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Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction


Steady conduction with constant k and without thermal sources

Laplaces equation

2T = 0

Find out whether or not the analytical solution is already available

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

Solve the problem (a) Analytically (b) Numerically Obtain the solution graphically if the problem is two-dimensional

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

The flux plot

The flux plot

The method of flux plotting

Suitable for all steady planar problems in which all boundary are held at either of two temperatures or are insulated Accuracies of few percent

Identify a series of channels each of which carries the same heat flow , Q Identify a set of equally spaced isotherms, T apart

Q = k
Displays the physical sense of the problem very clearly
The 2D flow of heat between two isothermal walls.

T s n

Q = kT

s n

not conform to any convenient coordinate scheme

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If Q , T and k are constant for each channel, then s/ n must be the same for each rectangle
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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

The flux plot

An example ---- flux plot of a chimney

How to sketch the isothermal lines and the adiabatic, or heat flow, lines
Isothermal and adiabatic lines must intersect at a right angles They must subdivide the flow field into elements that are nearly square

How to construct a flux plot

Draw the boundary of the region Identify either an isothermal or adiabatic line Dividing the region, by sketching in either a single isothermal or adiabatic line Fill in the lines perpendicular to the original line so as to make squares

How to use the sketch

Read local temperature Find the heat flow

Q = NkT

N is the number of heat flow channels

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s N = kT n I

s 1 n

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

An example ---- flux plot of a chimney

Successive subdividing of the squares, make the final grid, but do not make the grid very fine Check whether any large, illshaped region are correct by fill them with an extra isothermal and adiabatic line The flow channels need not come out even. To calculate the heat flow

The flux plot

A flux plot with no axis of symmetry to guide construction.


N 2(6.14) kT = kT I 4
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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

Example 5.8
Metal-insulation-metal composite wall, one metal wall with rib. solution To find Q, TA=? N Q = kT I k = 0.12W / m K 2(6.15) = (0.12)(40 0) 5.6 = 10.54 W/m

The shape factor

For steady problems with two isothermal surfaces, heat conduction shape factor S is defined as


S Q / kT

In 2D problem S is dimensionless (Q in the units of W/m)


T A 0 2. 1 = 40 0 5.6

N kT I T Q= Rt

N I 1 Rt = kS S=


1 kRt

transfer through a wall with isothermal ribs.

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TA =

2.1 (4.0 0) = 15o C 5.6


In 3D problem S has units of m (Q in the units of W)

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

The shape factor

Example 5.10

Shape factor summarize a heat conduction solution in a given configuration

Once S is known, it can be used again and again S is nondimensional in 2D configurations means that Q is independent of the size of the body.

To find S for a thick hollow sphere.


1 2 T (r )=0 r 2 r r


C1 + C2 r

1 2 = S cyl = kRt ln(r0 /ri ) 1 = S cyl / 4 = kRt 2 ln(r0 /ri )

When breadth is increased so as to increase Q, its thickness is also increased so as to decrease Q by the same factor
JHH 11


T (r = ri ) = Ti and T (r = ro ) = To rr r T = Ti + T i o o r ( r r ) r o ri o i

Q = kA S=
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dT 4 ri ro = kT dr ro ri 4 ri ro m ro ri

The shape factor for two similar bodies of different size.

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

The shape factor

The shape factor

Q = Sk T

Conduction shape factor

Temperature far from sphere is T

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

The shape factor

The shape factor

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

The problem of locally vanishing resistance

Two different temperatures are specified on adjacent sides of a square

The shape factor


N = = I 4

The problem violate the rule that isothermals can not intersect

5.8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction The tactic of superposition

Resistance vanishes where two isothermal boundaries intersect.

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5 . 8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction-The tactic of superposition

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5 . 8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction-The tactic of superposition

The tactic of superposition

The tactic of superposition

Various solid bodies whose transient cooling can be treated as the product of one-dimensional solutions The temperature response of a long square rod interpreted as the product of two infinite slab solutions.

Long rectangular rod ( x, y, t ) = (T ( x, y, ) T ) /(Ti T )



2 2 1 + = x 2 y 2 t


i.c ( x, y, t ) = b.c.s

T ( x, y,0) T =1 Ti T

2b 2a

T ( x, y , t ) T Ti T


( x, y, ) x

= 0,
x =0

( x, y, ) y

y =0

= [inf slab x ( x , Fo x , Bi x )] [inf slab y ( y , Fo y , Bi y )]

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( x, y, ) x


h = x=a , k

( x, y, ) y

y =b

h = y =b k

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5 . 8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction-The tactic of superposition

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5 . 8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction-The tactic of superposition

