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School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation

: .Junior High School : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : +.& Natural Pheno"enon : -.-/ "inute#

A. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E 3. Understanding the natural phenomena by using scientific method B. BAS%) )O2PE,EN)E +.& To observe objects systematically in order to gain information about natural phenomena, both biotic and a biotic ). LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES The students are able to : 1. Mention scientific method 2. Using the scientific method to solve the problems 3. erform the !ualitative and !uantitative e"periment #. Ma$e a conclusion from e"periment result and perform presentation 0. LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS %cientific method, scientific attitude E. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0!LEA1N%NG 2O0EL 2o el &ooperative 'earning roblem (ased )nstruction 2etho )nformation *iscussion +"periment 3. S,EP O3 A),%$%,%ES: 3ir#t 2eeting a. O*ening Motivation and apperception: 1. ,ave you ever heard about scientists2. *o they .or$ for hours at laboratory rere!uisite /no.ledge 0hat does science mean resenting learning objectives and $ey.ords .hich .ill be used often during the lesson b. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher presenting information about science and scientists. 1 Phase 2 2 The teacher as$ing students to have a seat in 3 1si"2 group 1 Phase 3 2 )n each group, the student4s have to discuss about is scientific method and scientific attitude. 1 Phase #2 +ach group sends their representative to present the discussion result. 1Phase 52 The teacher ascertains that all of students already $no. the correct information. 1Phase 52

c. )lo#ure The teacher evaluating students .ith giving an oral !uestion around the objectives to reach for. 1 Phase 52 6ive a re.ard for students or group .hich presents a good perform. 1Phase 6) The teacher guides students to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson. The teacher reminds students to prepare an e"periment for the ne"t meeting. Secon 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception: Motivation and apperception: 1. ,ave you ever $no. ho. does the scientists .or$2. ,ave you ever do an e"periment systematically rere!uisite /no.ledge 0hat is the scientific method resenting learning objectives and $ey.ords .hich .ill be used often during the lesson +"periment pre re!uisite (e careful in conducting an e"periment b. 2ain Acti4itie# %tudents divided into five groups %tudents have seat in a group, one of the student in group ta$e a materials to prepare an e"periments and .or$sheet. %tudents perform an e"periment to observe get gases from vinegar and ba$ing soda. Teacher give a big paper for each group to ma$e a result poster and put their poster at the .all so that other group can read for it +ach group going around the class to give an argument each other Teacher ascertains that all of the groups $no. the correct c. )lo#ure The teacher evaluating students .ith giving an oral !uestion around the objectives to reach for. The teacher as$s students to do e"periment to observe the better place for plants to gro. and report the result at the ne"t meeting. 6ive a re.ard for students or group .hich presents a good perform. The teacher guides students to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson. G. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES: %tudent boo$ from *irectorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment page 12891#3 %tudent 0or$ %heet +"perimental e!uipments and materials :eference boo$ H. ASSESS2EN,: )ndicator of ;chievement %tudents are able to : ;ssessment Technical Types of )nstrument %ample of )nstrument

+"plain ho.

0ritten test

+ssay test

%cientists use a series of steps called scientific method to solve the problem. 0hat are step of scientific method-

&onfident and
polite in as$ing !uestions and giving arguments

;ttitude test

<ill in the blan$

=o =ame ;ttitude confident


!ualitative observation systematically

erformance test

rocedural .or$ing test

erform an e"periment to observe the gas formed from ba$ing soda and vinegar erform an e"periment to observe the better places for plants to gro.l

!ualitative observation systematically

erformance test

rocedural .or$ing test

1ubric 6or Proce ural 7or8ing te#t =o 1. 2. 3. # ;spect Using e"periments e!uipment .ith good and clean erform an e"periment .ith the correct procedure 6athering data from the e"periment Ma$e a conclusion Ma"imum %core 2 3 2 3 1>

;c$no.ledged by, rinciple of """""""""""""

7a$arta, %eptember 2>>@ %cience9(iology Teacher




LESSON PLAN School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation : . Junior High School : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : +.9 2%cro#co*e : -.-/ "inute#

A. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E 3. Understanding the natural phenomena by using scientific method B. BAS%) )O2PE,EN)E +.9 To use microscope and other supporting e!uipment to observe living phenomena. ). LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES The students are able to : a. Mention all of the microscope4s parts b. the microscope4s parts c. +"plain the function of each parts in microscope d. Using microscope correctly e. Mention the name of the slice4s shape f. Ma$e a .et specimen using free slice manually g. Ma$e a .et specimen using forceps h. *issecting animals 0.LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS a. The part of microscope b. The function of microscope c. Using microscope d. Ma$e a cross.ise slice e. Ma$e a length.ise slice f. Ma$e a .et specimen E. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0!LEA1N%NG 2O0EL 2o el: 1. &ooperative 'earning 2. roblem (ased )nstruction 2etho : 1. &ooperative 'earning 2. roblem (ased )nstruction 3. S,EP O3 A),%$%,%ES: 3ir#t 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception: 1. ,ave you ever seen the microscope- 1Phase 1 2 rere!uisite /no.ledge 0hat do you $no. about microscope +"periment re9re!uisite (e careful in conducting the e"periment

b. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher presenting an information about microscope 1Phase 12 The teacher as$ing students to have seat in 5 groups )n each group, the students have to discuss about parts of microscope and its function +ach group send their representative to present the discussion result 1Phase 5 2 The teacher ascertains that all of students already $no. the correct information. 1Phase 5 2 c. )lo#ure The teacher evaluating students .ith giving an oral !uestion around the objectives to reach for 6ive a re.ard for students or group .hich presents a good perform. The teacher guides students to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson. The teacher reminds students to prepare an e"periment for the ne"t meeting. Secon 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception: 9 &an you made a specimen by your self rere!uisite /no.ledge 0hich condition of materials that can be observed by using microscope resenting learning objectives and $ey.ords .hich .ill be used often during the lesson b. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher divide students into five groups +ach group preparing their e!uipment and materials .hich .ill be need during the lesson Teacher presenting the .ays to ma$e a microscope slide %tudents ma$e a microscope slide from onion s$in %tudents record the data from their e"periment result and report it in front of the class c. )lo#ure 6ive a re.ard for students or group .hich presents a good perform. The teacher guides students to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson. The teacher reminds students to prepare an e"periment for the ne"t meeting. G. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES a. %tudent boo$ from *irectorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment page 1329185 b. %tudent 0or$ %heet from *irectorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment page @2, @39@A, @@91>2 c. +"perimental e!uipments and materials d. :eference boo$ H. ASSESS2EN,: )ndicators of ;chievement %tudents are able to : ;ssessment Types of instrument )dentification test


%ample or )nstrument

/ the part of


0ritten test

Mention all of the parts in Microscope

based on the pictureB

Using the
microscope correctly

erformance test

rocedural .or$ing test

Cbserve the specimen by using microscopeB Ma$e a section in different .aysB 1 ma$ing a free slice manually and using forceps2

Ma$e a .et
specimen in different .ays

erformance test

rocedural .or$ing test

1ubric 6or Proce ural 7or8ing te#t =o 1. 2. 3. # ;spect Using e"periments e!uipment .ith good and clean erform an e"periment .ith the correct procedure 6athering data from the e"periment Ma$e a conclusion Ma"imum Score . % eal Score 2a.i"u" Score %core 2 3 2 3 1>

3inal Score:

;c$no.ledged by, rinciple of """""""""""""

7a$arta, %eptembe 2>>@ %cience9(iology Teacher

?"""""""""""""""" ?""""""""""""""


LESSON PLAN School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation : Junior High School : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : +.+ :or8 Sa6ety : -.-/ "inute#

A. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E
3. Understanding the natural phenomena by using scientific method

+.+ To apply .or$ safety in carrying out observation of natural phenomena ). LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES %tudents are able to: 1. $no. and understand chemical symbols 2. interpret the chemical symbols 3. study and apply the rules and safe .or$ practice 0. LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS )n a biology laboratory, students do e"periments and they have to .or$ safely. <or the safety, every student must follo. safety rules. Cther.ise many substances in laboratory are dangerous so the students have to $no. the chemical symbols. The terms that should be mastered by the students are: 1. symbols on chemical pac$aging 2. rules and safety .or$ practice in laboratory E. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0!LEA1N%NG 2O0EL: 2o el : &ooperative 'earning *irect )nstruction 2etho : Cbservation *iscussion 3. S,EP O3 A),%$%,%ES: 3ir#t 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation : teacher points to a chemical pac$age .ith symbol re9condition : students $no. that it contain dangerous chemical substances b. 2ain acti4itie# %tudents observed and noted forms, symbols or labels that is present in chemical substance pac$age %tudents are guided by teacher to discuss and formulate rules for .or$ practice safely c. )lo#ing Teacher guides student to ma$e conclusion.

G. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES 1. %tudent boo$ from *irectorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment page 18391@3 2. %tudent 0or$ %heet *irectorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment page 1>39111 3. +"perimental e!uipments and materials #. :eference boo$ H. ASSESS2EN,: )ndicators of ;chievement ,andling, ta$ing using e!uipment and materials safety )dentify symbols at laboratories

;ssessment Technical erformance test Types of )nstrument rocedural .or$ing test %ample or )nstrument Ta$e, bring and use a microscope correctly

0ritten test

Multiple choice

0hich one of these materials that causing respiration disturbancea ,2%C# b. ,&) c. <ormaldehyde d. ;lcohol Ta$e 3 materials and mention .hat does each symbols mean-

)dentify symbols at laboratories

erformance test

)dentification test

1ubric 6or Proce ural 7or8ing te#t =o ;spect 1. Tal$ing microscope correctly 2. (ring microscope correctly 3. Using microscope correctly Ma"imum %core 2 2 2 3

;c$no.ledged by, rinciple of """""""""""""

7a$arta, %eptember 2>>@ %cience9(iology Teacher




LESSON PLAN School School Ja8arta Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation : ......... Junior High

: Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : ;.& Aci < ba#e an #alt : 9 .-/ "inute#

A. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E 5. To understand the characteristics of acid, base, and salt. B. BAS%) )O2PE,EN)E 5.1. &lassify the characteristics of acid, base and salt solution by using accurate tools and indicators. ). LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES %tudent are able to: D )dentify the characteristics of acid, base, and salt, using a suitable indicator. D &lassify substance in our daily life based on acid, base, and salt concept D Use an indicator to $no. the p, of a substance D Understand the concept of neutraliEation reaction 0. LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS ;cid, base, and salt.

1. 'earning model: a. &ooperative learning. b. *irect instruction. c. e"periment 2. Method: Cbservation. 3. LEA1N%NG A),%$%,%ES 3ir#t 2eeting %ntro uction a. :emind the student about materials that they must bring to the laboratory b. Motivate the student by as$ing, F,ave you ever taste vinegar- 0hat is the taste-G. 2ain acti4ity . a. Teacher guides students to ma$e groups. b. Teacher and students4 discuss about acid, base, and salt and then determine their characteristics by using p, indicator. c. Teacher gives an observational .or$sheet paper to the student d. Teacher and students4 prepares acid, base, and salt solution. %tudents observe and categoriEe them. d. %tudents discus and communicate in groups. )lo#ure

a. Teacher and students ma$e summary. b. Teacher gives .ritten test about acid, base and salt.

