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May 26, 2010 STRATFOR is pleased to provide McKinsey and Company wit t is proposal to provide STRATFOR!

s protective intelli"ence monitorin" service #or $emen% STRATFOR!s &rotective 'ntelli"ence Monitorin" will provide McKinsey wit (p to date in#ormation re"ardin" t e sec(rity sit(ation in $emen, #oc(sin" on developments t at co(ld impact McKinsey!s travelers and operations in t e co(ntry% About STRATFOR STRATFOR is t e world!s leadin" provider o# "eopolitical intelli"ence and analysis% )e are also t e world leader in providin" *(sinesses wit strate"ic intelli"ence and analysis on (ndreds o# p(*lic policy iss(es worldwide% STRATFOR provides proprietary researc and strate"ic intelli"ence and analysis on a wide ran"e o# "eopolitical, economic, p(*lic policy and sec(rity matters to its clients, w ic incl(de some o# t e world!s lar"est *(sinesses, ma+or national and international trade associations, and "overnments% ,sin" its proprietary analytical met odolo"y, STRATFOR as 1- years o# e.perience in identi#yin" emer"in" p(*lic policy trends, "eopolitical and sec(rity iss(es #or its clients% STRATFOR!s ead/(arters is located in A(stin, Scope of Work 1% &rotective 'ntelli"ence Monitorin" 00 STRATFOR!s &rotective 'ntelli"ence Monitorin" will provide (p to date in#ormation a*o(t t e sec(rity sit(ation in $emen% T e service attempts to reco"ni1e and analy1e intelli"ence and in#ormation related to t e political and sec(rity sit(ation inside t e co(ntry in order to proactively alert McKinsey to c an"es in t e sec(rity post(re or t reats wit in t e co(ntry% STRATFOR!s team o# protective intelli"ence analysts will monitor #or emer"in" sec(rity and terrorism trends in t e co(ntry, speci#ically #oc(sin" on emer"in" iss(es t at may ave an impact on McKinsey personnel travelin" in t e co(ntry% T is monitorin" in#ormation will *e delivered in an in#ormal email to as many as ten desi"ned McKinsey employees as it *ecomes availa*le% 2% )ee2ly $emen Sec(rity Report 3 STRATFOR will provide McKinsey wit a wee2ly report detailin" t e most si"ni#icant sec(rity events in $emen d(rin" t e previo(s wee2% T e report will also i" li" t any c an"es in t e $emeni sec(rity sit(ation t at STRATFOR *elieves co(ld occ(r in t e near term, w ile also notin" any si"ni#icant dates t at co(ld ca(se c an"es to t e sec(rity environment in t e co(ntry% 4% 5rie#er Access 3 One desi"nated McKinsey employee w o receives STRATFOR!s protective intelli"ence monitorin" service will also ave t e a*ility to contact a STRATFOR 5rie#er via email or p one call #or cons(ltation re"ardin" t e in#ormation t at as *een provided and ot er areas o# concern wit in $emen% Five o(rs o# *rie#er access time eac mont is incl(ded in t e scope o# t is contract% T e #ive o(rs o# *rie#er access incl(des time spea2in" wit t e *rie#er as well as time t e *rie#er spends o*tainin" t e re/(ested in#ormation%

6% STRATFOR%com )e*site Access 3 As many as t ree McKinsey employees w o receive protective intelli"ence monitorin" service will also ave access to t e www%strat#or%com we*site d(rin" t e term o# service% Access to t e STRATFOR we*site incl(des access to STRATFOR!s arc ive o# intelli"ence and sec(rity in#ormation and STRATFOR!s daily analysis o# worldwide intelli"ence and events o# interest% Deliverables 1% &rotective 'ntelli"ence Monitorin" 00 STRATFOR &rotective 'ntelli"ence Monitorin" will proactively identi#y political and sec(rity pro*lems in $emen and provide email alerts re"ardin" t is in#ormation to as many as ten desi"nated McKinsey employees% T e in#ormation will *e sent to McKinsey employees as o#ten as events dictate in order to provide an (p to date view o# t e sec(rity sit(ation wit in t e co(ntry% 2% )ee2ly $emen Sec(rity Report 3 STRATFOR will provide McKinsey wit a once wee2ly written report, detailin" t e si"ni#icant sec(rity events t at ave occ(rred in $emen in t e past wee2% T e report will also incl(de an assessment o# t e li2ely c an"es to t e sec(rity post(re in $emen in t e comin" wee2, as well as a list o# si"ni#icant dates in t e near term% 7ac report will *e appro.imately two pa"es in len"t and will *e delivered via email in &8F #ormat% 4% 5rie#er Access 00 A desi"nated STRATFOR *rie#er will *e availa*le #or (p to #ive o(rs per mont #or cons(ltation via email or p one call in order to address any /(estions re"ardin" t e monitorin" in#ormation or ot er iss(es o# concern t at arise wit in $emen% T e #ive o(rs o# access will incl(de time spent tal2in" wit t e *rie#er and any time t e *rie#er spends o*tainin" in#ormation re/(ested *y t e client% T e #ive o(rs o# *rie#er access will not carry over #rom one mont to t e ne.t% For any *rie#er access (sed *eyond t e #ive o(rs incl(ded in t e scope o# t is contract, STRATFOR will invoice McKinsey on a mont ly *asis #or 91-0 per o(r, or any portion t ereo#% 6% STRATFOR%com )e*site Access 00 T ree desi"nated McKinsey employees will receive access to t e STRATFOR%com we*site, providin" worldwide "eopolitical and sec(rity (pdates on a daily *asis% Pricing Item Pricing 94:,-00%00,S8

