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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 175368 April 11, 2013
ANGELO T. RE&ES, i$ 'i( )#p#)i*+ #( S,)r,*#r+ o- "ENR, Respondents.
!his is a petition for certiorari, prohibition and "anda"us,
pra$in% that this Court
order the follo&in%' ( #) declare as unconstitutional Section #*(b)(+)(iii) of Republic
Act (R.A.) No. *#,-, other&ise .no&n as !he /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11# and
Section 23 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. *-*,, other&ise .no&n as the People4s S"all5
Scale Minin% Act of #11#6 (2) prohibit and bar respondents fro" e7ercisin% control
over provinces6 and (+) declare as ille%al the respondent Secretar$ of the
Depart"ent of Ener%$ and Natural Resources4 (DENR) nullification, voidin% and
cancellation of the S"all5Scale Minin% per"its issued b$ the Provincial 0overnor of
!he 8acts are as follo&s'
n March 29, #11,, 0olden 8alcon Mineral E7ploration Corporation (0olden 8alcon)
filed &ith the DENR Mines and 0eosciences Bureau Re%ional ffice No. III (M0B R5
III) an Application for 8inancial and !echnical Assistance A%ree"ent (8!AA)
coverin% an area of ,#,#+, hectares situated in the Municipalities of San Mi%uel,
San Ildefonso, Nor:a%ara$ and San ;ose del Monte, Bulacan.
n April 21, #119, the M0B R5III issued an rder den$in% 0olden 8alcon4s
Application for 8inancial and !echnical Assistance A%ree"ent for failure to secure
area clearances fro" the 8orest Mana%e"ent Sector and /ands Mana%e"ent
Sector of the DENR Re%ional ffice No. III.
n Nove"ber ##, #119, 0olden 8alcon filed an appeal &ith the DENR Mines and
0eosciences Bureau Central ffice (M0B5Central ffice), and sou%ht
reconsideration of the rder dated April 21, #119.
n 8ebruar$ #-, 2--3, &hile 0olden 8alcon4s appeal &as pendin%, Eduardo D.
Mercado, Benedicto S. Cru:, 0erardo R. Cru: and /iberato Se"brano filed &ith the
Provincial Environ"ent and Natural Resources ffice (PENR) of Bulacan their
respective Applications for <uarr$ Per"it (A<P), &hich covered the sa"e area
sub=ect of 0olden 8alcon4s Application for 8inancial and !echnical Assistance
n ;ul$ #,, 2--3, the M0B5Central ffice issued an rder den$in% 0olden 8alcon4s
appeal and affir"in% the M0B R5III4s rder dated April 21, #119.
n Septe"ber #+, 2--3, Atlantic Mines and !radin% Corporation (AM!C) filed &ith
the PENR of Bulacan an Application for E7ploration Per"it (AEP) coverin% >,29#
hectares of the area covered b$ 0olden 8alcon4s Application for 8inancial and
!echnical Assistance A%ree"ent.
n ctober #1, 2--3, DENR5M0B Director ?oracio C. Ra"os, in response to M0B
R5III Director Arnulfo @. Cabanto%4s "e"orandu" Auer$ dated Septe"ber 9, 2--3,
cate%oricall$ stated that the M0B5Central ffice4s rder dated ;ul$ #,, 2--3
beca"e final on Au%ust ##, 2--3, fifteen (#>) da$s after 0olden 8alcon received the
said rder, per the Certification dated ctober 9, 2--3 issued b$ the Post"aster II
of the Philippine Postal Corporation of Cainta, Ri:al.
!hrou%h letters dated Ma$ > and Ma$ #-, 2-->, AM!C notified the PENR of
Bulacan and the M0B R5III Director, respectivel$, that the sub=ect Applications for
<uarr$ Per"it fell &ithin its (AM!C4s) e7istin% valid and prior Application for
E7ploration Per"it, and the the for"er area of 0olden 8alcon &as open to "inin%
location onl$ on Au%ust ##, 2--3 per the Me"orandu" dated ctober #1, 2--3 of
the M0B Director, Central ffice.
n ;une 23, 2-->, Ricardo Medina, ;r., PENR of Bulacan, indorsed AM!C4s letter
to the Provincial /e%al fficer, Att$. Eu%enio 8. Resurreccion, for his le%al opinion
on &hich date of denial of 0olden 8alcon4s applicationBappeal C April 21, #119 or
;ul$ #,, 2--3 D is to be considered in the deliberation of the Provincial Minin%
Re%ulator$ Board (PMRB) for the purpose of deter"inin% &hen the land sub=ect of
the Applications for <uarr$ Per"it could be considered open for application.
n ;une 29, 2-->, Provincial /e%al fficer Eu%enio Resurreccion issued a le%al
opinion statin% that the rder dated ;ul$ #,, 2--3 of the M0B5Central ffice &as a
"ere reaffir"ation of the rder dated April 21, #119 of the M0B R5III6 hence, the
rder dated April 21, #119 should be the rec.onin% period of the denial of the
application of 0olden 8alcon.
n ;ul$ 22, 2-->, AM!C filed &ith the PMRB of Bulacan a for"al protest a%ainst the
aforesaid Applications for <uarr$ Per"it on the %round that the sub=ect area &as
alread$ covered b$ its Application for E7ploration Per"it.
n Au%ust 9, 2-->, M0B R5III Director Cabanto%, &ho &as the concurrent
Chair"an of the PMRB, endorsed to the Provincial 0overnor of Bulacan, 0overnor
;osefina M. dela Cru:, the aforesaid Applications for <uarr$ Per"it that had
apparentl$ been converted to Applications for S"all5Scale Minin% Per"it of Eduardo
D. Mercado, Benedicto S. Cru:, 0erardo R. Cru: and /ucila S. @alde: (for"erl$
/iberato Se"brano).
n Au%ust 1, 2-->, the PENR of Bulacan issued four "e"oranda reco""endin%
to 0overnor Dela Cru: the approval of the aforesaid Applications for S"all5Scale
Minin% Per"it.
n Au%ust #-, 2-->, 0overnor Dela Cru: issued the correspondin% S"all5Scale
Minin% Per"its in favor of Eduardo D. Mercado, Benedicto S. Cru:, 0erardo R. Cru:
and /ucila S. @alde:.
SubseAuentl$, AM!C appealed to respondent DENR Secretar$ the %rant of the
aforesaid S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its, ar%uin% that' (#) !he PMRB of Bulacan erred
in %ivin% due course to the Applications for S"all5Scale Minin% Per"it &ithout first
resolvin% its for"al protest6 (2) !he areas covered b$ the S"all5Scale Minin%
Per"its fall &ithin the area covered b$ AM!C4s valid prior Application for E7ploration
Per"it6 (+) !he Applications for <uarr$ Per"it &ere ille%all$ converted to
Applications for S"all5Scale Minin% Per"it6 (3) DENR5M0B Director ?oracio C.