Secon 2eeting %ntro uction a. :emind the student about acid, base, and salt concept and their characters b. Motivate the student by as$ing,G do you ever mi" acid .ith base- 0hat .ill happen-G. 2ain acti4ity a. Teacher gives instruction to students to mi" the acid .ith base solution and measure the p, by using p, indicators b. The student $no. the p, of the mi"ture c. The student as$ to the teacher .hat it happend. The teacher e"plaining it by using animation e. The teacher and the student have a discussion )lo#ure a. Teacher and students4 ma$e a summary b. Teacher gives .ritten test about neutraliEation reaction

9 9 9 9 9

%cience interactive boo$ observational .or$sheet laboratory apparatus chemical substances )6&%+ media

H. ASSESS2EN, rocedure : 9 0ritten test 9 Cbservation test 9 roduct result test : 9 Multiple choices. 9 )dentification test. 9 +ssay


%. A##e##"ent ,echni=ue )ndicators of achievement ;ssessment +"ample of )nstrument


D )dentify the .ritten characteristics of acid, test base, and salt, using a suitable indicator.

Type of )nstrument Multiple )f blue litmus paper react .ith a solution the choice litmus paper .ill be red, so the solution isH a. acid c. salt b. base d. neutral

D &lassify substance in Cbservati )dentification &lassify the substances into acid, base, and our daily life based on on test test saltB acid, base, and salt concept

)ndicators of achievement D Use an indicator to $no. the p, of a substance


Type of )nstrument

;ssessment +"ample of )nstrument

roduct )dentification Measure the p, of the substances by using result test test p, indicatorB +ssay 0rite the chemical e!uation from the reaction of hydrochloric acid .ith sodium hydro"ideB

D Understand the 0ritten concept of test neutraliEation reaction

ersonal procedural chec$list *etermine the acidity degree of a substance using a p, indicators =o. ;spects %core 1. ;ccuracy in using , stic$. 2 2. *o activity by using save procedure. 2 3. 6et data from activity. 2 #. Ma$e summery. 2 Total score A
Ac8no7le ge by< Princi*al o6 .... Ja8arta< Se*te"ber 9//> Science -Biology ,eacher






%%. ,HEO1@

%%%. ,OOLS< 2A,E1%ALS< AN0 2E,HO0S A. ,OOLS

B. 2A,E1%ALS

). 2E,HO0S

%$. 1ES5L, AN0 0%S)5SS%ON A. 1ES5L, No. Sub#tanceA# Na"e Lit"u# *a*er 1e Blue *H egree )la##i6y to Ba#e Salt


B. 0%S)5SS%ON

$. S522A1@


LESSON PLAN School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation : .... Junior High School : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : B.& )haracteri#tic# o6 Li4ing ,hing# : -.-/ "inute#

A. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E 1. Understanding the diversity of living tings

B. BAS%) O3 )O2PE,EN)E 3.1. To identify the characteristics of living things

). LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$E The students are able to: 1. &ollect information about the characteristics of living things 2. To conclude and .rite a report about living things 3. +"plain the characteristics of living things

0. LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS : &haracteristics of living things: 'iving things have several characteristics different from non9living things, such as moving, reproducing, sensing, using nutrition, using energy, respiring, and :espiring :espiration is the process of brea$ing up food and giving off energy. 'iving things ta$e o"ygen and release carbon dio"ide during respiration. The respiration produces energy, .ater vapors, and carbon dio"ide. Moving ; plant gro.s to.ards the sun light. (irds fly, sna$es slither, horses .al$, .e .al$ and run. <lying, slithering, .al$ing and running are .ays of moving. %o, all organisms move, but not all are able to move to different places. :eceiving and :esponding to %timulus Touch a Mimosa pudica4s leaves, .hat happen- )t .ill close its leaves. Cne characteristic of an organism is to respond to its surrounding. ;n e"ample of such a response is a plant to.ards the light. and *eveloping is a changing process by increasing the siEe and number of cells. (esides, there is also a maturation process .hich is called development. ,uman beings gro. from infants to adults. :eproducing ;ll living things reproduce. ;nimals li$e co.s and deer reproduce by giving birth, .hile others li$e turtles and chic$ens reproduce by laying eggs.

E. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0 ! LEA1N%NG 2O0EL : Model: &ooperative learning *irect instruction

Method: )nformation discussion +"periment

3. S,EP O3 A),%$%,%ES: 3ir#t 2eeting a. O*ening acti4itie# Motivation and apperception : *o you $no., .hat is the difference bet.een living things and non living things 0hy .e have to learn the characteristic of living things rere!uisite $no.ledge The characteristics of human that classifying human as living things areH resenting learning objectives about $ey.ords .hich .ill be used often during the lesson

b. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher presenting information about map concept of living things. The teacher divided students into 5 per a group. +ach group prepare their e!uipments and materials .hich .ill be need during the lesson. The teacher presenting the e"periment4s step for activity 3.1 and 3.3 in student4s .or$sheet page 112 and 113.

%tudents to perform an e"periment 3.1 and 3.3. )n each group, the students have to discuss about the e"periment result and report in front of the class and each group sends their representative to present the discussion result. The teacher ascertains that all students already $no. the correct information.

c. )lo#ing Acti4itie# The teacher evaluation students .ith giving an oral !uestion around the objective to reach for. 6ive a re.ard for student or group .itch present a good performance. The teacher guides student to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson. The teacher reminds student to prepare an e"periment for the ne"t meeting.

