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Da2 cheat2

The developer console is an in-game command line tool that allows you to perform functions which are not normally possible (multiple classes, new items, kill all enemies on screen, immortality, etc.). Note: It is very important to note that all codes have the ability to potentially break your game/saves. Use the console with caution and remember to back up your saved games. Note: Despite the name, the console is not available on console (i.e. PS3 or XBOX360) versions of the games. Note: Launching a game with console enabled seems to allow you to skip the Dragon EA logo (confirmed).


Enabling the console


There are currently four ways to enable the console.

Making a shortcut


Make a shortcut to your "DragonAge2.exe" file (typically located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age II\bin_ship folder) on your desktop, Start Menu, or wherever. Right click on the shortcut, choose properties, then add the following to the end of line in the "Target" field: enabledeveloperconsole it should look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Dragon Age II\bin_ship\DragonAge2.exe" enabledeveloperconsole

Be sure that there is a single space between the last quotation mark and the hyphen.

Through Steam


Locate the game in your Steam library, right click on it and select properties. From the properties screen, select "Set Launch Options". Add the following line to the textbox that appears: "enabledeveloperconsole" without quotation marks and click ok. To use the console, launch the game through Steam. (Unverified)

Through Origin


Go to "My Games" in Origin and find your Dragon Age II. Right click it, and select "Game Properties". In the field titled "Command Line Arguments", put in -enabledeveloperconsole

By editing a game file


Another option is to edit the file \Dragon Age II\data\DragonAge2Launcher.xml (i.e., within your Program Files folder). This will allow you to run the game from its normal shortcut, but requires you to edit a game file. Note: Since the Origin download of this game does not create the necessary files to edit, this can only be done from retail disc install. This should be done carefully. Make a backup of the file first. Then, find the line <condition name="FirstRunCheck" type="FileExist" file="${USERDATA_DIR}\SystemInformation.xml"> The line below should be something like this: <true action="execute" file="${BINARIES_DIR}\DragonAge2.exe" path="${BINARIES_DIR}" autoquit="true" /> Add an attribute arguments="-enabledeveloperconsole" to it make it read
<true action="execute" file="${BINARIES_DIR}\DragonAge2.exe" path="${BINARIES_DIR}" autoquit="true" arguments="enabledeveloperconsole" />

For Mac users, locate the file in your user library by going to Library/Application Support/Dragon Age II/config Right click to open the file with Text Edit and after the line [AppDefaults\\DragonAge2.exe\\transgaming] Copy and paste the following: "cmdlineadd" = "-enabledeveloperconsole" To the end of ~/Library/Application Support/Dragon Age II/config

Accessing the console


Open the file "\BioWare\Dragon Age II\Settings\KeyBindings.ini" in your 'My Documents' folder. Open the file in Notepad, then find the line that says "OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X" (GRAVE is default, change X to any button that is not already used in the game). You can also leave it as "Keyboard::Button_GRAVE" and then use the "backtick" character, which is located under the tilde. For Steam it seems binding the console to Tilde doesn't work for some people. Try binding the console to F6 if all other options failed. --- It seems that, at least in the Direct Download edition from EA, the tilde button is called Kanji. Editing the line to "OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_Kanji" allows one to open the console as normal, using the same button.

Important Note: Every command typed in the console will be invisible, however, you can see if it's active by typing bound keys (such as trying to move your character or open your inventory), which would normally not work in console mode. The fonts.erf patch from DA:O that was previously used to make the console visible does not appear to work in DA:II. Once you've got everything set, press the assigned key to activate the console and type in the code followed by <enter> on your keyboard. The easiest code to check if it's working is runscript zz_upgrade, as this code will pop open the enchantment screen no matter where you are in the game. Note: Use 'Z' instead if all other keys don't work.

General console commands


runscript healplayer ~ Heals the entire party runscript injury remparty ~ Removes all injuries from party runscript injury remall ~ removes all injuries from the selected party member runscript addmoney X ~ Adds copper in the amount of X, i.e.; 10000 = 1 Gold piece runscript killallhostiles ~ Destroys all enemies. Be careful here because this can break scripted encounters and can potentially block progress. runscript addxp X ~ Adds experience in the amount of X runscript pc_immortal ~ You will still lose health, but not die. Can be undone with runscript pc_immortal 0 runscript cheat ~ Give all party members a white-glow effect with white dust spray out when you move, temporarily raises party's defence by a significant value, however, damage is still taken. (needs clarification)

runscript zz_upgrade ~ Opens the enchantment window runscript zz_app_debug ~ Opens the Approval debug window to set Approval rates and Romance flags(this doesn't work for Sebastian, you must use his personal zz_seb_debug command)

runscript zz_supercrit player ~ Adds 1000 Stamina and Health, 50 Dexterity and Strength to Hawke. Note that this effect is irreversible. Once you use this, you cannot pick up loot.

This effect is irreversible, but the extra attribute points may be redistributed using the Maker's Sigh. In certain versions this effect does not restrict loot from being picked up. The effect can also be repeated. Use Maker's Sigh then reenter code. Your character will have 50+ to strength and dexterity and you will have over 100 points to distribute

To achieve this effect with any companion, prefix the chosen companion's name with gen00fl_ in place of player. ex: runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_anders To achieve this effect with Tallis, the command is runscript zz_supercrit

runscript dbg_setattrib [attrib] [value] - gives the selected party member a 180 sec. attribute buff / debuff, where [attrib] is a number from 1 to 6 (1=Str, 2=Dex, 3=Mag, 4=Cun,

5=Wil, 6=Con), and [value] is the amount by which you want to raise it. A negative [value] can be used to lower the attribute instead (i.e. -15).

runscript bowlingforferelden This command surrounds you with a ball of energy and allows you to knock around nearly any NPC (party members included) like bowling pins. Be sure to save before you do this, as it may have unintended consequences (pushing NPCs into unreachable areas for example). Wears off after 50 seconds.

runscript zz_party - Retains current active party and adds Isabela, Anders and Aveline to your active party.