Ra"os4 rulin% that the sub=ect areas beca"e open for "inin% location onl$ on
Au%ust ##, 2--3 &as controllin%6 (>) !he S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its &ere null and
void because the$ covered areas that &ere never declared People4s S"all5Scale
Minin% Pro%ra" sites as "andated b$ Section 3 of the People4s S"all5Scale Minin%
Act of #11#6 and (,) Iron ore is not considered as one of the Auarr$ resources, as
defined b$ Section 3+ of the Philippine Minin% Act of #11>, &hich could be sub=ects
of an Application for <uarr$ Per"it.
n Au%ust 9, 2--,, respondent DENR Secretar$ rendered a Decision
in favor of
AM!C. !he DENR Secretar$ a%reed &ith M0B Director ?oracio C. Ra"os that the
area &as open to "inin% location onl$ on Au%ust ##, 2--3, fifteen (#>) da$s after the
receipt b$ 0olden 8alcon on ;ul$ 2*, 2--3 of a cop$ of the M0B5Central ffice4s
rder dated ;ul$ #,, 2--3, &hich rder denied 0olden 8alcon4s appeal. Accordin%
to the DENR Secretar$, the filin% b$ 0olden 8alcon of the letter5appeal suspended
the finalit$ of the rder of denial issued on April 21, #119 b$ the Re%ional Director
until the resolution of the appeal on ;ul$ #,, 2--3 b$ the M0B5Central ffice. ?e
stated that the Applications for <uarr$ Per"it &ere filed on 8ebruar$ #-, 2--3 &hen
the area &as still closed to "inin% location6 hence, the S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its
%ranted b$ the PMRB and the 0overnor &ere null and void. n the other hand, the
DENR Secretar$ declared that AM!C filed its Application for E7ploration Per"it
&hen the area &as alread$ open to other "inin% applicants6 thus, AM!CEs
Application for E7ploration Per"it &as valid. Moreover, the DENR Secretar$ held
that the Auestioned S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its &ere issued in violation of Section 3
of R.A. No. *-*, and be$ond the authorit$ of the Provincial 0overnor pursuant to
Section 3+ of R.A. No. *132, because the area &as never proclai"ed to be under
the People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra". 8urther, the DENR Secretar$ stated that
iron ore "ineral is not considered a"on% the Auarr$ resources.
!he dispositive portion of the DENR Secretar$Es Decision reads'
F?ERE8RE, the Application for E7ploration Per"it, AEP5III5-25-3 of Atlantic
Mines and !radin% Corp. is declared valid and "a$ no& be %iven due course. !he
S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its, SSMP5B5--25-> of 0erardo Cru:, SSMP5B5--+5-> of
Eduardo D. Mercado, SSMP5B5--35-> of Benedicto S. Cru: and SSMP5B5-->5-> of
/ucila S. @alde: are declared NG// AND @ID. ConseAuentl$, the said per"its are
hereb$ CANCE//ED.
?ence, petitioner /ea%ue of Provinces filed this petition.
Petitioner is a dul$ or%ani:ed lea%ue of local %overn"ents incorporated under R.A.
No. *#,-. Petitioner declares that it is co"posed of 9# provincial %overn"ents,
includin% the Province of Bulacan. It states that this is not an action of one province
alone, but the collective action of all provinces throu%h the /ea%ue, as a favorable
rulin% &ill not onl$ benefit one province, but all provinces and all local %overn"ents.
Petitioner raises these issues'
F?E!?ER R N! SEC!IN #*(B)(+)(III) 8 !?E, #11# /CA/ 0@ERNMEN!
!o start, the Court finds that petitioner has le%al standin% to file this petition because
it is tas.ed under Section >-3 of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11# to pro"ote
local autono"$ at the provincial level6
adopt "easures for the pro"otion of the
&elfare of all provinces and its officials and e"plo$ees6
and e7ercise such other
po&ers and perfor" such other duties and functions as the lea%ue "a$ prescribe for
the &elfare of the provinces.
Before this Court deter"ines the validit$ of an act of a co5eAual and coordinate
branch of the 0overn"ent, it bears e"phasis that in%rained in our =urisprudence is
the ti"e5honored principle that a statute is presu"ed to be valid.
!his presu"ption
is rooted in the doctrine of separation of po&ers &hich en=oins upon the three
coordinate depart"ents of the 0overn"ent a beco"in% courtes$ for each other4s
!his Court, ho&ever, "a$ declare a la&, or portions thereof, unconstitutional
&here a petitioner has sho&n a clear and uneAuivocal breach of the
leavin% no doubt or hesitation in the "ind of the Court.
In this case, petitioner ad"its that respondent DENR Secretar$ had the authorit$ to
nullif$ the S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its issued b$ the Provincial 0overnor of Bulacan,
as the DENR Secretar$ has control over the PMRB, and the i"ple"entation of the
S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra" is sub=ect to control b$ respondent DENR.
Control of the DENRBDENR Secretar$ over s"all5scale "inin% in the provinces is
%ranted b$ three statutes' (#) R.A. No. *-,# or !he /ocal 0overn"ent Code of
#11#6 (2) R.A. No. *-*, or the People4s S"all Scale Minin% Act of #11#6 and (+)
R.A. No. *132, other&ise .no&n as the Philippine Minin% Act of #11>.
pertinent provisions of la& sou%ht to be declared as unconstitutional b$ petitioner
are as follo&s'
R.A. No. *-,# (!he /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11#)
SEC. #*. Basic Services and 8acilities. 5 (a) /ocal %overn"ent units shall endeavor
to be self5reliant and shall continue e7ercisin% the po&ers and dischar%in% the duties
and functions currentl$ vested upon the". !he$ shall also dischar%e the functions
and responsibilities of national a%encies and offices devolved to the" pursuant to
this Code. /ocal %overn"ent units shall li.e&ise e7ercise such other po&ers and
dischar%e such other functions and responsibilities as are necessar$, appropriate, or
incidental to efficient and effective provision of the basic services and facilities
enu"erated herein.
(b) Such basic services and facilities include, but are not li"ited to, the follo&in%'
7 7 7 7
(+) 8or a Province'c
7 7 7 7
(iii) Pursuant to national policies and sub=ect to supervision, control and revie& of the
DENR, enforce"ent of forestr$ la&s li"ited to co""unit$5based forestr$ pro=ects,
pollution control la&, s"all5scale "inin% la&, and other la&s on the protection of the
environ"ent6 and "ini5h$dro electric pro=ects for local purposes6 7 7 7
R.A. No. *-*, (People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Act of #11#)
Sec. 23. ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board. 5 !here is hereb$ created under
the direct supervision and control of the Secretar$ a provincialBcit$ "inin% re%ulator$
board, herein called the Board, &hich shall be the i"ple"entin% a%enc$ of the
Depart"ent, and shall e7ercise the follo&in% po&ers and functions, sub=ect to revie&
b$ the Secretar$'
(a) Declare and se%re%ate e7istin% %old5rush areas for s"all5scale "inin%6
(b) Reserve future %old and other "inin% areas for s"all5scale "inin%6
(c) A&ard contracts to s"all5scale "iners6
(d) 8or"ulate and i"ple"ent rules and re%ulations related to s"all5scale
(e) Settle disputes, conflicts or liti%ations over conflictin% clai"s &ithin a
peopleEs s"all5scale "inin% area, an area that is declared a s"all5"inin%6 and
(f) Perfor" such other functions as "a$ be necessar$ to achieve the %oals
and ob=ectives of this Act.
Petitioner contends that the aforecited la&s and DENR Ad"inistrative rder No.
1,3- (the I"ple"entin% Rules and Re%ulations of the Philippine Minin% Act of #11>)
did not e7plicitl$ confer upon respondents DENR and the DENR Secretar$ the
po&er to reverse, abro%ate, nullif$, void, or cancel the per"its issued b$ the
Provincial 0overnor or s"all5scale "inin% contracts entered into b$ the PMRB. !he
statutes are also silent as to the po&er of respondent DENR Secretar$ to substitute
his o&n =ud%"ent over that of the Provincial 0overnor and the PMRB.
Moreover, petitioner contends that Section #* (b)(+)(iii) of the /ocal 0overn"ent
Code of #11# and Section 23 of R.A. No. *-*,, &hich confer upon respondents
DENR and the DENR Secretar$ the po&er of control are unconstitutional, as the
Constitution states that the President (and E7ecutive Depart"ents and her alter5
e%os) has the po&er of supervision onl$, not control, over acts of the local
%overn"ent units, and %rants the local %overn"ent units autono"$, thus'
!he #19* Constitution'
Article H, Section 3. !he President of the Philippines shall e7ercise %eneral
supervision over local %overn"ents. Provinces &ith respect to co"ponent cities and
"unicipalities, and cities and "unicipalities &ith respect to co"ponent baran%a$s,
shall ensure that the acts of their co"ponent units are &ithin the scope of their
prescribed po&ers and functions.
