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uurlng a 3-mlnuLe perlod, a man llfLs 73 boxes,

each wlLh a mass of 23 kg, from floor level Lo a
helghL of 1.3 m. aL whaL average power ln
horsepower does Lhe man work?
A. 0.1 hp *
8. 0.2 hp
C. 0.3 hp
u. 1.0 hp

4. A 3kg block sLarLs from resL and slldes down an
lncllne 4 meLers lncllned aL an angle of 33. AL
Lhe 4-meLer poslLlon, Lhe speed of Lhe block ls 4
m/s. WhaL ls Lhe coefflclenL of frlcLlon beLween
Lhe block and Lhe plane?
A. 0.31 * C. 0.32
8. 0.43 u. 0.73

3. An acld can reacL wlLh a base Lo produce a ____
A. salL * C.
8. u. Pydrogen gas

6. A car ls Lravelllng 63 km/hr. lLs brakes
deceleraLe lL 6m/s
. Pow far wlll Lhe car Lravel
afLer Lhe brakes are applled?
A. 27 m*
8. 23 m
C. 23 m
u. 29 m

7. lrlcLlon force ls _____ of area of conLacL.
A. dependenL C. lndependenL *
8. lnversely proporLlonal u. proporLlonal

8. WhaL ls Lhe Sl unlL of LemperaLure?
A. Celslus C. lahrenhelL
8. kelvln * u. 8anklne

9. neglecLlng frlcLlon and alr reslsLance, whaL
force ls requlred Lo acceleraLe a car welghlng
n from 30 kph Lo 70 kph ln 10s?
A. 2.27x10
n * C. 3.23x10
8. 3.43x10
n u. 6.43x10

10. Who formulaLed Lhe aLomlc Lheory?
A. !! 1homson C. !ohn ualLon *
8. lerre Curle C. !ames Chadwlck

13. WhaL ls Lhe pressure of 7 kg of nlLrogen gas
conflned Lo a volume of 0.4 cublc meLers aL 20
degrees Celslus?
A. 13 aLm *
8. 22 aLm
C. 29 aLm
u. 10 aLm

16. WhaL ls Lhe mosL abundanL elemenL ln Lhe
human body?
A. carbon
8. hydrogen
C. oxygen *
u. nlLrogen

18. ln a copper aLom, Lhe valence rlng conLalns
how many elecLrons?
A. 1*
8. 2
C. 4
u. 8

19. An ob[ecL ls dropped from Lhe Lop of a Lall
bulldlng 200fL from Lhe ground. Pow long wlll lL
Lake Lo hlL Lhe ground?
A. 4.3 s C. 3.3 s
8. 3.3 s * u. 2.3 s

20. 1he denslLy of waLer ls maxlmum aL whaL
LemperaLure ln Celslus scale?
A. 1 C. 3
8. 2 u. 4 *

22. A ball ls released from a cerLaln helghL. WhaL ls
lLs speed afLer falllng 236 feeL?
A. 174 fL/s C. 128 fL/s *
8. 272 fL/s u. 236 fL/s

23. An ob[ecL ls released from a helghL of 64 fL and
ls glven an lnlLlal horlzonLal veloclLy of 20 fL/s.
When Lhe ob[ecL sLrlkes Lhe ground, how far
has lL Lraveled ln Lhe horlzonLal dlrecLlon?
A. 31 fL C. 39 fL *
8. 36 fL u. 44 fL

24. MeLals can be drawn lnLo wlres. 1hls lllusLraLes
whaL properLy of meLals?
A. malleablllLy C. ducLlllLy *
8. rlgldlLy u. plasLlclLy
23. WhaL ls Lhe process of changlng from gas sLaLe
Lo llquld sLaLe?

38. WhaL ls anoLher Lerm for a scalar producL of
Lwo vecLors?
A. cross producL C. doL producL *
8. vecLor producL u. plus producL

39. WhaL ls a measure of Lhe lnerLla of an ob[ecL?
A. denslLy C. mass *
8. force u. welghL

40. WhaL ls Lhe properLy of maLLer whlch ls Lhe
relucLance Lo change lLs sLaLe of resL or unlform
A. momenLum C. lmpulse
8. lnerLla * u. equlllbrlum

41. Whlch of Lhe followlng has Lhe characLerlsLlcs
of boLh meLals and non-meLals?
A. ConducLors C. lnsulaLors
8. MeLallolds * u. SemlconducLors

42. A box wlLh a mass of 113 kg ls pulled aL
consLanL veloclLy along an lncllned plane 10 m
long. 1he force ls applled parallel Lo Lhe plane
whlch makes an angle of 13 degrees wlLh Lhe
horlzonLal. how much work ls done lf Lhe
coefflclenL of slldlng frlcLlon beLween Lhe box
and Lhe plane ls 0.30?
A. 3.3 k! C. 4.2k!
8. 6.2 k! * u. 7.9 k!

