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What was the Cold War?

COLD WAR: 1945-1989 War between superpowers (USA [capitalist] and USSR [co unist]! wit" e#er$ eans s"ort o% actual %i&"tin&' ("ere was deep istrust and suspicion w"ic" also in#ol#ed t"eir allies' Alt"ou&" no ar ed con%lict) t"e$ attac*ed eac" ot"er wit" propa&anda and %ollowed a &eneral polic$ o% non-co-operation'
Main Features of the Cold War+ Sp$in& to %ind out ilitar$ de#elop ents) sp$ planes used (A erican U, plane "i&"

enou&" not to be s"ot down!) increased ri#alr$ -ropa&anda ensured public opinion supported &o#ern ent) So#iet .l$ pic success illustrated superiorit$ o% co unist s$ste Ar s Race con#entional (non-nuclear! and nuclear weapons de#eloped) /0utuall$ Assured 1estruction2 t"eor$ deterrent to war' (wo ri#al ca ps 3A(. and Warsaw -act Space Race e%%ecti#e propa&anda %or USA and So#iet Union 4oans and aid eac" side pro#ided t"is to less de#eloped5newl$ independent states to win support in 6old War 7ndirect %i&"tin& co peted %or in%luence all o#er world (e'&' 8orea) 9ietna ) A%&"anistan!
6old War was based on mutual distrust+ A erica con#inced Stalin wanted world do ination5co Stalin belie#ed West wanted to destro$ co unis '

unist re#olution'

Why did a Cold War develop?

1' 4on& (er 0istrust USA and U8 opposed 6o unist re#olution in 191:) inter#ened in ci#il war' 6"urc"ill outspo*en a&ainst t"e ' ,' (wo ideolo&ical e;tre es+ 6o unis #s 6apitalis ) %eared spread o% world re#olution <' Stalin si&ned 3a=i-So#iet -act 19<9 a! Stalin "ad %eared in#asion %ro West' b! West %eared) ri&"tl$) Stalin wanted to sei=e part o% -oland 4' -us"ed into / arria&e o% con#enience2 durin& WW, tensions durin& con%erences 5' Stalin continues to increase So#iet sp"ere o% in%luence wit" satellite states in liberated countries >' West a%raid o% 6o unis spreadin& to t"eir countries' (ru an in particular %elt t"e need to contain 6o unis ' :' 6"urc"ill2s 7ron 6urtain speec" in 0issouri 0ar 194> de onstrates di#ision o% ?urope' @an 7ron 6urtain "ad descended across t"e continent'A 8' ("e (ru an 1octrine (contain USSR! #ersus 6o in%or + ?urope politicall$ di#ided 9' 0ars"all -lan and 6o econ+ ?urope econo icall$ di#ided 1B' Cerlin Cloc*ade ends warti e alliance causes %or ation o% 3A(.) and conseDuentl$ Warsaw -act two ri#al alliances' 11' Ar s race increases tension .#erall) t"is led to &o#ern ents' istrust and suspicion nurtured b$ propa&anda used b$ t"e two


Subject War wit" Eer an$ War wit" Gapan United 3ations -oland Agreements Disagreements/ tensions Critain and USA USSR anno$ed t"e$ dela$ed until Gune (Stalin said t"e$ were waitin& until to open second USSR were seriousl$ wea*ened! %ront in France 0a$ 1944 6"urc"ill2s idea o% in#asion t"rou&" Cal*ans (to stop Red Ar $! reHected USSR to wa&e war on Gapan a%ter Eer an$ de%eated U3 to be set up a%ter war Area o% ?astern Stalin belie#ed So#iet control o% -oland #ital %or securit$ (alt"ou&" Critain -oland added to be&an WW, %or -olis" independence! USSR (Stalin insisted upon .der April 194<) Eer ans disco#ered ass &ra#e o% 1B)BBB -olis" o%%icers and 3eisse Ri#ers! urdered b$ So#iets in 19<9 Au& 1944 Warsaw Uprisin& So#iets stood b$ w"ile Eer ans Duas"ed it) lea#in& -oland de%enceless a&ainst USSR 6"urc"ill "ad supported Cols"e#i*2s ene ies in 6i#il War' Suspicious o% Stalin in ?astern ?urope) con#inced So#iet troops would sta$ in liberated countries 0eetin& o% t"e /Ci& ("ree2 Allies+ 6"urc"ill (Critain!) Roose#elt (USA! and Stalin (USSR! to i pro#e relations"ips and coordinate decisions o% Erand Alliance F1R was *een to i pro#e relations between t"e alliesI Stalin ac"ie#ed ost o% w"at "e wanted (F1R unwell and sided wit" Stalin!

&A'TA CONFERENCE ()raine, Fe* "#$+,

Subject Eer an$ Agreements 1i#ide into %our =ones 1i#ide Cerlin in sa e wa$ Junt 3a=i war cri inals and tr$ in international court USSR to declare war on Gapan a%ter Eer an$ surrendered Goin U3 to aintain peace a%ter war Stalin e#entuall$ a&reed to %ree elections in -oland Disagreements/ tensions Eer an reparations Stalin wanted ore t"an ot"er two

Gapan United 3ations -oland

?astern ?urope

Allow liberated countries %ree elections So#iet Sp"ere o% in%luence in ?astern ?urope

Stalin wanted %riendl$ -olis" &o#ern ent (protection %ro Eer an$!) but West %eared t"is would be So#iet controlled' Stalin wanted -olis"5Eer an border %urt"er West So#iet %orces in control "ere Stalin wanted proper reco&nition o% So#iet control' U8 and USA %orced to accept de ands'

0eetin& o% Ci& < (sa e as (e"ran! to consider w"at to do wit" Eer an$ a%ter #ictor$ Stalin and F1R enHo$ed war relations"ipI 6"urc"ill %elt isolated

Still %ear%ul o% Jitler t"ou&" war nearl$ o#erI a&reed on

ost issues

THE ,OT- A. CONFERENCE /er0any, 12l "#$+

Changes bet een !alta and "otsdam So#iet troops now occupied an$ ore liberated countries satellite states (?stonia) 4at#ia) 4it"uania) Finland) 6=ec"oslo#a*ia) Jun&ar$) Cul&aria) Ro ania! Stalin establis"ed co unist &o#ern ent in -oland despite wis"es o% citi=ens and Kalta a&ree ents USSR e;panded its ar ed %orces instead o% de ilitarisation li*e t"e West Roose#elt died in April 1945) replaced b$ (ru an w"o istrusted Stalin and "ated 6o unis ) con#inced "e planned to do inate ?urope) tou&"er polic$ Gul$ 1945) USA success%ull$ tested an ato bo b Stalin %urious "e wasn2t in%or ed' USA no lon&er dependent on USSR %or #ictor$ a&ainst Gapan' Jal%wa$ t"rou&" -otsda con%erence) 6"urc"ill de%eated in elections) replaced b$ 6le ent Atlee' Subject Eer an$ Agreements 1i#ide and occup$ as pre#iousl$ discussed 1e ilitarise Re-establis" de ocrac$+ %ree press) elections and speec" -a$ reparations in eDuip ent and aterials ( ostl$ to USSR! Can 3a=i part$) re o#e 3a=is %ro i portant positions) 3ure ber& (rials 194> -articipate %ull$ Frontier o#ed to .der and 3eisse Ri#ers (ru an wanted %ree elections' Stalin belie#ed US pressure /unwelco e inter%erence2' Disagreements/ tensions Stalin wanted assi#e co pensation t"at would per anentl$ cripple Eer an$I (ru an wanted re#i#ed Eer an$ as barrier to So#iet e;pansion (and e or$ o% 9ersailles!

United 3ations -oland ?astern ?urope

4ast eetin& o% t"e superpowers+ Atlee (Critain!I (ru an (USA!I Stalin (USSR! (ru an concerned and %urious deter ined to /&et tou&"2 wit" 6o unists' USSR controllin& ?astern ?urope but USA couldn2t do uc" to pre#ent it because Stalin was alread$ t"ere' 1urin& t"e ne;t %ew ont"s Stalin ade "is intentions clear as 6o unists too* o#er t"e runnin& o% Cul&aria) Jun&ar$) -oland L Ro ania'


Who was to *la0e 3or the Cold War?

(-A to *la0e
A&reed at Kalta to "a#e a /So#iet sp"ere o% in%luence2 -ercenta&es deal wit" 6"urc"ill Cul&aria) Jun&ar$ and Ro ania %ou&"t a&ainst USSR in WW, Securit$ Ju&e casualties in world wars+ -oland and ?astern ?urope "ad alwa$s been a corridor o% attac* "a#in& So#iet-%riendl$ &o#ern ents necessar$ %or securit$ e'&' %ro %uture Eer an attac*s USA and U8 de#eloped nuclear bo b secretl$ pro#ocation and be&innin& o% ar s race w"ic" t"e$ continued a"ead o% t"e USSR 6o in%or %orced response to (ru an 1octrine USA no ri&"t to eddle in ?uropean a%%airs and /contain2 USSR 6o econ %orced response to 0ars"all Aid USA i ple entin& own in%luence but "ad a&reed So#iet sp"ere o% in%luenceI 0ars"all Aid a*es t"e reliant on %orei&n aid rat"er t"an sel%-su%%icient (ru an and 6"urc"ill ta*in& "ard line %ro be&innin& (e'&' %ou&"t Cols"e#i*s in ci#il war!) tal* o% /%ree #s un%ree world2' 3A(.) a ilitar$ alliance) set up'

(--R to *la0e
econo 1eter ined to spread co unis e;pansionis Re%used to allow %ree elections set up So#iet controlled co unist &o#ern ents Re%used to re o#e ilitar$ presence in ?astern ?urope Jad in#aded -oland wit" 3a=i-So#iet -act Cloc*aded West Cerlin 0ars"all Aid was necessar$ %or t"e post-war reco#er$ o% ?urope USSR not icall$ stron& enou&"

Why did the (--R e4pand?

0e or$ o% "ostilit$ o% ?astern ?urope to USSR -oland si&ned non-a&&ression pact wit" FranceI Jun&ar$) Ro ania and Cul&aria %ou&"t a&ainst USSR in WW, Securit$ "u&e casualties in world wars wanted %riendl$ or So#iet-controlled &o#ern ents in ?astern ?urope as a bu%%er %or %uture in#asions and as onl$ wa$ o% ensurin& support) especiall$ -oland t"e /corridor o% attac*2' -ercenta&es deal wit" 6"urc"ill accepted in%luence o% USSR in ?astern ?urope ?;pansionis political oti#es to spread co unis and So#iet e pire

-oviet !ontrol o3 Eastern E2rope

Usual pattern of satellite states:
6oalition &o#ern ents set up (6o unists s"ared power! Cac*ed b$ USSR) co unists too* o#er ci#il ser#ice) edia) securit$ and de%ence .pposition leaders arrested or %orced to %lee ?lections "eld and %i;ed to ensure co unist #ictor$ /-eople2s de ocracies2 set up

Poland Gan 1945 coalition set up Gan 194: ri&&ed elections 4eader o% ain opposition %led to 4ondon Romania 1945 coalition set up 6o unists) encoura&ed b$ Stalin) too* part in de onstrations to disrupt &o#ern ent 0ar 1945 So#iet ar $ inter#ened) disar ed Ro anian ar $ and %orced *in& to %or 6o unist do inated &o#ern ent under -etru Ero=a 3o# 194> elections) co unists 8BM 6o unists %or &o#ern ent and abolis" onarc"$ Hungary Au& 1945 S all"olders2 -art$ won o#er 5BM o% #ote ?cono ic crisis co unists sei=e o% 0inistr$ o% 7nterior) w"ic" controlled police 194: arrest Cela 8o#acs (leader o% S all"olders!I 7 re 3a&$ (-0! %orced to resi&n Au& 194: co unists secure lar&e s"are o% #ote) too* o#er &o#ern ent' .t"er parties banned' Czechoslovakia 194: co unists alread$ lar&est part$ in coalition) controlled police and ar $ 1948 supported b$ USSR used ar $ to sei=e control' 3on-co unists arrestedI Gan 0asar$* (%orei&n secretar$! urdered Ri&&ed elections co unist #ictor$) ot"er parties banned Bulgaria 1944 6o unist do inated &o#ern ent set up Ri&&ed elections) ot"er parties banned Yugoslavia 6o unists %ou&"t Eer ans durin& WW, (ito elected leader) but didn2t %ollow Stalin' Ku&osla#ia e;pelled %ro 6o in%or ) ot"er co sanctions (ito accepted aid %ro west

unist countries applied econo ic


Tr20an o!trine .ar!h "#$5

"olic# of $SA to su%%ort free countries ho ere tr#ing to resist communism (ru an &a#e a speec" to t"e US con&ress introducin& polic$ o% contain ent loc*ed in stru&&le a&ainst co unis as Stalin wanted to e;pand it to rest o% t"e world

