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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -

C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
C.A+TER - %
The commission had in the earlier tariff orders and in various letters issued the
following directives for compliance by BESCOM. Compliance of those
directives by BESCOM is discussed in this section.
%51 Directi&e on Deman) i)e !anagement an) Energy E((iciency
BESCOM is directed to explore the possibility of introducing the following
SM and Energy Efficiency measures! which would result in reduction in
energy consumption and reduction of pea" loads#demand.
$a% Ma"ing &Time of ay Tariff' compulsory for industrial consumers! which is
optional now.
$b% (nstalling electronic &time switches' for streetlight installations for switching
&on' and &off' at the re)uired timings.
$c% Bifurcation of agricultural loads from the existing ** +, feeders.
$d% -dopting .,S for agricultural loads! which results in reduction of line
loss and prevents theft of energy.
$e% To adopt &Bachat /amp 0o1ana' that is being launched by the Bureau of
Energy Efficiency.
BESCOM is directed to formulate a time bound action plan to implement
the above emand Side Management and Energy Efficiency Measures
and submit the same to the Commission within three months from the
date of this order.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
Com#liance *y BECO!
6a7 !aking 8Time o( Day Tari((9 com#ulsory (or in)ustrial consumers:
'"ic" is o#tional no'5
The Commission vide Tariff Order dated October 23! 24** has continued the
Time of ay Tariff use as an option to consumers under /T 5 $where trivector
meter is fixed% and .T2 $a% categories.
BESCOM proposes 8Time o( Day Tari((9 to be made compulsory for industrial
consumers under .T category. The same is furnished under the heading6 7ew
8roposals6 in the present filing.
6*7 Installing electronic 8timer s'itc"es9 (or streetlig"t installations (or
s'itc"ing 8on9 an) 8o((9 at t"e re;uire) timings
BESCOM is regularly pursuing with BBM8 and the other local bodies through
the 9onal Chief Engineers $Ele% who have been nominated as coordinators for
installing Energy efficient street lighting systems and installing electronic :timer
switches6 for streetlight installations.

6c7 Bi(urcation o( agricultural loa)s (rom t"e e<isting 11 K/ (ee)ers
BESCOM has ta"en up the wor" of segregating agricultural loads from the
existing **", feeders in the form of 7iranthara ;yothi! a scheme to provide
2<=> uninterrupted power supply to non?agricultural loads in @ural areas in
two phases. The updated progress is being regularly submitted to the .on6ble
Commission. etails are enumerated under compliance for irective A! Talu"
wise segregation of feeders.
6)7 A)o#ting ./D (or agricultural loa)s: '"ic" results in re)uction o(
line loss an) #re&ents t"e(t o( energy5
The compliance is furnished under the new directive 6 implementation of .,S6
6e7 To a)o#t 8Bac"at 1am# 4o=ana9 t"at is *eing launc"e) *y t"e Bureau
o( Energy E((iciency5
+rogress as on,150152012 is (urnis"e) *elo'B
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
110att 1? 0att Total CF1s
* +O/-@ *<<A5C >C*25 <23353 54<D3A A4.4C.24**
2 +EF *52<2D >D5*4 <D452> 5>44A> A4.4C.24**
A CB 8G@- *A<223 554A* <C2>5C 5*>>3> A4.43.24**
KO1AR CIRC1E @,101, 210%%% 1,?21@1 1-A2?0B
* @-M 7-E-@ *A3CC5 *42*54 <<<2** 5<CAC* *D.43.24**
2 0E/-.-7+- *AAD*4 52225 <>4425 522254 2C.43.24**
A C.-7-8G@- *AA4*C 52D25 <CD325 522>54 A*.43.24**
< 7E/-M-7E-/- *A<*5< 5*524 <C5C34 5*>244 A*.43.24**
Bangalore Rural
-,AB@- 2-??20 1?@AB@1 210?-%1
Total AB0B-? @%A@?% ,2,1??2 ,B01,%?
Tum"ur and avanagere Circle ? Tender has been re?floated and is under
BM-9 ? /etter of -ward on M#s Energy Efficiency Services 7ew elhi has
been issued! Tripartite agreement is signed for Bangalore South Circle and
distribution of CF/ bulbs for about *4 /a"h .ouse?.olds will commence
Commission9s &ie's
BESCOM is directed to formulate a time bound action plan within three
months to implement the above emand Side Management and Energy
Efficiency Measures immediately. The progress achieved in regard to
bifurcation of (8 loads and (nstalling electronic &timer switches' for streetlight
installations is not upto the expected level. The progress achieved in
implementing the directives shall be reported to the commission on a
)uarterly basis.