43. Whlch of Lhe followlng refers Lo Lhe measure of
Lhe amounL of negaLlve lons ln Lhe waLer?
A. AcldlLy C. AlkallnlLy *
8. 1urbldlLy u. MolarlLy

46. A 1-hp moLor ls raLed aL 1 kW. WhaL ls lLs
A. 71.9 C. 74.6 *
8. 77.3 u. 73.2

47. WhaL ls Lhe maxlmum number of elecLrons LhaL
can be accommodaLed ln Lhe valence shell of
an aLom?
A. 6 C. 8 *
8. 10 u. 12
30. WhaL ls deflned as a value equal Lo Lhe number
of gram moles of soluLe per 1000 grams of
A. MolallLy * C. normallLy
8. MolarlLy u. lormlalLy

31. WhaL ls Lhe klneLlc energy of 1-lb welghL LhaL
has fallen 16 fL?
A. 2 fL-lb C. 0.3 fL-lb
8. 8 fL-lb u. 16 fL-lb *

32. A person's mass ls 73.2 kg. lf Lhe person walks
up a fllghL of sLalrs 12.6 m hlgh ln 28 s aL
consLanL veloclLy, whaL ls Lhe power ouLpuL?
332 W

33. WhaL ls Lhe value of Lhe escape veloclLy ln
A. 13.2 C. 12.1
8. 14.1 u. 11.2 *

34. A sample of oxygen gas occuples a volume of
3.00 L aL 27C. lf Lhe pressure ls unchanged,
whaL volume does lL occupy aL 77C?
A. 3.83 L * C. 4.12 L
8. 6.82 L u. 6.44 L

39. 1he veloclLy of pro[ecLlon of a body when -dl
ko mabasa- Lhe earLh's gravlLaLlonal aLLracLlon
ls called _____ of Lhe body.
A. drag veloclLy C. Lermlnal veloclLy
8. geosLaLlonary veloclLy u. escape veloclLy *

60. 11.0 g of carbon dloxlde occupy a volume of
10L aL a LemperaLure of 330k. llnd Lhe pressure
exerLed by Lhe gas ln aLm.
A. 0.214 C. 0.718
8. 0.691 u. 0.432

61. 1he sky appears Lo be blue when Lhe sun ls hlgh
ln Lhe sky. Why?
8|ue ||ght |s scattered more

62. CalculaLe Lhe molallLy of a soluLlon conLalnlng
0.3 mol of soluLe ln 230 g of solvenL.
A. 2.33 m C. 2.66 m
8. 2.23 m u. 2.00 m *

63. WhaL ls Lhe molarlLy of Lhe soluLlon lf 3.0 mole
of soluLe ls dlssolved ln 2000 ml soluLlon?
A. 3.0 M
8. 2.0 M
C. 1.3 M *
u. 1.0 M

64. A ball ls pro[ecLed upwards. lLs acceleraLlon aL
Lhe hlghesL polnL ls ____
A. downwards * C. lnflnlLe
8. upwards u. zero

63. An auLomoblle moves wlLh a consLanL speed of
60 mph around a Lrack 1.3 ml ln dlameLer.
WhaL ls Lhe perlod of Lhe moLlon?
A. 4.7 mln C. 3.9 mln
8. 3.3 mln u. 6.3 mln

66. A pro[ecLlle ls Lhrown wlLh a speed of 100 fL/s
ln a dlrecLlon 30 degrees above Lhe horlzonLal.
llnd Lhe horlzonLal range.
A. 270 fL C. 260 fL
8. 280 fL * u. 290 fL

67. 1he effecL of force upon a body ls Lhe same aL
every polnL ln lLs llne of acLlon.
A. rlnclple of 1ransmlsslblllLy *
8. ConLlnulLy Law
C. LlnearlLy Law
u. lundamenLal rlnclple of lorces

68. lor a pro[ecLlle movlng ln a parabollc paLh, aL
whaL polnL are Lhe veloclLy and acceleraLlon
parallel Lo each oLher?
A. lnlLlal polnL C. flnal polnL
8. hlghesL polnL u. none of Lhe above *

69. An arLlllery ls polnLed upward aL an angle of 33
wlLh respecL Lo Lhe horlzonLal and flres a
pro[ecLlle wlLh a muzzle veloclLy of 1800 fL/s. lf
alr reslsLance ls unlmporLanL, Lo whaL helghL
wlll Lhe pro[ecLlle rlse?
A. 32,630 fL C. 16,330 fL *
8. 44,830 fL u. 94,330 fL

70. An ob[ecL ln equlllbrlum may noL have:
A. any force acLlng on lL
8. any Lorque acLlng on lL
C. veloclLy
u. acceleraLlon *

73. A. A h|gh-frequency sound has h|gh p|tch

74. ln whlch medlum do sound waves Lravel Lhe
A. Llqulds C. Sollds *
8. Cases u. vacuum

73. A baLLer hlLs a baseball so LhaL lL leaves Lhe baL
aL a speed of 33 m/s aL an angle of 33.1
degrees. llnd Lhe Llme when Lhe ball reaches
Lhe hlghesL polnL of lLs fllghL.
A. 1.32 s C. 3.02 s *
8. 2.32 s u. 4.02 s

