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Civil War in Nicaragua

Iranians Revolt Middle east revolt

Iranians Revolt

Room 2

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Revolt in Middle East

Room 3

Museum Entrance

Civil war in Nicaragua

Room 4

Museum Entrance

Vietnam after war

After 1975, the north Vietnamese imposed tight controls over the south. People were sent to reeducation camps for training in the communist ways. The oppression caused over 1.5 millions people to flee Vietnam.

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Khmer Rouge
Set up a brutal communist government in 1975 under the leadership of Pol Pot. It attempts to make Cambodia a communist nation, Pol Pots followers killed 2 million people. They later pushed the Vietnamese out in 1989.

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Richard nixon
President Nixon started to slowly pulling troops out of Vietnam. He also called for bombings of north Vietnamese bases and also the surrounding countries of Laos and Cambodia to destroy Vietcong hiding places. By 1973 all US troops had been pulled out of Vietnam. Two years later the north Vietnamese over ran the south and the war was over.
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Post War South East Asia

After the war ended the bloodshed did not. Cambodia was under siege by communist rebels. During the war it had suffered from US bombings and was used as a safe place to hide for North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops.

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Iranians Revolt
Spurred by the tape-recorded messages from Aytollah Ruholla Khomeini, Iranians rioted against western influence in every one of Iran's major in 1979. War broke out between Iran and Iraq in 1980. The US secretly gave aid to both sides because it did not want the balance of power in the region to change. A cease fire was arranged in 1988.

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Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini

Ayatollah Khomeini was living in exile when the sent his tape-recorded messages to his followers. After the shah fled Iran, Khomeini returned to establish an Islamic state.

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Anti-US Policies
Khomeini and his followers had a deep hatred for the United States because of their support given to the Shah while they had power of Iran. This hatred was the heart of his foreign policy.

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Attack on American Embassy

In 1979 young Islamic revolutionaries seized the American embassy in Iran and took more than 60 people hostage. The hostage takers demanded that the shah be out to trial. Many hostages remained prisoners for 444 days before being released in 1981.

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Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan

The soviet union invaded to take out the threats to communism in Afghanistan. Soviet troops expected to come in and prop up a communist government then quickly withdrawal.

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Muslim Revolt
In the late 1970s , a Muslim revolt threatened to put an end to the communist regime in Afghanistan. This revolt would lead to the Soviet invasion.

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The Mujahideen protected Afghanistan from the soviet invasion. Supported by the united states, they were able to make a stand against the invading soviet army.

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Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter warned the Soviet Union against trying to gain control of the Persian gulf. To prevent an invasion, President Carter stopped U.S. grain shipments to the soviet union and ordered a U.S. boycott of the Moscow Olympics in 1980. All Soviet troops were withdrawn by 1989.

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Artifact 13: Nicaragua

The civil war in Nicaragua was a major point in the cold war years after the Cuban missile crisis. The United States worked to keep communist rebels from spreading its ideas across Nicaragua and the surrounding countries.

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Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega was the leader of the Sandinistas, the rebellion group in Nicaragua. Ortega held the first ever free elections ever in the nations history after the civil war ended.

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The Sandinistas were a group of rebels in Nicaragua. In 1979 the took over the Nicaraguan government under the leadership of Daniel Ortega. The group received aid from the united states until they started to support communist rebels in El Salvador.

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Andrew Soles
Andrew Soles is a 10th grade student at Clear Springs high school. He runs track and cross country and has 2 siblings.

Contact Andrew Soles

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