs0.4. FIG.5.15 Strip curves for t,,. V0.5. JPRIANGULAR LOADING on STRIP Ueshita and Meyethof (1968) have also obtained influence factors for . pz beneath the edge of the strip, considering both a rough rigid base (adhesive interface) and a smooth rigid base (smooth interface). ‘These influence factors, reproduced in Fig. 5.16, show that the effect of the interface is considerable for v0.5 but almost negligible for v=0. Displacement Intuence Vole. Ise 107 o: 0203 eno 708 99 of }p 10.8416 pisplacenent factors for edge of strip (Uedhiee . nd Heyerhot, 1960)» Soa iN. ES Zoe ¥ . rol mer ’ 5.1.2. ‘TRIANGULAR VERTICAL LOADING (Fig.5.17) ‘Rough iba FIG.5.17 Solutions for the stresses within the layer have been obtained by Giroud and Watissee (1972). Some solutions for z,dr and tz, beneath the contre and edge of the loading ure shown in Figs.5.18 to 5.20 for v=0.3. Giroud (1970) expresses the vertical surface dis- placenent as Bey BH . 6.3) Values of ry are plotted in Figs, 5.21 to 5.25 for five values of v. ‘The solutions for triangular loading may be superposed to determine solutions for "enbankment™ or trapezoidal loading. “(2L6t ‘908973eH pu pnosto) “(zL6t ‘9286 73eH pu pHozzD) ‘bpe uavoueg (a) x exques yyousg (e) (D ssex38 TequOZTIOH GT"S*OTd FINITE LAYER corn wel 108 TRIANGULAR LOADING OW STRIP 409 FIG.5.20 shear stress <1, beneath edge (Giroud and . Watissee, 1972). ¥IG.5.21 Displacement factor x, v0. Gizovd, 1970) . FIG.5.22 Displacement factor ry. Ve0.2. (Gizoud, 1970). 10 L3— 2 " s, ve W 9. vs} a FINITE LAYER v.03 om 205 FIG.5.23 Displacement factor x,,. VA0.3. (Gizoud, 1970). FIG.S.24 Displacenent factor r, (Girova, 1970), FIG.5.25 Displacenent factor 14. VH0.5. (Giroua, 1970). CIRCULAR AREA ut 5.2 Loading on a Circular Area (Fig. 5.26) FIG.5.26 For four values of t/a and three values of v (0.15, 0.30 and 0.46) Milovic (1970) has tabulated solutions for the stresses and displacements beneath the the centre (2/a = 0), (z/a = 0.5), and the edge (r/z = 1) for the case of uniform vertical loading. Solutions for ¢, and Op beneath the centre and edge, and trz beneath the edge, are shown in Figs. 5.27 to $.31 for v = 0.30. ¥IG.5.27 6, beneath centre (iilovie, 1970) FIG.5.30 0, beneath edge (Milovic, 1970). uz PINITE LAYER FIG.5.31 T,, beneath edge (tiilovic, 1970). For other cases, stresses and displacements beneath the centre of 2 uniformly loaded circular ‘area may conveniently be obtained from the sector ‘curves described in Section 5.4 and shown in Figs. . 5.52 to 5.73. The use of the sector method is described in Section 1.7.3. Influence factors for the vertical displacement fz beneath the centre of the circle have been obtain- ed by Ueshita and Meyerhof (1968) for both a rough underlying base (adhesive interface) and a smooth interface. These factors are shown in Fig.5.32. Approximate values of the influence factor for vertical displacement at the edge of the circular area have been quoted by Harr (1966) and are shown in Table 5.1 for both an "adhesive interface" and a “smooth interface". For various points within the loaded area, Milovic (1970) has obtained solution for the vertical surface displacenent, and these are shown in Table 5.2, These results are for an adhesive interface. ‘TABLE 5.1 INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT AT EDGE OF CIRCULAR AREA (Egorov, 1958) hla Te. ‘SMOOTH ADHESIVE INTERFACE INTERFACE w 11 v) (v0.3 only) e2cce0000 ahebeeibe TABLE 5.2 INFLUENCE FACTORS Ip FOR VERTICAL SURFACE DISPLACEMENT WITHIN CIRCULAR AREA 0. ou 0. 0. 458 0.441 0.408 0.348 0.208 1674 0.645 0.593 0.509 0.348 800 0.768 0.710 0.619 0.463 1827 0.794 0.736 0.646 0.501 0.397 0.392 0.379 0.351 0.301 0.173 1 0.464 2 0.684 0-15 4 o.sit 6 0.839 0.30 1 2 0.613 0.604 0.578 0.551 0.456 0.305 4 0.740 0.732 0.703 0.651 0.568 0.420 6 0.770 0.762 0.733 0.681 0.597 0.458 0. 0. 0. ou 276 0.267 0.250 0.213 0.109 482 0.461 0.422 0.361 0.229 608 0.585 0.541 0.472 0.340 635 0.612 0.568 0.499 0.374 RECTANGULAR AREA 3 Displacement Infience Value, eo O02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 820 are are mare Bosom nas a f + e PIG.5.32 Displacement factor for x Ss 3 e _centre of circle (Weshita and = \ x rhof, 1968). ges 5 se 30° LALA ele 9 pt oR TAM LE 7 | ; consnen cox] g it 2 ¢ 8888 5.3 Loading on a Rectangular Area 5.3.1 ROUGH RIGID BASE (Fig.5.33) ay For uniform vertical loading p/unit area, a oth rectangular ares and a rough (adhesive) inter- face, between the layer and the base, Burmister (1956) has evaluated the vertical stress Cz beneath the corner of the rectangle at various depths in the layer for v=0.4. These results are shown in Figures 5.34 to 5.38. The value of v has little influence on these vertical stresses, expecially near © F1G.5.34 Burmister layer theory. | beneath corner the top of the layer. at 290.2h. 90.4. (Burmister, 1956). oO 09 oy oz ot 90 0 20 1000 10 to 100 “(9g6t, ‘J038TuIME) “p-O=n “UD"O=Z We ouxoo waeouoq “p ‘Azooy3 ZeKeT zeysyUMA SE"G"OTa *(956T, 'z0x0TEME) “p08 *uD"OHE ae zouros yavoueq “9 “Azcaua JofvT soaeyuING 9C*S"OT oneu saieo FINITE LAYER ne Pritt i i us RECTANGULAR AREA *(9S6T, 7eq8TEME) “prOKN “YO"TH? ae xouroa teoueq “9 *Axooua xokUT zoasTuING eC*S"OTE bo 99:0 100 20.9 100, oto e-0 “(ase ‘zeqaymmE) “yom *uB*One 90 ouzo yaeoueq “p “Azooy3 xoket xoxeTumE Le°S‘OTd 3% neu arto p—| 19040. 20 10000 $09 200 10.04 0-0 0-0 16 Influence factors for the vertical displacenent of the corner of a rectangle loaded with a unifora vertical stress p per unit area have been presented by Usshita and Meyerhof (1968) for a rough rigid base (adhesive interface). These influence factors Ino are shown in Figures 5.59 to $.44 for 6 values of v. The actual displacement is given by PBI E see 6-4) Influence factors for both vertical and horizon- tal surface displacements at the comer of a rectangle have been presented by Davis and Taylor (1962) for a Tough rigid underlying base. Both uniform vertical loading gz per unit area and horizontal loadings %_ and gy per unit area, have been considered. Referring to the key diagram in Figure 5.45(a), for corner 1, i.e. the comer contained in the posit- ive sy quadrant, displacements are expressed as a2 ss (5.5) 1g BIT; wt ig = omy stim, vtam, v2 here Ips = oy stam, -vtam, 2 i,j are any of =,y,2. For example, for vertical displacement due to uniform horizontal loading in the y direction, Pay = %y 4 (IT, see (5.6) The solutions for ming, My and my are approximate only as they have been obtained by use of the Steinbrenner approximation (see Section 6.4.1). The influence factors mij, mij, mig for comer 1 are plotted in Figures 5.45 to 5.43. It should also be noted that, because of the approximate treatment of ‘ne, myy and Mey, 2Mzy=s"ye-J, and Pas My. For comer 1, the total displacement in direction 4 due to combined loading is given by PD = 0:,(2) + ogy(I) + 0,00) Alay) DY alan + Syliy + Galea) + GD For the other three corners the displacements can be obtained from the displacement components peg(1) as follows: FINITE LAYER + - + x =F Pf) + 00) ~ pi (1) ...(S-8a) + - = 2 - + - gl = = # PyglD) # Pyy(2) ~ Dy (1) «+ (5.80) S + + [2 + - + o,) S| = - 0,20 - 0,1) +0.) ... (8.80) 4 - + + Another series of solutions have been presented by Milovic and Tournier (1971) who have evaluated stresses and displacements beneath the centre and comer of the rectangle. The stresses evaluated are defined as follows: (@) Uniform Vertical Loading p ses G.9a) ses (5.90) (5.9¢) (b) Uniform Horizontal Loading , see (5.104) see G.10b) tse” %e*Tsaq see (5100) For the centre of the rectangle, the stress influence values Izp and Izp for vertical loading land the influence values Izeq for horizontal loading are given in Tables 5.3 to 5.5; for the centre, Terps Taq and Inq are all zero. For the comer of the rectangle, the stress influence values Izp, Izp and Izgp for vertical loading are given in Tables 5.6 to 5.8 and Izgy Inq and Ineq for horizontal loading are given in Tables 5.9 to'5.11. RECTANGULAR ARER Displacement Inuence Vole Tee °: oat * “om § 708 g Fool rol wv Bousnang Case = SI we ee 3 Dicacamant nfsence Vous Ire 8 Oe "oa oa 08 06 07 __o8 o2| 3 bod ag é be 2 Bos ls 5 mR le oa I le ™ ‘cane Ge — Ep Sy eee Wg 00 oF iE aa Derlocement Infuence Yous Ire o_o og os ow 05 0.9 po o| S| _| 7 & x 54 — 3 \ i. = “—¥— -|--B a 1 " Bomsnesa Case Ble Bo es eer MB ale Sls Eerie 7 FIG.5.39 Displacenent factors for corner of rectangle. V=0.5. (Ueshita and Meyerhof ,1968). FIG.5.40 Displacerent factors for corner of rectangle. v=0.4. (Ueshita and Meyerhof ,1968), FIG.S.41 Displacenent factors for corner ‘of rectangli Meyerho£ ,1968 vs0.3. Weshita and us PIurre LAER Displacement Influence Value Irs O34 05 OS _o7 os o2 2 F10.5.42 pieplacenent factors for corner £ © ‘of rectangle. 0.2. (Veohita and “ é Neyerho£ 1968). Pr Ks i \ 5 gos| og i FI K, : z P z ee 2 +0) ho Boussise mest Mae Displacement Intuence Value tre i 2“ FIG.5.43 Displacement factors for corner a of rectangle, v=0.1. (Ueshita and = Meyerhof, 1968), 5 o4 a é gos} : i * ost wl pet be °: |p‘ PYG.5.44. Displacement factors for corner of rectangle, U=0. (Ueshita and £ eo Meyerhof, 1968). & a & é fee \> “NYKO i z \ Le = eer Mest Mgt 52 MSz's” ‘RECTANGULAR AREA ug Weg yy amare oper 5 ToT he on @ @ FIG.5.45 Rectangle displacement factors (Davis and Taylor, 1962). gb spate i ono -oy ol a Gem bo or ee es Oe ae & oa) i ewe ad oO am ate? © Gocmea @ co) 8 $82 gs passseeee ae FIG.5.46 Rectangle displacenent factors (Davis and ‘Taylor, 1962). iy or no aad Oh Cor ayo aMy? ) 120 fete rate FINITE TAYER Bey Up or ama oF 8 tor om) (a FIG.5.47 Rectangle displacement factors (tote that 2Pyy 70) (avis and Taylor, 1962). ee ss" sf iM a a FIG.5.48 Rectangle displacement factors (Davis ané Taylor, 1962). RECTANGULAR AREA 321 TABLE 5.3 INFLUENCE VALUES gp, Tap AND. I. ©? (uitovie'and Tournier, 1971) (2/8) = 1.00 Centre sssssse v= 0.15 v= 0.30 v= 0.85 1.000 0.441 - 1.000 0.549 - 1.000 0.638 - 0.974 0.510 0.758 0.974 0.425 0.739 0.974 0.520 0.740 0.941 0.214 0.544 0.943 0.308 0.545 0.947 0.397 0.548 0.837 0.040 0.276 0.842 0.113 0.275 0.855 0.682 0.005 0.167 0.690 0.062 0.164 0.712 0.565 0.013 0.151 0.570 0.093 0.122 0.595 0.473 0.083 0.117 0.468 0.201 0.096 0.478 Beyesees 1,000 0.527 - 1,000 0.649 = —-1,000 0.970 0.385 0.726 0.970 0.500 0.726 0.970 0.931 0.261 0.521 0.931 0.802 0.236 0.804 0.462 0.062 0.469 0.282 0.033, 0.294 0.200 0.030 07215 0.157 0.028 0.161 8essssssss UNweMoscoo Ssssssssssssese 1,000 0.545 s 1,000 0.970 0.400 0.724 0.970 1 0. 0.518 0.930 0.930 0.230 0.799 0.131 0.230 0.799 0.052 0.453 0.003. 0.052 0.454 0.020 0.264 -0.009 0.020 0.266 0.015 0.172 -0.006 0.013 0.175 0.012 0.124 0.000 0.012 0.129 0.013 0.095 0.011 0.011 0.099 0.012 0.075 0.031 0.009 0.0076 0.063 0.004 = 1.000 0.684 - 1,000 0.811 ~ 0.723 0.970 0.521 0.723 0.970 0.625 0.723 0.517 0.930 0.380 0.228 0.798 0.138 450 -0.020 0.048 0.450 0.007 .258 -0.023 0.015 0.258 -0.009 0.162 -0.017 0.007 0.162 -0.009 0.110 -0-013 0.005 0.111 -0.007 0,075 -0.008 0.004 0.075 -0.004 0.055 -0.006 0.004 0.056 -0.002 0.043 -0.004 0.004 0.044 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.037 0.003 0.001 9.005 0.032 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.027 0.012 122 FINITE LAYER TABLE 5.4 RINE RES TP Tee none and Tourn, 1972) (1/8) = 2.00 Centre v= 0.18 v= 0.30 s $ lp Sep Teg Top 4s 4 1,000 0,511 = 1,000 0.571 ~ 0.992 0.364 0.75 0.992 0.445 0.775 0.976 0.245 0.589 0.977 0.314 0.589 0.919 0.047 0.337 0.924 0.122 0.334 0.821 -0.006 0.233 0.827 0.080 0.226 0.732 0.020 0.198 0.734 0.130 0.181 0.115 0.181 0.638 0.273 0.145 1.0 roesoo5 0.656 = = «1,000 0.731 ~ 0:985 0.502 0.754 0.985 0.545 0.755 0.985 0.620 0.764 0.963 0.325 0.552 0.963 0.390 0.552 0.964 0.449 0.554 0.877 0.084 0.271 0.878 0.138 0.272 0.880 0.189 0.274 02615 -0.039 0.090 0.619 0.001 0.091 0.627 0.044 0.093 0.436 -0.036 0,058 0.441 0.000 0-057 0.455 0.046 0.057 0.334 -0.007 0.054 0.340 0.036 0.050 0.356 0.100 0.046 0.271 0.048 0.052 0.269 0.115 0.038 0.277 0.227 0.020 2.0 NrMoscoos 8888s85s8| ssssscs 1,000 0.691 - 1.000 0.772. ~ 0.982 0.508 0.751 0.982 0.580 0.752 0.982 0.675 0.752 0.961 0.350 0.546 0.962 0.418 0.546 0.962 0.482 0.547 0.872 0.102 0.261 0.872 0.156 0.261 0.875 0.207 0.263 0.598 -0.032 0.073 0.599 0.002 0.073 0.602 0.036 0.074 0.403 -0.080 0.033 0.405 -0.016 0.035 0.409 0.010 0.035 0.286 -0.030 0.024 0.289 -0.001 0.024 0.217 -0.019 0.023 0.220 0.000 0.022 0.168 -0.002 0.024 0.171 0.020 0.022 0.137 0.024 0.024 0.137 0.059 0.017 3.0 1.000 0.710 = 1.000 0.795 - 0.981 0.525 0.750 0.981 0.605 9.750 0.366 0.544 0.961 0.436 0.544 0.870 0.114 0.257 0.870 0.170 0.257 0.594 -0.024 0.066 0.594 0.009 0.066 0.393 -0.036 0.024 0.394 -0.014 0.024 0.270 -0.030 0.012 0.271 -0.015 0.013 0.195 -0.023 0.009 0.195 -0.012 0.009 0.138 -0.017 0.008 0.139 -0.008 0.008 01104 -0.001 0.008 0.105 -0.004 0.008 0.083 -0.007 0.008 0.085' 0.000 0.008 0.070 -0.003 0.009 0.071 0.005 0.008 9.060 0.002 0.009 0.062 0.012 0.008 0.053 0.009 0.009: 0,053 0.023 0.007 SSSSSSSssSssyss | Ssssssssss 5.0 vesuunprrossss ‘RECTANGULAR AREA 123 TABLE °S.5 INFLUENCE VALUES Iyp,Zzy AND Ingg (iilovic and Tournier, 1971) (1/2) = 5.00 Centre 1,000 0.525 = 0.996 0.365 0.796 0.596 0.980 0.252 0.610 0.981 0.920 0.050 0.367 0.922 0.830 0.005 0.271 0.832 0.753 0.022 0.239 0.751 0.688 0.121 0.221 0.672 SRQseEs 1.0 1,000 0.715 - 0.990 0.505 0.772 0.990 0.971 0.362 0.565 0.971 0.889 0.104 0,290 0.890 0.667 -0.040 0.119 0.670 0.524 -0.043 0.092 0.528 0.441 -0.008 0.092 0.443 0.385 0.068 0.088 0.377 Baeeaeee 2.0 NeHocsoo 1.000 0.778 0.990 0.541 0.969 0.408 0.884 0.137 0.649 -0.027 0.089 0.650 0.489 -0.049 0.052 0.492 0.391 -0.083 0.045 0.395 0.329 -0.029 0.046 0.333 0.278 -0.002 0.049 0.281 0.241 0.042 0.047 0.238 Seesussybs 3.0 1,000 0.819 - 1,000 0.990 0.603 0.765 0.990 0.969 0.442 0.511 0.969 0.881 0.164 0.264 0.881 0,641 -0.010 0.075 0.641 0.474 -0.040 0.033 0.475 -0. 0.367 -0.041 0.021 0.368 ~ 0.294 -0.037 0.018 0.296 0.233 -0.029 0.017 0.235 0.191 -0.022 0.018 0.193 0.162 -0.014 0.019 0.165 0.141 -0:006 0.021 0.144 0.126 0.005 0.022 0.128 02113 0-020 0.021 0.113 SSSssssssssyss 5.0 Upbuusnrresccs ‘FINITE LAYER TABLE 5.6 INFLUENCE VAWUES gop Igy AND Te ay SP (@filovic“and Tournier, 1971) (L/8) = 1.00 Corner v= 0.15 v= 0.50 veo WB 2/8 6 op top Tazo Tap Top Tun I 0.00 0.250 0.085 0.000 0.250 0.112 0.000 0.250 0.154 0.000 0:20 0.250 0.061 0.121 0.250 0.921 0.119 0.250 0.122 0.114 1.0 0:40 0.250 0.059 0105 0.250 0.072 01103 0.250 0.110 0.098 0:60 0.250 0.028 0.079 0.280 0.064 0.079 0.250 0.112 0.075 0:80 0.241 01028 0.059 0.258 0.071 0.064 0.239 0.133 0.070 100 01227 0.040 0.056 0.220 0.094 0.073 0.215 0.176 0.096 0.00 0.250 0.151 0.000 0.190 0.000 0:20 0.250 0.089 0.156 o:1a2 0.155 0140 01243 0.052 0.128, 0.098 0.126 2.0 0180 0.210 0.010 0.080 0.048 0.077 1120 01170 0.001 0.044 0.037 0.042 1560 01141 01003 0.024 02083 0.025 2!00 91118 0.021 0.019 0098 0:030 0.250 0.146 0.000 0.250 0.381 0.000 0.250 0.213 0.000 0.249 0.100 0.138 0.156 0.137 0.241 0.060 0.131 0.106 0.150 0.203 -0.015 0.084 0.048 0.084 0.157 -0.003 0.049 0.020 0.048 0.121 -0.007 0.028 0.014 0.027 0.096 -0.005 0.017 0.016 0.016 0.077 0.001 0.009 0.028 0.010 0.064 0.011 0.007 0.054 0.011 0.250 0.156 0.000 0.227 0,000 0.249 0.107 0.138 0.167 0.138 0.241 0.066 0.132 0.113 0.131 0.200 0.016 0.086 0.047 0.086 0.152 -0.001 0.051 0.019 0.051 0.114 -0:005 0.030 0.008 0.030 0.086 -0.007 0.019 0.004 0.018 0.063 -0.006 0.011 0.003 0.011 0.049 -0.005 0.007 0.004 0.006 0.040 -0.003 0.004 0.040 0.001 0.004 0.042 0.006 0.004 0.034 -0.001 0.003 0.034 0.003 0.003. 0.036 0.009 0.003 0.029 0.001 0.002 0.030 0.006 0.002 0.032 0.014 0.002 0.026 0.005 0.002 0.026 0.011 0.002 0.027 0.022 0.003 TABLE 5.7 INFLUENCE VALUES ips Top AND, * “® “iitovie and Tournier, 1971) (1/2) = 2.00 Comer v= 0.15 v= 0.45 1 2B a 1, 2p "ep tep tap Zep Teap 0.00 0.250 0.085 0.000 0.250 0.129 0.000 0:20 01250 01062 0:119 0.250 o:118 0:15 1.0 0149 01250 01041 0-104 02250 0.112 0.097 0160 0.250 0.029 0.079 0.250 ons 0.078 0780 01248 0.050 0.061 0.244 0.141 0.075 100 01241 01042 01061 0.252 01185 0:107 0.00 0.280 0.147 0.000 0.250 0.176 0.000 0:20 01250 0.100 0.136 0.250 01129 0.135 0:40 0.248 0.059 0.130 0.249 0.092 0.127 2.0 0180 0.280 0.012 01086 0.251 0.051 0.082 1120 01205 -0.002 0.051 0.207 0.048 0.049 160 01185 0.005 0.031 0.183 0.072 0.033, 200 01163 0.029 0.026 0.160 0:151 0.042 9.00 0.250 0.172 0.000 0.250 0.207 0.000 0:20 0.250 0.118 0.139 0.250 0.149 0.139 0:40 0.246 0.072 0.134 0.246 0:102 01133 0180 0.222 0.017 0.093 0.222, 0.045 0.091 3.0 1120 01190 -0:004 01089 0.191, 0.028 0.057 160 0.162 -0.009 0.057 0.165 0020 0.035 2500 0/159 -0:007 91023 01141 01026 0.022 250 0.119 0,001 90.014 0.120 05046 0.015 $100 01103 0.018 0.012 0.102 0.085 0.019 0.00 0.250 0.189 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.232 0.000 0:20 0.250 0.131 0.140 0.250 0:140 0.250 0:168 0.140 0:40 0.245 0.083 0.135 0.245 01155 0.245 0.116 0.135, 0:80 0.218 0.023 0.095 0.219 0:095 0.219 0.050 0.095 120 01185 -0:001 0-062 0.184 0.062 0.184 0.021 0.061 160 01181 -0:009 0.040 0.151 0040 0.152 01010 0.040 8.0 2100 01124 0.011 01027 01125 0:027 01126 0.006 0.026 250 0.099 “0.010 0.017 0.100 0,016 0:102 0.005 0.016 3.00 0.081 -0.008 0.011 0.082 0,011 0085 0.007 0.010 5150 0.068 -0.005 0.007 0.069 0.007 01073 0.011 0.007 4.00 0.059 0.002 0.005 0.060 0:005 0.064 0.017 0.005 4550 0.053 0.002 0,004 0055 0.004 0.087 0.026 0.004 $100 0.047 0.008 0.003 0.047 01004 01049 01040 0.005 225 126 FINITE LAYER TABLE 5.8 INFLUENCE VALUES Igy, Izy AND” Izy P Qiilovic'and Tournier, 1971) (i/8) = 5.00 Corner v= 0.30 ‘exp Tap Jap Tesp Tap 0.00 0.250 0.082 0.000 0.250 0.103 0.000 0.250 0.124 0.000 0.20 0.250 0,062 0.118 0.250 0.088 0.117 0.250 0.120 0.113 1,0 0.40 0.250 0,041 0.103 0.250 0.072 0.103 0.250 0.114 0.098 0.60 0.250 0.029 0.079 0.250 0.067 0.081 0.250 0.120 0.080 0.80 0.287 0.030 0.061 0.244 0.076 0.069 0.242 0.143 0.077 1.00 0.289 0.042 0.060 0.233 0.100 0.081 0.226 0.185 0.109 9.00 0.250 0.146 0.000 0.250 0.154 0.000 0.250 0.158 0.000 0.20 0.250 0.101 0.135 0.250 0.112 0.134 0.250 0.121 0.133 0:40 0.247 0.061 0.120 0.247 0.073 0.138 0.248 0.087 0.126 2.0 0.80 0.230 0.012 0.086 0.230 0.029 0.085 0.232 0.050 0.082 1.20 0.207 -0.001 0.052 0.208 0.020 0.052 0.211 0.050 0.050 1.60 0.188 0.006 0.032 0.188 0.035 0.034 0.190 0.077 0.036 2.00 0.172 0.030 0.028 0.168 0.072 0.035 0.165 0.136 0.046 0.00 0.250 0.177 0.000 0.250 0.182 0.000 0.250 0.184 0.000 0:20 0.249 0.124 0.138 0.249 0.131 0.137 0.249 0.136 0.137 0.40 0.245 0.077 0.133 0.246 0.086 0.133 0.246 0.093 0.132 0.224 0.019 0.093 0.225 0.029 0.092 0.223 0.040 0.091 0-197 -0.004 0,060 0.197 0.008 0.059 0.199 0.173 -0.010 0.038 0.174 0.004 0.038 0.176 0.155 -0.008 0.025 0.156 0.009 0.025 0.159 0.159 0.002 0.016 0.138 0.024 0.017 0.141 3.0 0.250 0.203 0.000 0.250 0.209 0.000 0.250 0.249 0.146 0.139 0.249 0.153 0.139 0.249 0.245 0.095 0.135 0.245 0.102 0.135 0.245 0.221 0.031 0.096 0.221 0.038 0.096 0.222 80 20 60, 00 50 500 0.126 0,022 0.014 0.123 0.053 0.018 0.123 00 20 40 80 20, +002 0.064 0.191 0.010 0.064 0.192 0.191 160 0.164 -0.009 0.043 0.164 -0.001 0.043 0.166 5.0 2.00 0.142 -0.012 0.030 0.143 -0.004 0.030 0.145 750 0.122 -0.012 0.020 0.123 -0.004 0.019 0.125 3.00 0.107 -0.010 0.013 0,108 -0.001 0.015 0,111 3.50 0.096 -0.007 0.009 0.097 0.004 0.009 0.101 4.00 0.088 -0.002 0.007 0.089 0.010 0.007 0.092 4:50 0.081 0.004 0.005 0.082 0.019 0.006 0.085 5.00 0.075 0.013 0.005 0.075 0.032 0.007 0.076 RECTANGULAR AREA TABLE 5.9 INFLUENCE VALUES Izq Izq AND Izeq (Milovie “and Tournier, 1971) (G/B) = 1.00 Comer v= 016 2.30 v= 0.45 WET Ie Ie Ie Ie Ig Ty Ty i a 0.10 0.157 0.496 0.223 0.157 0.157 0.515 0.096 9.20 0.182 0.303 0.200 0.151 0.151 0.321 0.104 1.0 0:40 0.142 0.126 0.157 0.143 0.146 0.146 0.076 9.60 0,150 0.053 0.126 0.131 0.135 0.077 0.051 0.80 0.118 0.022 0.108 0.118 0.123 0.037 1,00 0.108 0.019 0.100 0.105 0.105 0.044 0.10 0.155 0.527 0.217 0.155 0.155 0.547 0.217 9.20 0.150 0.328 0.188 0.150 0.150 0.346 0.189 0.40 0.133 0.146 0.135 0.133 0.133 0.159 0.136 2.0 0.80 0.089 0.033 0.069 0.089 0.090 0.042 0.069, 1:20 0.057 0.007 0.042 0.058 0.060 0.013 0.041 1560 0.040 0.001 0.033 0.041 0.044 0.010 0.028 2:00 0.031 0.006 0.029 0.931 0.032 0.027 0.017 0.10 0.155 0.831 0.216 0.155 0.155 0.553 0.216 0.20 0.150 0.332 0.186 0.150 0.150 0.351 0.186 0.40 0.132 0.150 0.131 0.132 0.152 0.163 0.131 0.80 0.087 0.036 0.061 0.087 0.087 0.042 0.062 3.0 1120 0.052 0.009 0.031 0.052 0.053 0.015 0.032 1560 0.032 0.002 0.019 0.033 0.033 0.004 0.020 2.00 0.022 0.000 0.015 0.022 0.025 0.002 0.015, 2150 0.015 0.000 0.014 0.015 0.017 0.003 0.011 3.00 0.012 0.002 0.013 0.012 0.012 0.010 0.006 0.155 0.533 0.215 0.155 0.155 0.556 0.215, 0.150 0.334 0.185 0.150 0.150 0.353 0.185 0.132 0.151 0.129 0.152 0.152 0.164 0.129 0.086 0.037 0.058 0.086 "0.040 0.058 0.086 0.044 0.058 0.051 0.010 0.027 0.051 0.012 0.027 0.051 0.013 0.027 0.031 0.003 0.014 0.031 0.004 0.014 0.031 0.005 0.014 0.019 (0.000 0.009 0.019 0.001 0.009 0.020 0.002 0.009 0.012 0.000 0.006 0.012 0.000 0.006 0.012 0.001 0.006 0.008 0.000 0.005 0.008 0.000 0.005 0.008 0.000 0.005 0,005 0.000 0.005 0.006 0.000 0.005 0.006 0.090 0.005 02004 0.000 0.005 0.004 0.000 0.005 0.005 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.000 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.000 0.005 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0, 0, 0. 0, 1 1 5.0 2 2. 3 3 4 4 5, 127 128 FINITE LAYER TABLE 5.10 INFLUENCE VALUES I; AND Izze *@ “7 ‘gtovie‘and Tournier, 1971) (Z/8) = 2,00 Corner v= 0015 v= 0.50 v= 0.45 fe 2/8 7 7 ; zq_7=q 72sq 72q 72q 7eeq 72q 4eq Teeq 0.158 0.509 0.230 0.158 ~0.S15 0.229 0.158 0.517 0.229 0.155 0.512 0.210 0.155 0.318 0.208 0.155 0.323 0.207 0.147 0.132 0.172 0.148 0.140 0-168 0.150 0.149 0.165 0.153 0.056 0.145 0.139 0.068 0.139 0.142 0.082 0.132 0.151 0.024 0.128 0.130 0.042 0.119 0.153 0.066 0.018 0, 0. 1.0 0. 0. 0. 1.000.125 0.022 0.121 0.120 0.051 0.106 0.118 0.096 0.089 0.156 0.552 0.222 0.156 0.556 0.224 0.156 0.558 0.223 0151 0.348 0.195 0.151 0.352 0.195 0.151 0.384 0.196 0137 0.160 0.145 0.137 0.163 0.145 0.138 0.165 0.146 0.100 0.039 0.084 0.100 0.042 0.083 0.102 0.045 0.084 0.085 0.049 0.056 0.007 0.045 .0.059 0.015 0.041 008 0.045 0.045 0.019 0.036 0.046 0.037 0.025 5 sgeeexs 0. 9. ou 0.071 0.008 0.058 0.072 0.011 0.057 0.074 0.016 0.056 0.001 0, 0.186 0.560 0.220 0.156 0.568 0.220 0.156 0.568 0.221 0.151 0.385 0.191 0.151 0.359 0.191 0.151 0.362 0.192 0.156 0.166 0.158 0.156 0.169 0.139 0.136 0.172 0.139 0.072 0.096 0.046 0.072 0.097 0.048 0.072 0.06% 0.012 0.042 0.064 0.013 0.042 0.065 0.015 0.042 0.044 0.002 0.030 0.044 0.004 0.029 0.045 0.006 0.030 0.032 0.000 0.025 0.032 0.001 0.024 0.034 0.003 0.023 0.024 0.000 0.023 0.024 0.002 0.021 0.026 0.006 0. 0. 9. 9. 3.0 1 i 2 2. 3.00 0.019 0.003 0.022" 0.019 0.008 0.017 0.020 0.016 Beesyeses 2 0.156 0.563 0.219 0.156 0.568 0.219 0.156 0.572 0.151 0.358 0.189 0.151 0.362 0.189 0.151 0.366 0.156 0.168 0-135 0.156 0.172 0.135 0.136 0.175 0.096 0.045 0.066 0.096 0.048 0.066 0.096 0.050 0.063 0.014 0.034 0.065 0.015 0.034 0.063 0.016 0.041 0.004 0.020 0.041 0.005 0.020 0.042 0.006 ! 0.014 0.028 0.002 0.015 0.028 0.002 0.018 0.000 0.010 0.018 0.000 0.010 0.019 0.001 0.013 -0-001 0.009 0.015 0.000 0.009 0.013 0.000 0.008 -0-001 0.009 0.010 0.000 0.009 0.010 0.000 0.007 9.000 0.009 -0.008 0.000 0.009 0.008 0.001 0.006 0.000 0.009 0.006 0.001 8 0.007 0.002 0.008 0.001 0.009 0.005 0.002 0.007 0.006 0.005 5.0 YEsuunnenocce BSsssssssssss RECTANGULAR AREA TABLE 5.11 INFLUENCE VALUES, ‘ND I, #P “24 Og iovid and Tournier, 1971) (fa) = 6.00 Comer y= 0.5 v = 0.30 v= 0.45 Tag Tag Yeeq Tag Taq ‘Tesq teq Inq fi aq eq_ seq “eq sq seq “aq “eq “ang 0.10 0.251 0.158 0.514 0.250 0.158 0.516 0.229 0.20 0.211 0.155 0.318 0.209 0.155 0.322 0.207 0.40 0.174 0.148 0.140 0.169 0.150 0.148 0.164 0.60 0.147 0.140 0.067 0.140 0.143 0.082 0.131 0.80 0.151 0.152 0.042 0.120 0.135 0.067 0.106 1.00 0.125 0.122 0.052 0.107 0.120 0.098 0.087 0.224 0.156 0.556 0.197 0.152 0.352 0.150 0.158 0.163 0-102 0-039 0.091 0.102 0.042 0.074 0.008 0.068 0.075 0.011 0.060 0.060 0.007 0.055 0.050 0.021 5 BaResee BRRBEER 0,221 0.156 0.567 0. 0.193 0.151 0.361 0.193 0.142 0.137 0.171 0.142 0.078 0.098 0:046 0.078 0.050 0.068 0.014 0.050 0.039 0.049 0.004 0.038 0.036 0.038 0.001 0.034 0.035 0.030 0.002 0.030 0.035 0.025 0.011 0.025 8 Beessesss 0.220 0.186 0.873 0.220 0.190 0,151 0.367 0.191 0.137 .0:136 0.175 0.137 0.069, 0.097 0.050 0.070 0.039 0.065 0.016 0.039 0.025 0.045 0.005 0.026 0.020 0.032 0.002 0.020 0.023 0.000 0.017 0.023 0.000 0.017 0.017 -0.001 0.017 0.017 0.000 0.016 0.014 -0.001 0.017 0.014 "0.000 0.016 0.011 -0.009 0.017 0.012 0.000 0.016 0.010 0.000 0.017 0.010 0.001 0.015 0.009 0.002 0.017 0.009 0.004 0.013 aeeeeuesyssys 130 FINITE LAYER 5.3.2 SMOOTH RIGID BASE The corresponding case for a smooth rigid base % has been considered by Sovinc (1961). A layer of oe oa _ 08 28. 1 finite lateral extent rather than one of infinite extent is considered by Sovinc, but the calculated values of stress and displacenent are for a layer of es sufficiently large lateral dimensions that they may os] Z be considered as applying to a layer of infinite tres t lateral extent. The distribution of vertical stress cz beneath ‘the centre of the rectangle is shown in Figure 5.49 for various layer depths. Values of Gz/p_at various points beneath the rectangle, abstracted from values tabulated by Sovine (1961), are shown in Table 5.12. Influence factors for vertical displacement pz at various points on the rectangle are shown in Figure 5.50. In all cases, =0.5. PIG.5.49 Vertical stress beneath centre of rectangle (sovinc, 1961). TABLE 5.12 VERTICAL STRESS BENEATH A RECTANGLE ON A FINITE LAYER WITH SMOOTH BASE (ovine, 1961) Values of 02/p centre Centre oF Contre of a 1/8 W/B Bfte0.6 1° afta0.5 1 afte.§ 1 af. I 1 1.7835 5616 4S7L_ 383545713835 = 2.5 12498 11217-11958 -1105 1938-1105 - 5 5S 10744 «0325 10695 0317-0695 - .0317 .0616 0282 1 8808-7410 441258425359 «S110 .2678 «2636 2 180973219, 292312197 13881-2808 2256-1921 5 11353. 10622 1050-0564 «11242-0606 .0988 0852, 5 2.5 4847 34592032 «167513950 5199-1826 1541 S 122941346 «1239 10894 1209411316 1208-0875, 12.5 0526 10246-0406 0214 - - - < o_o 05 07s 1012518 Pet cei \\e + + 3131 : 43 \3 (b) 0025 05 075 %e 7 7 # 4\; : 7 Vay il —\—h 8 & & R A tit ‘ : é ii 3| 3 : \ ; i te) (ay FIG.5.50 Vertical surface displacement at various points on rectangle. v=0.5. (Sovinc, 1961). 132 FINITE LAYER 5.4 Vertical Loading over Any Area $4.1. "NEWMARK CHARTS" Burmister (1956) has presented charts for the horizontal stresses oz and Oy, the shear stress ‘Tey and the shear stress Tzz. These charts are used in conjunction with tables giving influence fac- tors for various depths in the layer. Values of v of 0.2 and 0.4 are considered. 5.4.2 SECTOR CURVES Sector curves for the normal and shear stresses, and the vertical and horizontal surface displacements, have been presented by Poulos (19675) and are repro- duced in Figures 5.51 to 5.72. The use of the sector method is described in Section 1.7.3. In all cases, the stress beneath the sector is Biven by o = B87, wee G2) or where 68 is the sector angle and the displacement by = P88 oy, see (S212 ° oe 78 (5.12) ANALYTICAL EXPRESSIONS FOR GENERAL PLANE STRAIN CASES For any generalized surface loading, Holl (1939) gives expressions for the stresses at the rough rigid base, the maximm shear stress on the axis, and the vertical surface displacenent. 5.4.3 1 1-0} ool Ps-*Bae [Sector intuanes acre Vertical. Sirtoce ‘ispiossrant ‘antole 12, ts 23 +5 10 08 0 % FIG. 5.51 Sector curves for 9,. sel °. Jrociat Surtoce ove Dspecement Phy TTT Ty ‘Sector Innes Fctors pyebneete on oval ‘0 01 02 03 O« 08 % #9 15 10 08 0 Fy FIG.5.52 Sector curves for p,. socroa cunves 1 att 0-9] 0; |_| on ov ° *bs| od 03) ‘Sector Influance Factors: of] ee of COC GEST OEE 5 10 05 0 a 1 7, ype es 710.5.53 sector curves for o,. ve0, 16.5.54 Sector curves for 0, W80.2. 