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Tentative de contournement de la FCEM

Dans les phnomnes d'induction standard, l'aimant en mouvement produit une l'induction directement dans le circuit magntique, sur lequel est installe la bobine de rcupration. L'animation suivante montre le mouvement alternatif de rapprochement et d'loignement de l'aimant, vis vis du circuit magntique ; ce mouvement produit une variation d'intensit de flux magntique au centre de la bobine de rcupration.

ur la simulation suivante, le sens du flux de raction de la bobine de rcupration est exactement inverse au flux de l'aimant en rapprochement. i l'aimant fait un mouvement de recul le sens des vecteurs va s'inverser.

!ous somme confront la "#$%

& la suite d'tudes de simulations et d'expriences sur maquettes nous avons observ qu'il tait possible de dvier le champ magntique d'un aimant. !ous avons labor un concept, rendant possible la diminution de la force d'opposition due la "#$%. La simulation du dessous montre un arrangement particulier du circuit magntique. Le principe consiste a'outer un circuit magntique auxiliaire. Deux aimants et un circuit de bouclage sont a'outs au circuit magntique de la bobine de rcupration.

L'image suivante, montre le nouvel arrangement du circuit magntique, et l'approche de l'aimant inducteur. (l appara)t clairement que le circuit magntique de la bobine de rcupration est dsert par le flux des aimants du circuit auxiliaire. La force de raction de la "#$% ne va pas pouvoir s'opposer frontalement l'aimant inducteur en rapprochement. La raction sera dirige sur la retenue du flux magntique du circuit auxiliaire.

Dans cette h*pothse le mouvement de rapprochement mcanique de l'aimant inducteur ne sera pas frein par la "#$%, car le ferromagntisme va favoriser l'approche de l'aimant inducteur. +ne exprience simple faire, consiste coller un aimant nord sur un cube d'acier magntique. $nsuite on se munit d'un second aimant que l'on colle galement face nord sur le cube. (l se produit dans la matire un nouvel arrangement magntique qui va saturer fortement le cube certes, mais qui rendra possible l'adhrence magntique.

#ette animation montre comment peut s'organiser la variation du flux par dviation alternative de deux circuits magntiques.

L'animation montre que la dviation du flux, produit une variation d'intensit de flux dans les bobines de rcupration. $n revanche le flux de raction des bobines ne s'oppose pas directement l'approche de l'aimant inducteur, mais plut,t au flux -statique- produit par les aimants colls sur le circuit magntique de la bobine de rcupration.

La suite logique est un montage rotatif.

.oici une visite guide d'un concept d'alternateur utilisant la dviation de flux. /outes les pices sont reprsentes et commentes ; curieusement une des plus importante est le stator de lissage ; elle sert la fois de liaison mcanique entre les diverses parties du gnrateur, et en m0me temps elle permet d'obtenir l'effet escompt, savoir diminuer la force de rsistance l'entre et la sortie de la branche induite. +n autre schma explicatif des coulements des flux magntiques va donner quelques prcisions.

+n autre mode de ralisation peut galement 0tre mis en 1uvre. (l est avantageux au niveau de la conception du rotor. Le rotor est rduit sa plus simple expression ; cela rduit son poids et ventuellement sont diamtre. L2animation ci3dessous donne une s*mbolique de ralisation du concept.

+ne dernire simplification consiste limiter le nombre d'aimants et aussi l'encombrement. L'animation suivante reprsente l'ob'et

& partir de ces diffrentes extrapolations, voici un exemple de ralisation d'une maquette d'valuation rudimentaire.

4n part d'un transformateur de rcupration, on pratique un usinage afin de crer la rupture magntique. +n rotor en forme de disque va permettre de boucler, ou pas, le circuit magntique, alternativement, par simple rotation. 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 +n nouveau dveloppement sur le concept permis d2optimiser un fonctionnement .oici en image le concept.

