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OpenFOAM Designer version 1.

Quick Guide
Welcome to the OpenFOAM Designer, the working environment for OpenFOAM applications. Although its use is intuitively straight-forward, we thought it helpful to mention here a few recommendations. 1. o work-out an OpenFOAM tutorial case open a new case !select menu File|New case or press the New case tool"ar "utton#. $n the appearing dialog "o% select the directory that will host the case to "e created !fill-in the Create case in te%t "o%#. &ive the case a name !te%t "o% Case name# and then press "utton View to select the template !templates are actually tutorial cases# for your case. OpenFOAM 'esigner will create a copy of the selected template. his is your case( you can edit it and process it with OpenFOAM applications without modifying the original case.

). *ou can save a case as a template, if you want to e%periment with it or plan to apply alternative processing schemes, "y simply pressing the Save template tool"ar "utton or selecting Save template from the File menu. A template can only "e saved in the templates su"-directory. +. o manipulate a case !edit files, add new ones etc.# right click on a file in the Case view !window on the left# or use the menus. $f you need an operation that is not supported "y OpenFOAM 'esigner, open the Operating System folder of your case, "y selecting menu View|Case folder or press the Case folder tool"ar "utton. *ou can do any operation provided "y the ,ystem and then select Refresh on the View menu to notify OpenFOAM 'esigner that something has changed in the file system !in the present edition the application does not monitor the file system to automatically detect changes#. o display a short description of a tool"ar "utton or a menu, .ust place the mouse pointer on it and read the displayed message on the status bar. o edit a file which is part of your case dou"le-click it. *ou can also select menu File|Open. o edit a file that is not part of the case use File|Open file. he full path of a file currently "eing edited is displayed in a small window .ust a"ove the status "ar. *ou can move this window to another comforta"le place if you like. o run an OpenFOAM application on your case, first select it from the window on the right1 from the tab bar select the ind of the application !Solvers, Mesh !tilities, "ost processing and #tilities# and then its category. For e%ample to select $loc Mesh select Mesh !tilities from the ta" "ar and then generation. $n the appearing drop-down window select $loc Mesh. 2ight click to display the application3s pop-up menu. ,elect Chec to see if it is actually present. For documentation press Doc!mentation or %elp. 4ress Start to run the application in default mode !usually without arguments in case3s path#. ,ince this is in many cases not appropriate, you can use C!stomise to tailor the way you want to run the application. Once having defined a custom way of running an application, you can

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use Start c!stom to run it the way you have defined. 5. As said in the previous section, to tell OpenFOAM 'esigner how you want to run an application, use C!stomise from its pop-up menu. When this is selected, the customisation dialog "o% appears. 6se the %elp "utton on the "ottom of the dialog "o% to get help how to use this feature. 7. $f you prefer to run OpenFOAM applications from the command line, a console, fully configured for this purpose, is availa"le "y selecting OpenFOAM console from the &ools menu or the toolbar. 8. o use "araview, after you have processed your case !you have to at least create a mesh#, create a file in your case directory, giving it the name of your case and e%tension .OpenFOAM. For e%ample, assuming your case is c19.o"9mycases9case1, create in this directory an empty file named case1.OpenFOAM. his is re:uired "y 4araview to load your case. 4ress the "araview toolbar "utton or select "araview from the &ools menu to start 4araview and follow the instructions. *ou can also start 4araview from an OpenFOAM console !section 7#.

1;. *ou can change the appearance of OpenFOAM Designer "y changing its &6$ style. o do this, open the OpenFOAM 'esigner desktop shortcut properties "y right-clicking on it, select "roperties in the appearing pop-up menu, select ta" Shortc!t in the appearing dialog "o% and modify te%t "o% &arget from, say c19cfd9OpenFOAM-1./9ofdesign.e%e, to c19cfd9OpenFOAM-1./9ofdesign.e%e -style plasti:ue $n this way OpenFOAM 'esigner will appear in plastique style. For "ug reports, feature re:uests, improvement suggestions etc. send your e-mail to .ulian17--< *our opinion, comments etc are also welcome.

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