If your active party did not contain those three, then they will be added granting you six companions at a time. If one of them was in active party, the other two are added. Similarly, if two were already there, the last will be added. These added members remain after area transition (except Gamlen's house and Hawke's estate) and fight alongside you. Any of the added party members can be selected and controlled. Approval testing is required.

Warning! - Every time this command is used, all upgraded attribute points of Isabela, Anders and Aveline will be gone. Their attribute points will reset to their initial values from when you recruited them. All manually enabled abilities of Anders and Aveline will be retained, while Isabela's will be gone. Ability points gained so far will be available to reactivate lost abilities.

runscript zz_ave_debug - Aveline's debug (set approval, jump to dialogs, set plot flags) runscript zz_and_debug - Anders' debug runscript zz_bet_debug - Bethany's debug runscript zz_car_debug - Carver's debug runscript zz_fen_debug - Fenris' debug runscript zz_isa_debug - Isabela's debug runscript zz_mrl_debug - Merrill's debug runscript zz_seb_debug - Sebastian's debug runscript zz_vrc_debug - Varric's debug runscript zz_otl_debug - Jump to char/plot for On the Loose. runscript zz_dre_debug - Jump to plot debug for The Deep Roads Expedition. runscript zz_lgt_debug - Light Content Debug - Debug for various side quests. runscript zz_mer_debug - Debug for the Merchant quests runscript zz_mag_debug - Debug for various main plot mage/templar quests runscript zz_qun_debug - Debug for various main plot qunari quests runscript zz_qcr_debug - Debug for the Qunari Crisis (Act II end plot and variables) runscript zz_mcr_debug - Debug for the Mage Crisis (Act III end plot and variables) runscript zz_per_debug - Debug for Hawke's personality/dialogue tone. Displays current tone and allows full reset. runscript chargen warrior XX ~ Changes player to a level XX warrior runscript chargen mage XX ~ Changes player to a level XX mage runscript chargen rogue XX ~ Changes player to a level XX rogue

(Beware: Changing your characters class resets your characters appearance to the default.)

runscript zz_vault_debug - Savegame Import Debug Script runscript zz_rdr_debug runscript zz_rdr start | goto | daynight | set | get | talk runscript zz_rdr start 1 runscript zz_rdr start 2 runscript zz_rdr start 3 runscript zz_rdr goto tavern 1 runscript zz_rdr goto tavern 1 night runscript zz_rdr goto docks 1 runscript zz_rdr goto docks 1 night runscript zz_rdr goto warehouse runscript zz_rdr goto keep 2 runscript zz_rdr goto keep 2 night runscript zz_rdr goto tavern 2 runscript zz_rdr goto tavern 2 night runscript zz_rdr goto docks 2 runscript zz_rdr goto docks 2 night runscript zz_rdr goto ambush runscript zz_rdr goto hideout runscript zz_rdr goto stash runscript zz_rdr goto finale runscript zz_dae - a master script that allows modification of most every other debug script, provided the right variables are entered. At each level of the menu, the script will create a popup with the applicable variables for that level; i.e., "runscript zz_dae" will tell you you can enter "show" as a variable, and typing "zz_dae show" will show you you can enter "tone" as a variable, hence "zz_dae show tone" will display your current personality. Similarly, "zz_dae tone humorous" will add one point to your humorous tone counter.


Hire character - Replaces last character in the active party with character (Isabela, Fenris, etc.) Fire character - Removes character from the active party. Goto [Home | Hitown | Lotown | Dock | Keep | Bar] (Act) [Day | Night] - Teleport to specified map, as it appears in the specified act. May trigger cutscenes or quests (current quests don't seem to change)

Daynight Set (plot) (flag) (value) - Set plot flag to specified value (assuming) Get (plot) (flag) Show [Act | Area | Tone | Creature (tag)] - Displays specified information. Tone [Diplomatic|Humorous|Aggressive] - Shows the current dominant tone (same for each option)

Talk [Nearest | (tag)|(name)] Initiates conversation with selected character. No idea what the options for tag are, or what they mean.

runscript zz_dae_debug ~ Modify your party, Act/Area/Plot jumps, and Map debugging

Edit Party - you edit your party members and even bring back your long lost sibling. This seems to work so far in Act 1 just make sure you always keep the original survivor in your party so you get the various dialog cues

runscript zz_drk_debug - Opens up debug wheel with teleport and quest stage options for the LegacyDLC runscript zz_eye_deubg - Opens up debug wheel with teleport and quest stage options for the Mark of the Assassin DLC

Appearances codes


To change your character appearance, type runscript appearance #. For example, to become a Qunari, typerunscript appearance 12030. To undo this type runscript appearance -1. This will revert the appearance change.