Le principe reste le m0me dans les grandes lignes, savoir la commutation de flux statique par un flux d*namique. $n quoi porte l2amlioration 6 $t bien sur la section de flux commuter vis33vis de la section de du commutateur. .ous pouve7 voir que l2on commute et sature une section de 89mm de large, alors que le commutateur ne fait que :;mm. econd point, l2alternance montre qu2on retire le flux d2une section de 89 mm sature, <our le mettre dans une section non sature de m0me largeur. (l se produit donc une variation de flux la saturation et d3saturation dans =9mm de large chaque commutation. &lors que dans le premier concept, il se produisait une variation de flux dans une largeur de section, plus faible et non sature. D2autre part le diamtre effectif sur lequel s2exerce le couple potentiellement rsistant,est des plus faible environ :; mm, alors que dans le premier concept il tait au minimum de ;9mm. 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 <etite variante, utilisant un matriel de rcupration.

55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 >etour sur la simplification extr0me dans le but d'une ralisation d'valuation quantitative. a noter que dans cette reprsentation fonctionelle, le diamtre du rotor est gale la largeur des aimants gnrant le flux fixe. et poutant le concept est tout de m0me valide.

La dernire version la plus aboutie en terme de rendement de commutation est la suivante,

Le nombre d'aimants est minimiser sur les stators, la commutation est trrs franche, les enrefers sont importants, de l'ordre de 9.? mm, ceci facilite la production industriel en faible srie. Les pices polaires de lisages n'ont pas besoin d'un entrefer important, 9.? mm galement. Le rendement de se modle est moins optimal mais il est plus simple raliser

Le circuit magntique est constitu de deux parties fait d'empilement de feuille de t,les t*pe transformateur, le principal formant le stator du rotor. $t le second, no*au de la bobine, faisant la liaison entre les deux cornes du circuit

5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 .oici la dernire volution de l'alternateur commutation de flux, (l permet d'inverser la polarit magntique du flux dans les branches latrales. La variation de flux s'lve donc @A3 B /, ce qui est proche de se qu' l'on peut obtenir dans les machines industrielles. Le rotor commute le flux des aimants ad'acent, cela nous permet de penser que la raction de "#$% ne se fera donc pas sentir par un couple rsistant. & la manire des expriences de /hane Ceins la raction de "#$% va exister mais dans une 7one sans influence sur la cause.

&ttempt to circumvent the $%" (n the standard induction phenomena , the magnet moving a product induction directl* in the magnetic circuit , Dhich is installed on the taEe up spool . /he folloDing animation shoDs the reciprocating movement toDard and aDa* from the magnet, Dith respect to the magnetic circuit; /his movement produces a variation of magnetic flux densit* at the center of the taEe up spool .

(n the folloDing simulation , the floD direction of the reaction up spool is exactl* opposite to the floD of inbound magnet . (f the magnet maEes a recoil direction vectors Dill be reversed .

Fe are faced Dith the $%" "olloDing simulation studies and experiments on models De observed that it Das possible to divert the magnetic field of a magnet. Fe developed a concept , maEing it possible to decrease the opposing force due to the $%" . /he simulation shoDs a particular arrangement of the magnetic circuit. /he principle is to add an auxiliar* magnetic circuit.

/Do magnets and a termination circuit are added to the magnetic circuit of the picE3up coil .

/he folloDing image shoDs the neD arrangement of the magnetic circuit , and the approach of the field magnet . (t is clear that the magnetic circuit of the picE3up coil is defected b* the flux of the magnets of the auxiliar* circuit . /he reaction force of the $%" Dill not be able to frontall* oppose the magnet inductor combination. /he reaction Dill be conducted on the retention of magnetic flux of the auxiliar* circuit . (n this case the movement of mechanical approximation of the field magnet Dill not be constrained b* the $%" , ferromagnetism as Dill favor the approach of the field magnet . & simple experiment to do is to sticE a magnet on a north magnetic steel cube . /hen armed himself Dith a second magnet Dhich is also glue north face on the cube . (t occurs in the magnetic field a neD arrangement that Dill strongl* saturate the cube of course, but maEe possible the magnetic adhesion.