Petitioner contends that the polic$ in the above5cited constitutional provision is
"irrored in the /ocal 0overn"ent Code, &hich states'
SEC. 2>. National Supervision over /ocal 0overn"ent Gnits. 5 (a) Consistent &ith
the basic polic$ on local autono"$, the President shall e7ercise %eneral supervision
over local %overn"ent units to ensure that their acts are &ithin the scope of their
prescribed po&ers and functions.
!he President shall e7ercise supervisor$ authorit$ directl$ over provinces, hi%hl$
urbani:ed cities, and independent co"ponent cities6 throu%h the province &ith
respect to co"ponent cities and "unicipalities6 and throu%h the cit$ and "unicipalit$
&ith respect to baran%a$s.
Petitioner contends that the fore%oin% provisions of the Constitution and the /ocal
0overn"ent Code of #11# sho& that the relationship bet&een the President and the
Provinces or respondent DENR, as the alter e%o of the President, and the Province
of Bulacan is one of e7ecutive supervision, not one of e7ecutive control. !he ter"
LcontrolL has been defined as the po&er of an officer to alter or "odif$ or set aside
&hat a subordinate officer had done in the perfor"ance of hisBher duties and to
substitute the =ud%"ent of the for"er for the latter, &hile the ter" LsupervisionL is the
po&er of a superior officer to see to it that lo&er officers perfor" their function in
accordance &ith la&.
Petitioner ar%ues that respondent DENR Secretar$ &ent be$ond "ere e7ecutive
supervision and e7ercised control &hen he nullified the s"all5scale "inin% per"its
%ranted b$ the Provincial 0overnor of Bulacan, as the for"er substituted the
=ud%"ent of the latter.
Petitioner asserts that &hat is involved here is a devolved po&er.
Gnder the /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11#, the po&er to re%ulate s"all5scale
"inin% has been devolved to all provinces. In the e7ercise of devolved po&ers,
depart"ental approval is not necessar$.
Petitioner contends that if the provisions in Section 23 of R.A. No. *-*, and Section
#* (b)(+)(iii) of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11# %rantin% the po&er of control to
the DENRBDENR Secretar$ are not nullified, nothin% &ould stop the DENR
Secretar$ fro" nullif$in%, voidin% and cancelin% the s"all5scale "inin% per"its that
have been issued b$ a Provincial 0overnor.
Petitioner sub"its that the statutor$ %rant of po&er of control to respondents is
unconstitutional, as the Constitution onl$ allo&s supervision over local %overn"ents
and proscribes control b$ the e7ecutive depart"ents.
In its Co""ent, respondents, represented b$ the ffice of the Solicitor 0eneral,
stated that contrar$ to the assertion of petitioner, the po&er to i"ple"ent the s"all5
scale "inin% la& is e7pressl$ li"ited in Section #* (b)(+)(iii) of the /ocal 0overn"ent
Code, &hich provides that it "ust be carried out Lpursuant to national policies and
sub=ect to supervision, control and revie& of the DENR.L Moreover, the fact that the
po&er to i"ple"ent the s"all5scale "inin% la& has not been full$ devolved to
provinces is further a"plified b$ Section 3 of the People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Act of
#11#, &hich provides, a"on% others, that the People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra"
shall be i"ple"ented b$ the DENR Secretar$.
!he petition lac.s "erit.
Para%raph # of Section 2, Article HII (National Econo"$ and Patri"on$) of the
provides that Lthe e7ploration, develop"ent and utili:ation of natural
resources shall be under the full control and supervision of the State.L
Moreover, para%raph + of Section 2, Article HII of the Constitution provides that Lthe
Con%ress "a$, b$ la&, allo& s"all5scale utili:ation of natural resources b$ 8ilipino
citi:ens 7 7 7.L
Pursuant to Section 2, Article HII of the Constitution, R.A. No. *-*, or the People4s
S"all5Scale Minin% Act of #11#, &as enacted, establishin% under Section 3 thereof a
People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra" to be i"ple"ented b$ the DENR Secretar$ in
coordination &ith other concerned %overn"ent a%encies.
!he People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Act of #11# defines Ls"all5scale "inin%L as
LreferJrin%K to "inin% activities, &hich rel$ heavil$ on "anual labor usin% si"ple
i"ple"ent and "ethods and do not use e7plosives or heav$ "inin% eAuip"ent.L
It should be pointed out that the Ad"inistrative Code of #19*++ provides that the
DENR is, sub=ect to la& and hi%her authorit$, in char%e of carr$in% out the State4s
constitutional "andate, under Section 2, Article HII of the Constitution, to control and
supervise the e7ploration, develop"ent, utili:ation and conservation of the countr$4s
natural resources. ?ence, the enforce"ent of s"all5scale "inin% la& in the
provinces is "ade sub=ect to the supervision, control and revie& of the DENR under
the /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11#, &hile the PeopleEs S"all5Scale Minin% Act of
#11# provides that the PeopleEs S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra" is to be i"ple"ented
b$ the DENR Secretar$ in coordination &ith other concerned local %overn"ent
Indeed, Section 3, Article H (/ocal 0overn"ent) of the Constitution states that LJtKhe
President of the Philippines shall e7ercise %eneral supervision over local
%overn"ents,L and Section 2> of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code reiterates the sa"e.
0eneral supervision b$ the President "eans no "ore than seein% to it that la&s are
faithfull$ e7ecuted or that subordinate officers act &ithin the la&.
!he Court has clarified that the constitutional %uarantee of local autono"$ in the
Constitution Art. H, Sec. 2 refers to the ad"inistrative autono"$ of local %overn"ent
units or, cast in "ore technical lan%ua%e, the decentrali:ation of %overn"ent
It does not "a.e local %overn"ents soverei%n &ithin the
Ad"inistrative autono"$ "a$ involve devolution of po&ers, but sub=ect to
li"itations li.e follo&in% national policies or standards,
and those provided b$ the
/ocal 0overn"ent Code, as the structurin% of local %overn"ents and the allocation
of po&ers, responsibilities, and resources a"on% the different local %overn"ent
units and local officials have been placed b$ the Constitution in the hands of
under Section +, Article H of the Constitution.
Section +, Article H of the Constitution "andated Con%ress to Lenact a local
%overn"ent code &hich shall provide for a "ore responsive and accountable local
%overn"ent structure instituted throu%h a s$ste" of decentrali:ation &ith effective
"echanis"s of recall, initiative, and referendu", allocate a"on% the different local
%overn"ent units their po&ers, responsibilities, and resources, and provide for the
Aualifications, election, appoint"ent and re"oval, ter", salaries, po&ers and
functions and duties of local officials, and all other "atters relatin% to the
or%ani:ation and operation of the local units.L
In connection &ith the enforce"ent of the s"all5scale "inin% la& in the province,
Section #* of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code provides'
SEC. #*. Basic Services and 8acilities. 5 (a) /ocal %overn"ent units shall endeavor
to be self5reliant and shall continue e7ercisin% the po&ers and dischar%in% the duties
and functions currentl$ vested upon the". !he$ shall also dischar%e the functions
and responsibilities of national a%encies and offices devolved to the" pursuant to
this Code. /ocal %overn"ent units shall li.e&ise e7ercise such other po&ers and
dischar%e such other functions and responsibilities as are necessar$, appropriate, or
incidental to efficient and effective provision of the basic services and facilities
enu"erated herein.
