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Levels VII and VIII

Reiki level VII is conveying a symbol that helps you to break free. Free from the dependence on things or people. You will learn to find the source of happiness within yourself and your connection with the niversal Life !nergy. "he wisdom symbol is introduced additionally.

The Reiki 7 Symbol

Dai Ji Yu

"he mantra or the name of the symbol is #ai $i Yu. "he symbol is drawn in the $apanese %an&i and represents its name '#ai $i Yu(. "ranslated into !nglish it means )*reat Freedom+. "he symbol is drawn from above downward, the e-act se.uence doesn/t matter.

The meditation with Dai Ji Yu

"his procedure serves to get into close contact with the Reiki energy. It should be done every day, for appro-. 01 minutes, but this is no obligation. "he effect is that one comprehends, that the source of happiness is in one itself. If you are searching happiness or the purpose in life elsewhere, you are always dependent on others or circumstances. If your happiness is founded on riches, honour, your social position, or in relationships and you were to loose it, the happiness is over, the purpose of life is lost. In addition, it is e-tremely harmful to relationships, if the one represents the purpose of life for the other. "his is a huge burden for the one who is the purpose of life for the other, and is drawing off energy. Instinctively he or she will try to break free from this loss of energy and this burden by breaking up the relationship. "herefore it is better to search happiness and the purpose of life inside yourself and your connection to the niversal Life !nergy 'also called *od by some people(. "hen you namely will get a source of energy of your own, happy and independent from outer influences. If you once should loose all your material riches, this will be no big disaster, you have the strength to go on with your life without them and you even will be able to understand the meaning of this loss. Relationships will rarely brake up in this case, because each partner knows that the one is not in need of the other, but twosome life is more fun. 2one of both is drawing off energy from the other or does assign him3her the responsibility for happiness. 4nd thus, the relationship is getting durable and harmonic, without the an-iousness of loosing the partner, which otherwise will e-actly provoke this loss. 5y the way, this is what $esus meant when he advised to search for the Realm of *od first of all, all other things will happen then nearly self6acting. 4nd 4ngelus 7ilesius says8 )7top, whither are you running9 :eaven is in you9 if you seek *od elsewhere you will forever miss :im+ "herefore always start with establishing the connection to *od ' niversal Life !nergy(9 the rest will be easy then. "he opposite will not work in perpetuity. The symbol helps in getting free ia this gnosis! "ree from all dependen#ies! Therefore it is #alled $the %reat "reedom&!

The 'ro#edure "he procedure is similar as with the other #ai symbols. 7it down with an upright upper part of the body and close your eyes. It doesn/t matter whether you are sitting in the Lotus or in half Lotus position, cross6legged 'tailor seat(, with the feet straight forward or sitting on a chair. It is important though that the upper part of the body is upright9 apart from this, be in a position that is comfortable to you. 7edentary in the stated form, visuali<e the Dai JI Y( . "hen visuali<e a bright light coming down from heaven, entering the crown chakra and flowing through the body, until it finally leaves through hands and feet again. =ithin this mediation, one senses the security in the contact with the niversal Life !nergy9 a security that lets all other appear secondary, but does not represent any escapism. It gives the energy to be successful in occupation and partnership, since it shows clearly that these successes don/t represent the life content but are a pleasant bonus. =hen you feel intuitively that the meditation has finished, &ust open your eyes and move your limbs to be back completely in the here and now.


The )isdom Symbol

"his symbol does not belong directly to Reiki VII. It is a new symbol, which was passed by :elmut !rnst, a *erman Reiki teacher. It can be passed on from the master degree in each Reiki degree, and serves to further strengthen the intuition of the master and to increase the strength of the other symbols. It is used mainly for the meditation and to increase also the strength of the other symbols during the attunements.

The )isdom Symbol *Dai Kiro Seh+

"he symbol represents8 @y two arms are outstretched and I hold both ends of the hori<on in my hands, over which a rainbow stretches. I unify the two ends in myself. It causes that the complete knowledge of the world stands by your disposal as your access to your intuition is getting better. In our subconscious, we have the complete knowledge of the world, but what is missing is an access to it. "he wisdom symbol helps to find this access. ,nother effe#ti e symbol- that is similar in its effe#t as the wisdom symbol- is the K./- also #alled $Eye of the Kanaola&- a 0una symbol! It is sometimes also #alled $wisdom symbol&- but this is not #orre#t!