/his animation shoDs hoD the change can be organi7ed b* alternative floD deviation of tDo magnetic circuits.

/he animation shoDs that the deviation of the floD, a variation of flux intensit* in the coils of recover* . (n contrast, the reaction stream coils is not opposed directl* to the approach of the field magnet , but rather the - static - flux generated b* magnets affixed to the magnetic circuit of the picE3up coil . /he logical consequence is a rotating assembl*. Cere is a guided tour of a concept alternator using the floD deflection . &ll parts are shoDn and discussed ; curiousl* one of the most important is the stator smoothing ; it serves both mechanical connection betDeen the various parts of the generator, and at the same time it achieves the desired effect, namel* to reduce the drag force at the inlet and at the outlet of the induced branch . &nother explanator* diagram of floD of magnetic flux Dill give some clarification.

&nother embodiment ma* also be implemented . (t is advantageous in the design of the rotor . /he rotor is reduced to its simplest expression; this reduces its Deight and diameter are possible . /he animation beloD shoDs a s*mbolic embodiment of the concept .

& final simplification is to limit the number of magnets and also clutter. /he folloDing animation shoDs the ob'ect

"rom these extrapolations , an example embodiment of a rudimentar* model of evaluation.

tarting from a transformer recover* machining practice is to create magnetic breaEdoDn . & disc3shaped rotor Dill enable to fasten , or not , the magnetic circuit , alternatel* , b* simple rotation . 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 & neD development on the concept used to optimi7e operation Cere is a concept image .

/he principle remains the same in outline , namel* the static floD sDitching b* a d*namic floD . Fhat carries the improvement6 &nd of course the section floD sDitch vis3 3vis section of the sDitch. Gou can see that it sDitches a saturated section and 89mm Dide, Dhile the sDitch is onl* :;mm . /he second point , Dhich shoDs the alternating flux removes a section of 89 mm saturated /o put in an unsaturated section of the same Didth . (t thus produces a variation of flux saturation and desaturation in =9mm Dide at each sDitching . Fhile in the first concept , there occurs a variation in floD of a section Didth , loDer and unsaturated . 4n the other hand the effective diameter Dhich is exerted on the potentiall* resistant couple is ver* loD around :; mm , Dhile in the first concept it Das at least ;9mm . 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 mall variation , using rec*cled materials .

55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 HacE on the extreme simplification for the purpose of an embodiment of quantification . be noted that this functional representation , the diameter of the rotor is equal to the Didth of the fixed magnets generating floD . poutant and the concept is still valid.

/he latest version of the most successful in terms of *ield sDitching is as folloDs ,

/he number of magnets on the stator is minimi7ed , sDitching is trres franE the enrefers are important, of the order of 9.? mm , this facilitates loD industrial production series .

/he pole pieces of lisages do not need a large air gap , also 9.? mm .

<erformance model is less optimal but it is easier to achieve /he magnetic circuit consists of tDo parts made of sheet stacEing plate t*pe of transformer , the primar* forming of the rotor stator . &nd the second core of the coil , maEing the connection betDeen the tDo horns of the circuit

5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Cere is the latest evolution of the generator sDitched floDs, (t can reverse the magnetic polarit* of the floD in the lateral branches. /he change in flux amounts to @ A 3 B /, Dhich is close to that obtainable in industrial machines. /he rotor sDitches the floD of ad'acent magnets, it alloDs us to thinE that the reaction does $%" Dill therefore not feel a strong couple. (n the manner of experiments /hane Ceins reaction $%" Dill exist but in no bearing on the issue area.