(b) Such basic services and facilities include, but are not li"ited to, the follo&in%'
7 7 7 7
(+) 8or a Province'c
7 7 7 7
(iii) Pursuant to national policies and sub=ect to supervision, control and revie& of the
DENR, enforce"ent of forestr$ la&s li"ited to co""unit$5based forestr$ pro=ects,
pollution control la&, s"all5scale "inin% la&, and other la&s on the protection of the
environ"ent6 and "ini5h$dro electric pro=ects for local purposes6
Clearl$, the /ocal 0overn"ent Code did not full$ devolve the enforce"ent of the
s"all5scale "inin% la& to the provincial %overn"ent, as its enforce"ent is sub=ect to
the supervision, control and revie& of the DENR, &hich is in char%e, sub=ect to la&
and hi%her authorit$, of carr$in% out the State4s constitutional "andate to control and
supervise the e7ploration, develop"ent, utili:ation of the countr$4s natural
Section #* (b)(+)(iii) of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11# is in har"on$ &ith R.A.
No. *-*, or the People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Act of #11#,
&hich established a
People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra" to be i"ple"ented b$ the Secretar$ of the
DENR, thus'
Sec. 2. Declaration of Polic$. C It is hereb$ declared of the State to pro"ote,
develop, protect and rationali:e viable s"all5scale "inin% activities in order to
%enerate "ore e"plo$"ent opportunities and provide an eAuitable sharin% of the
nation4s &ealth and natural resources, %ivin% due re%ard to e7istin% ri%hts as herein
7 7 7 7
Sec. 3. People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra". 5 8or the purpose of carr$in% out the
declared polic$ provided in Section 2 hereof, there is hereb$ established a People4s
S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra" to be i"ple"ented b$ the Secretar$ of the Depart"ent
of Environ"ent and Natural Resources, hereinafter called the Depart"ent, in
coordination &ith other concerned %overn"ent a%encies, desi%ned to achieve an
orderl$, s$ste"atic and rational sche"e for the s"all5scale develop"ent and
utili:ation of "ineral resources in certain "ineral areas in order to address the
social, econo"ic, technical, and environ"ental proble"s connected &ith s"all5scale
"inin% activities.
7 7 7 7
Sec. 23. ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board. C !here is hereb$ created under
the direct supervision and control of the Secretar$ a provincialBcit$ "inin% re%ulator$
board, herein called the Board, &hich shall be the i"ple"entin% a%enc$ of the
Depart"ent, and shall e7ercise the follo&in% po&ers and functions, sub=ect to revie&
b$ the Secretar$'
(a) Declare and se%re%ate e7istin% %old5rush areas for s"all5scale
(b) Reserve future %old and other "inin% areas for s"all5scale "inin%6
(c) A&ard contracts to s"all5scale "iners6
(d) 8or"ulate and i"ple"ent rules and re%ulations related to s"all5
scale "inin%6
(e) Settle disputes, conflicts or liti%ations over conflictin% clai"s &ithin a
peopleEs s"all5scale "inin% area, an area that is declared a s"all5
"inin%6 and
(f) Perfor" such other functions as "a$ be necessar$ to achieve the
%oals and ob=ectives of this Act.
DENR Ad"inistrative rder No. +3, series of #112, containin% the Rules and
Re%ulations to i"ple"ent R.A. No. *-*,, provides'
SEC. 2#. Ad"inistrative Supervision over the People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Pro%ra".
D !he follo&in% DENR officials shall e7ercise the follo&in% supervisor$ functions in
the i"ple"entation of the Pro%ra"'
2#.# DENR Secretrar$ C direct supervision and control over the
pro%ra" and activities of the s"all5scale "iners &ithin the people4s
s"all5scale "inin% area6
2#.2 Director D the Director shall'
a. Reco""end the depth or len%th of the tunnel or adit
into account the' (#) si:e of "e"bership and capitali:ation of the
cooperative6 (2) si:e of "inerali:ed areas6 (+) Auantit$ of "ineral
deposits6 (3) safet$ of "iners6 and (>) environ"ental i"pact and
other considerations6
b. Deter"ine the ri%ht of s"all5scale "iners to e7istin% facilities
in consultation &ith the operator, clai"o&ner, lando&ner or
lessor of an affected area upon declaration of a s"all5scale
"inin% area6
c. Reco""end to the Secretar$ the &ithdra&al of the status of
the people4s s"all5scale "inin% area &hen it can no lon%er be
feasibl$ operated on a s"all5scale basis6 and
d. See to it that the s"all5scale "inin% contractors abide b$
s"all5scale "ines safet$ rules and re%ulations.
7 7 7 7
SEC. 22. ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board. D !he ProvincialBCit$ Minin%
Re%ulator$ Board created under R.A. *-*, shall e7ercise the follo&in% po&ers and
functions, sub=ect to revie& b$ the Secretar$'
22.# Declares and se%re%ates e7istin% %old rush area for s"all5scale
22.2 Reserves for the future, "inerali:ed areasB"ineral lands for
people4s s"all5scale "inin%6
22.+ A&ards contracts to s"all5scale "inersE cooperative6
22.3 8or"ulates and i"ple"ents rules and re%ulations related to R.A.
22.> Settles disputes, conflicts or liti%ations over conflictin% clai"s
&ithin ninet$ (1-) da$s upon filin% of protests or co"plaints6 Provided,
!hat an$ a%%rieved part$ "a$ appeal &ithin five (>) da$s fro" the
Board4s decision to the Secretar$ for final resolution other&ise the
sa"e is considered final and e7ecutor$6 and
22., Perfor"s such other functions as "a$ be necessar$ to achieve
the %oals and ob=ectives of R.A. *-*,.
SEC. ,. Declaration of People4s S"all5Scale Minin% Areas. C !he Board created
under R.A. *-*, shall have the authorit$ to declare and set aside People4s S"all5
Scale Minin% Areas in sites onshore suitable for s"all5scale "inin% operations
sub=ect to revie& b$ the DENR Secretar$ thru the Director.
DENR Ad"inistrative rder No. 2+, other&ise .no&n as the I"ple"entin% Rules
and Re%ulations of R.A. No. *132, other&ise .no&n as the Philippine Minin% Act of
#11>, adopted on Au%ust #>, #11>, provides under Section #2+
thereof that s"all5
scale "inin% applications should be filed &ith the PMRB
and the correspondin%
per"its shall be issued b$ the Provincial 0overnor, e7cept s"all5scale "inin%
applications &ithin the "ineral reservations.
!hereafter, DENR Ad"inistrative rder No. 1,53-, other&ise .no&n as the Revised
I"ple"entin% Rules and Re%ulations of R.A. No. *132, other&ise .no&n as the
Philippine Minin% Act of #11>, adopted on Dece"ber #1, #11,, provides that
applications for S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its shall be filed &ith the Provincial
0overnorBCit$ Ma$or throu%h the concerned ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board
for areas outside the Mineral Reservations and &ith the Director thou%h the Bureau
for areas &ithin the Mineral Reservations.
Moreover, it provides that /ocal
0overn"ent Gnits shall, in coordination &ith the BureauB Re%ional ffices and
sub=ect to valid and e7istin% "inin% ri%hts, Lapprove applications for s"all5scale
"inin%, sand and %ravel, Auarr$ 7 7 7 and %ravel per"its not e7ceedin% five (>)
Petitioner contends that the /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11#, R.A. No. *-*,, DENR
Ad"inistrative rders Nos. 1>52+ and 1,53- %ranted the DENR Secretar$ the broad
statutor$ po&er of control, but did not confer upon the respondents DENR and
DENR Secretar$ the po&er to reverse, abro%ate, nullif$, void, cancel the per"its
issued b$ the Provincial 0overnor or s"all5scale "inin% contracts entered into b$
the Board.
!he contention does not persuade.
