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Polyhedron 52 (2013) 159–164

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A general route for the transfer of large, highly-charged polyoxometalates

from aqueous to organic phase
David Gabb a, Chullikkattil P. Pradeep a,b, Thomas Boyd a, Scott G. Mitchell a, Haralampos N. Miras a,
De-Liang Long a, Leroy Cronin a,⇑
WestCHEM, School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Joseph Black Building, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom
School of Basic Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology – Mandi, Mandi 175 001, Himachal Pradesh, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A new mixed solvent procedure which allows the exchange of polyoxometalate (POM) alkali metal cat-
Available online 23 October 2012 ions for tetrabutylammonium (TBA) and protons is presented. This method has been demonstrated for
simple Keggin [PW12O40]3 and Dawson [P2W18O62]6 POMs as well as the larger phosphotungstates
Dedicated to Alfred Werner on the 100th
Anniversary of his Nobel prize in Chemistry [NaP5W30O110]14 and [K4P8W48O184]36 for which no TBA salt has been previously reported.
in 1913. Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Ion exchange

1. Introduction [7], and Dawson [8], anions, [XM12O40]n and [X2M18O62]n respec-
tively, where X is a tetrahedral heteroatom and M is an early
Polyoxometalates (POMs) are a vast and varied class of molecu- transition metal from which the POM cage is constructed. These
lar metal oxide clusters formed from early transition metals in routes generally proceed by dissolution of the AM salt of the POM
their highest oxidation state linked by oxo ligands [1]. These anio- in water, followed by the addition of an excess of alkylammonium
nic clusters can have nuclearities which range from tens to thou- salt which causes the aqueous-insoluble R4N+ adduct of the POM
sands of atoms [2], and in the solid state they crystallize with to precipitate from solution. This method may only be successful
associated cations to balance the negative charge of the metal if the POM can directly exchange the majority of its AM cations
oxide cage. When these clusters are reported, often a large amount for alkylammonium cations. However, for large POMs with a
of script is committed to discussing the structure of the POM clus- greater charge density it is not possible to directly exchange a
ter, whilst although the structure-directing role of the cations may significant number of the AM cations for large organic groups
be alluded to, very little time is devoted to a discussion of the cat- due to steric factors. In the case of mid-sized POMs it may be
ion composition itself. This is surprising given that the nature of possible to exchange a number of the cations using a phase
these cationic species not only controls the solubility of the POM, transfer reaction [9]. The preparation of POMs as alkylammoni-
but influences its behaviour significantly in solution [3]. POM cat- um salts is important because it allows the introduction of
ions can be generally split into three classes: (1) inorganic cations POM species to aprotic organic solvents [10], either to react
such as alkali metal (AM) ions [4], which allow the dissolution of them further [11], or to perform catalysis on organic substrates
POMs in polar protic solvents such as water; (2) organic cations [12]. Such compounds are similarly desirable for analytical
such as alkylammonium ions (R4N+) [5], which allow the POM clus- studies such as mass spectrometry [13], and dynamic NMR spec-
ters to be dissolved in less polar aprotic media such as acetonitrile; troscopy [14], as well as for theoretical investigations of inter-
and (3) protons [6], which may enable solubility in both polar and molecular interactions [15]. Using a two solvent system in this
non-polar solvent. study, a procedure has been developed which allows for the ex-
Previously reported methods allow the interconversion between change of alkali metal cations on POMs for tetrabutylammonium
the AM salt and the R4N+ salt for smaller POMs such as the Keggin (TBA) cations and protons. This has been demonstrated for
the phosphotungstic Keggin ([PW12O40]3 ) and Dawson
([P2W18O62]6 ) clusters as well as the larger Preyssler polyanion
⇑ Corresponding author.
([NaP5W30O110]14 ) [16], and a further giant crown-type poly-
E-mail address: (L. Cronin).
URL: (L. Cronin).
anion ([K4P8W48O184]36 ) [4a].

0277-5387/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
160 D. Gabb et al. / Polyhedron 52 (2013) 159–164

Table 1
Crystallographic data for compounds 1, 3 and 4.