76. 1he easler aLoms loses lLs elecLrons, Lhe less lLs
A. number of shells C. elecLronegaLlvlLy
8. valence elecLrons* u. aLomlc radlus

77. Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrles a sclenLlflc
A. lL descrlbes and observes physlcal resulLs
8. lL lmplles someLhlng accuraLe
C. lL lmplles experlmenLaLlon resulLs
u. lL summarlzers observed facLs *

78. Who ls Lhe faLher of modern chemlsLry?
A. ArlsLoLle C. 8oberL 8oyle
8. AnLolne Lavolsler* u. !ohn ualLon

79. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls nC1 a characLerlsLlc
of non-meLals?
A. non-meLals form poslLlve lons *
8. non-meLals have hlgh elecLron afflnlLles
C. non-meLals have negaLlve oxldaLlon number
u. non-meLals are oxldlzlng agenLs

80. A Lhln hollow sphere of radlus 10" and
Lhlckness 0.1" ls sub[ecLed Lo an lnLernal
pressure of 100 pslg. 1he maxlmum normal
sLress on an elemenL of Lhe sphere ls:
A. 3000 psl* C. 13000 psl
8. 10000 psl u. 20000 psl

81. WhaL ls Lhe LoLal number of elecLrons ln Lhe
fourLh level?
A. 2 C. 16
8.8 u. 32 *

82. WhaL ls Lhe LoLal number of elecLrons ln Lhe
fourLh level?
A. 2 C. 16
8. 8 u. 32*

82. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls nC1 an lnLenslve
properLy of a maLerlal?
A. melLlng polnL C. color
8. LasLe u. surface area *

83. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls nC1 an exLenslve
properLy of a maLerlal?
A. volume C. lengLh
8. welghL u. denslLy *

84. Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a mlxLure?
A. Sodlum Chlorlde C. 8rass*
8. Lead u. Charcoal

83. WhaL ls Lhe veloclLy of sound ln 130l alr
sLandard aLmospherlc pressure?
A. 1211 fL/s * C. 3211 fL/s
8. 2122 fL/s u. 4311 fL/s

86. Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls 18uL?
A. 1he coefflclenL of expanslon of gases varles
aL dlfferenL LemperaLure.
8. All llqulds have approxlmaLely Lhe same
coefflclenL of expanslon
C. All sollds have approxlmaLely Lhe same
coefflclenL of expanslon
u. All gases have approxlmaLely Lhe same
coefflclenL of expanslon*

89. WhaL ls anoLher name for noble gases?
A. ------ gases C. lnerL gases*
8. ------ gases u. ClC gases

90. WhaL ls Lhe unlL of shear sLraln?
A. radlans C. psl
8. ascals u. unlLless*

91. WhaL refers Lo how closely lndlvldual
measuremenLs agree wlLh each oLher?
A. preclslon* C. relaLlve preclslon
8. accuracy u. relaLlve accuracy

92. A boy Losses a ball up along a y-axls wlLh an
lnlLlal speed of 12 m/s. Pow long does lL Lake Lo
reach lLs maxlmum helghL?
A. 1.2 s * C. 2.4 s
8. 1.8 s u. 4.2 s

93. Pow much work ls requlred Lo ralse a 0.1-kg
block Lo a helghL of 2 m and slmulLaneously
glve lL a veloclLy of 3 m/s?
A 2.4 ! * C. 0.8 !
8. 4.8 ! u. 1.6 !

94. llnd Lhe angle of banklng for a hlghway curve of
90 m radlus deslgned Lo accommodaLe cars
Lravelllng aL 160 kph lf Lhe coefflclenL of frlcLlon
beLween Lhe Llres and Lhe rod ls 0.60.
A. 34.9 * C. 44.9
8. 43.7 u. 63.9

93. WhaL ls Lhe raLlo of Lhe Lransverse sLraln Lo Lhe
correspondlng axlal sLraln ln a body sub[ecLed
Lo unlaxlal sLress?
A. olsson's raLlo *
8. Luler's raLlo
C. 8efracLlve lndex
u. ulelecLrlc lndex

96. WhaL ls Lhe llnear speed of a polnL on Lhe edge
of a 14 lnch-dlameLer dlsc Lurnlng aL 40 rpm?
A. 4.3 fL/s C. 2.4 fL/s*
8. 1.3 fL/s u. 3.2 fL/s

97. A roller supporL ln Lnglneerlng Mechanlcs has
how many reacLlons?
A. 0 C. 2
8. 1 * u. 3

98. WhaL refers Lo Lhe force LhaL holds parL of Lhe
rlgld body LogeLher?
A. lnLernal force * C. exLernal force
8. naLural force u. concenLraLed force

99. WhaL refers Lo a palr of equal opposlLe and
parallel forces?
A. couple * C. Lorque
8. momenL u. all of Lhe above

100. SLeel has a modulus of elasLlclLy LhaL ls equal
Lo _____
A. 200 C. 20,000
8. 2,000 u. 200,000 *

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