-lso! the Commission in its tariff order dated October 23! 24** has
suggested that ESCOMs on behalf of the local bodies ta"e action for
installing timer switches to the streetlight installations and recover the cost
from the local bodies to save time in avoidance of the wastage of energy.
BESCOM is directed to act expeditiously on this issue.
%52 Directi&e on Im#lementation o( Intra tate ABT
The +8TC/ and ESCOMs have reported that they have commenced the
process of setting up -rea /oad espatch Centres to implement (ntra State
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
-BT as earlier directed. The Commission hereby directs that the wor" of
establishing -/Cs in all the ESCOMs shall be completed fully and (ntra
State -BT is made operational by A*
-ugust! 24*4. Thereafter! progress
achieved in this regard shall be reported to the Commission on fortnightly
Com#liance *y BECO!
The Company has put in place full fledged istribution Control Centre. The
S/C can implement (ntra State -BT provided +8TC/ completes the
implementation of SC-- in all its stations. .owever! every day hourly
availability in terms of pea" load and energy at 224", station level is being
furnished by S/C! and BESCOM in turn is allocating the hourly pea" load
and energy at 224", station levels depending upon the availability.
Commission9s &ie's
(n the -dvisory committee meeting held on A4.4A.24** it was informed by
M! +8TC/ that the (ntra State -BT would be implemented from -pril 24**
and the Eenerators would also be included. The Commission notes that (ntra
State -BT is being delayed on one ground or the other. This is affecting to
inter company accounting. Therefore! the Commission directs that the
+8TC/ and the ESCOMs shall ta"e all necessary measures immediately to
complete the remaining activities for implementation of (ntra State -BT and
report compliance.
%5, Directi&e on Taluk-'ise Fee)ers9 egregation
ESCOMs shall furnish to the Commission the programme of implementing **
+, talu" wise feeder segregation with the following details?
a% 7o. of ** +, feeders considered for segregation.
b% Month wise time schedule for completion of envisaged wor".
c% (mprovement achieved in supply after segregation of feeders.
Com#liance *y BECO!C
+rogress o( 2irant"ara Dyot"i 'orks: +"ase-I as on ,150152012
2ame o( t"e
+rogress Ac"ie&e)
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
2o5 o(
2o5 o(
2o5 o(
2D (ee)ers
+ro=ect cost
6Rs5 in
* 2 A < 5 C > 3
* +ana"apura <3A A* 22 A*3<.>3 3 2
2 Magadi 2C * * *<4.<2 * *
A .osadurga 243 *D *A *C4C.*2 > A
< Channagiri *<> 5A *3 *CC>.AA ** C
5 .arapanahalli **A *3 *4 *C*C.4C < 2
C Bagepalli 2>2 *> ** *533.<* C C
> +unigal <*< 2A *C 2>*3.DC ** 4
3 Madhugiri 25D A* *3 *3D>.D5 *3 *4
D Eubbi H <53 C3 2C ACD2.CC > 5
*4 Sira 23D 2C *> 2<2A.DA > 5
** .onnali *4A 2D ** **D<.<2 > A
*2 .iriyur 2A> 2D *C 2<55.5C ** 5
*A ;agalur *4C *A D *2*3.5< C 2
*< Siddlaghatta 2C3 2C *< *DCD.4> 3 >
*5 .osa"ote 222 A5 *D 2<CD.>A *3 *C
*C -ne"al 3C 3 5 **42.4C * *
*> Tum"ur 5CD C4 2C A*>D.24 *D *3
*3 Tiptur 22< 2A *2 *3>>.D> *4 3
*D evanahalli 243 25 *D *<54.<5 C *
24 .arihara H 53 24 *4 >45.45 4 4
Total @B-0 --- 2A, ,?1-?5%B 1%% 101
7o. of feeders in which wor" is in progress is 2DA ? 2< I 2CD
Completion ateB F0 ? 24**?24*2
Out of 2C feeders in Eubbi talu" *< feeders wor" will be ta"en
up in phase?2 and *4 feeders in .arihara talu" will be ta"en up in phase?