!he settle"ent of disputes over conflictin% clai"s in s"all5scale "inin% is provided
for in Section 23 of R.A. No. *-*,, thus'
Sec. 23. ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board. D !here is hereb$ created under
the direct supervision and control of the Secretar$ a provincialBcit$ "inin% re%ulator$
board, herein called the Board, &hich shall be the i"ple"entin% a%enc$ of the
Depart"ent, and shall e7ercise the follo&in% po&ers and functions, sub=ect to revie&
b$ the Secretar$'
7 7 7 7
(e) Settle disputes, conflicts or liti%ations over conflictin% clai"s &ithin a people4s
s"all5scale "inin% area, an area that is declared a s"all "inin% area6 7 7 7
Section 23, para%raph (e) of R.A. No. *-*, cited above is reflected in Section 22,
para%raph 22.> of the I"ple"entin% Rules and Re%ulations of R.A. No. *-*,, to &it'
SEC. 22. ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board. C !he ProvincialBCit$ Minin%
Re%ulator$ Board created under R.A. No. *-*, shall e7ercise the follo&in% po&ers
and functions, sub=ect to revie& b$ the Secretar$'
7 7 7 7
22.> Settles disputes, conflicts or liti%ations over conflictin% clai"s &ithin ninet$ (1-)
da$s upon filin% of protests or co"plaints6 Provided, !hat an$ a%%rieved part$ "a$
appeal &ithin five (>) da$s fro" the Board4s decision to the Secretar$ for final
resolution other&ise the sa"e is considered final and e7ecutor$6 7 7 7
In this case, in accordance &ith Section 22, para%raph 22.> of the I"ple"entin%
Rules and Re%ulations of R.A. No. *-*,, the AM!C filed on ;ul$ 22, 2--> &ith the
PMRB of Bulacan a for"al protest a%ainst the Applications for <uarr$ Per"its of
Eduardo Mercado, Benedicto Cru:, /iberato Se"brano (replaced b$ /ucila @alde:)
and 0erardo Cru: on the %round that the sub=ect area &as alread$ covered b$ its
Application for E7ploration Per"it.
?o&ever, on Au%ust 9, 2-->, the PMRB issued
Resolution Nos. ->59, ->51, ->5#- and ->5##, resolvin% to sub"it to the Provincial
0overnor of Bulacan the Applications for S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its of Eduardo
Mercado, Benedicto Cru:, /ucila @alde: and 0erardo Cru: for the %rantin%Bissuance
of the said per"its.
n Au%ust #-, 2-->, the Provincial 0overnor of Bulacan issued
the S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its to Eduardo Mercado, Benedicto Cru:, /ucila @alde:
and 0erardo Cru: based on the le%al opinion of the Provincial /e%al fficer and the
Resolutions of the PMRB of Bulacan.
?ence, AM!C filed an appeal &ith respondent DENR Secretar$, appealin% fro"
/etter5Resolution No. ->5#+#* and Resolution Nos. ->5-9, ->5-1, ->5#- and ->5##,
all dated Au%ust 9, 2-->, of the PMRB of Bulacan, &hich resolutions %ave due
course and %ranted, on Au%ust #-, 2-->, S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its to Eduardo D.
Mercado, Benedicto S. Cru:, /ucila @alde: and 0erardo Cru: involvin% parcels of
"ineral land situated at Ca"achin, DoMa Re"edios !rinidad, Bulacan.
!he PMRB of Bulacan filed its Ans&er, statin% that it is an ad"inistrative bod$,
created under R.A. No. *-*,, &hich cannot be eAuated &ith the court &herein a full5
blo&n hearin% could be conducted, but it is enou%h that the parties &ere %iven the
opportunit$ to present evidence. It asserted that the Auestioned resolutions it issued
&ere in accordance &ith the "inin% la&s and that the S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its
%ranted &ere re%istered ahead of AM!C4s Application for E7ploration Per"it.
8urther, the Board stated that the 0overnor of Bulacan had the po&er to approve
the S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its under R.A. No. *#,-.
!he DENR Secretar$ found the appeal "eritorious, and resolved these pivotal
issues' (#) &hen is the sub=ect "inin% area open for "inin% location b$ other
applicants6 and (2) &ho a"on% the applicants have valid applications.1wphi 1 !he pertinent
portion of the decision of the DENR Secretar$ reads'
Fe a%ree &ith the rulin% of the M0B Director that the area is open onl$ to "inin%
location on Au%ust ##, 2--3, fifteen (#>) da$s after the receipt b$ 0olden 8alcon on
;ul$ 2*, 2--3 of a cop$ of the sub=ect rder of ;ul$ #,, 2--3.1wphi1 !he filin% b$ 0olden
8alcon of the letter5appeal suspended the finalit$ of the rder of Denial issued on
April 21, #119 b$ the Re%ional Director until the Resolution thereof on ;ul$ #,, 2--3.
Althou%h the sub=ect A<PsBSSMPs &ere processed in accordance &ith the
procedures of the PMRB, ho&ever, the A<Ps &ere filed on 8ebruar$ #-, 2--3 &hen
the area is still closed to "inin% location. ConseAuentl$, the SSMPs %ranted b$ the
PMRB and the 0overnor are null and void " thereb$ AEP No. III5-25-3 of the
AM!C valid, it havin% been filed &hen the area is alread$ open to other "inin%
Records also sho& that the A<Ps &ere converted into SSMPs. !hese are t&o (2)
different applications. !he Auestioned SSMPs &ere issued in violation of Section 3
of RA *-*, and be$ond the authorit$ of the Provincial 0overnor pursuant to Section
3+ of RA *132 because the area &as never proclai"ed as LPeople4s S"all5Scale
Minin% Pro%ra".L Moreover, iron ore "ineral is not considered a"on% the Auarr$
7 7 7 7
F?ERE8RE, the Application for E7ploration Per"it, AEP5III5-25-3 of Atlantic
Mines and !radin% Corp. is declared valid and "a$ no& be %iven due course. !he
S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its, SSMP5B5--25-> of 0erardo Cru:, SSMP5B5--+5-> of
Eduardo D. Mercado, SSMP5B5--35-> of Benedicto S. Cru: and SSMP5B5-->5-> of
/ucila S. @alde: are declared NG// AND @ID. ConseAuentl$, the said per"its are
hereb$ CANCE//ED.
!he Court finds that the decision of the DENR Secretar$ &as rendered in
accordance &ith the po&er of revie& %ranted to the DENR Secretar$ in the
resolution of disputes, &hich is provided for in Section 23 of R.A. No. *-*,># and
Section 22 of its I"ple"entin% Rules and Re%ulations.
It is noted that althou%h
AM!C filed a protest &ith the PMRB re%ardin% its superior and prior Application for
E7ploration Per"it over the Applications for <uarr$ Per"it, &hich &ere converted to
S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its, the PMRB did not resolve the sa"e, but issued
Resolution Nos. ->5-9 to ->5## on Au%ust 9, 2-->, resolvin% to sub"it to the
Provincial 0overnor of Bulacan the Applications for S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its of
Eduardo Mercado, Benedicto Cru:, /ucila @alde: and 0erardo Cru: for the %rantin%
of the said per"its. After the Provincial 0overnor of Bulacan issued the S"all5Scale
Minin% Per"its on Au%ust #-, 2-->, AM!C appealed the Resolutions of the PMRB
%ivin% due course to the %rantin% of the S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its b$ the Provincial
?ence, the decision of the DENR Secretar$, declarin% that the Application for
E7ploration Per"it of AM!C &as valid and "a$ be %iven due course, and cancelin%
the S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its issued b$ the Provincial 0overnor, e"anated fro"
the po&er of revie& %ranted to the DENR Secretar$ under R.A. No. *-*, and its
I"ple"entin% Rules and Re%ulations. !he DENR Secretar$4s po&er to revie& and,
therefore, decide, in this case, the issue on the validit$ of the issuance of the S"all5
Scale Minin% Per"its b$ the Provincial 0overnor as reco""ended b$ the PMRB, is
a Auasi5=udicial function, &hich involves the deter"ination of &hat the la& is, and
&hat the le%al ri%hts of the contendin% parties are, &ith respect to the "atter in
controvers$ and, on the basis thereof and the facts obtainin%, the ad=udication of
their respective ri%hts.
