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Translated From The Hebrew By Eliphaz Levi; And Given In His "Philosophie !!"lte#" $ %erie II& Pa'e ()*# I will now give unto thee the Key of the Kingdom of the Spirits. This Key is the same as that of the Mysterious Numbers of Yetzirah. 8 The Spirits are governed by the natural and universal !ierar"hy of things. Thri"e "ommand Three through the medium of Three. There are the Spirits of #bove$ those of %elow$ and those of the &enter' then if thou investest the Sa"red (adder$ if thou des"endest instead of as"ending$ thou wilt dis"over the &ounter)!ierar"hy of the Shells$ or of the *ead Spirits. Know thou only that the +rin"ipalities of !eaven$ the ,irtues$ and the +owers$ are not +ersons$ but dignities. They are the *egrees of the Sa"red (adder upon whi"h the Spirits as"end and des"end. Mi"hael$ -abriel$ .aphael$ and the others$ are not Names but Titles. The /irst of the Numbers is the 0nity. The /irst of the *ivine &on"eptions "alled the Sephiroth is Kether or the &rown. The /irst &ategory of the Spirits is that of &haioth !a)1adesh or the Intelligen"es of the *ivine Tetragram$ whose (etters are symbolized by the Mysterious #nimals in the +rophe"y of 2ze3iel. Their empire is that of unity and synthesis. They "orrespond to the Intelligen"e. They have for adversaries the Thamiel or *ouble)!eaded 4nes$ the *emons of revolt and of anar"hy$ whose two &hiefs$ ever at war with ea"h other$ are Satan and Molo"h. The Se"ond Number is two' the Se"ond Sephira is &ho3mah or 5isdom. The Spirits of 5isdom are the #uphanim$ a Name whi"h signifieth the 5heels$ be"ause all a"ts in !eaven li3e immense 5heels spangled with Stars. Their 2mpire is that of !armony. They "orrespond to the .eason. They have for #dversaries the &haigidel$ or the Shells whi"h atta"h themselves to Material and (ying #ppearan"es. Their &hief$ or rather their -uide$ for 2vil Spirits obey no one$ is %eelzebub$ whose Name signifieth the -od of /lies$ be"ause /lies haunt putrefying "orpses. The third Number is three. The third Sephira is %inah or 0nderstanding. The Spirits of %inah are #ralim$ or the Strong. Their empire is the "reation of ideas' they "orrespond to a"tivity and energy of thought. They have for adversaries the Satariel$ or "on"ealers$ the *emons of absurdity$ of intelle"tual inertia$ and of Mystery. The &hief of the Satariel is (u"ifuge$ "alled falsely and by anti)phrase (u"ifer 6as the 2umenides$ who are the /uries$ are "alled in -ree3 the -ra"ious 4nes.7. The fourth Number is four. The fourth Sephira is -edulah or &hesed$ Magnifi"en"e

or Mer"y. The Spirits of -edulah are the &has"hmalim$ or the (u"id 4nes. Their empire is that of benefi"en"e' they "orrespond to the imagination. They have for adversaries the -am"hi"oth or the *isturbers of Souls. The &hief or -uide of these *emons is #shtaroth or #starte$ the impure ,enus of the Syrians$ whom they represent with the head of an ass or of a bull$ and the breasts of a woman. The fifth Number is five. The fifth Sephira is -eburah or 8usti"e. The Spirits of -eburah are the Seraphim$ or the Spirits burning with zeal. Their empire is that of the "hastisement of "rimes. They "orrespond to the fa"ulty of "omparing and of "hoosing. They have for adversaries the -olab or in"indiaries$ -enii of wrath and sedition$ whose &hief is #smodeus$ whom they also "all Samael the %la"3. The si9th Number is si9. The si9th Sephira is Tiphereth the Supreme %eauty. The Spirits of Tiphereth are the Mala"him$ or the Kings. Their empire is that of the 0niversal !armony. They "orrespond to the :udgment. They have for adversaries the Tagaririm$ or *isputers$ whose &hief is %elphegor. The seventh Number is seven. The seventh Sephira is Netza"h$ or ,i"tory. The Spirits of Netza"h are the 2lohim or the -ods$ that is to say the representatives of -od. Their empire is that of progress and of life' they "orrespond to the Sensorium or to sensibility. They have for adversaries the !arab)Serapel$ or the .avens of *eath$ whose &hief is %aal. The eighth Number is eight. The eighth Sephira is !od or eternal order. The Spirits of !od are the %eni 2lohim or Sons of the -ods. Their empire is that of order' they "orrespond to the inner sense. They have for adversaries the Samael or :ugglers$ whose &hief is #dramele"h. The ninth Number is nine. The ninth Sephira is Yesod$ or the fundamental prin"iple. The Spirits of Yesod are the &herubim or #ngels$ those powers whi"h fe"undate the earth$ and whi"h are represented in !ebrew symbolism under the form of bulls. Their empire is that of fe"undity. They "orrespond to true ideas. They have for adversaries the -amaliel or obs"ene$ whose 1ueen is (ilith$ the *emon of debau"heries. The tenth Number is ten. The tenth Sephira is Mal3uth$ or the 3ingdom of forms. The Spirits of Mal3uth are the Is"him$ or the virile ones' they are the souls of the Saints whose &hief is Moses. 6(et us not forget that it is Solomon who spea3s.; 2liphaz (evi7 They have for adversaries the wi"3ed ones who obey Nahema$ the *emon of Impurity. The wi"3ed are symbolized by the five a""ursed nations whom 8oshua was to destroy. 8oshua$ or 8ehoshua the Saviour$ is a symbol of the Messia"h. !is Name is "omposed of the letters of the *ivine Tetragram "hanged into the +entagram by the addition of the (etter S"hin 6see /igure < 7.