&nother attempt to circumvent the $%" Iohn $cElin tr*ing to develop a concept alternator Dhose moving part is not the magnets or coils . Fhat is mobile the transmission medium is a magnetic flux , namel* the laminated steel . /he purpose of maneuver is to dodge the polar reaction on the moving part . & patent is visible at this address . /his draDing illustrates perfectl* the operating mechanism , depending on the position , the magnetic flux , passes through a path or another , Dhich result in the induction in one direction or its reverse , the stator coils . /he reaction $%" braEing does not 'ust speaE on the rotor because the polarit* is neutral to last . (t onl* transmits or rather alloD the passage of the product b* the magnets themselves are fixed floD . (t is possible to change the concept to achieve the creation of direct currents . /he diagram beloD represents an embodiment maEes this possible. Hoth neod*mium magnets provide the magnetic flux , Fho Dill be channeled through the rotor. /he coil is arranged so that such lines of floD going to cut the conductors , the configuration is therefore ver* similar to the mechanism used in the reversible d*namo . /he electromotive force create Dill be dependent on J B3 the intensit* of the magnetic field, : , the length of the conductor cut b* flux lines K 3 /he relative displacement speed betDeen the floD and the conductors L rotor angular speed M . &n animation Dill give a more accurate idea of hoD . & most successful design of the magnetic circuit release Dill alloD us to smooth the braEing torque of the polar effect ,

/he notches are alDa*s allocated more quarE , the resistance on the maximum reluctance is loDer. "or clarit* on the desired phenomenon , here are tDo simulations, /he first magnetic circuit is simplified in the linear , Dith the tDo lateral magnets , /he tDo - stator - up and doDn on Dhich are Dound coils recoveries , and finall* the -rotor- magnetic steel in the center. !otice the direction of the arroDs in the -rotor- central pole piece magnetic loop floD . /he* are opposed to the direction of the arroDs in the side pads . /his is quite normal because the field through this issue to bucEle . Let this second simulation , this time the tDo coils induced b* the floD of a current debit magnets . 4bserve the direction of floD is reversed in that the central pole piece Draparound . /he -struggle- magnetic opposition is not betDeen the moving parts -rotor- and - stator - but in the stator itself. /he -rotor- taEes the polarit* imposed b* the reaction stream $%" in the coils . /here is ever* reason to believe that thanEs to opposition movement , the load torque on the rotor of the induction Dill be close to 7ero. /he rotor being nativel* Dithout magnetic polarit* , it adopts the most appropriate at the time -t- Dithout qualms . 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 /he hostilit* committed , ( bought a motor recover* after a flat fan feet.

/he ob'ect has alread* undergone some changes , it Dill continue b* cutting the stator into tDo parts. /hen the rotor Dill be planed , the circumference is interrupted b* tDo dishes, faces Dill also be planed to remove the squirrel cage .

( still have to machine the rotor , Diring Dill begin.

DraDing of the overall shape of the alternator. Nones B and : relates corresponds to points of braEing and acceleration of the rotor , Fe denote that if De chose the embodiment if beloD , consisting of tDo stator uninterrupted , disparaisses these areas. LinE to the first video /he Ee* image of this video is the folloDing , /his Daveform represents the image of the current induced in the coils . /here is a steep edge betDeen tDo substantiall* square Dave /he height of the square is amplified in proportion to the rotational speed of the rotor . /his clearl* indicates that the induction of such conductors cut b* a stream , rather than induced coil. /he plateau - square - represents the floD through passage of said conductor bundle , the steep flanE of the passage in the rotor shaft of the reel , and again on square plate Dhich completes the c*cle b* leaving the field in the second part of the coil.

