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Version Number: 1.0 Version Date: mm/dd/yy

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<Project Name>

[Provide information on how the development and distribution of the Capacity Planning Template will be controlled and tracked !se the table below to provide the version number" the author implementing the version" the date of the version" the name of the person approving the version" the date that particular version was approved" and a brief description of the reason for creating the revised version ]
Version Implemented Re ision Appro ed Number By !"te By 1.0 #$uthor name% #mm&dd&yy% #name% Appro "l !es#ription o$ C%"n&e !"te #mm&dd&yy% #description of change%

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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<Project Name>

Notes to the Author

[This document is a template of a Capacity Planning document for a pro'ect The template includes instructions to the author" boilerplate te(t" and fields that should be replaced with the values specific to the pro'ect )lue italici*ed te(t enclosed in s+uare brackets ([te(t]) provides instructions to the document author" or describes the intent" assumptions and conte(t for content included in this document )lue italici*ed te(t enclosed in angle brackets (#te(t%) indicates a field that should be replaced with information specific to a particular pro'ect Te(t and tables in black are provided as boilerplate e(amples of wording and formats that may be used or modified as appropriate to a specific pro'ect These are offered only as suggestions to assist in developing pro'ect documents, they are not mandatory formats

When using this template, the ollo!ing steps are recommen"e"# 1. -eplace all te(t enclosed in angle brackets (e g " #Pro'ect .ame%) with the correct field document values These angle brackets appear in both the body of the document and in headers and footers To customi*e fields in /icrosoft 0ord (which display a gray background when selected) select 1ile2%Properties2%3ummary and fill in the appropriate fields within the 3ummary and Custom tabs $fter clicking 45 to close the dialog bo(" update all fields throughout the document selecting 6dit%3elect $ll (or Ctrl2$) and pressing 17 4r you can update each field individually by clicking on it and pressing 17 These actions must be done separately for any fields contained with the document8s 9eader and 1ooter /odify boilerplate te(t as appropriate for the specific pro'ect styles are maintained 3tyles used for the 3ection 9eadings are 9eading :" 9eading ; and 9eading < 3tyle used for boilerplate te(t is )ody Te(t


3. To add any new sections to the document" ensure that the appropriate header and body te(t 4. To update the Table of Contents" right2click on it and select =!pdate field> and choose the option
2 =!pdate entire table>

5. )efore submission of the first draft of this document" delete this instruction section =.otes to the
$uthor> and all instructions to the author throughout the entire document $e%el o re&uire" "ocumentation an" management rigor Pro'ect management is the application of knowledge" skills" tools" and techni+ues to pro'ect activities to meet pro'ect re+uirements Pro'ect management is accomplished using pro'ect management knowledge" skills" tools" and techni+ues These can be applied with varying degrees of rigor" depending on pro'ect demands In order for pro'ects to be successful" it is important for the pro'ect team to diligently apply these with a degree of rigor that best promotes achievement of the pro'ect?s ob'ectives 1or e(ample" the more risk" comple(ity" budget" etc a pro'ect has the more pro'ect documentation and management rigor will be re+uired to successfully manage and document the intricacies of that pro'ect To what level this rigor e(pands to beyond this basic template" and is applied to the management of the pro'ect" should be at the discretion of the pro'ect manager unless otherwise instructed 0hen in doubt as to what level of management and&or documentation rigor to apply to a pro'ect" in almost all cases" more is better than less ]

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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<Project Name>

TABLE O' CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................5 2 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................5 2.1 Purpose of Capacity Plan....................................................................................................5 2.2 Solution Requirements.......................................................................................................5 2.3 Assumptions/Constraints....................................................................................................5 3 ANALYSIS OF CAPACITY.....................................................................................................5 4 FINDINGS SUMMARY............................................................................................................7 5 COST/BUDGET MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................8 6 COMPLIANCE RELATED PLANNING................................................................................8 APPENDIX A CAPACITY PLANNING APPROVAL...........................................................! APPENDIX B REFERENCES.................................................................................................1" APPENDIX C #EY TERMS....................................................................................................11

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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<Project Name>

[Provide an e(ecutive summary of the ma'or re+uirements" findings" plans" costs" etc outlined within this document ]