15: PC - Human, Male 16: PC - Human, Female 17: PC Home - Human, Male 18: PC Home- Human, Female 1000: Follower - Anders 1001: Follower - Anders - Dark 1010: Follower - Aveline 1011: Follower - Aveline - Kirkwall Guard 1012: Follower - Aveline - Kirkwall Guard Captain 1020: Follower - Bethany 1021: Follower - Bethany - Warden 1022: Follower - Bethany - Circle Mage 1023: Follower - Bethany - Fake 1030: Follower - Carver 1031: Follower - Carver - Warden 1032: Follower - Carver - Templar Knight 1040: Follower - Fenris 1041: Follower - Fenris 1050: Follower - Isabela 1051: Follower - Isabela 1060: Follower - Merrill 1061: Follower - Merrill - Secondary 1070: Follower - Varric 1071: Follower - Varric - Upgraded 1072: Follower - Varric (No Crossbow) 1080: Follower - Dog (Summon) 10000: NPC - Unique - Flemeth

10002: NPC - Unique - Cassandra 10003: NPC - Unique - Orsino 10004: NPC - Unique - Qunari Slave Mage 10005: NPC - Unique - Bartrand 10006: NPC - Unique - Alistair, King 10007: NPC - Unique - Meredith 10008: NPC - Unique - Zombie Mom 11000: NPC - Unique - Flemeth (Dragon) 12000: NPC - Human, Male 12001: NPC - Human, Female 12002: NPC - Human, Male (Child) 12003: NPC - Human, Female (Child) 12010: NPC - Dwarf, Male 12020: NPC - Elf, Male 12021: NPC - Elf, Female 12030: NPC - Qunari, Male 12031: NPC - Qunari, Male - Unibody 20100: Creature - Darkspawn - Hurlock (Trooper) 20101: Creature - Darkspawn - Darkspawn Emissary (Devastator) 20102: Creature - Darkspawn - Hurlock with cross-bow (Trooper) 20103: Creature - Darkspawn - Ogre (Bruiser) 20200: Creature - Beasts - Spider, Giant (Trooper) 20201: Creature - Beasts - Mabari (Trooper) 20202: Creature - Beasts - Dragonling (Trooper) 20203: Creature - Beasts - Dragon (sub-Boss) 20204: Creature - Beasts - High Dragon (Devastator) 20205: Creature - Beasts - Strider (Boss) 20206: Creature - Beasts - Spider, Poisonous (Trooper) 20207: Creature - Beasts - Spider, Corrupted (Trooper) 20208: Creature - Beasts - Spider, Monstrous (Boss) 20209: Creature - Beasts - Double Dragon (Boss) 20300: Creature - Carta - Assassin (Assassin) 20301: Creature - Carta - Thug (Trooper) 20400: Creature - Mages - Circle Highmage (Devastator) 20401: Creature - Mages - Circle Mage - Male (Trooper) 20402: Creature - Mages - Blood Mage - Male (Trooper) 20403: Creature - Mages - Apostate (Trooper) 20404: Creature - Mages - Circle Mage - Female (Trooper) 20405: Creature - Mages - Blood Mage - Female (Trooper) 20500: Creature - Coterie - Alchemist (Devastator) 20501: Creature - Coterie - Member (Assassin) 20502: Creature - Coterie - Thug - Male (Trooper)

20503: Creature - Coterie - Archer - Male (Trooper) 20504: Creature - Coterie - Thug - Female (Trooper) 20505: Creature - Coterie - Archer - Female (Trooper) 20600: Creature - Dalish - Assassin (Assassin) 20601: Creature - Dalish - Warrior - Male (Trooper) 20602: Creature - Dalish - Archer - Male (Trooper) 20603: Creature - Dalish - Warrior - Female (Trooper) 20604: Creature - Dalish - Archer - Female (Trooper) 20800: Creature - Demon - Abomination (Trooper) 20801: Creature - Demon - Pride Demon (Bruiser) 20802: Creature - Demon - Desire Demon (Commander) 20803: Creature - Demon - Rage Demon (Assassin) 20804: Creature - Demon - Shade (Trooper) 20805: Creature - Demon - Pride Demon B (Bruiser) 20806: Creature - Demon - Pride Demon C (Bruiser) 20900: Creature - Golems - Gate Guardian (Boss) 20901: Creature - Golems - Gate Guardian Slave (Trooper) 20902: Creature - Golems - Stone Golem (Boss) 21000: Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Commander (Commander) 21001: Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Male (Trooper) 21002: Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Male Archer (Trooper) 21003: Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard - Female (Trooper) 21004: Creature - Kirkwall Guards - Guard Archer - Female (Trooper) 21200: Creature - Profane - Rubble Golem V1 (Trooper) 21201: Creature - Profane - Rubble Golem V2 (Trooper) 21202: Creature - Profane - Rock Wraith (Boss) 21300: Creature - Qunari - Arishok (Boss) 21301: Creature - Qunari - General (Commander) 21302: Creature - Qunari - Thralled Mage (Devastator) 21303: Creature - Qunari - Warrior (Trooper) 21304: Creature - Qunari - Archer (Trooper) 21400: Creature - Raiders - Assassin (Assassin) 21401: Creature - Raiders - Raider - Male (Trooper) 21402: Creature - Raiders - Reaver - Male (Trooper) 21403: Creature - Raiders - Archer - Male (Trooper) 21404: Creature - Raiders - Raider - Female (Trooper) 21405: Creature - Raiders - Reaver - Female (Trooper) 21406: Creature - Raiders - Archer - Female (Trooper) 21500: Creature - Templars - Meredith (Boss) 21501: Creature - Templars - Seeker (Assassin) 21502: Creature - Templars - Templar - Male (Trooper) 21503: Creature - Templars - Templar Captain (Commander)

