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CSS Application Information Document:


Version: 1.1
Document ID:CSS Document Owner: Gopi Krishna Reddy Konda Version Number: 1.1 Application Information Document

CSS Version 1.1

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Document Control Section Version Number: 1.1 Authors Role GDC Lead Reviewers Role GDC Delivery Manager Application Tech Leader Application Develop"ent Leader Transition Manager Transition Management Team Role Application Tech Leader Application Tech Leader Application Develop"ent Leader GDC Delivery Manager Transition Manager Name Gopi Krishna Reddy Konda

Version: 1.1

Name Swetansu Sarangi nni!rishnan

Arun Arora wner Name

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Revision !istor" Version # #.1 #.) #.+ #.* #.& 1.# 1.1 Description of Changes
$nitial dra%t Modi%ied %or %unctional %low and data %low Modi%ied %or architecture Modi%ied %or Data,ase -a"es Modi%ied Data,ase na"e %or 0rod a%ter 0roduction Migration
1aselined Modi%ied %or section *.)2*.+ and &.)

Version: 1.1

Issue Date #&'1('11 #&')*'11 #&')*'11 #.')/'11 #('1/'11 #(')#'11 1)'#&'11

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Table of Contents

Version: 1.1

1. OBJECTIVES...........................................................................................................................................................6 2. TE !I"O#O$% A"D AC O"%!S .................................................................................................................& '. A((#ICATIO" OVE VIE).................................................................................................................................* +. A((#ICATIO" (#AT,O !...............................................................................................................................12 4.1 PLATFORMS................................................................................................................................................ 12 4.2 TOOLS US !............................................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 "O#FIGURATIO# MA#AG M #T.................................................................................................................. 14 "SS APPLI"ATIO# US S TFS $T AM FOU#!ATIO# S R% R& TO MA#AG T' SOUR" OF T' "SS APPLI"ATIO#. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 4.4 "SS AR"'IT "TUR ................................................................................................................................... 14 -. A((#ICATIO" ST .CT. E.............................................................................................................................16 (.1 FU#"TIO#AL FLO)..................................................................................................................................... 1* (.2 !ATA FLO)S.............................................................................................................................................. 1* (.3 APPLI"ATIO# MO!UL S ............................................................................................................................. 1+ (.4 S'AR ! MO!UL S...................................................................................................................................... 1, 6. DATABASES A"D ,I#ES....................................................................................................................................2/ *.1 I#T R#AL !ATA FLO)................................................................................................................................ 2*.2 !ATABAS S................................................................................................................................................ 2*.3 I#T R#AL FIL S......................................................................................................................................... 21 *.4 .T R#AL S/ST M I#T RFA" S................................................................................................................. 21 *.( US R I#T RFA" S....................................................................................................................................... 21 &. A((#ICATIO" 0ISTO %...................................................................................................................................22 0.1 T/PI"AL PROBL MS.................................................................................................................................... 22 0.2 R L AS 'ISTOR/...................................................................................................................................... 22 0.3 MAI#T #A#" 'ISTOR/............................................................................................................................. 22 *. E,E E"CE DOC.!E"TS...............................................................................................................................2'

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CSS Application Information Document:

Version: 1.1

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CSS Application Information Document:

$% B&'CTIV'S

Version: 1.1

The o,3ective o% the Application $n%or"ation Docu"ent 4A$D5 is to provide "e",ers o% the delivery tea" with an overview o% the Custo"er Service Scorecard application. The A$D descri,es the %unction2 structure2 con%iguration and the technical environ"ent o% the application. This docu"ent re%ers to any e6isting related docu"entation. The A$D will ,e used in con3unction with the Application Support Control 0lan 4ASC05 to support the application. The delivery tea" will 7eep the A$D throughout the li%e o% the CSS application.

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CSS Application Information Document:


Version: 1.1

Acrony"s and ter"inology speci%ically used in this docu"ent are descri,ed ,elow. 8ther acrony"s co""only used can ,e %ound in the ASC0. Terminolog" , Acron"ms 1 ) + CSS A$D ASC0 Definition Custo"er Service Scorecard Application $n%or"ation Docu"ent Application Support Control 0lan

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CSS Application Information Document:

-% A..)ICATI N V'RVI'/

Version: 1.1

CSS is an internal custo"er service e"ployees per%or"ance "anage"ent evaluation syste". The "a3or sections includes as %ollows 9o"e2:eports2Glo,al Lin7s and 9elp. ;hen a collector logs into the application under ho"e section he can see the %ollowing type o% "enu in le%t side Scorecar0s Scorecard<which displays tea" "e",ers "etric details %or each "onth o% the year selected. Data $nput<9ere an SS or SM can provide %eed,ac7 to tea" %or people section o% scorecard o% associate. Training Scorecard<we can see tea"2site2instructor2class start date2graduation date and %unction details Sears Training Scorecard<we can see associate2trainer2tea"2site2start date and end date details 1ualit" =uality 0ic7 List<which contains di%%erent %or"s =uality >6tract :eport Training Time 2tili3ation Ti"e >ntry Modi%y :e%erence Modi%y :e%erence 8rder Training Ti"e Reports Sales Score,oard Adhoc :eports =uality Transaction Details :eport )in4s $ssue Log >"ployee Change -oti%ication @or" e0ay View Ti"e Approve Ti"e ;hen a collector logs into the application under glo,al lin7s section he an see the %ollowing type o% "enu in le%t side 1.9:.Solutions.Applications ).Citi Survey tili?ation :eport

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CSS Application Information Document:

+.>"ployee $n%o *.Learning and 8rg Dev 9ierarchy o% e"ployees in this application is as %ollows Collector'Associate SS4Senior Supervisor5 ' nit Manager SM4Senior Manager5'8perations Manger Tea" Site Category

Version: 1.1

Associate is "onthly assigned with only one scorecard. These collectors are divided into di%%erent tea"s2will ,e supervised ,y S>. >ach "onth SS is assigned with di%%erent tea"s2the tea" "ay have di%%erent %unction SSAs will ,e supervised ,y SMAs.

Types o% scorecardAs General Sales Service Types o% scorecard views Monthly view<displays Client @inancial2Client >6perience2Client $nternal20eople and 8verall 0er%or"ance s7ill set sections. Bearly viewCCwill display a report ,ased on selected year and scorecard.

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Su""ary 0er%or"ance viewCCdisplays Client @inancial2Client Delight2@ranchise20eople

Version: 1.1
and 8verall

Tea" view<here Senior supervisor and Senior "anager can see his tea"s scorecard. Supervisor view Senior "anager view Detail view @or"at Caching

$n "onthly view scorecard we can see around . s7ill sets2each s7ill set contain di%%erent "etrics which are having points and results. $n yearly view we can see all collectors "onthly s7ill set points $n tea" view we can see all tea"s which internally display collector s7ill set points. >"ail survey %eed,ac7 under senior supervisor "odule Scorecard contains %ollowing sections Client @inancial Client >6perience Client $nternal 0eople 8verall 0er%or"ance Client @inancial contains %ollowing su,sections 1an7card 9andle Ti"e Supervisor 9andle Ti"e >"ergency 9andle Ti"e Assist 9andle Ti"e 0artner 8il 9andle Ti"e Than7Bou AA8 9andle Ti"e

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CSS Application Information Document:

Version: 1.1

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CSS Application Information Document:

5% A..)ICATI N .)AT6 RM

Version: 1.1

@ind ,elow the >nviron"ent used %or the application. 5%$ .latforms

Any Application that was created in Citi goes in the %ollow process. Dev 1A 2AT .ro0 -ew "odules'enhance"ents',ugs that developed in develop"ent environ"ent will ,e updated in the T@S4Tea" @oundation Server5 in the path suggested in the $ssue trac7er ,ased on release once it was tested in develop"ent. 8nce it "oved to =A2 the tea" will test the "odi%ications as per 1:D41usiness :esource Docu"ent52i% the changes are %ine then that code'data changes will "ove to AT. 8nce it "oved to AT2 the tea" will test the "odi%ications as per 1:D41usiness :esource Docu"ent52i% the changes are %ine then that code'data changes will "ove to prod. @inally 0rod tea" will test and update the application in production once changes are %ine Throughout the process i% anything goes wrong sa"e process will repeat. 9ere %or AT and 0rod we need special access reDuest %ro" A:S with a tas7 no. Develop"ent @or CSS2 nearly all .->T we, develop"ent and ,asic testing is per%or"ed on our local "achines. All S=L develop"ent is applied directly to the develop"ent data,ase 4which is shared ,y all CSS developers5. There is a develop"ent we, server and can ,e used at any ti"e. ;e, Server: S=L Server: Machine perating S"stem
/in0ows Server (77-

D>V;>1)#) ' 1.E.1E+.)#E.*) '" D>VS=L)#12 /1#1 4MSS=L )##/5 2se0 As .urpose,Comments

D>V;>1)#) ' 1.E.1E+.)#E.*) '"

;e, Server

;hich contains develop"ent application code

D>VS=L)#12 /1#1 4MSS=L )##/5

/in0ows Server (77-

Data,ase Server

S=L develop"ent is applied directly to the develop"ent data,ase 4which is shared ,y all GTMS developers5


IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Version: 1.1

8nce develop"ent on an ite" has ,een co"pleted2 code will ,e deployed to the S$T environ"ent. 9ere2 the ,usiness analysts will test each ite" and provide %eed,ac7. Any ite"s that do not pass testing will ,e returned %or additional develop"ent. ;e, Server: S=L Server: S$T;>1)#1 ' 1.E.1E+.)#E.** '" S$TS=L)#12 /&#1 4MSS=L )##/5

AT 0rior to releasing code to production2 a tic7et "ust ,e created to push that code to AT. This environ"ent is a duplicate o% the production environ"ent 4code and data5 and provides a way to veri%y that a production deploy"ent will ,e success%ul. $t is the last opportunity to ensure that all code changes will %unction properly. ;e, Server: S=L Server: AT;>1)#1 ' 1.E.1E+.)#E.&1 ' C81S=L)#&2 /)#1 4MSS=L )##/5

0:D This is our production environ"ent. There are 1+ virtual we, servers in a load ,alanced we, %ar" and one S=L server. As would ,e e6pected2 this environ"ent is restricted and "onitored. ;e, Server: )##/5 S=L Server: Lin7s: Dev: https''"'scorecard' =A: https''"'scorecard' AT: https'''scorecard' 8nline end user or prod lin7 https'''scorecard' 5%( Tools 2se0 6ront 'n0 $ VisualStudio)#1#4asp.net23avascript26 "l5 Bac4 'n0 SDl Server )##/ :) SDl Server )##& 1$DS VM0;>1+## F +112 VM0;>1+)& ' 4;S 0:DS=L+)12/+#14SDl Server )##/ :)5

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

5%Configuration Management

Version: 1.1

CSS application uses T6S 8Team foun0ation server9 to manage the source of the CSS application% 9ere %or T@S we need to get access %ro" your SM>. Clic7 on Tea" >6plorer 4top right side ,esides properties ,utton5 in the visual studio Clic7 on 0T:2 in that clic7 on Source Control There we will %ind applications2 Data,ase... ;e need to place our code change'data change in the respective release as scheduled in the tas7. Steps %or updating the %ile. ;e need to clic7 on the respective %ile and ;e need to get latest %ile then clic7 on Chec7 out %or >dit then Choose Chec7 8ut option and clic7 Chec7 8ut ,utton. Add your code ,y "entioning your tas7 no2 ,egin and end co""ents. Co"pare it with old versionG see your "odi%ications in green color. 8nce changes are %ine as per your logic then clic7 on Chec7 $n 0ending changes 0ath:H0T:'data,ase'scorecard'trun7' 0ath:H0T:'application'scorecard'Dev*.#'Dev*.#.@e,ruary)#1):elease


CSS Architecture
$tIs a two tier application

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CSS Application Information Document:

Version: 1.1

Prese12a2io1 La3er


$n presentation layer we can see the %ollowing "odules

9o"e :eports Glo,al Lin7s 9elp

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CSS Application Information Document:

:% :%$ A..)ICATI N STR2CT2R' 6unctional 6low

Version: 1.1

#o2 vali4 5ser

%ali4a2io1 %ali4 User "SS !a2abase

)eb User
;hen a citi we, user send a reDuest %or the application2which is %irst ta7en ,y citi login application which will evaluate user credentials and his roles. $% user validated success%ully then the application will ,e accessed with respective "odules loaded as per hi"'her roles. $% user is not validated then it redirects with sa"e page with error "essage.


Data 6lows

#o2 vali4 5ser

%ali4a2io1 %ali4 User "SS !a2abase

)eb User



Global Li17s


9o"e "odule contains %ollowing su, "odules as %ollows

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Version: 1.1

9ere when a citi we, user send a reDuest2the reDuest is %irst ta7en ,y a we, server where citi login application will validate his credentials2once it passes through then the application will load the "enus ,ased on user roles and privileges. 1ased on user interaction with $2data access layer will e6ecute respective logic and interacts with data,ase and gets the data and display it in user inter%ace4 $'0resentation Layer5. 9ere report server will ta7e the reDuest and %etches data %ro" d, server and display it in report viewer o% the application. 9ere "enu ite"s will change ,ased on hierarchy li7e Associate2SS and S>. Jo,s: @ollowing are the "ain 3o,s running in this application regard. ArchiveSessionData AssocKTe"p and 009 Goals AssocKTe"p @eed 1usiness$ntel>6tractKSS$S 1usiness$ntel$"ports Calculate Scorecard F Daily DailyKCMSD1K@eed Data,ase 8pti"i?ation C $ssuelog.Su,plan Data,ase 8pti"i?ations C =uic7%or"s Data,ase 8pti"i?ations C SalesS1 Data,ase 8pti"i?ations C Scorecard. pdate stats Data,ase 8pti"i?ations C ScorecardV+ And SalesS1 D1 @ull ,ac7up.Su,plan 1 D1 Log 1ac7ups.Su,plan 1 >pay C >"ployee Schedule $"port >0AB C GTA $"port >0AB C GTA $"port >0AB C S>CCApp $"port GenerateAlertMsg GenerateAlertMsg Load CMS ;ee7ly S7ill Sets

