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Introduction to the ACLoads 1.0.0 Software

The ACLoads 1.0.0 software system is a bui di!" air #o!ditio!i!" oad Ca #u atio! software $a#ka"e based u$o! air #o!ditio!i!" oad #a #u atio! a "orithms. %! this #ha$ter a detai ed a##ou!t of the $ro"ram i!sta atio! a!d usa"e is $rese!ted. A$$ro$riate fi"ures dis$ ayi!" the $ro"ram features are a so i!# uded to show the user the e&$e#ted a$$eara!#e of the user i!terfa#e at differe!t sta"es of $ro"ram e&e#utio!.

Program Installation and Configuration

1. Hardware Requirements ACLoads 1.0.0 was de+e o$ed o! a ,i!dows -. .rofessio!a /$erati!" 0ystem 1/02 $ atform. Therefore3 the mi!imum system hardware re4uireme!ts for Coo i!"Load 1.00 software are the same as re4uired for ,i!dows -. .rofessio!a /0. These i!# ude5 233 me"ahert6 17862 .e!tium or hi"her mi#ro$ro#essor 1or e4ui+a e!t2 12* me"abytes 1792 re#omme!ded 1(4 79 of :A7 mi!imum5 4 "i"abytes 1;92 of :A7 ma&imum2

1.' ;9 of free s$a#e o! your hard disk <;A mo!itor =eyboard 7ouse or #om$atib e $oi!ti!" de+i#e C>?:/7 or ><> dri+e

2. Software Requirements

$ i!trodu#tio! to the ACLoads 1.0.0 software 1# i!tro 2k i!trodu#tio!5 oad #a #u atio!5ACLoads 1.0.0 3+ 001 4> i!tro1 $ $ro"ram i!sta atio! a!d #o!fi"uratio! '# start (k ru!!i!" a$$ i#atio! setu$5i!sta atio! s#ree!s5i!sta i!" from C>?:/7 )+ 002 *> mai!

%t is re#omme!ded that ACLoads software be i!sta ed a!d used ,i!dows 2000 .rofessio!a /$erati!" 0ystem or hi"her i! order to a#hie+e $ro$er $erforma!#e. A so be#ause of the i!#or$orated 7i#rosoft A##ess >atabase uti ity3 the system must at east ha+e 7i#rosoft /ffi#e @) or hi"her i!sta ed. Running the Application Setup ,he! sure that the #om$uter has the abo+e re#omme!ded re4uireme!ts3 the user is !ow ready to be"i! setu$ a!d ha+e ACLoads 1.00 i!sta ed o!to the #om$uter. The fo owi!" takes the user throu"h the ste$s of $erformi!" a fresh i!sta atio! of ACLoads 1.00. The fi"ure be ow shows the ACLoads 1.00 distributio! fi es that a$$ear o! the setu$ C> whe! i!serted i!to the C>?:/7 a!d o$e!ed3
Setup C istri!ution "iles

/!#e the fi e !amed setu$ is doub e # i#ked3 setu$ be"i!s a!d the user is o! y re4uired to fo ows the i!stru#tio!s re4uired by setu$ as it e&e#utes the fo owi!" ste$s. Step One: Copying Application Files

>uri!" this o$eratio!3 setu$ dis$ ays the fo owi!" wi!dow messa"e as it #o$ies a$$ i#atio! fi es from the C>?:/7 to the #om$uter system 8ard >is#.
Cop#ing "iles $indow %essage

Step Two: Application Installation A$o! #om$ etio! of the a$$ i#atio! fi e #o$yi!" ste$3 setu$ starts A$$ i#atio! %!sta atio! ,i6ard that takes the user throu"h yet a!other set of i!sta atio! ste$s as show! i! the be ow i ustratio!s. B First Screen: Preventative Window Message
Setup Pre&entati&e $indow %essage