1 3 4
Empirical formula C48H108N3O40PW12 C148H335N11NaO110P5W30 C212H497K4N15O184P8W48
Fw (g mol 1) 3604.54 9722.61 15452.19
Crystal system triclinic monoclinic tetragonal
Space group P1 C2/c I4/m
a (Å) 13.7251(2) 60.6338(19) 28.4263(6)
b (Å) 15.4258(7) 32.0929(10) 28.4263(6)
c (Å) 19.3573(7) 42.8489(9) 33.6681(2)
a (°) 95.346(3) 90.00 90.00
b (°) 93.024(2) 92.155(3) 90.00
c (°) 90.853(2) 90.00 90.00
V (Å3) 4074.0(2) 83 321(4) 27205.7(8)
Z 2 12 2
qcalc (g cm 1) 2.938 2.325 1.886
l (mm 1) 16.965 12.470 19.188
T (K) 150(2) 150(2) 150(2)
No. reflections (measured) 64 449 554 752 21 472
No. reflections (unique) 15 968 71 408 10 233
Rint 0.0683 0.1142 0.0848
Residuals: R1(obs); Rw2(all data) 0.0839; 0.1821 0.1162; 0.2010 0.1095; 0.2209

2. Experimental chemicals and solvents were of analytical grade purchased from

Sigma–Aldrich and used as supplied, without further purification.
2.1. Materials, methods and instrumentation Carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen content were determined by the
microanalysis services within the School of Chemistry, University
K3[a-PW12O40]nH2O was obtained by addition of a large excess of Glasgow using a EA 1110 CHNS, CE-440 Elemental Analyser.
of KCl to an aqueous solution of phosphotungstic acid with Flame photometric analysis of alkali metal ion content was per-
subsequent recrystallization. K6[a-P2W18O62]14H2O [4b], formed at the Environmental Chemistry Section, School of Chemis-
K125Na15[NaP5W30O110]15H2O [17], and K28Li5[H7P8W48O184] try, University of Glasgow on a Perkin-Elmer 1100B Atomic
92H2O [4a], were synthesized according to the literature. All other Absorption Spectrophotometer. Thermogravimetric analysis was

Fig. 1. Exchange of polyoxometalate (POM) alkali metal cations for tetrabutylammonium (TBA) and protons in a mixed solvent system (formation of compound 1 is
illustrated above). (a) In the mixed H2O/CH3CN solvent the POM clusters associated with both alkali metal (AM) and TBA cations, and were soluble in the mixture. (b) Upon
acidification with H2SO4 the protonation of the clusters increased, lowering their effective charge, polarity and solubility in water and allowed a sufficient number of the
excess TBA molecules to encapsulate the POM. The adducts retained some CH3CN molecules in their solvation shell and excluded water, leading to the formation of an oil
comprising the POM, TBA cations, protons and CH3CN solvent molecules, whilst the AM cations remained in the mixed solvent phase. (c) Upon removal of the oil layer into
pure H2O, CH3CN leeched out creating a sticky precipitate which was no longer fluid. (d) When most of the CH3CN was washed away the material formed an insoluble powder
in water, which could be crystallized from acetonitrile by ether diffusion. POM anions: green and blue polyhedra; TBA cations: grey sticks; AM cations: dark grey spheres;
protons: light grey spheres. (Colour online.)
D. Gabb et al. / Polyhedron 52 (2013) 159–164 161

Fig. 2. (a) The arrangement of anions in the extended lattice of compound 3, the TBA salt of the Preyssler POM, as determined crystallographically. Layers of the anion viewed
from above on the left pack in an A–B–A–B fashion, as shown on the right. Although there appears to be empty volume in the crystal lattice depicted on the right, these voids
are presumably occupied by disordered cations and solvent molecules which have not been located crystallographically. (b) The solid state packing in compound 3 is
markedly different from the more regularly oriented arrangement of its potassium analogue depicted on the lower half. The POM clusters are shown as green polyhedra and
all crystallographically-located TBA cations are shown as grey molecules with ball and stick representation. (Color online.)

