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Speech: Informative Speech

Taylor Sanders
COMM 1020
Speech: Informative Speech
attern of !rran"ement: Topically
The Message in a Bottle
Hook: #very year$ 1%& 'illion dollars is spent on alcohol advertisements (ith a ret)rn of that
investment 'ein" close to 140 'illion% This leads many to 'elieve a lot of people in
!merica drin* ho(ever vario)s st)dies sho( that 80+ of the alcohol cons)med in
!merica is 'y only ,0+ of the people (ho drin*% This means that ,0 o)t of a 100 alcohol
cons)mer-s 'in"e drin*%
Thesis: I am not )p here (ith the intentions of 'ein" an advocate a"ainst alcohol% I (o)ld simply
li*e to share information a'o)t the sta"es that lead )p to alcohol$ the pro'a'ility each person has
to developin" an alcohol dependency. and techni/)es to )se (hile drin*in" socially to maintain an
en0oya'le$ yet$ safe environment%
Preview Main Points:
1. [Stages of alcohol]
2. [Proailit! of addiction]
3. ["esponsile drinking]
Transition: !lcohol has 'een inte"rated into o)r society thro)"ho)t history so m)ch that many people do
not reali1e they are developin" a dependency for alcohol )ntil they have 'ecome an alcoholic%
I% There are fo)r Sta"es that lead to alcoholism% 2no(in" these sta"es can help yo) determine
(hether there is an alcohol dependency in yo)r life%
!% eople in Sta"e one have a 3ta*e it or leave it4 attit)de to(ards alcohol% !lcohol does not
play a ma0or role in their social or personal dynamics and they do not )s)ally see* o)t an
alcoholic 'evera"e% 5162 drin*s at a time7
8% Sta"e t(o people are considered the social drin*er% 9i"h ris* choices are present (hen
cons)min" alcohol and a'stract thin*in" may 'ecome impaired over time% 5more than 2
drin* at any "iven time7
C% In sta"e three$ see*in" o)t opport)nities to "et alcohol are often% remeditated drin*in" ta*e
place (here individ)als are plan occasion and events aro)nd drin*in"% eople in sta"e
three are socially dependent on alcohol 5dancin"$ meetin" people$ social "atherin"s7
:% Once a person has reached sta"e fo)r they have lost control of the drin*in" ha'its% !lcohol
has 'ecome the n)m'er one motivator in life% ! person in sta"e fo)r (ill e;perience 'oth
physical and psycholo"ical (ithdra(als from alcohol%
Transition: #ach of these sta"es is associated (ith health ris* factors% It is vital for people to )nderstand
the dama"e alcohol does to o)r constantly mat)rin" 'odies% !s (e "et older$ the choices (e made as
adolescents (ill impact )s forever% This applies to o)r health especially%
II% St)dies cond)cted 'y the revention <esearch Instit)te$ has sho(n that (e have a 21+
pro'a'ility of developin" an addiction to alcohol 0)st 'y 'ein" h)man% O)r 8iolo"y$ Social
infl)ences and sycholo"ical infl)ences determine o)r li*eliness to develop an alcohol dependency
thro)"ho)t o)r lives%
!% O)r 'iolo"y plays an important role in o)r tolerance for alcohol% O)r tri""er level for mental
and physical impairment is set at 'irth and determined 'y o)r "enetics% If alcoholism r)ns in
yo)r family$ yo)r "enetic ma*e)p co)ld still "ive yo) a lo( tolerance level ho(ever yo)r
chance for developin" an addiction are hi"her do to other aspects of yo)r life%
8% Social infl)ences are one of these aspects% If alcohol is a prominent s)'stance in a person-s
family and friend-s lives$ statistics sho( it (ill 'e 0)st as (ell for that person% The
C% sycholo"ical infl)ences that lead people to drin* have to do (ith their personalities% eople
'ecome alcoholics for many different reason varyin" from a lac* of copin" s*ills to sensation
Transition: :evelopin" an alcohol dependency isn-t hard in a society (here son"s (ith hoo*s s)ch as
38lame it on the alcohol4 reach the top of the 8ill'oard charts% =e have idoli1ed (hat alcohol 'rin"s to o)r
lives and eliminated the conse/)ence factor from the media% !lcohol is responsi'le for ,2+ of fatal car
accidence in !merica each year%
III% =ith the proper *no(led"e of alcohol-s ne"ative o)tcomes (hen a')sed$ (e can prepare
o)rselves to en0oy drin*in"$ (ith respect$ and a conscio)sness of responsi'ility%
!% S)rprisin"ly eno)"h$ the revention <esearch Instit)te reports people (ho drin* one to t(o
alcoholic 'evera"es a day have 'etter health then those (ho a'stain and from those (ho
drin* three or more a day%
8% The "oal (ith drin*in" is to refrain from hi"h ris* 'ehaviors% The more alcohol yo) cons)me
in an ho)r$ in a day$ in a (ee*$ and so on so forth (ill dictate yo)r social and personal life as
(ell as health ris*s%
C% If yo) are a drin*er$ 'e a(are of yo)r attit)de to(ard alcohol% ! fe( tips to avoid hi"h ris*
'ehaviors are *no(in" (hat and ho( m)ch alcohol is in yo)r drin*$ eatin" eno)"h protein
'efore "oin" o)t$ savor (hat yo) drin*% The motto 3>)ality over >)antity4 sho)ld definitely
apply (hen drin*in" o)t of yo)r comfort 1one% :on-t drin* alone$ en0oy the e;perience (ith
friends and 'e a "ood host% :on-t allo( alcohol to 'e the foc)s of entertainment$ and never
s)pport someone drivin" a(ay from yo)r ho)se into;icated%
Transition: :rin*in" responsi'ility co)ld ill)minate many of the iss)es (e have today associated (ith
drin*in"% The crime rate of domestic violence$ child a')se$ rape$ and even m)rder all have lin*s tied to
alcohol% This is not to say alcohol is to 'lame ')t the evidence of its presence is one that si"nals for
#onclusion: #d)catin" o)rselves as (ell as o)r comm)nity a'o)t the conse/)ence of alcohol
cons)mption is an essential part of o)r lives% !lcohol plays a si"nificant part in o)r co)ntries history%
:rin*in" is an !merican privile"e% It sho)ld 'e treated (ith class$ respect and responsi'ility% I hope the
information I have "iven yo) has allo(ed yo) time to consider yo)r o(n relationship (ith alcohol% I myself
have had to live (ith social$ psycholo"ical$ and 'iolo"ical infl)ences thro)"ho)t my life and *no( the impact
this information has "iven my o(n life%
$orks #ited
Daugherty, Ray, Terry Obryan. Prime for Life Participation workbook, version
8.0.Kentucky: Prevention Research Institute. 201. Print.
!rab"eier, #e$$ery. %e&s 'rtic(es )inking '(coho( to *ri"es or 'cci+ents Increase
,u--ort $or )i.uor )a& /n$orce"ent.0 The Ohio ,tate 1niversity: Research an+
Innovation *o""unications. 22
2eb. 2012, %ationa( Institue o$ '(coho( abuse an+
'(coho(is". 'ccesse+ 20
2eb. 201. 3eb.
)evintha(, *har(es. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Societ, 8th edition. 4oston: Pearson,
201. Print. Pgs.151627.

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