/hen the rounded part to 7ero giving the long portion or the rotor does that loop. Cere is an animation Dhich details , >ultats measures /he conclusion L not definitive M that comes to mind is that the coils recover* depolari7e the magnetic circuit. (ndeed Len7's laD sa*s that the electromotive force create, opposes the cause Dhich gives rise to , priori it is believed that Dhen a !orth field approach the coil Dill produce a outh field, /his is absolutel* true but add to that a concept of proportion , Dhich ( thinE is important. Fhen a stream enters a !orth coil it Dill produce a reverse field , in exact proportion to the field at the center is 7ero , +nliEe - presence of field - , is not - the presence of a reverse field ,- but - no field - . o the model of the alternator coils creates not reverse their field , but depolari7ation . (n that the rotor Dhich is not re 3 biased b* the coil . /hus Dhen entering the space defined b* the magnetic coil , it is straddling an area , magneticall* polari7ed and unpolari7ed area that looEs ver* close to a gap. therefore the rotor it Dill be attracted b* the polari7ed area , the entered to this coil , Dill be the center or neutral , but also to the output coil and the center Dill be at this time 3 polari7ed . /he area to Dhich the rotor as it Dill be this time depolari7ed . /he unpolari7ed nativel* rotor Dill not undergo a re3 polari7ation coil as ( thought , Hut behave liEe a normal ob'ect so permeating the natural tendenc* is to filled the void there or magnetic intensit* is greatest. /he first Da* is thDarted phenomenon consists in the modification of the ph*sical nature of the stator. /he geometr* model is adopted on the Eind of smooth pole or pole hidden . /his shape is perfect for a normal alternator. "or our case a model Dith salient poles Dould be more suitable . /he poles are as magnetic islands than the magnetic flux can not be more important before the pole at least /he problem remains hoDever to Dhich is the distance from the rotor. "olloD diagrams to clearl* identif* the problem. /he draDing above shoDs the ph*sical phenomena encountered. /he representation is linear for reasons of timeliness of the scheme. /he coil is shoDn in orange , the rotor facing the magnetic field generated in the induction coil . #oil suppl*ing a current is opposed to the presence of the field, the stator poles embraced b* the coil, are depolari7ed because the coil Dill produce a field exactl* opposite to his creative cause. CoDever the poles of the stator not embraced l*ing before the coil , the* are over3 biased in some Da*s . /he rotor is located betDeen a strongl* polari7ed and unpolari7ed area Dhose area is close to the magnetic permeabilit* of air. /he rotor is naturall* attracted to the polari7ed and thus is prevented from entering the coil area. /hat is Dh* the concept of reluctance generator , described in these pages does not DorE. /his neD design t*pe , salient pole , Dill DorE the same Da* at the induction /he ma'or difference is situated at the front pole, entering the center Dill create a depolari7ation certainl* Eissed st*le. CoDever the front pole Dith ver* loD permeabilit*, the rotor Dill not undergo braEing attraction. &t the output of the cluster hoDever there Dill be a ma'or attraction retained the rotor minimum reluctance . /Do assumptions are , or is removed from the coil current to the remoteness of the rotor or not . (f *ou pull the current Dill be much higher if De do not draD current restraint. /o go further De can imagine removing the current Lord of the rotor inlet in the coil,

(s going to cancel the attractive natural torque of the minimum reluctance poles embrace being depolari7ed L permeabilit* close to the airM. /he output of the pole Dill be done Dith the normal rupture magnetic circuit selected. 4ne can imagine that this is some restraint being constant speed and current draDn from the input and not output "rom a certain speed performance should be greater than B.

%easurements and previous findings lead us to a neD version of the alternator. "our stator coils on the tDo recoveries , another side of the tDo inductions . /he induction coils Dill bias the stator instead of the magnets. "or this stator can not be cut to insert magnets . #urrent introduced in the induction coils is neglected for measurements , because later it Dill be more useful . /he first test of this version is shoDn ma'or default firstl* for induction magnets identical bias current should be ver* important. Lord second point of the rotation of the rotor there occurred significant electric shocE in the poDer of the bias circuit , the return of $%" . ( Das constrained to disassemble and modif* the stator previous experience for reuse in the neD . /he form is noD as folloDs . 4ne pair of poles through Dhich De Dill get induction on front came into s*nchroni7ation. /he s*nc output Dill not be used because it Dill increase the peel strength required to maintain the rotation. o if the conclusions issued b* the first experiment are correct, Fe should have a 7ero force to the rotor Dhereas s*nchroni7ation Dithout current floD , the rotor is strongl* attracted in the air gap , and a breaEout force constant spooling rotor because De recovered a current 7ero. /he difficult* in the measurement Dill discern variations of speed, ince the driving force creating Lord s*nchroni7ation Dithout poDer Dill help the engine, /his force helps the regime Dill probabl* disappear dropped /his droop is not of a pure braEing and hard but a lacE of support , /he distinction is subtle. 4nl* the current measuring recovered vis3 3vis the current in'ected decide on the s*stem efficienc*. 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Cere is that the pro'ect could become and achieve an industrial version . audessus for mechanical audessous for demonstration floDs and coils.