At this sta"e it is o! y re#omme!ded that the user # i#ks the '( butto! whe! a # osi!" a


a$$ i#atio!s a$art from the i!sta atio! ha+e bee! # osed. %f the /= butto! is # i#ked without ru!!i!" a$$ i#atio!s3 a fi e shari!" +io atio! error may o##ur i! whi#h #ase the i!sta atio! wi !ot be #om$ eted su##essfu y. %f the C&it 0etu$ butto! i! # i#ked3 the a$$ i#atio! remo+a wi6ard wi remo+e a a$$ i#atio! fi es #o$ied to the hard dis# a!d setu$ wi be e&ited. B Second Screen: Selecting Install Directory
Selecting Install irector#

At this sta"e3 the user is a owed a! o$$ortu!ity to #ha!"e the i!sta dire#tory a!d #o!ti!ue the i!sta atio!. 8owe+er3 a defau t dire#tory is a ready dis$ ayed i! #ase the user has !o $refere!#e. The user shou d !ote that setu$ #a! a so be #a!#e ed at this sta"e. B Third Screen: Selecting Start Menu Progra !roup

0etu$ #he#ks for mi!imum hard disk s$a#e re4uireme!ts a!d the! dis$ ays a dia o"ue bo& for the user to se e#t the $ro"ram "rou$ for the a$$ i#atio! o! the star me!u. A defau t $ro"ram "rou$ is a ready se e#ted as show! be ow.
Selecting Program )roup for Start %enu

/!#e the $ro"ram "rou$ for the start me!u is se e#ted3 setu$ #a! #o!ti!ue by # i#ki!" #o!ti!ue #omma!d butto!. ,he! the #o!ti!ue butto! is # i#ked3 setu$ be"i!s i!sta i!" 7i#rosoft >ata A##ess Com$o!e!ts 2.0 after whi#h3 a$$ i#atio! setu$ #o!ti!ues. B Fourth Screen: Progress "ar During installation o# Application Dependencies
Application Installation Progress *ar

B Final Installation Screen: Installation Co pletion $oti#ication Window

Installation Complete +otification

,he! setu$ is #om$ eted3 the abo+e dia o"ue is dis$ ayed a!d #a! be # osed off s#ree! by # i#ki!" the /= butto! or #a!#e i!" it by a # i#k o! the #a!#e butto! i! the to$ most ri"ht ha!d #or!er.

Loading the Application from Start %enu

Starting the Application The Di"ure be ow shows the me!u !a+i"atio! order that eads to the $ro"ram short#ut. A si!" e # i#k o! the $ro"ram short#ut starts the a$$ i#atio! with a! o$e!i!" 7>% $are!t form show! i! se#tio! 4.3.2.
Starting Application

$ a$$ i#atio! user i!terfa#e @# ru! 10k starti!" the a$$ i#atio!5start me!u5deskto$5 $ro"ram fi es5 $ro"ram i#o! 11+ 003 12> A$$ru!


Application % I Parent $indow and %enus

Application Splash Screen

,he Application % I Parent $indow

$ a$$ i#atio! 7>% $are!t wi!dow a!d me!us 13# dis$ 14k 7>% o$e!i!" form5tit e bar5fi e me!u5me!u bar5status bar5$roEe#t me!u5 the +iew me!u5re$ort me!u5$ro"ram works$a#e5he $ me!u 1'+ 004 1(> dis$1

B The Title "ar dis$ ays the $ro"ram %#o! a!d Fame B The Menu "ar dis$ ays #ate"ori6ed a$$ i#atio! fu!#tio!s as e&$ ai!ed be ow B The File Menu has "ot o!e fu!#tio! u!der it that a ows the user to %&it the a$$ i#atio!.
"ile %enu

B The 'iew Menu has a so "ot o!e fu!#tio! to a ow the user tur! the 0tatus 9ar o! or off. The 0tatus 9ar dis$ ays the #urre!t date a!d time duri!" $ro"ram e&e#utio!.
,he -iew %enu