Financial e<#en)iture as at t"e en) o( Danuary 2012 (or 2D4 +"ase-I5
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
(or #"ase-1
!o)e o( arrangement
@s. A32
E Gnder Special evelopment 8lan
Eovernment Of +arnata"a
has released @s. A2 Crores vide
E7 D5 8S@ 2443!Bangalore! ated
@eleased 22.54 Crores as
investment in ESCOMs for
7iranthara ;yothi wor"s Special
evelopment 8lan vide E.O.7o.B
E7 24 8S@ 24**#8A? 8art (
Bangalore ated 2*.4D.24**
H Gnder E)uity $investment in ESCOMs
for 7iranthara ;yothi wor"s
+arnata"a released 25 Crores as
e)uity vide E.O.7oB E7 *A 8S@?24*4!
BangaloreB 22.*2.*4.
@eleased CA.<5 Crores as e)uity vide
E.O.7oB E7*A 8S@?24*4! Bangalore
atedB A*.A.24**.
@eleased 24.44 Crores as e)uity vide
E.O.7oB E724 8S@?24**#8A?8art ((!
Bangalore atedB 2*.D.**.
Cumulati&e E<#en)iture *ooke) as on Dan-2012- Rs52B252B Crores
2irant"ara Dyot"i c"eme +"ase-II: +rogress as at t"e en) o( Danuary-2012
l 2o 2ame o( t"e Taluk
2o5 o(
2o5 o(
2o5 o(
2D (ee)ers
cost 6Rs5
in 1ak"s7
As #er
* oddaballapura 2<4 2C *> *23A.3*
J- (ssued on
under progress.
2 7elamangala 2A5 > > *323.3<
@etendered A @amanagara 24 * * A4*.D>
< Channaptna *C3 2* *4 24*<.55
5 +oratagere 2*2 *> ** *5*A.>5
/O( (ssued on
C Turuve"ere 24> 22 *< 24<A.5A
> Eubbi $part%HH *D4 2A *< *3C>.D*
3 Chi""anaya"anahalli AAC A4 *5 2CD4.4>
J- (ssued on
*4.**.24** for /OT?43.
@etenderd to be invited
for Chi""anaya"anahalli
part?* $/ot 7o.>%
D Bangarpet A5C AA *C 222D.23
J- (ssued on
under progress.
*4 Mulbagal 2AA 2* *2 *3>C.23
** +olar 253 <4 2* 22D2.5
*2 Chintamani A44 AA *5 2*DC.<*
J- (ssued on
under progress.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
*A Srinivaspura A23 AA *A 2A>2.22
*< Chi""aballapura *5C *C ** *AD2.CA
*5 Eowribidanur A*3 A* *D 2A4A.2*
J- (ssued on
under progress.
*C Eudibande >> 5 A <3>.C>
*> Chitradurga *3A 2< *C *A<C.22
*3 .olal"ere *D< A2 *< *>C*.2A
*D Challa"ere *>A 2C *A *34>.<D
24 Mola"almur *<2 25 *4 *<34.>3
2* .ariharaHH 53 24 *4 >45.45
22 avanagere *2D <2 *3 *35D.<
Total <5*A 523 234 A>C5<.3
2ote C HH .arihara and Eubbi part talu"s were covered under phase?* of 7;0 scheme due to
non?participation of the bidders same has been included in phase?2
Commission9s &ie's
The benefit of this scheme need no emphasis. The progress achieved in
implementing the wor"s under 7;0 scheme 8hase?( is around A5K only. But
BESCOM had stated that that it would complete all feeders under 7;0
8hase?( wor"s by March 24*2. This dead line is not "ept up. Therefore!
BESCOM is directed to hasten the pace of 7;0 wor"s and furnish to the
Commission the progress achieved under 8hase?( along with improvements
achieved in supply after segregation of feeders and also the time bound
schedule for completion of the 8hase?(( wor"s.
%5@ Directi&e on !etering at t"e Distri*ution Trans(ormer Centres
The Commission had earlier directed the ESCOMs to complete installation of
meters at the TCs by A*
ecember! 24*4. (n this regard ESCOMs were
re)uired to furnish to the Commission the following information by A4?4<?
