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SIMS User Support Plan

STUDENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USER SUPPORT PLAN The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) provides an enterprise-wide Student Information Management System (SIMS), designed to meet the needs of students, fa ulty and staff in managing their student information! The ampus "egan implementing S#T$s Banner %&&& Student Information System in 'uly %&&&! UMB has tailored Banner %&&& to meet the needs of the ampus! The SIMS pro(e t provides support to SIMS users as listed "elow! REQUESTING HELP: The following resour es are availa"le to provide help for SIMS) #ITS *ssistan e + Servi e #enter ,elp -es.- Phone /0&-1&2-,34P or http)55www!umaryland!edu5helpdes.5 or e-mail help6umaryland!edu The SIMS 7e" page provides te hni al information, support num"ers, forms, user guides, vendor lin.s and general help for many SIMS pro esses! http)55www!umaryland!edu5sims GETTING STARTED WITH SIMS: Staff and Faculty: In order to "egin using SIMS, there are a few steps to follow) -etermine your SIMS a ess needs "y with your S hool5#entral 8ffi e management and SIMS Strategi #ommittee representative! *ttend SIMS 9avigation Training for your use of SIMS! #ourses offered are listed on the SIMS we" page : Training Opportunities ta"! Su"mit a ;SIMS User <e=uest >orm? form to the SIMS Pro(e t Manager in the #enter for Information Te hnology Servi es! The form and instru tions for ompleting it are found on the SIMS we" page Forms ta"! #onta t your S hool5#entral 8ffi e 4o al *rea 9etwor. (4*9) manager to ena"le SIMS on your! 8n e a user a ount is esta"lished, the user is added to the SIMS produ tion user$s distri"ution list and will re eive all SIMS user ommuni ations! Student : The SIMS Student Self Servi e module SURFS (Student UseR Friendly System), provides on-line we" a ess for students to view and hange spe ifi demographi information! Students an also view and register for ourses, view grades, >inan ial *id and Student Billing information! http)55www!simswe"!umaryland!edu Beginning in Mar h %&&/ prospe tive 9ursing students an apply for admissions via SURFS! 7e" admission appli ations will "e a epted "y additional s hools in the near future! SIMS TRAINING SUPPORT SER!I"ES: SIMS "asi fun tional training is offered through the #ITS *ssistan e + Servi e #enter Ente#$#% e T#a%n%n& "ente# - http)55www!umaryland!edu5helpdes.5! The lasses offered are listed on the SIMS we" page under the Training Opportunities ta"! 3a h S hool5#entral 8ffi e is responsi"le for follow-up training in their spe ifi use of the SIMS modules! The SIMS we" page offers user guides, tips and tri .s, a tion alerts, and other training information for many SIMS pro esses!
P)@sims@we" produ tion pages@support page@sims user support plan!do 0 &/5%A50/

SIMS User Support Plan

#ITS provides training and do umentation support to end users! The training plan has evolved to provide ustom designed, topi -spe ifi , hands-on, "rief (0-B hours) training events! Training Support is delivered in the following ways) Introdu tory SIMS Training Targeted, hands-on training (and la" time) on spe ifi topi s User Croups (notes sent to all users) User Surveys for needs analysis Pu"li ation of SIMS User Cuide : all modules Pu"li ation of timely * tion *lerts and Tips and Tri .s (over BA to date) Pu"li ation of the 7hoDs 7ho in SIMS "ro hure Eui . <eferen e Cuides (that summariFe .ey pro edures and pro esses) <eporting assistan e SIMS 7e" page oversight -edi ated, Gendor supplied training (#rystal <eports Training)

T#a%n%n& S$ec%f%c Training and do umentation have "een developed for the following hands-on, topi -spe ifi wor.shops) * ademi ,istory *ddresses #ourse #atalog and S hedule 3H el for SIMS Users >inan ial *id >inan ial *id and Student * ounting #ross->un tional Training Student * ounting Crading Craduation IModuleI International Student -ata 3ntry <e ruitment Module S hedule <efresher SIMS IMo . <egistrationI #ross >un tional Testing Tips on Training Transfer #redit 8ther wor.shops offered as modules are implemented