Ca2ses o3 Tr20an


1' USA "ad t"e ato bo b and wanted to use t"is and superior econo ic stren&t" to put pressure on USSR and pre#ent %urt"er e;pansion ,' USA and (ru an t"ou&"t USSR was tr$in& to spread co unis t"rou&" ?astern ?urope and t"en be$ond to t"e west <' ?#ents in Ereece+ -ercenta&es deal Critain "as 9BM in%luence in Ereece 6i#il war since 1944+ U8 "elpin& ro$alist &o#ern ent %i&"t co unists 194> co unists "ea#il$ de%eated in elections 6o unists continue &uerrilla war a&ainst &o#ern ent) "elped b$ nei&"bourin& co unist countries' Critain ilitaril$ and econo icall$ support anti-co unists in Ereece and (ur*e$' 194: Critain told USA t"e$ can no lon&er continue' USA &a#e necessar$ %inancial aid to sa#e Ereece and (ur*e$ %ro 6o unis '

7ey 3eat2res o3 Tr20an


1! N4BB illion %inancial aid &i#en to Ereece and (ur*e$ to ensure t"e$ did not beco e co unist ,! -olic$ o% contain ent to pre#ent %urt"er So#iet e;pansion in ?astern ?urope US in#ol#e ent in ?urope %or %irst ti e (apart %ro world wars! in all but ilitar$ assistance <! 0ars"all plan (ru an doctrine /in action2

E33e!ts o3 Tr20an


1' Eree* &o#ern ent de%eated co unists ,' 7ncreased ri#alr$ between USA and USSR (ru an stated world di#ided between /%ree) capitalist ca p2 and /un%ree) co unist ca p2 USA would use econo ic and ilitar$ stren&t" to protect world %ro spread o% co unis <' USA co itted to polic$ o% contain ent and ore in#ol#ed in ?uropean a%%airs turnin& point in US %orei&n polic$) %or ed its basis %or ,B $ears 4' USA decided on 0ars"all -lan 5' Stalin set up 6o in%or

.arshall Aid 8E2ropean Re!overy ,lan9 12ne "#$5

Ca2ses o3 .arshall Aid 8Why Introd2!ed96
1' 6reated b$ Eeneral Eeor&e 0ars"all to bac* up (ru an 1octrine t"rou&" econo ic in%luence - (ru an did not want to co it US ilitar$ ,' Sol#in& co unis /%ro t"e roots2 in war-torn ?urope' Celie#ed co unis won support w"ere t"ere were econo ic proble s and une plo$ ent b$ pro#idin& e plo$ ent and reasonable prosperit$) pre#ents co unis arisin& in rest o% ?urope <' -ost-war econo ic reco#er$ t"ere were s"orta&es o% nearl$ e#er$t"in& and all o% ?urope was stru&&lin& to deal wit" da a&e and su%%erin& a%ter WW, pre#ent O"un&er) po#ert$) desperation L c"aos'O 4' ?;pand US ar*et and econo $

7ey 3eat2res o3 .arshall Aid6

1! C$ 195<) N1: billion o% aid was &i#en b$ USA to ?uropean countries a%ter WW, to re#i#e %actories) a&riculture and trade one$) ac"iner$) %ood and tec"nolo&ical assistance' .pen to all countries 1> nations si&ned up' .r&anisation %or ?uropean ?cono ic Reco#er$ (.??6! set up to discuss "ow to use aid' ,! Cene%iciaries "ad to a&ree to bu$ US &oods and allow US businesses to in#est capital in t"eir industries <! USSR wit"drew %ro aid and stopped countries in 6o econ recei#in& aid accused US o% sel%-interest) set up 6o econ' 4! ?cono ic #ersion o% (ru an doctrine (ru an doctrine /in action2

E33e!ts o3 .arshall Aid6

1' Jelped rebuild ?uropean econo ies) %actories and transport s$ste s a%ter e%%ects o% WW, and raise li#in& standards' Success%ul outco es and Western ?urope prospered' 6ontained t"reat o% co unis ' ,' Stalin accused USA o% usin& aid %or own interests do inate ?urope) inter%ere in So#iet sp"ere o% in%luence and boost US econo $' USSR wit"drew %ro discussions (didn2t want to s"ow "ow econo icall$ wea* t"e$ were! increased tension between USA and USSR' <' Stalin created 6o econ and pre#ented t"ese countries acceptin& aid ?urope ore %ir l$ di#ided between ?ast and West'

Co0in3or0 8Co002nist In3or0ation :2rea29 -ep "#$5

Response to (ru an 1octrine 6oordinate co unist parties in ?urope under So#iet direction ?nsured t"e$ %ollowed So#iet %orei&n polic$ 7ntroduced So#iet econo ic policies e'&' collecti#isation) state control o% industr$ -ur&e e bers w"o disa&reed wit" Stalin and 0oscow e'&' Ku&osla#ia

Co0e!on 8Co2n!il 3or .2t2al E!ono0i! Assistan!e9 1an "#$#

Response5alternati#e to 0ars"all Aid USSR %inanciall$ support ?astern ?urope ?astern ?uropean co unist states %or ed into sin&le econo ic union led b$ USSR 6ontrolled econo ies o% t"ese states Ea#e USSR access to t"eir resources ?ncoura&ed econo ic specialisation e'&' 6=ec"oslo#a*ia and ?ast Eer an$ "ea#$ industr$I Ro ania and Jun&ar$ %ood and raw aterials

The :erlin Crisis, "#$;-$#

Importance of Berlin Jeart o% 3a=i -ower) capital o% Eer an$) Race %or Cerlin at end o% WW,+ USA #s USSR Eeo&rap"ical location USA and USSR wanted central ?uropean

ilitar$ bases

Ca2ses o3 :erlin Crisis 8lon< ter096

1' USSR ensured ,'

<' 4'


inorit$ co unists too* control o% ?ast Eer an$' ("e$ tried to secure co unist control o% Cerlin cit$ council) but western socialists resisted USSR wanted to *eep Eer an$ wea* to punis" %or war and pre#ent in#asion ("e %eared a stron&) reunited) de ocratic Eer an$ on t"e Russian border!) so re%used to allow own =one to trade wit" t"e ot"er t"ree =ones' USA and Critain wanted to rebuild Eer an econo $ (bu%%er to co unis ! w"ic" %aced %ood and %uel s"orta&es' Western countries deter ined to re ain in Cerlin so t"e$ could obser#e Stalin2s acti#ities be"ind 7ron 6urtain sp$in&' West Cerlin P /an island o% capitalis in a sea o% co unis 2 s"owin& o%% a%%luent) capitalist wa$ o% li%e to po#ert$ in east e barrass ent %or Stalin) %ear western li%e and ideas would spread and under ine "is control o% ?ast Eer an$ Western Allies set up %ree elections in West Eer an$ to establis" de ocrac$'

Ca2ses o3 :erlin Crisis 8short ter096

1' Gan 1948+ USA and Critain er&ed =ones to create /Ci=onia2' Sa e done %or Cerlin' ,' 0ar 1948+ So#iet representati#es wal*ed out o% Allied 6ontrol 6o ission)

co plainin& t"at western attitudes ade it unwor*able <' Apr 1948+ USA announces 0ars"all Aid' Western Qones recei#ed 0ars"all Aid' So#iet troops be&an searc"in& road and rail tra%%ic into West Cerlin' 4' Gune 1948+ Western Allies introduce new currenc$ (t"e 1eutsc" ar*! to speed up reco#er$ in t"eir =ones and West Cerlin' USSR introduce t"e .st ar*' Allies announce plans to create a West Eer an State'

7ey 3eat2res o3 :erlin Crisis6

1' ,4 Gune 1948+ Stalin cut o%% road) rail and canal routes in and out o% West Cerlin) to tr$

to star#e t"e cit$ so t"e Allies would pull out o% t"eir sectors) lea#in& all o% Cerlin to USSR' Stalin doesn2t want direct con%rontation+ "e can2t s"oot planes %or %ear o% startin& a war) but t"is is %irst crisis o% t"e 6old War and o%%icial end to warti e alliance' ,' A erica) Critain and France %lew %ood) %uel and ot"er supplies into West Cerlin to sustain ,'5 illion ci#ilians and re ain in capital but a#oid direct con%rontation wit" t"e USSR' /.peration -lain%are2 4asted %or 1B ont"s' 1urin& t"is ti e) ,:5)BBB %li&"ts %ro US and 6o onwealt" airli%ted in , tonnes o% supplies (a#era&e 4)BBB tonnes per da$!' 6osts N1BB illion' 0ild winter did not disrupt %li&"ts) e#en wit" aw*ward weat"er balloons and So#iet planes in t"e wa$ Rationin& o% %ood) %uel and electricit$ e'&' 4"rs o% electricit$ per da$' <' 1,t" 0a$ 1949+ Stalin called o%% bloc*ade' Cerlin /s$ bol o% %reedo 2 be"ind 7ron 6urtain) and Allied success and a#ersion o% con%lict in %irst 6old War crisis' 1B

E33e!ts o3 :erlin Crisis6

1' -s$c"olo&ical boost %or west (ru an saw t"is as a #ictor$I %or Stalin it was a

"u iliation (t"ou&" "e told #er$ di%%erent stor$ to USSR!' S$ bol o% 6old War and /test o% %reedo 2 ,' 7ncreased ?ast-West ri#alr$ war "ad al ost bro*en out and 6old War worsened' ?nd to WW, alliance' 7ncreased co petition in control o#er Eer an$' <' 6on%ir ed 1i#isions o% Eer an$ and Cerlin+ West Federal Eer an Republic ?ast Eer an 1e ocratic Republic 4' 4ed to %or ation o% 3A(. and conseDuentl$ Warsaw -act de%ensi#e alliances 6old War intensi%ied in t"e $ears a%terwards wit" t"e %or ation o% ri#al alliance s$ste s and t"e ar s race'

NATO 8North Atlanti! Treaty Or<anisation9 "#$#

Ca2ses o3 NATO6
Cerlin 6risis con%ir ed USA2s co it ent to contain entI "i&"li&"ted So#iet t"reat Western ?urope needed %or al support o% USA in case o% war needed ilitar$

alliance to ensure securit$+ bac*ed b$ ato ic power o% USA'

(o pre#ent So#iet e;pansion (and de%end Western World %ro


unist ta*eo#er!

7ey 3eat2res o3 NATO6

0ilitar$ alliance t"at o%%ered

utual support in t"e case o% attac*' Ar ed attac* a&ainst one was considered to be an attac* a&ainst t"e all' 1, countries ori&inall$ si&ned treat$ (Cel&iu ) 3et"erlands) 4u;e bour&) France) U8) USA) 6anada) -ortu&al) 7tal$) 3orwa$) 1en ar* and 7celand!