24*4 and thereafter report on a monthly basis on the progress achieved in
respect of ?
a% 7o. of TCs existing in the Company.
b% 7o. of TCs already metered.
c% 7o. of TCs yet to be metered.
d% Time bound monthly programme for completion of wor".
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
Com#liance *y BECO!
(t is submitted to the commission that there are about <2!343 TCs in Grban
and *!*5!35< TCs in the @ural areas. Out of these! 23!2*4 TCs in Grban
area and 23!*A2 TCs in @ural areas have already been metered. The
tenders were invited for the balance TCs in @ural areas amounting to @s
<244 la"hs. The tender was dropped for technical reasons. -lso under @?
-8@8 scheme about *5!ACD TCs are proposed for metering in Grban
areas which is under execution which will be completed by F0*2. Further!
action will be ta"en to provide meters to the balance TCs in @ural areas in
a time bound manner in F0?*A.
Commission9s &ie's

The overall progress achieved by the BESCOM is around A5K only.
BESCOM shall furnish the plan of action for fixing meters to the remaining
TCs and obtaining meter readings for conducting energy audit within a
specified time limit. BESCOM is also directed to ta"e up Energy -udit of all
the completed TCs and submit compliance.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
%5- Directi&e on #re&ention o( electrical acci)ents
The Commission has reviewed the electrical accidents that have ta"en place
in the State during the year 24*4?** and with regret noted that as many as
AD* people and 5D5 animals have died due to these accidents.
From the analysis! it is seen that the ma1or causes of these accidents are due
to snapping of /T#.T lines! accidental contact with live /T#.T#E.T lines!
hanging live wires around the electric poles#transformers etc.! in the streets.
.aving considered the above matter! the Commission hereby directs all
ESCOMs#.u""eri @ECS#+8TC/ to prepare an action plan to effect
improvements in the Transmission and istribution 7etwor"s and implement
safety measures to prevent electrical accidents. etailed ivision wise action
plan shall be submitted by BESCOM to the Commission within two months.
Com#liance *y BECO!
-ction plan to effect improvements in the distribution networ"s is furnished as
7orms have been laid down duly stipulating safety practices to be
adopted in the field at various levels in the form of Safety manual both in
English and +annada.
-ll the employees right from the cadre of the Chief Engineer Elecy.! and
down upto /ine Men were trained on Safety practices. Total was about
**2*C $including MaLdoors and Eangmen%.
-wareness campaign materials li"e posters! pamphlets and experienced
case studies have been got printed and supplied to the field.
- set of safety materials have been designated for procurement! for each
/ine Man and the Section Officer. Sufficient safety materials have been
procured and further process of procuring the same to replace worn?out or
unusable materials. Safety materials mainly include .elmet! Safety belts!
@ubber hand gloves! ** ", line detectors! etc.
- system of ta"ing safety oath on every Monday is introduced along with
** ", wor" permit which is mandatory $apart from line clear being ta"en
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
from the sub?station% before ta"ing up the wor" to be signed by both
/ineman and the Section Officer.
@ecently BESCOM has adopted safety procedures duly fixing
responsibilities for each level of the field officers and the protocol to be
followed before ta"ing up the wor"s on distribution system. This protocol
also stipulates punitive actions against erring employees.
(t is true that the number of electrical accidents occurring to non?
departmental persons is on higher side! may be for several reasons li"e
ignorance! bad distribution system and carelessness.
BESCOM is releasing safety tips for the "nowledge of the public through
newspapers in state level as well as district level! every half year and also
through various advertisements in the magaLines and souvenirs. Je are
using electronic media for bringing awareness on Safety through T,!
@adio! Electronic displays! etc.!
Je have made an action plan for communication purpose in order to
ma"e the public aware of the haLards in the distribution system for which
a budget of @s. * Crore is earmar"ed and action plan developed. Je are
utiliLing the same campaign for the purpose of bringing in awareness
about the Energy Saving and the methods of redressal for the complaints.
-part from conducting regular interaction meetings at Sub?ivision level!
ivision level and Corporate level! a committee is being formed with
representatives from ;anagraha for shifting electrical e)uipment which are
haLardous in nature.
-wareness campaign materials li"e posters and pamphlets have been got
printed and supplied to the field.
