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OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities

Lets exploit Injection and XSS

Kim arter ! A"#T$ %onda& '01()0*)'+ %eetup

OWASP is comin, to -ristc-urc-
OWASP .a& '01(
OWASP 4esources

Top 10

-eat S-eets



Projects6 Tools and ode Libraries

%ost common securit& 7ulnerabilities
8ound in 1eb apps in '01(

Kali Linux

9ree and open source :5"; Linux< OS

Tar,ets pro8essional securit& auditors and

penetration testers

All tools s-ipped are 8ree and open source

"o pro8it in7ol7ed

%an& o8 t-e o7er (00 securit& tools -a7e been

pro7ided as 8ree 7ersions t-at do t-e same job as
t-e paid 8or 7ersions
;p and 4unnin, 1it- Kali Linux

.iscuss tools I use 7er& 8re=uentl&
9ire9ox Add)Ons

Tamper .ata2 Ver& simple prox&6 but 7er& eas&

to use

9ox& prox& / a real time sa7er


XSS %e

S@L Inject %e
-rome extensions



Adit t-is oo?ie

$urp suite

T-ere are a lar,e number o8 trainin, apps
and intentionall& 7ulnerable 1eb apps
8reel& a7ailable
IB7e or,anised t-ree to 1or? t-rou,- to
1et &our appetite
IBd encoura,e &ou to ta?e t-em 8urt-er

W-at is Injection
12Attac?er Injects :,enerall& malicious< code into
'2-an,e t-e course o8 execution on related
s&stem0s2 5ain in8ormation2 Pri7ile,e escalation2
%anipulate 0 destro& stored data2 .estro&

ommand6 S@L6 Xpat-6 @uer& Strin,

Lots o8 deri7ati7es o8 t-ese

Wor?s-op Web5oat
Start -ere/ -ttp/00o1aspb1a0Web5oat0attac?
ommand Injection

Wor?s-op .VWA
Start -ere/ -ttp/00o1aspb1a0d71a
S@L Strin, Injection

Injection %iti,ation tec-ni=ues

Similar tec-ni=ues to XSS C

A7oid accessin, external interpreters

;se 1ell structured parameters

Least pri7ile,e

OWASP Pre7ention -eat S-eets

$rea? itD
9urt-er details 8ound -ere/

W-at is XSS
12Attac?er Injects :,enerall& malicious< code into
'2W-en 7ictim re=uests 1ebsite code6 attac?ers
code is executed2

9ile ;pload

4e8lected :non)persistent<


Lots o8 deri7ati7es o8 t-ese

Wor?s-op 5ru&ere
Start -ere/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0
XSS/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0part'
9ile ;pload XSS

Wor?s-op 5ru&ere
Start -ere/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0
XSS/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0part'
4e8lected XSS
>and& Lin?s/
;4L Ancodin,s/ -ttp/0011121(sc-ools2com0ta,s0re83urlencode2asp
ASII/ -ttp/00asciitable2com
XSS Strin,s/ -ttps/00o1asp2or,0index2p-p0XSS39ilter3A7asion3-eat3S-eet

Wor?s-op 5ru&ere
Start -ere/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0
XSS/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0part'
Stored XSS

Wor?s-op 5ru&ere
Start -ere/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0
XSS/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0part'
Stored XSS 7ia >T%L Attribute

Wor?s-op 5ru&ere
Start -ere/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0
XSS/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0part'
Stored XSS 7ia AEAX

W-en t-e user clic?s re8res- button6
response loo?s li?e
In t-e mar?)up t-e snippet loo?s li?e/

Wor?s-op 5ru&ere
Start -ere/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0
XSS/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0part'
4e8lected XSS 7ia AEAX

XSS %iti,ation tec-ni=ues

onstrain all input 8ields to 1ell structured


W-ite)lists 8or eac- t&pe o8 structured data


OWASP Pre7ention -eat S-eets

$rea? itD
9urt-er details 8ound -ere/

Axtra 4esources
Sanitisin, ;ser Input
Write)up on Kali Linux
Tool jun?&G -ec? out t-is collection

.eliberate Insecure Tar,ets and Trainin,
Plat8orms t-at IB7e screened2

>ac?in, Lab/ -ttps/001112-ac?in,)lab2com0

"ebula/ -ttp/00exploit)exercises2com0

,ru&ere/ -ttp/00,oo,le),ru&ere2appspot2com0 an run locall&6 but

best to run 8rom 1eb

Web Securit& .ojo/

) V%1are and Virtual $ox 7ersions2 Loo?s li?e =uite a bit o8
documentation2 Acti7el& maintained2
) Vulnerable tar,ets/
.amn Vulnerable Web App2
-ttp/00source8or,e2net0p01ebsecurit&dojo0bu,s0 sa&s
database setup is bro?en

.eliberate Insecure Tar,ets and Trainin,
Plat8orms t-at IB7e screened2
1(a8 test 1ebsite/
V%1are ima,e
Various ot-er unmaintained 1ebsites

.am Vulnerable Web Application :.VWA<

"ot sure 1-ere t-e documentation isG %a&be embedded in t-e

Acunetix 1/ -ttp/00testp-p27uln1eb2com0 T-ese t-ree are online2

Acunetix '/ -ttp/00testasp27uln1eb2com0

Acunetix (/ -ttp/00testaspnet27uln1eb2com0

Aas& to 8ollo12 5eared to1ards lassroom An7ironment2

.eliberate Insecure Tar,ets and Trainin,
Plat8orms t-at IB7e screened2

)Plat8orm/ E'AA 1eb application
)Install/ Sel8 contained Tomcat ser7er &ou can run 8rom a
director& under Windo1s or Linux
)"otes/ Lo7e t-e 8act itBs so sel8 contained and eas& to run2 $&
de8ault it onl& listens on t-e loop)bac? address6 so &ou can run
it 8rom &our 1or?station a production net1or? 1it- little 1orries2
)>o1toBs/ -ttp/001ebappsecmo7ies2source8or,e2net01eb,oat0
)Settin, up on non local-ost/
OWASP $ro?en Web Applications project/
T-is -as a ,reat selection o8 trainin, apps alon, 1it-
intentionall& 7ulnerable apps2
)It contains a lot o8 t-e apps alread& discussed2

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