Secon 2eeting a. O*ening Acti4itie# motivation and apperception : Motivation 0hat are the important characteristics of living things rere!uisite $no.ledge The characteristics of living things are H.resenting learning objective an e"plain logistic .hich .ill be need during the lesson

b. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher divided students into 5 groups. +ach group to prepare their e!uipments and materials .hich .ill be need during the lesson. The teacher presenting the e"periment4s step for activity 3.2 in student4s .or$sheet page 113. %tudents to perform an e"periment 3.2. )n each group, the students have to discuss about the e"periment result and report in front of the class and each group sends their representative to present the discussion result.

The teacher ascertains that all students already $no. the correct information.

c. )lo#ing acti4itie# Teacher evaluation student .ith giving an oral !uestion around the objectives to reach for. give re.ard for student or group .hich presents a good performance Teacher guides student to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson.

G. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES a. %tudent boo$ from directorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment chapter 5, page 1@>. b. %tudent4s .or$sheet from directorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment, page 112 9 113 c. :eference boo$. d. %lides


)ndicator of achievement To )dentifying the characteristics of living things

Techni!ue 0ritten test

;ssessment Types of %ample of )nstrument )nstrument Multiple choice 1. respiring 2. moving 3. and developing #. receiving and responding to stimulus 'iving thing4s characteristics are H a. 1,2,3,# b. 1,2,3 c. 1,3 d. 2, # 0or$ing report &hose 3 living things and identify charecteristic of them

Ma$e a reporting about the characteristics of living things based on the observarional result

erformance test

*istinguish the charecteristics of plant,l animal, and human

0riten test


0rite 2 characteristics of living things that distinguish plant, animal and human

;c$no.ledged by, rinciple of """""""""""""

7a$arta, %eptembe 2>>@ %cience9(iology Teacher

?"""""""""""""""" ?""""""""""""""


LESSON PLAN School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation : .... Junior High School Ja8arta : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : B.9 0i4er#ity o6 Li4ing ,hing# : -.-/ "inute#

A. S,AN0A10 O3 )O2PE,EN)E 3. Understanding the diversity of living things B. BAS%) O3 )O2PE,EN)E 3.2. To describe diversity of life system from cell to organism level ). LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$E 1. To describe the variation of cell based on an observation using microscope 2. To compare both animal and plant cell 3. To describe $inds of tissue based on the cells that construct them #. To describe variation of organs and organs systems based on an observation 5. To $no. the relationship of cells, tissue, organ and organ system 0. LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS CrganiEation of life E. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0!LEA1N%NG 2O0EL Model : 1. &ooperative learning 2. *irect instruction Method : 1. )nformation discussion 2. +"periment

%cientific s$ill: observing, measuring, communicating

3. ,EA)H%NG A),%$%,%ES 3ir#t 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception did you ever loo$ a cell ho. many cell do you have in your body .hat tool do you use if you .ant to loo$ a cellb. 2ain acti4itie# The teacher present information about map concept of organiEation of life Ma$e groups of #95 students The teacher gives a paper .ith the picture of the structure of plant cell and the students have to discuss about the organelles in the cell <ill the table by giving chec$ mar$ 1I2 in the right column c. )lo#ure J Cne of student from the group presents their discussion result in front of the class J The teacher guides student to ma$e a conclusion about the cell. Secon 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception ,ave you seen the cell of onion 1Allium cepa2 ,ave you seen the rotoEoa Ma$e groups of 5 students b. 2ain acti4itie# ut the microscope on the practicum table, ut on an ocular lens .ith 1>" magnification and an objective lens .ith 1>" magnification. :otate the mirror to the direction of light source put preparation of red onion cells in object glass .hich has been dropped .ith .ater and eosin put the closure glass of that object by using t.eeEers observe the preparation and ma$e a of it. put one drop .ater of fishpond or la$e in object glass put the closure glass of that object by using t.eeEers observe and ma$e a of it c. )lo#ure The teacher evaluates students4 .or$sheet by giving some !uestions about characteristic plant cell and animal cell Teacher guides student to ma$e a conclusion about cell ,hir 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception 0hat is the difference bet.een cell and tissue rere!uisite 6ive the e"amples of the main organ in plant-

b. 2ain acti4itie# The teacher presents information about cell, tissue, organ, system organ and organism. Tissue is a group of cells .hich have the same origin, structure and function. ;n organ is a collection of several tissues that .or$ together to do a certain function. Crgan system is several $ind of organs .hich coordinates to do a function. ;ll organ systems finally .ill interact .ith each other to form an organism. The organisms have specific characteristics .hich differentiate them from non living things The teacher divides students into 5 groups The students fill in the blan$s of organiEation of life diagram 1.or$ sheet 32 The students fill in the table about e"ample of organiEation of life 1.or$ sheet #2 c. )lo#ure Cne of the group member has to present the discussion result in front of the class The teacher guides students to ma$e a conclusion about organiEation of life G. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES a. %tudent boo$ from *irectorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment b. +"periment in 'aboratory c. :eference boo$ d. 0or$ sheet H. ASSESS2EN, )ndicator of achievement To $no. the relationship of cells, tissue, organ and organ system ;ssessment Techni!ue 0ritten test Types of )nstrument Multiple choice a. b. c. d. %ample of )nstrument 0hich is the correct se!uence for the cell organiEation in the human bodya. Crgan9cell9system9tissue b. &ell9tissue9organ9tissue c. Tissue9organ9cell9system d. %ystem organ 9organ9tissue9 cell Ma$e some information and report on the magaEine .all about e"periment result of the difference of plant and animal cell

Ma$e a report about the comparison of plant and animal cell based on the e"periment result

erformance 0or$ing test report

;c$no.ledged by, rinciple of """""""""""""

7a$arta, %eptember 2>>@ %cience9(iology Teacher




LESSON PLAN School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation : ...... Junior High School Ja8arta : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : )la##i6ication o6 li4ing thing# : B .-/ "inute#

. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E 3. To understand the variation of living things . ). BAS%) )O2PE,EN)E 3.3 To describe the diversity of life system from cell to organism LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES The students are able to : +"plain the meaning and importance of diversity in living things Understand the meaning and ta"onomy level of living things, also ho. to giving name them in appropriate .ay. Understand the difference *icotyledonous and Monocotyledon plants, and give the e"ample from each it. *escribe the difference bet.een Iertebrate and )nvertebrate animals, ho. to classified them, and the e"ample from each it. a simple determination $ey LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS There are various $ind living things in our planet, but still there isn4t a scientist $no. e"actly all the species in this earth. (ased on living things classification from 0hitta$er F<ive /ingdomG, living things divide into five $ingdom, Monera, rotista, <ungi, lant, and ;nimal


(asic for living things classification 6iving name process to living things 1human, animal, and plant2 The uses of <ive /ingdom classification *etermination /ey as tools to &lassification living things. E. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0! LEA1N%NG 2O0EL 2o el : &ooperative Teaching *iscussion ractical in 'aboratory 2etho : )nformation *iscussion +"periment 3. LEA1N%NG A),%$%,%ES 3ir#t 2eeting &. %ntro uction Teachers give apperception .ith some !uestion about the importance of classifying living things. ;fter that, the teachers give motivation .ith a simple !uestion, F0hy the living things be classified-G Teachers give apperception about the importance classification for various objects, for e"ample li$e in traditional mar$et. ;fter that, the teachers give motivation about ho. is the living things classification. 9. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher divide all of student into some groups, each of it have 2 persons or more. The teacher as$s students read materials classification of living things scientific name. Teacher tell students about learning activity that they .ill do today. %tudents .ill learn ho. to classify living things in a simple .ay. Teacher give each groups of students a .or$sheet &lassifying 'iving Things . %tudents learn ho. to classify from that .or$sheet. The teacher as$s students read materials about living things scientific name. The students underline importance concept the materials about living things scientific name 1binomial nomenclature2. The delegation from students does presentation about ho. to .rite binomial nomenclature for the living things, and also give five e"amples each of it.

%till in their group, student4s discus about purpose and base of living things classification. Teacher as$s students to do presentation and e"plain about living things classification in <ive /ingdom. Teacher as$ students to read about protista and monera

+. )lo#ure Teacher helps students to ma$e conclusion about Kbinomial nomenclature4 , classification and characteristic for Monera and rotista Secon 2eeting &. %ntro uction The teachers give apperception about $inds of organism that include in /ingdom Monera and rotista. ;fter that, teachers give motivation that there is a group of organism .ithout chlorophyll, and so on their placed into <ungi /ingdom. 9. +. 2ain Acti4itie# Teacher as$s students to sit do.n .ith their groups. Teacher as$s students to read te"tboo$ about <ungi /ingdom, lant /ingdom, and ;nimal /ingdom. The students underline main idea in the materials, after that they .rite do.n into noteboo$. Teachers as$ a student in random to presentation characteristic and e"amples for organism that include in <ungi, lant, and ;nimal /ingdom. Teachers e"plain about connection about first meeting .ith the second meeting materials. The teachers give additional information about biodiversity and advance classification for living things 1organism2. )lo#ing Teachers help the students to conclude about materials in <ive /ingdom, especially about their characteristic. ,hir 2eeting &. O*ening Teachers give apperception to students about living things classification in <ive /ingdom. ;fter that, teachers give motivation about techni!ue or ho. ma$e easier living things classification. 9. 2ain acti4itie#

Teachers as$ students to read te"tboo$ about base of classification and determination $ey as tools for classification. Teachers as$ a student to mention some important concept about base of classification and determination $ey. Teachers help students in their groups to doLfill dichotomy $ey for determination.

+. )lo#ing Teachers help students to ma$e conclusion about the base of Linnaeus4s classification Teachers help students to ma$e conclusion about determination $ey

G. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES a. Te"tboo$ b. %tudents 0or$sheet 1'/%2 c. point slides about *iversity and &lassification d. 'aboratory e. +nvironment f. 0ebsites

H. ASSES2EN, )ndicator of ;chievement *istinguish one living thing from the other based on the specific living characteristic +"plain the importance of classifying living things &lassifying an organism around based on its characteristic ;ssessment Technical erformance test Types of instrument rocedural .or$ing test e"ample or )nstrument erform an e"periment according to activity 3.3 in student boo$B 0hat are the advantages from classification of organismMa$e your o.n dichotomous $eyB &lassify these organismB

0ritten test 0ritten test 0or$ sheet

+ssay +ssay Cbservation test

1ubric 6or performance test 1presentation2

&omponent of +valuation =o. %tudents =ame &ontents L /no.ledge erformance L+"planation ;ns.ering Muestions 'anguage ;ttitud e &onclusion Total %core

1 2 3 # 5 dst.

1ubric 6or A66ecti4e e4aluation resentation evaluation. +"ample form as sho.n belo.: Table 2. resentation +valuation <ormat
=o 1 2 3 # %tudents name resentation &omponent of evaluationL evaluation aspect +"planation ;ttitude &ontent /no.9 ledge *ue date Total score

=otice: %core for each component: ;-&/ The rubric is not provided, teacher should develop it %%. P#ycho"otor E4aluation (iology practice activity. +"ample form as sho.n belo.: %tuden t name Table 3. (iology ractice ;ctivity +valuation <ormat &omponent of evaluationL evaluation aspect rocedure &hoosing :esult :eport &leanliness tools and materials Total score


Team 0or$

1 2 3 # =otice : %core for each component : ;-&/. =otice : 0e can use presentation and biology practice activity as an evaluation for cognitive evaluation. (iology practice activity can be used as an evaluation for affective evaluation too. )f .e .ant to arrange presentation and biology practice as tools to measure cognitive, affective and physic9motors factors, .e have to prepare another form, especially if .e .ant to ma$e those t.o activities as a continuous program 1&ombine activity2. %%%. Science Project

= o. 1 2 3 # %$.
= o.

