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By William Ernest Henley

a poem in four-lined .. , 16 ..

: In groups, fill in the blanks with the missing adjectives or nouns / find the connecting words expressing contrast/ opposition/concession that would fit in the blanks .
Your Challenge
Nouns :

horror - grip - soul spirit - spirits - darkness - depression age- Hell suffering - metaphor - hyperbole- face fear- fight- chance- disease -evil master- anger- death - fate - weakness blackness link lines - test alliteration theme -will stanzas shade - afterlife

hard- high- passionate - hopeful- deadly - thankful - unconquered restrictedunconquerable unafraid - hellish - difficult- invincible victorious responsible - undefeated patient- narrow- tough - grateful brave- painfuldetermined

No matter - Despite - regardless of - instead - lthough - though - even though - !hatever - yet
Theme : The theme of the poem is the .
Henley himself faced such a . .
1 Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be or my uncon!uerable soul.

to survive in the. of a severe test.

"omments, Stanza 1 ..

is a metaphor for evil, and perhaps . . "The Pit" is . Night is a . for . of an

kind. It is also part of a simile and a . . in whi!h the speaker !ompares the darkness of his suffering to the ... of a . pit stret!hing from the north pole to the south pole. .. o!!urs in Pit from pole to pole . In line ", the ad#e!ti$e %%%%%%%%%%.. establishes the theme and a. with the title &INVICTUS'()atin for uncon uera!le " . " %%%%%%%%%%.."%%%%%%%%%%.. *. +ere the writer, is $er %%%%%%%%%%.. and the ,ods for his "uncon uera!le soul" . %%%%%%%%%%.. bodil ad$ersit he fa!es, his soul will remain %%%%%%%%%%.. . +enle was able to be thankful that , %%%%%%%%%%.. his bod was beaten, his %%%%%%%.. wasn-t.
2 In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. #nder the ludgeonings of chance $y head is loody, ut un owed.

"omments, Stanza 2

The se!ond $erse repeats the %%%%%%%%%%.. , the bod ma be broken, but not the %%%%%%%.. (#ell = !ad or %%%%%%%..*This stan.a begins with another %%%%%%%%%.., !omparing circumstance to a !reature with a %%%%%%%.. %%%%%%%.. (fell clutch*. /lliteration o!!urs in clut!h, !ircumstan!e, and cried, in not and nor, and in !ludgeonings, !lood , !ut, and un!owed. The poet is des!ribing someone who has had a %%%%%%%.. life. The ha$e en!ountered man troubles and circumstances, and %%%%%%% the ha$e ne$er gi$en up. 0$ludgeoning0 has the definition of !eating. +enle is impl ing that someone has been beaten down. %%%%%%%%%%.. horrible !ir!umstan!es, +enle refused to let life defeat him. %%%%%%%%%.., he rose up and fought ba!k1 +e has high%%%%%%%%%.. ( "tre de bonne humeur*, %%%%%%%%%%%%%.. what has happened. %%%%%%%%%%.. it hurts reall bad, he ne$er !omplains. %%%%%%%%%%.. how%%%%%%%%%%.. it is, he is still strong. %%%%%%%%%%.. ma ha$e happened to him, he is still %%%%%%%%%%.. .
! Beyond this place of wrath and tears %ooms but the Horror of the shade,

&nd yet the menace of the years inds, and shall find, me unafraid.

"omments, Stanza !

The third $erse talks about the "Place of wrath and tears" referring to life as (%rath & %%%%%%%..* and also to the '(orror of the Shade" whi!h is a poeti! expression for %%%%%..%%%%.. (Shade = a ghost or %%%%%%%..* . In line 12, %%%%%%%%%..%.. is a metaphor for%%%%%%%... In this same line, %%%%%%%%..%..suggests that the speaker belie$es in an %%%%%%%%..%.. ) If there were no afterlife, there !ould be no horror after %%%%%%%%..%... &*enace of the +ears# is a%%%%%%%..%... for advancing%%%%%%%.. %.... This stan.a states that %%%%%..%%%%%%.. he ma not know what is to !ome, he is %%%%%.%%..%.... , he is %%%%%%.. %.... and read for life.

" It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate' I am the captain of my soul.

"omments, Stanza "

+ere, "Strait the gate" is a bibli!al referen!e. Strait means %%%%%%%%...%.... , %%%%%.%%..%.... . To es!ape &from the fell clutch of circumstance &and !ludgeonings of %%%%%%.. %.... ' (coups de la fortune*, the speaker must pass through a %%%%%%..%.... gate. The last two lines repeat the main theme, that a person is%%%%%%%%%.%%%..%.... for their self, %%%%%.. %%%%%%.. happens in life. %%%%%..%%%%%%.. what the en!ounter in life, or %%%%%..%%%%%%.. life throws at them, the are the ,captain of their soul 3 the !an manage their own life. The last senten!e states, that %%%%%..%%%%%%.. his future ma be established due to the %%%%%%.%%%..%.... , he will !ontinue on and !ontrol his own%%%%%%.%%%. . %%%%%..%%%%%%.. the !hallenges and obsta!les +enle had to fa!e in his life, he o$er!ame them and was the master of his fate. %%%%%..%%%%%%.. all odds, he took !ontrol of his destin and !ame out %%%%%%.%% .

%%%%%.%%%..%.... and %%%%%.%%% Henley was %%%%%..% the pain he had to endure . He was desperately%%%%%.%%%..%.... .
The poem shows how

/fter reading this poem &In$i!tus' b 4illiam 5rnest +enle , it is !lear that the poet is telling us that %%%%%.% !hallenges are going to !ome a!ross ou in life, but %%%%%..%%%%%%.. how hard, ou must fa!e them with our head %%%%%.%%%..%.... . If ou lose a !hallenge and show%%%%%.%%, ou are gi$ing in and losing the battle and showing %%%%%.%%%..%.... . %%%%%..%%%%%%.. , keep our head up and ou will win the %%%%%.%%%..%...., but ou must be %%%%%.%%%..%..... The poet shows that life ma be %%%%%.%%%..%.... for e$er one but ou !an-t #ust gi$e up when it gets %%%%%.%%%..%.....

+ow is the poem &Invictus &related to the mo$ie & Invictus'6 5xpress !ontrast and !on!ession.

5xplain to what extent &Invictus' is a poem ou !an relate to 6

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