2a"h letter of this +entagram represents a power of good atta"3ed by the five a""ursed nations. /or the real history of the people of -od is the allegori"al legend of !umanity. The five a""ursed nations are= >. The #male3ites or #ggressors' ?. The -eburim or ,iolent 4nes' @. The .aphaim or &owards' . The Nephilim or ,oluptuous 4nes' A. The #na3im or #nar"hists. The #nar"hists are vanBuished by the Yod$ whi"h is the S"eptre of the /ather. The ,iolent are vanBuished by the !2$ whi"h is the -entleness of the Mother. The &owards are vanBuished by the ,au$ whi"h is the Sword of Mi"hael$ and -eneration by travail and pain. The ,oluptuous are vanBuished by the se"ond !2$ whi"h is the painful bringing forth of the Mother. (astly$ the #ggressors are vanBuished by the S"hin$ whi"h is the /ire of the (ord and the eBuilibrating (aw of 8usti"e. The +rin"es of the +erverse Spirits are the /alse -ods whorm they adore. !ell has then no other government than that fatal law whi"h punishes perversity and "orre"ts error$ for the false -ods only e9ist in the false opinion of their adorers. %aal$ %elphegor$ Molo"h$ #dramele"h$ have been the idols of the Syrians' idols without soul$ idols now destroyed$ and of whom the Name alone remaineth. The True -od hath vanBuished all the *emons as Truth triumphs over 2rror. That is past in the opinions of men$ and the 5ars of Mi"hael against Satan are the symbols of movement$ and of the progress of Spirits. The *evil is ever a -od of refusal. #""redited idolatries are religions in their time. Superannuated idolatries are Superstitions and Sa"rileges. The +antheon of +hantoms$ whi"h are then in vogue$ is the !eaven of the Ignorant. The .e"epta"le of +hantoms$ whom /olly even wisheth for no longer$ is the !ell. %ut all this e9isteth only in the Imagination of the ,ulgar. /or the wise$ !eaven is the Supreme .eason$ and !ell is /olly. %ut it must be understood that we here employ the word !eaven in the Mysti"al sense whi"h we give it in opposing to it the word !ell. In order to evo3e +hantoms it is suffi"ient to into9i"ate oneself or to render oneself mad' for +hantoms are ever the "ompanions of drun3enness and of vertigo. The +hosphorus of the imagination$ abandoned to all the "apri"es of over)e9"ited and diseased nerves$ fills itself with Monsters and absurd visions. 5e "an also arrive at hallu"ination by mingling together wa3efulness and sleep by the graduated use of nar"oti"s' but su"h a"tions are "rimes against nature. 5isdom "haseth away +hantoms$ and enables us to "ommuni"ate with the Superior Spirits by the "ontemplation of the (aws of Nature and the study of the !oly Numbers. 6!ere King Solomon addresseth himself to his son$ .oboam7= *o thou$ 4 my son .oboam$ remember$ that the fear of #donai is only the beginning

of 5isdom. Keep and preserve those who have not understanding in the /ear of #donai$ whi"h will give and will preserve unto thee my "rown. %ut learn to triumph thyself over /ear by 5isdom$ and the Spirits will des"end from !eaven to serve thee. I$ Solomon$ thy father$ King of Israel and of +almyra$ I have sought out and obtained in my lot the !oly &ho3mah$ whi"h is the wisdom of #donai. #nd I have be"ome King of the Spirits as well of !eaven as of 2arth$ Master of the *wellers of the #ir$ and of the (iving Souls of the Sea$ be"ause I was in possession of the Key of the !idden -ates of (ight. I have done great things by the virtue of the S"hema !amphoras"h$ and by the Thirty)two +aths of Yetzirah. Number$ weight$ and measure determine the form of things' the substan"e is one$ and -od "reateth it eternally. !appy is he who "omprehendeth the (etters and the Numbers. The (etters are from the Numbers$ and the Numbers from the Ideas$ and the Ideas from the /or"es$ and the /or"es from the 2lohim. The Synthesis of the 2lohim is the S"hema. The S"hema is one$ its "olumns are two$ its power is three$ its form is four$ its refle"tion giveth eight$ whi"h multiplied by three giveth unto thee the twenty)four Thrones of 5isdom. 0pon ea"h Throne reposeth a &rown with three .ays$ ea"h .ay beareth a Name$ ea"h Name is an #bsolute Idea. There are Seventy)two Names upon the Twenty)four &rowns of the S"hema. Thou shalt write these Names upon Thirty)si9 Talismans$ two upon ea"h Talisman$ one on ea"h side. Thou shalt divide these Talismans into four series of nine ea"h$ a""ording to the number of the (etters of the S"hema. 0pon the first Series thou shalt engrave the (etter Yod$ symbolized by the /lowering .od of #aron. 0pon the se"ond the (etter !2$ symbolized by the &up of 8oseph. 0pon the third the (etter ,au$ symbolized by the Sword of *avid my father. #nd upon the fourth the !2 final$ symbolized by the She3el of -old. These thirty)si9 Talismans will be a %oo3 whi"h will "ontain all the Se"rets of Nature. #nd by their diverse "ombinations thou shalt ma3e the -enii and #ngels spea3. !2.2 2N*2T! T!2 /.#-M2NT 4/ T!2 K2Y 4/ S4(4M4N.

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