1" " 1 10 +0] + 0-9] 0-9 23 os| oe ° o7| og ts By oO os bs os oat Lada ee ‘°. ‘Sector Influence Vokes oe on oo Te on on © nor OF 03 O4 05 * 23 1s 10 05 0 % aly FIG.5.55 Sector. curves for ¢_. V0.4. ° 0 07 02 03 04 03 3 s 8 1s 133 134 FINITE LAYER Seto heer cers oa} fost Sree =o Ir og HIN qt f -o4| u Sees 0 oH ipoeroareand BOLE ETE oor oF OOF BF is wo Gs 0 aces oeoseG % Pf Me FUD.S.51 sector carves for op. 0 716.550 sector curves for G,. 0.2: |_|, oe! TT TT ~ val Secor ttre Fors Todd Sear a wore 2 12] 14] te + 0) L- tor os] os} Lt. b Og ° od t. o-al--|- on ot | os “| oor 02 03 04 OF © o“Or 02 03 04 05 : 83 1s ° ' is ro os 0 % *y Dey ¥1G,5.59 Sector curves for ¢,. v=0.4. FIG.5.60 Sector curves for 0. W=0.5. ebnee nae meer nes I k | Si | % ert pee alee ayes [Sector tnfiuence Factors: | i Pete o6 veOd % [ haa eanfreaes i | od tt 5 7 Ty oa — os SECTOR CURVES 8 T Sector Ince Factors “angered ress — woe oa = * on 8 os} | ° T — °. 8 son " —~— “201 02 05 04 OF % 23 15 10 05 0 " : FIG.5.62, Sector curves for dg. Va0.2. ‘0 I oo rap Tongento! Stress ce o7| a g 5994 02 03 04 05 2 % 1% FIG.5.63 Sector curves for Oo OF FIG.5.64 02 03 04 OF *y 83 1 10 05 0 25 %, veo. Sector curves for 0g 135 136 FINITE LAYER v8 ao tt + | 1s. “ey ci * | a 7 " e ; oral vel wa I a | T el T o«| i 9: Tans j fi | bu | or 5° seer rtcoea 9 1 Gf sear ean oat} cn eae ° 2 ane = ve : Z ve op A o4 “ CONST OF 03 Oa OF oor OF 03 OF OF 3 2 1s 10 os 0 3 2 1s 10 05 0 % > %, ” % fs FIG.5.65 Sector curves for ©. Wo. F1G.5.66 Sector curves for 8. W0.2 20 2a ; 4:0 2-6) T fo | 24 a i IF 2q| 2a | oy SS } rd | ° f ° ow SOS 13 See, [i See ° 8 ° oor on 03 OF 3 %% 10 05 0 " 19 o os |_| od od TS 1 o7 I> os o. Is 0 7 Is o.| °: w j od od |__| 4 a - | ° 0 OF O2 03 04 O5 5 OF OG ° os oe 4 » y10.5.69 sector curves for t,,. 40. 716.5.70 Sector curves for T,,. 0.2. i 1 1 L co ° Sor oF 0s 07 OF © or og OF O4 83 15 10 OS 0 0 OF 83 vs Ho os 0 5% 2 % » FIG.S.72 Sector curves for T,,- V0.5. FIG.5.71 Sector curves for t,,- Chapter 6 SURFACE LOADING OF. MULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS 6.1 Two-Layer Systems Unless otherwise stated, the resuits given in this chapter are for adhesive interfaces between layers. 6.1.1 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING ON A CIRCULAR AREA (Fig.6.1) Lover? Ey » Layer? Egypt FIG.6.1 Contours of vertical stress o, in a two-layer system, with 51/E2=10, vi=vs0.5 and h/a=1, have been obtained by Fox (1948a) and are shown in Fig. 6.2. These contours are compared with those for the Boussinesq case (1/E2=1). The influence of the ratios #i/B2 and h/a on ‘the vertical stress on the interface, obtained by Fox (1948a), are shown in Fig.6.5. ‘The variation of vertical stress o, on the axis at the interface, with #/E, and 2/h, is shown in Fig.6.4. Values of oz and (Gg-¢y) on the axis (Fox, 1948a) are tabulated in Table 6.1. It should be noted that all the above stresses are for a perfectly rough interface between the layers. Corresponding values of ¢z and (0z-p) for 138 4 perfectly smooth interface between the layers are tabulated in Table 6.2 (Fox, 1948a). g ¥IG,6.2 Vertical stress in uniform mass and two- ‘layer system (Fox, 1948a). ggxsebs Sx 100 2 88 +o “0 flee FIG.6.3 Vertical interface stress on axis (Pox, 1948a). TWO-LAYER SYSTEMS 139 The complete distribution of stress within the two layer system, obtained by Fox (1948a), is shown in Figs. 6.5(a) to (c) for the case a/hal and for three values of 21/E2. It should be noted that in Figs. 6.3 to 6.5, and in Tables 6.1 and 6.2, viev2=0.5. on ¥ 0 100 1000 ei /ez 4 Vertical stress along interface for h/a= 1 (Fox, 1968a) FIG. J qu Th TW Pa ae pot se eee FIG.6.5 Stresses in tvo-layer system (Fox, 1948a) Note: tension positive MULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS 140 ‘TABLE 6.1 PERFECTLY ROUGH INTERFACE (Fox, 19482) AND Oz-Cp AS PERCENTAGE OF APPLIED LOADING, IN THE LOWER LAYER OF A TWO-LAYER SYSTEM AXIAL STRESSES 9, 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 2 E/E aSBas TABLE 6.2 PERFECTLY SMOOTH INTERFACE AND_0z-dp AS PERCENTAGE OF APPLIED LOADING, IN THE LOWER LAYER OF A THO-LAYER SYSTEM (e,,, 1o4gay AXIAL STRESSES og ¥, et 100 10001 10 300 1000 10 B/E below interface 0.00 9 9 6 geagen ee8ah 10.5 6 3 2 1 31.0 4. 6. 3, 2, CRAKES 9.00 .7 22. .0 28 27 0.00 22 21 22 Hy 28 72:2 5, 2: 2, 8, ORGS 0.00 1.96 2.68 0.00 9 6 0.00 23.1 32.0 31.7 0.00 37.8 52.6 48.3 6.7 24.9 22.5 18.6 ‘TWO-LAYER SYSTEMS a ‘ | iM o \\ ¥1G.6.6 Burmister layered system theory. - IN : lg been perbogr em Poss Vinowds Vmods (urmistery 1362) : on WS = I Pee 5 oo Ww bs: beg = & ¥IG.6.7 Burmister layered systen theory. Vertical 3 0° Aisplacenent at centre of circle. é VieVem0.5. (Burmister, 1945), $0 p Bon os 04 ~ PIG.6.8 Vertical displacenent at centre of circle. S Vi=V2"0.35. (Thenn de Barros, 1966). § ~~ z 20 3° T 7 i b= 1288005 ~y 4 | i + TO, . | on é I Ea ° a2 MOLTI-IAYER SYSTEKS Influence factors for the vertical surface dis- Placement at the centre of the circular area are shown in Fig.6.6 for the case vi=0.2, Vi-0.4 (Burmister, 1962), in'Fig.6.7 for the case Y=v2-0.5 (Burnister, 3945)’ and in Fig.6.8 for vi=V2r0.35 (Thenn de Barros, 1966). An alternative interpretation of the results in Fig.6.7 has been given by Ueshita and Meyerhof (1967), who plot an equivalent value of Young's modulus’ (Ze). which may be used with the dis- placenent influence factor for the centre of a cir- Gular area on a seni-infinite nass (see Section 3.3.1). The variation of Ee/Ez with h/a and Fi/E2 is shown in Fig.6.9. TH 2of +f, \\ 1 | Oy T = 3 FIG.6.9 Equivalent modulus E, of two-layer system. Weshita and°Meyerhof, 1967). ow 2SES 2 = Viev280.5. stresses, strains and displacenents at selected points within a two-layer system has been obtained by Gerrard (1969). The following combinations of var- Sables have been considered: Fifez 2, 5, 10 ha 0.8, 1, 2, 4 v0.2, 0.55, 0.5 Ve 0.2, 0.35, 0.5 6.1.2 UNIFORM HORIZONTAL LOADING ON A. CIRCULAR AREA (Fig. 6.10). FIG.6.10 This problem has been considered by Westmann (0965). A polar diagram showing contours of inter~ face normal stress are given in Fig. 6,11 for B1/E1=0.5, Vi=V2=0.5 and fr/ant. Influence factors for the vertical stress oz at the interface are given in Figs. 6.12(a) and 6.12(b) for two ratios of Ga/d, and for Yy=ve90.5, and for various i/a values. Influence factors for the shearing stresses Toy and tg are given in Figs. 6.15 and 6.14, Influence factors for the vertical surface dis- placement p, are given in Fig. 6.15 and for the horizontal tangential displacement pg in Fig. 6.16. ‘A comprehensive series of solutions for the stresses, strains and displacements at selected points within a two-layer system have been obtained by Gerrard (1969), for the sane combinations of var- iables as outlined in Section 6.1.1. As well as uniform horizontal loading, the case of a linearly increasing inward shear load, fron zero at the centre to a maximum at the edge, has been evaluated. +9 fe 24 LA IZ i x oO 0 BO 30 280 FIG.6.11 Contours of interface vertical stress (Westman, 1963). 243 TWO-LAYER sysTeHs “eget ‘uummson) 97, ssoxe seous sowszeqUT 203 sx039e3 ouaNTZUT ET"9°OTE % eee oc yc ze s(e96t ‘uvemson) seers TwoTszen eovsTOAUT ZOF SzOIOeF SOUNTEUT ZT-9°OTE omy sor MOLET-LAYER SYSTENS ua “(e96t ‘uuewyson) auowsoetdsyp YeoFazen oDezINS FJ 9703905 SOUNTZUT ST"9°OTT corey cox "eset ‘uveeon) 77, eneras Heoys ooesz0qUF 403 8103003 SOUONTZUT HT"9-OTE bie ja. 7 i" L 7 4 aeecocrezi o : = a lo Rromgewann INL € eer eR ay Tee fe Greet = = ia THREE-LAYER SYSTEMS 145 7 4 z | : 24 25) 2 1 al = Ty 2| ed-3l : wed =| BS uy he ee ot 2 —— “tb)| Satta ve FIG.6.16 Influence factors for surface tangential isplacement (Westman, 1963). 6.2 Three-Layer Systems 6.2.1 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING ON A CIRCULAR AREA (Fig.6.17) FIG.6,17 Stresses An extensive tabulation of the stresses at the layer interfaces, on the axis of the circle, has been presented by Jones (1962). Peattie (1962) has presented these stresses graphically to- gether with factors for the horizontal tensile strain at the first interface. Mitchell and Shen (1967) extended Peattie's graphs to include the horizontal stress at the first interface in layer 2 and the hori- zontal tensile and compressive strains at the lower interface. An extensive tabulation of the radial stresses within the uppermost layer is given by Kizk (1966) for a wide range of elastic modulus ratios and for various values of v in the layers. The tables of stresses presented by Jones (1962) are reproduced in Tables 6.3 t0 6.30. Again ‘VieV2=03=0.5. In these tables, a = afk, a = hfe ky = Bi/Be Boe oi ‘The organization of these tables is as follows: Stresses for all values of a, appear in a block, each table containing four blocks in ascending order of ke. The tables are for ascending values of ky, and each set of four tables are for ascending values of z In all cases, the stresses are expressed as a fraction of the applied stress p. ‘The first three colums of stresses in the tables refer to the upper interface; the last three to the lower interface. Compressive stresses are positive. MULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS TABLE 6.3 (Jones, 1962) B= 0.125 ka= 0.2 a 2) n,m Saya Fry Say S22" %ny a2 Ory 0.1 0.66045 0.12458 0.62188 0.01557 0.00352 0.01659 0:2 0.90249 0.13546 0.67728 0.06027 0.01278 0.06391 ta co.g 9-4 0.95295 0110428 0.52161 0.21282 0.04450 0.22150 = " 0.8 0.99520 0.09011 0.45053 0.56395 0.10975 0.54877 116 100064 0.08777 0.43884 0.86258 0.13753 0.68777 312 0199970 0.08129 0.20643 0.94143 0.10147 0.50736 0.1 0,608 0.12285 0.61424 0.00892 0.01693 0.00846. 0:2 0.90187 0.12916 0.64582 0.03480 0.06558 0.05279 ke = 2.0 O-F 0.95120 0.08115 0.40576 0.12656 0.25257 0.11629 * " 0.8 0.99235 0.01823 0.09113 0.37307 0.62863 0.51432 116 0199918 0.04156 -0.20680 0.74038 0.98754 0.49377 312 1100032 -0.03804 “0.19075 9.97137 0.82102 0.41051 0.1 0.66255 0.12082 0.60161 0.00256 0.03667 0.00183 0:2 0.90425 0.11787 0.58933 0.01011 0.14336 0.00717 tg - 20.0 4 0.95138 0.03474 0.17370 0.03838 0.52691 0.02635, " " 0.8 0.98778 -0.14872 -0.74358 0.13049 1.61727 0.08086 1.6 0.99407 -0.50533 -2.52650 0.36442 3.58944 0.17947 5.2 0199821 -0.80990 -4.05025 0.76669 5.15409 0.25770 0.1 0.66266 0.11720 0.58599 0.00057 0.05413 0.00027 0:2 0.90370 0.10495 0.52477 9.00226 0.21314 0.00107 ig = 700.9 0-4 0.94719 -0.01709 -0.08543 0.00881 0.80400 0.00402 +9 o's 9.99105 -0.34427 -1.72134 0.03259 2.67934 0.01540 116 0199146 -1.21129 6.05643 0.11034 7.35978 0.03680 5.2 0.99552 “2189282 -14146408 0152659 16.22830 0.08114 TABLE 6.4 Gones, 1962) E = 0.125 k= 2.0 a Se7r, Ss, es, 0.1 0.43085 0.71614 0.35807 0.01682 0.00350 0.01750 0:2 0.78688 1.01561 0.50780 0.06511 0.01548 0.06741 kaw o.g 0-4 0:98760 0.83924 0.41962 0.23005 0.04669 0.25346 es 0.8 1.01028 0.63961 0.31981 0.60886 0.11484 0.57418 1.6 1.00647 0.65723 0.32862 0.90959 0,15726 0.68630 3.2 0.99822 0.58165 0.19093 0.94322 0.09467 | 0.47335 0.1 0.42950 0.70622 0.35503 0.00896 0.01716 0.00858 0.2 0.78424 0.97956 0.48989 0.03493 0.06647 0.03324 ke = 2.0 0.4 0.98044 0.70970 0.35488 0.12667 0.23551 0.11766 : — 0.8 0.99434 0.22319 0.11164 0.36932 0.63003 0.31501 1s 0199364 -0119982 -0.09995 0.72113 0.97707 0.48853 3.2 0.99922 0.26916 “0.14461 0.96148 0.84030 0.42015, 0.1 0.45022 0.69552 0.34662 0.00228 0.03467 0.00173 0:2 0.78414 0192086 0.46048 0.00899 0.13541 0.00677, fan s0.9 Of 0.97493 0.46585 0.25297 0.03392 0.49525 0.02476 ™ ” 0.8 0.97806 -0.66535 -0.33270 0.11350 1.49612 0.07481 16 0196921 “2182859 “1.41430 0.51263 3128512 0.16626, 3:2 0198591 -5.27906 -2.63954 0.68633 5.05952 0.25298 0.1 0.42925 0.67488 0.33744 0.00045 0.04888 0.00024 0:2 0.78267 0.85597 0.42698 0.00183 0.19045 0.00095 ta = 200.9 0: 0.97369 0-21165 0.10582 0.00711 0.71221 0.00356 “= 7 0.8 0.97295 -1.65954 -0.82977 0.02597 2.32652 0.01163 1.6 0195546 -6.47707 -3.23855 0.08700 6.26638 0.03133 512 0196577 -16.67376 -8.33691 _0.26292_14.25621 0.07128 ‘TUREE-IAYER SYSTEMS 7 TABLE 6.5, (Jones, 1962) B= 0.185 Ky= 20.0 a ¢, es", Sas“Sep a Sexe Faso 0.1 0.14668 1.80805 0.09040 9.01645 0.00322 0.01611 0:2 0.39260 3.75440 0.18772 0.06407 0.01249 0.06244 0.4 0.80302 5.11847 0.25582 0.25135 0.04421 0.22105 Ke=O2 0's 1106594 5.58600 0.16930 0.64741 0.11468 0.57342 1.6 1.02942 1.81603 0.09080 1.00911 0.13687 0.68436 3.2 0.99817 1.75101 0.08756 0.97517 0.07578 0.37890 0.1 0.14529 1.81178 0.09059 0.00810 0.01542 0.00771 0.2 0.38798 3.76886 0.18844 0.03170 0.06003 0.03002 0.4 0.78651 5.16717 0.25836 0.11650 0.21640 0.10820 Ke = 2.0 9/8 1102218 3.43631 0.17182 0.54941 0.60493 0.30247 1.6 0.99060 1.15211 0.05761 0.69014 0.97146 0.48573 3.2 0.99893 -0.06894 -0.00345 0.93487 0.88358 0.44179 0.1 0.14447 1.80664 0.09033 0.00182 0.02985 0.00149 0.2 0.38469 5.74573 0.18729 0.00716 0.11697 0.00585 0.4 0.77354 0.25274 0.02710 0.43263 0.02163 ke = 20.0 0918 0.98610 0.14627 0.09061 1.33736 0.06687 16 0.93712 0.06355 0.24528 2.99215 0.14961 312 0196330 0.36761 0.55490 5.06489 0.25324 1 0.14422 0.08947 0.00033 0.04010 0.00020 0.2 0.38588 0.18405 0.00151 0.15781 0.00079 0.6 0.77151 0.24036 0.00505 0.59391 0.00297 Ke = 200.0 9/3 9.97701 0.09541 0.01830 1.95703 0.00879 1s 0.91645 -0.26440 0.06007 $.25110 0.02626 3.2 0.92662 -21.52546 -1.07627 0.18395 1245058 0.06225 TABLE 6:6 Gones, 1962) H = 0.185 kas 200.0 a Sey Sam, ere Sze ieee 0.1 0.03694 2.87564 0.01438 0.01137 0.00201 _ 0.01005 0.2 0.12527 7.44285 0.03721 0.04873 0.00788 0.03940 ka =0.2 0-4 0.36329 15141021 0.07705 0.16785 0.02913 0.14566 0.8 0.82050 19.7261 0.09851 0.53144 0.08714 0.43568 16 1.12440 7.02380 0.03512 1.03707 0.13705 0.68524 3:2 0.99506 2.35459 0.01177 1.00400 0.06594 0.32971 0.1 0.03481 3.02259 0.01511 0.00549 0.00969 0.00485 0.2 0.11491 8.02452 0.04012 0.02167 0.03812 0.01906 ke = 2.0 9-4 0.58218 17.64175 0.08821 0.08229 0.14286 0.07143 0.8 0.72695 27.27701 0.15639 0.27507 0.45208 0.22608 1.6 1.00203 23.38638 0.11693 0.63916 0.90861 0.45430 3.2 1.00828 1187014 0.05935 0.92560 0.91469 0.45735 0.1 0.03336 5.17765 0.01589 0.00128 0.01980 0.00099 0.2 0.10928 8.66097 0.04350 0.00509 0.07827 0.00391 ka = 20.0 0-4 , 0.31094 20.12259 0.10061 0.01972 0.29887 0.01494 . 0.8 0.65954 36.29945 0.18150 0.07045. 1.01694 0.05085 16 0.87931 49.40857 0.24704 0.20963 2.64313 0.15216 3:2 0.93509 57.84569 0.28923 0.49938 4.89895 0.24495 0.1 0.03307 5.26987 0.01635 0.00025 0.02809 0.00014 0.2 0.10810 9.02669 0.04513 0.00098 0.11136 0.00056 Ke = 200.0 0-4 — 0.30639 21.56482 0.10782 0.00386 0.43035 0.00215 “7 0.8 0.64383 41.89878 0.20949 0.01455 1.53070 0.00765. 1:6 0.84110 6963157 0.34816 0.05011 4.56707 0.02284 3.2 0.86807 120.95981 0.60481 0.15719 11.4205 0.05710 48 MOLEI-LAYER SYSTEMS ‘TABLE 6.7 (ones, 1962) A= 0.25 Ky= 0.8 a, 3, Sp, Ong Sn 855%, 0.1 0.27115 0.05598. 0.27990 0.01259 0.00274 0.01370 0:2 0.66109 0.12628 0.63138 0.04892 0.01060 0.05302 ka = 0.2 0-4 © 0,90404 0.14219 0.71096 0.17538 0.03744 0.18722 -2 018 0.95659 0.12300 0.61499 0.48699 0.09839 0.49196 156 0.99703 0.10534 0.52669 0.81249 0.13917 0.69586 312 0199927 0.05063 0.25317 0.92951 0.11114 0.55569 0.1 0.27103 0.05477 0.27385 0.00739 0.01409 0.00704 012 0166010 0.12136 0.60681 0.02893 0.05484 0.02742 ka = 2.9 0-4 0.90120 0.12590 0.61949 0.10668 0.19780 0.09890 +0 018 0194928 0.06482 0.32410 0.32617 0.56039 0.28019 1:6 0.99029 -0.00519 -0.02594 0.69047 0.96216 0.48108 312 1100000 -0.02216 -0.11080 0.95608 0.87221 0.43610 0.1 0,26945 0.05192 0.25960 0.00222 0.03116 0.00156 0.2 0166161 0.11209 0.56046 0.00877 0.12227 0.00611 ka = 20.0 0-4 0.90102 0.08622 0.45111 0.05358 0.45504 0.02275 +9 9.8 0.94012 -0.07351 -0.36756 0.11658 1.44285 0.07214 116 0.97277 -0.40234 -2.01169 0.33692 3.37001 0.16850 312 0199075 0.71901 -3.39542 0.73532 5.10060 0.25503 0.1 0.27072 0.04956 0.24778 0.00051 0.04704 0.00024 0:2 0.65909 0.10066 0.50330 0.00202 0.18557 0.00093 ka = 200.9 0-4 0.89724 0.04248 0.21242 0.00791 0.70524 0.00383, “9 9.8 0.93596 -0.24071 -1.20357 0.02961 2.40585 0.01203, 116 0196370 -1,00743 -5105714 0.10193 6.82481 0.03412 312 0197335. -2.54264 -12.71320 0.30707 15.45931 0.07730 TABLE 6.8 (Jones, 1962) B= 0.28 Ig= 2.0 a Sa Sam 9s) Sr, Pap Sax rs 0.1 0.15577 0.28658 0.14329 0.01348 0.00277 0.01384 0.2 0.43310 0.72176 0.36088 0.05259 0.01075 0.05377 fa =0.2 Of 0.79551 1.03476 0.51758 0.19098 0.03842 0.19211 = 2 978 1100871 0.88833 0.44416 0.54570 0.10337 0.51687 156 1102425 0.66438 0.35219 0.90563 0.14102 0.70510 3.2 0.99617 0.41539 0.20773 0.93918 0.09804 0.49020 0.1 0,15524 0.28362 0.14181 0.00710 0.01353 0.00677 012 0142809 0.70225 0.35112 0.02783 0.05278 0.02639 fg = 2.0 0-8 0.77959 0.96654 0.48517 0.10306 0.19178 0.09589 2-20 9'3 0.96703 0.66885 0.55442 0.31771 0.55211 0.27605 1.6 0.98156 0.17331 0.08665 0.66753 0.95080 0.47540 3.2 0.99840 -0.05691 -0.02846 0.93798 0.89390 0.44695 -1 0.15436 0.27580 0.13790 0.00179 0.02728 0.00156 12 0142462 0.67115 0.33857 0.00706 0.10710 0.00836 ke = 20.0 0.2 0.2 0:4 0.76647 0.84462 0.42231 0.02697 0.39919 0.01996 0:8 0.92757 0.21951 0.10976 0.09285 1.26565 0.06328 1.6 0.91593 1.22411 0.61205 0.26454 2.94860 0.14743 3.2 0.95243 -3.08520 -1.52160 0.60754 4.89878 0.24494 0.1 0.15414 0.26776 0.15388 0.00036 0.03814 0.00019 0.2 0.42365 0.63875 0.51937 0.00143 0.15040 0.00075, ka = 200.9 0-4 0.76296 0.71620 0.35810 0.00557 0.57046 0.00285 *? 0:8 0.91600 -0.28250 0.14125 0.02064 1.92636 0.00963 116 0.88406 -3.09856 -1.54928 0.07014 5.35936 0.02680 3.2 0.89712 -9,18214 -4.59107 0.21692 12.64318 0.06522 ‘THREE-LAYERS SYSTEMS TABLE 6.9 (Jones, 1962) B= 0.25 gz 20.0 a1 Se Sern 92 )"%rg Sze Spry Masry 0.1 0.04596 0.61450 0.03072 0.01107 0.00202 0.01011 0.2 0.15126 1.76675 0.08834 0.04357 0.00793 0.05964 O84 3.59650 0.17983 0.16337 0.02931 0.14655 0.8 4.58845 0.22942 0.51644 0.08771 0.43854 1:6 1.12015 2.51165 0.11558 1.01061 0.14039 0.70194 3.2 0.99676 1.24415 0.06221 0.99168 0.07587 0.37934 0.1 0.04381 063215 0.03162 0.00530 0.00962 0.00481, 0.2 0.14282 1.83766 0.09188 0.02091 0.03781 0.01891 ke= 2.0 0-8 0.37882 5.86779 0.19559 0.07933 0.14159 0.07079 0:8 0.75908 5.50796 0.27540 0.26278 0.44710 0.22355, 1.6 0.98743 4.24281 0.21213 0.61673 0.90115 0.45058 - 3.2 1.00064 1.97494 0.09876 0.91258 0.93254 0.46627 0.1 0.04235 0.65003 0.03280 0.00123 0.01930 0.00096 0.2 0.13708 1.90695 0.09535 0.00488 0.07623 0.00381 ke = 20.0 O-4 9-35716 4.13976 0.20689 0.01888 0.29072 0.01454 ‘2 = 20-0 973 0.68947 6.48948 0.52447 0.06741 0.98565 0.04928 1.6 0.85490 6.95639 0.34782 0.20115 2.55251 0.12762 3.2 0.90525 6.05854 0.30293 0.48647 4.76234 0.23812 0.1 0.04204 0.65752 0.03287 0.00024 0.02711 0.00014 0.2 0.13584 1.93764 0.09688 0.00095 0.10741 0.00054 ka = 200.9 0-4 9.35287 4126004 0.21300 0.00372 0.41459 0.00207 -? 0.8 0.67285 6.94871 0.34743 0.01399 1.46947 0.00735 1:6 0.81223 8.55770 0.42789 0.04830 4.36521 0.02183 3.2 0.82390 10.63614 0.53181 0.15278 1093870 0.05468 TABLE 6.10 Gones, 1962) B= 0.25 ky= 200.0 oe Sax Sx" ny Sze 257m, a5 ny 0.1 0.01139 0.86644 0.00433 0.00589 0.00090 0.00452 0.2 0.04180 2.71354 0.01557 0.02334 0.00387 0.01784 ke 20.2 0-4 9.14196 6.85021 0.03415 0.09024 0.01365 0.06824 2= 92 9.8 0.42603 13.19664 0.06598 0.51785 0.04624 0.25118 1.6 0.94520 15.79134 0.06896 0.83371 0.10591 0.52955 3.2 1.10738 2.72901 0.01365 1.10259 0.08608 0.43037 0.1 0,00809 0.96553 0.00483 0.00259 0.00407 0.00203 0.2 0.03269 3.10763 0.01554 0.01027 0.01611 0.00806 tq 2.0 0-4 0.10684 8.37852 0.04189 0.04000 0.06221 0.03110 2°29 0.8 0.30477 18.95534 0.09478 0.14513 0.21860 0.10930 1.6 0.66786 31.18909 0.15595, 0.58553 0.29277 3.2 0.98447 28.98500 0.14498, 0.89191 0.44595 0.1 0.00776 1.08738 0.00544 9.00065 0.00861 0.00043 0.2. 0.02741 3159448 0.01797 0.00257 0.03421 0.00371 ia = 20.0 0-4 \ 0.08654 10.5092 0.05155 0.01014 0.13365 0.00668, 2 = 20-0 9g “0.23137 26.41442 0.13207 0.03844 0.49135 0.02457 156 0.46835 57146409 0.28732 0.15148 1.53833 0.07692 3.2 0.71083 99.29034 0.49645 0.57342 5.60964 0.18048 -1 0.00744 1.19099 0.00596 0.00014 0.01311 0.00007 -2 0.02616 4.00968 0.02005 0.00056 0.05223 0.00026 Ka = 200.0 0.21295 32.97564 0.16487 0.00871 0.77584 0.00388 0.40876 82.7997 0.41390 0.03234 2.63962 0.01320 on 0.2 0.4 0.08141 11.96405 0.05982 0.00224 0.20581 0.00103, 0.8 1.6 3.2 0.86613 189.37439 0.94687 0.11049 7.60287 0.03801 MULEI-LAYER SYSTEXS TABLE 6.11 (ones, 1962) as, Say 7 ry Fam, Fae S22 re 9x2 ry 0.1 0.07943 0.01705 0.08527 0.00914 0.00206 0.01030 0.2 0.27189 0.05724 0.28621 0.03577 0.00804 0.04020 0.4 0.66375 0.13089 0.65444 0.15135 0.02924 0.14622 0:8 0.91143 0.15514 0.77571 0.38994 0.08369 0.41843 1.6, 0.96334 0.15250 0.66248 0.72106 0.13729 0.68647 3.2° 0.99310 ° 0.06976 0.34879 0.89599 0.12674 0.63371 0.1 0.07906 0.01617 0.08085 0.00557 0.01074 0.00537 0.2 0.27046 0.05375 0.26877 0.02190 0.04206 0.02103 ky = 2.0 0-4 0.65847 0.11770 0.58848 0.08222 0.15534 0.07767 0.8 0.89579 0.11252 0.56258 0.26429 0.47045 0.23525 1.6 0.94217 0.04897 0.24486 0.60357 0.90072 0.45036 3.2 0.99189 0.01380 0.06900 0.91215 0.94585 0.47192 0.1 0.07862 0.01439 0.07196 0.00175 0.02415 0.00121 0.2 0.26873 0.04669 0.23345 0.00692 0.09519 0.00476 Hq = 20.9 0-4 0.65188 0.09018 0.45089 0.02676 0.36008 0.01800 "2 0.8 0.87401 0.01260 0.06347 0.09552 1.19151 0.05958 1.6 0.89568 -0.24336 -1.21680 0.28721 2.95409" 0.14770 3.2 0.95392 -0.53220 -2.66100 0.66445 4.86789 0.24339 0.1 0.07820 0.01243 0.06213 0.00041 0.03682 0.00018 0.2 0.26803 0.03912 0.19558 0.00163 0.14576 0.00073 0-4 0.64908 0.06006 0.30029 0.00643 0.56051 0.00280 Kz = 200.0 93 0.86406 -0.10447 -0.52234 0.02436 1.96771 0.00984 1.6 0.86677 -0.67154 -3.35768 0.08540 5.77669 0.02888 3.2 0.89703 -1.86126 -9.30628 0.26467 15.63423 0.06817 ‘TABLE 6.12 Gones, 1962) B= 0.5 ke 2.0 2 2 S2y°Omy 921g Se Sar, [2 Os 0.1 0.04496 9.08398 0.04199 0.00905 0.00181 0.00906 0.2 0.15978 0.28904 0114452 0.03551 0.00711 0.03554 fy 0.2 Of 0.44523 0.72315 0.36156 0.15514 0.02654 0.13172 292 9.8 9.85298 1.03605 0.51802 0.42199 0.07992 0.39962 16 1.05462 0.83475 0.41737 0.85529 0.13973 0.69863 3:2 0.99967 0.45119 0.22560 0.94506 0.10667 0.53336 0.1 0.04350 0.08250 0.04125 0.00465 0.00878 0.00439 0.2 0.15325 0.28518 0.14159 0.01836 0.03454 0.01727 0.4 0.42077 0.70119 0.35060 0.06974 0.12954 0.06477 ky = 2.0 9.8 0.75683 0.96681 0.48341 0.23255 0.41187 0.20594 1.6 0.93447 0.70726 0.35363 0.56298 0.85930 0.42965 3.2 0.98801 0.33878 0.16939 0.88655 0.96353 0.48176 0.1 0.04193 0.08044 0.04022 0.00117 0.01778 0.00089 0.2 0.14808 0.27574 0.13787 0.00464 0.07027 0.00351 0.4 0.40086 0.67174 0.33887 0.01799 0.26817 0.01341 1, = 20.0 9/3 0.69098 0.86191 0.43095 0.06476 0.91168 0.04558 1.6 0.79338 0.39588 0.19794 0.19803 2.38377 0.11919, 312 0.85940 -0.41078 -0.20839 0.49238 4.47022 0.22351 0.1 0.04160 0.07864 0.03932 0.00024 0.02515 0.00015 0.2 0.14676 0.26855 0.13426 0.00095 0.09968 0.00050, 0.4 0.39870 0.64305 0.32152 0.00374 0.38497 0.00192 1, = 200.0 9.3 9.67257 0.74947 0.37474 0.01416 1.36766. 0.00684 1.6 0.74106 ~0.02761 -0.01581 0.04972 4.08937 0.02045, 3.2 0.75176 -1.88545 -0.94273 0.15960 10.25631 0.05128 TEREE“LAYER SYSTEMS TABLE 6.15 HH 08 (Jones, 1962) Ia= 20.0 = Sax" 92a re Sass 0.1 0.01351 0.16526 0.00826 0.00596 0.00098 0.00488 0:2 0.05079 0.58918 0.02946 0.02861 0.00386 0.01929 Kew 0.2 0-4 0.16972 1.66749 0.08337 0.09110 0.01474 0.07369 a= O-2 9'g 0.47191 3.25121 0.16136 0.31904 0.04967 0.24834 1.6 0.97452 3.54853 0.17743 0.82609 0.11273 0.56395 3.2 1.09911 1.27334 0.06367 1.08304 0.09527 0.47637 0.1 0.01122 0.17997 0.00900 0.00259 0.00440 0.00220 0.2 0.04172 0.64779 0.03239 0.01028 0.01744 0.00872 Ken 2.9 0-4 0.15480 189817 0.09431 0.03998 0.06722 0.03561 "9 0.8 0.35175 4.09592 0.20480 0.14419 0.23476 0.11738 1:6 0.70221 6.22002 0.51100 0.42106 0.62046 0.51023 3.2 0.97420 5.41828 0.27081 0.82256 0.93831 0.46916 0.1 0.00990 0.19872 0.00994 0.00065 0.00911 0.00046 0.2 0.03648 0.72264 0.03613 0.00251 0.03620 0.00181 xan 20.9 0-4 0.11443 2.19520 0.10976 0.00988 0.14116 0.00706 * 0.8 0.27954 §.24726 0.26236 0.03731 0.51585 0.02579 3.6 0.50790 10.3012 0.51511 0.12654 1.59341 0.07967 3.2 0.70903 16.38520 0.81926 0.35807 5.69109 0.18455 0.1 0.00960 0.21440 0.01072 0.00013 0.01385. 0.00007 0.2 0.03525 0.78493 0.03925 0.00054 0.05395 0.00027 Haw 200.9 0-4 9-10970 2.44430 0.12221 0.00214 0.21195 0.00106 "9 0.8 0.26149 6.25424 0.51172 0.00831 0.79588 0.00598 156 0.45078 14111490 0.70574 0.03070 2.67578 0.01538 3.2 0.57074 29195815 1.49791 0.10470 7.61457 0.03807 TABLE 6.14 B=05 (Jones, 1962) kre 200.0 or Sa Serr 9n1%re Pan Sea Sre _Fan"%n9 0.00365 0.22588 0.00112 0.00256 0.00035 0.00163, 0.01414 0.81903 0.00410 0.01021 0.00130 0.00648 has 0.8 0.05256 2.52558 0.01265 0.04014 0.00506 0.02529 0.18107 6.11429 0.03057 0.15048 0.01844 0.53465 10-82705 0.05414 0.48201 0.05399, 1.04537 9.34212 0.04671 1.00671 0.08624 0.00215 0.26620 0.00135 0.00094 0.00128 0.00064 0.00826 0.98772 0.00494 0.00373 0.00509 0.00254 haw 2.0 0.02946 3.19580 0.01598 0.01474 0.01996 0.00998, 0.09508 8.71975 0.04360 0.05622 0.07434 0.03717 0.2713S 2018765 0.10079 0.19358 0.23838 0.11919 0.62599, 0.17126 0.52912 0.54931 0.27466 0.1 0.00149 0.31847 0.00159 0.00023 0.00257 0.00013 0.2 0.00564 1.19598 0.00598 0.00094 0.01025 0.00051 Ke= 20.9 0-4 0.01911 4.02752 0.02014 0.00372 0.04047 0.00202 0.8°~ 0.05574 12.0085 0.06004 0.01453 0.15452 0.00773 1:6 0.13946 32177028 0.16385 0.05399 0.53836 0.02692 3.2 0.30247 7.62943 0.38815 0.18091 1.56409 0.07820 0.1 0.00133 0.37065 0.00185 0.00005 0.00387 0.00002 0:2 0.00498 1.40493 0.00702 0.00022 0.01548 0.00008, Hex 200.9 0-4 0.01649 4.86215 0.02451 0.00086 0.06118 0.00031 0.8 0.04553 15.3902 0.07670 0.00340 0.23698 0.00118, 1.6 0.10209 45.93954 0.22970 0.01515 0.86345 0.00432 3.2 0.18358 128.13051 0.64065 0.04854 2.80877 0.01404. 451 352 AULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS TABLE 6.15 e210 (Gon Kan 002 i ee nes Sze, 25 n, 0.1 0.02090 0.00464 0.02520 0.00541 0.00128 0.00638 0:2 0.08025 0.01773 0.08865 0.02138 0.00503 0.02515 Han 0.2 0-4 0-27493 0.05976 0.29878 0.08125 0.01903 0.09516 "2 0.8 0.67330. 0.13818 0.69092 0.26887 0.06192 0.30960 16 0.92595 0.15978 0.79888 0.60229 0.13002 0.65010 3.2 0.95852 0.09722 0.48612 0.82194 0.14348 0.71742 0.1 0.02045 0,00410 0.02052 0.00356 0.00687 0.00343 0:2 0.07845 0.01561 0.07805 0.01410 0.02713 0.01357 Kew 2.0 0-4 9.26816 0.05166 0.25828 0.05427 0.10351 0.05175 = 20 918 0.65090 0.11111 0.55555 0.18842 0.34703 0.17551 1.6 0.88171 0-10364 0.51819 0.48957 0.79986 0.39993 3.2 0.94153 0.06967 0.34835 0.81663 0.99757 0.49879, 0.1 0.01981 0.00306 0.01529 0.00118 0.01591 0.00080 0.2 0.07587 0.01145 0.05726 0.00471 0.06310 0.00316 ka= 20,0 0-4 0.25817 0.03540 0.17702 0.01846 0.24396 0.01220 9 0.8 0.61544 0.05163 0.25817 0.06859 0.86114 0.04506 1.6 0.78884 -0.07218 -0.56091 0.21770 2.36054 0.11803 3.2 "0.82936 -0.25569 -1.27847 0.53612 4.28169 0.21408, 0.1 0.01952 0.00214 0.01068 0.00028 0.02412 0.00012 0.2 0.07875 0.00777 0.03883 0.00110 0.09587 0.00048 ka= 200.0 9-4 0,02076 0.10382 0.00436 0.37417 0.00187 a= 200-0 o'g -0.00538 -0.02690 0.01679 1.36930 0.00685 1.6 =0.28050 -1.40250 0.06020 4.23805 0.02119. 3.2 0.70248 0.90965 -4.54826 0.19189 0.36507 0.05183 TABLE 6.16 a=10 Gones, 1962 ka= 2.0 a 9, Fy, Fz, G,,0,, Oy, -T, ag 1 0.01241 0.02186 0.01093 0,00490 0.00096 0, 00478 2 0.04816 0.08396 0.04198 0.01943 0.00378 0.01890 1-4 0.17203 0.28866 0.14433 0.07496 0.01448 0.07241 8 6 2 0.48612 0.71684 0.35842 0.26193 0.04924 0.24620 0.91512 0.97206 0.48603 0.67611 0.11558 0.57790 1.04671 0.60091 0.30046 0.95985 0.12527 0.62637 1 0.01083 0.02179 0.01090 0.00241 0.00453 0.00227 2 0.04176 0.08357 0.04169 0.00958 0.01797 0.00899 4 0.14665 0.28491 0.14246 0.03724 0.06934 0.03467 8 0.39962 0.71341 0.35670 0.13401 0.24250 0.12125 6 0.71032 1.02680 0.51340 0.58690 0.63631 0.31815, 2 0.92112 0.90482 0.45241 0.75805 0.97509 0.48754 1 0.00963 0.02249 0.01124 0.00061 0.00920 0.00046 2 0.03697 0.08618 0.04309 0.00241 0.03654 0.00183. 