&rotective 'ntelli"ence Monitorin" o# $emen #or a one year period o# per#ormance )ee2ly report re"ardin" sec(rity in $emen #or a one year period o# per#ormance


Payment Terms Item Pricing

&rotective 'ntelli"ence Monitorin" #or $emen #or a one0year period o# per#ormance

Option 1 3 One time payment o# 94-,62-, invoiced (pon o# t is a"reement% <&rice re#lects a -= disco(nt #or payment in #(ll> Option 2 3 Twelve payments o# 94,12-, d(e eac mont #or t e d(ration o# t e one0year period o# per#ormance% Option 1 3 One time payment o# 91:,;12%-0, invoiced (pon o# t is a"reement% <&rice re#lects an -= disco(nt #or payment in #(ll> Option 2 3 Twelve payments o# 91,-62%-0, d(e eac mont #or t e d(ration o# t e one0 year period o# per#ormance%

)ee2ly report re"ardin" sec(rity in $emen #or a one0year period o# per#ormance

All invoices are d(e (pon receipt% Terms of Service STRATFOR will *e"in service #ollowin" t e receipt o# payment #or t e #irst term o# t e service selected% 7ac party may terminate t is a"reement wit o(t ca(se wit t irty days prior written notice, speci#yin" t e date t is termination is to *e e##ective% S o(ld McKinsey ma2e a one0time payment and c oose to terminate t is a"reement, STRATFOR will re#(nd McKinsey #or t e mont s remainin" on t e contract #ollowin" t e date o# termination *ased on a prorated amo(nt o# 92,?6;%:-%00 per mont #or monitorin" service, and 916;6%4;%00 per mont #or t e wee2ly report% Cooperative ngagement

T is is a cooperative en"a"ement t at will re/(ire STRATFOR to ave access to proprietary in#ormation o# McKinsey and Company and access to 2ey personnel% McKinsey and Company will provide STRATFOR re/(ested in#ormation and access to 2ey personnel wit in 26 o(rs o# noti#ication #rom STRATFOR% Proprietary Information 8(rin" t e co(rse o# t e term o# t is a"reement, McKinsey and Company and STRATFOR may ave access to in#ormation o# t e ot er party t at is con#idential and proprietary% S(c in#ormation may incl(de, wit o(t limitation, c(stomer lists, corporate or #acility data re"ardin" a##iliates, in#ormation a*o(t trade secrets, costs, mar2ets, strate"ies, plans #or #(t(re development and any ot er development, and any ot er in#ormation o# a similar nat(re% 7ac party, independently, ere*y e.pressly covenants and a"rees t at anytime d(rin" t e term o# t is a"reement, it s all not (se, #(rnis or disclose any con#idential or proprietary in#ormation to any ot er person, corporation, association or ot er entity wit o(t t e prior written consent o# t e ot er party%

Aut!ori"e# Contacts Business and Contractual Matters 5et 5ronder Aice &resident Corporate and Bovernment Sol(tions STRATFOR <o> 401%661%16;6 <#> -12%:66%610<e> **ronderCstrat#or%com Technical Matters Anya Al#ano 5rie#er STRATFOR <o> :04%622%2;;; <#> -12%:66%610<e> anya%al#anoCstrat#or%com $egal Compliance STRATFOR represents, warrants, and covenants to McKinsey and Company t at all services to *e per#ormed *y STRATFOR #or McKinsey and Company will *e per#ormed in strict compliance wit all applica*le #ederal, state and local laws, #orei"n or domestic, incl(din" wit o(t limitation t e Forei"n Corr(pt &ractices Act <FC&A> and any applica*le privacy laws% Proposal %ali#ity T is proposal s all remain valid (ntil t e close o# *(siness on Friday, D(ne 11, 2010% STRATFOR loo2s #orward to McKinsey!s #avora*le response to t is proposal% &lease do not esitate to contact t e (ndersi"ned or Ms% Anya Al#ano at t e a#orementioned n(m*ers wit any /(estions yo( may ave re"ardin" t is proposal% Sincerely, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 5et 5ronder Aice &resident, Corporate and Bovernment Sol(tions 8ate@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 8ate@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ AcceptedE Si"nat(re@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ &rinted Fame @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Title @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ McKinsey and Company <o> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ <#> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ <e> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ McKinsey and Company <o> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ <#> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ <e>@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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