@antra8 %A@

,ppli#ations1 /editation "he procedure is the same as with the other #ai symbols, it can be used for the ; symbols of this course. 7it down with an upright upper part of the body and close your eyes. It doesn/t matter whether you are sitting in the Lotus or in half Lotus position, cross6legged 'tailor seat(, with the feet straight forward or sitting on a chair. It is important though that the upper part of the body is upright9 apart from this, make yourself comfortable. 7edentary in the stated form, visuali<e the wisdom symbol. Visuali<e it getting closer and closer, so that you are in it at least. "hen, dissolve yourself in it and become the symbol. Remain in this condition for appro-imately 01 minutes, simply heeding what/s happening with yourself. It happens sometimes that lights or colours were seen9 this is individually different. 5ut something is always happening. "he Reiki energy is manifesting somehow or other, and if it is only by sensing a warmth. Spe#ifi#ally with the wisdom symbol one gets answers with this meditation on 2uestions you were asking! It simply eases the #onta#t with the sub#ons#ious- in whi#h all the knowledge of the world is sa ed- so that this #an be a##essed within this meditation! =hen you feel intuitively that the meditation has finished, &ust open your eyes and move your limbs to be back completely in the here and now. ,ttunements1 "he master symbol can also be used to strengthen all attunements. "he attunement procedure is the same in this case, but the wisdom symbol will always be prefi-ed, so8

The 'ro#edure1 "he student sits down on a chair 'if several students were to attune at the same time, they can sit side by side9 it is not necessary to separate them during the procedure(. "he master stands behind the student and puts both hands on his head '"he attunements are individual, so the master is attuning each student one by one, but without separating the others(. "he master is saying a prayer of thanksgiving, visuali<es a white light, flowing from above via the Crown Chakra into the student and is drawing the following symbols by hand or by visuali<ing them8

"or attunements into Reiki 31 *)+- 4- 5- 3 Ko /io- Sei 0e Ki- 6ho Ku Rei+

*this means wisdom symbol- Dai

"or attunements into in Reiki 51 *)+- 4- 3- 7- 5- 3 "or attunements into Reiki 71 *)+- 4- 3- 4 "or attunements into Reiki 41 *)+- 4- 3- 4- 7- 5- 3 "or attunements into Reiki 81 *)+- 4- 3- 8 "or attunements into Reiki 91*)+- 4- 3- 9 The use of the wisdom symbol is optional and not ne#essary- therefore the *)+ is standing in bra#kets: it #an be omitted! "or ea#h le el there is only one attunement- but the master #an- of #ourse- pass se eral attunements- i!e! into Reiki 3 the head- the hands- the heart and the 9th #hakra separately! This is unne#essary- but feasible! The attunement into the wisdom symbol1 "he procedure is the same8 *)+- 4-3- ) 4t the attunement into the wisdom symbol, the client gets the symbol placed to the disposal , therefore will be attuned with the symbols '=, optional( and >, activated with 1 and the wisdom symbol will be placed to the disposal. "herefore, '=(, >,1(, =. "he first '=( is optional, since it strengthens the attunement, the second = is necessary, since the wisdom symbol is shaped into the aura here and thus it is made available to the client.

"he Reiki level E arranges a symbol which helps to find peace. "he 4nthakarana symbol is introduced aditionally and the attunement procedures into Reiki D and E will be teached.

The Reiki ; Symbol

Dai Hey Wa

"he mantra or the name of the symbol is #ai :ey =a. "he symbol is drawn in the $apanese %an&i and represents its name '#ai :ey =a(. "ranslated into !nglish it means )*reat Feace+. "he symbol is drawn from above downward, the e-act se.uence doesn/t matter.

The /editation with Dai 0ey )a

"his procedure serves to get into close contact with the Reiki energy. It should be done every day, for appro-. 01 minutes, but this is no obligation. "he effect is that one comprehends, that peace is gained by trust. #ai :ey =a, the *reat Feace, gives security, security in the unconditional, infinite love. It is the power of love, of trust and of faith to accompany and support us on all our paths. If we take our life into our own hands and are sure to know what/s best for us, we will be, possibly even successful, prosperous and respectable9 peace will be missing however. "his peace is attained by confiding completely to the energy of *od. 4ugustinus says to it8 )You have made us for yourself, o Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You+. "he meditation with the #ai :ey =a helps to understand the meaning of this devotion and supports the student to overcome the )ego+ and entrusting completely to the divine energy, and to get rest and peace in this trust. 4nd it is clear, of course, that trust is bringing peace also into the relationships with other people. 4 very obvious e-ample is a relationship itself. If one partner doesn/t trust the other and constantly guards him from fear that the other could deceive him with others, he is constantly an-iously, doesn/t have time to live his own life and restricts the other to such an e-tent that this one will run away at the first opportunity. 5ut if one trusts, there is peace. If the trust should not have been &ustified 'which simply rarely occurs because of the given trust(, the conse.uences 'separation( can still be drawn after the deceit. ntil the deceit has taken place, the one who trusts lives in peace, but whoever never trusts, lives never in peace9 with this inability to trust the deceit will even have been provoked. If we entrust *od our life, we will e-perience the same 6 peace with the trust on :im 6 even with the advantage that the trust is always &ustified here and will never be disappointed. The symbol helps to find pea#e ia this gnosis! 'ea#e by trust! That<s why it<s #alled $%reat 'ea#e&!