4 0.12805 0.29640 0.14820 0.00950 0.14241 0.00712 78 0.35263 0.76292 0.38146 0.03578 0.51815 0.02591 6 2 Kam 20.0 9, 0. 9. 0. 1 3) 9, 9. 9, kee 2.0 9 1 5. 9. 0. 0, 9, 1.6 0.52721 1.25168 0.62584 0.12007 1.56503 0.07825 3.2 0.65530 1.70723 0.85361 0.33669 3.51128 0.17556 0.1 0.00925 0.02539 0.01170 0.00013 0.01319 0.00007 0.2 0.03561 0.09018 0.04509 0.00051 0.05252 0.00026 Ha= 200.9 9-4 0.12848 0.31470 0.15735 0.00202 0.20609 0.00103 9 01g 0.51422 0.83274 0.41637 0.00783 0.76955 0.00385 1.6 0.46897 1.53521 0.76760 0.02874 2.53100 0.01285 3.2 0.51161 2.76420 1.38210 0.09751 6.99283 0.03496 TUREE-LAYER SYSTEMS 153 ‘TABLE 6.17 (ones, 1962) a Se Say m Sam Me Se, %ry 52x: 0.1 0.00417 0.04050 0.00202 0.00271 0.00039 0.00195 0:2 0.01641 0.15675 0.00784 0.01080 0.00155 0.00777 tox 0.2 0-4 0,06210 0.55548 0.02777 0.04241 0.00606 0.03028 ‘a= 062 93 9.21057 1.53667 0.07683 0.15808 0.02198 0.10991, 0.58218 2.77359 0.15868 0.49705 0.06327 0.31635, 312 1.06296 2:55195 0.12760 1.00217 0.09906 0.49525 0.1 0.00263 0.04751 0.00238 0.00100 0.00160 0.00080 0:2 0.01029 0.18481 0.00924 0.00397 0.00637 0.00319 den 2.0 0-4 0.03810 0.66727 0.03336 0.01565 0.02498 0.01249 a= 2.0 973 9.12173 1.97428 0.09871 0.05938 0.09268 0.04634 156 0.31575 4.37407 0.21870 0.20098 0.29253 0.14626 3.2 0.66041 6.97695 0.34885 0.53398 0.65446 0.52723, 0.1 0,00193 0.05737 0.00287 0.00024 0.00522 9.00016 0:2 0.00751 0.22418 0.01121 0.00098 0.01283 0.00064 rex 20,9 0-4 9.02715 0.82450 0.04121 0.00587 0.05063 0.00255 "9 918 0.08027 2.59672 0.12984 0.01507 0.19267 0.00965 1:6 0117961 6.77014 0133851 0.05549 0.66326 0.03516 312 0.34355 15.23252 0.76163 0.18344 1.88634 0.09432 0.1 0.00176 0.06733 0.00337 0.00006 0.00478 0.00002 0.2, 0.00683 0.26401 0.01320 0.00022 0.01908 0.00010 tax 200.9 0-4 0.02445 0.98546 0.04917 0.00088 0.07557 0.00038 9 9.8 0.06983 3.25164 0.16158 0.00348 0.29194 0.00146, 16 0.14191 9.28148 0.46407 0.01339 1.05385 0.00527 312 0.22685 24.85236 1.24252 0.04911 3.37605 0.01688 TABLE 6.18 Be10 (ones, 1962) ky= 200.0 ot Sa Say%ry Sayre Pen San" S23 0.1 0.00117 0.05507 0.00028 0.00097 9.00010 0.00051 0.2 0.00464 0.21467 0.00107 0.00388 0.00061 0.00205 tax0.2 v4 0.01814 0.78191 0.00391 0.01538 0.00160 0.00801 a= 0-2 97s 9.06766 2.38085 0.01190 0.05952 0.00607 0.03037 116 0.22994 5.87945 0.02790 0.21214 0.02028 0.10140 3.2 0.62710 9.29529 0.08648 0.60056 0.04847 0.24256 0.1 0.00049 0.06883 0.00034 0.00029 0.00035 0.00017 012 0.00195 0.26966 0.00135 0.00116 0.00138 9.00069 fa 2.0 0-4 0-00746 1.00131 000501 0.00460 0.00545 0.00275 = 2.0 9'3 0.02647 3.24971 0.01625 0.01797 0.02092 0.01046 116 0.08556 8.92442 0.04462 0.06671 0.07335 0.03668, 312 0.25186 20.8387 0.10417 0.22047 0.21288 0.10644 0.1 0.00027 0.08469 0.00042 0.00007 0.00062 0.00003 0.2 0.00104 0.33312 0.00167 0.00028 0.00248 0.00012 tox 20.9 9-4 0.00884 1.25495 0.00627 0.00110 0.00985 0.00049 ee 20.0 97s 9.01236 4126100 0.02130 0.00436 0.03825 0.00191 116 ~ 0.03379 12.91809 0.06459 0.01683 0.15989 0.00699, 512 0.08859 56.04291 0.18021 0.06167 0.45544 0.02277 0.2 0.00021 0.10075 0.00050 0.00002 0.00087 0.00000 0:2 0.00082 0.39741 0.00199 0.00006 0.00347 0.00002 tax 200.9 0-4 9.00298 1.51254 0.00756 0.00025 0.01881 0.00007 -9 0.8 0.00893 5.28939 0.02645 0.00100 0.05403 0.00027 1.6 0.02065 17.01872 0.08509 0.00392 0.20250 0.00101 312 0.04134 52125615 0.26118 0.01505 0.70098 0.00350 154 MOLET-LAYER SYSTEMS TABLE 6.19 (ones, 1962) a 6. o,3, G0 3, 4 6,4, tay asm Pare Sam 922 ry 0.00540 0.00121 0.00604 0.00242 0.00060 0.00502 0.02138 0.00477 0.02386 0.00964 0.00240 0.01202 0-08209 0.01821 0.09106 0.03770 0.00939 0.04695 0.28150 0.06106 0.30531 0.13832 0.03422 0,17112 0.68908 0.13660 0.68209 0.40830 0.09826 0.49131 0.93105 0.12899 0.64493 0.73496 0.15705 0.78523 0.1 0.00502 0.00098 0.00494 9.00180 0.00170 0:2 0.01986 0.00389 0.01953 9.00716 0.00675 fax 2.0 0-4 0.07630 0.01485 0.07449 0.02815 0.02644 = 2-9 0.8 0.26196 0.04977 0.24875 0.10523 0.19467 0.09733 1.6 0.63535 0.10924 0.54641 0.33078 0.57811 0.28905 3.2 0.87025 0.12296 0.61462 0.68388 1.00199 0.50100 0.1 0.00444 0.00056 0.00282 0.00065 0.00825 0.00041 0.2 0.01756 0.00221 0.01105 0.00260 0.03286. 0.00164 kes 20.0 0-4 9.06706 0.00819 0.04097 0.01030 0.12933 0.00647 "9 0.8 0.22561 0.02431 0.12153 0.03956 0.48595 0.02430 1.6 0.51929 0.03070 0.15352 0.13743 1.55804 0.07790 3.2 0.65700 0.00926 -0.04632 0.37409 3.39883 0.16994 0.1 0.00416 0.00032 0.00160 0.00015 0.01234 0.00006 0.2 0.01635 0.00124 0.00621 0.00058 0.04922 0.00025 kee 200.0 0-4 9.06251 0.00436 0.02180 0.00231 0.19450 0.00097 = 200-9 g'g 0.20757 0.00955 0.04774 0.00905 0.74286 0.00371 1.6 0.45550 0.02172 -0.10861 0.03363 2.52847 0.01264 3.2 0.4862 0.15589 -0.77944 0.11105 6.69835 0.03349, TABLE 6.20 (ones, 1962) a ¢,,-, ~, 9.00356 0.00545 0.00272 0.00216 0.00041 0.00203 9.01415 0.0218§ 0.01078 0.00861 0.00162 0.00809 0.05493 0.08266 0.04133 0.03386 0.00634 0.03172 Fam 0 0.19661 0.28226 0.14113 0.12702 0.02349 0.11744 0.55306 0.67844 0.33922 0.40376 0.07109 0.35545 0.96647 0.79393 0.39696 0.83197 0.12583 0.62913 0.00250 0.00555 0.00278 0.00100 0.00188 0.00094 0.00991 0.02199 0.01099 0.00397 0.00750 0.00375 lew 2.0 0.03852 0.08465 0.04231 0.01569 0.02950 0.01475 0.13516 0.29365 0.14685 0.05974 0.11080 0.05540 0.36644 0.75087 0.37542 0.20145 0.35515 0.17757 0.67384 1.17294 0.58647 0.51186 0.77434 0.38717 1 0.00181 0.00652 0.00526 0.00025 0.00378 0.00019 2 0.00716 0.02586 0.01293 0.00099 0.01507 0.00075 4 0.02746 0.10017 0.05007 0.00394 0.05958 0.00298 8 0.09396. 0.35641 0.17821 0.01535 0.22795 0.01140 6 0.23065 1.00785 0.50392 0.05599 0.78347 0.03917 2 ° 0 0. Kas 20.0 0 1 3.2 0.37001 2.16033 1.08017 0.17843 2.15215 0.10661 0.1 0.00164 0.00778 0.00389 0.00005 0.00542 0.00003 0.2 0.00647 0.03090 0.01544 0.00021 0.02163 0.00011 ka= 200.0 9-4 9.02870 0.12030 0.06014 0.00085 0.08578 0.00043, a8 0.08526 0.43695 0.21847 0.00335 0.33214 0.00166 16 0.19224 1.52870 0.66434 0.01283 1.19190 0.00596 3.2 0.25526 3.40664 1.70332 0.04612 5.67558 0.01838 ‘THREECLAYER SYSTEXS TABLE 6.21 B= 2.0 (ones, 1962) Kaz 20.0 a Say S2p%m Fa) zp Omy P29 Pry 0.1 0.00154 . 0.00968 0.00048 0,00108 0.00018 0.00068 0.2 0.00533 0.03839 0.00192 0.00429 0.00055 0.00273 yan 0.2 0-4 0.02100 0.14845 0.00741 0.01702 0.00216 0.01078 2 0.8 0.07950 0.52414 0.02621 0.06576 0.00820 0.04101 1.6 0.26615 1.41720 0.07085 023185 0.02740 0.15698 3.2 0.67882 2.38258 0.11913 0.63006 0.06384 0.31919 0.1 0.00059 0.01219 9.00061 0.00033 0.00051 0.00025 0.2 0.00235 0.04845 0.00242 0.00130 0.00205 0.00101 fax 2.0 9-4 0.00922 0.18857 0.00943 0.00518 0.00803 0.00401 = 3-0 9.8 0.03412 0.68382 0.03419 0.02025 0.05095 0.01547 1.6 0.10918 2.04154 0.10207 0.07444 0.10864 0.08432 3.2 0.29183 4.60426 0.23021 0.25852 0.50709 0.15354 oO. 0.01568 0.00078 0.00008 0.00094 0.00005 0.2 0.06236 9.00312 0.00031 0.00374 0.00019 tax 20.0 04 0.24425 0.01221 0.00123 0.01486 0.00074 2= 20-9 g's 0.01782 0.90594 0.04530 0.00485 0.05789 0.00289. 1.6 0.05012 2.91994 0.14600 0.01862 0.21190 0.01060, 5.2 0.11331 7.95104 0.59755 0.06728 0.6732 0.03387 0.1 0,00027 0.01927 0.00096 0.00002 0.00131 0.00001 0-2 0.00106 0.07675 0.00384 0.00007 0.00524 0.00003, ge 200.9 9-4 9.00405 0.30182 0.01509 0.00028 0 02085 0.00010 "29.8 0.01397 1.13555 0.05678 0.00110 0.08180 0.00041 1.6 0.03538 3.83254 0.19163 0.00431 0.30676 0.00153 3.2 0.06182 1.55403 0.57770 0.01644 1.04794 0.00524 ‘TABLE 6.22 a= 2.0 GWones, 1962) Kam 200.0 a, On, 2, 9, Oz ,-F,, 54,0, ny 0.2 0.00036 0.01350 0.00007 0.00033 0.00003 0.00015, 0.2 0.00144 0.05366 0.00027 0.00130 0.00012 0.00058 tax 0.2 0-4 0.00572 0.20911 0.00105 9.00518 0.00046 0.00252 ‘a= 0-2 9°8 0.02231 0.76035 0.00580 0.02038 0.00180 0.00901 1.6 0.08215 2.29642 0.01148 0.07675 0.00649 0.03244 3:2 0.26576 5.28889 0.02645 0.25484 0.01912 0.09562 0.1 0.00011 0.01737 0.00009 0.00008 0.00009 0.00004 0.2 0.00045 0.06913 0.00035 0.00035 0.00036 0.00018, tex 2.0 0-4 0.00179 0.27103 0.00155 0.00131 0.00142 0.00071 ‘2 2-9 918 0.00685 1.00808 0.00504 0.00520 0.00553 0.00277 1.6 0.02441 3.27590 0.01638 0.02005 0.02043 0.01021 3.2 0.08061 9.02195 0.04511 0.07248 0.06638 0.03319 0.1 0.00005 0.02160 0.00011 0.00002 0.00014 0.00001 0.2 0.00018 0.08604 0.00043 0.00007 0.00058 0.00003, jaw 20.9 O-4S.,0.00071 0.33866 0.00169 0.00030 0.00229 0.00011 ‘a= 20-0 9'g “9.00261 1.27835 0.00639 0.00119 0.00901 0.00045, 1.6 0.00819 4.35311 0.02177 0.00467 0.03390 0.00170 3.2 0.02541 13.26873 0.06634 0.01784 0.11666 0.00583 0.1 0.00003 0.02587 9.00015 0.00000 0.00019 0.00000 9.2 0.00012 0.10310 0.00052 0100002 0100075 0.00000 tax 200.9 9-4 9.00087 0.40676 0.00203 0.00007 0.00300 0.00002 99.8 0.00165 1.54951 0.00775 0.00026 0.01183 0.00006 1.6 0.00445 5.43705 0.02719 0.00104 0.04515 0.00023 3.2 0.00929 17-58810 0.08794 0.00409 0.16107 0.00081 355 MUUEI-IAYER SYSTERS TABLE 6.23 a= 4.0 Gones, 1962) Kye 0.2 Say Say Sane Pe Snr Pare 0.00139 0.00028 0.00141 0.00086 0.00025 0.00114 0.00555 0.00112 0.00562 0.00345 0.00091 0.00454 fan O08 0.02198 0.00444 0.02220 0.01371 0.00360 0.01801 0.08435 0.01686 0.08428 0.05323 0.01394 0.06968 0.28870 0.05529 0.27647 0.19003 0.04909 0.24545, 0.70074 0.11356 0.56778 0.51882 0.12670 0.63352 0.00125 0.00026 0.00131 0.00071 0.00130 0.00065 0.00491 0.00104 0.00521 0.00283 0.00518 0.00259 las 0.01942 0.00412 0.02059 0.01126 0.02057 0.01028 0.07447 0.01574 0.07869 0.04588 0.07977 0.05989 0.25449 0.05311 0.26554 0.15904 0.28357 0.14178. 0.62074 0.12524 0.62622 0.45855 0.75651. 0.37825 9.00087 0.00018 9.00090 0.00028 0.00325 0.00016 9.00346 0.00072 0.00358 0.00111 0.01298 0.00065 ee 0.01367 0.00283 0.01417 0.0043 0.05159 0.00258 0.05207 0.01089 0.05444 0.01741 0.20134 0.01007 0.17367 0.03790 0.18949 - 0.06525 0.73322 0.03666 0.39955 0.10841 0.54203 0.20965 2.13665 0.10683 0.00069 0.00019 0.00097 0.00006 0.00487 0.00002 0.00274 0.00078 0.00389 0.00024 0.01947 0.00010 = 0.01079 0.00309 0.01544 0.00095 0.07752 0.00039 0.04074 0.01199 0.05995 0.00378 0.30432 0.00152 0.13117 0.04352 0.21758 0.01456 1.13373 0.00867 0.26403 0.14445 0.72224 0.05161 3.59608 0.01798 TABLE 6.24 _ R40 (ones, 1962) fae 20 a Sa Samy %s1rg Sa Sere a2 Or 0.1 0.00103 0.00128 0.00064 0.00078 0.00014 0.00071 0:2 0.00411 0.00511 0.00256 0.00312 0.00057 0.00284 ke= 0.2 0-4 0.01631 0.02022 0.01011 0.01241 0.00226 0.01129 0:8 0.06319 0.07722 0.03861 0.04842 0.00877 0.04384 1.6 0.22413 0.25955 0.12977 0.17617 0.03133 0.15666 3.2 0.60654 0.58704 0.29352 0.50917 0.08500 0.42501, 0.1 0.00057 0.00147 0,00074 0.00034 0.00065 0.00052 0.2 0.00228 0.00587 0.00293 0.00137 0.00260 0.00150 Kes 2.9 0-4 0.00905 0.02524 0.01162 0.00544 0.01032 0.00516 0.8 0.03500 0.08957 0.04479 0.02135 0.04031 0.02015 16 0.12354 0.31215 0.15608 0.07972 0.14735 0.07368, 5.2 0.54121 0.81908 0.40954 0.25441 0.43632 0.21816 0.1 0.00030 0.00201 0.00101 0.00008 0.00128 0.00006 0.2 0.00139 0.00805 0.00402 0.00034 0.00510 0.00026 fax 20.9 9-4 0.00469 0.05191 0.01596 0.00134 0.02032 0.00102 0.8 0.01790 0.12427 0.06213 0.00532 0.07991 0.00400 1.6 0.06045 0.45100 0.22550 0.02049 0.29991 0.01500 3.2 0.14979 1.36427 0.68214 0.07294 0.97701 0.04885 0.1 0.00025 9.00265 0.00131 0.00002 0.00180 9.00001 0.2 0.00091 9.01080 0.00525 0.00007 0.00720 0.00004 yaw 200.0 9-4 0.00360 0.04179 0.02090 0.00029 0.02870 9.00014 0:8 0.02360 0.16580 0.08190 0.00115 0.11334 0.00057 1.6 0.04809 0.60898 0.30449 0.00451 0.43251 0.00216 3.2 0.09323 1.98899 0.99449 0.01705 1.49306 0.00747 THREE-LAYER SYSTEMS TABLE 6.25 (ones, 1962) a Se Samy Sexe Fze Sax Cre Ton rs 0.1 0.00042 0.00233 0.00012 0.00037 0.00004 0.00021, 0:2 0.00166 0.00932 0.00047 0.00148 0.00017 0.00085, fax 0.2 0-4 0.00663 0.05692 0.00185 0.00588 0.00068 0.00340 +2 918 0.02603 0.14242 9.00712 0.02519 0.00266 0.01331 16 0.09718 0.49826 0.02491 0.08758 0.00983 0.04914 3.2 0.31080 1.31627 0.06581 0.28747 0.02990 0.14951 0.1 0.00015 0.00512 0.00016 0.00010 0.00015 0.00007 0.2 0.00054 0.01245 0.00062 0.00059 0.00059 0.00029 ken 2.0 0-4 0.00214 0.04944 0.00247 0.00184 0.00235 0.00117 0 g.8 0.00837 0.19247 0.00962 0.00610 0.00924 0.00462 116 0.03109 0.69749 0.03487 0.02358 0.03488 0.01744 2 0.10140 2.09049 0.10452 0.08444 0.11553 0.05776 0.1 0.00005 0.00413 9.00021 0.00002 0.00025 9.00001, 0:2 0.00021 0.01651 0.00083 0.00009 0.00099 9.00005 Hex 20,0 0-4 0.00083 0.06569 0.00528 0.00035 0.00396 0.00020 0.8 0.00521 0.25739 0.01287 0.00138 0.01565 0.00078 1:6 0.01130 0.05622 0.04781 0.00542 0.05993 0.00300 312 0103258 3.10980 0.15549 0.02061 0.20906 0.01045 0.1 0.00003 0.00515 9.00026 0.00000 0.00033 9.00000 0:2 0.00014 0.02056 0.00103 0.00002 0.00131 0.00001 Kax 200.9 9-4 0.00054 0.08191 0.00410 0.00008 0.00524 0.00003 0:8 0.00206 0.32231 0.01612 0.00030 0.02077 0.00010 1.6 0.00683 1.21587 0.06079 0.00120 0.08034 0.00040 3.2 0.01590 4114395 0.20720 0.00468 0.28961 0.00145, Be 4.0 TABLE 6.26 (Sones, 1962) Ka= 200.0 aa Samy en Fre Sze S2aFrg Pax" Fny 0.1 0.00010 0.00334 0.00002 0.00010 0.00001 0.00004 0.2 0.00042 0.01333 0.00007 “0.00039 0.00003 0.00016 0.4 0.00167 0.05295 0.00026 0.00157 0.00015 0.00065, 018 0.00663 0.20621 0.00103 0.00625 0.00051 0.00256 116 0.02562 0.74824 0.00374 0.02427 0.00195 0.00975 312 0.09166 2.25046 0.01125 0.08799 0.00660 0.03298 0.1 0.00003 0.00437 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00001, 0.2 0.00011 0.01746 0.00009 0.00009 0.00009 0.00005, tax 2.0 9-4 0.00042 0.06947 0.00035 0.00036 0.00036 0.00018 +9 9.8 0.00168 0.27221 0.00156 0.00142 0.00144 0.00072 16 0.00646 1.01140 0.00506 0.00560 0.00553 0.00277 312 0.02832 3.28915 0.01645 0.02126 0.01951 0.00975 0.1 0.00001 0.00545 9.00003 0.00000 0.00003 0.00000 0:2 0.00003 0.02178 0.00011 0.00002 0.00014 0.00001 Yaw 20.0 9-%' 0.00013 0.08675 0.00043 0.00008 0.00054 0.00003 0:8 0.00050 0.34131 0.00171 0.00081 0.00215 0.00011 16 0.00186 1.28773 0.00644 0.00124 0.00833 0.00042 312 0100612 4.38974 0.02195 0.00485 0.03010 0.00150 0.1 0.00000 9.00652 0.00003 ~0.00000 0.00004 0.00000 0:2 0.00002 0.02606 0.00013 0.00000 0.00017 0.00000 a= 200.9 9-4 0.00007 0.10389 0.00052 0.00002 0.00068 9.00000 + 9:3 9.00025 0.40997 0.00205 0.00007 0.00269 0.00001 116 0.00086 1.56284 0.00781 0.00027 0.01049 0.00005 3.2 0.00225 5.48870 0.02744 0.00107 0.03866 0.00019 as7 MULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS TABLE 6.27 = 8.0 Gones, 1962) fax 0.2 Say Sym Sang Sze Sear Seem 0.00035 0.00006 0.00028 0.00027 0.00007 0.00036 0.00142 0.00023 0.00113 0.00108 0.00028 0.00142 0.00566 0.00090 0.00449 0.00432 0.00113 0.00567 = 0.2 0.02240 0.00554 0.01769 0.01711 0.00449 0.02246, 0.08589 0.01355 0.06675 0.06610 0.01725 0.08624 0.29518 0.08270 0.21350 0.25182 0.05907 0.29535, 9.00030 9.00008 0.00038 0.00025 0.00041 0.00021, 0:00120 9.00030 0.00152 0.00091 0.00165 0.00083, few 2.0 0.00479 0.00121 0.00606 0.00364 0.00660 0.00330 . 0.01894 0.00480 0.02599 0.01446 0.02616 0.01508, 0.07271 0.01841 0.09206 0.05601 0.10080 0.05040 0.24933 0.06307 0.51534 0.19828 0.35008 0.17504 0.00016 9.00010 0.00049 0.00009 0.00108 0.0000 0.00065 9.00040 0.00198 0.00037 0.00421 0.00021, kar 20.0 0:00260 9.00158 0.00790 0.00149 0.01679 0.00084 0.01025 9.00629 0.05143 0.06664 0.00335 0.03926 9.02463 0.12514 0.25871 0.01294 0.15335 0.09125 0.45615 -92478 0.08624 9.00009 9.00015 0.00074 0.00002 0.00162 0.00001, 9.00036 0.00059 0.00294 0.00008 0.00648 0.00003 ken 200.0 0.00145 9.00235 0.01176 0.00032 0.02587 0.00015 ' 0.00573 0.00938 0.04690 0.00127 0.10287 0.00051, 0.02160 0.03710 0.18549 0.00503 0.40238 0.00201, 0.06938 0.14226 0.71130 0.01912 1.48097’ 0.00740 TABLE 6.28 Cones, 1962) ay Say 9m Fey %ry See Ses 9m Paar 0.1 "0.00028 9.00028 0.00014 0.00024 0.00004 9.00022 0.2 0.00113 9.00111 0.00056 0.00096 0.00017 0.00087 kaw 0.2 9-4 0.00451 0.00444 0.00222 0.00384 0.00069 0.00347 9:8 0.01786 0.01752 0.00876 0.01522 0.00275 0.01375 1.6 0.06895 0.06562 0.03331 0.05900 0.01060 0.05298 5:2 0.24127 0.22014 0.11007 0.20949 0.03695 0.18466 0.1 0.00013 9.00039 0.00020 0.00010 0.00020 9.00010 0:2 0.00053 0.00157 0.00079 0.00041 0.00078 0.00039 kee 2.9 0-4 0.00213 0.00628 0.00314 0.00164 0.00311 0.00156 "9 0.8 0.00844 0.02487 0.01244 0.00653 0.01257 0.00618 1.6 0.03269 0.09597 0.04798 0.02556 0.04802 0.02401 5.2 0.11680 0.35606 0.16803 0.09405 0.17188 0.08594 0.1 0.00005 0.00061 0.00050 0.00002 0.00037 0.00002 0:2 0.00019 0.00242 0.00121 0.00010 0.00149 0.00007 Hex 20.9 0-4 0.00076 0.00967 0.00484 0.00040 0.00596 0.00030 "? 9.8 0.00300 0.0384 0.01922 0.00159 0.02369 0.00118 1.6 0.01154 0.15010 0.07505 0.00630 0.09274 0.00464 3:2 0.04003 0.54942 0.27471 0.02409 0.34255 0.01712 9.1 0.00003 0.00082 0.00041 0.00001 0.00052 9.00000 0:2 0.00011 0.00328 0.00164 0.00002 0.00206 0.00001 kex 200.9 0-4 0.00042 0.01310 0.0065$ 0.00008 "0.00825 0.00004 “9:8 0.00167 0.05216 0.02608 0.00034 0.03287 0.00016 1. 0,00629 0.20491 0.10245 0.00155 0.12955 0.00065. 5:2 0.02020 0.76769 0.58384 0.00527 0.48719 0.00244 THREE-LAYER SYSTEMS TABLE 6.29 #= 8.0 (Gones, 1962) k= 20.0 a Say Sey m Fn %n2 Sze Sze” Ore S255 1 0,00012 0.00056 9.00003 0.00011 0.00001 0.00006 2 0.00087 0.00223 0.00011 0.00044 0.00005 0.00025 4 0.00190 0.00889 0.00044 0.00176 0.00020 0.00099 8 0.00754 0.03522 0.00176 0.00701 0.00079 0.00393 6 2 . 8 ker o.2 9 1. 0.02947 0.13569 0.00678 0.02746 0.00306 0.01528 5.2 0110817 0147240 0.02562 . 0110145 0101105 0.05524 0.1 0.00003 0.00079 0.00004 0.00003 0.00004 0.00002 0:2 0100013 0:00816 000026 0.00011 0.00016 0:00008, ka= 2.9 0.4 0,00050 0101260 0.00065 0:00043 0.00084 0.00052 0° 0100200 0105007 0.00250 0.00170 0.00283 0.00127 156 0100786 0.19496 0.00975 0.00673 0.00995 0.00496 5.2 0102944 0170709 0.03555 0.02579 0.03678 0.01859 0.1 0.00001 0.00106 9.00005 0.00001 0.00008 0.00000 0.2 0.00004 0.00425 0.00021 0.00002 0.00025 0.00001, ke= 20.0 4 0.00014 0.01696 0.00085 0.00009 0.00100 0.00005 0.8 0.00056 0.06751 0.00338 0.00037 0.00398 0.00020 1,6 0.00217 0.26466 0.01323 0.00187 0.01565 0.00078 3:2 0.00791 0.98450 0.04922 0.00576 0.05892 0.00295 0.1 0.00000 9.00155 0.09007 0.00000 0.00008 0.00000 0.2 0.00002 0.00531 0.00027 0.00000 0.00032 0100000 a= 200.0 0.4 0.00006 0.02122 0.00106 0.00002 0.00128 9.00001 0.8 0.00025 0.08453 0.00423 0.00008 0.00509 0.00003 1.6 0.00096 0.35268 0.01663 0.00032 0.02009 0.00010 3.2 0.00319 1.25614 0.06281 0.00125 0.07660 0.00038 TABLE 6.30 a= 6.0 (Gones, 1962) i= 200.0 z i, 8,4, 6, 3-9 et ‘21 Say ry 1 22 22 2 °r, 952 rs 0.1 0.00003 9.00083 0.00000 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 0:2 0.00011 0.00330 0.00002 0.00011 0.00001 0.00005 Hex 0.2 0:4, 0.00046 0.01520 0.00007 0.00044 0.00004 0.00018 0.8 0.00382 0.05242 0.00026 0.00175 0.00014 0.00072 16 0.20411 0.00102 0.00693 0.00056 0.00262, 52 0.74013 0.00370 0.02656 0.00212 0.01058, 1 0.00001 0.00109 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 2 0.00005 0.00438 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00001 4 0.00010 0.01748 0.00009 0.00009 0.00003 9.00005, $8 0.00041 0.06956 0.00035 0.00038 0.00037 0.00018 6 0.00162 0.27262 0.00136 0.00149 0.00145 0.00072 2 00507 0.00584 0.00547 0.00273, 0. 0 = 2.0 0 xs 0, 1 3 0.00625 1.01322 1 0.00000 0.00136 0.00001 0.00000 9.00001 0.00000 2 0.00001 0.00546 0.00003 0.00001 9.00003 9.00000 4 0.00002 0.02181 0.00011 0.00002 0.00013 0.00001 8 * 0.00010 0.08687 0.00043 0.00008 0.00052 0.00005 6 0.00039 0.34202 0.00171 0.00032 0.00204 0.00010 2 0. 0. = 20.0 0 te °. 1 3.2 0.00149 1.29190 0.00686 0.00127 0.00777 0.00039 1 0.00000 0.00163 0.00001 0.00000 9.00001 0.00000 2 0.00000 0.00654 0.00003 0.00000 0.00004 9.00000 4 0.00001 0.02615 0.00013 0.00000 9.00016 0.00000 8 0.00003 0.10417 0.00052 0.00002 9.00065 0.00000 6 0.00013 0.41121 0.00206 0.00007 0.00249 0.00001, 2 0. 0: a= 200.0 0 * ou Li 3.2 0100047 1.56843 0.00784 0.00027 0.00957 0.00005 260 ‘MULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS Displacements Ueshita and Meyerhof (1967) have evaluated the vertical surface displacement at the centre and edge of the circle. Influence factors have been computed for the following paraneters: B/E, = 2, 10, 100 Ex/By = 2, 10, 100 Vs v2 = v9 = 0.5 Ta = 0.5, 1, 2, 4 In/T = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ‘The symbols are defined in Fig.6.17. The influence factors are shown in Fig.6.18. The centre displace- ment is given by e, = Bian see 6.1) Bs edge displacenent ses 6.2) Oo Oa 087 Ts so = Thickness Ratio ¥1G.6.18 Deflection factors F_, and F_, fora three-layer system (Ueshita and Meyerhof,1967). Further influence factors for vertical displace- ment at the centre of the circle have been presented by Thenn de Barros (1966). The following paraneters have been considered: m = Bi/Bz = 2 5, 10, 20, 50 me = BBs = 2 5, 10 35 Va = ve = 3 Influence factors F are tabulated in Tables 6.31 to 6.35. The actual centre displacement of the cizcle is given by p, = 428820 » srs 63) Ey 19 a os soe oa TSS = 7 = S| 2 on roa] 046 —Fe O04 pe ' Es ove | (OF? 5 wa 3 Detection Foete, fig and Fee ° $f THREE-LAYER SYSTEKS I62 ‘TABLE 6.31 TABLE 6.32 DISPLACEMENT FACTORS DISPLACEMENT FACTORS F mae (After Then de Barros, 1966) _m = 5 _(After Thenn de Barros, 1966) 1/2 n/a Ma japrO-2S6 0.512 0.625 1.25 2.5 5 Ma pap 0-186 0.512 0.625 1.25 2.5 5 0.312 0.858 0.789 0.662 0.510 0.394 - 0.312 0.850 0.733 0.556 0.372 0.246 - 0.625 0.772 0.717 0.616 0.489 0.387 0.325 0.625 0.745 0.669 0.522 0.359 0.242 0.174 2 125 0.633 0.560 0.460 0.375 0.319 2 1.25 0.648 0.595 0.476 0.359 0:235 01172 25 0.564 0,508 0.428 0.360 0.314 2.5 - 0,528 0.430 0.313 0.224 0.168 5 = = 01470 0.400 0.343 0.306 5 = >) 01394 0:28 0.163 0.512 0.747 0.651 0,505 0.352 0.240 - 0.312 0.715 0.598 0.427 0.268 -. 0625 0.601 0.537 0.438 0.324 0.251 0.171 0.625 0.572 0.497 0.378 0.250, 0.101 5 1:28 0.489 0.416 0.359 0.284 0.215 0.166 $125 0.429 0.387 0.312 0.223 0.0989 2:5 "= 0.320 0.287 0.240 0.194 0.158 2:5 "= 0.299 0.2 0.188, 0.0944 5 = {= 0.235 01202 01172 0.188 5 = (> 0.202 01155 0.0871 0.312 0.664 0.559 0.415 0.278 0.174 0.512 0.626 0.508 0.350 0.211 0.122 ~ 0.625 0.500 0.456 0.546 0.246 0.165 0.112 0.625 0.469 0-401 0.301 0.195 0.118 0.0712 10 1:25 01544 0.315 0.267 0.207 0.150 0.108 101.25. 0.525 0.291 01238 0.168 0.109 0.0691 215° "> 0.221 0.198 0.365 0.130 0.100 215 "= 0.206 0.174 0.154 0.0954 0.0649 5 = "= 01149 07128 0.108 0.0905 5 = "= 02130 02102 0.0779 0.0579 TABLE 6.33, TABLE 6. DISPLACEMENT FACTORS F DISPLACEMENT FACTORS? m= 10 {After Thenn de Barros, 1966) my = 20 {After Thenn de Barros, 1966) /a ta/a Ma py OSE 0.512 0.625 1.25 2.5 5 Me yA O-1S6 0.512 0.625 1.25 25 5 0.687 0.485 0.298 0.181 - 0.312 0.789 0.629 0.411 0.239 0.136 - 0.630 0.457 0.290 0.178 0.116 0.625 0.711 0.583 0.394 0.254 0.135 0.0809 0.561 0.420 0.275 0.174 0.115 2 1:25 0.621 0.523 0.365 0.224 0.152 0.0802 0.499 0.379 0.255 0.166 0.112 2:5 "= 0.465 0.351 0.209 01127 0.0788 = 0.346 0.254 0.156 0.109 5 = "=" 0:300 02191 0.120 0.0764 0.553 0.569 0.217 0.125 ~ 0.312 0.662 0.501 0.313 0.175 0.0955 - 0.467 0.334 0.207 0.121 0.0720 0.625 0.535 0.433 0.290 0.169 0.0939 0.0528 0.367 0.281 0.187 0.115 0.0706 $1.25 0.404 0.345 0.250 0.157 0.0909 0.0821 0.284 0.225 0.160 0.108 0.0679 2:5 "= 0.267 (0.202 01136 0.0846 0.0506 = 0.181 0.150 0.0912 0.0629 5 = "> 01461 0.112 0.0742 010475 0.867 0.302 0.172 0.0946 ~ 0.419 0.254 0.139 0.0740 ~ 0.376 0.267 0.163 0.0924 0.0525 0.349 0.232 0.134 0.0729 0.0596 0.275 0.214 0-144 0.0876 0.0516 0.260 0.193 0.125 0.0703 0.0390 0195 0.159 0.117 0.0782 0.0489 0184 0.145 0.102 0.0645 0.0377 0.117 *0.0885 0.0642 0.0442 = 01106 0.0779 0.0542 0.0548 162 MULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS TABLE 6.35 DISPLACEMENT FACTORS P (After Thenn de Barros, 1966) Votues ot Fane Ff o1 02 03 o4 05 06 07 08 0.156 0.312 0.625 1.25 2.5 5 0.538 0.508 0.461 0.411, 0.328 0.314 0.297 0.271 0.245 0.178 0.175 0.170 0.161 0.148 0.0960 ~ 0.0953 0.0532 0.0940 0.0528 0.091 0.0522 0.0868 0.0809 0.421 0.378 0.311 ‘= 0.241 0.248 0.233 0.209 0.173 0.137 0.131 0.128 0.0687 | - 00681 0.0364 0.122 0.0667 0.0361 0.110 0.0637 0.0354 0.0915 0.0875 0.0338 0.348 0305 0.237 0.169 0.197 0.187 0. 0.164 0. 0. 0. 0.104 0.0839 - 102 0.0534 0.0280 '0966 0.0523 0.0277 (0847 0.0496 0.0272 1664 0.0436 0.0258 0.128 0.0926 6.3 Four-Layer Systems Sone solutions for a four-layer system, subject- ed to uniform vertical loading over a circular area, have been obtained by Verstraeten (1967). Contours of the major, intermediate and minor principal stresses and the maximum shear stress for a particular geometry and various modular ratios have been given. A brief examination of the influence of uniform hori- zontal loading on the radial stress has also been 6.4 Approximate Solutions for Multi Layer Systems 6.4.1 STEINBRENNER'S METHOD This method, first suggested by Steinbrenner (1934), enables the vertical surface displacement of a Joaded’ area to be estimated on the assumption that ‘the stress distribution within the layered systen is identical with the Boussinesq distribution for a ‘homogeneous semi-infinite mss. It was originally applied to the problem of a single layer underlain by a Tough rigid base, and for the case of 2 uniformly loaded rectangular area, the resulting spproximate influence factors for vertical surface displacement at the comer of the rectangle on a layer of depth are shown in Fig.6.19. The displacement at the corner is given as see G4) -B °, Tr, where I, = (I-v#)Py#(1-v-24)F2 B= shorter side of rectangle. | | eo a I + ¥IG.6.19 Factors ¥; and Fz for Steinbrenner approximate method of caleulating vertical displacement (Steinbrenner, 1934). Steinbrenner's method for a single layer may be extended to any number of layers as follows: for the vertical surface displacement of a rectangle on 7” layers: Mel (ysgy ~Iyi) _T, oe, = pa{ f eel pt, “ony #1 : z, se 6.5) where Ez, vj are the elastic para- neters of layer Jpg is the vertical displace- nent influence factor (Fig- 6.19) corresponding to a depth factor hi/B, where hg is the depth below the ground surface of the top of layer i. The method can be adapted to the calculation of displacements in dixections other than the vertical and for loadings other than vertical. Investigations of the accuracy of Steinbrenner's method have been made by Davis and Taylor (1962) and Poulos (1967), who concluded that, for a single layer underlain by a rough rigid base, the vertical displace- nent is underestinated by about 10% except for very thin layers for v=0.5, when this method overestimates the vertical displacement considerably. Davis and Taylor (1962) have also shown that Steinbrenner's method cannot accurately be applied to the calculation of the horizontal surface displacenent of a layer due to vertical loading or the vertical displacenent of a layer due to horizontal. surface APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS 163 loading. For horizontal displacement due to horizon- ‘tal loading the method gives reasonably accurate solutions. ‘Steinbrenner's approximation is most satisfactory for layered systens in which the modulus increases rather than decreases with depth. 6, PALMER AND BARDER'S METHOD For a general two-layer system, Palmer and Barber (1940) assume that the upper layer, of thick- ness h, modulus EZ, and vei, may be replaced by an equivalent thickness hg of lower layer material (aodulus Ez, vevz) as Follows: tay?) 3/2 ho =n (Ew s+ 6.6) ° Ba(I-v17) ‘The vertical surface displacement is then obtained by adding the vertical displacement of the equivalent layer between 2-0 and Zhe to the vertical dis- placement at a depth he ina semi-infinite mass. for the case of a circular footing two-layer system having vi=v2=0.5, the vertical displacement p; at depth he is 1.5 pa a= se G7) Balete EY] The displacement within. the upper layer, p2 is pr = 22 {Sea yy) ses 6.8) BL Re ‘The vertical surface displacement py=pitp2 p= ESP a Bay , E s a - 2) 4 By a [en Gyaye mm 2 s++ 6.9) Comparisons between the above approximate solut- ion and the correct solution given by Burmister (see Section 6.1) show excellent agreement. Palmer and Barber's method can be extended to multi-layer systens by repeated replaconent of over- lying layers by equivalent thicknesses of the lover- Bost material. 