performed on a TA Q500 instrument under a nitrogen atmosphere. 2870 (s, sh), 1950 (w, sh), 1459 (s, sh), 1377 (m, sh), 1070 (s, sh),
The heating range was from RT to 1000 °C at 5.00 °C per min. All 968 (s, sh), 884 (s, sh), 748 (s, b), 595 (m, sh), 504 (s, sh). UV-bands,
FT-IR spectra were recorded on a Shimadzu FT-IR 8400S Fourier nm (Abs): 288 (0.77), 350 (0.78).
Transformer Infrared Spectrophotometer. Wavenumbers (m ~) are gi-
ven in cm 1; intensities are denoted as wk, weak; sh, sharp; m, 2.4. (C16H36N)5H[P2W18O62] (compound 2)
medium; br, broad; s, strong; vs, very strong. UV–Vis spectra of
compounds 1, 2 and 4 were collected using a JASCO V-670 spec- Yield = 67%. Elemental analysis for the dried material,
trometer equipped with an ISV723 60 mm integrating sphere in (C16H36N)5H[P2W18O62], C80H181N5O62P2W18, MW = 5576.36 g
diffuse reflectance mode. The spectrum of compound 3 was ob- mol 1. Anal. Calc.: C, 19.79; H, 3.74; N, 1.44. Found: C, 19.72; H,
tained on a TIDAS 100 diode array fibre optic spectrometer (J&M). 3.67; N, 1.49%. TGA stepped weight loss to 1000 °C, Calc.: 24.97.
Found: 26.8%. Characteristic FT-IR-bands: 3444 (b, s), 2924
2.2. General synthetic method (s, sh), 2920 (s, sh), 2865 (s, sh), 1903 (w, sh) 1626 (m, sh), 1459
(s, sh), 1378 (s, sh), 1131 (m, sh), 1082 (s, sh), 997 (m, sh),
The relevant polyoxometalate salt (0.1 mmol) was dissolved in 923 (s, sh), 772 (s, br), 521 (s, sh). UV-bands, nm (Abs): 350 (0.85).
50 mL of deionized water. Acetonitrile (75 mL) was then added to
this reaction mixture, followed by tetrabutylammonium bromide 2.5. (C16H36N)9H5[NaP5W30O110] (compound 3)
(6.0 g, 18.6 mmol). Next, the pH of the solution was lowered to
1.5 using 4.5 M H2SO4, and the reaction mixture set aside. An oily Yield = 40%. Elemental analysis for the dried material,
material began to form and accumulate at the bottom of the flask. (C16H36N)9H5[NaP5W30O110], C144H329N9NaO110P5W30, MW =
This was transferred by pipette to a centrifuge tube, within which 9157.53 g mol 1. Anal. Calc.: C, 18.16; H, 3.48; N, 1.32; Na, 0.24.
it was washed several times with water and ethanol, and centri- Found: C, 17.73; H, 3.41; N, 1.37; Na, 0.21%. TGA stepped
fuged to isolate the white powdered product. Crystals of sufficient weight loss to 1000 °C, Calc.: 22.90. Found 25.2%. Characteristic
quality for single crystal X-ray diffraction were obtained by slow FT-IR-bands: 3497 (b, s), 2965 (b, vs), 2901 (b, vs), 1632 (s, sh),
ether diffusion into an acetonitrile solution of the product. 1488 (vs sh), 1411 (s, sh), 1176 (vs sh), 1085 (vs sh), 949 (b, vs),
734 (b, vs), 540 (s, sh), 411 (b, vs). UV-bands, nm (Abs): 210
2.3. (C16H36N)3[PW12O40] (compound 1) (0.48), 286 (0.14).

Yield = 58%. Elemental analysis for the dried material, 2.6. (C16H36N)13H23[K4P8W48O184]2CH3CN (compound 4)
(C16H36N)3[PW12O40], C48H108N3O40PW12, MW = 3604.42 g mol 1.
Anal. Calc.: C, 15.98; H, 3.02; N, 1.17. Found: C, 15.95; H, 2.93; N, Yield = 50%. Elemental analysis for the partially dried material,
1.18%. TGA stepped weight loss to 1000 °C, Calc.: 20.17. Found: (C16H36N)13H23[K4P8W48O184]2CH3CN, C212H497K4N15O184P8W48,
21.8%. Characteristic FT-IR-bands: 3404 (m, br), 2953 (s, sh), MW = 15431.29 g mol 1. Anal. Calc.: K, 1.01; C, 16.49; H, 3.25; N,
162 D. Gabb et al. / Polyhedron 52 (2013) 159–164

