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By: Girah Durant January 11, 2014 Matter

Waves, Energy 4B

1.What is all matter made up of
All Matter is made of atoms and molecules.

2.What is the Kinetic theory of Matter?
The Kinetic theory of Matter is that it consists of small particles.

3.What is the law of conservation of energy?
The law of conservation of energy the fundamental principle of
physics that the total energy of an isolated systems is constant.

4.Explain the 3 types of particles in an atom and how they relate
to each other?
3 types of particles are protons, neurons, and electrons there
related they all take up space that, how there related.

5.Explain what heat is and the 3 ways it transfers. Give at least 3
examples of each.
Radiation, Conduction, and Convection
Radiation- Lying out in the sun, placing cold hand over a warm
fire, placing hand over a hot burner.

Conduction- A pot on a hot burner, Metal spoon sitting in a pot of
boiling water, heated blanket

Convection- Inside of a green house workers, wet shoes on a floor
put on vent to dry them, Macaroni raising and falling in a pot of
boiling water.

6.Explain the effect of heat on the motion of atoms through a
description of what happens to particles during a change in
All the matter that we encounter in our everyday lives is found in
one of the three phase: solid, liquid, or gas.

7. Why do most pans have plastic handles?
Plastic handles are heat-resistant and provide the ability for the
user to touch the cookware.

8.What is the purpose of the coating around wires?
Coated is to minimize the chance of shorting out with other

9.Why are sidewalks or bridges broken into sections?
Sidewalks and Bridges are broken up so they can expand their

10. Illustrate the transfer of heat energy from warmer objects
to cooler ones using examples of conduction, radiation and
convection and the effects that may result. Illustrate the
transfer of heat energy from warmer objects to cooler ones
using examples of conduction, radiation and convection and the
effects that may result.
Well the cooler air would go out, and the heat would stay in

11. What are the 2 main types of waves and what is the main
difference between the two?
Electromagnetic, and Mechanical waves are the 2 main types of

12. What is the difference between a transverse and
compressional wave? Insert an example of each.
Compressional Wave

13. Explain what happens when a wave hits a barrier. Insert an
What happens is that the wave would bounce back to where it
came from.

14. Explain what happens when a wave goes through an
opening and hits a barrier. Insert an example.
What happens when a wave goes through an opening and hits a
barrier is When a wave moves through an opening in a barrier it
bends and spreads out. The spreading out of a wave going through
the opening of a barrier or around an object is called diffraction.
Diffraction is a boundary behavior of a wave that is associated
with the bending of the path of the wave.

15. What is the electromagnetic spectrum? Define. Insert a
picture of one and list the different types of waves in an
electromagnetic spectrum in order of their wavelength.

The electromagnetic spectrum- Is the range of wavelength or
frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends.

16. What color is produced when an equal amount of red,
green, and blue light is combine.

17. How does infrared radiation compare to visible light?

How they compare to each is the that they both are on the
electromagnetic radiation wavelength.

18. What are some characteristics of radio waves?
Some characteristics are computers, phones, TVs, radios.

19. Which form of electromagnetic energy has the longest

The longest wavelength electromagnetic energy is the Infrasonic
radio waves.

20. What is the relationship between visible colors and the
electromagnetic spectrum?
Has of all the different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation,
including light waves, radio-waves, and x-rays.

21. Which frequency of electromagnetism has higher energy and
shorter wavelengths than visible light?
Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation .Visible is a narrow
range of wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. By
measuring the wavelength of frequency of light coming from objects
in the universe.

22. Explain the relationship among visible light, the
electromagnetic spectrum, and sight.
As our eyes are detectors which are designed to detect visible light
waves. There are forms of light which we cannot see. Naturally we
can only see a very small part of the entire radiation.

23. Explain the effects of electromagnetic waves on various
materials to include absorption, scattering, and change in

24. Explain the relationship among the rate of vibration, the
medium through which vibrations travel, sound and hearing.
When sound waves from it enter the ear. Sound is a form of energy
that is caused when vibrating materials produce waves that move
through matter.

25. Explain the different wave types in an earthquake and how
the transfer energy.
P-wave, S-wave, and Rayleigh waves by mechanical waves that
travel through the earth.

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