6.4.3 ODEMARK'S METHOD ‘This method, developed by Odemark (1949), may be used to estimate the vertical surface displacement of a three-layer elastic system in which vj=V2=V3= 0.8. For the centre of a uniformly loaded circle, the displacement pz is (refor to Fig.6.17) s+» (6.10) By t Poe = alfa -2y-—4 ot OY m = 0.9 7 and Fy = an equivalent modulus of elast- icity of the composite under- layer. The value of £1 is determined by solving the last equation iteratively. Fgq may then be determined. Ueshita and Meyerhof (1967) show that Odenark's nethod is in good agreement with rigorous analysis if Ey SA [| ssc normal stresses are as follows: ° gez/o Pap (a8 2) (19K2e? 90? (14kPe? psec? (2402) " we OD Larsete2) (2962) FIG.7.10 6, along axis of rigid ellipse 7.21) 2g2) we Pew pe? rep cree)" 5 cy ayy} ne? Re taRR?) ECT?) (140711 (7.22) (Schitinan and Aggarvala, 1961). Displacements are not evaluated by Schiffman and Aggarwala, but general expressions are given. Way (1940) gives explicit expressions for the horizontal surface displacenents inside and outside the ellipse. RIGID LORDED AREAS fy, 170 ze os 06 “pL_0 o_o 03 o« os 08 1 1 “A 2 2 ; aL Weed woe “ 4 5 | oe oS | e * 7 7 e A ° ° 9 © : o (a) (b) af, " Loy fe 088 “p1_o 01 oz 03_o4 05 08 LAA LF) : @50° 1 &E 297 2| fos 2 os, loss | Wee Li 2 Low = y / 030 A {/ SE | . ¢| ? 7 A | ° t ° a of ” " - ress on Sear-avererre was a Yow =O o ot oe Sioa es es os_oe 2 : 2 ; = 7 no yeoe ; nal ot “b ‘| : ; / ‘ : ; 7 7 o @ w wy he os ee eee : 2 : ; : : , 5 : : : 4 7 : © @ a7 a2 76 RIGID LOADED AREAS Infinite Strip on Finite Layer FIG.7.13, ‘The problen of a rough strip, on a finite layer underlain by a rough rigid base, and subjected to Stresses on Axia Unelined eecentrie loading, has been studied by a . Milovie et al (1970) using finite elenent analysis. The stresses oz 02 and <2, on the axis are expressed as Contact stresses a The contact stresses béneath the strip are a - Ee see (7.262) expressed as PB = Ex, ses (7-248) eg - 5% sos (7.266) a .P woke om 8-55 ws 0.269 ee cay a ses (7.286) ‘ca Bee Kom By coss see (7.278) where ° K, = K,yeoss +K,,siné+ $X,yoss ... (7.25a) = Ky coss see (7.270) - snée © Kym Kyypost sigpinds § Kaypood «4. (7-250) Haig oinbt Sty ons .. (7.279 = K,,yrostex,_psinde £ X_ poss... (7-25¢) 2 Values of these influence factors are shown in and tables 7.7 to 7.9. Kays Kye X, are influence factors for 92, aw “at “call Gand tag, due to the vert- ical component W of load P, x, Kins X, are influence factors due to the ee es tangential component 7, Kae Kap Xioy ° influence factors due to moment Maile, For h/B=1,2 and 3 and three values of v, the values of these influence factors are given in Tables 7.4 to 7.6. COEFFICIENTS x FOR ‘STRIP OW FINITE LAYER TABLE 7.4 Qtilovic et al, 1970) 7, Xe ee 0.45 1.5435 0.5272 -6.5658 0.0557 -0.4521 0.1351 0.1841 1.2563 -0.8578 70:35 110254 0.1788 “5.6486 0.0262 -0:1802 -0.0060 0.0755 1.0568. “1.3841 70125 019162 “010820 -2'2486 0.0172 “0l0869 0-168 0.0363 019420 -1-5228 70:15 0.8682 0.0568 1.2488 00125-00817 -0.0104 0.0172 0.8847 “1.5851 Zol0s 018489 “0.0106 “0.4028 0.0101 0.0126 -0.0027 0.0051 0.8600 -1-6065 w0-005 9,05 0.8489 0.0106 0.4024 0.0101 0.0126 0.0027 0.0051 0.8600 -1.6065. 0.15 0,8682 0.0368 1.2488 0.0125 0.0417 0.0104 0.0172 0.8847 -1.5831 0.25 0.9162 0.0820 2.2486 0.0172 0.0869 0.0168 0.0363 0.9420 -1.5228 0.35 1.0254 0.1788 5.6458 0.0252 0.1802 0.0060 0.0735 1.0568 “1.3841 0.45 05272 615688 0.0557 0.4521 -011351 011841 1.2863. 0.8578 “o.a5 1.4055 0.5529 -6.7504 0.4560 “1.8764 0.0577 1.2549 -0.8397 70138 10010 0.0817 “5.4908 0.5745 2026 0.0876 1.0500 0.25 0.9011 -0.0108 0.3567 0.8151 0.0309 0.9459. 70:35 018557 “0.0025 0.5459 7014620 0.0184 0.8910 Zolo5 08588 0/0017 0.5387 7012506 010061018673 w=0-300 9.05 0.3387 0.0175 0.1506 0.0061 0.8673 ous 0.5439 010569 014620 -0.0184 0.8910 0.25 0.5567 0.1113 078151 -0.0509 0.9459 0:55 01574 12026 20:0476 10600 014s 0.4360 Levee 20.0577 112548 70.45 1.5016 -0.2549 0.8455 73.8359 0.2007 1.a7ia To'ss 019178 “0.1995 016547 9297 0.1527 110629 20125 ols982 011195 0.6255 “ile74s 0/0886 019556 "0:15 018443 0.0659 016238 To:7898 0.0525 019159 Toles olases 0,0149 0.6231 Tol274s oL016s 018948 we0-450 9.05 0.8384 0.5801 0.6251 0.0295 0.2743 0.8948 O15 0.8443 iiss 016258 01127 0.7898 o:s159 0.25 0.8082 21289 016255011705 114746 019556 0.55 0.9178 5.0815 0.6547 015986 1.9297 10829, 0185 1.5016 TITS 0.8455 0.5569 5.8559 came 373 174 RIGID LOADED AREAS rane 7.5 conrercrains x rm Ba (wisovie et at, 1970) x, x Xan 7 =z Koy Kap ka Koy Kean Kear Kea 14259 0.7485 6.7512 0.146 0.4055 0.0810 -0.3470 1.3817 -0.7322 Kole “olga “Sigect GLsMt “o“tsed -oltane “olisge Taste “Wasa 0.8991 -0.1244 -2.1507 0.0316 -0.0640 -0.0484 -0.0841 0.9145: -1.5062 Oiaard gas “icdeey Oconee “oveson colests ocoigo Glace? -icseet Oveias “acoles -0LSei3 Olouas -tcooot -osoora -Ol0I33 018206 -Llelse y=0-005 0.8123 0.0185 0.3815 0.0195, 0.0091 0.0074 0.0133 0.8206 -1.6184 case Ocouas cise? Louse Olesne cones Ocous0 | Oceley seed Oisasr ewe 2isor Gloste Oloeto Ocoaee closer Grates -lLsoea Koos Glzag Sigoet Olostr G.1882 Oloass Octsae | Tosea “sess EMS Olous Goole ocine oles -olesio ocse70. S017 “0.7508 1.sst4 0.5708 6.9558 0.5552 -0.3380 -2.2374 -0.0n15 1.3689 -0.0041 Longa “octose “Sisaio Oleaso cocisit “i'suve “oleate 1oess “o‘atae carat Colosez “aose2 OLa73e “oleels “Olesis cocoon Glsiss “Ossie Octo00 “oloase “ictant o1sues na.osu8 -osezes voloma Ocetee W0"au2s Ochase : tae = toe c++ (7-308) where tan up = 2ugy £208 & ++ (7.300) Values of pp, py and gy are given in ‘Table 7.10. = “ou TABLE 7.10 * Qtitovic et al, COEFFICIENTS gps Woy AND oy $970) zB “or Pow. ou 1.0 1.2546 0.7900 2.8185 v=0.005, 2:0 1.6164 1.1959 2.9272 3.0 1.9778 1.5015 3.1253 1.0 1.4607 0.6684 2.7698 v=0.500 2.0 1.8527 1.0685 3.0127 3.0 2.2534 1.3523 3.1900 1.0 1.4908 0.4170 2.2435 v=0.4S0 2.0 1.8888 0.7618 2.6090 3.0 2.2246 0.9940 2.7486 178 RIGID LORDED AREAS 7.7 Circle on Finite Layer 7.7.1 SYYMETRICAL VERTICAL LOADING (Fig. 7.14) oe Po » F1G.7.14 Solutions for the contact pressure distribution for various values of f/a, obtained by Poulos (1968a), are shown in Fig.7.15 for v0.4, The influence of v is shown in Fig.7.16. 25 20| 0 2 oa % FIG.7.15 Effect of layer depth on contact pressure (0.4), FIG.7.16 Effect of v on contact pressure ven). Comparisons between the distribution of stress along the axis of a rigid and a miforaly loaded circle are shown in Fig.7.17 for o, and in Fig.7.18 for bulk stress 0. %/ Pee a 7 Ih A Yn / t) od S oly oe = $ V Ay / / +0! v Lt FIG.7.17 Vertical stress along axis. CIRCLE ON FINITE LAYER 179 7.7.2 MOMENT LOADING (ig.7.20) FIG.7.18 Bulk stress along axis. Influence factors for the vertical displacenent obtained by Poulos (19684), are given in Fig.7.19. Yegorov and Nichiporovich (1961) give the follon- ing approxinate solutions for rotation y and contact pressure distribution p: 2 ee y~ aw (7.31) 4a BE 2 oy E409 (2) “ pee ee wD ee v2 were 3=2a.+ Las +0 4 aeata, Oy Haya) o-| He “f Cs as ané_ay and ay are given in Table ol 4 *h. on TABLE 7.11 FACTORS FOR RIGID CIRCLE SUBJECTED TO MOMENT oe (Yegorov and Nichiporovich, 1961) ° ", a) a = a ee 0.25 4.23 2.33 F1G.7.19 Influence factoré for vertical displacenent oc on eat Gf rigid circle. 1s 110 -0.03 200 104 ° x0 tor ° 25.0 100 ° 180 7.8 Rectangle on Finite Layer 7.8.1 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING Solutions for the vertical displacement of 3 rigid rectangle on a finite layer with 2 smooth frictionless interface at the base, and for w=0.5, have been obtained by Sovinc (1969} and are shown in Fig.7.21. RIGID LOADED AREAS 7.9 Rigid Areas Embedded Within a Semi-infinite Mass 7.9.1 VERTICALLY LOADED CIRCLE For a rigid circle of radius a embedded a dis- tance ¢ below the surface of a semi-infinite mss, Butterfield and Banerjee (1971) have presented solut- ions for the vertical stress 0g below the centre and edge and the vertical displacement p,. _Solut- ions for cz are shown in Figs.7.23(a) and (b) for Ve0.5. In these figures, z is the distance below the circle. 0, is not greatly affected by v, decreasing slightly as V decreases. Solutions for Pg are shown in Fig.7.26. Sout ee a : Th po] fa 2 ogs-9— 2 Es = 3 ° ea a a tS t A F1G.7.21 vertical atsplacenent of rigid ectansle 4 iSovine, 1569). ’ 7.8.2 YOMENT LOADING Solutions obtained by Sovine (1969) for the tres rotation @ of a rigid rectangle, for v=0.5, are 04 6a on 04 Hom in Hg.7.22. a FF 1 2 OS ; : ° Ses vos 73 5 0 = ‘ ” 7, om os: 7 4 8 () 5 = 7.29. vertical stress bones rigia SS 10.1.32_ vention etree benenh emboated is * (a) beneath centre ) Beneath eoge 126.7.22, Rotation of rigid rectangle (Sovine, 1959. GBueeersield and Banerjee, 1971) ‘EMBEDDED AREAS 16x Yasar, ‘fea FIG.7.24 Vertical displacement of exbedded rigid circle (Butterfield and Banerjee, 1971). (b) Beneath comer FIG.7.25 Vertical stress beneath embedded rigid rectangle (Butterfield and Banerjee, 1971). / F100 on °. °. 7.9.2 VERTICALLY LOADED RECTANGLE Butteréield and Banerjee (1971) have given solut- é ions for ¢z and pz beneath the centre and corner ‘fl >19)4 2 of a rigid rectangle, ab, embedded c¢ below the ° surface. For values of a/b of 1/2 and 1/6, the 1 centre and corner is given in Figs.7.25 (a) & (b) and 7.26 (a) & (b). = is the distance below the rectangle. Butterfield and Banerjee give further solutions for fo = 1, 1/3 and 1/4. %e Solutions for vertical displacenent pz of the eh vectangle are shown in Fig.7.27. It should be noted a that the decrease in pz due to embeddment could oaon also be estinated by applying the results of Fox 2 (1948) (see Fig.4.3) to the surface displacenent of a surface rectangle (Fig.7.21). fey oz ow os os {a) Beneath centre (b) Beneath comer PIG.7.26 Vertical stress beneath embedded rigid = rectangle (Butterfield and Banerjee, 1971). 12 RIGID LOADED AREAS FIG.7.27 Vertical displacement of embedded rigid rectangle (Butterfield and Banerjee, 1971). 7.10 Approximations for Vertical Displacement of Rigid Areas It is well known (Fox,1948b) that the vertical displacement of a vertically loaded rigid area may be approximated by the mean vertical displacenent of 2 uniformly loaded flexible area of the same shape. The following approximations are quoted by Davis and Taylor (1962) for vertically loaded areas: Cirele ond Strip: Pnigia * *Poentre *e 4 este see (7.38) Chapter 8 STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN CROSS-ANISOTROPIC MEDIA 8.1 Concentrated Loading on a Semi- 8.1.1 VERTICAL SURFACE POINT LOAD (Fig.2.2) ‘This problom has beon solved by Koning (1957) and do Urena et al (1966). The notation of the latter paper will be used here, the stress-strain relation- ships being expressed as follows (the notation of Section 1.5 is shown in brackets below): o, = One, + ue, + ur, see (ola) 9, = ve, + One, + we, see (Bed) o, = we, tue, + pC, see Bele) =." eee Bald) ye ye _ Tez = zy ses (Bele) Ty = yy . ln) Fn where X= (= ab in Section 1.5) IM, r, Vyp?st FOB) aH = = fsa) (ary Covet F, a. ee (ne) 22 fyi £00 e (=d) y, Boe "nd By Eg? 4 ye Sa va) ary ply) @ (=f) a3 ‘The various clastic parameters aro defined in Section Ls. ‘The solutions are as follows: ~ o = —waeeD _, , tbs _ (8.28) ™ (x2ea2ay 7? (224920997? c= Dewars, Gaybrute 7 (otentay 2 (teste) 72 daz abe * + = se. (B.2b) r?(pt4n2B)® 2? (r?42*c)* ° yas _ Abs 7 ei (ren?B)* — 2P (ntestay® + —batwe__, , ubtwfo__ (vPextay/2 (tent) 3/2 (29 ses (B26) Ba-om — Seo-se a Et (rtes?B) 7? (2? 4020) 3/2 =~ oe ses (8.20) Ps (ran? By (r*a%C) = <2 + —,, see (8.26) “ rirten Bye v(rten*ey Lat pet) vivoro y= Ltndgeatuto) 4 /ABawde- ator)? da FoF ° = Btw p-ufwt0) oe 0 _ /tendpnatwron® _ Ma 00 ° ed (CROSS-ANISOTROPIC MASS B. (en200) YBte-200) 4t (2w#6) 8p(B-C) P (8-298) ¥O(8-200) > 48 (B0#8) 898-0) ce = 2 Vl8-200) 8 0908-0) ° 7 2-2 Lten200) 4% 8p(B-C) An indication of the influence of anistropy on the stress distribution is given in Fig.8.1 (Koning, 1957) which shows the distribution of oz for the isotropic case and two anisotropic cases- os ile ih ih WI : 8 i ag N on ea rr te %; h 9 cave we ee, a. a lo o& 0.67 (Gsotropie) > 2% 0.89 e 3 a i 1.28 FIG.8.1 Influence of anisotropy on vertical stress ue to point lead (Koning, 1957). Barden (1963) derived solutions to this problem based on earlier solutions by Michell (1900). However, as pointed out by Dooley (1964), Barden made the implicit assumption that the shear modulus for a pair of axes inclined at 45° to the zz-axes is the same as that in the direction of the 2 and z-axes. The validity of Barden's solutions is therefore limited. 8.1.2 VERTICAL SURFACE LINE LOAD (Fig.2.7) de Urena et al (1966) give the following solutions: ~ 2 1. 6, = 2 slabs es (8238) = BE y[- 2 +. 92 eve Rate ae ewe of. a + eve? | Bate * Bate) + C0) where B,C are defined in Section 81.1. 3 TANGENTIAL SURFACE LINE LOAD (Fig.2.9) de Urena et al (1966) give the following solutions: 5, eee (8.48) o, = 2Re[-; ses (8-40) = aRe[- a see Bode) = Fate * seB et 2-8 were B= oy (omr0) (WB-VE) and B and C are defined in Section 8.1.1. 8.2 Strip on Semi-Infinite Mass Gerrard and Harrison (1970a) have given complete solutions for the stress displacement and strain dis- tributions within the mass. This paper is reprinted in full as Appendix A. It contains solutions for the following cases: (a) uniform vertical pressure (b) uniform vertical displacement (©) linear vertical pressure (4) Linear vertical displacement (e) uniform lateral shear stress (€) uniform lateral shear displacement (g) linear lateral shear stress (h) linear lateral shear displacement. (CIRCLE ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS 185 8.3 Circle on Semi-Infinite Mass Gerrard and Harrison (1970b) have given complete solutions for the stress, displacenent and strain dis- ‘tributions within the mass. This paper is reprinted in full as Appendix B. It contains solutions for the following cases: (a) uniform vertical pressure (6) uniform vertical displacement (@) linear vertical pressure (@) linear vertical displacenent (2) linear radial shear stress (€) linear radial shear displacenent (g)__ linear torsional shear stress (h) linear torsional shear displacement G) miforn unidirectional shear stress G), uniform unidirectional shear displacenent. Some indication of the effects of anisotropy on the distribution of vertical stress and vertical dis- placement beneath a uniformly loaded circle is given by the results of Koning (1960), reproduced as Figs. A 1 a2 1/2 3/2 0.67 (Boussinesa) 8.2 to 8.4. Similar results for a rigid circle are = 2 afi ae ifs 0,89 shown in’Figs. 8.5 to 8.7. It should be noted that H the distribution of vertical contact stress in the latter case is unaffected by the anisotropy. 4 afte fe afo 1.28 FIG.8.3 Distributions of vertical displacement of surface (Koning, 1960), : — ; Bm: + 4 zg : Fon ‘we a 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 0.67 (Boussinesq) é 5 A Bo2 3/8 a/¥ 1/8 0,89 c in = 4, Wye he Y=, yy af 4 s/he a/e x/e 1.28 5, @ fw = 0 FIG.8.4 Mean displacement of circle (Koning, 1960). FIG.8.2 Vertical stress on axis of circle (Koning, 1960). 186 CROSS-ANISOTROPIC MASS O01 0203 oa os 06. A 1 i/2 1/2 1/2 0.67 (Boussinesq) Bo2 3/8 3/s 1/8 0.89 C4 afte s/s ifs 1.28 FIG.8.5 Vertical stress on axis beneath rigid Circle (Honing, 1960). 1/2 3/2 1/2 0.67 (Boussinesa) Ad Bo2 s/o s/w i/o 0.89 C4 ‘se a/e a/e 1.28 D4 afte xfs i/o 0.52 EV2 1/6 1/2 af 9.60 Fo1 We ae a 0.80 G 2 1/6 r/s s/s 0.90 HO4 afta tf ays 1,20 FIG.8.7 Vertical displacement of rigid circle . Le i a [| 002 04 O68 o8 TO 12 Ta +6 2 aR a Ay Brae yy yn ‘3 ¥1G.8.6. Vertical displacement of rigid cizcle (Koning, 1960). MULET-IAYER SYSTEMS 8.4 Loading on Multi-Layer Systems For general loading of an infinite strip or a circle on the surface of a half space consisting of any number of anisotropic layers, mathematical solut- ions, (without mmerical evaluation), for stresses and displacenents, are given by Gerrard and Harrison a7). 187 Uniterm, pressure pf nit "ares 8.4.1 VERTICAL UNIFORM LOADING ON STRIP Coot ‘This problem has been considered by Gerrard j (1967) who obtained a limited number of solutions teyer A | indicating the effect of anisotropy on the stress dis- 7 ‘tribution beneath the strip. The cases considered by i Gerrard are sumarised in Table 8.1. All cases involve one or two layers overlying a rough rigid base a «le at a total depth of 6b (see Fig.8.8). — ‘The complete pattern of stresses for Cases 2 and 77 3 are shown in Figs.8.9 and 8.10, indicating the own Rid Base effect of inserting a softer overlying layer in Case 5. PIG.8.8 The distributions of normal stress along the axis are: shown in Figs.8.11(a) to (c). TABLE 8.1 CASES CONSIDERED BY GERRARD (1967) Layer A layer B a, By (By) PROBLEM xo, oF 24 By Fa GEOMETRY LOADING z Bop NUMBER ums b>, AL y yu a ae ty By Yn “ww “oh EL BD ‘Mn Yaw Yon Plane Uniform 1 Strain Nomal 1 6- - 15 0.9 0.25 0.300.200 - - - = - Stress @) 2 . " 1 6 - = 5.0 1001 09 030 - + - = = 3 . * 2 2 4 1/4 1.5 0.9 0,25 0.30 0.20 , 3.0 1.0 0.1 0.9 0.3 4 . . 2 22 4 3.0 1.0 0.2 0.9 0.5 1.5 0.9 0.25 0.30 0.20 5 " " 1 6 = = 10 0.7 043 0.43 043 - - - - = (isotropic) (CROSS-ANISOTROPIC MASS z 3 22° 0.5 1 Ls 2 & 00.0|150.8 $0.0156.9_0.0|-16.8 0.0|-15.9 _0.0]-15.6 0-0}105-1 0,0/50-7 0.0|-1.7 0.0|-1.6 0.0|-1.4 Surface 3 1 75:817.0 47.1125.1_ 25.6]20.2 10.9[18.8 2.9/10.8 0] 68. 2-4 |43.9- 23.2]28.-2 15-2] 11- =315. 2 S2f-2.3 3.2 20.2|10.5 9.1/1.9 0-0188- [35.5 Seis 9-0]9-4 3 2.1 22.316.8_ 13.2/9.8 [5 0120.8 &. 4.8 22.0|7.4 14.919.5 oa|%e 7 3 =O] 8. - ozo F zal 5 2.7|20.5 28.7|10.8 20.911.3 15.112.3 0-0}25-3 5-024 sO]I9-9 | —$.8 14-7 figures given aro percentages of the 6 Msi e.2lis.2 1.61.6 Wectine wtees,'S Axis Fig. 8.9 Complete Stress Distribution for Case 2 (Gerrard, 1967). 2 270 os 1 LS 2 3 q 100.0|84.3 $0.0}29.2__ 0.0|-26.0_0.0|-19.5_0.0|-9.3 0151-1 0.0] 22. ores 6.5 —0.0|-4.9 —0-0]-265 SaRFaGe 96.1|24.7 89.6]19.8 $0.3]18.7 +S “0.0]35.0 12.731. 5 ]19.7 83.0|4.2 49.6/11.5 25.2|15.7 8.9]13.6 1 “0.0]26. 2117.7 Ye.3[10.9 8.5]6.. 6.8 45.6]1.5 37.7145 22.4|9.5_ 10.7[11.5 0-0]41-2 9.9] 34.5 ii-8]2i.1 “8-2|10.8 36.6]3.5 32.4|5.5 4 “O.0[s.5 ~8]23. 31.5110.8 0-0]23.5 si 28.8{11.5 5 0] je +0 ar 27.4|27.4 25.4 [25.4 92]e3 6 “Copare 4.8]25.4 Tle Axis ea] "yA “eB Fig. 8.10 Complete Stress Distribution for Case 3 (Gerrard, 1967). figures given are percentages of the loading stress, p a9 | MULPE-LAYER SYSTEKS “set ‘prezse0) woashs pexesey ovdorsoryue vo dyzas poprot AtexosTim (avowed syae Uo sosnesas TT°9‘OTE @ A o) he TBTOE TROT los TBR o-8 TeaROe TERT cee» Joe ERT gor Ly te, Gs 7 one Rr eC gg OCC 190 CROSS-ANISOTROPIC MASS 8.4.2 LOADING ON CIRCULAR AREA Gerrard (1967) has considered a limited number of cases involving uniform vertical stress and lin- early varying inward shear stress on the circular area. The cases considered are summarised in Table 8.2. All cases involve a single layer of depth 1.Sre(re=cirele radius) overlying mother layer (generally softer) of infinite depth. ‘The vertical and radial surface displacements are shown in Fig.8.12. The distributions of normal stress down the axis are shown in Fig.8.13. xf dioyer & © down ts. FIG.8.12 Surface deformation profiles for circle on layered anisotropic system (Gerrard, 1967). 3) FIG.8.13 Stresses on axis of circle on layered anisotropic systen (Gerrard, 1967). PARTICULAR CASES OF ANISOTROPY 2 TABLE 8.2 CASES CONSIDERED BY GERRARD (1967) Layer layer B PROBLEM No. OF Gy), GEOMETRY LOADING a &, F EF NUMBER LAYERS: Se) — J wy y, y, ah ys; yy ¥, Fag, gy “bY Yoh GEO Yn Mao Yon oF Uniform 6 — Axdsym- Normal «= 2—LSro@ 51.0 (0.8 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.0 0.9 0,25 0.35 0.175 metric Stress Csotropic) ) 7 " Liner 2 LSre® 5 1,0 0.8 0.25 0.25 0.25 " " om om om Shear (Gsotropic) Stress Cx 8 ” Uniform 2 LSme 5 5.0 1.0 02 09 03 " # m ow ow Normal : Stress () 9 " Liner 2 1Sme > S$ 3.0 10 0.2 0.9 0.3 " " w om om Shear Stress oe a 10, * Uniform 2 1.5ry © 1 1.0 0.8 0,25 0.25 0.25 1.0 0.8 0.25 0.25 0.25 Normal Gsotropic) (Gsotropic) Stress @) (ty , = (vy) (Sa, see (8.5b) . ‘eo x t I-y d-v2 1 8.5 Particular Cases of Anisotropy 8.5.1 REPEATED LAYER SYSTEMS B= (tow?) [GetEn , Hey vee (8.5¢) It can be shown that a mass of material consist- Ty? Ive ing of an altemating system of individually honogen- cous layers is equivalent to one homogeneous mass 0! z Ge), tb at cross-anisotropic material, provided the thickness of 7 i a- ri xa- rere the group of layers forming the repeated system is ‘0 1 Be n small € with the governing dimensions of the Diag problem being considered. The anisotropic elastic + ] aaa constants of the equivalent material in terms of the av, J, elastic constants and thicknesses of the individual layers are given by Salason (1968). Further trest- 5, ment is given by Kardle and Gerrard (1972). = wes 8-50) 2a) For the case of an isotropic two-layer repeated *e system, with a lsyer 1 of thickness fy and moduli Ei, Vand a layer 2 of thickness he and-moduli Li 2 2b) , a(t) wee 8.58) Ez, Vas _ the equivalent cross-anisotropic properties n 7 are as follows: = (ee, Bee Via +h} ‘ dav?” dev, Inv? Iv,” (8.5a) < ry were t= . inte 2192 (CROSS~ANISOTROPIC MASS 8.5.2 REINFORCED MATERIAL A special case of the repeated layer syst ‘that of only two repeated layers, one of which is very thin but has a high Young's modulus so that it forms a reinforcing sheet. _In terms of equations (8.5), if layer 2 is the reinforcing layer, the special case 4s obtained by putting t0 and B2+=, and letting +#82/Bi=X, which is in general a finite quantity (Harrison and Gerrard, 1972). The cross-anisotropic material equivalent to the material with the reinfore- ing layers has only four independent elastic constants Instead of the usual ive. 8.3. THE WESTERGAARD MATERIAL Westergaard (1938) considered the particular case in which the semi-infinite mass is assuned to be homo- geneous but reinforced internally such that no hori. zontal displacements can occur. Harrison and Gerrard (1972) show that this material is equivalent to a re- inforced naterial having X (Section 8.5.2) equal to infinity. The Westergaard material is equivalent to a cross-anisotropic material with only three independ- ent constants. The following solutions apply for 0: () Surface point load P (See Fig.2.2). -f 5 aE s+ (6.6) (Gi) Surface Line load p/umit Length, and of length y. For a point in plane of end of load, 7 a ae (ate?) (aPey?en? where n = 737388 27-v see BT) and v= V1, Poisson's ratio of ‘the material between the reinforcement. Influence factors for Gg due to point loading have been plotted by Harr (1966) while influence factors for oz due to line loading of finite length have been plotted by Fadun (1948). ° Influence factors for the vertical stress oz beneath the corner of a uniformly loaded rectangle (Fadua, 1948) are shown in Fig.8.14 for the case of v0. Tt should be noted that since lateral strains and displacenents are zero, the stresses on a horizontal Plane are fimetions of vertical displacement only, viz. 2(2-v)0 0p e010 Bee ses ofa) 1,7 0G see (BEB) = of see (8.80) where G is the shear modulus. ‘Thus, vertical displacement , may be obtained by direct integration of dz. 5 ¥IG.8.14 Vertical stress beneath comer of rectangle on Westergaard material (Fadun, 1948) Chapter 9 STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN A NON-HOMOGENEOUS ELASTIC MASS 9.1 Semi-infinite Mass with Linear Variation of Modulus 9.1.1 UNIFORM STRIP LOADING This problem has been solved by Gibson (1967) who considered an elastic half-space where Poisson's ratio remains constant but the shear nodulus G increases Limearly with depth as follows (Fig. 9.1): os) + OD) = G(0) + ms ‘Shear Modulus (2) FIG.9.2 193 ‘Two limiting cases may be recovered from the general expressions for v=0.5: G)_ m0 (Be) i.e. constant GaG(0) with depth. ‘This is the classical homogeneous case. (i) G(0)=0 (8-0), This is the case of a linear increase in @ with depth, starting from zero at the surface. : Considering the vertical displacement pz for each case, it is found that for case (i), the actual displacement is infinite (see Section 3.1), but the difference between the displacement of a point and the central surface displacement is finite, and equal to ob 22a (bee)? mearay HED) oo ESE 8 Bom PME, 2 tor OS 2,(0,0)-9, (2) = se 8.2) Values of (p,(0,0)-p,(a,3)) are plotted in Fig.9.2(a). For case (ii), the vertical displacement is now finite, and given by 9 = Ble + et] ... O09 Values of pz for this case are plotted in Fig. 9.2(b)- It is-noteworthy that the stresses are identical for both cases (i) and (ii) i.e. non-homogeneity has no influence on the stress distribution. This result suggests that stresses for finite values of 8 nay not differ appreciably from the values for the Liniting cases, provided v0.5. ‘An important conclusion reached from a study of case (ii) is that a material whose modulus varies linearly with depth from zero at the surface behaves as a "Winkler" material i.e. the vertical displacement at any point on the surface is directly proportional 194 to the intensity of vertical stress at that point. ‘This may clearly be seen from the curve for 2/b=0 in Fig.9.2(b). The coefficient of subgrade reaction ky in the Winkler material is related to nm as Kg=dm, It should be noted that the above conclusion is WON-HONOGENEOUS MASS The conclusion regarding the identical behaviour of an incompressible (v=0.5) mass whose modulus varies linearly with depth from zero at the surface, and a Winkler medium, renains valid for this type of loading and indeed, for any type of surface loading. eace’” SNe te =} a > : 4 3 £ bes oe a ee eee EA {Brown and Gibson, 1972). (a) Relative displacements of strip on uniform mass. V0.5. GoG(0). (b) Displacenent of strip-on mass with Linearly Ancreasing G. V=0.5. 6(0)*0. FYG.9.2 (Gibson, 1967) 9.1.2 UNIFORM LOADING OVER CIRCULAR AREA Profiles of vertical surface displacement in terms of the value at the contre have been obtained by Brown and Gibson (1972) for three values of v and are shown in Figs. 9.3 to 9.5. In these figures, » As the radial distance from the centre, a is the radius and @ is as defined in Fig. 9. ‘The variation of central surface vertical dis- placenent. pz(r=0) with B and v is shown in Fig. 9.6. FIG.9.4 Surface displacenent profiles for v#l/3 (Brown and Gibson, 1972). os. 10 0-25 0-80 O75 P = 1-0 Lament FIG.9.5 Surface displacement profiles for v=0 (Brown and Gibson, 1972), GENERALIZED BOUSSINESQ THEORY 195 ro ’ A gio V +0; $ % 8 a 5 20h 10" wh wt? ww? tt 0 % FIG.9.6 Central surface displacenent of circular ‘area. (Bow and Gibson, 1972). p = epplied pressure 2 = radius 9.2 Generalized Boussinesq Theory for Non-Homogeneous Semi-infinite Mass 9.2.1 VERTICAL POINT LOADING ON SURFACE Holl (1940) developed a general form of Boussinesq's classical equations, based on earlier solutions of Griffith (1929) and Frohlich (1935). The solutions for a vertical point loading (Fig. 2.2) are: + (B-day see 4b) see (Q.40) see (9-48) ‘The above solutions are valid for 22 and satisfy equilibrium and compatibility requirements for the following restricted class of material: a B= 5s see 9.5) where E> = modulus at unit depth dems aig, When n=, Xn0 and v=0.5, the above solutions reduce to the classical Boussinesq solutions for 0.5. When ned, Nal and v-i/3, the modulus Z varies linearly with depth. Thus, this case corresponds to that considered by Gibson (1967) (Section 9.1) except that Gibson considered 0.5. Provided the above restrictions on v and mod- ulus variation are observed the generalized Boussinesq solution may be used to study the stress distribution in a non-homogeneous mass for all types of surface loading. 