B The Pro(ect Menu is where the a#tua $ro"ram fu!#tio!a ities a!d data e!try forms are "rou$ed. >ata e!try forms #a! therefore be a##essed from this me!u by a si!" e mouse # i#k. A!der the .roEe#t 7e!u two sub me!u #ate"ories are show!3 !eneral Pro(ect data a!d Pro(ect Area Inputs. The .roEe#t Area %!$ut sub me!u father "rou$s data forms $ertai!i!" to area oad #om$o!e!t $arameters.
,he Pro.ect %enu

B The )eports Menu has "ot o!e fu!#tio! #a ed Detailed Cooling *oad )eport. This #omma!d oad a dia o"ue bo& from where the user must s$e#ify the ki!d of detai ed #oo i!" oad re$ort to be "e!erated by the $ro"ram3 whether for a si!" e s$a#e3 a s$a#es or for a mu ti$ e of s$a#es shari!" simi ar oad #om$o!e!t #hara#teristi#s.
,he Reports %enu

B Last y3 the +elp Menu has "rou$ed u!der it3 the A,out a!d Syste

In#or ation

fu!#tio!s. ,he! C i#ked3 the About me!u3 oads a Dorm that #o!tai!s the de+e o$ers #o!ta#t address i! #ase of user #om$ ai!ts a!d 4ueries that may assist i! future im$ro+eme!t of the $ro"ram a!d a so the de+e o$er re#omme!datio! o! who the $ro"ram #a! be!efit a!d i! what ways. The 0ystem %!formatio! fu!#tio! assists the users a##ess their #om$uter system hardware a!t software #o!fi"uratio! i!formatio! that may assist them i! u$"radi!" their ma#hi!es.
,he Help %enu

B The Progra

Wor- Space is a! area where a o$e!edGru!!i!" Dorm obEe#ts are

dis$ ayed. A !umber of >ata i!$ut Dorms #a! be dis$ ayed i! this area a!d +arious

mouse $oi!ter o$eratio!s ike dra""i!" $erformed o! them. %! #ase of imited s$a#e area #rowbars are automati#a y dis$ ayed to a ow the user rea#h the hidi!" $arts of dis$ ayed Dorms. B The Status "ar has three $a!e s that dis$ ay the #urre!t $ro#ess3 system date a!d time.


)eneral Pro.ect Particulars "orm and Area Parameters

This Dorm is used for Addi!"3 A$dati!"3 >e eti!" a!d >is$ ayi!" ;e!era .roEe#t .arti#u ars i! the software database. As show! the Di"ure be ow3 ea#h data fie d for "e!era $roEe#t $arti#u ars has a! i!$utGdis$ ay te&tbo& #o!tro a!d a abe #o!tro . Comma!d butto!s are a so a+ai ab e for addi!" a !ew $roEe#t 1$ew Pro(ect23 u$dati!" the #urre!t y dis$ ayed a!d edited re#ord fie ds 1.pdate23 de eti!" a re#ord 1Delete23 refreshi!" the database #o!!e#tio! 1 )e#resh2 a!d # osi!" the form 1Close2.The A>/9C #o!tro at the bottom of the form $erforms fu!dame!ta data tra!sa#tio!s betwee! the ba#k e!d a!d the fro!t e!d a!d #a! a so be used to !a+i"ate the database by $ressi!" the forward a!d ba#kward arrows a!d a so to tra!s ate to the e!d a!d be"i!!i!" of the database i! o!e # i#k. The #omma!d butto! !amed Area Para eters oads the Area Para eters Dorm. ,he )eneral Pro.ect Particulars "orm
$ "e!era $roEe#t $arti#u ars form 1)# $roE 1*k $roEe#t e!try form5$roEe#t detai s5$roEe#t $arti#u ars me!u 1@+ 00' 20> $roE1