21504: Creature - Templars - Templar Archer - Male (Trooper) 21505: Creature - Templars - Templar - Female (Trooper) 21506: Creature - Templars - Templar Archer - Female (Trooper) 21600: Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver (Trooper) 21601: Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver Mage (Devastator) 21602: Creature - Tevinter Slavers - Slaver - Female (Trooper) 21700: Creature - Thugs - Street Thug (Trooper) 21701: Creature - Thugs - Street Thug - Female (Trooper) 21800: Creature - Undead - Arcane Horror (Devastator) 21801: Creature - Undead - Revenant (Commander) 21802: Creature - Undead - Corpse (Trooper) 21803: Creature - Undead - Corpse Archer (Trooper) 21804: Creature - Undead - Harvester Head (Boss) 21805: Creature - Undead - Harvester (Boss) 22000: Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary - Male (Trooper) 22001: Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary Archer - Male (Trooper) 22002: Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary - Female (Trooper) 22003: Creature - Mercenaries - Mercenary Archer - Female (Trooper) 23000: Creature - Invisible - Human Male 30000: Ambient NPC - Buzzard Gliding 30001: Ambient NPC - Buzzard Perch 40000: Cinematics - Flemeth 50800: Follower - Sebastian Vael 700000: Summon Mabari Dog Edit


10009: NPC - Unique - Larius 20210: Deepstalker 20211: Bronto alpha 20212: Bronto, armored 20213: Bronto 20104: Genlock 20105: Genlock alpha 20106: Hurlock alpha 20107: Shriek assassin 20108: Corypheus Edit

Mark of the Assassin

ID 19 Label

PC Home - Human, Male (Stealthy)

20 21 22 23 24 1100 1101 20214 20215 20217 20218 20219 22300 22301 22302 22303 22304 22305 22400 22401 22402 22403 22404

PC Home - Human, Female (Stealthy) PC Home - Human, Male (Weapons) PC Home - Human, Female (Weapons) PC Home - Human, Male PC Home - Human, Female Follower - Tallis Follower - Tallis (Finery) Creature - Beasts - Wyvern Creature - Beasts - Wyvern B Creature - Beasts - Wyvern Rider Creature - Beasts - Armored Wyvern Creature - Beasts - Mabari Hunter (Trooper) Creature - Goblins - Trooper Melee Creature - Goblins - Trooper Ranged Creature - Goblins - Commander Creature - Goblins - Devastator Creature - Goblins - Trooper Melee B Creature - Invisible - Devastator Shield Creature - Boss - The Duke Creature - Boss - The Duke (Wyvern) Creature - Boss - The Duke (No Crossbow) Creature - Boss - Leopold Creature - Boss - Leopold (Perched)

22500 22501 22502 22503 22504 22505 22506 22507 22508 22509 22510 22511 22512 22513 22514 22515 22516 22517 22518 22519 22600 22601 22602

Creature - Orlesian - Assassin Creature - Orlesian - Commander Creature - Orlesian - Devastator Creature - Orlesian - Huntsman Creature - Orlesian - Huntsman (Female) Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Heavy Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Heavy (Female) Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Medium Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Medium (Female) Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Light Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Light (Female) Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Heavy V2 Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Heavy (Female) V2 Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Medium V2 Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Medium (Female) V2 Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Light V2 Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Light (Female) V2 Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Duke Creature - Orlesian - Guard, Duke (Female) Creature - Orlesian - Bodyguard (Male) Creature - Orlesian - Noble Creature - Orlesian - Human Male Servant Creature - Orlesian - Human Female Servant

22603 22604 22605 22606 22700 22701

Creature - Orlesian - Elf Male Servant Creature - Orlesian - Elf female Servant Creature - Orlesian - Human Female Harlequin Creature - Orlesian - Noble (Female) Creature - Qunari - Salit Creature - Qunari - Tal-Vashoth Leader Edit

Companion Debug Commands

Codes below allow for approval to be added or removed, set Romance/Friendship/Rivalry Flags plus a few others. (The option to add/remove approval isn't currently working in Merrill's Debug Menu. However, using runscript zz_app_debug will allow you to edit her approval.)

runscript zz_and_debug runscript zz_mrl_debug runscript zz_vrc_debug runscript zz_ave_debug runscript zz_fen_debug runscript zz_isa_debug runscript zz_bet_debug runscript zz_car_debug runscript zz_seb_debug

Approval Guide The debug menu gives only vague descriptions of the adjustments when editing approval, so it can be difficult to tell how much you are adjusting approval ratings. The numerical values for each approval adjustment are as follows:

Low: +5 friendship/rivalry Medium: +10 friendship/rivalry High: +15 friendship/rivalry Friend: set approval rating to 50 friendship Trusted: set approval rating to 100 friendship Rival: set approval rating to 50 rivalry Crisis: set approval rating to 100 rivalry

How to While using it you may be like me and had a hell of a time using it and gave up because it didn't work. The reason it doesn't work is because you can only do one command at a time. Example 1. Open Debug Menu using any of the debug commands 2. Add/Subtract Approval/Change Romance to only one character 3. Choose only one command 4. Exit/Leave Menu 5. You'll see Approval added/subtracted (Romance will be invisible, but if you did it right it will work) 6. Repeat steps 1-4 for any other changes you want to make Note: Approval modification will cease to have any effect once Friendship/Rivalry has been locked in. Note: When changing romances to fix a bug, I suggest following romance guides because it could cause bugs in the cutscenes.

Savegame Import Debug Script


runscript zz_vault_debug opens the Savegame Import Debug Script, which allows you to display the "current world state", i.e. the data that was imported from Dragon Age: Origins. Note that as of patch 1.01 several problems with the import function have not yet been fixed. Some events, e.g. romances, are either not imported properly or at least not displayed accurately (see the discussion on the bioware forums for further details and possible unofficial solutions).