,-( P*RPOSE O' CAPACITY PLAN [Provide the purpose of the capacity plan 1or e(ample@ Capacity planning is an important part of infrastructure and deployment planning $ capacity plan supports the goal of optimum" and cost effective" provisioning of organi*ational resources and services by matching them to business demands It helps identify and reduce inefficiencies associated with either under2utili*ed resources or unmet customer demand and to provide satisfactory service levels in a cost2efficient manner The plan helps ensure that all infrastructure components are capable of performing all re+uired functions" that components will perform as efficiently as possible" and accommodate reasonable growth without being overly wasteful ] T%e intended audience o" t%e #Pro'ect .ame% Capacity Planning is all pro&ect sta'e%olders including t%e pro&ect sponsor( senior leaders%ip( and t%e pro&ect team. ,-, SOL*TION RE.*IRE+ENTS [Include a detailed description of the re+uired solution and links to any supporting documentation ] ,-/ ASS*+PTIONS0CONSTRAINTS [Include any assumptions and&or constraints ]


[Aefine the capacity re+uirements by considering what work will be performed by the system Consider the following@ system performance re+uirements" e(pected volume of information to be processed and stored" the +uantity of work" and the agreed upon measurement of system performance" testing considerations" and agreed upon service level re+uirements Conduct an analysis of the current capacity and validate the capabilities of the e(isting resources (CP!" memory" hard drives" etc) Aescribe plans for growth and&or upgrades and how they will be addressed and managed Consider not only the re+uirements for additional hardware" software" building materials" and space but also where financial funding for these things will come from" additional resource allocation re+uirements" staffing" training" other e(penditures" etc -emember to consider future re+uirements 6(pand upon this section by adding&removing additional scenarios if necessary ] C"p"#ity Type [Aescribe the capacity
Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

Current C"p"#ity An"lysis [Aescribe currently

Pl"nned0E1pe#ted Gro2t% "nd Re#ommend"tions [Aescribe how future

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<Project Name>

re+uirement analy*ed 6nter details on current B future capacity re+uirements ]

available capacity ]

growth e(pectations have been identified and analy*ed 4utline recommendations for managing and addressing this e(pected growth ]

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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<Project Name>

[If applicable" describe historical capacity growth patterns 6(plain how future e(pected capacity re+uirements have been identified and analy*ed 4utline recommendations for managing and addressing e(pected growth ] [Insert a table&illustration" or provide a reference to where it is stored" that shows the different recommendations to address each of the capacity scenarios illustrated above The e(ample below will vary from pro'ect to pro'ect ] [Aescribe how e(pected growth will be monitored and managed )elow is a basic e(ample of a table that may be used to illustrate one approach for monitoring and managing future capacity The approach used to illustrate these re+uirements may differ from pro'ect to pro'ect ]
Are"0Item +onitored #9ard Arive 3torage% #/eeting -oom Tables% #.umber of Pro'ect 3taff% #-atio of Cuality $ssurance 3taff to Aevelopment 3taff% C"p"#ity Re4uirement5s6 #enter capacity re+uirements and measures% 7 In#re"se Needed Per #time period% #enter pro'ected increases over intervals of time% C"p"#ity T%res%old5s6 #enter acceptable capacity threshold(s)% T%res%old Response Str"te&y
(+ction to ,e Ta'e -pon .eac%ing T%res%old(s

#enter response strategies to varying threshold limits Threshold is defined as the level at which an event or change occurs%

Spe#i"l Comments8 #enter additional comments to help clarify information entered above %

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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<Project Name>

[Insert the cost management plan or provide a reference to where it is stored ]


[Insert a list of compliance related processes the implementation must adhere to ]

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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<Project Name>

Appendi1 A8 C"p"#ity Pl"nnin& Appro "l

T%e undersigned ac'no1ledge t%at t%ey %ave revie1ed t%e <Project Name> C"p"#ity Pl"nnin& and agree 1it% t%e in"ormation presented 1it%in t%is document. C%anges to t%is C"p"#ity Pl"nnin& 1ill be coordinated 1it%( and approved by( t%e undersigned( or t%eir designated representatives. [Dist the individuals whose signatures are desired 6(amples of such individuals are )usiness 4wner" Pro'ect /anager (if identified)" and any appropriate stakeholders $dd additional lines for signature as necessary ] 2ignature: Print Name: Title: .ole: 2ignature: Print Name: Title: .ole: 2ignature: Print Name: Title: .ole: Date: Date: Date:

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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<Project Name>

[Insert the name" version number" description" and physical location of any documents referenced in this document $dd rows to the table as necessary ] T%e "ollo1ing table summari4es t%e documents re"erenced in t%is document. !o#ument N"me !es#ription Lo#"tion
#Aocument .ame and Eersion .umber% #Aocument description% #!-D or .etwork path where document is located%

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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<Project Name>


T%e "ollo1ing table provides de"initions and e5planations "or terms and acronyms relevant to t%e content presented 1it%in t%is document. Term
[Insert Term]

#Provide definition of term and acronyms used in this document %

Capacity Planning Template (v1.0 [Insert appropriate disclaimer(s)]

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