%tudent names

&omponent of evaluationL evaluation aspect Crigina9 roject roce9 :e9 *ata :esults lity *esign dure source

Total score

%tudent names &ontents &omponent of evaluationL evaluation aspect ,o. To 'anguage erformance :esource ; Usage &onclusion Total %core

1 2 3 # =( : :ubri$ yang diguna$an L dipilih sesuai$an dgn $ebutuhan Ac8no7le ge by< Princi*al o6 ....

Ja8arta< Se*te"ber 9//> Science -Biology ,eacher


..................... LESSON PLAN School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation : ....... Junior High School Ja8arta : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : C.& unit# o6 an eco#y#te" : B .-/ "inute#


A. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E 8. To understand the interdependence of living and non9living things in an ecosystem B. BAS%) )O2PE,EN)E 8.1.To point out the units of an ecosystem and the interactions among the units ).LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES The students are able to : )dentify the components of ecosystem and the sun as the main energy source in ecosystem. Ma$e models of interdependent bet.een organisms based on an observation 1food .eb and food chain2 *escribe the role of each component of ecosystem +"plain $ind of interaction bet.een organism

0. LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS *effinition of ecosystem Types of ecosystem Units of living things as components of ecosystems &omponent that compose ecosystem E. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0!LEA1N%NG 2O0EL 1. Model : cooperative learning 2. Method : discussion 3. LEA1N%NG A),%$%,%ES 3ir#t 2eeting '&9/ "inute#( %. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception :emind the students about the definition of ecology N the branches of biology Motivate students by as$ing: ;re you involved in an ecosystem%%. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher as$s students to go to schools garden to observe. The teacher as$s the students to ma$e a group of five and assign to observe and record everything That they found including the air and soil. The teacher guides the students .hile they are .or$ing in groups. The teacher as$s the students to classify the things that they observe into t.o group :living things 1biotic2 and non living things 1abiotic2 The teacher as$s them to presentation the results of their observation ;ccording to the result of observation, the teacher as$s students to identify components of ecosystem and e"plain that sun is the source of energy in the biological system The teacher sho.s some slides about $inds of ecosystem and as$s students to describe the characteristics of each ecosystem %%%. )lo#ure ,elp the students to ma$e a conclusion. 6ive a re.ard to a diligent student and the group that does a good .or$. Secon 2eeting '&9/ "inute#( %. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception :emind the students .ith revie. the lessons last time Motivate students by as$ing: ;re you involved in an ecosystem%%. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher sho.s some slides about interaction bet.een organisms in ecosystem The teacher as$s the students to identify and discus interaction pattern bet.een organisms The teacher as$s students to ma$e models of interdependence bet.een organisms based on an observation 1food .eb and food chain2 %%%. )lo#ure ,elp the students to ma$e a conclusion. 6ive a re.ard to a diligent student and the group that does a good .or$. G. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES

1. ) ; (iologi (ilingual <or %M /ela I)). Orama 0idya 2. %cience <or 7unior ,igh %chool. Ministry Cf =ational +ducation H.ASSES2EN,
;ssessment )ndicators of achievement To identify the components of ecosystem and the sun as the main energy source in ecosystem Technical Cbserva9 tion Type of +"ample of )nstrument )nstrumen t observati a. Cbserve the school garden B fill the table onal.or$s organism and object that you find in the heet school gardenB =o =ame component ;biotic (iotic


+"plain each component that construct an ecosystemB

observation roject To ma$e models of interdependent bet.een organisms based on an observation 1food .eb and food chain2 To describe the role of .ritten test +ssay each component of ecosystem to e"plain $ind of interaction bet.een organism .ritten test +ssay essay

Ma$e a model of food chain and food .eb diagram based on your observation in the school gardenB

+"plain the role of plant in ecosystemB 0hat is differences bet.een mutualism and commensalism-

Ac8no7le ge by< Princi*al o6 ....

Ja8arta< Se*te"ber 9//> Science -Biology ,eacher




LESSON PLAN School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation : ...... Junior High School Ja8arta : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : C.9 Bio i4er#ity in an eco#y#te" : B .-/ "inute#

A. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E 8. To understand the interdependent on an ecosystem

A. BAS%) )O2PE,EN)E 8.2 To identify the importance of biodiversity in an ecosystem preservation B. LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES The students are able to 1. +"plain .hat is biodiversity and its advantages 2. To define living things that is in e"tinction 3. To mention some e"ample of animal and plant that is in e"tinction and mention .hat is the cause that they in an e"tinction

#. To e"plain ho. important that .e preserve the animal and plant that is in an e"tinction 5. 0riting an article introducing the endangered organisms in )ndonesia ). LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS (iodiversity and the advantages The importance of biodiversity in )ndonesia (iodiversity preservation 0. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0 AN0 LEA1N%NG 2O0EL 1. Model : 9 *irect )nstruction 1*)2 9 &ooperative 'earning 2. Method : 9 *iscuss 9 roblem base learning %cientific %$ills : Cbserving, Measuring, &ommunicating

