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1. Translation is the process or result of turning the expression of one language ( the Source Language/ SL) into expression of another (the Target Laguage/ TL), so that the meanings correspond. 2. Translation procedures, they are: Translation is process changing a text from Sl to Tl. Transliteration is the con ersion process of one !riting system into another. "orro!ing is the introduction of a !ord (or some other linguistic feature) from one language or dialect into another, or a translation procedure !here#y the translator uses a !ord or expression from the source text in the target text. Literal is one to one sructual and conceptual correspondence. Transposition is one of the most common procedure used in translation. $odulation is main processes in translation. %daptation is a translation procedure !here#y the translator replaces a social, or cultural, reality in the source text !ith a corresponding reality in the target text& this ne! reality !ould #e more usual to the audience of the target text. '. Translation principle, they are: % translation must gi e the !ords of the original % translation must gi e the ideas of the original % translation should read li(e the original % translation should reflect the style of the original Style is the essential characteristics of e ery piece of !riting, the out come of the !riter)s personality and his emotions % translation may ne er add to omit from the original % translation should posses the stle of the translation% translation should read as a contemporary of the original. *. a. +ntralingual translation is an interpretation process translation in the some laguages, ,xample: The ra##its are !hite. (SL) The ra##its ha e s(in !hite. (TL) The !hite ra##its. (TL) #. +nterlingual translation is translation from one language to another language. ,xample: They go to school #y #us. (SL) $ere(a pergi (e se(olah dengan #us. (TL) -. Se.a( meluasnya industri dan perusahaan pengguna energi listri(, penggunaan listri( #er(urang dan menga(i#at(an pengurangan (apasitas industri dan pengusaha (ecil .uga ter(ena dampa( dari industri, oleh (arena itu penggantian stru(tur e(onomi tida( #ai(. /. a. Sepan.ang .am pela.aran matemati(a, 0o(o menyelesai(an u.iannya dan (emudian menger.a(an 12 (pe(er.aan rumah) (osa (atanya. Ssehingga dia dipanggil $aman. #. 3anita yang ana( #ungsu perempuannya yang (ita llihat di permainan #ola adalah %my Sands, seorang artis yang sangat ter(enal. c. $r. Supit adalah seorang pe(er.a di pa#ri( utama yang mulai #eroperasi di sini se.a( 1- tahun yang lalu. ARTICLE Is Television Good O !"d# 1eople ha e different ideas a#out tele ision. Some say that tele ision !ill help educate for our young peole. 4ther people say that tele ision is #ad for young people. The people !ho support tele ision say that tele ision is a great teacher. 3e can learn a#ou other countries and other cultures from tele ision. Tele ision can teach us a#out science, technology, the arts and politics. 3e can learn e erything from tele ision.

The people !ho are against tele ision say that !atching tele ision is ma(ing people passi e. Tele ision is a dug (candu). They also say that tele ision is changing our +ndonesian culture. +t is ma(ing us a part of the glo#al illage. 3hat is the truth5 +s tele ision good or #ad5 The truth is that tele ision has changed our li es, #ut so has the motor car, the computer, the telephone and many other things. The car transport us from palce to place, #ut it also (ills people (car crashes) and causes air pollution. Tele ision also had ad antages and disad antages, #ut it has more ad antages than disad antages. $ar( to is tele ision good or #ad also can !e loo( !ho is the user5 %nd ho! they can get positi e result !hen he parctiises. TRANSLATE A$"%"& Televisi I'( !"i% A'"( !( (%# 4rang6orang memili(i per#edaan pendapat mengenai tele isi. "e#erapa mengata(an #ah!a tele isi mem#eri edu(asi atau pendidi(an #agi ana(6ana( muda. 7ang lainnya mengata(an #ah!a tele isi itu meme#ri(an dampa( #uru( #agi (aum muda. 4rang6orang yang mendu(ung penggunaan tele isi mengata(an #ah!a tele isi adalah guru yang #ai(. 8ita #isa tentang negara6negara lain dan #udaya6#udaya laindari tele isi. Tele isi #isa (ita tentang ilmu pengetahuan, te(hnologi, seni dan politi(. 8ita dapa t apapun dari tele isi. "agi orang6orang yang menola( penggunaan tele isi mengata(an #ah!a menonton tele isi mem#uat orang6orang men.adi pasif. Tele isi adalah se#uah nar(o#a (yang mem#uat (ecanduan). $ere(a .uga menagta(an #ah!a tele isei meru#ah #udaya +ndonesia 9egara (ita. :ia mem#uat (ita men.adi se#agian dari (ehidupan glo#al. %pa(ah (e#enarannya5 %pa(ah tele isi itu #ai( atau #uru(5 8e#enarannya adalah tele isi meru#ah hidup (ita, seperti per(em#angan mo#il, computer, telepon dan #anya( #enda lainnya. $o#il merupa(an transportasi (ita dari suatu tempat (e tempat lain, tetapi .uga #isa mem#unuh orang ( (ecela(aan mo#il) dan penye#a# polusi udara. Tele isi .uga mem#eri(an manfaat dan (erugian, tetapi le#ih #anya( manfaat dari pada (erugian. 1enilaian tele isi #ai( atau #uru( .uga #isa dilihat dari penggunanya5 :an #agaimana mere(a mempra(te(a(n hasil positifnya.

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