E33e!ts o3 NATO6
6on%ir ed US polic$ o% contain ent -ro pts ar s race+ USA and USSR co pete to build

ore power%ul nuclear weapons

t"an t"e ot"er

Warsaw -act %or ed) and ?urope

ilitaril$ di#ided& USSR saw it as a t"reat to end



and So#iet -ower

7n 1955) West Eer an$ Hoined 3A(.' USSR2s worst %ears realised+ Eer an$ bein&

rebuilt and now part o% ilitar$ alliance leads USSR to t"in* 3A(. could be o%%ensi#e) alt"ou&" USA clai 3A(. was de%ensi#e alliance' USSR not &oin& to su%%er at t"e "ands o% t"e Eer ans a&ain

Warsaw ,a!t "#++

1e%ensi#e alliance based in 0oscow to counter t"e t"reat o% 3A(. (especiall$ a%ter

West Eer an$ Hoined!) utual support in case o% attac* 8 countries si&ned it) led b$ USSR) w"ic" also "ad t"e ato ic bo b' Used to *eep control in ?astern ?urope and de%end USSR


Ar0s Ra!e and -pa!e Ra!e6 "#$+-"#=>

1945+ USA test %irst ato ic bo b and drop two on Jiros"i a and 3a&asa*i' 1949+ USSR de#eloped ato bo b in 1949 s"oc*ed US public) lost ad#anta&e Cot" sides poured one$ into ore and better nuclear and con#entional weapons) continuall$ increasin& spendin& 195<+ USA tested "$dro&en bo b) %ollowed b$ USSR onl$ a %ew ont"s later' 6"urc"ill described it as a /balance o% terror2 So#iet ato ic researc" pro&ra e trans%or ed and increased) so USA also e;panded %or %ear t"e$ were bein& o#erta*en' ?ac" suspected t"e ot"er was buildin& enou&" weapons to a*e a %irst stri*e to pre#ent t"e ot"er side stri*in& bac* or tri&&er nuclear war' Alternati#el$ to create power to inti idate t"e ot"er into sub ission rat"er t"an actuall$ prepare %or war' Cot" powers in direct co petition to be bi&&est nuclear power) so a&&ressi#e attitudes and worsenin& relationsI ade 6old War di%%icult to end due to lac* o% trust wit" de ilitarisation' 0utuall$ Assured 1estruction (0A1! t"eor$ neit"er would attac* %or %ear o% retaliation and destruction Cot" sides reduced con#entional weaponr$) and %ocussed on nuclear superiorit$' 9er$ e;pensi#e %or bot") but USA "ad upper "and as ore one$ and resources' USA placed issile bases in so e ?uropean countries' C$ 19>B) ?isen"ower near end o% -residenc$' 8"rus"c"e# L ?isen"ower see ed li*el$ to a*e a deal and li it Ar s Race' Cot" ade public state ents about t"eir interests in /peace%ul pro&ress2' Cut relations still strained due to U-, crisis and Cerlin 6risis' 19>,+ 6uban 0issile 6risis' Cot" superpowers saw "ow close t"e world "ad co e to nuclear war) and nuclear disar a ent be&an wit" dRtente' Space race s$ bolic o% tec"nolo&ical superiorit$ o 195:+ USSR launc"ed t"e satellite Sputni*) w"ic" could orbit t"e eart" in 1S "ours' Seen b$ USA as a ilitar$ t"reat' So#iet space an is %irst person in space) %ollowed later b$ an A erican' o 1958+ ?isen"ower introduced 3ASA' USA concerned USSR would o#erta*e t"e + increased issile spendin& b$ ,BM) e;panded en&ineer and scientist trainin& pro&ra es) increased C-5, bo bers) eDuipped sub arines wit" nuclear weapons o 19>9+ USA lands %irst an on t"e oon'

F2rther develop0ents6 "#$#-"#+=

1949+ 6o unist ta*e-o#er in 6"ina (0ao Qedon&!) %ear t"at t"is would "a#e a do ino e%%ect in Asia) as USA "u&el$ in#ested in Gapan a%ter WW, 195B-195<+ 8orean War' 6o unist 3ort" 8orea) supported b$ USSR L 6"ina) in#ade capitalist Sout" 8orea) supported b$ USA' 1o ino t"eor$ a realit$' 7ndirect %i&"tin&' Anti-co unist "$steria and accusations in USA) %uelled b$ Senator 0c6art"$' Eo#ern ent e plo$ees %ound &uilt$ o% passin& on secrets about ato bo b' 195<+ Stalin died' A%ter two $ears) 3i*ita 8rus"c"e# establis"ed "i sel% as So#iet leader' Ea#e secret speec" denouncin& Stalin2s policiesI be&an a polic$ o% peace%ul co-e;istence wit" West and de-Stalinisation in ?astern ?urope (pro#ed li ited a%ter Jun&arian uprisin&!' Gun 195>+ -olis" uprisin& 1BB -oles s"ot b$ So#iet soldiersI Eo ul*a released %ro prison and popular as leader' 1espite ani osit$ to USSR) 8"rus"c"e# does not send ar $ to ensure So#iet control' Accept Eo ul*a and wit"draw Red Ar $ to border to let t"e -oles do t"eir stu%%'


H2n<arian (prisin< "#+=

Hungary after WW2 Sep 1944+ USSR occupied Jun&ar$' USSR ost in%luential in Allied 6ontrol 6o ission' -ro#isional Eo#ern ent set up a&reed to pa$ USSR N<BB illion 3o# 1945+ S all"olders2 -art$ won election' Jead o% occup$in& So#iet %orces establis"ed coalition wit" co unists in c"ar&e o% securit$ police' Feb 194:+ opposition leaders arrested or %led' 6o unists beca e lar&est part$ and drew out constitution a*in& Jun&ar$ a /Republic o% Wor*ers and Wor*in& -easants2' 194:-195<+ Ra*osi leader i posed dictators"ip and %ollowed Stalin' 0ar 195< - Stalin died' 0alen*o# replaced Ra*osi wit" 7 re 3a&$' 3a&$ introduced an$ re%or s - %reed political prisoners) tried to i pro#e t"e li#in& standards' ("is was called t"e O3ew 6ourseO' .t"er 6o unists criticised "i and clai ed t"at "e was too ri&"t win&' Apr 1955+ 3a&$ replaced wit" Ra*osi a&ain' Feb 195>+ 8"rus"c"e#2s /secret speec"2 0ar 195>+ Ra*osi succeeded b$ ?rno Eero (on orders o% 0oscow!

Ca2ses o3 H2n<arian (prisin<6 '& 6ontinued So#iet occupation a%ter liberation and %orced to pa$ USSR N<BB illion'
S all"olders2 -art$ pre#ented %ro %or in& &o#ern ent despite aHorit$ #ote'

(& Ra*osiOs brutal dictatorial re&i e+

(error state o% secret police (A9J!) e;ecutions (,BBB *illed in pur&esI ,BB)BBB political prisoners! 7 posed So#iet-st$le constitutionI 6o econ and 6o in%or (USSR control &o#ern ent) econo $) education etc'! -re#ented %ro tradin& wit" West and recei#in& 0ars"all Aid' Forced to trade on une#en ter s wit" USSR' Reli&ion attac*ed+ re o#ed %ro education) "ead o% 6at"olic c"urc" i prisoned 5-$ear-plan %ailed ("ea#$ industr$ and steel) but Jun&ar$ "ad no iron ore! ?cono $ collapsed and li#in& standards %ell (195, lowest a&ricultural output!

)& 8"rus"c"e#Os speec" &a#e t"e "ope) and encoura&ed b$ success in -oland


7ey 3eat2res o3 H2n<arian (prisin<6 '& ,<rd .ct+ <BB)BBB de onstrators in Cudapest de andin& %ree elections) press and wit"drawal
o% So#iet troops' Ripped down statue o% Stalin' -olice supported Ra*osi' 8"rus"c"e# sent troops to restore peace) tan*s opened %ire on rebels' 8adar ta*es o#er as -0) %ollowed b$ 3a&$ ne;t da$' A%ter tal*s wit" USSR) tan*s wit"drawn' Seen as #ictor$'

(& <Bt" .ct+ 3a&$ does so e stu%%+

releases political prisoners approac"es U3 "oped to draw USSR into ne&otiations publis"es re%or s (%ree elections) press) speec") wors"ip) trade unionsI end to

one part$ s$ste I trade lin*s wit" WestI wit"draw %ro

-olitical parties reappear) coalition &o#ern ent %or ed'

Warsaw -act!

)& 4t" 3o#+ 8"rus"c"e# in#ades Jun&ar$ wit" ,BB)BBB So#iet troops and >)BBB tan*s'
Rebels %ou&"t wit" &uerrilla tactics but were no atc"' 1Bt" 3o#+ cease%ire a&reed) but sporadic %i&"tin& continued until id 195:' Ganos 8adar new leader' -ro ised 3a&$ sa%e passa&e out) but t"en arrested "i and "e was s"ot

Why did the (--R invade H2n<ary?

-ressure %ro 0ao and 6"ina to stand %ir a&ainst de#iation %ro 6o unis Fear o% loss o% control o% ?astern ?urope and da a&e to Warsaw -act Send essa&e to rest o% satellite states i% Jun&ar$ le%t ot"ers a$ %ollow 8"rus"c"e# "ad to sta p "is own aut"orit$ on USSR 8new USA would not inter#ene+ o -residential elections o 7n#ol#ed in Sue= crisis

E33e!ts o3 H2n<arian (prisin<6

Hungary Still part o% So#iet e pire population political prisoners Ganos 8adar new So#iet-bac*ed leader wit" stron&) co unist rule ,B)BBB rebels *illedI ,BB)BBB %led Jun&ar$ (and :)BBB So#iet troops *illed! 0uc" o% Cudapest destro$ed !""R and Warsa# Pact

7ron curtain rein%orced aintained e pire Warnin& to ot"er satellite states t"in*in& o% brea*in& awa$ -oland and Jun&ar$ ade onl$ slow and &radual re%or s a%ter 195>) but still re ained %ir l$ under So#iet power

"uperpo#er Relations 4i it to de-Stalinisation+ 8rus"c"e#2s essa&es o% peace are a s"a despite ne&otiations USSR "adn2t c"an&ed 8"rus"c"e# seen as tou&" leader) li*e Stalin Jowe#er) USA not directl$ in#ol#ed and no superpower t"reats) so not suc" a lar&e c"an&e in relations


USSR sees unwillin&ness o% USA to inter#ene USSR can &et awa$ wit" w"ate#er t"e$ want in ?astern ?uropeT ?astern ?urope loses %ait" in U3 and USA


:ER'IN WA''6 "#="-"#;#

Ca2ses o3 :erlin Wall 8lon< ter096
1' West Cerlin was window to success and prosperit$ o% 6apitalis didn2t want citi=ens o% ?ast Cerlin seein& 6apitalis as stron&er' ?ast Cerlin "ad s"orta&es o% consu er &oods) no pri#ate tradin&) %orced collecti#isation) bad li#in& conditions''' co unis unpopular in ?ast Cerlin' ,' Eap in 7ron 6urtain drain o% s*illed5pro%essional population lea#in& to West Cerlin t"reatened econo ic collapse o% ?ast Eer an$+ ,B)BBB people %lee per ont"' 0a*es 6o unis loo* unpopular) and &ap in 7ron 6urtain' <' 8"rus"c"e# saw West Eer an$ as a ilitar$ t"reat' West Eer an$ Hoined 3A(. in 1955 and ??6 in 195: econo icall$ stron&' 4' So#iet Union wanted to pre#ent espiona&e still deter ined to &et West out o% Cerlin'

Ca2ses o3 :erlin Wall 8short ter096

1' ?isen"ower "ad see ed prepared to ne&otiate o#er Cerlin) a su it was or&anised %or 0a$ 19>B in -aris to discuss Cerlin and nuclear weapons So#iet Union s"ot down A erican U-, sp$ plane 9 da$s be%ore t"e su it' 8"rus"c"e# de anded t"at all suc" %li&"ts stop and USA apolo&ise' ?isen"ower stopped %li&"ts but wouldn2t apolo&ise' A erica sp$in& on Russia' 8"rus"c"e# stor ed out o% preli inar$ eetin&) ?isen"ower cancelled #isit to USSR' ,' 8enned$2s #iew stron&l$ a&ainst 6o unis + 8"rus"c"e# t"ou&"t "e could use e;perience to pus" $oun& 8enned$ around) but didn2t note GF8 "ad reasserted (ru an doctrine in inau&uration speec"' 9ienna su it Gun 19>1 8"rus"c"e# o%%ered to a*e a treat$ wit" ?ast Eer an$ endin& all %our Allies2 occupation ri&"ts) but 8enned$ still re%used to wit"draw %orces %ro West Cerlin) and increased US de%ence spendin& b$ N<'5 billion' 8"rus"c"e# increased So#iet de%ence bud&et <BM'

7ey Feat2res o3 :erlin Wall6

1< Au& 19>1+ 8"rus"c"e# closed t"e border between ?ast and West Cerlin Carbed wire placed alon& 5B* border' 6oncrete wall built in a da$ encirclin& West Cerlin' Wall built up o#er 14 $ears (4t" &eneration 19:5! 0an$ were s"ot i% t"e$ tried to escape %ro ?ast Cerlin USA and Allies did not"in& to stop buildin& o% wall

E33e!ts o3 :erlin Wall6

Alt"ou&" 8"rus"c"e# %ailed to re o#e western %orces) crisis ended and tension eased in ?urope' -eace *ept as GF8 not prepared to &o to war o#er t"is issue' ?cono ic crisis in ?ast Eer an$ e#aporated as %low o% re%u&ees stopped Wall beca e a s$ bol o% di#ision t"e iron curtain in realit$' ? p"asised utual distrust (e'&' sp$in&! and opposin& ideolo&ies' Wall re ained up separatin& Cerlin until 1989' Eer ans "ad paid t"e price o% international tension tool o% t"e superpowers let down as USSR bro*e 1949 a&ree ent and GF8 still didn2t do an$t"in&' Cerlin %a ilies were split tra#el restrictions ade co unication and seein& relati#es di%%icult' So#iet Union presented to Western world as in"u ane 8"rus"c"e# %elt "e "ad beaten 8enned$


8enned$ #isited West Eer an$ in 19><) ade popular speec"es to 1'5 illion Cerliners (includin& so e ?ast Cerliners listenin& too! GF8 #er$ popular in West Eer an$ and Cerlin'

C(:AN .I--I'E CRI-I-6 "#=>

Ca2ses o3 :ay o3 ,i<s6

1959+ Fidel 6astro) an anti-capitalist (but non-co unist!) lead a re#olution and too* power %ro US bac*ed dictator Catista' 6astro reHected US business and in#est ent in 6uba and nationalised US owned estates and %actories' USA re%used to bu$ 6uba2s bi&&est e;port) su&ar' USSR o%%ered to bu$ su&ar and pro#ide ac"iner$) oil and tec"nolo&ical assistance' 6astro clai ed "is political leanin&s were o#in& towards co unis closel$ lin*ed to USSR' Gan 19>1 USA bro*e o%% diplo atic relations wit" 6uba' 8"rus"c"e# ea&er to c"allen&e USA to de%lect criticis s o% "is %ailures in USSR (and because "e "ad been unable to re-unite Cerlin!'

