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1. You are almost never late for your appointments YES NO 2.

You like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job YES NO

. You enjoy !aving a "ide circle of ac#uaintances YES NO

$. You feel involved "!en "atc!ing %& soaps YES NO

'. You are usually t!e first to react to a sudden event( suc! as t!e telep!one ringing or une)pected #uestion YES NO

*. You are more interested in a general idea t!an in t!e details of its reali+ation YES NO

,. You tend to be unbiased even if t!is mig!t endanger your good relations "it! people YES NO

-. Strict observance of t!e establis!ed rules is likely to prevent a good outcome YES NO

.. /t0s difficult to get you e)cited YES NO

11. /t is in your nature to assume responsibility YES NO

11. You often t!ink about !umankind and its destiny YES NO

12. You believe t!e best decision is one t!at can be easily c!anged YES NO

1 . Objective criticism is al"ays useful in any activity YES NO

1$. You prefer to act immediately rat!er t!an speculate about various options YES NO

1'. You trust reason rat!er t!an feelings



1*. You are inclined to rely more on improvisation t!an on prior planning YES NO

1,. You spend your leisure time actively sociali+ing "it! a group of people( attending parties( s!opping( etc. YES NO

1-. You usually plan your actions in advance YES NO

1.. Your actions are fre#uently influenced by emotions YES NO

21. You are a person some"!at reserved and distant in communication YES NO

21. You kno" !o" to put every minute of your time to good purpose YES NO

22. You readily !elp people "!ile asking not!ing in return YES NO

2 . You often contemplate t!e comple)ity of life YES NO

2$. 2fter prolonged sociali+ing you feel you need to get a"ay and be alone YES NO

2'. You often do jobs in a !urry YES NO

2*. You easily see t!e general principle be!ind specific occurrences YES NO

2,. You fre#uently and easily e)press your feelings and emotions YES NO

2-. You find it difficult to speak loudly YES NO

2.. You get bored if you !ave to read t!eoretical books YES NO

1. You tend to sympat!i+e "it! ot!er people YES NO

1. You value justice !ig!er t!an mercy YES NO

2. You rapidly get involved in t!e social life of a ne" "orkplace YES NO

. %!e more people "it! "!om you speak( t!e better you feel YES NO

$. You tend to rely on your e)perience rat!er t!an on t!eoretical alternatives YES NO

'. You like to keep a c!eck on !o" t!ings are progressing YES NO

*. You easily empat!i+e "it! t!e concerns of ot!er people YES NO

,. You often prefer to read a book t!an go to a party YES NO

-. You enjoy being at t!e center of events in "!ic! ot!er people are directly involved YES NO

.. You are more inclined to e)periment t!an to follo" familiar approac!es YES NO

$1. You avoid being bound by obligations YES NO

$1. You are strongly touc!ed by stories about people0s troubles YES NO

$2. 3eadlines seem to you to be of relative( rat!er t!an absolute( importance



$ . You prefer to isolate yourself from outside noises YES NO

$$. /t0s essential for you to try t!ings "it! your o"n !ands YES NO

$'. You t!ink t!at almost everyt!ing can be analy+ed YES NO

$*. 4ailing to complete your task on time makes you rat!er uncomfortable YES NO

$,. You take pleasure in putting t!ings in order YES NO

$-. You feel at ease in a cro"d YES NO

$.. You !ave good control over your desires and temptations YES NO

'1. You easily understand ne" t!eoretical principles YES NO

'1. %!e process of searc!ing for a solution is more important to you t!an t!e solution itself YES NO

'2. You usually place yourself nearer to t!e side t!an in t!e center of a room YES NO

' . 5!en solving a problem you "ould rat!er follo" a familiar approac! t!an seek a ne" one YES NO

'$. You try to stand firmly by your principles YES NO

''. 2 t!irst for adventure is close to your !eart YES NO

'*. You prefer meeting in small groups over interaction "it! lots of people



',. 5!en considering a situation you pay more attention to t!e current situation and less to a possible se#uence of events YES NO

'-. 5!en solving a problem you consider t!e rational approac! to be t!e best YES NO

'.. You find it difficult to talk about your feelings YES NO

*1. You often spend time t!inking of !o" t!ings could be improved YES NO

*1. Your decisions are based more on t!e feelings of a moment t!an on t!e t!oroug! planning YES NO

*2. You prefer to spend your leisure time alone or rela)ing in a tran#uil atmosp!ere YES NO

* . You feel more comfortable sticking to conventional "ays YES NO

*$. You are easily affected by strong emotions YES NO

*'. You are al"ays looking for opportunities YES NO

**. Your desk( "orkbenc!( etc. is usually neat and orderly YES NO

*,. 2s a rule( current preoccupations "orry you more t!an your future plans YES NO

*-. You get pleasure from solitary "alks YES NO

*.. /t is easy for you to communicate in social situations



,1. You are consistent in your !abits YES NO

,1. You "illingly involve yourself in matters "!ic! engage your sympat!ies YES NO

,2. You easily perceive various "ays in "!ic! events could develop YES Your age6 7ender6 NO

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