,he Area Parameters "orm

The Area .arameters i!$ut form is used to i!$ut a i!formatio! asso#iated with a bui di!" area i!# udi!" area si6e i! s4uare meters3 tem$eratures a!d i!ter!a +a ues. A bui di!" area is defi!ed as a room or a #ommo! area i! a bui di!". Two tabs are asso#iated with the area $arameters i!$ut formH !eneral Area Inputs a!d Internal !eneration. B )eneral Area Inputs ,a! The u$$er $art of this tab a ows the user to e!terG+iew basi# i!formatio! about the area su#h as Area %>3 .roEe#t %> u!der whi#h this area if o#ated3 Area !ame a!d f oor area i! s4uare meters.
,he )eneral Area Input ,a! on the Area Parameters "orm

$ the area $arameters form 21# areas 22k "e!era area i!$uts5area $arameters5area i!$ut s#ree!5 ate!t #oo i!" oad safety5ambie!t tem$erature5 e+e tem$erature set$oi!t5area tem$erature set$oi!t5#oo i!" oad safety5i!ter!a "e!eratio!s tab5$eo$ e5tota $eo$ e5$eo$ e a#ti+ity5a$$ ia!#es5 i"hti!" system5i!fi tratio!5a$$ ia!#e #ou!t5additio!a a$$ ia!#es5mis#e a!eous e e#tri# oads 23+ 00( 24> areas1

The ower $art of the ;e!era Area %!$uts a ows the user to i!$ut #oo i!" set $oi!t i!formatio! a!d safety $er#e!ta"e +a ues. Late!t Coo i!" 0afetyH This is a $er#e!ta"e +a ue that is used to #a #u ate additio!a ate!t oads abo+e a!d beyo!d the tota #oo i!" ate!t oad. Dor e&am$ e3 if the tota ate!t oad is 13000 9TAh a!d the #oo i!" safety +a ue is 10I3 the! the !ew ate!t oad wi be 13100 9TAh. Ambie!t Tem$eratureH This is the e&ter!a tem$erature e&$erie!#ed i! the area the bui di!" is o#ated. Dor =am$a a City3 it "oes u$ to 3' >e"rees Ce!ti"rade. Le+e Tem$erature 0et .oi!tH This is the a+era"e tem$erature that is a!ti#i$ated or k!ow! to be mai!tai!ed i! the atmos$here that surrou!ds the room o! a "i+e! e+e . Area Tem$erature 0et $oi!tH This is the tem$erature that the user wa!ts to mai!tai! i! that area or room. 7ost +a ues ra!"e from 1* ? 2) >e"rees Ce!ti"rade. 0e!sib e Coo i!" 0afetyH This is a $er#e!ta"e +a ue that is used to #a #u ate additio!a se!sib e oads abo+e a!d beyo!d the tota #oo i!" se!sib e oad. Dor e&am$ e3 if the tota se!sib e oad is 13000 9TAh a!d the #oo i!" safety +a ue is 10I3 the! the !ew se!sib e oad wi be 13100 9TAh.

B ,he Internal )enerations ,a! The i!ter!a ;e!eratio!s tab dis$ ays a!d a ows the user to i!$ut oad #o!tributi!" #om$o!e!ts su#h as $eo$ e3 e4ui$me!t3 i"hti!"3 i!fi tratio!3 a!d mis#e a!eous +a ues.
,he Internal )enerations ,a! on the Area Parameters "orm

People .eo$ e #o!tribute both se!sib e a!d ate!t oads to the s$a#e a!d #oo i!" oad is affe#ted by $eo$ e si!#e our bodies add heat3 !ot #oo i!"3 to the s$a#e. Tota .eo$ eH The ma&imum !umber of $eo$ e that wi o##u$y the area or room at a!y o!e time is i!$ut here. .eo$ e A#ti+ityH This #ombo bo& dis$ ays differe!t #ate"ories of $eo$ e a#ti+ity with their asso#iated ate!t a!d se!sib e "e!eratio!s i! ,atts $er $erso!. ,he! a #ate"ory is se e#ted from the dro$ dow! ist3 its #orres$o!di!" "e!eratio!s $er $erso! are dis$ ayed i! the $erso! ate!t a!d $erso! se!sib e te&t bo&es. Appliances

