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9703 Bantry Road

Easton, MD 21601
October 17, 2009

The Most Reverend W. Frances Malooly

Bishop of Wilmington
P. O. Box 2030
Wilmington, DE 19899

Dear Bishop Malooly,

The situation that Saints Peter and Paul High School faces today is almost unbelievable.
When I first found out that this could be my last year at Saints Peter and Paul, I cried and cried.

I take this complete change in events for my life as a sign from God. In these past few
emotional days, I have realized how quickly my life can change. I am faced with a situation in
my current life where I realize that no matter how difficult life can be, I must lift my head and
carry on.

I pray to God often throughout my everyday life. Recently I have asked God to see his
will throughout all of the dire things that have been happening. I pray that our school and parish
leaders will begin to all work together to save Saints Peter and Paul High School. I believe that
it will grow stronger from the experiences that we have witnessed in the past few days.

Going to a different high school has never crossed my mind until this past week. My life
and the lives of my friends and family have taken an unexpected turn. My brother, George
Hatcher, III, graduated in 2003. It has always been my dream to follow in his positive footsteps.

High school is a critical four years of every person’s life. Saints Peter and Paul High
School is a symbolic place that is filled with the Holy Spirit. All seven gifts given to us by the
Holy Spirit are present there. Even though words cannot express the love I deeply feel about this
wonderful school, I must impress upon all people how much Saints Peter and Paul High School
means to me.

I have gone to Saints Peter and Paul since pre-school. Throughout my time here, my faith
has gotten stronger. The school has helped me make the right decisions with friends and hard
choices in life. I have also grown closer to my family every day that passes. Since the first smile
I gave, my parents saw the light of my sister in me. My big sister, Mary Anne died before I was
born. She was only eleven years old, and I believe that to this day she is heaven because she
always gives the sparkle to my eyes.

Mary Anne died while she was in sixth grade at Saints Peter and Paul. Her last words
were, “God, I love you; God I love you!” I think she saw God then, and it was because of all she
learned at Saints Peter and Paul. Her school was a blessing to her, and it was her pride and joy.
It has now been raining for several days, and I believe the rain drops are her tears, crying for me,
my family, and all of the other families that are being affected by thoughts of the high school’s
closing. She would have given anything to have been allowed to live and attend Saints Peter and
Paul High School.

Life goes by very quickly, and we must understand what makes life truly happy. Saints
Peter and Paul helps us fulfill our life’s mission as Christians. There is a long road that leads to
God ahead, and our mission starts with the wisdom, love, and understanding so freely given at
Saints Peter and Paul High School.


Lynn Hatcher
Class of 2013


Father Robert E. Coine, Pastor, Saints Peter and Paul Parish

Mr. Dan Tanner, Chairman, Pastoral Council, Saints Peter and Paul Parish

Mrs. Catherine Weaver, Superintendent of Schools, Diocese of Wilmington

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