Talent Editing Commands


These commands offer the powerful ability to customize your character, your companion skill trees, and more. One of the more fun things you can do with this is turn your character into a custom class by adding and removing individual talent trees. This is recommended over using the class change codes mentioned later, as they can cause game scripting problems. To modify a character, they must be in your party and selected under your direct control.

runscript addtalent XXX ~ add talent XXX to selected character runscript removetalent XXX ~ remove talent XXX from selected character

There are a vast number of codes that can be used to modify your character. You can add talents from different trees or classes without the tree or class unlocked. The largest unformatted list resides in the Raw Talent Codes section, but more detailed analysis can be found further below. To add a tree, search in the Class Talent Trees and following sections and add it to your desired character, including base talent tree specialization bonuses and any additional talents you might want. This in effect gives you bonus talent points. There is a limit of 12 talent trees that you can have in your ability sheet before the display starts having layout problems. This limit includes your Mabari Warhound talent (700000). You can remove unwanted trees with therunscript removetalent <number> command, which can be useful to hide the tree (and stay within the 12 tree limit on your abilities screen) but allow you to continue using the talents withinexcept in the case of the Mabari Warhound. If you do this, make sure you have copied the ones you want to use into your quick bar or you will have to readd the tree to access them again. You will be unable to drag and drop abilities onto your action bar until the removed tree is made visible again by using runscript addtalent <number> and the appropriate tree code. If you use these codes at the beginning of the game after you generate your character, be sure to leave room for your three class specialization talents which will appear at the end of Year One. You may choose to remove them afterwards depending on your desires.

Talent Code Examples

runscript addtalent 109000 - Show the Reaver specialization tree on your ability sheet runscript addtalent 109001 - Activate the Base Talent for the Reaver tree runscript removetalent 307000 - Hide the Force Mage talent tree from your ability sheet runscript addtalent 307030 - Add the Force Mage talent Fist of the Maker

Basic Talent Codes


numbers 2-8 ~ add a blank command to command slot 1 so move that aside to another command slot first. It has a faint black outline and most of the time when you mouse over it is shows (null) for the command. These do various things like TEST_MELEE, TEST_SET_TRAP, etc.

numbers 10-15 ~ seem to add injuries to your char numbers 100-10000 ~ have no known useful effect. 1 adds a funky attack command ~ if you click this in explore mode you do damage to yourself. 6 adds champion's refresh (behavior tbd) 700000 adds Summon Mabari to your first slot. Removing it removes it from both your quick bar and from your talent tree.

Raw Talent Codes


/Talent codes has talent codes dumped from the 2da file See the below for a more human readable dissection of the codes Edit

Class Talent Codes

Adding a class with these codes will cause you to retain your initial talents, with access to the new class talent trees. For example, if you are a Mage and you add Rogue, you will keep your Mage spells. If you do this before the year one cut scene then it will add Rogue specialization options, allowing a type of dual-classing.

Add Warrior Class - 100000 Add Rogue Class - 200000 Add Mage Class - 300000


You are treated as your original class with respect to plot except in the following ways:

The brother or sister companion may not have dialog if you add the class talent, that triggers them differently than your original class. They will still be there, the one who isn't however, will have dialog even though they aren't standing there with the party.

One can change the brother/sister command with the runscript

zz_dae_debug command to modify the party but: For triggered scenes with dialog, the

game seems to trigger the companion based on the last class added.

For example, if you start off with a rogue, but add the mage class: all triggered scenes will have the brother/sister companion based on the mage class. If they aren't in your party, their dialog will still play, but they will not be physically there. This is even with using the runscript zz_dae_debugcommand. It seems to be hardcoded. We can only wait for people to mod the game in hopes of changing this.

If your class change causes you to switch brother/sister you will get a minor progress blocker in the Birthright quest where you need to go back to your house and speak with your sibling to advance the quest. Use the following work around: 1. Travel to the house 2. Activate the console and input runscript
zz_car_debug or zz_bet_debug depending on whether you need to talk to Carver

or Bethany 3. Choose option 2 - Set At Base 4. Talk to them and it will let you advance the quest

Classes can be removed with runscript removetalent <number> If you add more than one class the class with the lowest number seems to override higher number ones Adding classes in different orders can increase your hp and mana pool. If you have already changed your class, you should remove it before you add a new one.

Through clever switching of classes you can do things like use both the tome of arcane power and tome of physical technique to add extra bonus points to your Hawke

Class Talent Trees


For each class, x01000 through x10000 correspond to subspecs. Advanced subclasses are from x07000 to x10000. Companion character specific subclasses are located from x11000, x12000 and above as DLCcharacters are added. By default, each tree will be added without an invested specialization point. To activate the Base Talent in any given tree, change the last digit in the sequence to a 1. Doing this will allow you to spend gained ability points in it as you see fit. Be sure to read Talent Editing Commands for important information regarding usage and limitations. Quick reference for each tree is as follows:

Warrior: 101000 - Weapon and Shield; 102000 - Two-Handed; 103000 - Vanguard; 104000 Defender 105000 - Warmonger; 106000 - Battle Master; 107000 - Templar; 109000 Reaver; 110000 - Berserker

Rogue: 201000 - Dual Weapon; 202000 - Archery; 203000 - Sabotage; 204000 - Specialist 205000 - Scoundrel; 206000 - Subterfuge; 207000 - Shadow; 208000 - Duelist; 210000 Assassin

Mage: 301000 - Elemental; 302000 - Primal; 303000 - Spirit; 304000 - Arcane; 305000 - Entropy 306000 - Creation; 307000 - Force Mage; 308000 - Spirit Healer; 309000 - Blood Mage

Companion Character subclasses: 111000 - Guardian (Aveline); and 112000 - Tevinter Fugitive (Fenris) 211000 - Swashbuckler (Isabela); and 212000 - Marksman (Varric) 311000 - Vengeance (Anders); and 312000 - Dalish Pariah (Merrill)

DLC Companion Character subclasses, currently limited to: 213000 - Royal Archer (Sebastian)

See below to reference specific talents within each tree.