C e#tri#a a$$ ia!#es o#ated i! the area or room a so #o!tribute to the heat "e!erated i!ter!a y. 0e e#t A$$ ia!#eH This Combo bo& a ows the user se e#t from a ist of a$$ ia!#es stores i! the data base. ,he! a!y a$$ ia!#e is se e#ted3 its #orres$o!di!" ate!t a!d se!sib e heat +a ues 1i! ,atts2 are dis$ ayed i! the #orres$o!di!" te&t bo&es5 Appliance Latent Heat a!d Appliance Sensi!le Heat. A$$ ia!#e Cou!tH 8ere the !umber of a$$ ia!#e ty$e se e#ted from the abo+e #ombo bo& is e!tered. %t shou d a! i!te"er +a ue. Additional Appliances 8ere3 ,otal Sensi!le 1,atts2 a!d ,otal Latent 1,atts2 heats "e!erated by other a$$ ia!#es i! the s$a#e are e!tered from a side #a #u atio!. This #aters for a!y other a$$ ia!#es i! the s$a#e a$art from the ty$e a ready se e#ted from the #ombo bo&. %iscellaneous /lectric Loads 7is#e a!eous Late!t ,attsH This i!$ut a ows you to s$e#ify $ositi+e or !e"ati+e +a ues for a!y additio!a ate!t #oo i!" oads. The ma&imum +a ue that may be e!tered is 3.0 mi io! ,atts. 7is#e a!eous 0e!sib e ,attsH This i!$ut a ows you to i!$ut $ositi+e or !e"ati+e +a ues for a!y additio!a se!sib e #oo i!" oads. The ma&imum +a ue that may be e!tered is 3.0 mi io! ,atts. Infiltration %!fi tratio! takes i!to a##ou!t !atura air eaka"e i!to bui di!" stru#tures. A!y u!#o!ditio!ed air that does e!ter the s$a#e !eeds to be #o!ditio!ed3 so it wi add to the tota #oo i!" oads. The software o! y a ows the user to e!ter k!ow! i!fi tratio! #oo i!" oads +a ues i! watts as Latent Infiltration a!d Sensi!le Infiltration from a side #a #u atio!. Therefore the +a ues s$e#ified here do !ot u!der "o a!y air #o!ditio!i!" mathemati#a ma!i$u atio!5 rather they are Eust added o! the o+era resu t. Lighting S#stem

Li"hti!" a so #o!tributes a si"!ifi#a!t amou!t of oads to the s$a#e. Coo i!" oads are affe#ted by i"hti!". This i!$ut a ows you to s$e#ify i"hti!" watta"e as ,otal lighting $attage 0$atts13 from a side #a #u atio!.

$all2$indow /n&elope "orm

$all2$indow /n&elope "orm

The ,a G,i!dow e!+e o$e form a ows the user to i!$ut wa a!d wi!dow $arameters for a s$a#e. Area %>H This is im$orta!t i! maki!" sure that the wa a!d wi!dow $arameters e!tered are we mat#hed i! the database as be o!"i!" to a "i+e! s$a#e. %t must be e!tered.

$ wa Gwi!dow $arameter form 2'# wa 2(k wa e!+e o$e5wa orie!tatio!5wa ty$e se e#tio!5wa A?+a ue5wa width5wa hei"ht5wa area5wi!dow e!+e o$e5wi!dow ty$e5wa orie!tatio!5wa ty$e se e#tio!5wi!dow #ou!t5wi!dow hei"ht5wi!dow width5wi!dow A? +a ue5wi!dow area 2)+ 00) 2*> wa 1

