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I can explain the importance of journalism in the United States.

I am providing evidence of my understanding of the historical and legal significance of the First Amendment. In journalism 115 we have had several discussions on the First Amendment and why it is so important to journalist and to the pu!lic. "he First Amendment is what allows journalists to do their jo!s. In "he First Amendment is guarantees a freedom of speech freedom of expression and most importantly freedom of the press. As a result of having freedom of the press journalists are a!le to pu!lish information a!out the government. "his is initially what journalists are supposed to do expose government corruption to the people. "heir jo! is to inform the people on any type of news un!iasedly. I don#t have specific examples of where I was a!le to write a!out this however in journalism 115 we watched the movie The Pentagon Papers, where a government official exposed the government secrets a!out the $ietnam war to the %ew &or' "imes. (e was critici)ed greatly and !ecame a wanted man. "he %ew &or' "imes was getting sued !y the government !ut despite all the chaos that pu!lishing this information caused they were a!le to inform the pu!lic a!out the corruption within the government. "hey exercised their freedom of the press and freedom of speech and it helped tremendously. I am providing evidence of the traditional role of journalism as society#s watchdog. I have an understanding of how a journalist is society#s watchdog from watching The Pentagon Papers. In the movie a courageous man and the %ew &or' "imes were a!le to print information a!out how the government had !een lying to the American pu!lic a!out the $ietnam *ar. *e had a discussion a!out whether or not we thought this was correct and I thought that it was !ecause a journalists first jo! is to inform the people and they are especially supposed to inform the pu!lic a!out corruption within the government. I am providing evidence of the rights and responsi!ilities of journalists. In my journalism ++, class I have had to write several reports a!out fatal accidents government officials politics all while staying un!iased and giving as much information as possi!le there was one exam that I did not do well on the written portion !ecause in my news story I made it sound as if the man that had !een arrested had !een convicted and that he was the culprit of the crime however this was not true all we 'new was that he had !een arrested for the crime. I wrote -the ro!!er who was later identified as .ared /. 0iller +1 ...2 "his was wrong and as a result of this exam I have learned to loo' at information much more carefully and I ma'e sure that my wording sounds un!iased !ecause in this case if the man in the story was not the actual man that committed the crime I would have !een charged with li!el for accusing him.

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