-ction has been ta"en to identify various haLardous locations in the
distribution system starting from examination of ** ", feeders!
istribution Transformer Centers and down upto the service point of the
customers. There is a routine practice of identifying and rectifying such
dangerous # haLardous installations. -bout <A55 wor"s have been
identified and are in progress. uring the period from Sept?24** to ec?
24**! D4A 7os of haLardous installations have been rectified.
Focus is given to identify dangerous installations in the public areas
especially schools and colleges.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
Safety Jor" Boo" has been designed and is being printed under the
guidance of M#s 8@C/ consultants. The Safety Jor" Boo" contains the
procedure to be followed while carrying out any wor". The safety
materials to be "ept in section offices for carrying out the wor" safely! the
procedure for creating safety Lone for wor" execution. The supervisory
staff should certify the wor" allocation and safety material issued to staff.
Euidelines have been issued from BESCOM stipulating the procedure to
be followed in identifying haLardous location and their rectification and the
action to be ta"en on employees! if the rectification wor"s are not
completed in specified time.
- Circular regarding identifying and rectification of haLardous locations
and implementations of safety rules in BESCOM is issued wherein the
roles! responsibilities and disciplinary actions to be initiated for various
Field Officers starting from Maintenance Staff! Meter @eaders! Section
Officers # Sub ivisions office and ivision Office are clearly mentioned.
-dvertisements in 7ews papers have been planned highlighting the
importance of Safety and also feedbac" from consumers # public is invited
in case of non?adherence to Safety procedure by employees of BESCOM.
During t"is year t"e (ollo'ing a(ety !aterials "a&e *een #rocure)
+articulars Total
+articulars Total
* .elmets *C44 C .and Torch A>52
2 .elmets with Electronic
(nduction tester
> -d1ustable Screw Spanner
A Screw rivers C555 3 Telescopic Earthing @od *A44
< Cutting 8liers 5*35 D .ic"ory @ods <ADA
5 ** ", etectors *C44 *4 Erounding @ods *>4<
Ten)ering #rocess is un)er #rocess (or #rocuring t"e (ollo'ing sa(ety
+articulars Total
* Safety Belts AA<*
2 Safety .elmets with electronic induction tester 2>5<
A .and Eloves AD4>
tatement s"o'ing t"e )etails o( Acci)ents (or t"e F4 2010-11 an)
F4 2011-12 63#to ,1501520127
+articulars F4 -2010-2011
F4 -2011-2012
6u#to ,1501520127
Fatal ept ** C
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
7on ept DA D<
ept 5A A4
7on ept 2> <*
-nimal C2 CA
Total 2o5 o( acci)ents 2@% 2,@
Commission9s &ie's
The Commission notes that even during 24**?*2! **4 people and <A animals
have died in BESCOM due to electrical accidents. The Commission
appreciates the measures ta"en by BESCOM for prevention of electrical
accidents especially with respect to identifying and rectification of haLardous
installations in the public places. But! despite these measures! it is seen from
the analysis of accidents occurred in BESCOM for F0*2 that fatal accidents
to non?departmental persons and animals have increased compared to the
previous year. This clearly calls for action plan to reduce haLardous
locations in public places. BESCOM is directed to ta"e up rectification of
balance identified haLardous installations#locations in the networ"
expeditiously in a time bound manner and submit compliance regarding the
same on a )uarterly basis. BESCOM shall also educate the consumers
regarding the safety precautions to be ta"en by them to avoid accidents
through media and interaction meetings.
Further! the Commission notes that the compensation paid in case of
accidents is inade)uate and needs to be enhanced. Therefore the
Commission directs BESCOM to ta"e action to suitably increase the )uantum
of compensation under intimation to the Commission.
%5% Directi&e on .T > 1T Ratio
BESCOM is directed to ta"e measures to achieve .T line B /T line ratio of
*B* by adopting 7iranthara ;yothi 0o1ana in @ural areas and by converting /T
lines into .T lines and providing additional TCs in Grban areas in one talu"
as a pilot pro1ect. By achieving *B* ratio! /T line losses will be reduced.
BESCOM shall furnish time bound action plan to achieve this ratio in one
talu" of the Company.
Com#liance *y BECO!
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
(n the existing istribution networ" of the Company! >A!>5D C"t +M of .T line
and *!<D!5C< C"t +M of /T line exists as on date! with .T#/T ratio of 2.42.