Cere is an animation of the sinusoidal progression toDards polar geometric progression. loD speed version .ersion &nother embodiment of the coils beloD visible . (ndustriall* it Dill be imperative to cut the stator into tDo for this to be feasible. #ontact me

Different Da*s to produce electricit* /o produce electric current , it is possible to use different methods J 3 /he noblest , but also the most complicated, is the decomposition of the material into its basic elements, to recover electrons to be operated or stored in an electrochemical storage batter* L car batter* M . /his method is used in the poDer cells , also called h*drogen batteries . 3 /he direct electrochemical reaction Dhich comprises reactive elements each in contact Dith others, so that their transformation b* chemical degradation can retrieve electrons. 4perated or stored , this second method is similar to the first , but it is much easier to implement . /his is the method Dhich is used in the batter* that is found in the trade . 3 <hotovoltaic reaction is commonl* called solar energ*. 3 /he magnetic or electromagnetic induction. /his last solution De are interested in on this site. /his s*stem has long been EnoDn ; the first d*namo in B=?O , invented b* Helgian Nnobe Pram , the* produced the D# said, Dhose peculiarit* is that it does not change polarit* over time, the image of an electric batter* . /hen come alternators , the function is essentiall* the same except that the generated electric current is called alternative . /his means that the current polarit* is reversed at regular intervals , the current plight of our outlets. Hoth machines use the induction phenomenon. /his is to add or remove a magnetic field Dithin a coil of Dire . /his discover* De oDe to "arada* in B=KB. (t Das he Dho made the first observations of the phenomenon, in collaboration Dith &mpere . Nnobe Pram devised the first d*namo and later /esla devised the first machines trul* industriall* exploitable , Dith ver* significant developments in pol*phase alternating currents.

/he magic of magnets

"arada* Das one of the first to observe that Dhen approaching a magnet a coil of Dire , it Das possible to recover an electrical current to the coil ends . /he magnetic induction had been discovered , /he phenomenon is simple, Dhen a magnet is moved in the axis of the coil , an electric current path coil . &ccording to that approach is that one or the magnet aDa* from the coil, the induced current changes direction . /he magnet ma* be replaced b* an electromagnet. &n electromagnet is a magnet s*nthesis somehoD. (t consists of a core of magnetic metal , Dhich is Dound on the electric Dire . /hen the coil is supplied , b* connecting its ends , on a current generator . the metal ring acts as a magnet Dhen the current passes through the Dire . $lectromotive force against , as its name suggests, is against something. (n fact, it opposes the cause Dhich gives birth. Fhen a magnet or an electromagnet Dith a coil is approached , it produces an electrical current, - reaction - in the coil ; this feedbacE current , Dhich is the current used to operate for example a bulb , is against electromotive force . /he current -reaction- occurs, Dill oppose that gives birth ; hoD6 impl* b* creating a reverse polarit* magnet producer. #learl*, if a magnet Dhose polarit* is north on approach to the coil , it Dill produce a s*nthesis magnet north polarit*. /Do magnets of the same polarit* repel , so the coil Dill oppose the approach of the magnet. Iust as Dhen De go aDa* magnet north polarit* , the coil Dill produce a magnet south polarit*, Dhich Dill tend to attract the magnet is moved aDa* from that . /his detail of nature prevents us from generating poDer Dithout strength . /his is the onl* reason , the more current product , the longer it taEes mechanical poDer to a generator or alternator turn .

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