P)@sims@we" produ tion pages@support page@sims user support plan!do


SIMS User Support Plan

REQUESTING REPORTS: SIMS ; anned? reports) SIMS provides many reports that may "e re=uested via the reporting module in the SIMS system! *lso, ea h S hool5#entral 8ffi e has a we" reports folder ontaining many of the SIMS ; anned? reports, developed "y #ITS and ea h of the S hools5#entral 8ffi es! #onta t your lo al 4*9 Manager to have the reports folder installed on your! #li . 4ist of #ampus 4*9 Managers on http)55www!umaryland!edu5sims5support!html SIMS ad-ho reports) Most of the S hools5#entral 8ffi es have staff trained in the use of report writing software who provides support for ad-ho reporting re=uests! Users are sharing report-writing te hni=ues with one another via the SIMS <eport 7riters User Croup! #ITS provides ad-ho reporting support "y re=uesting it via the SIMS Tas. <e=uest form! The form and instru tions for ompleting it are found on the SIMS we" page under the Forms ta"! The ompleted form is su"mitted to the SIMS Pro(e t Management at lmasters6umaryland!edu or dtufares6umaryland!edu!

REQUESTING ENHAN"EMENTS OR NEW FUN"TIONALITY: The #ITS Te hni al Teams, the SIMS Strategi #ommittee and the SIMS Implementation Team wor. together to respond to re=uests for enhan ements and new SIMS fun tionality! <e=uests an "e su"mitted to either) The SIMS Pro(e t Manager via the SIMS Tas. <e=uest form! The form and instru tions for ompleting it are found on the SIMS we" page under the Forms ta"! The ompleted form is su"mitted to the SIMS Pro(e t Management at lmasters6umaryland!edu or dtufares!umaryland!edu! S#T Banner supplied releases, upgrades and pat hes are applied "y the #ITS Te hni al Team on an ongoing "asis! SE"URITY MANAGEMENT: The #ITS SIMS Pro(e t Manager is responsi"le for assigning users to se urity roles and managing the appli ation se urity environment! The #ITS 8perations Supervisor maintains a hard opy file ontaining all SIMS User <e=uest forms! Monthly, the #ITS Euality *ssuran e Manager audits the file against the a tive users on the system to ensure that only authoriFed users an gain a ess to SIMS! "OMMUNI"ATIONS: The #ITS SIMS Pro(e t Manager or his designee is responsi"le for all SIMS pro(e t te hni al ommuni ation to the user ommunity! This in ludes response to user in=uiries dire ted to the SIMS pro(e t team, notifi ation of system downtime for ne essary vendor upgrades, pat hes, et ! SIMS * tion *lerts are generated "y the SIMS Implementation Team in on(un tion with the 3nterprise Training Team! The alerts are e-mailed to all SIMS produ tion users as events o ur within the system that everyone needs to "e aware of! Spe ifi SIMS fun tional ommuni ations are handled "y the offi e(s) responsi"le for the "usiness pro ess!

P)@sims@we" produ tion pages@support page@sims user support plan!do


SIMS User Support Plan

OTHER SUPPORT PRO!IDED: 'F(# deta%l ) #efe# t( t*e SIMS +e, $a&e SIMS Ceneral Users Croup SIMS <eport 7riters User Croup The SIMS Implementation Team ondu ts meetings with *dministrative 8ffi es, and meetings with the S hools as needed! #ITS support staff attend regional and national onferen es! 3nd users are en ouraged to attend as well! #ITS support staff su"s ri"e to all appropriate vendor and user listservs!

P)@sims@we" produ tion pages@support page@sims user support plan!do


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