!he DENR Secretar$ e7ercises Auasi5=udicial function under
R.A. No. *-*, and its I"ple"entin% Rules and Re%ulations to the e7tent necessar$
in settlin% disputes, conflicts or liti%ations over conflictin% clai"s. !his Auasi5=udicial
function of the DENR Secretar$ can neither be eAuated &ith Lsubstitution of
=ud%"entL of the Provincial 0overnor in issuin% S"all5Scale Minin% Per"its nor
LcontrolL over the said act of the Provincial 0overnor as it is a deter"ination of the
ri%hts of AM!C over conflictin% clai"s based on the la&.
In deter"inin% &hether Section #* (b)(+)(iii) of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11#
and Section 23 of R.A. No. *-*, are unconstitutional, the Court has been %uided b$
Beltran v. !he Secretar$ of ?ealth,
&hich held'
!he funda"ental criterion is that all reasonable doubts should be resolved in favor of
the constitutionalit$ of a statute. Ever$ la& has in its favor the presu"ption of
constitutionalit$. 8or a la& to be nullified, it "ust be sho&n that there is a clear and
uneAuivocal breach of the Constitution. !he %round for nullit$ "ust be clear and
be$ond reasonable doubt. !hose &ho petition this Court to declare a la&, or parts
thereof, unconstitutional "ust clearl$ establish the basis therefor. ther&ise, the
petition "ust fail.
In this case, the Court finds that the %rounds raised b$ petitioner to challen%e the
constitutionalit$ of Section #* (b )(+)(iii) of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11# and
Section 23 4of R.A. No.*-*, failed to overco"e the constitutionalit$ of the said
provisions of la&.
F?ERE8RE, the petition is DISMISSED for lac. of "erit.
No costs.
Associate ;ustice
Chief ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
Associate ;ustice
C E R ! I 8 I C A ! I N
Pursuant to Section #+, Article @III of the Constitution, I certif$ that the conclusions
in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case &as
assi%ned to the &riter of the opinion of the Court.
Chief ;ustice
Gnder Rule ,> of the Rules of Court.
DENR Decision, rollo, pp. >+,>3.
Rollo, p. >3.
Id. at >>.
Co""ent of Respondents, id. at *3.
Anne7 LB,L id. at 2>.
Anne7es LDL to LD5+,L id. at +-5++.
Anne7es LEL to LE5+,L id. at +3531.
Decision of the DENR Secretar$, id. at >,.
Rollo, p. >+.
Id. at >95>1. (E"phasis in the ori%inal.)
Id. at 951.
R.A. No. *#,-, Section >-3 (b).
R.A. No. *#,-, Section >-3 (c).
R.A. No. *#,-, Section >-3 (h).
Coconut il Refiners Association, Inc. v. !orres, 0.R. No. #+2>2*, ;ul$ 21,
2-->, 3,> SCRA 3*, ,26 >-+ Phil. 3+, >+ (2-->).
Id. at ,25,+6 id.
Id. at ,+6 id. at >3.
Id.6 id.
Sec. 32. S"all5Scale Minin%. C S"all5scale "inin% shall continue to be
%overned b$ Republic Act No. *-*, and other pertinent la&s.
E"phasis supplied.
E"phasis supplied.
E"phasis supplied.
E"phasis supplied.
Citin% National /i%a N% M%a Baran%a$ v. Paredes, 0.R. Nos. #+-**> and
#+#1+1, Septe"ber 2*, 2--3, 3+1 SCRA #+-6 392 Phil. ++# (2--3).
Citin% !ano v. Socrates, 0.R. No. ##-231, Au%ust 2#, #11*, 2*9 SCRA
#>36 +3+ Phil. ,*- (#11*).
!he Constitution, Article HII, Section 2. D All lands of the public do"ain,
&aters, "inerals, coal, petroleu", and other "ineral oils, all forces of potential
ener%$, fisheries, forests or ti"ber, &ildlife, flora and fauna, and other natural
resources are o&ned b$ the State. Fith the e7ception of a%ricultural lands, all
other natural resources shall not be alienated. !he e7ploration, develop"ent,
and utili:ation of natural resources shall be under the full control and
supervision of the State. !he State "a$ directl$ underta.e such activities, or it
"a$ enter into co5production, =oint venture, or production5sharin% a%ree"ents
&ith 8ilipino citi:ens, or corporations or associations at least si7t$ per centu"
of &hose capital is o&ned b$ such citi:ens. Such a%ree"ents "a$ be for a
period not e7ceedin% t&ent$5five $ears, rene&able for not "ore than t&ent$5
five $ears, and under such ter"s and conditions as "a$ be provided b$ la&.
In cases of &ater ri%hts for irri%ation, &ater suppl$ fisheries, or industrial uses
other than the develop"ent of &ater po&er, beneficial use "a$ be the
"easure and li"it of the %rant.
7 7 7 7
!he Con%ress "a$, b$ la&, allo& s"all5scale utili:ation of natural
resources b$ 8ilipino citi:ens, as &ell as cooperative fish far"in%, &ith
priorit$ to subsistence fisher"en and fish5 &or.ers in rivers,,
ba$s, and la%oons. (E"phases supplied.)
R.A. No. *-*,, Sec. 2.
!he Ad"inistrative Code of #19*, !itle HI@, Chapter #'
SEC. #. Declaration of Polic$. C (#) !he State shall ensure, for the
benefit of the 8ilipino people, the full e7ploration and develop"ent as
&ell as the =udicious disposition, utili:ation, "ana%e"ent, rene&al and
conservation of the countr$4s forest, "ineral, land, &aters, fisheries,
&ildlife, off5shore areas and other natural resources, consistent &ith the
necessit$ of "aintainin% a sound ecolo%ical balance and protectin% and
enhancin% the Aualit$ of the environ"ent and the ob=ective of "
the e7ploration, develop"ent and utili:ation of such natural resources
eAuitabl$ accessible to the different se%"ents of the present as &ell as
future %enerations.
7 7 7 7
SEC. 2. Mandate. D (#) !he Depart"ent of Environ"ent and Natural
Resources shall be pri"aril$ responsible for the i"ple"entation of the
fore%oin% polic$.
(2) It shall, sub=ect to la& and hi%her authorit$, be in char%e of carr$in%
out the State4s constitutional "andate to control and supervise the
e7ploration, develop"ent, utili:ation and conservation of the countr$4s
natural resources. (E"phasis supplied)
8r. ;oaAuin 0. Bernas, S.;., !he Constitution of the Philippines A
Co""entar$, @ol. II, N #199, p. +*1, citin% III RECRD 3>#53>2.
Cordillera Board Coalition v. Co""ission on Audit, 0.R. No. *11>,,
;anuar$ 21, #11-, #9# SCRA 31>.
Basco v. Philippine A"use"ents and 0a"in% Corporation, 0.R. No. 1#,31,
Ma$ #3, #11#, #1* SCRA >2.
;ose N. Nolledo, !he /ocal 0overn"ent Code of #11# Annotated, 2--3
edition, p. #-.
8r. ;oaAuin 0. Bernas, S.;.., !he Constitution of the Philippines A
Co""entar$, @ol. II, N #199, supra note +3, at +**.
E"phases supplied.
!he Ad"inistrative Code of #19*, !itle HI@ (Environ"ent and Natural
Resources), Chapter #, Section 2 (2).