9.2.2 HORIZONTAL POINT LOADING ON SURFACE Holl (1940) gives the following solutions (refer Fig. 9.7): = MnBIP 4, s"Ts sind cose ara (9.68) o, = BEEBE cog" 1y ointy coote +++ (.6b) ana? nlneB)P nz? a), = BOERP aoa" sin? sind cose v2 ons? tp = BEEBE cool sin®s 0278 see (9.62) yan? Tyg = MERE cos!™I sin? sind cos? . (9.68) ana? 200""15 sin cos8 ein® . (9.6c) ass (9.68) 196 NON-HONOGENEOUS MASS Note that the same restrictions on the relationship between modulus variation and v apply in this case as in the case of a vertical point load (section 9.2.1). 9.2.3 LINE LOADING ON SURFACE (Fig. 9.8) FIG. (@) Vertical Loading Bx aos"*y ses (8078) = 2x cos" sinty + (BT) ‘2 Taq = 2K cos" sing toa se+ (9-70) Values of K are tabulated in Table 9.1. (b) Horizontal Loading Ig = (n-2)k L cos" sind +++ (8.8a) 1g = (ne2)K L cos” * sindy see (9.86) Tyg = (re 2K Z cos 4p oin?y ses (9.80) Values of X are tabulated in Table 9.1 (sane as for vertical loading). TABLE 9.1 XK versus n (iolt, 1940) m3 4 5 6 7 8 eR SEB OB 7 th i 9.2.4 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING OVER CIRCULAR AREA Beneath the centre of a circle of radius a, loaded with a uniform surface stress p per unit go, = pit - cos] 5 + (99a) Bp 8 n o, = (1 - cos" "$o) - (1 - cose) Els . ae ls =e ton 3S Values of , are tabulated in Table 9.2 for ved and $. Holl (1940) also gives expressions for Og and G, due to parabolic vertical loading. where ¢ TABLE 9.2 GENERALISED BOUSSINESQ PROBLEM VALUES OF og/p BENEATH CENTRE Uniform Vertical Loading (after Harr, 1966) 2 Cinele Rectangle Infinite n 2 Radius Strip @ mt moms ml me o o£ 1 1 1 1 1 0.950 0.957 0.970 0.984 4 0-824 0.852 0.876 0.884 0.547 0.581 0.603 0.625 0.372 0.404 0.437 0.487 0.230 0.281 0.316 0.357 0.135 0.175 0.214 0.245 0.048 0.065 0.125 0.150 1 1 1 1 0.987 0.988 0.991 0.993 0.830 0.902 0.922 0.925 s 0.625 0.657 0.676 0.686 0.404 0.443 0.480 0.510 0.249 0.294 0.333 0.411 0.150 0.192 0.243 0.282 0.062 0.088 0.141 0.162 (Reproduced with permission of McGraw Hill Book Co.) GENERALIZED BOUSSINESQ THEORY 197 UNIFORM VERTICAL LOADING OVER RECTANGULAR AREA (ig. 9.9) 9.2.5 As (ate 2 Be we a2) (as bee 22/2 ¥16.9.9 Beneath the comer of the rectangle,for n=4, arctan & B see (9.100) 2 acter 2 oo ] B atct (9.100) bam. 2 ewes c++ (9-10) vee (9-108) Hol1 (1940) also quotes expressions for n values of § (homogeneous mass, see Chapter 3), 5,6,7 and 8. Values of 0, for nef and 5, given by Harr (1966), are reproduced in Table 9.2 for various values of mb/a, 9.2.6 UNIFORM HORIZONTAL LOADING OVER RECTANGULAR AREA (Fig. 9.10) Unitorm stress q/unit area. 26.9.0 For mf, fareten & - £(1 + -22) arctan 2 - -2°b2 ® eA ea? A Bate? «ee (9-Ha) vee (9-Le) Holl (1940) also quotes solutions for n=3 (homo- genous case,see Chapter 5) and n=5. ‘The values of tegy Tys and Oz for a horizontal Joading correspond to the values of Gz tay and Tag for a vertical loading, multiplied by the factor (r-2). 198 NON-HOMOGENEOUS MASS 9.3 Finite Layer with Linear Variation of Modulus (Fig. 9.11) ‘This problem has been considered by Gibson, Brown and Andrews (1971). Profiles of vertical surface @isplacenent due to uniforn strip loading are shown in Fig. 9.12 and due to uniform circular loading in Fig. 9.13, In both figures, G()=0 and vad.5. In ‘this case the vertical displacement of the loaded area is strictly uniform only when h/b or h/a==; as the layer thickness decreases, the non-unifornity of settlenent, inside and outside the loaded area, increases. “08 T % 30. glo os. x0) EN i +s -S 25 i a [so 7 y Ne i a eT -05; &e j = i : 0 2s eee 10 TI bistro) Fr "Giz)-Gioleme FIG.9.11 ¥IG.9.12 Surface displacement profiles @ue to uniform strip loading (Gibson et at, 1972). FIG.9.13 Surface displacenent profiles due to uniform circular loading (Gibson et al, 1971). Chapter 10 STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN EMBANKMENTS AND SLOPES 10.1 Embankment on Rough Rigid Base (Fig. 10.1) FIG.10.1 ‘This problem has beon studied by Clough and Wood- ward (1967) and Poulos, Booker and Ring (1972). Tt is important to distinguish between the classical def- inition of displacement, which is referred to a fixed datum, and assumes the enbanknent to be created instantaneously, and the displacement of a point in ‘the embankment which would be observed during incre- mescal coustractisn of the, wbeninens ‘These dis. cements are termed the “single-lift” and "observes Usplacenents respectively. Referring to Fig.10.1, for a.point Z, height 2 above the base of the embankment of height hh, the "single-lift™ displace- ment is denoted as p(2,h) and the "observed" dis- placenent as v(z,h). These displacements are related as follows: v(zsh) = pla,h) ~ plz,2) ves (0.1) where p(2,2) is the single-lift @isplacenent of the point 2 when the top of the embankment is at the level of 2, i.e. 2 above the base. 199 ‘Thus the observed displacements may be calculated from the "'single-1ift' displacenents for enbanknent heights of hand z and therefore in this section, all solutions for displacenents refer to the single- Life values. The stresses are unaffected by incre- mental construction. Stress and displacement contours for a 30° enbanknent having V=0.3 are shown in Figs.10.2 to 10.6, Five enbankment heights are considere Influence factors for the vertical displacenent fon the axis of the embankment are given in Figs.10.7 to 10.12, for three enbankment slopes (20,30 and 40*) and’ two Poisson's ratios (0.3 and 0.48). The relationship between displacenent influence Factor T and relative height of the point above the base,, 2/ll, are plotted for five values of relative embankment height h/#, where is the maximum possible height of the enbarkmont. The actual displacement is oth tp = rch ope where Y= se+ (10.2) unit weight of embankment naterial. ‘The observed settlement v(s/1,h/1) may be calculated from-equation (10.1). For a particular cabankmont (Fig.10.13), Clough and Woodward (1967) give contours of stress, displace- nent and strain factors. These are shown in Figs. 10.14 to 10,16. The effect of incremental construct- ion on displacements is shown in Fig.10.15; with incremental construction, the "observed" displacenents are zero at the top of the embanknent, whereas the single-lift" value of vertical displacement is a maximum at the top. Clough and Woodward also investigated the effects of departures in v and side slope from those of their "standard case". The results of this investig- ation are presented as multipliers for the stresses, strains and displacements for the standard case, and are shown in Fig-10.17. -EMBANKMENTS AND SLOPES H{ZL6T ‘Te 39 soTHOa) ErOnn ‘edoTE sapromn ‘odots coz *ex0qoes sav‘omn ‘tedors og *sx039¥3 tapromn ‘edots soy “sx03003 auousoeTasyp TeoTaTeA quoMUEqUE G°OT*DIE WuamoseTaETP TwOTAIeA queMUEqUE .BOT“DIZ —-uaMBOETAETP TeoTAZeA aueMUNGNE {“OT-OId ¥ 4 q ° e190 00 ro 20 oo 04 90 90 ro 20 _o 200 v0.0 90:0 ow RIGID BASE 800 ZI ENBANKMENTS AND SLOPES se-om *edot# = —sina cosy, 2(e0st,-c085¥,) cosa. Bc08"h, ein. Bain; where a = Stresses due to external loading: ©, = rola cost sintre cossind sins) "e ses Q0.4a) Gy = "40 (3a costs sinbto costed sinsp) ses (Q0-4b) Tyg = Pq0la sinb-b cosvte sins-d ooe5¥) +++ (0.4e) where a = —Si73 Jésimpycos*), b = oes Ieeosy,ein“hy e= 2 6c08*¥, a-—t Being ‘Side slope 0:1 (a+ «arctan 0) Unt Weight «Y For the specific case of an infinite slope with horizontal surface (Fig.10.41), Goodman and Brown (1963) obtained the following solutions, in terms of Cartesian coordinates: r = il oitte ta) (10%8 (or Dean ays? + a (wtas)in 22 —~ (s[343a") (ataa)* + aett-a'l) ein 2H weve c++ (10.58) INFINITE SLOPE 227 FIG.10.42 Vertical stresses in infinite slope (Goodman and Brovn, 1963). 32 "24 “+6 05 0 O08 24 320 7] FIG.10.43 Horizontal stresses in infinite slope (Goodman and Brown, 1963). Bi We IS OS OOS IS AE ea % FIG.10.44 Shear stresses in infinite slope (Goodman and Brom, 1963). 2 M46 08 20 (08 tO % 28 EMBANKXENTS AND SLOPES O, = ya - zl fata?) * (at Darat* est (oraz) = (wtaz)in >t (lina) 5 aztsta* ein (2 9¥ see (10.56) saa? fetta attr to (ot 2) (1t0*) (wtaz)® ee + (a1) (tas ein (2) tee s+ @0.5e) = —— 7 __{fvewas ter Z) aular 2) (83420) tetas) -04twalat rein? 3% ata? (has) (344% 4 sal D4 otas)® 2(14a2) > IA(4a*+2) 2(ata?) + auaatv1) in ZH (tae)? Oay)a? tn(a?42?) 4 slstaz) * att $2u(148a" 4A (5-1) ein . oS > see (0.54) = swe + Ot Sylar Liaw + (acdaPandas) + EH) (24402) 2(t+a?) + aulzeeaty) = Co42W3E ote? t ‘ata’ + (wtaayGa*45a°47)42ul2a*45a°45) 2(t4a?)? . ene yt + (Cady (aoe) atin etee*) Pea® aisrenievas)” yy test (ita) (tas)* (10.5e) where A, u are Lane's parameters ve (149) (1-20) Ae z we O° FT Dimensionless plots of the stresses for various values of slope a and dimensionless coordinates 2/z_ obtained by Goodman and Brown are shown in Figs. 10.42 to 10.44. Note that the stresses are independ- end of the elastic parameters. Goodman and Brown suggest that the above solutions nay be used to determine the stresses ina slope which is constructed incrementally. Referring to Fig.10.45, the overall stresses at a point after construction of a layer (2) on the top of the original slope (1) can be calculated, using coordinates (22,22) of © referred to the top of layer 2. The original stress- es at C can be calculated using coordinates (21,21) of C referred to the top of the original slope. The stresses due to the construction of layer 2 my then be obtained by subtraction of the original stresses from the final values. Using the above approach, the stresses (and hence the displacements) due to construction of a slope in any number of increments may be determined. Layers of different densities nay be considered also, although the resulting solutions will only be approx- imate as a variation of density implies avariation in moduli, and such @ variation vould in fact render the solution for a homogeneous slope invalid. Cooranates of C for orignal sopes(xy, 23) Cooranates of ¢ for frat contguration-(xg; 22) ‘ased Lover (2) *e | Orkinat sope (1) 4 4 FIG.10.45 Application of theory to incremental construction (Goodman and Brown, 1963). Chapter 11 STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS AROUND UNDERGROUND OPENINGS 11.1 Unlined Openings Tyg 2a - + heinze ves G13) 11.2.1 CIRCULAR TUNNEL IN AN INFINITE MASS Due to uniform horizontal loading p, per unit (Plane strain) | (Fig.11.1) . ~ Pe a Pe Ba® _ da’, a, = “Ba - 8) - “Br + BS - Shooto see GLA) Paty 4 yy Pee 4 32%) eta + Be FE + Sooe20 ... (11.5) TIT “. 2, . Sa 2295 ter Fa- + Be einzo s+. 1.6) It should be noted that the above solutions apply ‘to the plane stress problea of a plate with a circular hole as well as the plane strain problem of a tunnel. Pace ee leat eeeelcamacion rion eed Tn meee 2 fit aera Pinte ag eke FIG.11.2 ‘At any point, the vertical and horizontal stress components are calculated as follows: OyH0,, 6-0, op | 6p : + EF costo + x ,qein20 ... (11.72) A 2 cyt, oo, Due to uniform vertical loading pz per unit Oy ym Ty 008W = Tagine’ «-- (11-70) area, C= einzo ) Pee, aty Pay, wat de typ = -CEBoinze + t,go0020 (11.76 o, = E(t) + Str + Bl - 29 coos * B ° ee FER + eee ee . any Pe gt oy - 2 e+ - 20828 21.2) 230 mzenaroen oPsurvcs TALE 11.2 STRESSES ON AXES OF CIRCULAR TUNNEL (eseaghi and Richart, 1952) For pz=1.0, py=0 For pz=0, pa=l.0 For py=1.0, px=0.25 (ti=0. 25) ‘Mong sands ‘Along s-axis Along a-axis Along saxis Along a-axis Along sande (0) @a (0-0) eg (20) i) z a % > % eee 1.00 $0000 $000 So a a a Las ales on127 2.688 T0781 -0.002 “0.109 ovis 2.495 To Base olais 2.438 Zale sole12 “0!002 0.208 2.288 120 zon o1si8. 2.071 Zols76 “0067 octa2ovais 1.377 140 Tes ols7s eas TOliss 0209 “L276 Ocaoa 1612 170 1Ss3 01399 sss Tol007 91399 01332 Ovals Tussi 2.00 129 olze1 zis olosi 01859 0138601398 1-227 5.00 io oltes 1074 01087 9.778 01306 01338 1.083 0 1022 ol0ss i022 OLo18 0191712780288 1.027 TABLE 11.2 A CIRCULAR TUNNEL ALONG 2a (rerzaghi and Richart, 1952) 5 XD for vertical teed eniy 0 (ot.0, pz} ous 038 ozs 100 ise us 2.75 eer B. For horizontal load auae only : (ops Pypt.0) ose Pare Pat 0.78 100 Use . Uns o'Se8 25 oraee sor outst - @ C. For biaxial loading y a ons -ov01s 01399 (p,21.0, p_=0.25) 0.36 0.103 0.552 ose colzee er (iie0.25) 0.78 0.395 0.362 100 “ose “ost Use oars “lzr3 ins oleae “bias? 273 ur Olne o1s00 o.28s oli Ser io Olas “alot 7S o00 @ UNLIWED OPENINGS 232 50 «0 Feo 25 rol 20. ¥ 7a tH & Pe Ney 00] 20] E co 40) Pt by 20 ad 0 05 10 —~ 1S 20 25 30 35 40 . . FIG.11.3 Cixcumferential principal stress at surface of circular tunnel as function of (ferzaghi and Richart, 1952). FIG:11.2 Stress distribution around a circular tunel. ¥a0.25, (ferzaghi and Richart, 1952). The following expressions for displacements are quoted by Obert and Duval (1967) for combined uniform vertical and horizontal loading: = EG +2) z e, = {alp,yp,) + 2alp,rp,Jooe20} + (1,10) 2 % GN eatery .in2o} ee QL 232 UNDERGROUND OPENINGS CIRCULAR TUNNEL IN A SEMI-INFINITE MASS (Fig.11.4) U.L.2 FIG.11.4 Mindlin (1940) considered the above problem for three cases of applied loading: Case I: at depth z (remote from the tunnel), Py es Py =v i.e. isotropic gravitational pressure where v = unit weight of mass. Case IT: at depth = (renote from tunnel), Py = v Pye Im this case, there is no lateral deformation remote from the tunnel. Case IIT: at depth 2 (remote fron tunnel), Py = us P20 i.e. no lateral restraint of the mass ‘renote from the tunnel. The solutions obtained by Mindlin were in terms of bipolar coordinates a and §, which are related to the Cartesian = and 2 coordinates a8 follows: == Asin ser Q1s12ay cosha -cos8 a = —Asinia _ c++ 1.126) coeha - 088 where ; is the value of a correspond- ing to the boundary of the tunnel, @1.12¢) 2 = osha: case I On the circular boundary (ot), = BiAlcosiay= 2088)1_1-cosiea,0088 "Blaney ‘sini feoeies,-0068)7 (7289) 2088 5,03 = cotta, = #26 c08 i Civ) eink, 7 - 1 a, cosns} vs 15) mt where 2, = W,-ne™ = 227 (otnhmm cosh -nsinha costa) Mt sinh*na,-n*oinh*ay ‘The distribution of og around the tunnel is shown in Fig.11.5 for two values of ay. The variation of 9 at the highest point of the tunnel (a-a,,8-n) with the ratio c/a is shown in Fig.11.6. This figure shows that the disturbing influence of the upper free boundary is only effective if c/axt.5. Values of og around the tunnel are tabulated in Table 11,5 for three values of v. It should be noted that for v=0.5, Cases I and II are identical. Cases IT ond IIT For these cases, the solution for (glam, is obtained by adding the solution for Case I to the following expression: ‘WGA (cosha;~cos8) {Scotha,cscha, +6csch*a,cos8 + doinia, J 2 ,cosnt} + Gudtosata, m8 eee (1.18) (costr2eocha,cosaytoossy) - fn2-1)e7 where 2, = S,-an(n?-1J6 UNLIWED OPENINGS 233 oe 2 Watuaslot we 2 3 2 a A 4 ie Periphery 1] Periph or hele. 8 ot hole. e 2 taazo-4 @ae20 08, FIG.11.5 Tangential stress around tunnel (tindlin, 1940). Y 2 > aes ot -& FIG.11.6 Variation of tangential stress at highest point of tunnel vs. c/a (Hindlin, 1940). Case 1. = — RiP -1eintna: sink?na,-n?eink*a, ein i {2ittnsin® y Oc cothy-coel @ = for Case IT 6(1-v) og = h sor case 11. Ere r = 20) 0 —F 19S HH ° | fe - ar al aa se fa aa ae oo Eo = Ls ope olercore a ea FIG.11.7 Variation of tangential stress at highest point of tunnel vs. c/a. Cases II and III. (indlin, 1940). The variation of og/vD at the highest point of the tumel (a=, Be) ‘with c/a is shown in Fig 11.7. Values of og around the tunnel are tabulated in Table 11.4 for three values of v. UNDERGROUND OPENINGS 234 (Qtindlin, 1940) (CASE 1) VALUES OF a 40 60 80 100 120 140 «160180 20 Case I case I Case I and Case II VALUES OF @ (See Fig.11.5) CORRESPONDING TO 8 FOR POINTS ON CIRCUMFERENCE 10 06140160180 100 40 60 20 ols. a + DEEMED OPENINGS eae TABLE 11.4 fog), vawwes or 8-221 (cases 11 AND ITT) ve (iirdiin, 1940) 8 Ce re es a veo 0.2 -1.22 1.98 0.17 -0.34 -0.86 73.04 4.41 5.47 -5.07 01474122 185 "0.70 -0.20 s2!31 -a!40 -ala2 -a!s2 (case 110.6 1.25 fot {162 0163 2173-2193 -3173 -4!03 and 0.81.29 M7 ala 437 ssiat -3'sr “alas c), and vertical loading p, og = 2 28888 (eoshzavs-aBe™™c(i-e"*)) a + $20086 coshsatt-286"*-c(1-<"*9)] + Sett2Bsaeinnsatt-ooe26)+ 206°*%(2400028) +24) = 4Be"*e0828}} see GLA7) o = B (etnhteetnhga(z-coet8) = ce"?*(24000828} in? ~ A+ aBe*fooe28)) + TFB -caohte) = 1+ 2867 + C(2-677)] + Hooesi-coehza-ce” #04256" *3) ++ Continued UNLIWED OPENINGS 237 20 40 TET ox & on P= Nog Stress scale. FIG.11.10 Circumferential principal stress’ at Surface of elliptical tunnel (a/o=s). (erzaghi and Richart, 1952). FIG.11.9 Stresses about elliptical tunnel (a/c=) ‘in homogeneous stress fields (i=0.25). (Terzaghi and Richart, 1952), 0 50 T 40 40 i ome cs 20 u on = Bee NP FIG.11.11 Stresses about elliptical tunnel (a/c=2.0) in homogeneous stress fields (N=O.25). (Terzaghi and Richart, 1952). 238 UNDERGROUND OPENINGS + cosh2a- Ce™?]} see (1.18) S00 ostmnoase ence) + SREB (etnndutooehta 286% = O(1-e7**)} ~sink2a-ce™*®. + costB{sinhza-ce**2B6"22}] see @1.29) where A = -I-cosh2ae 3 et 2 = Jetteg @ c= 1+ eto and the distortion factor h is determined by WP = sinh*oteos*B. At any point of the surface of the elliptical hole, a is equal to ag, hence re 2 ocg28] ... (11.20) At the top of the hole, for which f=0, (ogl=-p, while on the 2-axis, 81/2 and se QL2) For Case b (a Bus Souds yo wwewou Buipueg SCout ‘492734 pus key) ADFIFaTXOTS snsxen UoTREUIO;OG 97*TT"OTE ae 201 o ‘ 0. we on ‘bua 12, vonouuaie9| Chapter 12 RAFT FOUNDATIONS 12.1 Strip Foundations on a Semi-infinite Mass 12.1.1 BEHAVIOUR IN TRANSVERSE DIRECTION (a) Snooth Strip Subjected to Uniform Presoure Borowicka (1939) has obtained solutions for the distribution of contact pressure p beneath a strip subjected to uniform pressure q. These solut- ions are shown in Fig.12.1. The relative stiffness X is defined as = Le) ie ey? wee (2.1) 6 (d-vp) Ee § where Zp,vp = elastic moduli of strip © strip thickness b = halé width of strip EgsVg = elastic moduli of mass. (©) Snooth Strip Subjected to Contral Tine Load Borowicka (1939) has obtained the solutions show in Fig.12.2 for the contact pressure distribut- ion p beneath the strip. PqyrP/2b where P is the line load per unit length, and X is defined in Equation (12.1). (©) Rough Strip Subjected to Untform Pressure Lee (1963) obtained solutions for the contact normal and shear stresses and the bending moments and the shear forces within the strip. For Vg of the soil =0, the contact normal stresses are shown in Fig.12.3, contact shear stresses in Fig.12.4, distrib- tutions of bending moment in Fig.12.5, and distributions of shearing force in Fig.12.6. Ta these figures the relative stiffness X is defined as 2, A x f (a-v,)8,p' a2.) 249 were Epstp, = the, siectie.Sidald of #3/12 = Ip = monent of inertia of strip %e = Young's modulus of soil b = halg-width of strip. ‘The variation of maximm shearing force, maximm bending moment and maximm differential settienent with Eis shown in Figs.12.7, 12.8 and 12.9 respectively. It should be noted that if vp=0.5, the. solutions for a rough strip are identical with those for a sooth strip. zol ° FIG.12.1 Contact pressure distribution beneath uniformly loaded smooth strip (Borowicka, 1939). 250 RAPT FOUNDATIONS 1. 4 OM FIG.12.2 Contact pressure distribution beneath ‘smooth strip with line load (Borowicka,1939). 3 — 002 04 06 08 10 % FIG,12.3 Vertical contact stress beneath uniformly Jeaded rough strip (Lee, 1963). pamched 2°5 Rough strip “ eoincigoe Smooth strip Fo Contact shear stress beneath uniformly loaded rough strip (Lee, 1963). FIG.12, oor 002 003 Mg? 0s os; kes Ns os 007 008 04 06 OB FO % FIG.12.5 Bending moments in uniformly loaded rough strip (Lee, 1963). STRIP FOUNDATION ON SEMI-INFINITE MASS 252 one ° TTT 26 tor Kaw 02 ae Sree | | : = ae id Rough ¥,=0 0-092 for K— > 0-06 o-o8 Momerye [eT % coe os one — y ove Ona ° oe 04 06 O68 «10 2) 4 x a ¥10.12.8 Maximum bending moment in uniformly loaded oe FO strip (Lee, 1963). FIG.12.6 Shear force in unifornly leaded rough strip. V,n0. (Lee, 1963). onze: - ‘Smooth 0-210 fork: (or rough with v=) 020 oy one, | os, im Rough 0-140 for Knee 10 A \ 2 o-08 7 ) oS cos. [ 002 O06 08 +0 42 s 7 04: PIG.12.9 Maximum differential deflection in ‘miformly loaded rough strip. V,~0. (Lee,1963). 0 02 o« 06 O08 WO 12 K PIG.12.7 Maximum shear force in uniformly loaded strip (ee, 1963). 252 ‘AFT FOUNDATIONS 12.1.2. BEHAVIOUR IN LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION (@) Vertical and Moment Infinite Strip (Fig.12.10) Biot (1937) obtained a solution for the maximum bending moment beneath an infinitely long smooth strip loaded by a concentrated load. Vesie (1961) extended Biot's work and obtained the following solut- ions for deflection, rotation,monent, shear and press- ure, for both vertical loading and for nonent loading. Concentrated Loading: Bet Deflection 9 = FO sez) flection 9 = Pe! Sere ee tment = Baale) Shear v Presoure p Moment Loading: Deflection 9 = hp dulz) Stope 6 a went ow = Hata) Shear v= -2ae om Presmme p= He ds(x) In the above equations, 2) Fel yin Ey e = [ots see 2.3) 2.4) see (02.5) (12.6) se 02.7) se (2.8) (az.8) ses 42.9) se (12.10) see 2.11) see (2.12) see (22.13) = 7.00 assuming constant reaction pressure across width of strip or 1.000.5, the displacement due to the pile, is within #3t of the value due to a point load P acting on the axis at a distance 21/3 below the surface. 100 +0 Oe gEly Ye] wos 200 [200 | = | —- Rese} : = WZ) (0 T _— Uae 1 10 os rm i a * 1 oF 0 70 10 « FIG.13-12 Displacement influence factors for 28 compressible floating pile (Mattes and Se Poulos, 1969). ° = 300555 1 © ‘wo p00 10000 Wao FIG.13.10 Effect of plle compressibility on load transferred to pile base (Mattes and Poulos, 1968). oF oF oF FIG.13.11, Top and tip displacements of compressible floating pile (lattes and Poulos, 1969). lygres 4105 o< 03 02 of 0 Un FIG.13.13 Effect of finite layer depth on pile Alaplacenent (Mattes and Poulos, 1969) SINGLE COMPRESSIBLE PILE *ooTex ‘00T = P/I teTHd oF ‘o00Tsx ‘oot = P/1 ‘eTTd 03 ‘o000z= ‘Oot = P/T “erTd 09 ‘onp auowsoetdsyp 303 sx030°g STC “O1d enp queueoetdeyp 103 s1039ed STET“DTa onp auousoetdeyp 30 axo30%d HT*ET “DI % 4 Y n y ” % oso t tz oso b st 2 oF 1 HZ to wo $0 r0 80 20 40 0.5.0 $0 ho £0 20 10 0, 10.0 soo cH s0.0 0 =I =| 0 £ T 4 2 % u 4 SSE) eles so Tso eso ‘ F ‘ % 001 Ya (000 +1 08 = coo x. 208% coo : 001 = Py, j 01 = coy os lo. on AXIALLY LOADED PILES 274 sOoTed ‘Sz = P/T “OTT OF onp aueweaetdsyp 307 Sx0}00, GT" ET “DIE ” *00oTex _'s¢ = P/T *eTtd 03 ‘onp juewsoeTdsyp 203 sx033eg GTET“OLa *oooozey ‘sz = v/7 torTd 09 ‘onp auawsoeTdsyp 103 8203002 | LT*ET‘OTa ” “ ” % % oso tt 2 oso 1 we oso 4 oe $0 r0 60 20 0 0,,, go v0 £0 20 10 0,44 So 0 £0 20 © 99 00 0.0 0.0 SSI 10 “0 === ct 5 = Fr 4 Te | 4 a ' = 2. ' = 2 7 leit = Se Fa z eet co iss ieei-—| *° 7 oR! | \ M % oot ‘oor= looooa= w sok a [=] so-n a B0°% 7 <2-P%, 2% se o o o 275 SINGLE COMPRESSIBLE PILE *OOTsX ‘OT = P/T ‘8TTd 07 *O0OT=X {OT = P/T “®TTA OF *o000z=x ‘OT = P/T *eTTd oF onp aususoetdeyp 303 sxoi2vd 72"ET “OTE onp quoneoetdsyp 303 sx0q0eg Te"eT “OTE fonp auaweoetdeyp 103 sx030"E OZ" ETOTa ” y, ” % ca Yy Oo SO t St * oO sot oH 2 0 oso rm Z i : Zo v0 0 20 10 0, $0 0 £0 20 10 O05 So n0 £0 2010 044, 10.0 [ L{—~ t soo + 200 = = 1.0 = f +0. i m a 4 f — | ot = es EI eo == ez] °° N=, ‘ Tt MIS 4 omen 001" | mt son's corm }—| sovn A Or 7 1% 8 oy =F 7 7 o AXIALLY LOADED PILES 276 ts = P/T toOrTd 09 cote "5 = b/1 “ort 02 soootet 5 = p/1 “orrd 03 soonoze ae hee a eee snp auewsoetdsyp 303 8202984. 7"ET“OTE onp ausweseTdstp oy s303982 €2°CTOTE 4 “ “” % © 20 0 8080 1 © 20 P0808 * 25 90 90 20 0, {2090 020 0,44 E 00 277 SINGLE COMPRESSIBLE PILE *OOT 2X ‘T= P/T ‘eTtd oo *OOT ZX 12 = P/T “OT TA oF ‘emp SusmeoeTdstp 30g SI039NZ Lz*ET “OTE enp 3umMecETdsyp 205 STINE 9Z*ET “OIE ” Y% n uw o4 © 20 109080 | © 70700089 | 6090 n0 20 0 £0 St i e020 voz0 0 it Uy soo soo n ez! 1 1 + - iI i-0 7 Pye “ Ne 1 | Ae i so cores Pe oth rs Beh r CI —— Tow 278 AXIALLY LOADED PILES 13.3 Single Compressible End-Bearing Pile ‘This problem has been considered by Poulos and Mattes (19698). For a rigid bearing layer, the distribution of axial load within the pile with depth is shown in Fig.15.28 while the proportion of load transferred to the pile base is shown in Fig.13.29. The displacement of the top of the pile is shown in Fig.13.30. ae 02 04 06 (08 +0 Loot in Pie /P FIG,13.28 Load distribution in end-bearing pile. 3 yr05 3 Proportion of Lood Transferred to ase z = 5 i I | FIG.13.29 Proportion of load transferred to base of end-bearing pile. 76000 FIG.13.30 Displacement at top of end-bearing pile. 13.4 Negative Frictior Bearing Pile This problem has been considered by Poulos and Mattes (1969). a Single End- For a layer underlain by a rigid base which is subject to a vertical displacement which varies linearly from Sj at the surface to zero at the base (z=L). Influence factors for the maximum load Py induced in a pile (at the tip) are shown in Fig.15.31. Distributions of load along the pile are shown in Fig.13.32. or bith FIG.13,31 Influence factors for downdrag load at pile tip. FLOATING PILE GROUPS : oe Lyge2s i % Ke TAY = 2 0001 = fel 1S oe \_\ FIG.13.32 Distribution of downdrag load along pile. FIG.13.33 Interaction factors for two incompressible piles in a finite layer. oe f. 279 13.5 Floating Pile Groups 13.5.1 INTERACTION BETWEEN TWO IDENTICAL PILES ‘The increase in vertical displacement of a pile due to an adjacent identical pile has been considered by Poulos (1968c) and Poulos and Mattes (1971b) in ‘terms of an interaction factor a where a = ratio of increase in displacenent due to adjacent pile to displacenent of single pile only. ‘The variation of a with centre-to-centre pile spacing 3/d is shown in Fig.15.33 for two incompress- ible piles ina finite layer. An example of the effect of Ye on a is show in Fig.13.34. Curves of a ve.s/d for two compressible piles in a seni- infinite mass having Vo-0.5 are shown in Figs. 15.35 (a) to (c) three values of 1/d. For compressible piles with a rigid circular cap resting on the surface, interaction curves are given by Davis and Poulos (1972). =T | vik bet +28 wos: = 02 01 01 0050 % FIG.13.34 Effect of V, on interaction factors for two floating piles in a semi-infinite mass. 260 19 os os on oe os o« AXIALLY LOADED PILES o2 ‘ Taro A. | woveg or « nest NS SL 1000 "05 | rs ° ‘ a3 i O15 OF 00s % % essed ot are RY Ny |e So === | ~ a | | ——_] Teas ; 2 0% 01 005 % (t/a = 10 @) La = 25 (©) 1/4 = 100 FIG.13.35 Interaction factors for two floating piles ina ‘semi-infinite mass. PILE cRouPs 281 13.5.2 ANALYSIS OF GENERAL PILE GROUPS ‘The two-pile interaction factors in Figs.13.33 and 13.34 may be used to analyze the displacement and load distribution in any general pile group by using the principle of superposition, which has been found to apply closely for pile groups. For any pile ¢ ina group of x piles, the Gisplacenent is ses 5.3) 1 = displacement of single pile under unit load @,; = interaction factor for spacing between piles 2 and § load in pile j. I£ the above equation is written for all the piles in the group, and use is made of the equilib- ‘rium equation } =J ep, vee (03.4) om where Pg = total group load, the resulting equations may be solved for two limiting (4) equal displacement of all piles. This corresponds t0 a rigid pile cap, and the distribution of load and the unigorm dis- Placenent of the group may be computed. (Gi) equal toad in all piles. This corresponds to a unifornly-loaded flexible pile cap, and the distribution of displacement in the group nay be computed. ‘Typical solutions for the settlenent and load distribution in various pile groups are given by Poulos (1968c) and Poulos and Mattes (1971b). Similar solutions for pile groups having a pile cap resting on the surface are given by Davis and Poulos (1972). aa 13.6 End-Bearing Pile Groups For two identical piles resting on a rigid base, interaction factors a are plotted against centre-to- centre spacing in Figs. 13.36(a) to (c). As for floating pile groups, superposition my be used to analyze any general pile group. Typical solutions for the displacesent of load distribution within groups of end-bearing piles are presented by Poulos and Mattes(1971b) . 