7ey 3eat2res o3 :ay o3 ,i<s invasion, "#="

1)5BB US-bac*ed anti-6astro 6uban e;iles (/4a Cri&ada2! trained b$ 67A (wit" N45 bud&et! to in#ade 6uba+ USA t"ou&"t t"is would start re#olution a&ainst 6astro 15t" Apr US planes bo bed part o% 6uban air %orce) but called o%% second wa#e so 6uban air %orce could re&roup' 4a Cri&ada ,5B> landed at Ca$ o% -i&s and us"ed b$ ,B)BBB en %ro 6astro2s ar $ 1BB *illedI 1)1BB i prisoned' 7n#asion %ailed because+ o 67A didn2t realise 6astro was #er$ popular (6ubans pleased wit" 6astro2s re%or s o% i pro#ed li#in& and social conditions!) so no ass uprisin&' o 6astro aware o% in#asion as e;iles o#er"eard discussin& plans in 0ia i' o USA didn2t attac* 6uban air %orce ista*e as 4a Cri&ada2s suppl$ s"ips sun* b$ 6uban planes' o 6astro2s ,B)BBB en superior in leaders"ip) ar s and or&anisation

E33e!ts o3 :ay o3 ,i<s6

Worsenin& o% superpower relations USA trained 6uban e;iles to attac* all$I caused 6uba to be %ir l$ on side o% USSR and conseDuentl$ "a#e issiles placed t"ere USA and 8enned$ "u iliated' 1e#elopin& countries saw USA as i perialist' 6astro2s position stren&t"ened in 6uba' Seen as e;a ple b$ de#elopin& world' ?nd o% 19>1+ 6astro declared con#ersion to co unis closer to USSR 8enned$ deter ined to resist &rowt" o% co unis in t"e A ericas' USA be&an .peration 0on&oose to re o#e 6astro 8"rus"c"e# saw t"e o#e into 6uba as t"e be&innin&s o% t"e spread o% co unis into 4atin A erica) so USSR pro ised to "elp 6uba wit" weapons) ilitar$ ad#isers and co bat units because+ $ opportunit$ to readdress /%ailure2 o% Cerlin Wall+ unable to re o#e allies %ro Cerlin $ -uttin& nuclear weapons on 6uba would put pressure on USA $ USSR nuclear weapon positionin& was %ar in%erior to USA (USA "ad issiles in 7tal$ and (ur*e$) so "ad /total co#era&e2 o% USSR! 8"rus"c"e# wanted eDui#alent to restore balance o% power) and 6uba would ean USSR "ad weapons base wit"in 9B iles o% USA


$ USSR %allin& be"ind tec"nolo&icall$ wit" nuclear de#elop ent unable to US 76C0s' $ 1e%endin& 6uba %ro %uture attac*s %ro USA a%ter Ca$ o% -i&s $ 0ao Qedon& was criticisin& 8"rus"c"e#' ("rou&"out 19>,) 8"rus"c"e# sent ilitar$ supplies to 6uba' 7n Sept) So#iet tec"nicians be&an to install ballistic issiles'


Ca2ses o3 C2*an .issile Crisis6

6astro ta*es o#er and reHects US business and trade) a*es deal wit" USSR Ca$ o% -i&s in#asion %ails' 6uba beco es closer to USSR and declared con#ersion to 6o unis in 19>1' Worr$in& to USA as 6uba so &eo&rap"icall$ close (1>B* %ro Florida! so concerns see a&ni%ied' USSR put issile bases in 6uba (see abo#e!

7ey 3eat2res o3 C2*an .issile Crisis6

'& 14 .ct 19>,+ U-, Sp$ -lane too* p"otos o% 6uba w"ic" s"owed construction o%

So#iet inter ediate-ran&e issile bases) to be operational b$ 3o#e ber) wit" 7RC0s t"at could "it ost US cities (t"ou&" no actual issiles were identi%ied!' Furt"er sp$ p"otos re#ealed So#iet s"ips tra#ellin& towards 6uba carr$in& lon&-ran&e nuclear weapons' (& -resident 8enned$ set up a co ittee o% 1, political and ilitar$ ad#isors (?;6o ! and #arious options were discussed+ Co b 6uba and t"e So#iet Union usin& nuclear issiles 7n#ade 6uba Use an air-stri*e to destro$ issile bases Cloc*ade 6uba 1o not"in&' ,,nd .ct+ 8enned$ ade decisions+ A na#al bloc*ade (Duarantine! <<BB * around 6uba to pre#ent So#iet s"ips deli#erin& ilitar$ aterials (but allowed %ood etc'!' 7% So#iet #essels didn2t stop) US s"ips "ad orders to %ire' 8enned$ stated t"at i% t"e bloc*ade is /%orced2) t"e USA will be at war wit" 6uba and USSR' 15> 760Cs were ade read$ %or co bat and air-%orce bo bers in air on patrol Jundreds o% soldiers placed on co bat alert' 8enned$2s tele#ision address in%or ed 8"rus"c"e# t"at So#iet con#o$ would be stopped and i% %ound to "a#e o%%ensi#e ilitar$ eDuip ent would be turned bac* ,4t" .ct+ 18 So#iet s"ips stop and turn around to a#oid %acin& US bloc*ade' )& 8enned$ and 8"rus"c"e# correspond+ 8enned$ de anded t"e re o#al o% all issiles or would in#ade 6uba' [("reatenin& USSR) o%%ensi#e bloc*ade and preparin& %or war5in#asion'] ,>t" .ct+ 8"rus"c"e# o%%ers to re o#e lon&-ran&e issiles on 6uba i% 8enned$ ends bloc*ade and pro ises not to in#ade 6uba' ,:t" .ct+ 8"rus"c"e# adds t"at 8enned$ ust also pro ise to re o#e US issiles in (ur*e$' U, sp$ plane s"ot down o#er 6uba b$ So#iet issile' ,8t" .ct+ 8enned$ i&nores ,nd letter and a&rees to 1st one' 8enned$ secretl# a&rees to wit"draw issiles in (ur*e$ later' USSR re o#es issiles %ro 6uba' Ho# #as a nuclear #ar avoided% ("e U3 Secretar$ Eeneral U ("ant appealed to bot" sides %or constraint'


Cot" sides realised t"at a nuclear war could easil$ "a#e bro*en out L "ow destructi#e t"e results a$ "a#e been' 6o unication - t"e tele&ra s led to an e#entual a&ree ent' 8"rus"c"e# pro ised t"at t"e USSR would re o#e t"e issiles L dis antle t"e sites' GF8 pro ised t"at t"e USA would not in#ade 6uba a&ain) re o#e bloc*ade and re o#e t"e issiles in (ur*e$'

E33e!ts o3 C2*an .issile Crisis6

8enned$ see s to "a#e won (&reat states an!) 8"rus"c"e# loo*s wea* and percei#ed to "a#e bac*ed down ((ur*e$ issiles re o#ed secretl$! 8"rus"c"e# lost support o% politicians in USSRI criticised b$ 0ao Qedon& %or placin& issiles in 6uba t"en bac*in& down' 8"rus"c"e# sac*ed in 19>4' Jowe#er) 8"rus"c"e# saw crisis as #ictor$ %or "i sel% *new (ur*e$ issiles would be re o#edI 6uba a secure co unist state near USA wit" pro ise not to in#ade' Relations i pro#ed wit" dRtente and reduction o% tensions 6uba turnin& point in 6old War+ relie% t"at crisis ended and world-destructi#e nuclear war a#oided (superpowers realised ar s race nearl$ brou&"t about nuclear war!' o 6..-?RA(7.3+ in 19><) USA sold &rain to USSR o 6.0U376A(7.3+ Jotline created between W"ite Jouse and 8re lin to i pro#e speed o% co unication o 3U64?AR 17SAR0A0?3(+ Au& 19><+ -artial (est Can (reat$ Gul$ 19>8+ 3uclear 3on-proli%eration (reat$ SA4( tal*s %ro 19>9 to consider li itations to nuclear arsenals 0issiles re o#ed %ro 6uba and (ur*e$ lesser t"reat to USA and USSR 4ittle consultation wit" ot"er countries+ France wit"drew %ro 3A(. in 19>>'


C?ECHO-'O@A7IA6 The ,ra<2e -prin< "#=;

Until 19>Bs) 6=ec"oslo#a*ia odel satellite state) obedient to USSR) &ood li#in& standard'

Ca2ses o3 Opposition6
0e or$ o% brutal wa$ USSR "ad sei=ed power wit" ar $I urder o% Gan 0asar$* (%orei&n secretar$! Antonin 3o#otn$) "ard-line co unist+ o sla#is"l$ %ollowed So#iet line o re%used to introduce re%or s o slow to de-Stalini=e) especiall$ releasin& political prisoners C$ 19>Bs) econo $ in decline t"ere%ore %all in li#in& standard and national inco e Forced to &i#e #ital raw aterials to USSRI not allowed to produce consu er &oods 3o#otn$2s 3ew ?cono ic 0odel %ailed (surplus o% una%%ordable consu er &oods!

&vents leading up to reforms .ct 19>:+ 3o#otn$ c"allen&ed b$ re%or ers (e'&' Ale;ander 1ubce* and .ta Sil*!I de onstrations %ollow 1ec 19>:+ Cre="ne# #isited -ra&ue) surprised at opposition to 3o#otn$) wit""eld support 5t" Gan 19>8+ 3o#otn$ replaced as First Secretar$ o% 6o unist -art$ b$ 1ubce* (supported b$ Cre="ne#! -ra&ue Sprin& re%or s announced b$ 1ubce*' 0arc" 19>8+ 3o#otn$ resi&ned as -resident and was replaced b$ Eeneral S#oboda (w"o supported 1ubce*2s re%or s!' 3o#otn$ powerless'

,ra<2e -prin< Re3or0s6

/Socialis wit" a "u an %ace2 ai to &et rid o% worst %eatures o% co unis Ereater political %reedo %ree speec") %ree o#e ent) end to censors"ip (propa&anda a&ainst 3o#otn$ and pre#ious &o#ern ent+ co unists /&rilled2 on (9! Reduction in powers o% secret police (can2t i prison wit"out trial! 6ontact wit" West and trade wit" West Eer an$ 1B $ear pro&ra e %or political c"an&e de ocratic elections and socialis 6reation o% wor*s councils to represent t"e wor*%orce (wor*ers2 ri&"ts etc'! Federalisation o% t"e Republic relations between 6=ec"s and Slo#a*s 1ecentralisation independent enterprises and s all businesses

&ffects of reforms ?ncoura&ed anti-co unists to de and e#en &reater re%or s Gune 19>8+ Social 1e ocrats set up separate part$ to ri#al to co unists Gournalist 4ud#i* 9aculi* publis"ed a ani%esto The Two Thousand Words called %or 6=ec"oslo#a*ians to %orce ore e;tre e re%or 0ade So#iet Union #er$ concerned) and ulti atel$ caused t"e in#asion

Why was the (--R !on!erned a*o2t CAe!hoslova)ia?