Gnder 7irantara ;yothi 8hase?( about C!>>4 C"t +M of .T line is added and
under 8hase?(( wor"s! another D!444 C"t +M of .T line will be added to the
existing networ". Jith the completion of these wor"s .T#/T ratio will come
down to *B*.C>. Gnder @?-8@8 the reduction in .T#/T ratio is also
envisaged. Further! an action plan would be drawn up to bring .T#/T ratio to
*B* in one of the Talu"s.
Commission9s &ie's
BESCOM is directed to achieve .T line B /T line ratio of *B* by converting /T
lines into .T lines and providing additional TCs in Grban and @ural areas
by expediting wor"s under @-8@8! 7;0 and .,S to reduce /T line
losses. BESCOM shall hasten the pace of .,S implementation which will
substantially reduce /T lines. BESCOM is directed to furnish a time bound
action plan to achieve this ratio in the Company.
%5B Directi&e on !I an) Com#uteriFation

BESCOM shall improve its Management (nformation System $M(S% and
provide more details and explain the basis for all the pro1ections indicating
the sources of data and the method of estimating pro1ected values in the next
Further! the Commission notes that! despite computeriLation! there are some
inconsistencies in the data furnished to the Commission on various aspects.
BESCOM has to improve its database and achieve consistency in the data
furnished to the Commission.
Com#liance *y BECO!
The following actions are ta"en to improve Management (nformation System
Corrective actions have been ta"en in the present billnet application
software for generation of accurate and consistent reports.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
Jeb based integrated M(S solution being implemented under @-8@8!
will source data from the relevant applications! integrate them into a
common easy to use structure! and provide accurate reports.
The MBC software of @-8@8 being implemented has been structured
to enable accurate computation of fixed charges and revenue realiLation
in different slabs of consumption relating to various tariff categories.
8roviding (nternet connectivity by Feb.24*2 for all Sub?ivisional # section
offices! BESCOM enables running of web applications for accurate data
Consumer (ndexing M Creation of BESCOM 7etwor" database through
E8S survey covered under @-8@8 enables capturing accurate
networ" data $station ? feeder M TC M pole? consumers % and integration
of the same into MBC software.
8rovision has been made in the Jeb based M(S module of @-8@8 for
providing customiLed M(S as per +E@C directives and access will be
provided to commission.
Commission9s &ie's
BESCOM shall furnish the above details for the purpose of more accurate
computation of fixed charges and revenue realiLation in different slabs of
consumption relating to various tariff categories. BESCOM has to improve its
database and shall be consistent in the data furnished.

%5? Directi&e on Energy Au)it
The Commission has been directing BESCOM to prepare a metering plan for
Energy -udit to measure the energy received in each of the (nter phase
points and to account for the energy sales. The Commission has also
directed BESCOM to conduct energy audit and chal" out an action plan to
reduce distribution losses to a maximum of *5K wherever it was above this
level in *5 towns and cities having a population of over 54!444.

Com#liance *y BECO!
The process of segregating technical losses and commercial losses in the
study entrusted to M#s. C8@( for about 3 feeders is completed for the first
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
)uarter and a report will be submitted to the commission by 2D.2.24*2.
Further! conducting of circle wise energy audit will be ta"en up.
Commission9s /ie's
BESCOM is directed to expedite the process of segregating technical and
commercial losses by completing the study assigned to M#s C8@(! and also it
is directed to submit the analysis reports in respect of completed eight
feeders early. BESCOM shall also furnish the voltage wise losses as sought
earlier by the Commission. The Commission reiterates its directive to
underta"e energy audit studies at the distribution circle level and submit to
the commission.
%5A Directi&e on Assessment o( I+ sets9 consum#tion
The Commission had directed BESCOM to provide meters to TCs
predominantly feeding to (8 sets at the rate of two to four TCs per ONM
The Commission directs BESCOM to furnish the monthly data downloaded
from << ET, meters that was hitherto being furnished by M#S TE@(! in
addition to the monthly statement of assessment of (8 consumption based on
TC metered sampling points which is being furnished.
Further! the Commission notes that! the present method of computation of (8
set consumption based on monthly sample readings of TCs predominantly
feeding (8 sets is not reflecting an accurate picture of (8 set consumption.
ESCOMs shall meter all the TCs which are feeding energy to (8 set
installations. This will enable the ESCOMs to accurately assess the (8 set
consumption and claim subsidy from the Eovernment.