-Dog- Summon Mabari


Summon Mabari - 700000 If you did not use the Dog, then You can add 1 more Talent Tree Summon Mabari is automatically added to Hawke's list of abilities upon installing The Black Emporium. Using it summons Dog.

Warrior Talent Trees


Weapon and Shield - 101000 tree (101001 base talent point) Shield Bash - 101010 Pummel - 101011 Assault - 101020 Battery - 101021 Scatter - 101030 Disperse - 101031 Shield Defense - 101040 Shield Wall - 101041 Perception - 101050 Safeguard - 101060

Two-Handed - 102000 tree (102001 base talent point) Mighty Blow - 102010 Shattering Blow - 102011 Killer Blow - 102012 Scythe - 102020 Reaper - 102021 Whirlwind - 102030 Tornado - 102031 Cyclone - 102032 Giant's Reach - 102040 Sunder - 102050

Vanguard - 103000 tree (103001 base talent point)

Cleave - 103010 Claymore - 103011 Assail - 103020 Besiege - 103021 Control - 103030 Command - 103031 Might - 103040 Muscle - 103041 Destroyer - 103050 Massacre - 103060

Defender - 104000 tree (104001 base talent point) Stonewall - 104010 Bulwark - 104011 Turn the Blade - 104020 Raise the Guard - 104021 Steady the Foot - 104022 Elemental Aegis - 104030 Elemental Shroud - 104031 Adamant - 104040 Resilience - 104050 Resolute - 104060

Warmonger - 105000 tree (105001 base talent point) Taunt - 105010 Bellow - 105011 Pommel Strike - 105020 Pommel Blow - 105021 Tremor - 105030 Quake - 105031 Aftershock - 105032 Bravery - 105040 Bravado - 105041 Bravura - 105042

Battlemaster - 106000 tree (106001 base talent point) Rally - 106010

Unite - 106011 Bolster - 106020 Second Wind - 106030 Last Push - 106031 Deep Breath - 106032 Battle Synergy - 106040 Fearless Synergy - 106041 Hero's Synergy - 106042 Deep Reserves - 106050

Templar - 107000 tree (107001 base talent point) Holy Smite - 107010 Righteous Smite - 107011 Staggering Smite - 107012 Cleanse - 107020 Cleansing Wave - 107021 Lasting Cleanse - 107022 Silence - 107030 Lingering Silence 107031 Righteous Strike - 107040 Annulment - 107050

Reaver - 109000 tree (109001 base talent point) Devour - 109010 Voracious - 109011 Insatiable - 109012 Sacrificial Frenzy - 109020 Sustained Frenzy - 109021 Aura of Pain - 109030 Frenzy of Pain - 109031 Torrent of Pain - 109032 Blood Frenzy - 109040 Fervor - 109050

Berserker - 110000 tree (110001 base talent point) Adrenaline - 110010 Adrenaline Rage - 110011

Adrenaline Rush - 110012 Barrage - 110020 Unrelenting Barrage - 110021 Resilient Barrage - 110022 Berserk - 110030 Endless Berserk - 110031 Savage Berserk - 110032 Death Blow - 110040

Rogue Talent Trees


Dual Weapon - 201000 tree (201001 base talent point) Backstab - 201010 Perforate - 201011 Murder - 201012 Explosive Strike - 201020 Merciless Strike - 201021 Twin Fang - 201030 Reversed Grip - 201031 Lacerate - 201040 Maim - 201041 Unforgiving Chain - 201050

Archery (also "Bianca") - 202000 tree (202001 base talent point) Pinning Shot - 202010 Rapid Pinning Shot - 202011 Disorienting Shot - 202012 Bursting Arrow - 202020 Shattering Arrow - 202021 Smoking Arrow - 202022 Archer's Lance - 202030 Punishing Lance - 202031 Hail of Arrows - 202040 Storm of Arrows - 202041

Sabotage - 203000 tree (203001 base talent point) Rush - 203010

Charge - 203011 Blitz - 203012 Miasmic Flask - 203020 Improved Formula - 203021 Fatiguing Fog - 203030 Overpowering Fog - 203031 Impenetrable Fog - 203032 Confusion - 203040 Chaos - 203041

Specialist - 204000 tree (204001 base talent point) Speed - 204010 Lightning Speed - 204011 Energizing Speed - 204012 Precision - 204020 Precise Attack - 204021 Precise Criticals - 204022 Power - 204030 Stunning Power - 204031 Slashing Power - 204032 Harmony - 204040

Scoundrel - 205000 tree (205001 base talent point) Goad - 205010 Corral - 205011 Back-to-Back - 205020 Invisible Friend - 205021 Armistice - 205030 Truce - 205031 Brand - 205040 Blindside - 205050 Twist the Knife - 205060 Follow-through - 205070

Subterfuge - 206000 tree (206001 base talent point) Stealth - 206010 Silent Running - 206011

Camouflage - 206012 Evade - 206020 Tactical Withdrawal - 206021 Chameleon's Breath - 206030 Chameleon's Cloud - 206031 Ambush - 206040 Lingering Shroud - 206050 Subtlety - 206060