6=ec"oslo#a*ia o Anti-co o#in& awa$ %ro USSR+ unist5So#iet re%or s co in& at once wit"out consultin& USSR ,B

o West Eer an$ tradin& ore wit" 6=ec"oslo#a*ia West Eer an$ i&"t co e to do inate econo $ o% ?astern ?urope and 6=ec"oslo#a*ia o (ito &i#en ent"usiastic reception in 6=ec"oslo#a*ia suspiciousT Worried ideas would spread elsew"ere 6=ec"oslo#a*ia "ad stron&est industr$ %eared t"e$ would lea#e Warsaw -act' 6=ec"oslo#a*ia centrall$ placed %eared 3A(. would o#e in (split ?astern bloc) ad#ance 3A(.2s %rontier :BB* to t"e So#iet border! -ressure %ro leader o% ?ast Eer an$) Walter Ulbric"t) and -olis" leader) Eo ul*a) to stop re%or

Ho# did the "oviet !nion respond% Gun 19>8+ So#iet tan*s re ain in 6=ec"oslo#a*ia a%ter ilitar$ e;ercises Gul 19>8+ Cre="ne# et wit" leaders o% Warsaw -act and s"ared concerns' 1ubce* a&reed not to allow new Social 1e ocratic -art$I not c"an&e %orei&n polic$I re ain in Warsaw -act) "owe#er insisted on re%or s' (ension eased' <rd Au& 19>8+ Warsaw -act leaders (inc' 1ubce*! si&n Cratisla#a 1eclaration declarin& %ait" in 6o unis t" 15 Au& 19>8+ < da$ eetin& o% So#iet -olitburo' Cre="ne# s"outed at 1ubce* on p"one @Kou2re &oin& to brin& down t"e Warsaw -actU A

7ey 3eat2res o3 the -oviet Invasion6

,B Au&+ t"ousands o% So#iet troops in#aded) bac*ed wit" units %ro Cul&aria) ?ast Eer an$) Jun&ar$ and -oland 6=ec"oslo#a*ians resisted+ t"rew petrol bo bs at tan*sI buildin&s set on %ireI protestors asse bledI students tore down street na es and ar&ued wit" soldiersI anti-So#iet broadcasters sta$ed on air o#in& %ro "idin& places 3o resistance %ro ar $) so %ewer t"an 1BB *illed 1ubce* and ot"er leaders arrested and ta*en to 0oscow abandon re%or s

E33e!ts o3 the -oviet Invasion6

C*echoslo+a,ia: o ?nd to de ocratic re%or s o 6=ec" co unist part$ pur&ed o 3ew leader) Esuta# Jusa*) re#erted to strict co unist rule (1ubce* e;pelled! o 1e onstrations went on until Apr 19>9I 1 student set "i sel% on %ire in protest -re*hne+ Doctrine: o 6o unist one part$ s$ste o All countries "ad to re ain in Warsaw -act Warsa "act: o 0essa&e sent out USSR would suppress atte pts to re%or o So e o#ed awa$ %ro 0oscow+ Ro ania re%used to send troops and ore independent %ro 0oscowI Albania le%t Warsaw -act 19>8 (USSR preoccupied wit" 6=ec"oslo#a*ia! Su%er%o er Relations: o (e poraril$ worsened relations) but dRtente continued a%ter sli&"t brea* o 6riticis o% USSR pressure o%% USA as ot"er western countries also criticised t"e o USA bus$ wit" presidential election and 9ietna USSR *new t"e$ would not act ,1

o 7ncreased ri#alr$ between USSR and 6"ina+ 6"inese criticised %orce a&ainst %ellow co unist nation (%eared sa e %ate!


BTENTE6 "#=> "#5#

D.tente /0rela1ed tensions23: period o% 6old War w"ere Superpower relations i pro#ed a%ter t"e 6uban 0issile 6risis and t"e t"reat o% nuclear war' Why #ere 'oth "uperpo#ers keen on ()tente% 1' 0one$ ar s race #er$ e;pensi#e' Cot") especiall$ USSR) *een to reduce spendin&' ,' 3uclear War 6uban 0issile 6risis %ri&"tened superpowers) realised "ow close t"e$ "ad co e to nuclear war' Wanted to reduce c"ance o% nuclear con%lict and world destruction' <' 3uclear -roli%eration (spreadin&!+ would ean ore c"ance o% nuclear con%lict' 4' -ublic .pposition ore people &rew a&ainst nuclear weapons once t"e$ realised e%%ects 5' 6"ina 6"ina and USSR %ell out in 19>B' USA *een %or dRtente to *eep USSR and 6"ina apart (ot"erwise would create power%ul %orce t"at would c"allen&e A erican supre ac$!' USSR also concerned about USA and 6"ina all$in& a&ainst t"e ' 1Rtente eant %riendl$ relations between USSR and USA' >' 9ietna USA *een to wit"draw %ro 9ietna (public #er$ a&ainst it! and dRtente would be an opportunit$ to ne&otiate a wit"drawal' :' Cre="ne# *een to &ain access to US tec"nolo&$ and %urt"er &rain sales'

7ey Feat2res o3 Ctente

4ndirect fighting continued Si; 1a$ WarI Ko 8ippurI 9ietna War Coo%eration and communication lin*a&e to end 9ietna I sale o% &rainI "otline 5uclear disarmament su its) SA4( treaties) Jelsin*i a&ree ents .t"er tensions+ 6"inaI 6=ec"oslo#a*ia5 Cre="ne# doctrineI ar s race continuedI USSR #iolation o% "u an ri&"tsI co petin& in A%rica etc') tension late 19:Bs

Changing relations during d)tente ( is positi#e %or relationsI is ne&ati#e! 19><+ -artial (est Can (reat$+ stop testin& nuclear weapons in at osp"ere) onl$ under&round 19>5-19:<+ 9ietna War (o stop t"e spread o% co unis ) USA sent troops to Sout" 9ietna in 19>5' So#iet Union was suppl$in& ar s to 3ort" 9ietna ' 9ietna War didn2t &o well %or USA+ despite "u&e ilitar$ %orce) couldn2t de%eat 3ort" 9ietna ese and t"e 9ietcon& (9ietna ese co unists!' C$ 19>8) USA wanted to end war and peace tal*s be&an in sprin& 19>8' 19>:+ Si; 1a$ War in 0iddle ?ast+ Arab nations closer to USSR as 7srael ilitaril$ supplied b$ USA) but superpower tensions didn2t co e an$w"ere close to t"ose at 6uba) since ana&ed to ne&otiate a cease%ire' 19>8+ So#iet in#asion o% 6=ec"oslo#a*ia USA and ot"er countries criticised USSR) but didn2t reall$ endan&er relations 19>8+ Cre="ne# 1octrine (So#iet %orei&n polic$! i% a capitalist countr$ t"reatened an$ co unist countr$ t"en t"e ot"er co unist states "ad to inter#ene usin& %orce 19>8+ 3uclear 3on-proli%eration (reat$ USA) USSR and Critain a&ree to pre#ent spread o% nuclear tec"nolo&$ (countries t"at si&ned a&reed not to de#elop it! 19>8+ USA de#elops AC0s and 07R9s 19:1+ USA didn2t bloc* co unist 6"ina %ro Hoinin& U3 19:,-19:9+ Fi#e su it con%erences between USA and USSR (includin& t"ree wit" asteris*V+ 19:,) 19:4 and SA4( 77 19:9! about nuclear issiles) increased trade lin*s etc' Feb 19:,+ 3i;on #isited 6"ina (Cre="ne# scared o% a 6"inese-US alliance!' V0a$ 19:,+ 3i;on #isited 0oscow' 0ade it clear "e did not see 9ietna as an obstacle to dRtente' A&reed to ta*e part in ?uropean Securit$ con%erence (Jelsin*i A&ree ents!'


0a$ 19:,+ SA4( 7 treat$ si&ned (see ne;t pa&e %or a&ree ents! a%ter < $ears o% Strate&ic Ar s 4i itations (al*s in Jelsin*i and 9ienna' ?ac" side allowed to use satellites to c"ec* t"e ot"er was not brea*in& ar s li its' S"ows world t"at Cre="ne# and 3i;on are a*in& an e%%ort to wor* to&et"er to create peace) w"ic" reduces tensions' So e li itations a$ "elp ar s race and nuclear disar a ent' 6an still de#elop (new! nuclear weapons Still AC0s %ear t"at nuclear weapons will be used Strate&ic bo bers not li ited) will "a#e sa e e%%ect as inter-continental bo bs' 1espite SA4( 7 treat$ 19:,) Ar s Race continued' ?%%ects o% a&ree ent li ited and an$ a&ree ents not en%orced' 3eit"er side trusted t"e ot"er to reduce t"eir nuclear arsenal si&ni%icantl$' Cot" sides continued to de#elop con#entional and s aller weapons not co#ered (/around2 a&ree ent! and de#elop wa$s to /transport destruction2' Si=e o% bot" ar ies increased and space race continued' 19:<+ /4in*a&e2 ends 9ietna War - A%ter 3i;on beca e president) it was "oped i% USA i pro#ed trade (e'&' &rain! and tec"nolo&$ lin*s and ade an o%%er o% ar s reduction) Cre="ne# i&"t persuade "is 3ort" 9ietna ese all$ to ne&otiate an end to war' Cre="ne# acted as inter ediar$ between Was"in&ton 16 and Janoi and "elped resol#e peace between USA and 3ort" 9ietna in 19:<' 19:<+ Ko 8ippur War still %i&"tin& indirectl$' (ested opti is o% 19:,' S$ria and ?&$pt (bac*ed b$ USSR! attac*ed 7srael (bac*ed b$ USA!' Cre="ne# proposed Hoint USAUSSR %orce to &o and sa#e ?&$ptian ar $ %ro 7sraelis) ot"erwise USSR would &o alone' 3i;on an&r$ at su&&estion o% independent action and put US %orces (includin& nuclear stri*e &roups! on alert' USA su&&ested U3 peace*eepin& %orce o% non-nuclear countries inter#ene) and war ended wit" cease%ire on ,4t" .ct 19:<' VGul 19:4+ 3i;on2s #isit to 0oscow' Alt"ou&" relations weren2t war ) a&reed to+ $ 6ontinue re o#in& dan&er o% war) especiall$ nuclear and ass destruction $ 4i it and e#entuall$ end ar s race) especiall$ in strate&ic war"eads' Cot" a&reed ulti ate obHecti#e was co plete disar a ent' $ 6ontribute to eli ination o% sources o% international tension and ilitar$ con%lict' $ Rela; tensions worldwide $ 6o-operate in econo $) science) tec"nolo&$ and culture to pro ote understandin& between t"e peoples o% t"e two countries' Gul$-Au& 19:5+ ?uropean Securit$ 6on%erence (19:<-5! reac" 6elsin,i Agreements <5 nations (includin& USA and USSR! si&n on < a&ree ents to *eep dRtente de#elopin&+ S?6UR7(K+ A&ree borders o% ?urope (reco&nised So#iet sp"ere o% in%luence in ?astern ?urope!VVI USSR accepts e;istence o% West Eer an$ 6.-.-?RA(7.3+ wor* to&et"er on scienti%ic) econo ic and cultural ideas as well as trade and tec"nolo&ical cooperation to lead to closer political a&ree ent JU0A3 R7EJ(S a&reed to respect %reedo o% t"ou&"t) speec") reli&ion) o#e ent) political %reedo and %reedo %ro un%air arrest **Many critics say this was a mistake USSR only interested in benefits of dtente e.g. trade links and decreased e !enditure "#re$hne% said that it did not mean end of the struggle between &ommunism ' &a!italism(. t" 1: Gul$ 19:5+ Space lin* up < US astronauts and , So#iet cos onauts et up in space' S$ bolic "ands"a*e' Relations on t"e end wit" sportin& and cultural alliances' 19::-1981+ USSR2s #iolation o% "u an ri&"ts a&ree ents' 7n 19::) 6arter wanted to lin* "u an ri&"ts to ar s li itations to put pressure on USSR) w"o were not *eepin& to Jelsin*i A&ree ents' USA and ot"er nations co plained' (radin& a&ree ents be&an to ,4

brea* down' Cre="ne# said t"is was inter%erence in So#iet internal a%%airs' Jelsin*i &roups set up in ?astern ?urope to onitor USSR2s ad"erence to "u an ri&"ts a&ree ents+ "i&"li&"ted lac* o% %reedo o% speec") reli&ion and o#e ent' Ju an ri&"ts issue e barrass ent %or Cre="ne#' Superpowers co petin& in Sout" A erica) 0iddle ?ast and A%rica' 6arter increased US de%ence bud&et late 19:8 due to So#iet inter%erence in A%rica' VGune 19:9+ Salt 77 (see below! %inal a&ree ents reac"ed and si&ned (but not rati%ied! Salt 77 ne#er rati%ied b$ USA 6on&ress didn2t belie#e li its could be #eri%iedI Senate re%used to rati%$ treat$ a%ter So#iet in#asion o% A%&"anistan' ,BBB So#iet troops in 6uba Renewed concern %or USA 4ate 19:9+ 3A(. placed lon&-ran&e issiles in ?urope ,5t" 1ec 19:9+ USSR in#aded A%&"anistan end o% dRtente

