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ONGC Placement Papers - GT-09 exam in petroleum engineering stream on 25 oct-09 in delhi
#i all"""I have given O$%C %&'() e*am in petroleum engineering stream on +, oct'() in -elhi" the paper consists of two parts" ./%eneral awareness 0( 12 one mar3s each/ +/4u! ect 4peciali5ation 6(1 2 .", mar3s each/ + -escriptive 1uestions in each section"2 , mar3s each/ no negative mar3ing" %eneral awareness ./First In-ian cit7 to have sea lin3 through !ri-ge'mum!ai +/Chairman of planning commission of in-ia' P8 9/:ho ma-e triple centur7 from in-ia ' ;" 4<#:A% 0/where is microsoft hea- 1uarters locate-' CA=IFOR$IA ,/where is largest !otanical gar-en in in-ia locate-'>O=>A&A ?/elephenta pass is in which countr7' 4RI=A$>A @/Author of Athe -iscover7 of in-ia' B"="$<#RC 6/Author of Am7 countr7 m7 lifeA' =">"AD;A$I )/A:AC4'Aair!orne warning an- control s7stemA from which countr7 !ought !7 in-ia' I4ARI<= .(/8ilitar7 training Ahan- on han- A with which countr7' C#I$A ../AaseanA -evelopment !an3 hea- 1uarters locate- inE .+/Asia,s first D$A i-entification s7stem is situate- in which cit7' =CC>$O: .9/which countr7 is most effecte- !7 $argisE 87anmar .0/Calligraph7 means'R<=A&<D &O A$CI<$& %RAP#F .,/Recipient of Apa-ma vi!hushanA for social wor3 'sister nirmala .?/&he moscut of +(.( common wealth games to !e hel- in -elhi contains which animal'4#<RA .@/=ongest river in worl-'A8AGO$ .6/In-ian national river'ganga .)/%reen !an3ingE +(/Apro ect arrowA starte- !7 which -epartment' ,PostalA +./3uchipu-i !elongs to which state'an-hra pra-esh ++/International -ate line passes through which sea'pacific +9/:#O I4 &#< #<AD OF %A$%A AC&#ORI&F OF I$DIA'P8 +0/:#IC# CA$ H< AHO=I4#<D HC& $O& DI44O=;<' =<%I4=A&I;< COC$CI= +,/:#O :O$ &#< HRO$G< 8<DA= I$ H<IBI$% O=F8PIC4 I$ HOII$%' ;"4I$%# +?/$<:FOR> I4 4I&CA&<D O$ :#IC# RI;<R' #CD4O$ +@/%DP OF I$DIA'?"@ +6/CO88I&&<< R<=A&<D &O <DCCA&IO$' &#< A$4:<R :A4 FA4PA= CO88I&&< +)/I$DIA$ CI;I= 4<R;IC< CA8< I$ I$DIA C$D<R &#< %O;<R$OR OF' =ORD RIPPO$ 9(/FIR4& A&O8IC DRI;<$ $A;A= A&&AC> 4#IP OF I$DIA' I"$"4 ARI#A$& 9./:#O I4 .?&# C#I<F <=<C&IO$ CO88I44IO$<R' $A;<<$ C#A:=A 9+/ operation !lac3!oar- relate- to' primar7 e-ucation 99/the t7pe of lenses use- to see the 9D 8O;I<4' polari-e 90/one 1uestion relate- to vitamin D"2 i forgot the actual 1uestion/ 9,/in-ia fiscal -eficit 9?/ groath rate of agricultural sector'."?2+((6'+(()/

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For Placement Papers & Interview Questions Of Other Companies, Register At http:// o!spert"com 9@/sr3 cric3et frenchisies name an- state 96/ 9)/ 0(/ 4CHB<C&I;< ./:rite in !rief a!out glo!al awareness against terrorismE +"<ffect on econom7 in recent recession timeE 4u! ect speciali5ation well, all the 1uestion was from refining section" the 1uestion was not so much !asics" answer wants the e*haustive stu-7" the 1uestion was une*pecte- for most of the petroleum engineers, this is !ecause of ongc wor3ing in upstream sector" i am mentioning some of the 1uestion from petroleum !ranch paper' ./ formula of wo!!e no" +/what is wo!!e no" of =P% 9/-iesel in-ec* formula 0/API gravit7 formula ,/ aniline point formula ?/ =P% pressure at 96Jc @/=P% pressure at ?6Jc 6/fee-stoc3 for al37lation process )/isomeri5ation favour at 2 low temp"/ .(/al37lation favour at ../high octane no gasoline come !7 which process .+/removal of lighter component from heav7 cru-e is calle.9/sour gas is -ue to presence of .0/if a cru-e having , mg clori-e then the cru-e is calle.,/asphalt is the pro-uct of which process .?/ the test for asphalt is -one !7 .@/ 0 to , 1uestion was from -ela7e- co3ing .6/ 0 to , 1uestion was from reforming process .)/!oiling point range for gasolineK +(/!oiling point of lu!e oil +./removal of oil from wa* is calle++/ calorific value of =P% in m /3g +9/the e*perimental test relate- to gasoline is +0/-eh7-ration or -esulpheri5ation, which process is -one earlier +,/in -esalting process, the voltage applie- is2 the answer was ver7 confusing" !asicall7 its range is from .+0(( to 90(((;/ +?/ softening point is chec3 !7 +@/smo3e point -efinition +6/to -ecrease the smo3e point, which component will !e is remove+)/1uestion relate- to penetration test 9(/ process relate- to -esalting 4CHB<C&I;<

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For Placement Papers & Interview Questions Of Other Companies, Register At http:// o!spert"com ./ what is the isomeri5ation process, e*plain with mechanism +/what is al37lation process, e*plain with mechanism i am :RI&I$% the 1uestion after .( -a7s of the e*am" so, it is not eas7 for me to recall all the 1uestion" :ell, the %4 section was not so much eas7, as man7 of u have claim" some 1uestion was eas7 !ut the some was e*traor-inar7 speciall7 for engineers" Although, i answere- the most of the 1uestion an- i gave the answer what i have written in e*am"

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