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Hydraulic Design Of BPT Pench 4 Project

N. R. Paunikar Pumps & Hydraulic Engineer STC Mumbai

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project


System Description The flow diagram from raw water pumping station to BPT ( near raw water pumping station ), further to Junction (bifurcating flows to WTP ( Godhani ) & Gorewada BPT is enclosed. As seen from the flow diagram; (I) Raw water pumps transmit flow to BPT through 1968mm diameter 75m long and 2252mm diameter 525m long pumping main to BPT. All mains are MS. Total Q = 521 MLd ( 6.03 m3/s. ) by 6 number of working pumps with Q each = 1.005 m3/s. Further flow from BPT to WTP ( Godhani ) and Gorewada BPT is by gravity comprising ; 2252 mm diameter 27360 m long gravity main up to junction E Flow is bifurcated at junction E to WTP and Gorewada BPT. WTP capacity is 115MLd. Considering minimum 2% WTP losses, Total Q in pipeline EF is 117.3 MLd ( 1.357 Cum/sec.). The pipeline EF is 1378mm diameter and of length 2875m, MS pipeline. Balance Q = 403.7 MLd ( 4.672 m3/s ) flows to Gorewada BPT through four pipelines shown in flow diagram and as detailed below.



Section EHK with two pipelines of 1378mm dia.320m long and 1570mm dia.5600m long in series. Section EGK with two pipelines of 1378mm dia. 710m long and 1550mm dia. 5624m long in series. Sections EHK and EGK are in parallel. It is seen that due to BPT flow from BPT down stream is under gravity for entire 33.7 km long pipelines


Stipulations in Contract Document As regards BPT contract documents stipulates following design values Daimeter Water depth 10m 10m Page 2 of 11

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project

LWL 353.0m RL TWL 363.0m RL Design Q Immediate stage Future stage (Minimum)

521 MLd (6.03m3/s) with 6 number of working pumps 630 MLd (7.29m3/s) with 8 number of working pumps.


Objectives of the Analysis Objective of analysis is to examine; (I) Whether size and hydraulic levels are adequate for immediate stage flow 521 MLd as well as 630 Mld for further stage. Whether future optimization is possible from aspects of electric power consumption.

( II )


Approach for Hydraulic Design of BPT (a) TWL ( Top Water Level ) TWL in BPT shall be maximum of the two WLs below (I) (I) Steady state HGL for future flow of 630 Mld Maximum WL unmaintained under unsteady flow during start up of pumps (Sequential starting of pumps of 60 sec. interval is considered as worst case against normal interval of about 120sec. The starting of pumps shall be at T = 0, 60, 120, 180, 300, and 420 s.) C value for above calculations shall be design C value.



Overflow level

Over flow shall be at 0.3m above TWL


LWL ( Low Water Level ) and Bottom of BPT LWL shall be based on steady state HGL at better C value when pipes are new. Initially C value will be much higher as pipes are smooth. If HGL required at BPT at better C value shall be much lower. Hence LWL and Page 3 of 11

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project

bottom of BPT is kept as per better C value, tremendous amount of energy cost can be saved as discussed subsequently in this report. (d) Optimum tank diameter and water depth As discussed above, analysis for unsteady flow to determine maximum WL attained in BPT during WL rise due to starting of pumps will be calculated. Maximum WL rise shall be higher if tank diameter is less. As tank diameter is increased WL rise will reduce. Thus water depth required is more if tank diameter is less and vice versa. Based on tank diameters, water depths required are worked out and therefore volume of tank for particular tank diameter. Optimum solution is which gives least tank volume .


Equations for unsteady flow analysis

For optimization in (d) above, unsteady flow analysis is carried out using following principles. (I) Continuity of flow. Inflow to BPT is from pumps. Part of incoming flow outflows through pipeline and balance accumulates in BPT causing WL rise. Hence Q pump = Q tank + Q pipe (1) Where Q pump = Inflow into BPT from pump Q pipe = Q passing out through gravity mains Q tank = Q accumulating and causing WL rise in BPT


Bernoullis equation for unsteady flow During unsteady flow, acceleration or deceleration takes place. Hence acceleration head is introduced in Bernoullis equation as shown in figure below. Page 4 of 11

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project

T ( BPT )

R (Reservoir)

ZT = ZR+ Hf TR + Ha TR

. ZT = HGL in BPT Hf = Friction loss in pipeline TR Ha = Acceleration head



Acceleration head is given by Ha = L . v g t


Q g Ap. t


Where L = Length of pipeline TR Q = Variation ( increase / decrease ) in Q pipe during t time interval t = A small time interval, usually 0.5 1.0 sec. Ap = Cross sectional area of pipeline g = Acceleration due to gravity From the equation 1 and 2 further equations are developed for numerical analysis for unsteady flow.