$all /n&elope This a ows the user to i!$ut wa e!+e o$e i!formatio!. The user #a! i!$ut as ma!y differe!t ty$es of wa s for ea#h area. Ca#h wa has si& #hara#teristi#s that must be s$e#ified to a##urate y #a #u ate #oo i!" oad #o!tributio!sH ,a /rie!tatio!H This dro$ dow! bo& a ows the user to s$e#ify the orie!tatio! 1i.e. ? whi#h dire#tio! it fa#es2 of the wa H !orth3 south3 east3 a!d west. ,a Ty$e 0e e#tH This i!$ut a ows the user to s$e#ify the materia of the wa . This is used to determi!e the wa A?+a ue 1dis$ ayed i! the ,a A?<a ue te&t bo&2. The user may s$e#ify !othi!" i! this dro$ dow! so !o wa materia is assi"!ed3 a!d the u?+a ue i!$ut wi be set to Jero. A$o! se e#tio! of as wa ty$e from the dro$ dow! ist that wa ty$e des#ri$tio! is dis$ ayed at the bottom i! the wa des#ri$tio! te&tbo& to show the user the se e#tio! made. ,a A?<a ueH The wa A?+a ue is a #o!du#tio! fa#tor e&$ressed i! 1,attG047G=2. %t is a#tua y the re#i$ro#a of the :?<a ue that is more #ommo! y used to des#ribe differe!t ty$es of i!su atio! a!d wa s. The A?+a ue may be determi!ed by addi!" the :?<a ues of se+era differe!t ty$es of ayers of wa materia a!d taki!" the re#i$ro#a of the tota . The hi"her the A?+a ue3 the more heati!" a!d #oo i!" #a! be #o!du#ted throu"h it3 #ausi!" "reater heat osses or "ai!s. The ower the A?+a ue3 the ess heati!" a!d #oo i!" #a! be #o!du#ted3 #ausi!" ess heat oss a!d heat "ai!. The ra!"e of a owab e A?+a ues ra!"es from 0 ? 3'.0 ,G047G=. The A?+a ue is automati#a y se e#ted based u$o! the wa materia that you #hose abo+e. The user #a! a so o+erride it ma!ua y. ,a ,idthH 0$e#ify the width of the wa i! meters. ,a hei"htH 0$e#ify the hei"ht of the wa i! meters. ,a AreaH This is a read?o! y i!$ut that dis$ ays the "ross tota area of the wa . The wa area is e4ua toH ,a ,idth & ,a 8ei"ht

$indow /n&elope The wi!dow e!+e o$e i!$uts a ow the user to s$e#ify $ro$erties for differe!t ty$es of wi!dows for ea#h area. Ca#h wi!dow has si& #hara#teristi#s that must be s$e#ified to a##urate y #a #u ate #oo i!" oad #o!tributio!sH ,i!dow Ty$eH This i!$ut a ows you to s$e#ify the materia of the wi!dow. This is used to determi!e the wi!dow A?+a ue. The user #a! # i#k the dro$ dow! bo& arrow to dis$ ay the e!tire ist of wi!dow materia ty$es. /!#e a materia is se e#ted3 the A?+a ue wi so !o wi!dow materia is assi"!ed3 a!d the A?+a ue i!$ut wi be set to 0. ,i!dow Cou!tH This i!$ut a ows the user to s$e#ify how ma!y of this ty$e of wi!dow e&ists o! a "i+e! wa . The tota area wi i!# ude the width a!d hei"ht of the wi!dow times this mu ti$ ier +a ue. ,i!dow ,idthH 0$e#ify the width of the wi!dow i! meters ,i!dow 8ei"htH 0$e#ify the hei"ht of the wi!dow i! meters. ,i!dow A?<a ueH The wi!dow A?+a ue is a #o!du#tio! fa#tor e&$ressed i! 1,attG047G=2. ,i!dow AreaH This is a read?o! y i!$ut the dis$ ays the tota area of the wi!dow. The wi!dow area is e4ua toH ,i!dow ,idth & ,i!dow 8ei"ht & 7u ti$ ier <a ue The tota area of a wi!dows assi"!ed to a wa is subtra#ted from the wa tota area3 so that the !et wa area is used to #a #u ate wa oad #o!tributio!s. A so3 the tota area of wi!dows that are assi"!ed to a #orres$o!di!" wa #a!!ot be "reater tha! the tota area of the wa . A! error wi o##ur whe! you are tryi!" to #a #u ate the #oo i!" oad. automati#a y $o$u ate the A?+a ue i!$ut bo& dis#ussed be ow. Kou #a! a so s$e#ify !othi!" i! this dro$ dow!