Shadow - 207000 tree (207001 base talent point) Inconspicuous - 207010 Indiscernible - 207011 Imperceptible - 207012 Decoy - 207020 Sturdy Decoy - 207021 Rigged Decoy - 207022 Pinpoint Precision - 207030 Disorienting Criticals - 207040 Predator - 207050 Shadow Veil - 207060

Duelist - 208000 tree (208001 base talent point) Vendetta - 208010 Blood Feud - 208011 Throw the Gauntlet - 208020 To the Death - 208021 Cutting Barbs - 208022 Parry - 208030 Riposte - 208031 En Garde - 208032 Sure Strikes - 208040 Evasive Maneuvers - 208050

Assassin - 210000 tree (210001 base talent point) Pinpoint Strikes - 210010 Relentless Strikes - 210011 Assassinate - 210020

Annihilate - 210021 Overkill - 210022 Mark of Death - 210030 Enduring Mark - 210031 Mark of Doom - 210032 Devious Harm - 210040 Bloodlust - 210050

Mage Talent Trees


Elemental - 301000 tree (301001 base talent point) Winter's Grasp - 301010 Winter's Blast - 301011 Cone of Cold - 301020 Deep Freeze - 301021 Fireball - 301030 Searing Fireball - 301031 Firestorm - 301040 Apocalyptic Firestorm - 301041 Pyromancer - 301050 Elemental Mastery - 301060

Primal - 302000 tree (302001 base talent point) Stonefist - 302010 Golem's Fist - 302011 Petrify - 302020 Desiccate - 302021 Chain Lightning - 302030 Chain Reaction - 302031 Tempest - 302040 Strikes Twice - 302041 Rock Armor - 302050 Galvanism - 302060

Spirit - 303000 tree (303001 base talent point) Spirit Bolt - 303010 Spirit Strike- 303011

Dispel Magic - 303020 Transmutation - 303021 Walking Bomb - 303030 Corrosive Walking Bomb - 303031 Virulent Walking Bomb - 303032 Death Syphon - 303040 Death Vortex - 303041 Spirit Mastery - 303050

Arcane - 304000 tree (304001 base talent point) Mind Blast - 304010 Stunning Blast - 304011 Barrier - 304020 Arcane Fortress - 304021 Crushing Prison - 304030 Paralyzing Prison - 304031 Arcane Shield - 304040 Arcane Wall - 304041 Elemental Shield - 304042 Elemental Weapons - 304050

Entropy - 305000 tree (305001 base talent point) Hex of Torment - 305010 Death Hex - 305011 Horror - 305020 Despair - 305021 Misdirection Hex - 305030 Shackling Hex - 305031 Sleep - 305040 Coma - 305041 Entropic Cloud 305050 Death Cloud - 305051

Creation - 306000 tree (306001 base talent point) Glyph of Paralysis - 306010 Glyph of Binding - 306011 Heal - 306020

Greater Heal - 306021 Glyph of Repulsion - 306030 Glyph of Defiance - 306031 Haste - 306040 Great Haste - 306041 Heroic Aura - 306050 Valiant Aura - 306051

Force Mage - 307000 tree (307001 base talent point) Pull of the Abyss - 307010 Edge of the Abyss - 307011 Telekinetic Burst - 307020 Telekinetic Blast - 307021 Fist of the Maker - 307030 Maker's Hammer - 307031 Maker's Fury - 307032 Gravitic Ring - 307040 Gravitic Sphere - 307041 Unshakable - 307050

Spirit Healer - 308000 tree (308001 base talent point) Group Heal - 308010 Unity - 308011 Revival - 308020 Refusal - 308021 Renewal - 308022 Healing Aura - 308030 Faith - 308031 Radiance - 308032 Vitality - 308040 Second Chance - 308050

Blood Mage - 309000 tree (309001 base talent point) Sacrifice - 309010 Grim Sacrifice - 309011 Hemorrhage - 309020 Paralyzing Hemorrhage - 309021

Grave Robber - 309030 One Foot In - 309031 Bloodslave - 309040 Blood Spatter - 309041 Blood Magic - 309050 Bloodlust - 309051

Companion Talents


Guardian tree (Aveline) - 111000 (111001 base talent point) Bodyguard - 111010 Elite Bodyguard - 111011 Retaliation - 111020 Retribution - 111021 Thick Skin - 111030 Serve And Protect - 111040 Watchful Eye - 111050 Immovable - 111060 Unstoppable - 111061 Indomitable - 111070

Tevinter Fugitive (Fenris) - 112000 tree (112001 base talent point) Spirit Pulse - 112010 Spirit Flux - 112011 Lyrium Ghost - 112020 Lyrium Specter - 112021 Deflect - 112030 Kindred Spirits - 112040 Enemy of my Enemy - 112050 Veneer of Calm - 112060 Battle Tempo - 112070 Inner Reserves - 112080

Swashbuckler (Isabela) - 211000 tree (211001 base talent point) All Hands On Deck - 211010 Shore Leave - 211011

Savvy - 211020 Buccaneer's Savvy - 211021 Sea Legs - 211030 Thumbs Up - 211040 Thumbs Up(Hawke) - 211041 Stick in the Mud - 211050 Across the Bow - 211060 Below the Waterline - 211061 Experienced Hand - 211070

Marksman (Varric) - 212000 tree (212001 base talent point) Rhyming Triplet - 212010 Nameless Graces - 212011 Kickback - 212020 Backlash - 212021 Well-Oiled - 212030 Authorized Biographer - 212040 Unauthorized Biographer - 212050 Bianca's Song - 212060 Embellishment - 212061 Overtime - 212070