Equations for Numerical Analysis for Unsteady flow. Equations for numerical analysis are as follows. Page 5 of 11

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project

Reproducing equation 1 Q pump = Q pipe + Q tank Hence Q pump t = Q pipe t + Q tank t = Q pipe t + A tank h When h = WL rise during small time interval t Therefore, h = Q pump t - Q pipe t A tank Obliviously ( 4)

ZT ( i + 1 ) = ZT ( i ) h


Where I and i+1 are any instance and next instance after t interval From equation 2 and 3,

ZT = ZR + HfTR + L Q g Ap.t
Hence Q = (ZT - ZR - HfTR ) g.Ap.t L For numerical analysis and since difference in magnitudes of ZT(i) and ZT (i+1) are very small, known value of previous iteration can be taken. The equation for Q can be written as,

Q = [ZT(i+1) - ZR - HfTR] g.Ap.t L . ( 6 )

Obviously, Qpipe (i + 1 ) = Q pipe (i) + Q . ( 7 )

Similarly HfTR shall be computed for last known value of Q pipe i.e. Q pipe ( i ) 6.0 Simplification for System


The pipelines EGM and EHK are in series (EH & HK and EG & GM ) and in parallel as EGM and EHK Page 6 of 11

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project

(ii) Bifurcation flow at E to WTP and Godewara BPT


Flow in EHK EGM and Head loss

H 11 E 21 22 Line 1, Q1 12 K/M

Line 2 , Q2

Line 11 12 21 22

Length 320 5600 710 5624

C 130 110 130 110

D 1378 1570 1378 1550

Applying Hazen-Willians equation and using relationship Hf 11 + Hf 12 = Hf 21 = Hf22 And solving for Q = 4.672 m3/s ( i.e. 403.7 MLd ) Q1 = 1.08 Q2 Q1 + Q2 = 4.672 Q1 = 2.426 Q2 = 2.246 Hf EHK = Hf EGM = 6.746m for Q = 4.672 m3/s Page 7 of 11

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project

Friction losses need to be worked out in terms of Q system = 6.03m3/s. Hence equation for Hf EM ( i.e. Hf EHK or Hf EGM ), Hf EM = K EM Q system 1.852 K EM = 6.746 6.03 1.852 Equation for Hf EM = 0.242

Hf EM = 0.242 ( Q system ) 1.852

( 8 )


Bifurcation of flow at E ( Q system = 521 MLd ) In order to ensure that flow 117.3 MLD reaches WTP at RL 330.50m, the flow to EGM and EHK need to be throttled such that adequate HGL is developed at E for passing 117.3 MLd to WTP. Hence from the flow diagram 330.5 + HfEF = 320.03 + HfEM + Throttling loss Using H W equation HfEF = 1.516m and HfEM ( = EfEHK = HfEGM ) = 6.746m Hence throttling loss = 5.24m @ Q design Q design in EGM / EHK = 4.672 m3/s As throttling loss V2 Q2 K 1 = 5.24 / 4.6722 = 0.24 Assuming that flow division at E is in ratio of design i.e. 1.357 cum/sec to WTP and 4.672 m3/s to Gorewada BPT, for simplication of analysis, the throttling loss need to be in terms of Q system Q total = 6.03 m3/s Hence K2 = 0.24 (4.672/6.03)2 = 0.144 Thus equation for throttling loss HL = 0.144 Q2 ( 9 ) Page 8 of 11

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project


Simplification of Q for analysis up to BPT It is assumed that entire Q passes to Gorewada BPT and thus complication due to bifurcation is avoided. The friction losses downstream of E are worked out as equivalent to bifurcation of flows. The equation for friction losses are developed such that for analysis entire Q passes to Gorewada BPT; but to compute losses equivalent to bifurcation.


Acceleration heads in pipes EGM & EHK Ha,, acceleration head used in previous equation is given by

Ha = L . Q G pt

H 11 E 21 22 Line 1, Q1 12 K/M

Line 2 , Q2

Line 11 12 21 22

Length 320 5600 710 5624

D 1378 1570 1378 1550 Page 9 of 11

Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project

Ha 1 = Ha2 Ha 11+ Ha12 = Ha21+ Ha22 Substituting the values and solving Ha1 = Ha2 = 869.17 Q 8.00 ......................................................................( 10 )

Determination of steady sate HGL and LWL of BPT for Q = 521 MLd


Steady state HGL ( Q = 521MLd ) Hazen Willians equation is used for computing friction losses. Values as following are used for C (H-W coefficient ) as shown in the flow diagram.

C ( New pipes ) = 130 C ( Old pipes ) = 110

All pipes of MS c.m.lined

The steady state friction losses including assumed 10% losses as minor losses are as under


EM = 6.746m



HL ( throttling ) = 5.24m

HfDE = 20.89m


(1) = 302.03 + 6.746 + 5.24 = 332.016m = 332.016m

HGL E (2) = 330.5 + 1.516

Thus HGLs at E match.

Thus steady state HGL for Q = 521 MLd is 352.90m


LWL and Bottom of BPT When pipes are new, C value will be better which is 145 as per CPHEEO Manual. Effect in pipes downstream of E will be insignificant as lengths of new pipes are small. Major Effect will be in pipe DE of length 27360m.

HfDE ( C= 145)

= 17.065m

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Hydraulic Design of BPT Pench 4 Project

It is thus seen that design C values


when the pipes are new shall be 17.065m as against 20.89m at

Hence HGL BPT when pipes are new shall be,

HGL BPT (New pipes ) = 332.016 + 17.065 = 349.08m Say: 349.0m Hence Design LWL ( Bottom of tank ) = 349.0m However as per contract document LWL is 353.0m i.e. higher by 4.0m This will cause operation of pumps at head higher by 4.0m then required causing tremendous wastage of energy to tune of Rs. 1.22 crores / annum. As per detailed analysis presented subsequently in this report.

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