1.36. Found: K, 0.99; C, 16.79; H, 3.36; N, 1.32%. TGA stepped tions as possible; however, the resulting data are still relatively
weight loss to 1000 °C, Calc.: 21.05. Found: 26.6%. Characteristic weak. The crystallographic data for compound 2 was reported pre-
FT-IR-bands: 3356 (s, br), 2951 (s, sh), 2865 (s, sh), 2090 (w, br), viously by our group [8a]. Crystal data, data collection parameters
1628 (m, sh), 1463 (s, sh), 1377 (m, sh), 1132 (s, sh), 1074 (s, sh), 685 and refinement statistics for 1, 3 and 4 are listed in Table 1.
(s, br), 355.8 (s, sh). UV-bands solid state, nm (Abs): 356 (0.85).
3. Results and discussion
2.7. Single-crystal structure determination
3.1. Synthesis of (C16H36N)3[PW12O40] (1), (C16H36N)5H[P2W18O62] (2),
Suitable single crystals of compounds 1, 3 and 4 were selected (C16H36N)9H5[NaP5W30O110] (3) and (C16H36N)13H23[K4P8W48O184]
and mounted onto the end of a thin glass fibre using Fomblin oil. 2CH3CN (4)
X-ray diffraction intensity data was measured on an Oxford Dif-
fraction Gemini Ultra with an ATLAS CCD detector [1, 3: k(Mo In step one of the procedure (Fig. 1a), the as-synthesized alkali
Ka) = 0.71073 Å; 4: k(Cu Ka) = 1.54184 Å] at 150(2) K. Data reduc- metal salt of the POM (0.1 mmol) was dissolved in 50 mL of water
tion was performed using the CrysAlisPro software package and before the addition of 75 mL of acetonitrile, followed by a large ex-
structure solution and refinements were carried out using SHELXS- cess of TBA to give a lightly-coloured, cloudy solution. This solution
97 [18] and SHELXL-97 [19] via WinGX [20]. Corrections for incident was then acidified to pH 1.5 using 4.5 M H2SO4 which increased the
and diffracted beam absorption effects were applied using analyt- turbidity of the solution and resulted in the spontaneous formation
ical numeric absorption correction using a multifaceted crystal of oil droplets containing the POM associated with both TBA ca-
model [21]. Structures were solved by a combination of direct tions and protons (Fig. 1b). Some acetonitrile molecules remained
methods and difference Fourier syntheses and refined against F2 within this third phase allowing the assembly to retain a fluid con-
by the full-matrix least-squares technique. The W, P and O atom stitution. After separating the two layers by pipette, the oil was
positions are crystallographically well-defined, but the solvent then centrifuged and washed with deionized water. This step pro-
molecules and cations, because of disorder, are difficult to fully moted leeching of acetonitrile from the oil and resulted in the for-
analyse by crystallography alone. Therefore, the final molecular mation of a sticky white precipitate (Fig. 1c). Again, the two layers
formula has been determined by a combination of elemental anal- were separated by pipette and further centrifugation before this
ysis, thermogravimetric analysis and crystallography. Due to the time washing the remaining solid consecutively with water and
nature of the crystals obtained by diethyl ether diffusion into ace- absolute ethanol. The product remained as a white powder upon
tonitrile, the quality of the reflections from the single crystals were drying (Fig. 1d). Crystals of compounds 1–4 were obtained by
not of very good quality. We attempted to collect as many reflec- dissolution of 0.2 g of the powder in acetonitrile, followed by slow