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Load :anges Load Scorecard Monthly @or"at MortgageSales 8%%icialK@eedKAssoc M8M 0opulate GA0 Ta,le =@ delete nulls %ro" =%:ptMeasureData :ecycleK>rrorKLog :e%resh =@ :eports :e%resh :eport 9ourly :eport@ailedJo,s :etailK8neStop :etention S1CStartStop;7sht>6portCS=L SC Diag SC $"port Sears -S: ScorecardK:etention DAT @ile Move Sears Training Sales $"port Sears:etention secK-oti%y>6piry ;+SalesK>6tract

Version: 1.1

0:DS=L+1+KJo,KSc hedule.6ls


Application Mo0ules

The "a3or sections includes as %ollows 9o"e2:eports2Glo,al Lin7s and 9elp. ;hen a collector logs into the application under ho"e section he can see the %ollowing type o% "enu in le%t side Scorecar0s Scorecard<which displays tea" "e",ers "etric details %or each "onth o% the year selected. Data $nput<9ere an SS or SM can provide %eed,ac7 to tea" %or people section o% scorecard o% associate. Training Scorecard<we can see tea"2site2instructor2class start date2graduation date and %unction details Sears Training Scorecard<we can see associate2trainer2tea"2site2start date and end date details 1ualit" =uality 0ic7 List<which contains di%%erent %or"s =uality >6tract :eport Training Time 2tili3ation Ti"e >ntry Modi%y :e%erence

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Modi%y :e%erence 8rder Training Ti"e Reports Sales Score,oard Adhoc :eports =uality Transaction Details :eport )in4s $ssue Log >"ployee Change -oti%ication @or" e0ay View Ti"e Approve Ti"e .rogram Name 6unctional Description ';ecution 6re<uenc" tili?ation :eport

Version: 1.1

)ocation of Source Co0e


Share0 Mo0ules

@ollowing ta,le lists the co""on "odules other than syste" so%tware that are shared across applications .rogram Name 6unctional Description ';ecution 6re<uenc" )ocation of the source co0e ther applications that share the program Application that supports the program

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

=% =%$ DATABAS'S AND 6I)'S Internal Data flow -A =%( Databases

Version: 1.1

Scorecard F Main data,ase -ahr.d,o.e"ployee2 C Contents e"ployee details 0T:Co""on.d,o.>rrorAudit F >rror Audit Table Name DimAssociate Associate 2nitManager perationsManager Team Site Categor" SCTime SC wner SCScorecar0T"pe SCScorecar0 wner 'mailSurve"Main 'mailSurve"Detail Surve"1uestion Surve"Answer Surve"6ee0bac4 'mailSurve"Dispute SC6ormat SC6ormatDetail SCDimattrib SCVARValue MA.T+.' MA.TRAN SCDimTemplateCategor" S4illSet (77?@AllRnages Range RangeSource RangeDetail SCRD@CMS@S4illSet SCACD SCCMSS4ill SCDetailInput SCDimValueDec .urpose,Description ;hich is "ain ta,le2contains all data related to Asso2 M28M2Site... Associate details nit Manger details 8perations Manager details Tea" details Site details Category details Ti"e$d2start date and end date details 8wner details Score card type details Scorecard 8wner details 'mailSurve"Main 0etails 'mailSurve"Detail information Surve" 1uestion 0etails Surve" Answer 0etails 6ee0bac4 0etails 'mailSurve"Dispute 0etails 6ormat 0etails 6ormat 0etails Dimension 0etails 0etails >e" value 0etails Map 0etails Template 0etails S7ill set details All ranges in%or"ation details :ange details :ange source details :ange details

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

Table Name scumom0atainput .urpose,Description

Version: 1.1


Internal 6iles 6ile Name .urpose,Description


';ternal S"stem Interfaces 6ile Name 6unctional Description



2ser Interfaces Name T"pe 8Screen,Report9 Description

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

A% A%$ A..)ICATI N !IST R+ T"pical .roblems $nvalid data entry %or the reports A%( Release !istor"

Version: 1.1


Maintenance !istor"

IBM Global Services

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CSS Application Information Document:

?% R'6'R'NC' D C2M'NTS

Version: 1.1

The 0ro3ect Li,rary consists o% docu"ents that can provide %urther in%or"ation a,out the application. Docu"ents related to the LA00 -AM>M application includes Document Name Document )ocation Version Number )ast 2p0ate 8++,MM,DD9

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