282 AXIALLY LOADED PILES +0 oe L Tar @ ya=10 ~ od Te | wero ost pasar ) t/a = 25 2s o2 os or 005 0 % 10 of [LN fever & Tsi00 SS ros “RN (©) 1/4 = 100 a [SS ona fp s00 OS | foo 0? or °° 2s 62 01 of 0080 ve % FIG.13.26 Interaction factors for tvo end-bearing piles ‘resting on a rigid bearing stratum. Chapter 14 PILES SUBJECTED TO LATERAL LOAD 14.1 Single Floating Pile This problem has been considered by Poulos (as7ia). 7 Influence factors for the displacement and rotat- ion at the top of a pile in a uniform semi-infinite elastic mass are given in Figs.14.2 to 14.5 for two cases: G) 2 free-head pile i.e. free rotation at the top, (i) a fixed-head pile i.e. no rotation atthe pile top. 73 AND MOMENT For the free-head: pile, the horizontal displace- ment p at the pile top is given as Ig “+r, p= pH ap OM Bar wee (4-1) where Ipy and Ipy are plotted in Figs.19.2 and 14.3 against Kp, where Xg= pile flexibility. factor see (14.2) Eplp = pile stiginess Bg = soil modulus. The rotation @ at the top of a free-head pile Mu 8 = Igy met ty S ses 04.3) a pe Tews Bl Ei where Igy is plotted against Xp in Fig. 14.5 Tox = Ipy (Fig.14.3). For a fixed-head pile, the displacenent at the pile top is a = Ip . (14.4) o = tea a4.4) where Ipp is plotted against, PF in Fig.14. * In Figs. 14.2 to 14.5, v of the soil is 0.5. ‘This parameter has a relatively small effect on ‘the displacement and rotation factors. 204 LATERALLY LOADED PILES eT “et = F 7 vouns of =a tw % es st 3 = Tow a i S eb os 7 1 ‘ | we WF it OF OF WT 10 we 105 10° 0? 0? 10 1 10 me me FIG.14.2 Influence factor Ipy for free-head pile FIG.1 3 Influence factors Ig, and Ip, for free- head pile. C3 iS 10 10) ‘oe? 107 10? 10? Ke FIG.14.4 Influence factor 1 14.4 Inf actor Top a) for fixed-head pile. We 10> 10" 3 Tt KR FIG.14.5 Influence factor Igy for free-head pile. 285 SINGLE FLOATING PILE \ Por) FOWORLOH - ng Pos PExIA (O) ° sort see 2 0 0 z-0 ‘rug , wowors Pig poPH ve4y 0+ ta z+ 8 WOE —GOF ale + seortd popeor Atrezsavt Busts suoyanqpxeyp emesexd TeaveZTIOY TwOTAAL 9°ht "OL , 71 o-t e-0 na pont s0us-Au0, poor nortan (2) loo comm 10-088y 0 87 thnk d 20 Doi ow BoE BOE Bok 0 Bor 0? 4 aw on oa f | f 8-0 440 poor eworueH! (0) o-0 a +0 0 ° OF 206 IATERALLY LOADED PILES 14.1.2 HORIZONTAL STRESS DISTRIBUTION ‘Typical horizontal pressure distributions are given in Figs.14.6(a) to (a). 14.1.3 MOMENTS IN PILE Typical moment distributions along a free-head pile are shom in Fig.14.7 and along a fixed-heed pile = in Fig.14.8. i o-4| ‘The maximum moment in a free-head pile subject to horizontal load only is plotted against xq in Fig.14.9. For a pile subjected to moment only, the maximm moment always occurs at the pile top. ‘The variation with xp of fixing moment at the 10 top of a fixed-head pile is shown in Fig.14.10. FIG.14.8 ‘Typical noment distributions along a fixed- ‘head @ ) eos W205 head pile. pile subjected subjected FIG.14.7 Typical moment distributions along a free to horizontal load only ‘to moment only. ‘TIP-RESTRAIVED. PILES 287 ong; ona} o oo aC 0-08 °. Meximurn Moment in | Froa hood Pile Horizontal Load Only o-oe} e205 ° Pe PG FIG.14.9 Maximum moment along a free-head pile Subjected to horizontal load only. 14.2 Tip-Restrained Piles For a pile whose tip rests on a rigid base and does not move horizontally, influence factors for the displacements and rotation at the top of the pile are given in Figs.14.11 to 14.14. The actual displace- nents and rotations are again given by equations (4.1) to (14.4). Two boundary conditions at the top of the pile, free-head and fixed-head, and two boundary conditions at the pile tip, a pinned tip (no displacenent, free rotation) and a fixed tip (no dis- placement, no rotation) are considered. These figures show that the tip boundary condition does not influence displacement or rotation unless Xp@>10">. For fixed head piles, the fixing moment at the pile head is shown in Fig.14.15. For fixed tip piles, the fixing moment at the pile tip is shown in Fig.14.16 for applied horizontal load and in Fig.14.17 for applied monent. For free-head piles, the maximum moment in the pile is plotted against “Zy in Fig.14.18. The force at the tip is shown in Fig.14.19 for free-head piles and in Fig.14,20 for fixed head piles. wr05 i -0'5}-— Fixing moment ot hasd of ‘adeneed ple -oal I My -03 oes of $ a) -0-2| 0. Le 9 Ea? Pe 0 Kn FIG.14.10 Fixing moment at head of a fixed-head pile. IATERALLY LOADED PILES 1000 288 10] OE IE ao 1? GF tC Ke FIG.14.11 Influence factor 1, for free-head pile. ¥1G.14.12 Influence factors I,, and Tg, for free-head pile. on . 1 10 16® 10° 10% 10° 10° 16° Kp ¥IG.14.14 Influence factor Ip. for free-head pile. ong FIG.14.13 Influence factor Ipf for fixedsead pile. “0 ‘TIP-RESTRATNED PILES 209 0 BS FIG.14.15 Fixing moment at head of fixod-head pile. ¥IG.14.16 Fixing moment at tip due to horizontal load only. oe WO GF 0 1 10 Kp. FIG.14.17 ‘Fixing moment at tip due to applied ‘oment only. 290 IATBRALLY LOADED PILES ont 100/|fo Ce PF 1 0 +9) ee * 10 Ke ) ) FIG.14.18 Maximum moment in free-head pile subjected FIG.14.19 Tip force for free-head piles. ‘to horizontal load only. +o — Frrea-neod, Fixes -—- Fixed-reod, Piet. os} + ao # -0-5| -r0) 1 ee tO FIG.14.20 ‘Tip force for fixed-head piles. ‘PILE GROUPS: 291 14.3 Pile Groups 14.3.1 INTERACTION BETWEEN TWO IDENTICAL PILES (Fig.14.21) This problen has been considered by Poulos (@971b). _ Increases in displacenent and rotation of the top of a pile due to the presence of an identical adjacent pile can be, as with axially-loaded piles expressed in terns of an interaction factor a where @ = ratio of increase in displacenent (or rotation) due to the adjacent pile to the displacement (or rotation) of a single pile. Five interaction factors are considered: Gag = interaction factor for displacement due to horizontal load only Gy = interaction factor for displacenent due to ‘moment only = interaction factor for rotation due to on horizontal load only (py = Gy) interaction factor for rotation due to oment only Say (the above factors apply to free-head piles) yy = interaction factor for displacement of fixed-head piles. ~ Values of digy and app are plotted against dimensionless piie specing #/d in Fags. 14.22 to 14.37 for various values of Ky and L/d. Interaction factors are plotted for values of 6 (angle between the line of the piles and the direction of Loading ) of 0° and 90°. For other values of 8, it 4s susticiently accurate to interpolate linearly between the curves for 0° and 90°~ 14.5.2, ANALYSIS OF GENERAL PILE GROUPS As with floating axially-loaded pile groups (Section 15.5.2), the principle of superposition may be used together with the two-pile interaction factors to compute the loads and displacenent within the group for the cases of equal displacenent of all piles, or equal loads in all piles. The horizontal displacenent of a pile ¢ ina group of piles is given (for the case of free- head piles) by: k 5 = By UL Hy Ooms #8) wa + By (1 My ayes # Mi) w (2, Ma Sones * Me wa see 4.5) where a; = horizontal load in pile j = value of tig for spacing ind value of” 8. between piles fond jf “putd By = horizontal novenent of Biagle pile aie co unit applied horizontal load ‘= moment in pile J = values of gy for spac- ing and values of 8 between piles ¢ and 7 = horizontal movement of single pile due to unit applied moment. Pu A similar expression may be written for ‘the rot- ation of pile ¢, or for the displacenent of pile 7 for a group of fixed-head piles. Application of the above equation to all piles in the group, together with the equilibriut equations enable solutions to be obtained from the load and noent distributions and the displacement and rotation ‘of a group for the equal displacenent case, or for the displacement and rotation distributions in’a group for the equal load (and moment) case. For moment loading the effect of the axial pile loads must be considered. ‘Typical solutions for the displacenent of a fixed-head group of piles, for the equal displacement case, are given by Poulos’ (1971b). 292 TATERALLY LOADED PILES +0 " oO james oT Ne pn on re Ae “TAS o-s| 2 SN oO: = 7 + F16.14.22 interaction factor 6 panes +0 0 oF Wr0s oe 7 Wy 0-5 Vatuas of —s: oe Boo 0-8 ne = o == 8-90 —B + 90° : f jones or & rn) oe} } 20 . KI 2 0-3) ~ 0-3} = Ms = IN ov] o-3| Pow S > | r = on ft. 4 2s a + 2.3 4 & 3 2 om 01,008 0 $ G2 om o1 O08 0 FIG.14.25 Interaction factor Gy m2 10 PILE onowes 19 Eo o- os ° oe on : 0-7 ot 10 os Sou Sou to tol ou @ o oH. oa on on a ae = on ws => oT a °6 32 01 01 005 0 a 82 045 04 005 0 + : 4 FIG.I4,26 inggraction £4ctors py aNd ogy, rieaas0_ mteracton ttre ty Ot So, 1-0 +9 o wos ox on t Boot °: Tp tot 0 + o on od Su © 04 fm oI oon . ° Gon ona os og or o-| on on ° G2 015 01 005 0 FIG.14.27 Interaction factors G., and dy, R710 2 0% 01 os Oo FIG.14,29 Interaction factors Oj, and Gaye Ko 10 293 204 EATERALLY LOADED PILES 1-0 19 CCL W105 —3 +o" ——p+90° Kat pe 214.32 faction factor 4, FIG.14.32 Inter: tor One RT Od ¥IG.14.33 Interaction factor, R710? 720 FIG.14.31 Interaction factor ¢, 19) 3 Interaction factor Gp Rr? FIG.14.36 Interaction factor Oy, RT Od 19) 05 0-9) %s05 = B90" gs 10" pe O15 04 0-05 FIG.14.35 Interaction factor py X10 ° FIG.14.37 Interaction factor Gy R710 295 296 14.4 Battered Piles This problem has been considered by Poulos and Madhav (1971). For normal batter angles, it is found that the axial displacement due to the axial component of load on a battered pile are almost identical with the vertical displacements due to ver- tical load on a vertical pile (Chapter 13). Similar- ly, the normal displacenent due to the normal compon- ent of load on a battered pile may be taken as approx- imately equal to the horizontal displacenent due to horizontal load on a vertical pile (Sections 14.1 and 14.2). If the simplifying assumption is nade that the normal load has a negligible effect on axial displace- nent and that the axial load has a negligible effect on normal displacenent, the following expressions may be derived for the vertical and horizontal displacesents and the rotation of a battered pile subjected to a vertical load V, a horizontal load # and a monent M at the surface of the mass: Vertical displacement: «gt x by = EE ayy tig t Bay) 08.6) where Iyy = 1,600°Y = Iyy sinty Tyg = (I,pTpg)siny cosy Ly = Tyeid Horizontal displacement of free-head pile: = PAM y t Bg tty} od.) a where I, = (ZorTgsiny cosy pPinW + py cosy Tig = Tay cost Rotation of free-head pile: Tyg ®t, 1 1 1 gM re B= pplnny tery Bay... ass) where Ify = Tgq sim Thy = gq cov Thy = Toy LATERALLY LOADED PILES Bortzontal dteplacement of fixed-head pile: Pap = Eptyy + BeZpq} s+ (4.9) where Ipy = (I ~Z,p)einv coop Tyg = T,pin*yr I,pc087y In equations (14.6) to (14.9) ¥ = angle of batter of pile fron vertical (positive batter is in the direction of the horizontal Joad or moment) displacenent influence factor for axially loaded pile, e.g. Figs. 13.3 to 15.6, Fig.13.12 ea? Te Tom Toe Toe = horizontal displacenent and rotation influence factors for laterally loaded pile (see Sections 14.1 and’ 14.2). Chapter 5 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 15.1 Thick-Wall Cylinder in Triaxial Stress Field (Fig. 15.1) uF e PIG,15.2, +++ @S.22) sie (5.10) see 5.16) s+ @5.14) 2 pp z Pea Bi = Flee Ee] see (5-20) Bp 1 (pza*~ pp?) By (Pere egal Bb") a2] BG aiz Be at 2v(p 2° pb), ++ 5.19) Pp = 5.19) 15.2 Cylinder With Rough Rigid End Plates (Fig. 15.2) Moore (1966) has obtained solutions for the stresses and displacenents within the cylinder for various values of v, 5/D and o1/os. For unconfined compression (03-0), these solutions are given in Tables 15.1 and 15.: For no axial movenent (0-0), the solutions for: H/D=2 are shown in Table 15.3. In Tables 15.1 to 15.5, the vertical displacement pz is taken as positive when directed towards the centre of the cylinder, o1 and ¢3 being compressive. ‘The relationships between the apparent and true Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus of the cylinder are shown in Figs.15.3 and 15.4. ‘The solution for any ratio of 01/0; can be der- ived from 2 combination of the solution for unconfined compression (Tables 15.1 and 15.2), with the solution for 03, = v/(I-v). This latter solution can be calculated straightforvardly since there are no radial strains throughout the cylinder in this case, i.e. Gg=01, Oyeds and the roughness of the plates has no fect. 298 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLENS TABLE 18.1 STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION, #/D =e ae ° z oss 0800s aye 20 8 ooo. 0.509 0.509 0,500 0.500 2.75 9 buois 0.052 9.054 9.085 Buss rges. Olas 8.385 OSS? cde 9 Sloae Olesg plone GLE lars S370 lace Olas? O-3t0 O:38 0 S082 OL0ed B.0ae 129 OLAS? gy OLAS 8.128 Os121 oe 3 Sess aiser olen tlw 0 8 8 yeas mee aya B/D =1 ef ee To 0.088 O30 o.t7s 0.686 oz 0.005 0.098 0.832 a.1s0 brs 8 Sess oLane Bitoz 0” lesa ea. ocope Soa Oc3at ogo 9 sem O10 bcos tose ose Sos 1o06 0908 22 9 bien ooo? 91000 io Loss Lioss G1s55 oP om Kore lose Hiner Gisesocs ara aye Tos) aoe oo oa 1S 0.297 0.008 0.299 oma 1.0 hrs Siitr Siig otis Blom O°" lig Slam lies 8's aleee 0:30 0L088 Scare 0-088 0.018 9 ——OL0as_ OND. L086 OOM _—8.005 Olas Bitso Glogs Blois Ocooe sd 9.087 KY 8.005 0.013 or Gite Sioit Slong Bleet oles Slot gos -B.e0r “ocat? ays 3 3-500 9.500 o.f00 8 Site oles 8°39 ° Siaet Oars O.3te 3 olise octse 8:in8 8 oo 8 vr 0. bee oa dal Z 78 oss ca ars 8 1008 oa os 8 Tose a os 8 Kon oer oe 8 Loe cass oye Team ost oe ose oes sto ars lsu $ls20 Lame Olasy Ocassocate orzo Oise Suico 0.009 Crag 0.083 -o.ess ozs 008s coer o.aa8 81038-0012 0.008 o oies Gres otoi0 Send oleat “oles e®_rtuante) aye 7. oo ee 2.500 0.500 0.500 O78 8 buoss 8.075 8.120 B.180 olast Osea Ocse7 Og 9 Oita onus enue? 0:25 Gitor Oaes 0.354 O18 9 gmk GLO orzee 0:26 Guise ouias 0.100 oF 3 tle orise orsen ocass oo 8 vn os ae oe Bat es To vel ose ogi 1.078 0.0 0.058 0.843 0.885 1.306 dzs 9 Ogee Biss Odo Som Cour len Slane “0:987 Og 9 Biase 0.09 01am 9 Ana20 tl dros os 0.150 Os 9 Bae ooo -o1cos 9 Sslgo. TKS Topo Ogos Ovals oo oo 8 tran “TiS tTep0_ovaes_O.a68 wa oy 0.707 0.702 0.690 0.698 9.791 9.707 0.702 0.690 0.698 9.791 75 01406 0.390 0.534 0.201, 01806 01394 0356 0.275 0-032 "50 02189 0173 0.128 0.051, 0.189 01175 01154 0.060 -0.055, 25 0.069 0.089 0.035 0-011, 0.069 0.088 0.027 -0.020 -0.068, 0.034 05027 0.012 0.005 0.034 0.028 -0.003 -0.039 -0.069 (CYLINDER WITH RIGID END PLATES TABLE 15.2 ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION, 2/D = 2 (Moore, 1966) 29/0 25/0 ape 0-028 0.80 0.75 1 Ca ° ° 0.500 0 0.082 014s ° 0.056 ons ° 0.082 0.318 9 9.084 01254 ° 0.084 nist ° 0.054 01127 ° 0.054 ° 0.084 y= 0.25 ye 0 a2 ° 0.685 0.932 ° ° 10a ° ° iloz 1024 1.026 1.007 ° ° i039 1.037 1026 0997 ° ° A058 1.051 1.018 0.995 ° ° 302s 1.022 1011 0.996 ° ° 10s 1.014 1.007 0.999 ° ° Loni 15009 11005 1.000 ° ° 1009 1:008 1004 1000 e/a i 0.295 1.039 0.295 0.296 0.298 0.311 1.059 O.s7 0:179 o 01179 0.178 01165 0:140 0.068 0.750 0.087 ° 9.087 0.083 0.070 0.045 0.010 0.625 0.053 ° 9.033 0.021 0.008 0.005 01500 0.007 ° 9007 0:02 -0:005 “0:008 oss 04 ° 002 -0:008 79:006 =0:007 01350 “5. ° Ze:005 “o:005 “0-008 0.125 0. ° 20:005 “0:008 “0:00 Cae x 0 70.005 -0.005 -0.004 -0.004 -0.005 ese oo 0 ° 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0 a.ons 04 0.072 01463 0.461 0.456 0.434 0 01022 0. 0.098 01408 0-405 0.395 0.381 0 01026 0. 0103 9342 01330 0.325 0 01028 0. 0108, 9.273 0.265 0.261 0 002s 0. 0107 9.208 199 0.197 01028 0. 01107 0.136 SS 0.132 aor 0. 0107 0068 ‘067 01066 0 oo7 0. 0.107 ° °o veo Las 088s 0.882 0.870 6.889 o 0.975 0.978 1020 0-812 ° 1054 1.054 1002 0.835 ° 1.075 1.069 01989 0.895 ° oss 1.057 01990 0.994 ° aloe7 Logo 1.022 01996 0.975, ° ose 1028 1016 1001 0.992 ° Loz 1021 1.013 1.004 1.002 ° Koz 10s 1.012 1,008 1.004 o,f 4.599 0.562 0.561 0.562 0.580 4.599 ° 0.333 0.053 ° 0.159 0.000 ° 0.058 -0.082 0 0.011 70.025 ° 0006 Zolois, ° coo colo1s ° 0.011 0.008, ° 0.010 0.005 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS TABLE 15.2 (Continued) STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR UNCONFINED COMPRESSION, 2/D = 2 Qbeore, 1966) a/ EZ aye 0 0.25 050 O75 t 00.25 0.50 0.75 1 PJ (Oxtoarda) oy 1 °° 0.875 0 0.015 0.017 0.029 0.081 0.872 0.400 0.750 0 0.025 0.085 0.069 0.107 0.420 0.418 0.388 01625 0 «01050 01057 0.087 0.117 «0.358 0.554 0:30 9:00 0 0.08 0.055 0.093 0.122 0.285 0.784 0.268 0.375 9 0.082 0.06% 0.098 0.124 0.213 0.212 0.203, 0:250 9 0052 (0.064 0.095 0.124 0.142 0.141 0.136 0.125 0 0.052 0.055 0.09 0.125 0.071 0.070 0.068 o 0 0:052 01063 0.008 0.128 0 ° (0.082 L342 0.827 0.624 0.818 0.836 11.688 0.061 ° o.s72 0.972 0.750 0 ocaze ° ioss 1.055 2 -0.002 ° oss 1.076 0 0.011 ° 107s 1.066 2 20.011 ° os 1.051 ° ° Lows 1.040 ° ° 3037 1.083 ° ° ios 1.031 0.670 0.684 9,581 0.677 0.674 ‘9.551 0.328 01198 0" 01399 0.389 0.038 0.126 0.051 0 01193 0.182 01038 0.039 0-014 0 0073 0.064 Zo:08s 0.005 0.002 0 0.015 0.011, Zo:ose 01008-01002 0 -0:008 -0.009 0.021 201003 “0:03 0 Zoinis “0:05, solos =0:009 -0:008 0 so.o16 +0105, o:009 29,009 “0.008 0 roro16 “0.035 Zot008 CYLINDER WITH RIGID END PLATES TABLE 15.5 STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS FOR CONFINING PRESSURE WITH NO AXIAL MOVEMENT (Moore, 1966) af ° ost 10 oo oss 0 0.050 0.058 0.750 0 coioa9 oom clas 0 Zoleas -0%008, 0500 0 Saioat “a%oi0 oss 0 soit -0:012 01350 0 coon “b%o10 01125 0 Zo%e0s [0008 veoas ©? Cae x foyeenass wont 1-0 ontt7 0,280 0.436 3.738 ms 0.638 O.s7s 0 0.084 o-1ss 1228 0 485 0.399 0.750 0 0.081 0.062 0.033 0 01388 01434 0162s 0 0.002 -0.007 -0.023 0 01587 01465. 0's00 001015 “L025 “01028 0 01408 01469 O's7s 0 © “o.01e “0-025 207 ee a> ef APPENDIX 2 ° a7 In tems of the Poisson's ratios these restrictions impose the limits; 2 = wy = Dpyr%yq 2 2 To 1s y>0 te l+yro 1. IV. LOAD TYPES ‘The eight loads considered in this report are defined below and are shown in Figure 1. As can be seen, the loads can be grouped into four pairs such that the first of each pair is a particular stress-defined Joad while the second is the malogous displacenent-defined load. 1. The loading by uniform vertical pressure and unifora vertical displacement represent symetrically Placed vertical loads on smooth based foundations. (@) Uniform Vertical Pressure Her, ze Heo zea when 3 = 0 fe Bro for all (b) “Uniform Vertical Displacement Bevo tO 26d Bro zo. when 2 = 0 ® Boo for all = 2. The effects of moments applied to foundations can be seen from the solutions for loading by linear vertical pressure and linear vertical displacement. (a) Linear Vertical Pressure Bea? ect eo aot when == 0 fe Bro for all = . (b) Linear Vertical Displacesent vest sea eo zou won 2 = 0 aa Bro for all = 3. Lateral forces applied to foundations can be represented by the solutions for uniform lateral shear stress and uniform lateral shear displacement. (a) Uniform Lateral Shear Stress Bp, ec Reo aoa when 2 = 0 Be feo for all = (®) Uniform Lateral Shear Displacement watt O ed Reo ea when z= 0 ae Heo for all = 4. The effect of rough foundations supporting vertical loads can be gauged by the supexposition on the sol- tions for loads 1(a) or 10) of either loading by linear lateral shear stress or linear lateral displacement. (a) Linear Lateral Shear Stress = =P e, tgy d5 dye Oyy 0 it will be noted that the longitudinal direct stress (jj) is the only stress, strain, by converting from orthorhoebic to cross-anisctropic. ’ For the cases of loading by unifore vertical pressure! or wifora vertical displaceasnt’ « finite easure of vertical displacenent can only be obtained by considering a relative quantity rather than an absolute one (Gibson, 1967). Hence the relative vertical displacenent (s-Upo) a= any point in the half plane (0) 4s defined as the vertical displacement (:) at that point nimus the vertical displacment (vj,) on the suréace of the half plane on the loed axis (i.e. the point x= 0, z= 0). because of this the solutions for ‘the uniform vertical displacenent are referred xo a total resultant vertical load (P,) and not a reference vertical displacanent. ‘The solutions for loading by Linear vertical pressure and linear vertical displacement are given on pages 16 and 17. For the displacement defined load it is possible to derive relationships between the total Fesultane soweut (about the y aris) that is necessary to produce a defined satimm displacement in each of the cases of 8 positive, 6 negative, aid 6 zero. By use of these relationships the solutions £0r the dis- Placement defined load can be referred to either 4 total resultant moment (Z,) or a maximum vertical displace Beat (6,)« For loading by uniform lateral pressure’ a finite measure of the lateral displacement can only be obtain- ed by considering a relative quantity rather than an absolute one."' Hence the relative lateral displacesent Geougg) at any point in the half plane is defined as the lateral displacesent (u) st thet point xims the lateral displacenent (gg) on the surface of the half plane on the load axis (i.e. the point s+ 0, == 0). Because of this the solutions for the miform lateral displaceaent are referred to a total resultant lateral load)» fy Loads of the type of linear 1ateral pressure and Linear lateral displacenent (see solutions on pages 20 and 21) are self cancelling in nature since no resultant forces or moments are produced. Hence the solutions for the displacenent defined case can only be referred to a maximum lateral displacement. § The solutions for these cases are given on pages 14 and 15. «fe solutions for these cases re given on pages 18 and 19, situation is analogous £2 that applying sn the ease of loading by unifora vertical a uniform vertical displacement. ei pressure vi. as ‘SOUUTIONS FOR DISPLACEMENTS, STRAINS AND STRESSES 322 APPENDIE 3 4 (a) UNTFORN VERTICAL PRESSURE ‘The solutions given below involve products of cocfficients Gq» tq, 8,) and integrals (¢,4(4), Farr rev Zasy+ Kreur shew Misr on pages 26 and 22 respectively. ‘These coefficients and integrals are evaluated A. Orthorhambic and Cross-anisotrepic: &* Positive. wegg = DF ey. f-94 20), (48) + 9-8), (08)) wee BYP ay. fag hyo (68) © ggg (08)) bee = DEP Lag yes (02) + 4 Eyg(2)? Egg = DP HG oR yggl4a) ~ 99-0 Kyesloa)? fag x D Rag fli gg(02) - X,55(02)) B= BYP 990 Tr o5(¢5) - 07H c5(08)) Be DEP Lag Meslta) + 96-Kycs(02)? B= BE 2 Cat tyson + oboh (60)? Bete, B. Orthorhoubie and Cross-anisotrepic; 6% Negative. 2% v9 = DP zyet ) + *2s%er ae Bp eis haa * tea) wae DE og hoes * Each) Sen BE aches * torstes! Oh, ty, es » «DEP yyy 20h ys! Bs BHP Kes 2 * Forshies' aw Shai BOE hes + Sa te: Behe, C. Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 2 Zero. 2% gg = Bylot, Gy (08) ~ prs s(02)) 2.Kcs(02)) 2-Kygg (a2)? ws OEP saplege fy 2) - Hy y5(02) = BE? g(e2) + 0.2.K,,5(02)) =. Ot Bo GEA lay hes + Settee) BAP, A058, 508) - 65-24 502)? Bete, D, isotropic ‘The displacements, strains, and stresses are as for the case of Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 8 Zero but with the following simplificatior et a y= 207) 22 = G+). 45 = (ey).(0-29)4 eg = Oey). shen feo tg = Ge) 1-20). fota-be BG) APPENDIX A 18 323 2(b) _ UNTFORM VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT ‘The solutions given below involve products of coefficients (6, 4, yn) and integrals (@p9(¥)» Opps coefficients and integrals Faccuer) Pe Foscnery D> Hoetwer® soetuery® Hoses’! sFescuery? 7 Seer ee ene arene nese ‘A. Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 8° Positive. The displacenent, strains, and stresses are obtained by asking the folloving substitutions Sato the equations for the case of unifom vertical pressure loading (Orthorhoabic and Cross-antseropic; 6? Positive). Tse equations are shown on the opposise page. G) substitute 7, (22)* zy? --- Gi) substitute 94) Mecyeiy® Fos(uery® Xe mennee yg) B. Orthorhombic and Cross-snisotropic; 6 Negative. ‘The displacements, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the ‘equations for the case of uniform vertical pressure loading (Orthorhombic and Cross-aniectropic: 6? Negative). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite page. (4) substitute 7. (26)%.z57 (Gi) substitute ¢5) Fooqun) sFoctuen) Fos (ue) sy s¥os(ue1) isu ©. Orthorhonbie and Cross-anisotropic; 8? Zero. ‘The displacenents, strains and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations for the case of uniform vertical pressure loading (Orthorhombie and Cross-anisotropic; 6% zero). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite page. G) substitute 7,.(22)%257 -. (Gi) substitute doo 02) Focus) Foscuea) 9) D. Isotropic ‘he displacesents, strains and stresses are obtained by making the folloving substivutions into the equations for the case of uniform vertical pressure loading (Orthorhonbic and Cross-anistropic; 8? Zero). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite page. 1 (4) substitute 2,..(21)7%, Gi) substitute Q9(z) Poet) Foscuety (6si)Im addition the simplified values of 2, f and o, (shown on the opposite page) are applicable. m APPEEDIZ 2 16 2(@) LINEAR VERTICAL PRESSURE ‘The solutions given below involve products of coefficients (g,, ¢,, 8,) and integrals sey Kay» Xoyr sseur Kay? 4 shyqy)> Thee on pagos 26 and 24 respectively. coefficients and integrals are evalueted A. Orthashoabie and Cross-anisotropic; 6% Positive. wo Bray tay HO © Oly 6D) we BP sy os heey 0) = gypbge (08)? bag * DEP yay kggg(48) + 94Hsg3(04)) + BPP gy 6k sgs(40) ~ 99-0-Kgy5(8)) ° Cee DP dg fb lakggs (08) * Kyeg(2)? = BAP Gg (OT tgys (2) ~ 01K, soe)? Be DP ag bsg lt8) + agkygg (02)? H = D2, oy eys(40) + 65-Lyys(02)) Be te B, Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 2 Negative. 3, oe OM ety ty daa tesa! #1 @htet ty da “Sesh tet ota a laas * Faratgs) faa DEP My sys * thoratgas) (25%, fea” DEP pty gges) aoe BOG) Pel Hes3 * : “Fas! Be Belly lags * telus) lias Hees) a Kgg (0)? Bgl (08) + 04.20K,, s(03)? BygslO8) = ay tlggs(e2) Kygg (08) + #,.0.8-K,5(02)) Sen * or Fh ose (o8)} 2, B= BYP, gyslor) + 0.8.55 5(00)) & Kegs (08) ~ te-tolges Gs) 5 sggg (8) ~ 05 -2-Kqge (02)? D. Isotropic. ‘The displacements, strains, and stresses are as for the case of Orthorhoabic and Cross-anisotropic; 82 Zero but with the folloving simplifications; 2 yt 4 a = aw at 8 aya ey = Gov) 2 a5 = (le) (1-20) 27 ag = (lev) EF aaa aro ay * Gov). -20) 87 fo ta-bek (toy? appara 4 a as 2()) LINEAR VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT The solutions given below involve products of coefficients (Gy, #,, 8) and IntePPAlS Opeiu43y (W)» Racer + Frecuery? s¥2e(ve1y? Are wer) 4 sHze(yery)+ These covfFicients and integrals ere evale- ated on pages 26 and 25 respectively. A. Orthorhombie and Cross-anisotropic; 6% Positive. ‘The displacenents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the folloving substitutions into the equations for the case of linear vertical pressure loading (Crthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 8* Positive). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite page. 22 aL ft Seg tow oa on nay GOS» ohep - SD ee ‘This alternative substitution follows from the moment - displacement relationship for this case of 6? Positive, ‘This relationship is : x (esd?) . (endo? 223. 89- ey SE (48) substitute 2566443) 0) — Fs B, Orthorboabic and Cross-anisotropic; 8% Negative. P, G@) substitute a E55) ‘The displacements, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations for the case of linea? vertical pressure loading (Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 6% Negative). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite pai an . (a) substitute 2. BE Ay on ty. . eae Ba ay eae ‘This alternative substitution follows from the moment-displacement relationship for this case of 8? ogee, “This relationship is T > eee eer! . ¥ TO at (48) substrata yoy) Secu) ~ suet) ~ s%as(uer) ~ for = C, Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 8% Zero. The displacements, strains and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations for the case of Linear vertical pressure loading (Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic} §* Zero). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite page. * 2 Co) mbatiete 1. BE Dy on 0 OYE aby aa ‘This alternative substitution follows from the noment-displacenent relationship for this case of 6? Zero, This relationship is: at 1m £08 aennnnenennens P, (0 a= yg, (08) Db. The displacennts, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations for the case of linear vertical pressure loading (Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic: &* Zero). Shoce equations are shorn on the opposite pases : aed nha 2 G) substitute 7.7. OR -85.(5)*.= - yO apt Nes. This altemative substitution follows fron the nonnt-displacenent relationship for his isotropic case. tis relationship is; £0 snnnnanennnns Py Ga) substitute Ze pye3y Fs (ii)In addition the simplified values of a, f, and o, (shown on the opposite page) are applicable 326 arvnorx 4 18 ‘5(@) UNIFORM LATERAL SHEAR STRESS ‘The solutions given below involve products of coefficients (,, jg» and t,) and integrals 2209+ S12» Fev» Keyl» Sieur Kteut Meu 4 Kyg,)+ These coefficients and integrals are evaluated on pages 26 and 22 respectively. A. orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic: 62 Positive. we BEB, yf iyo ($0) + AyeKygy (02)? settgg = GPa ye tg yy (62) = By Sy (08) ant Bnet gg lt) + hy 2D) fgg = DE, Coshy Rigg 42) ~ poly Kgs (02)) fgg = BDF Migel-o teste) # #1 R502)! Let an ys(42) - ygl2)) TigaKyg($2) + Realy (08)) ae Ohya ik eats B= Bayete (0 + Hata? Orthorhoubic and Cross-anisotropic; 7 Negative. 2, we Bp sgl dy her do hisy? 2h a bie. @. +d, 3 stg © Bertola *Sestier 2M fag. “2 ae Isrhiss ~ Jarskies? 2 - &. Pi Sore elss “fogs cat Oey cias ela Be Bip ts » 2555 j. -¢Z # DP as-is ~ erstiss? = Bp, * hey pe C. Orthothoubic and Cross-anisotrepic; 2 rere. 2+ Bi ppagetety ty (en) = 2yy5(02)) an Bettgg = ® Py Hg: (ot yy (08) + ty.802 5(05)} foe = B84 hg ty 5(05) ~ 24-2:K,,5(02)) Bhp Cty fle) + tyrant glee) Dy fh yes(o3) - 0.2.4 g(a5)) BY py-k,5(02) &- Peay tse) 7 Fettygioad) B= OY. s(00) - Behe, Hy g(a) D. Isotropic The displacenents, strains, and stresses are as for the case Orthothoubic and Cross-anisotropic; 82 zero but with the following simpli ications; = Qey.0-29.27 t= ae ty = 2.0-2).27 tye Geet 2 tend enw 2. Gey) t enn f sade z(t arrests 4 1» wn (30>) UNIFORM LATERAL SHEAR DISPLACEMENT The solutions given below involve products of coefficients (hy, dqy and #,) and AMtOgrals (2pp(¥). feat Foecarsy > Zoscusy + octaesy® sfoetuery® oncuery* 4 sHagiyany)> These conetictons and Integrals are evaluated on pages 26 and 23 respuctively. ‘A. Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic ; §? Positive. The displacenents, strains and stresses are obtained by nang the folloving substitutions into the equations for the case of unifora lateral shear stress loading (Orthorhombie and Cross-anisotropic; §* Positive). These equations are shown on the opposite page. (1) substitute 44. (20) Ezy? 0 oonconnnne 1 Gi) substitute 5,00) —— 300) Neeuety X Keun = Hyg) B. Orthorhonbic and Cross-Anisotropic; 62 Negative. ‘The displacements, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the folloving substitutions into the ‘equations for the case of uniform lateral shear stress loading (Orthorhoabic and Cross-anisotropic; 6? Negative). These equations are shown on the opposite page. (i) substitute 2. (2r) ey? (4) substitute C59 Fewer) s*oc(uen) oscar) s*oscuen) €. Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; $ Zero. ‘The displacenents, strains and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the ‘equations for the case of uniform lateral shear stress loading (Orthorhoubie and Cross-anisotropic; @? zero). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite page. a4 (2) substitute 7, cn PL = @,, (03) Gi) substitute Gp, (as) oeuen a Heal) Fos) mo Hyg) b. tsotrpie, ‘The displacesents, strains and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the ‘equations for the case of umifors lateral shear stress loading (Orthorhosbic and Cross-anisotropic; ? Zero). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite page. 41 G2) substitute 4,.(2)7 Gi) substitute o),(2) Foetus) ) Fosyer) (G44)in addition the simplified values of a, f and s,, (show on the opposite page) are applicable. x8 apPEuDIZ 2 20 4(@) LINEAR LATERAL SHEAR STRESS ‘The solutions given below involve products of coefficients (I,, dq» and t,) and integrals Chey (Ds Kagy (D> Kseu Kacy Ksour M4 ) LINEAR LATERAL SHEAR DISPLACEMENT ‘The solutions given below involve products of coefficients (1,, j., and ¢,) and integrals Exequery + Fascuery > cRecuery* sFrecuer)? Fas wer)? 4 sFascuen)+ Tose coefficients and integrals axe evaluated on pages 26 and 25 respectively. A. Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 8% Positive. The displacenents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the substitutions into the equations for the case of linear lateral shear stress loading (Orthorhoubic and Cross-anisotropic; 5% Positive). ‘These equations are shown on the opposite page. . ere top SA ore Gi) substitute £5_ (41) (0) en - Asc G) substitute - 6 B. orthorhombic and Cross-anisotrepic; 62 Negative. The displacenents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the 2 ‘equations for the case of linear lateral shear stress loading (Orthorhoubic and Cross-anisotrepic: Negative). These equations are shown on the opposite page. 2 (adno @) sbstieme = 5G c*ctue1) s2e(uet) 2stuen) s¥2s(ue1) (44) substitute ©. Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 8 zero. The displacenents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the ‘equations for the case of linear lateral shear stress loading (Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; 6% Zere). These equations are show on the opposite page. D. Isotropic. ‘The displacements, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the folloving substitutions into the equations for the case of linear lateral shear stress loading (Orthorhombic and Cross-anisotropic; & Zero). Py (48) substitate ye iyqy) (2) 1) Zaaueny ) ~ 5 (444) In addition the simplified values of a, f, and £ (shown on the opposite page) are applicable. 330 APPENDIX A 2 TATEGRALS FOR LOADING BY UNIFORM PRESSURE (loading types 1a and 33) When = # 0 and z #0 the values of the integrals are given by; gC) = Bt GD anty?ocaenys - Gee aniyPa(a-ay? - fareantay. (iea2-1)741 es * Marte Ayes) « DEP tee h gPecny? Hyg (1) = QI. aod. tnt (92s (3) 7). (6%e (100712) + Harean(2ap. (021-2) 4) + tz.arean(2y. (sea? 1)} Hyys() = Burnt tve cay). ects)? Hugg) © B20. (97s 0499714 (eo(aeey?yt an? OY BEE ne, «SEE ane, - Hee demas EE ing, - Fan, - Fartany, + artany,)? (SS) arcamy, + wartanys - {E22 artany, - vartany, + S2in(e). aA = In(eye))] es * ses is In(59-54) ~ In(Ey-65))) Iesvus Isms deste as, Ree + EE inc, - PEM anc, - EE inc, + S(artany, = artany,)? ass © DAA Gncey.ty) + antec? , Fras * QO Cartamy, + artany,) + (iva)? wy = 2aztia%s?e(erus)? - 1) + (eae)? ng + 2ast(e%a?e(e-us)? - 0 + (ieeeus)? Xy + 2az. (orus) #(0s?-(erus)? + 1) + (zeus)? 2az. (2-us)#{a7a?-(e-uz)? + 1) When 2 = 0 the values of sone of the integrals are significantly simplified. These integrals are; Fag = Kays) = Hiss) = Kis1 = Misr * chiss * Kiss = ° eyth « BY casacsn ~ erm Hy.g(0) +B arean f Ayes) = Ben) ee clea aera eae ere : " 7 ae ag) = yy = GE BD raceey? CMC — yl) * gg OY fi = @¥x. (in(tee)? - inc-s}?) yyy) = set NOTE: The values of artany,, artanx,, artanx, lie in the range 0, The value of artany, Lies in the range 0, + when 2-us>0, and im the range -r, 0 when sus, APPENDI 2 2 INTEGRALS FOR LOADING BY UNIFORM DISPLACEMENT (Loading types 1b and 3b) Men = #0 and 2 # 0 tho values of the integrals are given by; q(t) * -Insy 1 Foeg(*) * Ty -€08F%9 agg = (orcorbegee-sinkag.f,7 Fant * 6 2 Mysql) * Fy") tiny Kogglt) * (-Singegr.0095¢4) 2, here fp = arsin{2e0C (07+ 40a) "1 of9%o(de2) 729} & + esin{2(eras)t Class doeeun) "ys (a224(1-2-us) V9} ge ersinitees)? (6a (toon) VtataPocL) V3} sy = te a?ong2 tye tocar sabe) 232s ceruay2on 202. fos-coste,«(erus) sink 5p + (oPae conan)? 202.8, fasnconhe, (ors) singe, (ota enun) 2,202.2, (acorhe o(ous) sine a Bog * (18,105) sMocz * #5rE_) oa HE eat elsg Mocs (0, singe, 7, toga * (554%) = 4. Cins,-1ng,) s*os2 Al cial op “sink Foss Cy singer, 1 sings.) 1 1 Hoes * Cy 808% 9B, -€835,) 6 = artan(2zv+(¥7-2761)? sp 7 sttan( ls. (even) 0(07s?- (evan) 611 wy 7 artan{2as. (ous) +fa7a?-(eus)7+1] = (92717042797 (a7a?- (ous) *41)?o4a7s? (ora) Ua?s?- (eas) 741)74a"2” (enue) 2, When # = 0 the values of sone of the integrals are significantly simplified. These integrals are; Kyg2(¥) * Hoga * Kay * cosa * sfas2 * ose * shose * 9 yo) = -arsinh & Regi) = et) When 2 = 0 the relevant integrals are given by; 20) farsin = % 052 = Hosa “x sos2 * sMos4 “9 sez * soca NOTE: The values of ry and «, lie in the range 0, 1 ay Keg) = ¥. (97e1) 2. fo ad Reg) © Kage * sg) * Hose “Ye yk aot ‘The value of x, ies in the range 0, x when 2-u2> and in the range -x, 0 when z-ur<0. 32 APPENDIX A ry TDITEGRALS FOR LOADING BY LINEAR PRESSURE (Loading types 2a snd 4a) Maen © #0 and ¥ ¥ 0 the values of the integrals are given by ; 2 Hyg) © SSE ata gta - 2 - HF anty?o cae)? + Famty?o(a0e)71 Weta Hyg) = @*C1-$.areantay. (97027) + Famto?o-a)7> —-Zaamie?o(0es) 711 Kegglt) = B*.ceareantap. (620271) ~ 9. (@?oa%ony évPocaeey 9%. (92e(0-9)7F82 2 2, Ke = OE fom + SEA cincy?ecaeey?s - antv?ecsey733} 55500) C$eartant2y. (¥702"21) 4) + $1ntyo(1-2)7) Kygg(#) = @).0e-an(¥4(a00)? > teaniv6(1-2)7) 252 2 22? (as)? az , as(evus) sen = GE arcane + Dt artam, - SE) cang,-1n5,) 29) cincginep? oer” OEE AE arty, « ELEM sree 25? (eous)7ot «Se cea ot canes tnep) 5 (1-$2. (areany,vartanx,) + 8%. (Ingg-Ing,) + $p4%cingy-Ine,)) $anto?s(ae2)73 2. Peta tee (t92) 7 ete) 2,2, eshte) sey ing Fes * Q'S artamy, - AE artam, + Fean(e,-cy)ein(e-6)) Eggn * DGG vartam, - FG) artamy, + F (07s? (evan) 1). aney-tne,) he ta7e (ous) 71). Cane y-100)1 2,2 ceva)? 2 2ePtoves) et ee Fra a eer sartany 22 = (S08) 3 artanx, 2S) ancy-ing,) - 2S). Gane,-ine,)) Zags = OE artany, + Harting, + Bean ey. t,)-1n(Gy-5))) Seog + D7. (artamey-artany) - 52 cang,-1ney) + $82. Gacy-tn,)) where 4 # ee (teeus)? xy + 2aseta?s?s(evus]?1) by = a?e(teus)? Xp + tast(a’s? (eus)?a} o'sPe(teznus)? Hy * 20a. (ores) (07s? (eee) *2} 27sPo(1-aves)? Ay * 205. enus) 407s (erus)7e1) ven 2 = 0 the values of soue of the intograis are significantly simplified. These integrals ares Hyg # Hyg * A500) “haar * aan * chaes * Faas * ° Keg) = BEE arean 2-H yes) = GB -vercan og taayh Kyog() = farvane™? - 9.9743) When 2 = 0 the relevant integrals are given by; ECs) se Ke) = ye * af ° Kyeg(O)* Lgeg * OF. ns)? - anaes?) pt : a 2 5.2 < Kygy() = Egg © Q*E-2E Gants)? - ines} 742 Has) = Hes = af zea => NOTE: The values of artanx,, artany,, artanx; lie in the range 0, 7. ‘The value of artany, lies in the range 0, x when 2-uz>0, and in the range ~*, 0 when s-us<0. arrercs 4 3s ns TECRALS FOR LOADING BY LINEAR DISPLACRENT (Qaading Types 26 and 48) Wen £40 and = #0 the values of the ntegrals are given bys Rug Gt) = Fycotbeget agg) + 2-fypttabeg Le sinh Halt) = (tyre coeds. sinh) Raga) = (auconbeg sink) ty 3 co Eqeg) * Ty” 053K Saas’ Zoggl¥) = Ty -singKy deg * Honky cothyt08) Lap ota Baga = gH My NR) “Lede ot cote Jo haan Sotho, conleton) ca cial = af |. sinjx,)* eran) 2, set * ee Baga 2 My Sime Sim 22) Le coed Haan Og oti Soe ang Moose siege Viale oon) 5 carbo (en) tease) Bong = Holos, cores cork) (eae), ate Cone) ET stake} vere Gq = asin { ert (o?s (142) “We(y%e(1-2)?)49} vg & artan(2eye(y7-2%41)} fp = szsin{2¢eran)aC(022%s (tozmany Va?s?o aony?Y 9) sp 7 arvant as, (ovus) (7s? (evan) ?o1 11 Gq 2 aesin{2(e-us) #C(077+ (Loman) 1 (07276 1-evas)?I} vq & artant2aa. (onus) +{072?- (ea) "+191 Sy + (Weste2et.ty (oscorkgne-sinbeg ry = (Panta 25, Pon 2, az.coshe + sings = Cha2e”-(ovun)+ 1) o4a7a * 5, = CoPs?acovun) 70,2» 2.2, fas.cosze,+ ovis) singe, }T* Ty = Cia?a?-(ovus)*+ 1340s” (oma) teaPe anus)? 22.4 fomrcorbeeenan) sink} I = laa? ran)??? or? When z = 0 the values of some of the integrals are significantly simplified. These integrals are; Haga) = Koga) = Face) = Hosa ™ s¥asz * Mase * ssa °° Kaggit) = Peney KyeqW) = 1-0. (971) cast) = (att ‘en £ = 0 the values of the relevant integrals are given by: fa-<%* sa Foal * Jaca { Fal * ace -{ Pyrhentntyt ot fe. (a-2%)* ea s¥2c2 * sFaea * vFos2 ~ sKosa "9 NOTE: The values of xo and x, Iie in the range 0, x. The value of x, Lies in the range 0, = when s-um0 and in the range -1, 0 when 2-us0. 3 appeworx a 26 VALUES OF COEFFICIENTS Values of conefficionts ¢,) bys tye dp ty t, 87 eM 0-44 Ba) (ord Ft 82 ~ (2e0f) 009.271. (008)"".(ovdo)? By + 0.28677). (one)*. cerae79 942 02a? 9). (004) (eed?) 85 = 2-95-0-4-94 1% * 804-0049 95 * beggreebgy 93 = begye.0.g, Gq ~ 9-4.(0-4)"* Ay = Qeet..F1. (0-0), (onde? ig = @orh.v.. (0-9) i = (2d? *. (0-0)? (onde?) * ag = 2b*-N.F7.0-4)" big = auhs-ontehy hig # ashy = 2.0.0, Hs bingens.h, Wg = buhgpesoshy (200g) 28°. 7"*, (ends?) ? og = (2onspi2da®) daeph #1. (ovda)? 44 = 22s7-9).0.77* (eoda?)* sassre. 9 = diss + 89 diag = e000, » esf.a®. (00) f°. (onde?) by = Geng) (és) 72. (onda)? ty = Govf) ag, (onda)? = (esp) .24a.f°. (onda)? tye anf} corde)? tg # ats - o.ty tg = ety - erent, Be begs ety Hnsegy ani ty = (2oef).20a.f"). (onda! + for a cross-anisotropic material e = © APPENDIX A 2 ao VIII, REFERENCES CAROTHERS, $.D, (1920).- Plane strain; the direct determination of stress, Pros. Roy. Soe. Series A., 97, pp. 110-25. DE UREMA R., PIQUER, J.S., MIZAS, F., and SANZ SARAGHO, J.M, (1966).- Stress distribution in cross-aniso- tropic wedia. ‘Proc. ist Cong. int. Soc. Rock Mech., Vol. 1, pp. 515-7. ECORV, K.E. (1940).~ Distribution of stresses in base under rigid strip footing. Neuen. Issled. Stantsiys Findamentstroya, Ho. 9. ERDELYI, A. (1954).- Tables of integral transforms, Vols 1 and 2, Batenm Manuscript Project, California Institute of Technology. (McGraw Hill). FLORIN, V.A, (1959, 1961).- "Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics", Vols 1 and 2, Gosstroiizdst, Moscow. GERRARD, C.M, and HARRISON, W. Ji11 (in preparation).- The analysis of a loaded half space comprised of amisotropic layers. GIBSON, R.E. (1967).- Sone results concerning displacenents ond stresses in a non-homogeneous elastic half- space, Géotechnique, 27, 1. Gpar, H. (i936).- Stress distribution in elastic solids, Proc. 1st Int, Conf. Soil Mech. Fdn Engng, Vol. 2, ps 157. HARR, HAE. (1966).- "Foundations of Theoretical Soil Mechanics". (McGraw #i11). HEARION, R.F,S. (1961).- "An Introduction to Applied Anisotropic Elasticity", Oxford Univ. Press. HOLL, DL, (1941).- Plane strain distribution of stress in elastic media, Bulletin No. 151, Town Enginesr- Station. JURGENGON, L, (1940).- The application of theories of elasticity and plasticity to foundation probleas, Boston Soe. Civ. Engrs, Contributions to Soil Mech., 1925-1940, pp. 148-185. NOLOSOV, G.B. (1955),- Application of complex diagrans and the theory of functions of complex variables to ‘the theory of elasticity. | 0.N.’ LWGE, TW. (1967).- Stress path method. Proc. ASCE, J. Sott Mech. Fina Div., 95, No. SM6, 509-31. LERINITSKII, 5.6. (1965).- "Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Elastic Body". Holden - Day Series in Math. Physics. LOVE, A-E-H. (1927).- “Msthenstical Theory of Elasticity", 4th Bd., (Cambridge Univ. Press). PIQUER, JUS, MUZAS, F., DG URENA, R. and GRAJERA, F. (1966).- Foundations in cross-anisotropic ground. ‘Proc, ist Cong. Int. Soc. Rock Mech., Vol 2, pp. 531-6. QUINLAN, P.M. 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Jill Harrison ‘The material in this Appendix was originally published as Technical Geosechanics, C.$.1.R.0., Australia and is reproduced in full herein with Kind permission of the authors and the Ghief of the Division of Applied Geomechanics. Corrections to the original published version Ihave been supplied by the authors of the Technical Paper and hhave been incorporated in the reprinted version herein. For convenience, the page numbers of this Appendix fare identical with those of the original publication and any reference to page numbers in the text refers to the pages of this Appendix only. APPENDIX B m mr. v vi. vir. 1@) 10) 20a) 20) 3) 30) 4a) 40) sca) 30) vir. m sneust rernucrion vovarzou Coss-AULSOTROPIC HALF SPACE oso ees verioo oF sowurzon PRESENTATION OF RESULTS SOLUTIONS FOR DISPLACEMENTS, STRAINS AND STRESSES Uniforn Vertical Pressure Uniform Vertical Displacenent Linear Vertical Pressure Linear Vertical Displacenent Linear Radial Shear Stress Linear Radial Shear Displacenent Linear Torsional Shear Stress Linear Torsional Shear Displacement Unigorm Unidirectional Shear Stress Uniform Unidirectional Shear Displacenent REFERENCES LIST OF TABLES OF INTEGRALS ‘TABLES OF INTEGRALS 10 n n was 18-19 m2 2-2 2 25 26 = 27 2-2 a Summecry ‘This paper presents the solutions to 2 group of probleas involving simple loads of circular plan area. These loads are applied to 2 homogeneous, linearly elastic, cross-anisotropic half space in which at any point the axis of symetry 4in the elastic properties is vertical. ‘The ten londs considered fora five pairs, each consisting of a stress-defined ‘oad and a displacenent-defined load: (a) Uniform vertical pressure. 1(b) Unigorn vertical displacement. 2(a) Linear vertical pressure. 2(b) Linear vertical displacement. ‘S(a) Linear radial shear ‘stress. ‘5S(b) Linear radial shear displacement. “4(a) Linear torsional shear stress. 4() Linear torsional shear displacenent. ‘5(a) Uniform unidirectional shear stress. ‘S(b) Uniform unidirectional shear displacesent. ‘The solutions contained in this report are of considerable value in soil and rock engineering. Firstly, they allow a full range of practical loading conditions to be considered for a complete range of displacerent, strain, and stress components. Secondly, the stress deformation anisctropy treated is that which comonly occurs in soil and rock masses. . CIRCULAR LOADS APPLIED TO A CROSS-ANISOTROPIC 3a HALF SPACE by C.M. Gerrard” and W.Ji11 Harrison” ‘DeTRODUCTION ‘The losds considered in this report are applied over a circular pla area to the surface of a eross-anisotropic half space. The circular shape was chosen because of its direct spplication to wheel loads on pavenents and foundation loads under structures such as silos, chimeys, and tanks containing Liquids. "In addition, for reasons of ease in analysis, it is convenient to consider the circular shapes ‘as approximating to rectangular foundations of approximately equal breadth and width. ‘The nature of the anisotropy of the elastic half space corresponds to that observed in soil and rock deposits formed under the action of predominantly vertical forces. Such deposits may be natural or placed. Hence the solutions produced are relevant to a wide range of practical situations where it would be unrealistic to assume isotropy. The existing solutions for axi-symetric problens involving a cross-anisotropic Kalf space are summarized in Table 1, The solutions in this report are more comprehensive than those in any of the previous work in the following ways: 4, Range of load types considered; Range of stresses, strains, and displacements solved; 3. Range of cross-anisotropic material response considered. TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF EXISTING SOLUTIONS NATURE OF | RESTRICTIONS ox DETERMINED STRESSES ‘AUTHOR | ELASTIC RESPONSE | ELASTIC PARAMETERS =o ‘AND DISPLACEMENTS Michell Cross a positive Vertical point load 'w on surface of half space; ‘a300) anisotropic | 2? vecttive Seresses. throughout half Barden = space (2963) Unifora vertical pressure | az on load axis o* on surface vie cross- Restriction on the | Vertical point load Stresses and displacenents (3355) suisotropic | value of f, and fn half spece Ye Mie 7 Mon? ‘Qainlan Cross- Pa positive Vertical point load Stresses and displacements ists) anisotropic | 4? bocitive in half space Uniform, parabolic, and | » on surface fnvereed parabolic diserib-| az on load axis uelons of vertical stress. Uniform vertical displace- sent Koning Cross- e? positive Vertical point load All stresses and displace- C957). | anisotropic | 22 oestaye Unifors vertical displace- | ents in half space Anon. Pes! ‘ment (i966) Uniform vertical pressure | u on surface at centre and tage of load se dom load axis Lothnstskit | Cross- aseanda-s | vertical point toad Mui stresses ehrouphout as6s) isotropic | Sust not be pure- hale space 1 dsaginary Gerrard Cross Po positive Uniform vertical pressure | All stresses, strains, and (1968) siisotropie | 52 Unitors vertical Gisplace- | displacesents in half #? positive or | Unit disp a Tinear radial shear stress Torsional loads * Division of Applied Geomechanics, CSIRO, P.O. Box S4, Mount Waverley, 3149, Victoria, Austral: 342 APPENDIX B ‘ avy 08,3 GR Ene oertas na0a*r9 abedt ®h By “n “aw Yoh E HL, NOTATION (a) Coordinates, Displacenents, Strains, Stresses, Elastic Moduli loaded radius cylindrical coordinates (radial, tmgential, and vertical) expressed in mits of ‘the loaded radius displacenents in the respective coordinate directions direct stress and shear stress components of the stress tensor direct strain and shear strain ‘components of the strain tensor components of the elasticity tensor modulus of elasticity in the horizontal direction modulus of elasticity in the vertical direction Poisson's ratio - effect of horizontal strain on complesentary horizontal strain Poisson's ratio - effect of horizontal strain on vertical strain Poisson's ratio - effect of vertical strain on horizontal strain modulus of elasticity - isotropic aaterial Poisson's ratio - isotropic material (b) Derived Elastic quantities 2 = tadee?ofeftad) of fade? 2 y¥ sof flea)" 92f8 (a-b)sf Coefficients appearing in the solutions for the displaceuents, strains, and stresses (defined on pages 15, 21, 27) are gy: gr hysesligs ty--tyge dy Jygr 8 (e) Loadinge uniform vertical pressure maximum value of Linear vertical pressure maximm value of linear radial shear stress shige tysestge ics cot Sar el er ow ie cident hoa ca oe eve ne ite cme seo er tote eT Sie le tp Tim a cel te gle Tie cident tele ae epi see epoca eel fe od ep en rh la =o ' Tee or le oer hme eee ae ‘total resultant moment applied to produce the linear vertical displacenent (maxi- mm value 45) 2 total resultant horizontal force applied to produce the unifors unidirectional horizontal shear displacenent (55) (d) Integrate Integrals appearing in solutions for displacements, strains, and stresses. These are defined in equation 8. Tau neu? star Arey» Arey sAneu Meu? Macy? sMneu ‘transfora parameter appearing in equation 8. APPENDIX 8 7 co TEI, CROSS-ANISOTROPIC HALF SPACE This halé space can be described as a hosogentous elastic body having infinite extent horizontally and infinite depth below the horizontal plane surface to which loads are applied, The axis of elastic symetry is assumed to be vertical. The effect of the anisotropy can be gauged by comparison with the solutions for the isotropic case which are also included. For a cross-anisotropic material with a vertical axis of symetzy the stress-strain relations expressed im cylindrical co-ordinates are; FB w astgy + Bokgg * Ooegy ts B= boty + eegg + Ores » Fa Ost + Catgy + tg te Be fitgy 1a Be hey 1e Be ity 1 Five independent elastic constants 2,b,¢,d, and f are involved. can be expressed in terns of the direct stresses by the following relations; a 2» x ‘he intervelationshis between the elastic constants in equitions 1 and 2 are; 1 1 a+ Bye yey) Ce)! Cory 2adpy ig) x Bm Bye (oy P aye Myp)- OIF ey, 20% pe Vg) >» 2 Remy ott x 4 Bye OY) ogy ts OW2 2% yp) 3a Firton 7 Bo hy x ‘he strain components are; a at a aueke * be ae? ke iam ne, “ tw 2, 2B te i oa, e reg eb Be BeE “ ‘The condition that the strain energy must be positive imposes restrictions on the values of the elastic constants, These are"; 270 ss a>0 * fro 5 a>? sa (arb)d > 227 ad > sf In tems of the Poisson's ratios these restrictions impose the Lizits; Lye 2vpy May > 6 Iv, > 0 & _ 194,20 fe + See Hearmon (1961) . a TV, LOAD TYPES ‘The ten loads considered in this report can be grouped into five pairs. The first in each pair is a particular stress-defined load while the second is the analogous displacement-defined losd. The load pairs are defined below and are shown in Figure 1. 1. Loading by uniform vertical pressure is typical of pneumatic tyres and flexible foundations while loading by uniform vertical displacenent corresponds to relatively rigid foundations. contact is smooth. (@) Uniform Vertical Pressure Ber Heo fe te0 (b) Uniforn Vertical Displacement gtk Boe f=Ge0 In both cases the rel rea for all r when = = 0 Te ret rea for all r when 2 = 0 » 2. Loading by linear vertical pressure and linear vertical displaceaent represent moments about horizontal ‘axes applied to flexible and rigid fomdations respectively. ‘These moment loadings would be normally considered in combination with vertical loads. (@) Linear Vertical Pressure Bs cose.Pyr Be0 fs i=0 (®) Linear Vertical Displacenent = coset. Bro rea rea for all when = = 0 Te red roa for all r when 2 = 0 18 3. The linear radial shear stress loading is typical of the stresses developed in the surfaces of road Pavenents due to the grip of pneumatic tyres. Measurements by Bonse and Kuhn (1959) and Marwick and Starks (0941) indicate that the magnitude of the maximm stress is of the order of the inflation pressure of the tyre. Linear velocity. A similar pattern of stress is developed under both stationary tyres and those moving at constant ‘The Linear radial shear displacenent loading when combined with the uniform vertical Pressure loading gives the exact solution to the problen of a flexible foundation with a rough base. (@) Linear Radial Shear Stress spp? =o Geo be (®) Linear Radial Shear Displacenent ue bn Feo R= &=0 rel rea for all r rel rod for all r when 2 = 0 a 4. The state of stress defined by the linear torsional shear stress is similar to that developed inder Pheunatic tyres during cornering and under foundations in certain conditions, On the other hand the linear torsional shear displacenent may be applied to the analysis of vane shear tests at sub-t (a) Linear Torsional Shear Stress Ge ppe Bo B= f-0 (©) Linear Torsional Shear Displacesent ee 8s =o B-R-0 failure loads. rea red for all r when # = 0 18 ret rou for all > when 2 = 0 ™ S. The uniform unidirectional shear stress is typical of shear loads imposed on pavenents by the braking, acceleration, and traction of pneumatic tyres. On the other hand the uniform, unidirectional shear displace- ‘ment represents lateral loads applied to foundations. _ | +4 : (a) UNIFORM VERTICAL PRESSURE Ib) UNIFORM VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT nQ Ce +P, MAX. q 2fa) LINEAR VERTICAL PRESSURE “Py MAK. # ‘3(a) LINEAR RADIAL SHEAR STRESS ‘AbD LINEAR RADIAL SHEAR DISPLACEMENT 7 4 qo + Dy MAX. ZR IS 4(a) LINEAR TORSIONAL SHEAR STRESS 4() LINEAR TORSIONAL SHEAR DISPLACEMENT as 5() UNIFORM UNIDIRECTIONAL SHEAR STRESS ‘5(b) UNIFORM UNIDIRECTIONAL SHEAR DISPLACEMENT Fig.1.