E. LEA1N%NG A),%$%,%ES 3ir#t 2eeting &. %ntro uction 2oti4ation an a**erce*tion. The teacher reminds the students about the components of ecosystem The teacher motivates the students by as$ing. +"ample: 0hat are the difference and the similarity bet.een plants and animals The teacher also motivates the students by .atching biodiversity movie 9. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher sho.s the slides of biodiversity in )ndonesia The teacher as$s the students about the advantages of biodiversity in our daily life The teacher as$s the students to ma$e a group of si" and assign them the topics .hat they have to discuss 1the topics about damaging of biodiversity and biodiversity preservation2 The teacher guides the students .hile they are .or$ing in groups The teacher as$s each group to present and discuss their result. ;nother group has to listens their friend4s presentation. ;fter the group present, another group can as$s about the result if they still confuse. The group .hich present has to their friend4s !uestion. The teacher guide and give the reinforcement to the student4s +. )lo#ure %tudents ma$e a conclusion guided by the teacher The teacher give information to another groups to prepare their presentation for ne"t meeting Secon 2eeting &. %ntro uction The teacher gives motivation to the students by as$ing about last meeting and gives them reinforcement if they can

9. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher as$s each group to present and discuss their result. ;nother group has to listens their friend4s presentation. ;fter the group present, another group can as$s about the result if they still confuse. The group .hich present has to their friend4s !uestion. The teacher guide and give the reinforcement to the student4s The teacher e"plains a little bit about biodiversity preservation in )ndonesia +. )lo#ure %tudents ma$e a conclusion guided by the teacher The teacher gives information to students that ne"t meeting they .ill get the test of this chapter ,hir 2eeting &. %ntro uction The teacher chec$s the students4 attendance The teachers as$s the students to prepare their stationary 9. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher gives a chance to students to read their boo$ and notes boo$ about 1> minutes The teacher as$s the students to $eep their boo$ and notes boo$ to their bag and ready to do the test +. )lo#ure The teacher as$s the students to collect their test The teacher as$s the students to read ne"t chapter in their boo$ for ne"t meeting 3. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES %cience students boo$ %lides of biodiversity Iideo of biodiversity

G. ASSES2EN, rocedure : 0ritten test

<orm : +ssay )ndicators of achievement +"plain .hat is biodiversity and its advantages Type of )nstrument 0ritten test essay 0hat are the biodiversity advantages in our daily lifeH Technical 0hat are the characteristics of living things that is in e"tinctionH. Mention some e"ample of animal and plant that is in e"tinction areH. 0hat are the causes of the e"tinction;ssessment +"ample )nstrument

To define living things 0ritten test essay that is in e"tinction 0ritten test essay To mention some e"ample of animal and plant that is in e"tinction and mention .hat is the cause that they in an e"tinction To e"plain ho. important that .e preserve the animal and plant that is in an e"tinction 0riting an article introducing the endangered organisms in )ndonesia 0ritten test essay

0hy .e have to do the biodiversity preservation+"plain one of the biodiversity in )ndonesia that you $no.-

roduct product ;ssessment ma$ing

0rite an article about endangered species organism in )ndonesiaB

A66ecti4e e4aluation resentation evaluation. +"ample form as sho.n belo.: Table 2. resentation +valuation <ormat = o %tudent s name resent a9tion &omponent of evaluationL evaluation aspect +"plaina ;ttitude &ontent /no.9 tion ledge *ue date Total score

1 2 3 # =otice: %core for each component: ;-&/ The rubric is not provided, teacher should develop it Ac8no7le ge by< Princi*al o6 .... Ja8arta< Se*te"ber 9//> Science -Biology ,eacher ..................... LESSON PLAN



School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation

: ....... Junior High School Ja8arta : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : C.+ Hu"an *o*ulation : B .-/ "inute#

;. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E 8. To understand the interdependent on an ecosystem B. BAS%) )O2PE,EN)E 8.3 To predict the influence of human population density to the environment ). LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES %tudent are able to: : 1. To e"plain the concept of human population density 2. To calculate birth rate and death rate in a place 3. To predict the relationship bet.een human population .ith clean .ater needed #. To predict the relationship bet.een human population and food needed 5. To predict the relationship bet.een human population and area that they lived 3. To e"plain the influence of the increasing number of human population to the environmental damage *. LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%AL : :elation bet.een human population density and environment +. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0 AN0 LEA1N%NG 2O0EL: 1. Model 2. Method : 9 *irect )nstruction 1*)2 9 &ooperative 'earning : 9 *iscuss 9 roblem base learning

%cientific %$ill: Cbserving, redicting, &ommunicating 3. LEA1N%NG A),%$%,%ES 3ir#t 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception :emind the students about ecosystem Motivate students by as$ing: 0hat are the negative and positive influences from human population densityb. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher e"plains to the students about human population density The teacher as$s the students to ma$e a group of five The teacher assign the students to observe the chart or video of human population density and discuss about relationship of human population and life needed The teacher guides the students .hile they are .or$ing in groups. The teacher as$s the students to present and discuss the results. The teacher as$s them to dra. the conclusion.

c. )lo#ure ,elp the students to ma$e a conclusion. 6ive a re.ard to a dilligent student and the group that does a good .or$. Secon 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception :emind the students about the video that they have sa. in the previous meeting Motivate students by as$ing: 0hat are the factors that influence the human population densityb. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher e"plains to the students about birth rate, death rate, emigration and imigration The teacher as$s the students to play a game to pretend an area The teacher e"plain to the student about the purpouse of playing that game The teacher guides the students to get a critical thing$ing of playing that game c. )lo#ure ,elp the students to ma$e a conclusion. ,hir 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation and apperception :emind the students about the game that they played in the previous meeting Motivate students by as$ing: 0hat are the factors that they must do to pretend the areab. 2ain Acti4itie# The teacher sho. a video about a cro.ded city The teacher guides the students .hile they are .or$ing in groups. The teacher as$s the students to present and discuss the results. The teacher as$s them to dra. the conclusion. c. )lo#ure ,elp the students to ma$e a conclusion. 3. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES Iideo of human development %cience interactive boo$ %tudents .or$sheet

H. ASSESS2EN, )ndicator of achievement

To e"plain the concept of human density To calculate birth rate and death rate in a place

assessment Type of +"ample of instrument )nstrument 0ritten test essay 0hat is human densityTechnical
0ritten test

0ritten test

n 2>>2 " to.n has 52>> people, no. the people is 8>>>. calculate the mortality rateB

To predict the relationship bet.een human population .ith .ater needed

0ritten test +"plain the relationship bet.een human population and clean .ater neededB

essay To predict the relationship 0ritten test bet.een human population and food needed
To predict the relationship bet.een human population and area that they lived To e"plain the influence of the increasing number of human population to the environmental damage 0ritten test


+"plain the relationship bet.een human population and the food neededB


+"plain .hat happen to the total area if the human is incresing rapidlyB 0hy the increasing number of people can produce the negative impact to the environment-

Ac8no7le ge by< Princi*al o6 ....

