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=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= Requirements =-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= Version: For use with the Microsoft Speech Platform SDK v11.

0 Installation: - Make sure you have already installed the Microsoft Speech .g., "SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi"). - Make sure you have already installed the Microsoft Speech "MicrosoftSpeechPlatformSDK.msi"). - Ensure that you have installed a local recognizer such as ine (e.g., "MSSpeech_SR_en-US_TELE.msi") which available for eb. Platform Runtime (e Platform SDK (e.g., the local EN-US eng download from the w

=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= Folder contents =-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= This folder contains files to demonstrate the Simulator.exe tool in order to sim ulate recogtion results through a locally installed recognizer. This package includes the following files: 1) A set of audio files. 2) A set of grammars. 3) Sample_InputToSimulator.xml: A sample input file to Simulator which indicates 11 wave files with associated transcriptions and grammars to process through Simulator. 4) Sample_OutputFromSimulator-InputToSimulatorResultsAnalyzer.xml: A sample outp ut file which shows the results of running the input file through Simluator. 5) Sample_OutputFromSimulatorResultsAnalyzer.xml: A sample output file from Simu latorResultsAnalyzer.exe. =-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= Before running Simulator.exe =-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= The sample input file ("Sample_EMMA_Input.xml") references the two supporting fo lders ("grammars" and "waves"). You will need to place the "grammars" and "waves " folders in the same folder as the simulator.exe tool. =-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= Example Simulator.exe run =-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= Simulator.exe takes an input file in EMMA XML format (W3C standard) that contain s a set of utterance references (i.e., wave files), their transcriptions, and gr ammar references. Simulator performs recognition based on the recognizer configu ration and then outputs the results in EMMA XML format. The resulting output is a rich set of information based on the recognition results. Run the following from the command line: > Simulator.exe -In "..\Samples\Sample Simulator\Sample_InputToSimulator.xml" -O

ut myOutputFile.xml -RecoConfig "..\Samples\Sample Configurations\RecoConfig_Loc al_Engine_Example.xml" Info: Starting Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.1.0 Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.0.0 Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.2.0 Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.4.0 Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.3.0 Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.6.0 Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.5.0 Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.8.0 Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.7.0 Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.9.0 Info: Completed getting transcript semantics of utterance Info: Completed recognizing utterance utterance_0.0.10.0 Info: Completed 22 recognitions: 0 errors. Processing Complete: 0 Error(s). 0 Warning(s) > =-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Example SimulatorResultsAnalyzer.exe run =-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SimulatorResultsAnalyzer.exe takes the output from Simulator.exe in order to gen erate an analysis of the overall recognition performance. The resulting output X ML can be used to generate graphical reports or summaries of the recognition per formance. (Note, the SDK does not currently contain any graphical tools in which to view the results.) > SimulatorResultsAnalyzer.exe -In myOutputFile.xml -Out myOutputFile.Analyzed.x ml Info: C:\Users\jaywaltm.REDMOND\Desktop\M3 SDK ZABB build 7413.85\Tools\myOutput File.xml: 11 utterances read Info: Processed 1/1 input files Info: 11 utterances analyzed Info: Successfully output details to "myOutputFile.Analyzed.xml" Processing Complete: 0 Error(s). 0 Warning(s) > In the example above, "myOutputFile.Analyzed.xml" would contain the same content as the file "Sample_OutputFromSimulatorResultsAnalyzer.xml" provided under the "<SDK>\Samples\Sample Simulator\" folder. See the SDK Help documentation (under <SDK>\docs\MicrosoftSpeechPlatformSDK.chm) on interpreting the output XML results. utterance_0.0.1.0 utterance_0.0.0.0

utterance_0.0.3.0 utterance_0.0.2.0 utterance_0.0.4.0 utterance_0.0.5.0 utterance_0.0.6.0 utterance_0.0.7.0 utterance_0.0.8.0 utterance_0.0.9.0 utterance_0.0.10.0

[end of file.]

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