The tactic of superposition

The tactic of superposition


( x, y , t ) = x ( x, t ) y ( y , t )


x ( x, t ) =

T ( x, ) T , Ti T

y ( y, t ) =

T ( y, ) T Ti T

To prove * ( x, y, t ) is the solution of the original equation, substitute * ( x, y, t ) into the LHS of the original equation
2 y 2x 1 x 1 y 2 * 2 * + = y + x = y + x 2 2 2 x y x y 2 t y

x ( x, t ) and y ( y, t ) is the solution for the problem

2 x 1 x 2 = t x x ( x, 0) = 1 x =0 x x=0 x h = x x k x=a


2 y 1 y 2 = t y ( y, 0) = 1 y y =0 y y =0 y h = y k y y =b

To substitute * ( x, y, t )into RHS of original equation

y 2 * 2 * x 1 * 1 = y + x + = t t y x 2 y 2

y =b

Initial condition and boundary condition can be proved in the same way
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College of Energy and Power Engineering


5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5 . 8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction-The tactic of superposition

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5 . 8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction-The tactic of superposition

The tactic of superposition

The tactic of superposition

The temperature response of a stubby cylinder can be analyzed as the product of infinite slab and infinite cylinder solutions. T response
T ( r , z , t ) T = [Tslab ( z , t ) T ] [Tcyl ( r , t ) T ]

The temperature response of a point within a corner analyzed as the product of three semi-infinite region solutions.

T ( r , z , t ) T = [ inf slab ( , Fo s , Bi s )] [ inf cyl ( , Fo c , Bi c )] Ti T hr r t Fo c = 2 and Bi c = 0 = , Where r0 r0 k

T ( x1 , x2 , x3 , t ) T = [ semi ( 1 , )] [ semi ( 2 , )] [ semi ( 3 , )] Ti T


z + 1, L

Fos =


and Bis =

hL k

1 =

2 =


3 =



h t k

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College of Energy and Power Engineering

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction

5 . 8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction-The tactic of superposition

Example 5.12

Summary of heat conduction

1 Introduction
1.2 Relation of heat transfer to thermodynamics
The First Law with work equal to zero

A very long 4 cm square iron rod at Ti =100oC, T=20oC, h=800W/m2K To find: T along the line of x1 =0cm and x2 =1cm, at t=10s Fo= t / L2 = 0.565 Bi= hL / k = 0.2105

1.3 Modes of heat transfer

Heat conduction
Fouriers law Thermal conductivity values One-dimensional heat diffusion equation

inf slab 1 (1 , Fos 1 , Bis 1 )


= inf slab (0, 0.565, 0.2105) = 0.93 inf slab 2 ( 2 , Fos 2 , Bis 2 )] = inf slab (0.5, 0.565, 0.2105) = 0.91

Heat convection
The physical process Lumped-capacity solution


inf rod = 0.93 0.91 = 0.846

T T T 20 = = 0.846 Ti T 100 20

The electromagnetic spectrum Black bodies The Stefan-Boltzmann law
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2L = 4


T = 87.7 C

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Summary of heat conduction

2. Heat conduction concepts, thermal resistance, and the overall heat transfer coefficient
2.1The heat diffusion equation
3D, internal heat source, transient

Summary of heat conduction

3. Heat exchanger design
3.1 Function and configuration of heat exchangers 3.2 Evaluation of the mean temperature difference in a heat exchanger
Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) Extended use of the LMTD Limitations LMTD correction factor, F

2.2 Solutions of the heat diffusion equation

1D, integration

2.3 Thermal resistance and the electrical analogy

Contact resistance Resistances for slab, cylinders and sphere

2.4 Overall heat transfer coefficient, U

Definition Typical values of U

3.3 Heat exchanger effectiveness 3.4 Heat exchanger design

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Summary of heat conduction

4. Analysis of heat conduction and steady 1D problems
4.1 The well-posed problem 4.2 The general solution
Separation of variables

Summary of heat conduction

5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction
5.2 Lumped-capacity solutions
Dimensional analysis of transient heat conduction, Bi<0.1 Electrical analogies to the lumped-thermal-capacity problem

4.3 Dimensional analysis

4.4 T distribution in a slab with or without q 4.5 Fin design

Analysis of a one-dimensional fin

The Buckingham pi-theorem and its application

5.3 Transient conduction in a one-dimensional slab 5.4 Temperature-response charts 5.6 Transient heat conduction to a semi-infinite region
Solution aided by dimensional analysis

5.7 Steady multidimensional heat conduction

The flux plot The shape factor

The equations Temperature distribution in a one-dimensional fin with the tip insulated Physical significance of mL

Fin design (efficiency and effectiveness)

5.8 Transient multidimensional heat conduction-The tactic of superposition

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5. Transient and multidimensional heat conduction



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