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Human Capital Roadmap Science and Technology 2020 targeting 60 percent of science students unfortunately it dropped to the field of science and mathematics ust !" percent and 2# percent for pure science$ The main factors causing this decline is due to many students %ho consider this su& ect 'ery difficult to learn$ (re'iously) the decline of students ta*ing science su& ects is caused &y the teaching of science in +nglish that affected many students can not understand science %ell$ ,ther factors that cause students are less interested in science are the poor teaching of the su& ect) the lac* of priority gi'en to the su& ect &y school management) the lac* of information on career prospects in science-related fields and the poor prospects of promotion for science-.ualified graduates) the deployment of teachers and insufficient professional support and super'ision$ The main pro&lem lies in the implementation and management of effecti'e teaching and learning particularly in the conduct of practical %or* / either not conducted at all especially for core science) or the teachers themsel'es doing the demonstration %ith students as passi'e onloo*ers$ 0ot all the students in'ol'e in practical %or* and they only &ecame as o&ser'er$ Teacher should change the %ay of teaching that could in'ol'e all students in practical %or*s to &oost their

interest and curiosity to%ard science$ Another difficulties that can &e found are some schools particularly in ur&an areas) science teachers e1ceed the num&er re.uired) in other rural schools %here there is a small student enrolment) the situation is the re'erse$ Science education also suffers from insufficient professional support and super'ision$ The result of not ha'ing a good monitoring system in place is further eroded &y the lac* of super'ision and guidance gi'en to the teachers$ 2e studied ho% the +urope countries can create interest among students in science) through in.uiry-&ased science education that 'ery successful in increasing the num&er of students that pursuing courses in science su& ect$ 3n Malaysia) although efforts %ere done to re-emphasise an in.uiry-&ased approach in the teaching of Science) such efforts %ere not sustained$ 4y introduction of integration science and 3CT %hich %as predicted to offer the e1citement to student in learning science &ut it did not long lasting$ 3nterest in science should &e nurtured as early as *indergarten$ Children &y nature are in.uisiti'e and the &est %ay to de'elop this curiosity instinct is to allo% them to ha'e hands-on e1perience$ This %ill de'elop their e1periences and creati'ity also their thin*ing s*ills can &e enhanced$ The go'ernment targets to had a large num&er of scientist and engineer in 2020$ The current situation sho%s us that %e are lac*ing of student that had interest in science and something must &e done to encounter this pro&lem$ Amount of science students at institutions of higher learning are no% only around

!5)000 people a year than its target of 600)000 students annually. 3f %e are failed to produce the appropriate num&ers of science students it %ould &e ad'erse effects to national de'elopment %hen there %as insufficient e1pertise in science and technology$ The Ministry of +ducation should e1amine the matter thoroughly and formulate a suita&le plan to de'elop the interest of students in Science$

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3mpairment num&er of science students are more critical trigger a ne% polemic national education targets for the direction of a de'eloped country$ The decline %as spar*ed fears among the 'arious parties in addition to the .uestion of %hy the flo% is considered prestigious &ecame less attention8 9espite not &eing hands-off and 'arious efforts ha'e &een carried out to &oost &ac* the increase to 60 percent of students of science) it is still unclear$ Thus) the .uestion arose) %hether the su& ect %as once a sym&ol of student status is increasingly not the headline8 2hy the drastic change of students :patterns: choice of study8 +'en %hen the science stream is categori;ed as prestigious) the returns are not consistent cause more students are %illing to change the stream$ 3n today:s competiti'e %orld) the prestige 'alue of the stream does not play an important role could instead &e gi'en a guarantee that the main attracti'e factors$ <or those %ho are in that situation) they %ould ha'e made the selection of the stream that %ill ha'e good return after the study$ 3n their opinion) %hat is the science ha'e if that limited their career$ This scenario continues to the uni'ersity le'el %hen students in higher education see learning in science is not %orth it other than hard and &oring$ Many reasons to &e studied to sol'e the e1isting issues$ ,f course %e do not %ant to sacrifice their future ust &ecause plagued %ith pro&lems that can &e sol'ed$ Science is more complicated compared to art &ecause science re.uire

the emphasis of understanding concepts$ The culture of students that prefer to memori;e comparing ma*ing analysis$ This led to interest in the stream does not gro% &ecause anyone %ant to choose a simple stream that ensures their successful pass through$ ,'er the years) %e are &elie'ed that the science is hard) not attracti'e) can lead to the dropping of result) and so forth$ This causes students to &e afraid$ The perception of science should &e con'erted to different perspecti'es) such as science helps to &oost the image of a person) fun or can ans%er many .uestions$ 3 &elie'e if %e emphasi;ed this concept of thin*ing) the interest in science to e1pand$ To increase students: interest to%ards science) se'eral steps must &e done immediately$ The school can create &ac* Science and Mathematics 2ee* as applying the &asic le'el of interest in the stream$ This program is effecti'e to sprout students: interest &ecause it %as e1posed to the :&eauty: of science at the primary le'el$ The interest in science can &e fostered through reading and indi'idual success) especially international scientists$ Malaysia needs at least 500)000 %or*ers in the science and technology &y 2020 to achie'e high-income de'eloped country status$ The ministry of education and teachers must %or* hard to increase the num&er of students ta*ing science su& ects to achie'e this goal$

WAJ 3102 English Language Proficiency 1 SAMZUR ! " MA# $$0%13&03&'013 (rou) 1.'

Lec*urer+s "a,e Ma-a, "i. "or/anah 0in*i "i. Ah,a-


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