R.A. No. *-*, &as approved on ;une 2*, #11# and too. effect on ;ul$ #1,
E"phases supplied.
E"phases supplied.
DENR Ad"inistrative rder No. 1>51+,, SEC. #2+. 0eneral Provisions. D
S"all5scale "inin% applications shall be filed &ith, processed and evaluated
b$ the ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board concerned and the
correspondin% per"its to be issued b$ the ProvincialBCit$ Ma$or concerned
e7cept s"all5scale "inin% applications &ithin the "ineral reservations &hich
shall be filed, processed and evaluated b$ the Bureau and the correspondin%
per"it to be issued b$ the Director.
7 7 7 !he i"ple"entin% rules and re%ulations of R.A. No. *-*,, insofar
as the$ are not inconsistent &ith the provisions of these i"ple"entin%
rules and re%ulations, shall continue to %overn s"all5scale "inin%
operations. (E"phasis supplied.)
SEC. 2+. Co"position of the ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board. C !he
Board shall be co"posed of the follo&in%'
2+.# Representative fro" the DENR Re%ional ffice concernedO
2+.2 0overnor or Cit$ Ma$or or their dul$ authori:ed representativeO
2+.+ ne (#) S"all5Scale "inin% representativeOMe"ber or as per
Section 23.+ hereof6
2+.3 ne (#) /ar%e5Scale "inin% representativeOMe"ber6
2+.> ne (#) representative fro" a non%overn"ent or%ani:ationO
Me"ber6 and
2+., Staff support to the Board to be provided b$ the Depart"ent.
DENR Ad"inistrative rder No. 1,53-, Chapter IH, Section #-+.
DENR Ad"inistrative rder No. 1,53-, Chapter #, Section 9.
Decision of the DENR Secretar$, rollo, pp. 25+.
Anne7es LCL to LC5+,L id. at. 2,521.
Rollo, pp. >*5>9. (E"phasis supplied)
Sec. 23. ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board. D !here is hereb$ created
under the direct supervision and control of the Secretar$ a provincialBcit$
"inin% re%ulator$ board, herein called the Board, &hich shall be the
i"ple"entin% a%enc$ of the Depart"ent, and shall e7ercise the follo&in%
po&ers and functions, sub=ect to revie& b$ the Secretar$'
7 7 7 7
(e) Settle disputes, conflicts or liti%ations over conflictin% clai"s &ithin a
peopleEs s"all5scale "inin% area, an area that is declared a s"all5
"inin% area6 and 7 7 7 (E"phasis supplied.)
SEC. 22. ProvincialBCit$ Minin% Re%ulator$ Board. C !he ProvincialBCit$
Minin% Re%ulator$ Board created under R.A. No. *-*, shall e7ercise the
follo&in% po&ers and functions, sub=ect to revie& b$ the Secretar$'
7 7 7 7
22.> Settles disputes, conflicts or liti%ations over conflictin% clai"s
&ithin ninet$ (1-) da$s upon filin% of protests or co"plaints6 Provided,
!hat an$ a%%rieved part$ "a$ appeal &ithin five (>) da$s fro" the
Board4s decision to the Secretar$ for final resolution other&ise the
sa"e is considered final and e7ecutor$6 7 7 7
Doran v. /uc:on, ;r., 0.R. No. #>#+33, Septe"ber 2,, 2--,, >-+ SCRA
0R. Nos. #++,3-, #++,,#, and #+1#3*, Nove"ber 2>,2-->,3*, SCRA
Beltran v. Secretar$ of ?ealth, supra, at #1152--.
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation
I concur in the result. ?o&ever, there appears to be a need to address the issue of
&hether petitioner /ea%ue of Provinces of the Philippines has le%al standin% to
assail the constitutionalit$ of the sub=ect la&s.
Petitioner is a dul$ or%ani:ed lea%ue of local %overn"ents incorporated under
Republic Act No. *,#-, other&ise .no&n as the /ocal 0overn"ent Code. It clai"s
that it is co"posed of 9# local %overn"ents, includin% the province of Bulacan. It
further clai"s that the instant case is a collective action of all provinces 5 in that, a
favorable rulin% &ill not onl$ benefit the province of Bulacan, but also all the other
provinces and local %overn"ents.
!he ponencia upheld petitioner4s le%al standin% to file this petition because the latter
is tas.ed, under Section >-3 of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code, to pro"ote local
autono"$ at the provincial level, adopt "easures for the pro"otion of the &elfare of
all provinces and its officials and e"plo$ees, and e7ercise such other po&ers and
perfor" such duties and functions as the lea%ue "a$ prescribe for the &elfare of the
I concur that the /ea%ue has le%al standin% to assail the constitutionalit$ of the
sub=ect la&s.
A diver%ent position had been advanced b$ ;ustice Marvic M.@.8. /eonen. ?e sa$s
that, Lin case of a citi:en4s suit, the 4interest of the person assailin% the
constitutionalit$ of a statute "ust be direct and personal. ?e "ust be able to sho&,
not onl$ that the la& is invalid, but also that he has sustained or is in i""ediate
dan%er of sustainin% so"e direct in=ur$ as a result of its enforce"ent, and not "erel$
that he suffers thereb$ in so"e indefinite &a$.L
?e further clai"s that, LAs an
or%ani:ation that represents all provinces, it did not suffer an actual in=ur$ or an
in=ur$ n fact, resultin% fro" the i"ple"entation of the sub=ect provisions.L
therefore, concludes that the /ea%ue has no standin% to assail the constitutionalit$
of the sub=ect la&s.
A public action is a suit brou%ht to vindicate a ri%ht belon%in% to the public Aua
public. Based on present =urisprudence, e7cept in cases involvin% issues of
transcendental i"portance,
it can onl$ be brou%ht b$ the proper representative of
the public C one &ho has standin%. 0enerall$, the one &ho has standin% is the one
&ho suffered or i""ediatel$ stands to suffer actual in=ur$ or in=ur$ in fact.
In=ur$ in
fact "eans da"a%e that is distinct fro" those suffered b$ the public.
!his is
different fro" le%al in=ur$ or in=ur$ in la&, &hich results fro" a violation of a ri%ht
belon%in% to a person.
!he diver%ent position appears to confuse the %eneral reAuire"ent for standin% &ith
standin% in citi:ensE suits. !he latter nor"all$ presupposes that there is no one &ho
suffered in=ur$ in fact. !herefore, an$ citi:en is allo&ed to brin% the suit to vindicate
the publicEs ri%ht. Instructive are the pronounce"ents of this Court in the se"inal
case of Severino v. 0overnor50eneral'
It is true, as &e have stated, that the ri%ht &hich he see.s, to enforce is not %reater
or different fro" that of an$ other Aualified elector in the "unicipalit$ of Sila$. It is
also true that the in=ur$ &hich he &ould suffer in case he fails to obtain the relief
sou%ht &ould not be %reater or different fro" that of the other electors6 but he is to enforce a public ri%ht as distin%uished fro" a private ri%ht. !he real part$
in interest is the public, or the Aualified electors of the to&n of Sila$. Each elector
has the sa"e ri%ht and &ould suffer the sa"e in=ur$. Each elector stands on the
sa"e basis &ith reference to "aintainin% a petition to deter"ine &hether or not the
relief sou%ht b$ the relator should be %ranted.