$all Partitions "orm3 Settings "orm and Sample Reports

,he $all Partitions "orm

A $artitio! se$arates a #o!ditio!ed s$a#e from a! u!#o!ditio!ed s$a#e. A $artitio! is +ery simi ar to a wa e!+e o$e3 e&#e$t for o!e maEor differe!#eH si!#e a $artitio! does !ot fa#e the outside3 there are !o so ar oad #o!tributio!s. As a resu t3 $artitio!s #o!tribute far ess #oo i!" oads tha! a! outside wa . A $artitio! #a! be a!y !umber of thi!"s3 su#h asH B A wa se$arati!" a #o!ditio!ed offi#e s$a#e from a! u!#o!ditio!ed warehouse area. B A! abo+e?s ab f oor that is o#ated abo+e a! u!#o!ditio!ed s$a#e The $artitio! i!$uts o! the form a ow the user to s$e#ify $ro$erties of u$ to as ma!y differe!t ty$es of $artitio!s for ea#h area. Ca#h $artitio! has four #hara#teristi#s that must be s$e#ified to a##urate y #a #u ate #oo i!" oad #o!tributio!sH Area Sla! "orm

$ wa $artitio!s form3 setti!"s form a!d sam$ e re$orts 2@# ware 30k $artitio!s i!$ut 31+ 00* 32> ware1

The 0 abs Dorm show! be ow e!ab es the user to e!ter s ab e!"th3 width a!d to se e#t the s ab #o!stru#tio! materia for automati# dis$ ay of the s ab A?+a ue. The s ab Area is "e!erated automati#a y from the e!tered +a ues of width a!d e!"th with a si!" e # i#k i! the s ab area te&tbo&.


Settings "orm

Drom this form3 the user #a! se e#t dis$ ay sta!dard out$ut re$orts su#h as oad breakdow! for a stru#tura #om$o!e!ts asso#iated with the s$a#e u!der #o!sideratio!. ,he Report Settings "orm

Drom the :e$ort 0etti!"s form3 two o$tio!s are a+ai ab e for out$utH 1. ;e!erate :e$ort for :oom 0$e#ified 2. ;e!erate Combi!ed :oom :e$ort 9oth /$tio!s #a!!ot be se e#ted at the same time. The first o$tio! e!ab es the user to s$e#ify a room 1i! #ase more tha! o!e room has bee! e!tered2 a!d to s$e#ify a! Area 7u ti$ ier i! #ase ma!y rooms of the same si6e are a+ai ab e. The se#o!d o$tio! e!ab es the user to "e!erate a re$ort that #ombi!es #a #u atio!s for a the e!tered rooms with their o+era #oo i!" oad. Sample Report )enerated !# Selecting 'ption 1

$ setti!"s form 33# sett 34k sam$ e re$ort se e#ti!" o$tio!15sam$ e re$ort se e#ti!" o$tio!25tha!k you for #hoosi!" #oo i!" oad 3'+ 00@ 3(> sett1

Sample Report )enerated !# Selecting 'ption 4

9oth /$tio!s #a!!ot be se e#ted at the same time. The first o$tio! e!ab es the user to s$e#ify a room 1i! #ase more tha! o!e room has bee! e!tered2 a!d to s$e#ify a! Area 7u ti$ ier i! #ase ma!y rooms of the same si6e are a+ai ab e. The se#o!d o$tio! e!ab es the user to "e!erate a re$ort that #ombi!es #a #u atio!s for a the e!tered rooms with their o+era #oo i!" oad. ,HA+( 5'6 "'R CH''SI+) ACLoads 1.0.0

7 %6H6%68A R'+AL 4009

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