The 'ro#edure "he procedure is similar as with the other #ai symbols. 7it down with an upright upper part of the body and close your eyes. It doesn/t matter whether you are sitting in the Lotus or in half Lotus position, cross6legged 'tailor seat(, with the feet straight forward or sitting on a chair. It is important though that the upper part of the body is upright9 apart from this, be in a position that is comfortable to you. 7edentary in the stated form, visuali<e the Dai 0ey )a. "hen visuali<e a bright light coming down from heaven, entering the crown chakra and flowing through the body, until it finally leaves through hands and feet again. =ithin this mediation, one senses the peace in the contact with the niversal Life !nergy9 a peace that gives security and solace even if the world outside should completely break down and collapse. =hen you feel intuitively that the meditation has finished, &ust open your eyes and move your limbs to be back completely in the here and now.


The ,nthahkarana

The ,nthahkarana

"he mantra8 ,nthahkarana It is about an old symbol, which was known in India, "ibet and China. It is used to provide a connection between mind and :igher 7elf. Furthermore, it/s application has a positive effect on chakras and aura. It suffices to draw the symbol by visualisation over the client and the chakras altogether with the aura will be harmoni<ed .uickly.


/editation with ,nthahkarana "he procedure is similar as with the other #ai symbols. 7it down with an upright upper part of the body and close your eyes. It doesn/t matter whether you are sitting in the Lotus or in half Lotus position, cross6legged 'tailor seat(, with the feet straight forward or sitting on a chair. It is important though that the upper part of the body is upright9 apart from this, be in a position that is comfortable to you. 7edentary in the stated form, visuali<e the ,nthahkarana. Visuali<e it getting closer and closer, so that you are in it at least. "hen, dissolve yourself in it and become the symbol. Remain in this condition for appro-imately 01 minutes, simply heeding what/s happening with yourself. It happens sometimes that lights or colours were seen9 this is individually different. 5ut something is always happening. "he Reiki energy is manifesting somehow or other, and if it is only by sensing a warmth. Spe#ifi#ally with the ,nthakarana one gets answers within this meditation on 2uestions regarding your =ourney through life! It simply eases the #onta#t with the 0igher Self- whi#h knows best what<s good for this human! =ithin this mediation, one senses the security in the contact with the niversal Life !nergy9 a security that lets all other appear secondary, but does not represent any escapism. It gives the energy to be successful in occupation and partnership, since it shows clearly that these successes don/t represent the life content but are a pleasant bonus. 7ince the :igher 7elf also represents the soul, it/s easy to understand that the same principle is underlying here as with the Reiki symbol. :umans are entrusting *od and their lives will be fulfilled. If not, another learning process is waiting for them.


,ttunement 'ro#edure "his is the description of the attunement into Reiki D3E and into 4nthakarana. "he procedure8 "he student sits down on a chair 'if several students were to attune at the same time, they can sit side by side9 it is not necessary to separate them during the procedure(. "he master stands behind the student and puts both hands on his head '"he attunements are individual, so the master is attuning each student one by one, but without separating the others(. "he master is saying a prayer of thanksgiving, visuali<es a white light, flowing from above via the Crown Chakra into the student and is drawing the following symbols by hand or by visuali<ing them8 "or attunements into Reiki 71 *)+- 4- 3- 7 *that is the optional wisdom symbolDai Ko /io- 6ho Ku Rei- Dai Ji Yu+ "or attunements into Reiki ;1 *)+- 4- 3- ; *that is the optional wisdom symbolDai Ko /io- 6ho Ku Rei- Dai 0ey )a+ The use of the wisdom symbol is optional and not ne#essary- therefore the *)+ is standing in bra#kets: it #an be omitted! There is only one attunement for ea#h le el- but the master #an do also se eral ones- of #ourse! This is unne#essary- but feasible!

The attunement into ,nthahkarana *,+ The pro#edure is the same1 *)+- 4- 3- , =ith the attunement into the 4nthakarana, the client gets the symbol placed to the disposal , therefore will be attuned with the symbols '=, optional( and >, activated with 1 and 4nthakarana will be placed to the disposal. "herefore, '=(, >, 1, 4.


Grand Master VII-VIII Lineage8

@ikao sui Chu&iro :ayashi :awaya "akata Fhillis Furumoto 5. @Hller nmesha *uhl6Fopat Feter %Ister :eidi *ebhard65urger $ay 5urrell Violet Faille Rev. $osJ @arinho #r.#. Rev. 2icolae ApricK


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