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a Contents Price Acinovonents| Chapter Whats Scene Weng Chaper2 Orns Sin Wing Chapters ‘What a Scie Papert hopes How Prope th Tie . Chapters Howto Liste Avtos nd Adteses chaners How to Prope the Abstract Chanter? Howto Wrtethe nodcton hanes How to Wiehe Matias and Metis Section Chageer9 Howe Wiehe Reus Cope 0 Howto With Dicsson hate Howto Sate the Acknowledgments, 2 9 33 2 4s How Wee nd Publish Sie Paper Chapter 12 ow to Cit the References. Chapter 13, How to Design Eifective Tables Caper 14 Howto Prepare fective Graphs Chapter 15 How to Prepare festive Photographs Chapter 16 ow to Keyboard the Manuscript Chapter 17 ‘Where and How to Submit the Manosrit Caper 18 The Review Process (How to Del with Eto). Chapter 19 “The Publishing Process (How to Deal with Profs). Caper 20 lecuonic Publishing Formats: CD-ROM and Distributed Printing Chapter 21 ‘The lntrnet andthe World Wide Web Caper 2 The Becton Jounal Caper 23 Esmailand Newsgroups Caper 24 How to Order and Use Reprints Chapter 25, ow to Write Review Paper Caper 26 How to Write Conference Report Chapter 27 How to Wites Book Review Chapter 28 How to Write a Theis st 6 70 19 1. 1st 158 168 168 m 78 Chapter 29 How to Present Paper Orally 2 Chapter 30 Howto Prepare a Poster 189 Chapter 31 his Rights, and Permissions 193 Caper 32 Use and Misuse of English 200 Chapter 33, ‘Avoiding argon _ ais Chapter 34 How and When Use Abbreviations Chapter 35, ‘APeronalized Summary = a Appendix 1 Selected Journal Tite Wond Abbreviations 230 Appendix ‘Abbreviations That May Be Used Withowt Definition in Table Headings as Appendix 3 Common Errors in Styl and in Selig 28 Appenin ‘Word and Expressions to Avoid 238 Appendix Prefixes and Abbreviations forSI (Syste International) Uni ou. 284 Appondix6 ‘Accopted Abbreviations and Symbols 24s Appeal? Sample Submission Requirements for an Electronic Journ. 248 (Glossary of Tosbnial Terms 250 Referens 2st Index 261 Preface Criismandtestingareothe essence four work Thismeans that Science is fndamenally social activ, which imps tht i ‘kepends on food communication. Inthe practice of ence we are ‘are of his and tha why sieht frou journals toi ‘arty and intel. Hermann Bonds Good scientific writing isnot matter of ie ad death: tis much more serious than that. ‘The goal of scientific esearch is publication. Scientists, staring a5 graduate studens, are measured primarily not by ther dexterity in laboratory manipulations, nt by their innate knowledge of either broad. ‘ornarow scientific subjects, and certainly notby ther witor charm: they are measured, and become Know (or remain unknown) by thei pli ‘A scientific experiment, no matter how spectacular the results isnot completed uni the results are published, In fac, the comerstone ofthe philosophy of science is based on the fundamental assumption that ‘original research must be published; only thus can new scientific ‘knowledge be authenticated and then added othe existing database that ‘we call scientific knowledge, Its not necessary for the plumber ro write about pipes, nor sit necessary forthe lawyer to write about cases (except brief writing), but the research scientist, perhaps uniquely among the trades and profes: sions, must providea writen document showing what he or she di, why lnwas done, how twasdone, and what was learned fromit-Thekey word is reproducibility. That is what makes scence and scientific writing unique.

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