Vengeance (Anders) - 311000 tree (311001 base talent point) Martyr - 311010 Vengeance - 311020 Wrath - 311021 Swift Justice - 311030 Blood of my Enemy - 311040 Eye to Eye - 311050 No Compromises - 311060 Panacea - 311070 Aid Allies - 311080 Regroup - 311090

Dalish Pariah (Merrill) - 312000 tree (312001 base talent point) Ensnare - 312010

Stone's Throw - 312020 Wrath of the Elvhen - 312030 Arlathan's Grace - 312031 Loss of the Dales - 312032 Solidarity - 312040 Outcast - 312050 Blood of the First - 312060 Wounds of the Past - 312070 Deep Wounds - 312071

DLC Companion Talents


Royal Archer (Sebastian) - 213000 tree (213001 base talent point) Requires The Exiled Prince DLC Arrow of Judgement - 213010 Wounding Arrow - 213020 Debilitating Arrow - 213021 Righteous Chain - 213030 Disciple's Discipline - 213040 Man of the Cloth - 213050 Man of the Crown - 213060 Holy Precision - 213070 Guardian Angel - 213080 Maferath's Advance - 213090

Infiltrator (Tallis) - 214000 tree (214001 base talent point) Requires Mark of the Assassin DLC Cover Up - 214010 Cloak - 214020 Dagger - 214021 Drop Dead - 214030 Dead Drop - 214031 Magic Touch - 214032 Hard to Get - 214040 Poise - 214050

Quest/Companion Fixes/Workarounds
Merrill's Companion Quest - Act 3


There's a bug that prevents Merrill's Quest from being obtained/completed. When Merrill is visited at her home, a cutscene immediately takes place. However, this is due to a bug/glitch and will prevent the player from getting her quest later on. The resolution is below. 1. runscript zz_mrl_debug 2. Select Main Quest 3. Select Act 3 4. Select 1 - Start Merrill Notify. Merrill can now be contacted in her home, and quest can be obtained/completed. It is best to complete the quests 'A Talking To' and 'On The Loose' prior to using the console commands to stay with the chronology and avoid immediate termination of those quests.

Fools Rush In - Act 1


There is a common and frustrating bug where if you loot the letter from the mercenary's body in Fools Rush In, you will be unable to enter the Chantry to confront Hayden. It can be fixed in the following manner: 1. runscript zz_isa_debug 2. A menu will appear. Select Plot. 3. Select Foold Rush In. 4. Select Plot Point. 5. Select Hayden Encounter. You will skip some dialogue, but the quest will complete as normal.

Isabela's Companion Quest - Act 3

Estate. To fix this: 1. runscript zz_isa_debug


There is a relatively common bug where Isabela's quest cannot be received in Act 3 Hawke

2. You should find yourself in a menu. Select Plot. 3. Select No rest for the Wicked. Act 3. 4. Select Jump to Plot Point. 5. Select First Velasco Encounter. This fix means that a couple of dialogues will be skipped, but quest can be obtained.

Aveline's Companion Quest - Act 3


There is a bug where Aveline's armor upgrade, Deflecting Joints Guardsman Pattern, can not be found on Jeven. Here is the workaround: 1. Get AddItem-Mod from here: [1] 2. Open console 3. Type in "runscript additem gen_im_cns_flu_aveline_04.uti"

Alternatively you can download an unofficial bug fix here Edit

Adding Items

The Dragon Age 2 console has no built-in command to add items, but there is a mod that adds one. It can be found at the following location, along with installation instructions and a list of all items (though it does not have descriptions of the items): [2] Syntax:

runscript additem [item] [value] ~ Where [item] is the item code and [value] is the amount of items to add. For example, type "runscript additem
fake_im_arm_hlm_hvy_champ.uti 20" to add 20 fake Champion's Armor (Warrior)

helmets to your inventory. There is a second mod that adds a "Visual Add Item" command. It allows you to screen for words in names of items or parts of item codes, so it is very useful when you don't know the item code: [3] Syntax for item name screening:

runscript vaddin [filter] ~ Where [filter] contains part of the name of the item you are searching for. For example "runscript vaddin champion" would yield a "container" opening with all items containing the word "Champion" in their title. (Such as Warplate of the Champion)

Syntax for item code screening:

runscript vaddi [filter] ~ Where [filter] contains part of the item code of the item you are searching for. For example "runscript vaddi level" would yield a "container" opening with all items which have an item code containing the word "level." (Such as gen_im_cns_pot_level_01.uti (Maker's Sigh))



Adding Varric's Marksman talent tree via talent code will disable archery. Even if you remove it the archery stays locked. I have found no way to reverse this. FIX: Do not enable 212001 base talent point in Marksman.

This also happens with Isabela's Tree. Playing as a rogue and adding talents from either Isabela or Varric will cause "requires dual weapons" to become a restriction for a ROGUE character.

There is a FIX to this however, most RESTRICTION REMOVAL Mods will circumvent this problem and will not affect gameplay [4] This works well. In order to fix this, simply remove the base talent from the offending talent tree in question. For example, if you add Tallis' Infiltrator tree with addtalent 214000 and open the Abilities window, you will notice the Infiltrator tree with the base talent greyed out. In order to invest points in abilities from this tree, you will have to click on the base talent, which will cost you 0 specialization points/ability points. However, if you do so, you will be unable to equip dual weaponry from then on, as there will a Restriction: Dual Weapons on all weapons. To legitimately "spend" ability points on the abilities, first "learn" the base talent of Infiltrator, place your ability point on the skill, the Confirm the selection. After you are done, simply run in the console: "runscript removetalent 214001", which is the base talent code for the Infiltrator. You will now be able to equip dual weapons as per normal again.

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