- Load types. ue apenotz 3 10 (0) Unigora Unidirectional Shear Stress wB,-fipepg ret nil Heo eet when 2 = 0 % B+ sp = for all Heo trai (@) Uniform Unidirectional Shear Displacesent Melp- apt ty or ig Gap 8 wa when 2 = 0 5 seleg + ye -0 for alr Bro fora It should be noted that the load pairs 1,3 and 4 produce axi-symetric distributions of stresses strains ‘and displacenents whereas the load pairs 2 and $ produce a symetric distribution about the plane ¢ = 0. VY, METHOD OF SOLUTION ‘The method used to obtain the solutions reported herein was developed by Gerrard and Harrison (1970) and is based on the application of integral transform techniques and dual integral equation techniques to elasti- city problens (Sneddon, 1951, Tranter, 1966). The solutions for the displacenents, strains, and stresses are expressed in teras of integrals of products of trigonometric fmetions, Bessel fimctions, and exponentials. The following syabols are used to express these integra! “sf flee?) ok sa Tyas Sigal Od HOD 8 sf (0-2), ,-ake Frew 7S) Fig yg 2 A809) contend ® Fame tI Figg gg 2) HOD oH, sinaka.d se ° Aaeyl) BE y¢g4zy 46 * Zy¢qazyy aa Magy) * HiT yeqgay 46 * Zyeqe2yy 60)? te Any 7 acreayy * Tnce-2u? 7 ae eT ncee2 yn ” Ancrezau? * Aan * AsTaceazyn * stnce-ayu? * stare ~ stnceeayy ~ sta(e-2yu? - ‘The paraneter y contained in equations 8a, 8d, Se is in the form of either os, ¢2, oz, or ys for anis- otropic materials. Hence it is a fimction of the elastic properties as well as the depth. In contrast, for isotropic materials 9 = 2. For stress defined loadings the value of » in the integrals (equations 8) is either 0, 2, or 4. Under these conditions the integrals can only be evaluated directly if r= 0 or 2 0 and for other values of r and z numerical integration has to be used. However, for displacenent defined loadings the corresponding values of n are 1, 3, and 5. In this case the integrals shom in equations 8 can be evaluated directly for all values of r and ‘Those integrals evaluated directly were obtained by using the results of the Batenan Manuscript Project (1954) and Watsen (1966). Compressive direct strains and stresses are considered to be positive. Positive shear stresses are defined from the fact that both the stress and strain tensors obey the right hand rule. Displacements in the negative coordinate directions are considered to be positive. Hence, a load defined by a positive stress acts in the positive coordinate direction, whereas a load defined by’a positive wisplacement acts in the negative coordinate direction. For example, vertical loads are compressive if defined by a positive stress of a negative displacenent. APPEWDIZ 3 u a VI. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS ‘The solutions for the displacenents, strains, and stresses for each pair of loading conditions ere pre- sented in the order previously indicated. “" The presentation is arranged so that the complete solution for each loading condition can be seen from ‘a single opening of this report, i.e. no more than tvo consecutive, facing pages are used for any loading condition. ‘The solutions given contain all displacenent, strain, and stress components. This allows the calcula- ‘tion of quantities such as total deformations, principal stresses and strains, and principal directions, In general the solutions are stated as products of coefficients (Gy...5gs AyeesAgs tysvetage dysudggy 8 ty--uty) and integrals (Z, 4, and M types), The coefficients are fumetions only of the elastic properties while the integrals are in general functions of depth, radial offset, and elastic properties. ‘The form of the solutions depends to a significant extent on the nature of the anisotropy as reflected by the values of a? and 67, both of which axe functions only of the elastic properties. ‘The strain energy conditions given by Sa ... S€ are sufficient but not necessary conditions that a2 = (Cade). an +e + peg" be positive. However, when 6? is written in the fom Pe tad~ oP - f(a oot At can be seen that the sign of 67 is not restricted by the strain energy conditions. Hence, for each loading condition, four separate cases are considered as follows; 55 A, Cross-anisotropic; a” positive, 8° positive 1B. Cross-anisotropic; 0” positive, 8* negative C. Cross-anisotropic: <7 positive, 6° zero D. Isotropic (this is a special case of ¢ in which @ = 1) A typical Layout for a stress defined loading (i.e. load 1(a), 2(a), 3(a), 4(@), oF Sa))consists of the coaplete solutions for the displaceaents, strains, and stresses for each of the above four cases. In addition reference is given to the Values of the coefficients Gy» fq, ins dns Sq+ ty)+ Finally the values of the integrals are given in the following way; nt on) reference to tabulated values when r 4 0 and 2 4 0 statement in closed form for the special cases of » = 0 and 2 = 0. ‘The layout for a displacenent-defined loading differs from that of the analogous stress-defined load in several respects. Firstly, the solutions are given by simply stating the substitutions that need to be made into the solutions for the stress-defined load in order to obtain the solutions for the displace- Rent-defined load. In general these substitutions are referred to a saximum defined displacenent OR 2 defin- ‘ed total load. This considerable econoay in presentation is nade possible because of the similarity in the forms of the solutions for a given stress-defined loading and its displacenent-defined analogue. Secondly, the values of the integrais can be stated in closed fora for all values of > and 3 and hence no tables are required. ‘The general case of r #0 and = 0 and the special cases of r = 0 or z= 0 are considered. VET. SOLUTIONS FOR DISPLACEMENTS, STRAINS AND STRESSES ‘The solutions for the displacenents, strains and stresses for each pair of loading conditions are presented on the folloving pages. ue arrenorx 3 2 1fa) UNIFORM VERTICAL PRESSURE A. Gross-anisotropic; §? Positive w # Pyargel-94-Toq9 (48) + g9-Fyq9(02)) w= Pyatg: -ggeZgqq( $2) + 94-Fy 908)? Egg * Py (Gye OTygg ($2) ~ 62-0-y99(08)) + Pyelegge Upgal¥8) = 21 Zy09(63)} + 94s pgp (08) + F125 99 (08))1 958 Tppg (42) + 94-2"). y99(02)) 1 Spe = Puget to ggp (48) ~ Zyp9(02)) -AgrLaga(¥2) ¢ g-Laq2(08) + (4-d).2° 1 ggaT329 (48) = o4-Fy99(68)11 -8y-Tagp (48) + Gg2Ty99(02) ~ 60-8).2"*.LGg-Typ9 (42) ~ 24-Ty99(02)91 : 1 Eo Tapp (42) = 0°? Zy99(02)) Rete, Cross-anisotropie; ? Negative '2rs7200) 4 P29: (3-e2729 * t45%220? ) {52202 * #10°s7202' = P 7 ge loon — Ft eFaz0) * te (gZa02 =F = elon0 * tar? Tong) ge 2 Pyle glean Be Byles Logg * tgrglggn © @Dolty Bo Pyle ge Tagg + tgeglagg + OB) Ege a1 = Pye glogg + 08". sZoq0) C. Cross-anisotropic; 6? Zero We Pty fes-Tpog(a2) = Pi lag-Zpq9(a2) + 2, ot Cos: yg (a2) = rT Tap(a2)} = 84.2. (yp4(aa) - 2° *Zp99(02))) -1 oly + Pyeleget” Tyq9(02) ~ 8422.2" *Tp 908)? Cg 2 Pye 2 Tzag (08) FE = Py lageZagp (0s) - 9g-tatggg( G2) - (0-B)-2°1.f6gZp99(08) = 64-2-Fyp9(08) 1] Be Py epaTyq9(08) ~ Sg: FZaoq(05) * Carb).2"! Ceg-Sgqg (88) ~ 84.2-Egq9 (02) 1) BE = Py. ypp(a2) + 0.2. 594(02)) FE Fob py D. Isotropic ‘The stresses, strains, and displacenents are as for the case of Cross-anisotropic; §* Zero but with the following simplifications; 2.04.24 = Oye = (19). (1-29).2 (sy) 2,220 320 = (ley) (0-209 E fe + B.C)" APPENDIX 3 Fry 9 (8) WNTFORM VERTICAL PRESSURE, Values of coefficients 9,, a, = Goen.06.f*. (on0"* (eraeyt 2 = (20ef).0.6.f71. (0-0). (ndo?) 2p et 2-1 oan fea oasy? ay = 9: (2867-99 777. (0-0)? Condes 4+ 1 028P.F 1 Co Cor 85" G05 = ooboy 5 * gy ~ 2-0-6 977 Begg = oobeay Oy = bog, - 000002 ag = 0.4-(08) > . <3 ‘ a 4, = 20. (as)%,(adne%)* aye hate a Hs ty = (aa) ig = ats + erty iy = bits t avty 9 TL (aa)™ + ef a = (a0efn.2del $1, (onda)? ay = ong) 07g, (onda) 1 feada®y“? ay = {(Qovsy-2d02) do? + of f°. (onde?) ? 04 = (240? f).0.f (enda”y 5 * bs + Oty 7 ag = OH see, = bing ~ cts, 87 # Bids 0.85 1g 7 Boy 2 (2eep) .0?. (dao) .f°?. (oda)? Values of integrals 15.40)» Zone Tony ‘When * #0 and 2 # 0 the values of the integrals are given in tableton the page numbers indicaced in brackets; Tagg) 134 Zag (371 Ja 051 am 8) Lg) (34 yg) 97] sta00 1553 sty (582 Fagg O54 Ly® 07 ang (563 cm 181 slog (I stag (81 When » = 0 the integrals are given by; 244). Fapo(@) = D9 Tapa = 1 - even Tagg = (9H) Fan0(O) = Typ = Zong 29 EEG) = blgggl®) 28 290) = elgg (W) - agg * Hicoey = as cana * Pasco} avsesiny.27# | i209 * ~Fissing + oa slag = (-ana-sing + u.a.coog) a# : “1 : eno" faz siza0* Fon 9 tang = clone 2 clang = Fa where & = [{(a20").2741)? » 4, and v = artan (2.¢.u.: F(a aa2) 2? eur | Maen 2 = 0 the relevant integrals are given by; (Fy Oy “ks 15 27) he ned Zy99( = Too9"42-* Ty97(0) = Taq9 *! iad Fy29) = Fo99 a pat (e227? yt on s*200 ~ s7202 ~ s229 °° 350 APPENDIX 3 4 (0) UNIFORM VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT A. Cross-anisotropic; 6? Positive The displacements, strains, and stresses are obcained by making the folloving sbstisctions into the equclans $f the cae’ of Unidor Vercical Pressure loading (reeestuaoweopier of Postsne)s These eget ( amseteee 7B, on Scions are show on page 12. 2 241 f (ords%) tords’ ey & ier revere) This altemmative substitution follows from the load-displacenent relationship for this case of 8? Posit- ive, This relationship is; 2, 2, £ (ord?) (onde?) ‘o'Zonfd.0-4- (04) AD swbstitute 76410 for P, To ty eeennen fOr T9568) 3, Cross-anisotropic; #% Negative ‘The displacenents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the folloving substitutions into the ‘equations for the case of Unifora Vertical Pressure loading (Cross-anisotropic; 62 Negative), These equ ‘ations are shown on page 12. ie 51 ane? G) substitote 2. DEL on -4. SL, es pennenensee= for P, @ ag 70 2a. (ad 2 This alternative substitution follows from the load-displacenent relationship for this case of 8 Negat- ive, This relationship is: 2 aie 1 = by etry SEE ORD Gi) bstitwte Tyegygyy fr Fary wasn £57 Joey sTir(uen) ¢, Cross-anisotropic; §? Zero ‘The displacenents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the ‘equations for the case of Uniform Vertical Pressure loading (Cross-anisotropic; 62 Zero). These equations ‘are shown on page 12. 22 . 241 241 £ (onde! G) substitute 7, BL, on -2,.S2L, : ao @ ae a GS pepe This alternative substitution follovs from the load-displacenent relationship for this case of é? Zero. ‘This relationship is; wenn for Py f fonda’ 8 oy try aap ee Gi) substitute I, ¢y43y (22) (22) D. Isotropic ‘The displacesents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations for the case of Uniform Vertical Pressure loading (Cross-anisotropic; 6? Zero). These equations faze show on page 12. ty or 33. G4 - ary VO Fo 2 av) ‘This alternative substitution follovs fron the load-displacenent relationship for this Isotropic case. ‘This relationship is; ( subseieate 1,68 eeeneeeee for Py (44) sxdstdeute Z55Gy43) weneeon fOr Toy (0) (44i)In addition the following simplifications apply with regard to a, f, and coefficients a= 2.00) E 4) 5 Oe es = (4). G-29).87 242 eye 1 agreed a, 2 2,20 Sy * (lev). (0-20) 2" ost feadezcvyt Fr 41(b) UNIFORM VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT Values of integrats 1,0)» Ligue sTiey ‘en 7 4 0 and # 4 0 the values of the integrals are given by; oh = Beg Ein # ONG Fin OCs, tnt, vos HONG ah, «nha stros 7 DO, .coofi, ~ Ht e005.) al aa, ink, = asim) ry HCioas).cooh, - ar.sinkh) «ay Mian) cosh, = ansinh ancoshy, + (ras)-sinh,) ©#,", + (los).anit 1 Tygs(0) Zao (9) Lna® Tyzs() * Fis) e128 sis where op = arsin{2.Ctv? + (Ler)?)# + ty? + c2-ny?)'7} o,, = arsin{2. (lous) Clas? + (1easer)?}# + (022? + (euaen)?)44} exsin{2.(d-us).((072? + (towne?) + (022? + (dea) VS} = ((o%ertaay? + ay? = Cia2a? - (tous)? + 27}? + 402" (190s) 77* Cia?e? ~ (tous)? + 29)? + 4e%s?(t-ue)?J* = axtan(20(97er? = 7 srtan{20a(tous) (075? - (tus)? « 27)" 22 © (oun)? » x2) re = artan{2a3((1-wa) 1, 2, By = CO,rcospiy + an)? + 4 - 2 ai, «out 2g + COapcorls,« an)? + estab, © (ous) ) 22 When 7 = 0 the values of the integrals are given by; 1 2 Tyg) = @¥arcoe v gat"? Fis) = Bay Tyg = O20.) 222? + BS eartan(2as. (072707271) 2,2 cate coe? + (1-ws)?349 tates? «+ cae)? ing * Stents «an rh jog OEE = FP + tPF » (ious) ?)2 G02? 6 eas? 6 aoua?-ta2s? » (aves) 21 stios = @%.20027.(072? + (t00s)73 ta7e? + (1-ua’ Fy2) * Zy2g(0) = Tyas) =. Fray * sana ~ cfiz3 = sT123 *° +1 1 a FEW # lg 369) Pht) = Zags (0) 2h Day = laos 2 Tyan * SsZios Wen s = 0 the relevant integrals are given by; ay : = @* Fy93© = ios = @ {: ° Fy * ror * rele (Leety'gt 25, stioa * stio3 * sta rea eed rea red ret rea 352 APPENDIX B 6 2(a) LINEAR VERTICAL PRESSURE ‘A. Cross-anisotropic; 6? Positive w= Fyoc038.ty.(-ay-T4aq (48) * 9-429 (04) w= P400882g. (-ggeMyr0 ($8) + 9g-Mazn (02)? pa? imd.tgs{-agAgag ($2) * F4-Agap(02)? £058. {94-6-Zgp9(8) = Gp-P-Zgp9(02)) 1 Epp * Py 00506L ogg. Typa( ta) ~ 2 Tyga b2)) + glTyzp(02) = 2 ‘ga0(02) 31 egg = Pyrcdsta ogg Zyyo ($8) + 9g. ggg (02)) epg 7 Py26056 Bye F 1. Mgyy ($2) = Mypa(00)) sat f°. goo $8) ~ Ago (o3)} Epq = Py-Sintsf9g.2" 1 Zgyg (42) = 94-2” Tyyg (02)? - FR w Py. c0st.C-g5-Zaa0(68) + dgLgzo(08) + (ab)2™ (gs Tyyg(¥8) ~ 94-Zgqq 021 Bw Py p0086.0-g7-Zy99(08) + GgeZyp9(08) ~ (0-8)-27* Lag -Tyup ($2) ~ G4-Zggn(02)11 BB = Py 6" Typ9(b8) ~ 01-4996)? Betty, Be hity, Fe Degg B. Cross-anisotropic: 6% Negative w= Py .costaty: (fy +<249 ~ t9+ Maen? Aarne Meru )> Maer Mery When # 0 and = #0 the values of the integrals are given in tables on thé page mubers indicated in brackets; Zygq(@) (511 Lazo 1521 Ago) (561 fag 1571 Mezg 1601 Fig) (512 a9 (52 Ay @) (56 Aap 67 Haag (601 Zapqgt) (510 clazz 1531 Aggg(#) (562 cfazg 0583 Maza C61 Tyg) (540 Fan 0531 Mag) [591 faz 1582 agg 160 Zyq) [542 Faso 0551 Hqqq) (599 Fuso O55) Myag(W) (591 Yen F = 0 the integrals are given by; Zygg lt) = Zaza(¥) = Zyng(¥) = Tyga) * Zyqq() = 2 Tyg (8) = 2h Iy4(0) = 0 +sTaao = ° Payer? . = tet tyteay™ pi. 2a) Aga (= “Hygg (A) = (901) 6 Aggy) = Mygg(W) = (074) 97? aay Baga) = Mygg @) = Sheds 20743). Aang =~ otaag = (PEI a? = ta (occas ~ usin + 2 a 2 Fai +> agg = Ht a Coccoe + sin - anne f= Magy 2 eek + a7 AE (020?) cos} + 2ewisingt + acon} cosy) = Sn sin Jan : i (22) ssin® Aue (a7?) sind - 2 where B= ({(o%u?).27 + 197 + 4.07.0 54) and v = artanl2.c.0.27, (070%) .2% 7 2 5 Magy Fs tne When 2 = 0 the relevant integrals are given by; nent hae) . wa? ore 1499) = Lago = Ty = azn = 4% Tago * Lago 74 rel ° \. rea BF Ge Hae) ret gay * Aero * aga) = Agaa = roa rel M29 = Haan * Maza = Maga * rou saz * sMaz2 * sMaz0 * sana ~ © 8 2b) LINEAR VERTICAL DISPLACEONT A. Cross-misotropic; 62 Positive ‘The displacenents, strains, md stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations show on page 16 for the case of Linear Vertical Pressure loading (Cross-anisotropic; 6? Positive). 3 co spreieme 1,25 on ny Ot eae ee te assent for 2, 0 ‘This alternative substipution follovs from the aoment-displacement relationship; op a ese Gi) substitute Tye(yeiy@) sam sven for Ty for Aye (0) for H,.,00 Asecuery een ‘3B. Cross-anisotropic; 8* Negative ‘The displacements, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the folloving substitutions into the ‘equations shomm on page 16 for the case of Linear Vertical Pressure loading (Cross-anisotropic; 6? Negative). i _3 2) 2. ade (4) substitute 7... . OR -2,.)*.S- for P, ® a 82 cent 2 This alternative substitution follows fron the moment-displacesent relationship; ee Ty = ty Hae! . —° $"ataa) Gi) substicute son fot Tan sree) for Tay Asc(uen) for Mary sq) for sAary sequen) 77 for Mary Se(ue1) for Mery = €. Cross-anisotropic; 6% Zero ‘The displacenents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the folloving substitutions into the equations shown on page 16 for the case of Linear Vertical Pressure loading (Cross-anisotrepic; 62 Zero). 22 6 4 2 f (oede Ee ot Dish Se ir Ths aicarnativn subetigation follow from the moneat-itsplacanent relationships t* Tycgny (68) oo for Zyq,(08) Age (yer) (2) for Ay,,(a2) M3q¢ye1) 9) for M,,,(o2) . taoerente the displacements, steting, nd stresses are cheained by mking the folloving substitutions into the equations shown on page 16 for the case of Linear Vertical Pressure loading (Cross-anisotropic; 6? Zero). 0) mbes te BASS ot tp BEE for = os This saterssive subatiguion folios from the nonnt-isplacetnt relationships ty “yt S207) T3e(y01) for I4,,(2) Asccuery® £08 Aggy) Mse(yo1) @) for M,,,(2) (id) In addition the following simplifications apply with regard to the coefficients #5 eye speeget 1 i yt DET ag = ev). (1-209. a2 200s (ey). 1-20) 272 aad f rade Bele)? » APPENDIE B 19 iaaat 2(b) LINEAR VERTICAL DISPLACEMENT Values of Integrals 155,00)» Tscyr sUseur Aseul> cAseur sAseut Macy > Moca ¥ 0 and 2 ¥ 0 the values of the integrals are given by; a2 (+ Tyyg(6) and Zyoe(¥) are shown on page 25 for the corresponding case of x #0 ands #0 2 Tyg lO) * DA + 20ctyeathhy = 26h (209202) stag) de” Tyg) © BELG, Dvsiaksy - Pd ewkyhe tay Regt) = Sha Leas Asia, « 2. c9.c0k, yoy» Zqq5#) and Zypq(¥) are shown on page 25 for the corresponding case of r #0 and = 40 Aggy) # lg, (9) + Typ (00) Mey (0) * T3440) = Typ, (00) aay’ sFuave Teas #4 4Zsg5 are shom on page 23 for the corresponding case of r #0 ands 40 Euan = DEC a aPerP(avaa) (aus) Doty sin, = (07%or?s(1-ua) (2408) ly 880, 2h (tan ony « (ean ana cooks 3 ha? sign * DECAPPaPs Cu) na coo, © PPP a Cte) Busy ony wan (te2as) Ry sie, ~ on (20) 4, sin 3 hat (eines? vant! = PP coke? (Can = aaah? =o ck dus * @* 2 1 ay og + 0. (0,2-2-24) + 03. (F,2-2¢2u) sinks, ay, (nad? nay? = Pain T= coun? + an? = 2a. stag 57345 ~ Oy Pozen) cosh"? ~ an. (202-21) cook at 3.07, costa, - 08.0, cosh, aor’ sTsov' cls0s #4 gTsps 47 sho on page 25 for the corresponding case of r ¥ 0 and 2 #0 Asay * sau*e sow) Asay * MsTsau*s750) say * Tsau"e7 sy) Say * MT sau"s7300) FE 09s Fs Os Nye Mae Bye Lys Lge WEEE Oy5 Oyy Oye Hos Hye Mage Lor Ly Men v= 0 the integrals are given by Tyyy( * Zygg( * Fegs( = olson * cls * afar * ats *° Tygy (OD = Trg (= Tyg) = Tyg) = Sag sgn = olsen fgg (0) * = Mygy@) = BE. 1-v-arcote) Asys(¥) = = Mya gC) = 2). (arco Aggg(¥) * = Hyg) = B01)? 19r Ape Hy are given on page 15. oP seta wen) Asan > aan = Get MeA2 ~ 0. (artan2dE + artantit + tat (o2s?(1-ua)7). (0727+(100a)?) 4} fon * 7 saan pile cnet + mat + Fant (97224(1-u2)?}, (072 (teus)774y} 2, us 02 os az Aros > dsas * G) Ae laren + srt - ae? ae @rs(Ivus)? are+(Ius) Boas +7 sas Gets che avan? toca TH 6 pe» platy When 2 + 0 the relevant integrals are given by: T5py(0)> gFspy7 Zyps(0) and gZaoy are shoe on page 25 for the corresponding case of = = 0 Pear) sts) 9? I5430) 2 Fya0* Fans = ae zat oes ar tage 12 de 2oCe2r) c1-r°)* zara! Msp5(0) Hyg (0) * Mga = OE 521) * Mer = Ae ode sla * Tas * sTsa1 ~ s1343 * s4s21 * 4325 * ssa 356 APPENDIZ 3 20 ‘S(a) LINEAR RADIAL SHEAR STRESS A. Gross-anisotropic; 6? Positive Dyk Zyg9 (42) ~ fy Typ9(08)} 4 = Pyety Tig Tyag(t8) = Ry-Zyp9(02)) Egg 7 Pye f-tety Lygp ($8) + DoRy-L gga (05) eye * Pyethge ggg Ct) = Ey (40)) = hye Tyg l08) = = Zyqp(02) 21 0 2 Py ts T p29 C08) nt gt tgag(o0)) epg = PyeF ign (-0"* Zapata) + 74 Zyp9(08)) eS 1 FR = py Lg Ly 948) ~ hig Zyq9 (08) ~ (a-b).27* this Tga9(b3) = hg-Zq9q(02)3] = Dy UhgaZygg (48) = hgeZyqq(0A) + (@2B)-2 1. Ths. y00 (8) ~ hgpTy99 (08931 tal me oT ryga(48) + Tyga (08)? mer. Gross-anisotropic; 8? Negative ¥ = Py-7ofd4-ete00 * J2rsTa00) v= Pyrotds: 420 * Jars%420) aa * Py d9-eF402 ~ Fro°s%a02? Eiger E See * Py Us llgg2 P+ eZaan) * dar fstaa2 - 7 -s%4207) at 5 «Laan * it sTann) a 2 Taza ~ 8 sTaaa? Fee pyldgelao2 * derataan ~ @D-F Bsa * de-stan'l Gyan? fete! S = w+ stage Fee fey Py G-etaan * de-sZao2 * OO)" B-p, C. Cross-misotrepic; §? Zero B= Dy ye lty Tyqg (02) * ty-2-Tyqp(03)) WH Dytge tts Lyag (ae) + ty.3-Typ0(aa)) Sag = Pye tgeZygg (Gs) ~ #3.0:2-Ly94 (cs)? Sp 7 Pyet tye ggg (02) = rang (Ga) + t4.5-(Lygq(oa) ~ 21-2 499(08) 1] Bye 7 PF yg 08) = 0.2.2 ,34(08)) Fm rysl-tyatyqg laa) + teeteZygg (ea) + (6-b)-27 B = pyel-ty-Iygp(02) + ty ery tye yy9 (08) ~ tot yy9 (00) -1 Tyggl02) ~ (ab) 2°) ft 5.Ty9q(03) = t4-2-Fyp9 (aa) 11 Fyp4(02)} Fe fetyy D. Isotropic ‘The stresses, strains, and displacements are as for the case of Cross-anisotropic; 8? Zero but with the following simplifications; a -1 2 4 . y= (140) (120) 8 t= OWE ty = 2.007) J tg CoE tn? a = ty =a tyro fy = dv.) aed appennix 3 3) Values of coefficients hy, ins ty dy = 2007) 6.8 (0-00, (ond?y? hs = (2an?1).274, (0-0, (onde? Ay nay teh by = bukg - 0 iy = 2b. 4, = (an + ort Gig = Tad. (Geo)? dg * ads - Ody dy" beds - Ody = 200. (ad-0" dg ty = (oop). (dao). f7, (enda”) ty = (orp). adans”}, (onda?) ? tg © ity - erty ty t hits ~ ot ty = (2ovp) doa f'?.(erda?y? 2 LINEAR RADIAL SHEAR STRESS Ay © Beep ..f". Go) (era)? hg = ae?) 8Cont)) Condo?) (2007) .0.f°*. (eda?) Zp eh tends? ty > (2-79.97. (orda") tg = aut - coat, ty 2 Baty = c.a.t, Values of smtegrals T4000)» Tesye sTeey When r #0 and x #0 the values of the intograis are given in tables on the page mubers indicated in brackets; Fyqo(#) (489 Zygq() (511 Zygg) [48 Fyqq@) (51) Zygg() (48 Ly) 30) When r+ 0 the integrals are given by 2uay't - 9)? Tygg (A) = KC?) = 07 Lao = Zyq9) * Tyyg) = 0 Zygg) = (09%) ~ 3? Paty PNT 9() © Ty Fano 491 faz (522 steo0 491 saz (521 eon 1501 Fa 0531 402 £50 Sao 53 Tyga) = 2 ~ 9629%45).(9%01 rt tw) = *Zaoa sTeqg * #2 (ocongea.sing) ~ 200, Fay «(ne sa? - Mi stoccoed esta + i Fagg 17 a+ PH CPP ond « 2avesings + Hos Tiaog 2 Beno BHCC sin ~ 2ssancosd) ~ Asin ceo * Fez * sfaao * stan *® 2) Laag * laa lean * stu where 2 = (Pa) aa + 1 + bataPat and o = areanl2ioer? (2? 674 en 2 = 0 the relevant integrals are given bys . sors Aa@e dah rat Fao * ago * Fea * Tapa * : chet ayddee’ ren neg faz . is Lago? * azo * Iyn20 * aan 4% reo 0 pet s7a00 * sT4o2 ~ sT420 * 4422 * 338 apperorr 8 2 ‘S(b)- LINEAR RADIAL SHEAR DISPLACEMENT ‘A. Gross-misotropic; 6? Positive ‘The displacenents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations for the case of Linear Radial Shear Stress loading (Cross-anisotropic; 8% Positive). These equ- ations are shown on page 20. (substitute OYE, Cee -—- Gd) sabstitete Ty. 43y weewennsnennennen= FOF Py = for 74,,(0) B. Cross-anisotropic; 6? Negative ‘The displacenents, strains, ad stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations for the case of Linear Radial Shear Stress loading (Cross-anisotropic; 8 Negative). These equ: ‘ations are shown on page 20. ) sastiene -6,. G42 . Gi) substitute T5643) sT3r(ue) ©. Cross-anisotropic; 6% Zero ‘The displacesents, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the folloving substitutions into the ‘equations for the case of Linear Radial Shear Stress loading (Cross-anisotropic; 62 Zero). These equations are show on page 20. 282 f Corda’)? Gy substitute 6). og SS weenecnensnens £0F Py Tse(ye1y 2) ~ - for Z4.,(az) D. Isotropic The displacements, strains, and stresses are obtained by making the following substitutions into the equations for the case of Linear Radial Shear Stress loading (Cross-anisotropic; 82 zero). These equations are shown on page 20. 2_-F 2y% (6) substitute -6,. O52. for py VOR Ta , Gi) substitute T5443) — for I4,,(2) (441) In addition the following simplifications apply with regard to a, f, and the coefficients ft 1 ot z ty = (sy).8 te? teat ab = B.(lwy)* (ey). 0-20) .27 t= Geet = 2.04 4,220 tyro ty = 2 Cleve sores a eee en ane reoer ee : Loni = BM Uysiobioney Bh ogty hey Zyo360) = zpsi0 * sabysishy.cobp rey) © Oba) OP age ty singel sary) Eggg (0d © Dx hay tp coshigs 161g") sing) Iyggtt) » Bx hang ty" oepg-v singh) 1 e04hio) gm: @ 5 (ol Bi singh ae. 6,*0,) 03 (nl, Ing)} Jsn* 155 lly C05 hy Hae COO phy HOS (Ip toq)-O8 (Ng Dal) du’ aby eeheyy sfaan = O74 Ga, sin oy | singhy*tnlpoIat,) any + YE cas cook Cts) cos as. sia siohi eo? ore) 2! ert tocteusyr sins «| sinks ona. (cos! 1, yaa? siaay 7 QE CoCtaus) a, sins (100s) By sinh eas. .co0 cosh, Jor (nt, tab) eines = OEE ttn ot ins oft nT sta sas cos ot Lear] 2), rn 1 1 oy “lL ginl sos 7 OE 1 Caoea) a, coeds (Cus) Ato). coeds eas. sinks a1 sink 9) were Sqr Spr Sqr Mor Bop Hye Agr Boy gr Epy Zig S50 given on page 35 ven = 0 the values of the integrals are given by; Igy) = @.-v-srcots) Zyog(@) = Btarcoty - v.(¥274 Tagg) = 2. (9701)? Eo = DA {- axeartan@t - az.artanat®y + 2 ant{os? + (1-us)?). (022? + (tena) "349 + 2} sar = Btls ws.artan GZ + us.artan@iz4y + $F ant (o22? + (1-05)7). (072? + Crews)? 4g] isos *, DAs Ce artan G28) + arcan Zt ~ os.0%s? + (10u2)7)"! - oa.f02s? + (1-ua)74D sTyqg = D8 Pinto"? + (a0s)).402s? + (dowsy?V 73 ~ (ems) 02s? + (toes)? + (ious) fa%e? + (2-us)7374} 752 0) * Zyp3(9) = Zyp5(0) = ots01* ctsas * sts01 * stszs °° ot PLT W = Het gg3(0) Tyag(¥) = teT595 (0) ot Ps sTs21 7 sl 303, When s = 0 the relevant integrals are given bys nn ast a [" red Fy = Ty = @ T5950) = Fen fityg Be fitgg Fx (OPE Bi py.cosb. Age B, Cross-anisotropic; 8° Negative wo rs contary: Cd y-clazo ~ Sasfazo) = p5-€050.29- (35 Moag ~ dgrsioz0 ~ Sxx-Aza0 (180) Arno ~ darsbana > Syn Mag0(2)) San 7 P+ 0088+ (+d9-eT222 * Sto°s7222) 1 D * pyesine.nye stea0) * iy? raagti2)? Gp * P 5p 6088. lane) > S4-Taze * is: Tone ~ P0088. (-d5.2"" tenn ~ 4a? sloag ~ Sy? pg Pye C088. EC aMoay + 848". Mgan + Ayan (v8)? estang * Hopp (2)? staan * dyye OF ggg (te) ~ MeTpy9 (vA) Egg = P5e8i08-F 8. (- Aga * &- atl epg * Pse8iR0. Lig? Tagg * de e ; aon 1 FR © py.0080.0-dg- age ~ dgrstagn * (OD) ge clagg * arstzan * f11-Zzq0609) 91 + py C086 Liye Tage ~ Sar slaza = ODT Igeclaga * Sa staue * Fur-F2q09Y) Bi = pypcrs0.0" Too Fiesty, Be fitgg EOD iL yy C. Crosseanisotropic; #? Zero 1 © rye cos8.nge ty -Fp9q (02) ~ y-2-Zzqp(02)? = p5-6058.rptgaMgg9 (G2) = Fy-26Mzp9(98) - tygeAgan (v2)? B= pyeSinbargs (tyeApan (B88) - ty-B-Azp9(04) ~ tyq-My99 (12)? Egg 7 Psr0088-{-ty-Lpp9(08) + b2.962.T394(08)? eg 7 Pqp S080 L 5 ggg Qa) = FE Tyyp (08D) = tye. (Eygq(08) = Ey gg (O80) + tyget Tag (19) = xi “1 egg * Pyp S080 ETy gg (08) = 24.2678 Zp 4p08) ~ Byer TyggCr8)? Eg 7 Psre0580F Ta (Moga(@2) + 968-Moa4(02) + Apzo(r2)) fgg © PgetiRbefECAyy (08) + a. 2kz9g(@2) * Myzp (18)? gg # PyetineaLatger” Ary yp (08) + ty.ter'Zyqp(08) + tye (2 Zpgg vA) beZzp9(v8) 23 +0059. [f5Iyq9(02) ~ tee2-Zyqq(02) = (ab) .2 Mtg Tyyg (08) = ty-2Tpy9(08) - tygeToeg(t2)H1 * 3 B = py c088.Lty-Lp99(88) ~ tyedadyng (a2) + (a-b)F (tye Ly yg (02) ~ tye2-Zy4p(02) ~ ty9-Tp99())1 BB = pgp 0088. 2.Ty94 (02) efit He heg, Be Degg arpemors 3 a sea ‘S(a) UNIFORM UNIDIRECTIONAL SHEAR STRESS D. tsotropic ‘he stresses, strains, and displacements are as for the case of Cross-anisotropic; 6? Zero, but with the following simplifications; (ev). (1-20).274 ty = Cw) 2 tent a ty tyr tye «2.00.8 aet tet i ty = 2.004.27 ty = (lov). ty + 2.00).27 f# (@d) + By! Values of coefficients fy, ts dy gy ty jy-+edyp have been given previously on page 21, In addition a ‘The values of h,-. 4, 2 yg * tq * iy #2 bey Values of Integrals Z5.,()+ Faeyr sloeut A2eyC)» Aoey? sMoeut Maru» Morus Mocw When » #0 and 2 # 0 the values of the integrals are given in tables on the page mumbers indicated in brackets; Fao) C571 x9 1581 Argo) [42] Aza (43) cea 461 Zqqq (0) 057] Fao 038) Azgg(®) (42) soz 431 29 (48 Fy 0377 fz 092 Agq4(0) [42] Ane 48 aa 47 FyggG@) C40 Fa 0391 Haag) 451 soza (441 soa (473 Tyg) C403 ao 41 Hyg) C45) tog 40 Mpg) C48 Maen x = 0 the integrals are given by; Tagg) = Zyyp (0) = Zyp46¥) = Zy4Q6W) = 25426) = EIQ (0) = Tagg(d) = 0 1 ot eToa0 * sT220* cZza2 s7222 * clat0 * sf280 "7 -e72n = * “st240 = 9 Aagg(¥) * Haag (9) = 6 0741) %9) Aaqq (9) © Haag) = be te9. (9701) Ap9g(0) * Mag = 1D choo + “elaay + (cos -2.8) sfoa0 = “song = eH sind» us) So asia’ art . ee Gan + agg * acc messing) IH saan lang» econ stan a.csd) veer Re Liew ya? says aa%u2at yt v = artanf2auz”.{ (07-07)2741} 717 hen 2 = 0 the relevant integrals are given bys ke Bere Gey ben Ghsie) ret 2 Zya0 sz20") Fagg) tama) Fagg *eFoagt B ret net ter Gb he Naot % nen Aap9() = Aaag™ Ayg( *Aggge 4 rei ae? rea + ret Haag) “Pano Maga(® = PMagg4 0 ret aa? rot 4220 * sf222 7 e220 ~ so22 * 9

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