BESCOM shall install meters to all the remaining TCs which are feeding to
(8 sets and put in place a mechanism to obtain periodical meter readings of
such TCs and assess the (8 set consumption.
Com#liance *y BECO!

The monthly data downloaded from << ET, meters and readings of meters
fixed to TCs predominantly feeding (8 sets in the prescribed formats are
regularly submitted to the Commission.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
Commission9s &ie's
The Commission reiterates its directive to BESCOM to install meters to all
the remaining TCs which are feeding (8 sets and put in place a mechanism
to obtain periodical meter readings of such TCs and assess the (8 set
consumption. @eplacement of faulty meters#CTs if any! in the sampled TCs
shall be carried out immediately and reported to the Commission. BESCOM
shall furnish a time bound action plan within three months of this Order for
completing the above programme.
%510 Directi&e on Guality o( er&ice
The Commission has earlier commented on the poor )uality of supply to
consumers particularly in @ural areas. The Commission has been directing
BESCOM to ta"e appropriate action to reduce interruptions by attending to
periodic maintenance of lines and e)uipment! with particular reference to
@ural areas.
The Commission directs BESCOM to continue its efforts in improving the
)uality of supply particularly in @ural areas w4here the )uality of supply is
very poor.
Com#liance *y BECO!
BESCOM has opened service centers in all its ivisional head )uarters
especially in @ural areas with ade)uate men and material resources and is
carrying out regular periodic maintenances in order to reduce the duration as
well as fre)uency of interruptions. The @eliability (ndices for **+, feeders in
@ural areas in the prescribed formats on monthly basis are being submitted
to the .on6ble Commission regularly.
Commission &ie's
uring the course of public hearing many consumers and their representative
complaint on the )uality of service of BESCOM and its employees. The
Commission directs BESCOM to continue its efforts in further improving the
)uality of supply! particularly in @ural areas! where the )uality of supply is
very poor. -ction ta"en by BESCOM to improve the )uality of supply to
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
consumers is noted! but the same is not supported by relevant data5
BESCOM is also directed to furnish the compliance#progress regarding the
extent of improvements carried out to the networ" with details of expenditures
%511 Directi&e on Relia*ility In)e< o( su##ly o( #o'er to consumers
-s per the schedule ? (( of the +E@C $/icensees6 standards of performance%
@egulations M 244<! the licensees are re)uired to compute the following
reliability indices
a.-verage 7o. of interruptions in **+, feeders
b.-verage duration of interruptions in **+, feeders
c.-verage 7o. of interruptions per consumer
d.-verage duration of interruptions per consumer.
-t present! ESCOMs are furnishing the following monthly data on Benchmar"
parameters for both Grban and @ural areas separately
a. -verage number of interruptions in **+, feeders
b. -verage duration of interruptions in **+, feeders
Clause 3 under istribution System 8lanning and Security Standard of the
istribution Code in the +arnata"a Electricity Erid Code? 2445 also specifies
computation of the reliability indices for planning of extension and improvement
to a distribution system.
Com#liance *y BECO!
The details as per the Commission6s prescribed &Euidelines for determination
of @eliability indices of supply of power to consumers' dated *5.*2.2443 is
furnished monthly to the Commission.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
Commission9s &ie's
The reliability indices of ** +, feeders in @ural areas of BESCOM are not
satisfactory and BESCOM is directed to improve the reliability (ndices of **
+, feeders by putting in place a time bound action plan. BESCOM is
directed to furnish the above monthly data in the formats prescribed by the
Commission as per the &Euidelines for determination of @eliability indices of
supply of power to consumers' dated *5.*2.2443.
%512 Directi&e on RegulariFation o( unaut"oriFe) I+ sets
The Commission! in a number of letters and in its earlier Tariff Orders! had
directed BESCOM to regulariLe unauthoriLed (8 sets $except those in the
grey and dar" areas%! immediately without imposing any condition and to
bring them into boo"s of -ccounts and raise bills for the same! immediately.

Com#liance *y BECO!
Eo+ vide Order dated **.4A.24** has issued directions for regulariLation of
unauthoriLed (8 sets. -s on A4.4*.24*2! C>D>2 number of (8 sets are
registered! out of which 25<*A 7os. have been regulariLed. 7ow the
Eovernment has extended the last date for regulariLation till A*.4A.24*2.