-A'T I Treaty, .ay "#5>

Limited Anti-Callistic 0issile (reat$ (AC0! (s"oot down inter-continental and strate&ic ballistic issiles! allowed at onl$ , sites) wit" 1BB issiles at eac"' 8e$ in nuclear ar s control as ensured t"at neit"er side could e#er consider itsel% i une %ro retaliation' 7nteri A&ree ent on .%%ensi#e Ar s 5 $ear %ree=e on total nu ber o% 76C0 (inter-continental ballistic issile! and S4C0 (sub arine launc"ed ballistic issiles! launc"ers' Allowed to use satellites to c"ec* ot"er side wasn2t brea*in& ar s li its' 5ot limited Strate&ic bo bers and t"eir bo bs not li ited' 3o restriction on 07R9s ( ultiple independentl$ tar&etable re-entr$ #e"icles!'

-A'T II Treaty, 12ly "#5#

Fro 19:4) tal*s %or a new SA4( a&ree ent too* place to li it e#er$ t$pe o% roc*et L war"ead (e;plosi#e bit on nuclear issiles! (all nuclear weapons! A&ree ents %or SA4( 77) Gul$ 19:9) to last until 1985+ $ 4i it o% ,)4BB strate&ic nuclear deli#er$ #e"icles (76C0s) S4C0s) "ea#$ bo bers! $ 1<,B li it on 07R9 s$ste s (can stri*e se#eral tar&ets! $ Can on construction o% new land-based 76C0 launc"ers' $ 4i its on deplo$ ent o% new t$pes o% strate&ic o%%ensi#e ar s' Alt"ou&" treat$ was ne#er si&ned) bot" sides pled&ed to %ollow its &uidelines' Jowe#er) it did not ention tactical (s"ort-ran&e! weapons or desi&nate "ow an$ strate&ic war"eads eac" side could deplo$'


-oviet invasion o3 A3<hanistan, "#5#

Political "ituation -re 19:8+ 7sla ic dictators"ip+ no ri&"ts) poor %ar ers) ineDualit$ o% wealt") pro-USA' 19:8+ -eople2s 1e ocratic -art$ o% A%&"anistan (-1-A+ co unist! o#ert"rew &o#ern ent' For ed 1e ocratic Republic o% A%&"anistan' 0u"a ad (ara*i -0' USSR &i#e t"e ilitar$ assistance (eDuip ent and ad#isors!' -1-A i posed co unist-st$le re%or pro&ra e+ c"an&es in arria&e custo s) land re%or s) education o% wo en) anti-0usli policies' ("ousands o% traditional Rlite (0usli reli&ious establis" ent and intellectuals! i prisoned) tortured or urdered' 19:9+ -1-A "ad no support' 1eput$--0 A in sei=ed power) but still unstable because o% anti-0usli policies' ("ousands Hoined t"e 0uHa"ideen (&uerrilla o#e ent on "ol$ war -Hi"ad- %or Alla"!) w"ic" declared war on &o#ern ent and t"eir supporters (inspired b$ o#ert"row o% S"a" in 7ran 19:9! -1-A &et ore So#iet support' A in did not want to beco e reliant on USSR) wanted to i pro#e lin*s wit" USA' 6"aos continues in A%&"anistan'

Ca2ses o3 Invasion
1' Fear o% spread o% 7sla ic %unda entalis to <B illion 0usli s in USSR (t"reat to So#iet s$ste ! ,' Unstable political situation restore order' Cre="ne# said USSR onl$ co pl$in& wit" t"e 19:8 (reat$ o% Friends"ip) 6o-operation and Eood 3ei&"bourliness t"at %or er -resident (ara*i "ad si&ned' <' 8eep co unist) pro-So#iet -1-A in power a&ainst stron& opposition %ro people and 0uHa"ideen 4' 6lose to oil reser#es in -ersian Eul%+ USSR wanted to *eep control and *eep %ro USA 5' Eeo&rap"ical i portance close to Arabian Sea (and oil suppl$ route to USA!

7ey Feat2res o3 Invasion

,5 1ec 19:9 1 Gan 198B+ 5B)BBB So#iet troops in#ade A%&"anistan' 1ec ,:t" 19:9+ Ad in s"ot) replaced b$ Cabra* 8a al (w"o "ad been in e;ile in 0oscow!) but now reDuired 85)BBB So#iet soldiers to *eep it in power' 0an$ A%&"an soldiers deserted to Hoin 0uHa"ideen' 7n#asion conde ned b$ ost o% U3 0uc" de#astation o% A%&"anistan) o#er 1 illion A%&"ans *illed) 5'5 illion re%u&ees' C$ 1988) 0uHa"idin controlled :5M o% countr$ 1989+ So#iet %orces wit"drew'
t" st

I0pa!t o3 A3<hanistan War 8"#;D-;59 on (--R

Seriousl$ wea*ened USSR %inanciall$+ 15)BBB So#iets *illed) <:)BBB wounded+


o% So#iet ar $ a%%ected) spent N,B billion'

0uHa"ideen %ou&"t success%ul &uerrilla war (support %ro

people) *nowled&e o% landscape etc'! Funded b$ N, billion %ro USA and N>BB illion a $ear %ro Saudi Arabia' .pposition+ international conde nation o% in#asion) led b$ USA USSR o%%ered to wit"draw 198, i% USA stopped suppl$in& 0uHa"ideen+ USA reHected' A&ree ent+ U3 sponsored peace tal*s %inall$ eant an a&ree ent between USSR) A%&"anistan) -a*istan L USA' USSR %inall$ wit"drew in 198:' (aliban co e into power 199, 7sla ic %unda entalists ,>

E33e!ts o3 Invasion (- rea!tion6

Carter doctrine+ USA would use ilitar$ %orce to de%end national interests in t"e -ersian Eul% re&ion i% necessar$' Fir approac" to USSR a%ter %ailure to sol#e 7ran "osta&e proble in 19:9 6arter loo*in& wea*' -ro ised US ilitar$ aid to all countries borderin& A%&"anistan' (o ac"ie#e t"is) 6arter proposed creation o% a Duic*-stri*e ilitar$ %orce (Rapid 1eplo$ ent Force! t"at could inter#ene an$w"ere at s"ort notice' 1ra%t re&istration %or en a&ed 18-,B' 6on&ress to allow 67A to increase its intelli&ence &at"erin& acti#ities Assistance to be &i#en to 0uHa"ideen USA spent N, billion to wea*en USSR US co panies %orbidden to sell "i&" tec"nolo&$ t"ere e'&' co puters5oil drillin& eDuip ent' USA cancelled all s"ip ents o% &rain to USSR -ressurised US .l$ pic 6o ittee to bo$cott 198B 0oscow .l$ pics) t"reatenin& to wit""old %undin& and re o#e ta; bene%its' US.6 a&reed) and >1 ot"er countries %ollowed USA2s e;a ple and attended alternati#e /4ibert$ Cell 6lassic2 relations worsened' 7n retaliation) USSR bo$cotted 1984 4os An&eles .l$ pics' 6arter as*ed Senate to suspend rati%ication o% SA4( 77 treat$ 1Rtente dead b$ be&innin& o% 198B


,resident Rea<an, "#;"-"#;#

Replaced Gi $ 6arter in 198B' A&&ressi#e anti-So#iet Forei&n -olic$'

Why did Rea<an in!rease de3en!e spendin<?

? p"asised %i&"tin& co unis + wanted to con%ront USSR w"en possible (e#il e pire! 1eter ined to re-establis" USA as t"e leadin& superpower) and not to be inti idated b$ arsenal USSR "ad built up t"ou&"t t"e$ "ad lost &round to USSR durin& dRtente' 4ess e p"asis on "u an ri&"ts' Wanted to erase "u iliation+ loss o% 9ietna WarI "osta&e crisis in 7ranI loss o% presti&e to USSR in A%rica and 6entral A erica'

Rea<anEs e3en!e ,oli!ies, "#;"-;56

0assi#el$ increase

ilitar$ ar s spendin& (o#er N1 trillion!+ Worsened relations because USSR felt threatened) USSR under !ressure as struggling to kee! u! with US s!ending) and nuclear war more likely. *ed to +UTS theory and ,Star Wars- !olicy. $ 7ncreased si=e o% %orces $ Stren&t"ened ilitar$ co unications s$ste s $ 1e#elop ent o% neutron bo b (*illed people but did little da a&e to propert$! $ 6onstruction o% new Stealt" bo ber t"at would be in#isible to radar $ 6onstruction o% si; (rident nuclear sub arines $ 1BB 0W issilesI 1BB C-1 lon&-ran&e and supersonic bo bers $ 1e#eloped de%ensi#e weapons t"at could s"oot down issiles' -laced 6ruise 0issiles (undetectable b$ radar! in Western ?urope (result o% deplo$ ent o% So#iet SS,B issiles in Western USSR!' 3uclear Utilisation (ar&et Selection (3U(S t"eor$!' [Je wasn2t 0A1) "e was 3U(SU] Felt t"e USA could win li ited nuclear war ( ainl$ due to Star Wars!' Worsened tensions+ until t"en) bot" superpowers "ad accepted 0A1I now nuclear war possible' 3o# 1981+ Rea&an proposed /=ero option2 to cancel deplo$ ent o% new US inter ediate-ran&e issiles in Western ?urope in return %or USSR dis antlin& o% co parable %orces (>BB SS,B issiles!' Rea&an approac"in& tal*s %ro position o% econo ic and ilitar$ stren&t"+ o%%er would lose USSR lar&e percenta&e o% weapons) and i% USSR reHected) could put e#en ore issiles in ?urope' Cre="ne# reHected o%%er' Gun 198,+ 6alled USSR /? pire ?#il2' Andropo# let loose barra&e o% insults (insane) liar) %annin& %la es o% war) co pared Rea&an to Jitler! Strate&ic Ar s Reduction (S(AR(! (al*s+ 1espite ar s build-up) ne&otiations to reduce ar s continued' Situation worsened b$ e#ents in -oland+ USA &a#e secret assistance to -olis" wor*ers2 trade union (was bannedI leaders i prisoned 198,!' USA criticised Cre="ne# and -olis" &o#ern ent %or "ea#$-"anded approac" and banned all "i&"-tec" trade wit" USSR' So#iet dele&ation wal*ed out o% S(AR( tal*s in 198<' Rea&an announced t"e S17 (Star Wars! pro&ra e' ,<rd 0arc" 198<+ Rea&an announces Strategic Defence 4nitiati+e /SD43 0Star Wars2+ Anti-ballistic issile s$ste + &round and space laser bea s t"at could intercept and destro$ issiles' USA no lon&er relied on 0A1 to pre#ent So#iet attac* and protect citi=ens) allies and nuclear weapons' 4 da$s a%ter announce ent) Andropo# accused USA o% preparin& a %irst-stri*e attac* on USSR to unleas" a nuclear war in t"e "ope o% winnin&'


