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Boot Samsung Galaxy S4 into Recovery and

Download Mode
by Andy Stevenson June 10, 2013
Knowing how to boot your Samsung Galaxy S4 into recovery mode and download mode is
extremely important espeially when you are loo!ing "orward in twea!ing your smartphone#
Atually, you will not be able to per"orm o""iial or uno""iial operations on your devie without
having to enter the reovery $sto! or ustom% and download mode# So, i" you are new to the
Android system and want to learn more about its "eatures, then you are in the right plae& here on
Android Flagship our team will develop important and use"ul tutorial that will teah you how to
use and operate your Android based devie#
'owever, today we will be he!ing on how to per"orm an easy tas!( booting into recovery and
download mode# )he present tutorial will be suitable with the Samsung Galaxy S4 $any model o"
the same% though the proedure mentioned below an be sa"ely per"ormed $the steps will wor!% on
any Samsung branded smartphones# So, this is something li!e a general step by step guide
meaning that it will wor! "or any Samsung branded devies& o" ourse the handsets that are being
powered by the Android S#
S*S+ ,ownload and -eovery .ode
/ow, the *alaxy S+ is one o" the most power"ul smartphones released on the mar!et $it ompetes
with the ')0 1ne, 2peria 3 and o" ourse with the i4hone 5%# Anyway, the best is that the devie is
running on Jelly 6ean +#2#2, whih is the latest release o" Android "irmware# And when operating
on *oogle7s plat"orm we an only thin! about ustomi8ation and optimi8ation operations# As you
!now, when owning an Android devie as power"ul as the *alaxy S+, it is really hard not to try to
obtain more power "rom the same# )here"ore, you will be tempted in rooting, "lashing a ustom
reovery image and updating with ustom -1.s and uno""iial so"tware#
)he mentioned proedures are omplex ones that should be applied only by those who are used with
the same 9 the warranty o" your devie will get void and i" you don7t !now what you are doing you
an end up in bri!ing your Android powered handset# Anyway, as you will notie, when trying to
twea! your *alaxy S+, you will also have to "irst learn how to boot your devie into reovery or
download mode#
)he Download Mode usually must be aessed when updating with o""iial "irmwares# : am tal!ing
about manual updates proedures, as the 1)A releases are being applied automatially# So, i"
Samsung or *oogle is releasing a new sto! Jelly 6ean and you need to manually update your
*alaxy S+ with the same $via 1din%, you will notie that somewhere during the "lashing proedure
you will have to boot your smartphone into download mode#
)hen, you need to learn how to enter the recovery mode when dealing with more omplex tas!s,
li!e rooting, installing a ustom -1. "irmware, ma!ing /android ba!ups, per"orm maintenane,
optimi8ation and ustomi8ation proedures and so on# 6e aware that your devie is being powered
by a sto! reovery mode& "or applying the mentioned operations you will have to replae the sto!
reovery with a ustom one, li!e 0;. reovery# /ow, the method explained below will teah you
how to boot your *alaxy S+ into sto! and ustom reovery mode, so you have nothing to worry
Anyway, that was all "or now, meaning that you an he! on how to enter download, or reovery
mode "rom your Samsung branded devie#
How to Boot Samsung Galaxy S4 into Recovery Mode
)urn o"" your phone#
)hen, reboot it by pressing on <olume =p, 'ome and 4ower buttons at the same time, "or a
"ew seonds#
-elease the buttons as soon as you notie the sto!, or ustom reovery logo displayed on
your handset#
=se the reovery menu in order to omplete several operations#
>ou an boot into Android by returning to the reovery main menu& "rom there ?ust selet
@reboot system nowA#
How to Boot Samsung Galaxy S4 into Download Mode
Similar with the reovery mode, you "irst have to turn o"" your smartphone#
)hen, reboot the handset by pressing on 4ower, <olume ,own and 'ome buttons together#
;hen the @warningA message will be displayed release the buttons#
4ress <olume =p in order to on"irm that you want to boot into download mode#
>ou an now sa"ely onnet your devie with the omputer as the download mode has been
suess"ully reahed#
So, that was all& : !now that the proess is Buite easy to omplete but there are users who haven7t
booted their *alaxy S+ into download or reovery mode until now# :" this guide was help"ul "or
you, don7t "orget to share your experiene with us and also subsribe to our newsletter in order to
reeive more Android related tips, tri!s and step by step guides C tutorials#

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