Ja8arta< Se*te"ber 9//> Science -Biology ,eacher





School Subject Gra e!Se"e#ter )ha*ter ,i"e Allocation

: ....... Junior High School Ja8arta : Science- Biology : $%%!&'one( : C.- Pollution : B .-/ "inute#

A. S,AN0A10 )O2PE,EN)E: 8. Understanding mutual dependences in ecosystem B. BAS%) )O2PE,EN)E: 8. # ;pply human beings role in environment management to overcome pollution and environment damage ). LEA1N%NG OBJE),%$ES: The students are able to: 1. +"plain the differences bet.een and non natural resources 2. <ind the concept about pollution and environmental damage 3. ;nalyEe the e"perimental result to find a concept about global .arming #. +ducate others about global .arming 0. LEA1N%NG 2A,E1%ALS: and natural resources, pollution and environmental damage E. LEA1N%NG 2E,HO0!LEA1N%NG 2O0EL 1. 'earning Model: &ooperative 'earning roblem (ased )nstruction 2. Method : )nformation *iscussion +"periment 3. LEA1N%NG A),%$%,%ES: &. 3ir#t 2eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation - *o you thin$ science is boring subject- 'et4s ma$e science not become boring anymore. 1Phase 12 rere!uisite /no.ledge - *o you still remember our last lesson about population density- Mention some problems rise from population densityB resenting learning objectives and $ey.ords .hich .ill be used often during the lesson. b. 2ain Acti4itie# Teacher brings in t.o cups, .ater, plastic .rap and lamp and holds it up for the children to see. Teacher as$ing students to have a seat in 3 1si"2 group. Cne group as$ed to fill the cups .ith .ater and .rap one of the cups .ith plastic .rap, then leave both cups under the lamp.

+ach group have to discuss .hich one .ill be .armer- 0hy- )s there any correlation bet.een these e"periments .ith global .arming concept0hat is the meaning of global .arming%everal groups send their delegates to present the discussion result. Teacher .rites $ey.ords on the board: global .arming, green house gases, atmosphere, earth Teacher elicits the concept of global .arming using point presentation

c. )lo#ure Teacher evaluating students .ith giving an oral !uestion around the objectives to reach for. 6ive a re.ard for students or group .hich present a good performance. The teacher guides students to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson. The teacher reminds students to prepare a poster that e"plain about global .arming. They should find their daily non9food trash and use the items to ma$e a three9dimensional poster. Secon "eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation 6ive !uestion to a students. 9 ,o. do you thin$ about illegal logging rere!uisite /no.ledge - *o you still remember our last lesson about global .arming- 0hat is global .arming b. 2ain Acti4itie# Teacher tell students to sit .ith their group. Teacher tell students about today activity %tudents .ill read some articles and ma$e a conclusions from that article. Teacher give each group one article. %tudents read their article then ma$e a conclusion from it. +ach group presenting their article and give their opinion about that article. c. )lo#ure Teacher evaluating students .ith giving an oral !uestion around the objectives to reach for. The teacher guides students to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson. ,hir "eeting a. %ntro uction Motivation 6ive !uestion to a students. 9 ,ave you see .ater pollution near your house- ,o. do you thin$ about it rere!uisite /no.ledge - *o you still remember our last lesson about illegal logging- 0hat is illegal loggingb. 2ain Acti4itie# Teacher tell students to sit .ith their group. Teacher tell students about today activity %tudents .ill discuss about air pollution, .ater pollution and soil pollution

Teacher tell students to discuss to find solution to overcome pollution and environmental dammage. %tudents presenting their result.

c. )lo#ure Teacher evaluating students .ith giving an oral !uestion around the objectives to reach for. The teacher guides students to ma$e a conclusion about the lesson. G. LEA1N%NG SO51)ES 1. %tudent (oo$ from *irectorate of 7unior ,igh %chool *evelopment page 321. 2. %tudent 0or$ %heet 3. +"perimental e!uipment and materials #. :eference (oo$ H.ASSESS2EN, )ndicator of achievement technical Types of )nstrument To e"plain the conse!uences 0ritten Multiple test choice from cutting the forrest un.isely and the effect to the environment and ho. to solve it 0ritten test To e"plain the effect of .ater, air, soil pollution to the human and ho. to solve it essay assessment +"ample of instrument %tatement: 1. the number of .ood decreasing 2. global temperature increasing 3. o"ygen in air increasing #. soil .ater decreasing 0hat is the statement that hace a relation ship .ith illegal logginga. 1, 2, and 3 b. 1, 2, and # c. 1, 3, and # d. 2, 3, and # there an influence of .ater pollution .ith human health, e"plain itB b.ho. to solve the .ater pollution+"plain one e"ample of micobe .hich used in bioremediationB

*escribe human efforts to overcome pollution and environmental damage

0ritten test


Ac8no7le ge by< Princi*al o6 ....

Ja8arta< Se*te"ber 9//> Science -Biology ,eacher



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