Andropo# realised S17 would &i#e USA a "u&e ad#anta&e in a con%lict and a*e t"e consider tactical nuclear war' USSR would "a#e to spend e#en ore one$ on ar a ents to co pete wit" USA' ("reatened t"e alread$ unstable So#iet econo $+ Rea&an "oped t"e USSR would increase ar s spendin& in an atte pt to co pete) w"ic" i&"t destro$ t"eir econo $ co pletel$' Alt"ou&" certain tal*s too* place (o%% L on! no real pro&ress was ade' Changing *eaders of the "oviet !nion 'eader o3 -oviet (nion +osef "talin 2eorgy 3alenkov 4ikita 5hrushchev *eonid Brezhnev Yuri 9ndropov 5onstantin Chernenko 3ikhail 2or'achev ates ,-2. / ,-01 ,-01 / ,-00 ,-00 / ,-6. 7ct ,-6. / 4ov ,-82 4ov ,-82 / :e' ,-8. :e' ,-8. / 3ar ,-80 3ar ,-80 / ,--,

Other Chan<es in -2perpower Relations "#;%-"#;+

6"an&e in leaders ade it di%%icult to establis" continuit$ 198<+ Rea&an per itted sale o% US &rain to USSR (to "elp US econo $! bi&&est e#er

trade a&ree ent between two countries'

1984+ 6"ernen*o announced So#iet bo$cott o% US .l$ pic Ea es in 4A (accused

USA o% usin& &a es %or political purposes and usin& propa&anda a&ainst USSRI clai ed securit$ %or So#iet at"letes was inadeDuate!' Rea&an said USSR needed to consider its /barbarous2 actions in A%&"anistan and its treat ent o% dissidents e'&' Andrei Sa*"aro#' Co$cott supported b$ USSR2s allies retaliation %or US bo$cott 198B (t"e$ "eld /Friends"ip Ea es2!' S"owed world was still di#ided into two ca ps) e#en in sport' US &a es bi&&est e#er (14B nations) includin& 6"ina %or %irst ti e since 19<,!' ?nd o% 1984+ "int o% willin&ness to resu e dRtente+ %ear in ?urope t"at 6ruise and -ers"in& issiles "ad brou&"t nuclear war closer' Anti-nuclear de onstrations in USA and countries w"ere issiles were stationed' 0ar 1985+ Eorbac"e# new So#iet leader $oun&er) prepared %or drastic policies %or peace to stop collapse o% USSR


End o3 the Cold War

-it2ation in -oviet (nion *y "#;+
Wea* econo $+ drainin& wealt" so USSR could not de#elop %i&"tin& costl$) %ruitless war in A%&"anistanI tr$in& to co pete wit" USA in ar s race and space race 3o incenti#e to wor* under co unist s$ste &uaranteed Hob and %i;ed salar$ %ro state (no %ear o% bein& sac*ed or c"ance o% pro otion! -oor li#in& standard and decrease in li%e e;pectanc$ to >, $ears Reliant on i ports o% %ood and tec"nolo&$ S"odd$ So#iet &oods -roble s caused unrest What #ere 2or'achev;s aims #hen he came to po#er in ,-80% eet Rea&an read$ to a*e unt"in*able deals wit" USA and a*e radical c"an&es in ?astern ?urope %or world peace and dRtente to i pro#e relations wit" West' Jad in"erited sta&nation and proble s in USSR So#iet econo $ could no lon&er support strain o% %orces ?astern ?urope' 8new t"at wit"out c"an&e USSR would collapse' Wanted to+
Readiness to

Re%or and odernise 6o unist -art$ and So#iet-st$le socialis ) not abandon it 7 pro#e li#in& conditions and industrial e%%icienc$ in USSR 0o#e towards &i#in& people &reater political %reedo Wit"draw %ro A%&"anistan (%ailure was se#ere e barrass ent as well as costl$!' 7 pro#e relations wit" 6"ina 7 pro#e relations wit" t"e USA - reduce de%ence spendin& (understood cripplin& e%%ects o% *eepin& up wit" US spendin&! - borrow one$ %ro western ban*s to bu$ %ood) raw aterials and eDuip ent %ro abroad' - persuade Western %ir s to build %actories in t"e USSR'

What /or*a!hev did

Jad t"ree ain strate&ies+ o Re%or s in 6o unist part$ and USSR+ "erestroi,a ([econo ic] restructurin&! c"an&in& t"e wa$ USSR is run (i pro#e industrial e%%icienc$! 7lasnost (openness! e;pression) %reedo (includin& &reater political %reedo ! o 8nded arms race) si&ned ar s reduction a&ree ents o Sto%%ed So+iet interference in satellite states Wanted USSR to re ain superpower "ad to win support o% people) s"ow world "e didn2t t"reaten peace' Eorbac"e# went out and tal*ed directl$ wit" public all o#er USSR) e'&' discussin& nurses2 pa$ wit" sta%% at a "ospitalI co puter trainin& %or teac"ersI truc* %actor$' 0ade "i see ore open and popular' Jowe#er) Elasnost eant t"at t"e ore %reedo people &ained) t"e ore t"e$ wanted and be&an to criticise Eorbac"e#) a*in& it di%%icult %or 6o unist -art$ to aintain power'


"erestroi,a /economic restructuring3 -ri#ate businesses and people allowed to a*e own pro%its+ no lon&er ille&al to bu$ or sell %or pro%it Us*orenie (acceleration o% econo ic de#elop ent! brou&"t c"an&es Wit"drew troops %ro A%&"anistan Feb 1989 6ut spendin& on ilitar$) be&an disar a ent+ Announced > ont" %ree=e on deplo$ ent o% weapons in ?urope (as lon& as 3A(. did t"e sa e!' Anni#ersar$ o% Jiros"i a+ announced ban on nuclear testin&'

7lasnost /o%enness3 Re%or s in political s$ste e'&' elections %or local &o#ern ent (-erestroi*a! won Eorbac"e# support and enabled "i to be eDuall$ radical in "is dealin&s wit" USA' So#iet people learnt o% t"e atrocities co itted w"en Stalin was in power 1issidents (people w"o disa&reed wit" &o#ern ent! released %ro Hail Canned boo*s were publis"ed Ju an ri&"ts) includin& %reedo o% reli&ion 8noc*ed down Cerlin Wall %reedo o% o#e ent 1988+ ReHected Cre="ne# doctrine 1989+ Sinatra 1octrine in ?astern ?urope allowed satellite states to &o t"eir /own wa$2) not willin& to use So#iet ilitar$ to *eep control) polic$ o% eDualit$ and de ocrac$

isar0a0ent and End o3 the Ar0s Ra!e

Rea&an continued to ta*e So#iet ilitar$ t"reat seriousl$ and to %ollow a stron& de%ence polic$' Wanted to %orce USSR into ar s reduction but responded positi#el$ to o%%er o% dRtente) w"ic" was "elped as Rea&an and Eorbac"e# &ot on #er$ well' Rea&an announced t"at t"e USA would *eep to a&ree ents o% SA4( 77' C$ 198:) pressure on US &o#ern ent to be wor*in& %or peace - Rea&an wanted a place in "istor$ as a peace a*er' Geneva Accord, Nov 1985 3ot"in& concrete deter ined) but a&reed to+ speed up ar s tal*s (led to later eetin&s! wor* towards t"e abolition o% c"e ical weapons be ore acti#e on issues o% "u an ri&"ts Rea&an and Eorbac"e# &ood-natured and a icable' At end) spo*e o% world bein& a /sa%er place2' (ensions+ Rea&an wouldn2t &i#e up /Star Wars2 Summit meeting in Reykjavik, Oct 1986 7nitiall$ a&reed ar s reductions A&ree ents collapsed wit" tensions o#er S17 and Anti-Callistic 0issile (reat$' Eorbac"e# publicl$ bla ed Rea&an' The ntermediate Nuc!ear "orce# Treaty $ N"%, &ec 198' ?li inated nuclear and con#entional &round-launc"ed ballistic and cruise issiles wit" ran&es 5BB-55BB* wit"in t"ree $ears' C$ Gune 1991) X ,:BB suc" weapons destro$ed (85B b$ USAI 185- b$ USSR! Cot" nations allowed to inspect eac" ot"er2s ilitar$ installations' Strict #eri%ication procedures to c"ec* t"at nuclear weapons were destro$ed' Stressed t"at 73F onl$ %irst step towards an e#en ore radical a&ree ent to "al% lon&ran&e nuclear weapons) to be si&ned in 0oscow in 1988'


.nl$ 4M o% e;istin& stoc*s o% nuclear weapons+ Rea&an unwillin& to &i#e up S17) but

t"is was a turnin& point in a%%airs %irst ti e weapons "ad been destro$ed' (onventiona! Armed "orce# in )uro*e Treaty $(")%, 1989 1988+ 0oscow su it) ore ar s control tal*s' (roop reductions in ?urope 1989' Eorbac"e#2s pro ise to reduce troops %ro A%&"anistan s"owed peace%ul intentions 0oscow su it led to 6F?) si&ned b$ 3A(. and Warsaw -act 3o# 199B' 6F? reduced con#entional weapons) includin&+ tan*s) issiles) aircra%t End o3 the Cold War s2perpowers still <ood relations /Eorb$ ania2 Eorbac"e# "ailed as "ero+ #er$ popular in West (and ?ast!' Wi#es o% Rea&an and Eorbac"e# pla$ed role in pus"in& leaders to&et"er' 0alta 1989+ ?nd o% 6old War announced b$ Eeor&e Cus" Senior and Eorbac"e# USA and USSR cooperated o#er 8uwait in 199B (Sadda Jussein! and %ollowed directions o% U3' Jowe#er) USSR did not co it and So#iet troops' Strategic Arm# Reduction Ta!k# $START%, 199+,91 (al*s be&an %ro 198,' <1st 0a$-<rd Gune 199B+ Was"in&ton su it (Cus" and Eorbac"e#! <1st Gul$ 1991+ Si&ned S(AR( 7 ((reat$ %or t"e Reduction and 4i itation o% Strate&ic .%%ensi#e Ar s!' Cot" sides to reduce strate&ic nuclear %orces o#er : $ears to+ $ 1>BB strate&ic nuclear deli#er$ #e"icles (S319s! and >BBB war"eads' $ 49BB ballistic issiles' (("is eant reducin& ,5-<5M o% all t"eir strate&ic war"eads!

Why did the Cold War end?

2or'achev -opularit$ in West and openness increased international trust ?a&erness %or peace and willin&ness to co-operate i pro#ed Rea&an2s attitude and sped up nuclear disar a ent ("owe#er USSR was collapsin& an$wa$! A&reed treaties (especiall$ 73F!I re o#ed troops %ro A%&"anistanI didn2t inter%ere in anti-co unist re#olutions in ?astern ?uropeI &lasnost 6ollapse o% ?astern ?urope and t"e USSR %ro internal pressures and success o% disar a ent USA no lon&er considered Russia a aHor t"reat so tensions ended' Response from !"9 <limited 'ut significant= Rea&an bloc*ed peace o%%ers and re%used to &i#e up S17) to &et best o%%er %or USA Rea&an ade personal %riends wit" Eorbac"e# "elped peace process Rea&an and Cus" ade peace a&ree ents' Eorbac"e# see ed ore ea&er to a*e concessions %or world peace


Collapse o3 Eastern E2rope

Eorbac"e# accepts ulti-part$ state' ?lections to be "eld 199B' 1988 -.4A31 Stri*es t"rou&"out countr$ 1989 -.4A31 Free trade union (Solidarit$! wins elections' 0a=owiec*i %irst non-co unist -ri e 0inister in ?astern ?urope 0a$ 1989 JU3EARK Jun&ar$ opens border wit" Austria "ole in 7ron 6urtain) Cerlin Wall now useless .ct 1989 ?AS( E?R0A3K Eorbac"e# said USSR would not put down Eer an de onstrations .ct 1989 ?AS( E?R0A3K <BB)BBB protestors in 4eip=i& 3o# 1989 ?AS( E?R0A3K 1 illion protestors in Cerlin %or de ocrac$ and %ree elections 3o# 1989 ?AS( E?R0A3K West Eer an border opened and Cerlin Wall dis antled' 1 illion a da$ &o to see relati#es and e;perience li%e in West 3o# 1989 6Q?6J.S4.9A87A Ju&e de onstrations a&ainst co unis 3o# 1989 6Q?6J.S4.9A87A 6o unist &o#ern ent resi&n 1ec 1989 R.0A37A Secret -olice %ire on de onstrators in (i isoara 1ec 1989 R.0A37A 6rowd in Cuc"arest boos -resident) w"o %lees but is later captured 1ec 1989 R.0A37A Ar $ Hoins rebellion and %i&"ts secret police' Jundreds *illed' 1ec 1989 R.0A37A -resident and wi%e are s"ot b$ %irin& sDuad 199B R.0A37A 3ational Sal#ation Front (wit" an$ e;co unists! win elections 199B CU4EAR7A ?lections won b$ rena ed co unist part$ 199B JU3EARK 1e ocratic Foru (alliance o% anti-co unist &roups! wins elections .ct 199B ?AS( E?R0A3K Eer an$ reuni%ied into one countr$ and Hoined 3A(.' Gul 1991 WARSAW -A6( Warsaw -act dissol#ed' 1988 JU3EARK