7 7 7
Fe are therefore of the opinion that the &ei%ht of authorit$ supports the proposition
that the relator is a proper part$ to proceedin%s of this character &hen a public ri%ht
is sou%ht to be enforced. If the %eneral rule in A"erica &ere other&ise, &e thin. that
it &ould not be applicable to the case at bar for the reason Lthat it is al&a$s
dan%erous to appl$ a %eneral rule to a particular case &ithout .eepin% in "ind the
reason for the rule, because, if under the particular circu"stances the reason for the
rule does not e7ist, the rule itself is not applicable and reliance upon the rule "a$
&ell lead to error.L
No reason e7ists in the case at bar for appl$in% the %eneral rule insisted upon b$
counsel for the respondent. !he circu"stances &hich surround this case are
different fro" those in the Gnited States, inas"uch as if the relator is not a proper
part$ to these proceedin%s no other person could be, as &e have seen that it is not
the dut$ of the la& officer of the 0overn"ent to appear and represent the people in
cases of this character. (E"phasis supplied)
Also, the diver%ent position appears to confuse public actions &ith class suits (a
species of private action) &hen it stated that LJpKrovinces do not have a co""on or
%eneral interest on "atters related to "inin% that the /ea%ue of Provinces can
represent.L Gnder Section #2 of Rule + of the Rules of Court, Lco""on or %eneral
interestL is a reAuire"ent in class suits. It is not a reAuire"ent for standin% in public
8inall$, the diver%ent position also appears to confuse the %eneral reAuire"ent for
standin% and standin% in citi:ensE suits, &ith or%ani:ational or associational standin%.
!he latter does not reAuire an association to suffer in=ur$ in fact. !he Auestion is
&hether such or%ani:ation can brin% a suit on behalf of its "e"bers &ho have
suffered the in=ur$ in fact. In short, can the representatives of the public be
the"selves represented in a suit.
In this =urisdiction, &e have the standin% of associations to sue on
behalf of their "e"bers. In E7ecutive Secretar$ v. Court of Appeals,
&e held that'
!he "odern vie& is that an association has standin% to co"plain of in=uries to its
"e"bers.1wphi1 !his vie& fuses the le%al identit$ of an association &ith that of its
"e"bers. An association has standin% to file suit for its &or.ers despite its lac. of
direct interest if its "e"bers are affected b$ the action. An or%ani:ation has
standin% to assert the concerns of its constituents.
!hus, based on =urisprudence, the /ea%ue has le%al standin% to Auestion the
constitutionalit$ of the sub=ect la&s, not onl$ in behalf of the province of Bulacan, but
also its other "e"bers.
Apart fro" =urisprudence, the /ea%ue is also vested &ith statutor$ standin%. !he
/ea%ue of ProvincesE pri"ar$ purpose is clear fro" the provisions of the /ocal
0overn"ent Code, vi:'
SEC. >-2. Purpose of r%ani:ation. 5 !here shall be an or%ani:ation of all provinces
to be .no&n as the /ea%ue of Provinces for the pri"ar$ purpose of ventilatin%,
articulatin% and cr$stalli:in% issues affectin% provincial and "etropolitan political
subdivision %overn"ent ad"inistration, and securin%, throu%h proper and le%al
"eans, solutions thereto. 8or this purpose, the Metropolitan Manila Area and an$
"etropolitan political subdivision shall be considered as separate provincial units of
the lea%ue. (E"phasis supplied)
!his purpose is further a"plified b$ the %rant to it of certain po&ers, functions and
duties, &hich are, vi:'
SEC. >-3. Po&ers, 8unctions and Duties of the /ea%ue of Provinces. 5 !he lea%ue
of provinces shall'
(a) Assist the national %overn"ent in the for"ulation and i"ple"entation of
the policies, pro%ra"s and pro=ects affectin% provinces as a &hole6
(b) Pro"ote local autono"$ at the provincial level6
(c) Adopt "easures for the pro"otion of the &elfare of all provinces and its
officials and e"plo$ees6
(d) Encoura%e peoples participation in local %overn"ent ad"inistration in
order to pro"ote united and concerted action for the attain"ent of
countr$&ide develop"ent %oals6
(e) Supple"ent the efforts of the national %overn"ent in creatin%
opportunities for %ainful e"plo$"ent &ithin the province6
(f) 0ive priorit$ to pro%ra"s desi%ned for the total develop"ent of the
provinces in consonance &ith the policies, pro%ra"s and pro=ects of the
national %overn"ent6
(%) Serve as a foru" for cr$stalli:in% and e7pressin% ideas, the
necessar$ assistance of the national %overn"ent and providin% the private
sector avenues for cooperation in the pro"otion of the &elfare of the
provinces6 and
(h) E7ercise such other po&ers and perfor" such other duties and functions
as the lea%ue "a$ prescribe for the &elfare of the provinces and "etropolitan
political subdivisions.
(E"phasis supplied)
In /ea%ue of Cities of the Philippines v. CME/EC,
this Court upheld the /ea%ue
of CitiesE standin% of the basis of Section 311 of the /ocal 0overn"ent Code &hich
tas.s it &ith the Lpri"ar$ purpose of ventilatin%, articulatin% and cr$stalli:in% issues
affectin% cit$ %overn"ent ad"inistration and securin%, throu%h proper and le%al
"eans, solutions thereto.L
ther instances of statutor$ standin% can be found in' ( #) the Constitution, &hich
allo&s an$ citi:en to challen%e Lthe sufficienc$ of the factual basis of the
procla"ation of "artial la& or the suspension of the privile%e of the &rit or the
e7tension thereof6L
(2) the Ad"inistrative Code &herein Lan$ part$ a%%rieved or
adversel$ affected b$ an a%enc$ decision "a$ see. =udicial revie&6L
(+) the Civil
Code &hich provides that Lif a civil action is brou%ht b$ reason of the "aintenance of
a public nuisance, such action shall be co""enced b$ the cit$ or "unicipal
and (3) the Rules of Procedure in Environ"ental Cases b$ &hich Lan$
8ilipino citi:en in representation of others, includin% "inors or %enerations $et
unborn, "a$ file an action to enforce ri%hts or obli%ations under environ"ental
All told, to adopt the diver%ent position &ill destabili:e =urisprudence and is
tanta"ount to i%norin% the clear "andate of la&.
Chief ;ustice
E"phases supplied.
E"phases supplied.
David v. Arro$o, 0.R. Nos. #*#+1,, #*#3-1, #*#39>, #*#39+, #*#3--,
#*#391, #*#323, -+ Ma$ 2--, citin% Araneta v. Din%lasan, 93 Phil. +,9
(#131)6 AAuino v. Co"elec, 0.R. No. /5No. 3---3, +# ;anuar$ #1*>, ,2
SCRA 2*>6 Chave: v. Public Estates Authorit$, 0.R. No. #++2>-, -1 ;ul$
2--2, +93 SCRA #>26 Ba%on% Al$ansan% Ma.aba$an v. Pa"ora, 0.R. Nos.
#+9>*-, #+9>*2, #+9>9*, #+9,9-, #+9,19, #- ctober 2---, +32 SCRA 3316
/i" v. E7ecutive Secretar$, 0.R. No. #>#33>, ## April 2--2, +9- SCRA *+1.
Association of Data Processin% Service r%ani:ations, Inc. v. Ca"p, +1*
G.S. #>- (#1*-).
Dissentin% pinion, ;. Puno, Qilosba$an, Inc. v. 0uin%ona, ;r., 0.R. No.
##++*>, -> Ma$ #113.
BPI E7press Card Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 0.R. No. #2-,+1, 2>
Septe"ber #119.
#, Phil. +,, (#1#-).
0.R. No. #+#*#1, 2> Ma$ 2--3. See also Qilusan% Ma$o Gno /abor Center
v. 0arcia, 0.R. No. ##>+9#, 2+ Dece"ber #1136 ?ol$ Spirit ?o"eo&ners
Association v. Defensor, 0.R. No. #,+19-, -+ Au%ust 2--,.
/ocal 0overn"ent Code.
0.R. No. #*,1>#, #9 Nove"ber 2--9.
Sec. #9, Article @II, #19* Constitution.
Sec. 2>(2), Chapter 3, Boo. @II.
Article *-#.
Section >, A.M. No. -15,595SC.

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