Fig. 3. (a) The solid state packing of polyanions in compound 4, the TBA salt of [K4P8W48O184]36 . As in compound 3, the POM units stack in an A–B–A–B fashion. (b) The
packing of the previously reported mixed potassium/lithium salt of [K4P8W48O184]36 is shown on the bottom. Although the POM clusters are arranged in the same manner
in both instances, from a comparison of the two crystal structures it can be seen that the space between the polyanions is significantly larger in the TBA salt. This may be
attributed to the much larger size of the TBA cations when compared to the alkali metals.
D. Gabb et al. / Polyhedron 52 (2013) 159–164 163

diffusion of diethyl ether into this solution. The formula of the In summary, a new synthetic procedure has been devised which
synthesized salts as determined by a combination of single crystal allows the straightforward exchange of polyoxometalate AM cat-
X-ray diffraction, CHN microanalysis, flame photometry and ther- ions for TBA. This high yielding, general method allows the effec-
mogravimetric analysis are (C16H36N)3[PW12O40] (1, 0.19 g, 58%), tive transfer of POMs from water to less polar solutions. The
(C16H36N)5H[P2W18O62] (2, 0.17 g, 67%), (C16H36N)9H5[NaP5W30O110] exchange of all AM cations for TBA in compounds 1 and 2 demon-
(3, 0.17 g, 40%), and (C16H36N)13H23K4P8W48O1842CH3CN (4, strates the facile nature of cation exchange in smaller POMs, in
0.12 g, 50%). Compounds 1 and 2 have been previously reported which the charge density is low enough to allow coordination so-
[7b,8a], but are presented here to illustrate the generality of this lely with bulky R4N+ cations. However, the greatest advantage of
new synthetic procedure. The polyanion in compound 3 has been this new procedure is that it allows the partial exchange of AM
reported as a TBA salt with a complexed Eu(III) cation in the mole- cations of large POMs with high charge densities, such as in com-
cular cavity [22], but no crystal structure has ever been reported. pounds 3 and 4. Enabling organic solubilization of these com-
This Preyssler anion has also been reported as a tetraheptylammo- pounds opens up many avenues for future research, including
nium (THA) salt [23]. Compound 4 has not been previously their reaction in non-polar solvents with organic linking species
reported and represents the first successful preparation of an and the investigation of the catalytic behaviour of such compounds
organic-soluble salt of [K4P8W48O184]36 , a high nuclearity towards organic substrates in non-aqueous solvent. Further studies
polyanion with significant charge. by our group will investigate the nature of the oil formed during
the cation exchange, and look to capitalize on the pathways
opened up by this method towards mass spectroscopic analysis
3.2. Structural analysis of (C16H36N)9H5[NaP5W30O110] (3) and
and the observation of dynamic processes by low-temperature
(C16H36N)13H23[K4P8W48O184]2CH3CN (4)
Considering more closely the two novel compounds, 3 retains a
Na+ cation within its central cavity, but the external AM cations are Acknowledgements
all replaced by TBA and protons. Similarly, compound 4 retains
four K+ cations within its central cavity (disordered over eight This work was supported by the EPSRC, the Leverhulme Trust,
hinge positions with half-occupancy in each location). It was previ- WestCHEM, the Royal Society/Wolfson Foundation, and the Univer-
ously thought that these cations were integral to the stability of sity of Glasgow. We thank Michael Beglan for assistance with flame
the [P8W48O184]40 ring, although a recently published paper photometry.
shows that it is possible to make an analogue containing the sim-
ilarly-sized ammonium cation in place of potassium [24]. In both 3 Appendix A. Supplementary data
and 4, there is clearly insufficient space within the cavity to replace
the AM cations with TBA and sufficiently counter the repulsions of CCDC 891265–891267 contain the supplementary crystallo-
the exposed oxygen surfaces of the inner rings. graphic data for 1, 3, and 4. These data can be obtained free of
The packing of compound 3 in the solid state is somewhat dif- charge via, or
ferent to its potassium analogue (Fig. 2), presumably due to the from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 12 Union Road,
major differences in both the size of the cations and their nature, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK; fax: (+44) 1223-336-033; or e-mail:
as well as the degree of solvent incorporated. The solid state struc- Supplementary data associated with this
ture of 4 more closely resembles that of its corresponding mixed article can be found, in the online version, at
potassium/lithium salt (Fig. 3), except that there is greater spacing 10.1016/j.poly.2012.10.015.
between the clusters to accommodate the larger TBA cations.
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