,<rd 4t" 9t" 1:t" ,4t" 1>t" ,1st ,,nd-,4t" ,5t"

<rd 1st

So+iet $nion2s loss of %o er in 8astern 8uro%e so 9uic,l# caused massi+e easing of tensions& :hese e+ents also had im%acts ithin the $SSR:

199B+ ?stonia) 4at#ia and 4it"uania declared independence' 0oscow accepted 1991' Fears t"at USSR would disinte&rate Eorbac"e# opposed b$ ost o% USSR Au& 1991+ Atte pted coup d2Rtat) de%eated b$ Coris Kelstin (-resident o% t"e Russian Socialist Republic!' Eorbac"e# restored but lost aut"orit$' 1ec 1991+ Eorbac"e# resi&ned' USSR split into 15 states (includin& Celarus) U*raine) 0oldo#a) Eeor&ia) Ar enia) A=erbaiHan) t"e Stans! 199B+ Eorbac"e# awarded 3obel -eace -ri=e


Essay str2!t2re
> .ar) 2 minutes
e'&' 1escribe one reason w"$ t"e 0ars"all -lan was drawn up in 194:' .ey features/ recall of knowledge "012/013( 1 or , sentences t"at &i#e one de#eloped state ent (wit" additional supportin& e;planation!) not , s"orter ones' Use speci%ic detail5 e;a ple' aterial or

= 0ar) 8 minutes
e'&' 8e$ %eatures5 e%%ects .ey features/ recall of knowledge "012/013( < speci%ic) di%%erent *e$ %eatures' S7E3 -.S( 41ne key feature is5 another key feature is56 (r$ to lin* but do not need to' 3o introduction or conclusion First de#eloped state ent is 4 ar*sI t"e ne;t two de#eloped state ents are one ar* eac" For *e$ %eatures) a#oid doin& a cause or e%%ect unless $ou2re reall$ stuc* Read Duestion i% as* %or %eatures o% -ra&ue Sprin& Re%or s) do not tal* about in#asion

"> 0ar) 15 minutes

e'&' W"$ did relations worsen5c"an&e durin& $earsY &ausation/ recall of knowledge "012/013( 7ntro (1 sentence! e'&' relations worsened between t"e USA and t"e USSR becauseY < de#eloped %actors' Lin, and %rioritise factors %or %ull ar*s (and e;plain w"$ a %actor is t"e ost i portant e'&' because it led to t"e ot"ers5 a%%ected ost people directl$5 bi&&est t"reat o% nuclear war! 4in* to Duestion in eac" para&rap" sa$ w"at "appened and h# it worsened relations"ips (e'&' scared5 t"reatened5 "u iliated5 an&ered5 "i&"li&"ted di#ision5 e p"asised opposin& ideolo&ies5 ade to loo* wea*! Re%erence $our t"ree points in t"e conclusion to su arise lin*s5prioritisation

3C+ A flash%oint is a t"in&+ @?;plain w"$ 6=ec"oslo#a*ia was a %las"point in 19>8 P ?;plain w"$ we loo* at 6=ec"oslo#a*ia in 19>8 i'e' w"at "appened o% noteA


E4a0ple "> 0ar) essay

Describe why superpower relations worsened between 1948 and 1956 Cetween 1948 and 195>) superpower relations worsened ainl$ due to t"e Cerlin bloc*ade) t"e %or ation o% 3A(. and Warsaw -act and t"e Jun&arian Uprisin&' 7n 1948) t"e So#iet Union bloc*aded all road) rail and canal roots to Allied West Cerlin' Stalin was tr$in& to %orce t"e Allies out to "a#e total So#iet) co unist be"ind t"e /7ron 6urtain2 and to *eep a wea* Eer an$' Jowe#er) t"e Allies airli%ted supplies to West Cerlin %or al ost a $ear be%ore t"e USSR &a#e up' ("is was al ost a /test o% wills2 between t"e superpowers to see w"o would &i#e up %irst' 7t worsened relations b$ con%ir in& t"e end o% t"e warti e alliance between t"e and con%ir in& t"e di#ide in ?urope) and also s"owed an end to t"eir cooperation' 7n 1949 in response to t"e Cerlin bloc*ade) t"e Allies set up 3A(. as a de%ensi#e alliance a&ainst t"e spread o% 6o unis and to all$ t"e USA o%%iciall$ to Western ?urope' 7n response) t"e USSR set up an alliance /("e Warsaw -act2 between t"e and ?astern ?uropean states to counter t"e t"reat o% 3A(.' ("ese alliances con%ir ed a &lobal di#ide and istrust between t"e superpowers) worsenin& relations as t"e$ were in two opposin& alliance so i&"t be preparin& %or a possible war) and so escalatin& t"e si=e o% t"e 6old War' -er"aps %eelin& oppressed b$ t"e "ard-line So#iet re&i e and bein& *ept %ir l$ in t"e ?astern bloc and now part o% t"e Warsaw -act) t"e Jun&ar$ Uprisin& occurred re#olted in 195>' ("eir leader) 3a&$) approac"ed t"e U3) waned to introduce re%or s (e'&' %ree speec"! and tal*ed o% lea#in& t"e Warsaw -act' ("e USSR in#aded) "undreds o% t"ousands were *illed or %led and t"e uprisin& was Duas"ed' ("is worsened relations as it s"owed t"at t"e new So#iet leader 8"rus"c"e# was no di%%erent to Stalin+ "is tal*s o% peace were s"own to be a s"a and t"ere was a li it to de-Stalinisation' ("is was a brutal act b$ t"e USSR) but as t"e USA did not react (t"e$ were in#ol#ed in presidential elections and t"e Sue= crisis! t"ere was no real t"reat o% nuclear war) alt"ou&" t"e USSR could rein%orce t"e /7ron 6urtain2' .#erall) relations worsened ainl$ due to t"e Cerlin bloc*ade) w"ic" con%ir ed t"eir di#ide and an end to cooperation) and t"at caused t"e %or ation o% 3A(. and t"e Warsaw -act as &lobal ilitar$ alliances di#idin& t"e and t"us "u&el$ worsenin& relations'


5-: :imeline is +er# rough ith +er# little detail; as a tin# su%%lement to these notes to gi+e the basic idea about hat ha%%ened hen and hat to %ut about changes in su%er%o er relations bet een certain dates& Most causes and 8ffects of e+ents ha+e not been %ut /e&g& changes in leaders in 6ungar# %re< and %ost<u%rising3: the# are all in the notes& 3o#-1ec 194< 1945-4> (e"ran 6on%erence USSR /liberate2 Eer an occupied ?astern ?urope) but Red Ar $ continues to occup$ countries and set up 6o unist &o#ern ents (see pa&e 5 %or details! Kalta 6on%erence Roose#elt dies) replaced b$ Jarr$ (ru an' 9? 1a$ ?nd o% war wit" Eer an$' US test %irst ato ic bo b -otsda 6on%erence USA drop two ato ic bo bs in Gapan Jiros"i a and 3a&asa*i' ?nd o% war wit" Gapan' 6"urc"ill2s 7ron 6urtain speec" Eree* ci#il war (ru an 1octrine 0ars"all -lan 6o in%or Stalin be&ins Cerlin bloc*ade Stalin calls o%% bloc*ade 6o econ 3A(. si&ned USSR test %irst ato ic bo b 0ao Qedon& proclai s 6"ina a co unist state' 8orean War be&ins USA test %irst "$dro&en bo b' ?isen"ower replaces (ru an' Stalin dies' 0alen*o# leader o% USSR' 8orean War ends USSR test %irst "$dro&en bo b' 8"rus"c"e# replaces 0alen*o#' Secret Speec" and de-Stalinisation' West Eer an$ Hoins 3A(. Warsaw -act %or ed' -olis" uprisin&' Jun&arian uprisin&' USSR launc"es Sputni* 1'

1, 8 1>

Feb Apr 0a$ Gul Gul-Au& Au& 0ar 0ar Gun Sep Gun 0a$ Gan Apr Au& .ct Gun 3o# Gan 0ar Gul Au& 0ar 0a$ 0a$ Gun .ct-3o# .ct

1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 194> 194>->: 194: 194: 194: 1948 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 195B 195, 195< 195< 195< 195< 1955 1955 1955 195> 195> 195:

,4 1, 4 ,9 1 ,5 1 ,B 5 ,: 1, 9 14 4


,9 ,5 ,B 1, 15 1< : ,, 8

Gul Sep 0a$ Gan Apr Apr Au& .ct .ct 3o# .ct 0ar Gun

1958 1959 19>B 19>1 19>1 19>1 19>1 19>, 19>< 19>< 19>4 19>5 19>> 19>: 19>8 19>8 19>8 19>9 19>9 19:, 19:, 19:, 19:< 19:< 19:4 19:4 19:5 19:5 19::-81 19:: 19:9 19:9

3ASA is %or ed' 8"rus"c"e# #isits USA' 8"rus"c"e# stor s out o% su it eetin& wit" ?isen"ower in -aris' 8enned$ replaces ?isen"ower' Kuri Ea&arin (USSR! is %irst in space' Ca$ o% -i&s in#asion' Cerlin Wall is built' 6uban 0issile 6risis' -artial (est Can (reat$' an

8enned$ assassinated' 4$ndon Go"nson US -resident' Cre="ne# replaces 8"rus"c"e#' US troops in#ade 9ietna ' France wit"draws %ro 3A(. Si; 1a$ War -ra&ue Sprin& re%or s) 6=ec"oslo#a*ia 3uclear 3on--roli%eration (reat$ Cre="ne# 1octrine 3i;on replaces Go"nson' 3eil Ar stron& (USA! %irst an on t"e oon' 3i;on #isits 6"ina' 3i;on #isits 0oscow SA4( 7 si&ned' Ar s race continued' 4ast US troops lea#e 9ietna (due to lin*a&e!' Ko 8ippur War 3i;on #isits 0oscow' Ford replaces 3i;on Jelsin*i A&ree ents' Space lin* up' USA and ot"ers co plain about USSR2s "u an ri&"ts' 6arter replaces Ford' SA4( 77 si&ned (but ne#er rati%ied! 3A(. placed lon&-ran&e issiles in ?urope US "osta&es sei=ed in 7ran' USSR in#ade A%&"anistan USA bo$cott 0oscow .l$ pics' Rea&an replaces 6arter' US assi#el$ increase ilitar$ spendin&' Rea&an proposed /=ero option2 <:

1 ,> ,B

Gul Sep Gan Gul Feb 0a$ 0a$


0ar .ct Gul Au& Gul-Au& Gul 1ec Gan Gun

9 1: ,B

,5 ,B

3o# 1ec Gan 3o#

19:9 19:9 198B 1981 1981-8: 1981


Gun 3o# 0ar Feb 0ar 3o# .ct 1ec 0a$ Gan

198, 198, 198< 1984 1984 1985 1985-9B 1985 198> 198: 198: 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989-91

Rea&an called USSR /e#il e pire2 Andropo# replaces Cre="ne#' Rea&an proposes S17 (Star Wars! 6"ernen*o replaces Andropo#' USSR bo$cott 4A .l$ pics Eorbac"e# replaces 6"ernen*o' Eorbac"e#2s policies in t"e USSR Eene#a con%erence' Su it eetin& at Re$*Ha#i* So#iet troops wit"draw %ro A%&"anistan 73F treat$ 0oscow Su it Eeor&e Cus" Snr' replaces Rea&an' ?nd o% 6old War o%%iciall$ announced' 6F? si&ned USSR collapses (see ti eline in notes! Cerlin Wall co es down Was"in&ton Su it Warsaw -act dissol#ed S(AR( 7 si&ned


9 1

3o# 0a$-Gun Gul Gul

1989 199B 1991 1991


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