Further! progress achieved in the extended period will be furnished to the

Commission9s /ie's
-s the occurrence of unauthoriLed (8 sets is a continuous phenomenon!
BESCOM needs to address these issues by a regular campaign among
farmers and to enlist the support of local law enforcing authorities to prevent
unauthoriLed connections. Further BESCOM is directed to ta"e immediate
action to regulariLe all the unauthoriLed (8 sets by creating necessary
infrastructure within the time specified by the Eovernment of +arnata"a in its
order dated **.4A.24** and report the compliance.
%51, Directi&e on !etering
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
The Commission! in a number of letters and in earlier Tariff Orders has
directed BESCOM to provide meters to (8 sets! B;#+; and street light
installations! immediately. (t has observed that! continuation of supply by
BESCOM to these un?metered categories without meters from *4.4C.2445
violates the provisions of Section 55 of the Electricity -ct! 244A.

Com#liance *y BECO!
!etering +rogress
(n respect of (8 set installations! D.<3K metering is achieved.
(n respect of B;# +; installations! metering to an extent of DD.4>K is
(n respect of Streetlights! *44K metering is completed.
Commission9s &ie's
The Commission has observed that the progress achieved in metering of
B;#+; and (8 set installations is not satisfactory. The Commission reiterates
its directive to achieve *44K metering in respect of (8 sets and B;#+;
installations and report the compliance early.
%51@ Directi&e on egregation o( Distri*ution an) Retail su##ly
BESCOM is directed to segregate accounts between istribution and @etail
supply business by adopting a suitable methodology and implement the
same from the next financial year.
Com#liance *y BECO!
The report of (nternal Committee will be referred to a professional
Consultancy for necessary validation and pointing out any lacunae
#/oopholes in the report. On such validation action to implement the same will
be ta"en during F0*A
ECO! 2o5o( I+
e<isting as on
2o5o( I+
(or '"ic"
meters are
(i<e) as on
e<isting as on
(or '"ic"
meters are
(i<e) as on
2o5o( treet
e<isting as
2o5o( treet
installations (or
'"ic" meters
are (i<e)
as on
BESCOM C*C*33 53<5> >**2*4 >4<CCA <D24C <D24C
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
Commission9s /ie's
These percentages allocation arrived during previous years may be
reexamined and the revised percentage if any shall be considered for the
ensuing year.
%51- Directi&e on 1i(eline su##ly to unelectri(ie) "ouse"ol)s
The Commission had directed ESCOMs to prepare a detailed and time bound
action plan to provide electricity to all the un electrified villages! hamlets and
habitations in every talu" and to every household therein. The action plan
shall spell out the details of additional re)uirement of power! infrastructure and
manpower along with the shortest possible time frame $not exceeding three
years% for achieving the target in every talu" and district.
Com#liance *y BECO!
.O letters are addressed to all the eputy Commissioner of BESCOM area
re)uesting them to intimate whether there are any hamlets or villages which
are yet to be electrified. Follow up action will be ta"en on receipt of details
from the concerned eputy Commissioners.
Commission9s /ie's
The Commission hereby directs ESCOMs to prepare an action plan to
provide lifeline supply of electricity to all households without electricity in their
respective 1urisdiction. (n its tariff order dated October 23! 24**! the
Commission had directed ESCOMs to prepare an action plan to provide life
line supply of electricity to all .ouseholds without electricity in their respective
1urisdiction. The ESCOMs could ta"e the latest istrict wise census data and
prepare a detailed pro1ect report for extending electricity supply to these
.ouseholds by availing of funding assistance under the @EE,0 or other
programmes. The Commission directs BESCOM to complete the tas" of
identification of .ouseholds and prepare pro1ect reports as mentioned above.
%51% Directi&es on +o'er u##ly During 2ig"t .ours For /illages
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission

The distribution utilities shall ensure at least ** hours of single?phase power
supply to the @ural areas every day between C 8M and C -M. with provision
for one hour of load shedding if re)uired! to manage evening pea" demand
between C 8M and *4 8M. The Commission will consider the implications of
any additional power purchase re)uired for the purpose
Com#liance *y BECO!
-s directed by the Commission! ** hours of single?phase power supply is
being provided to @ural areas. .owever! one hour of load shedding is being
enforced to curtail pea" demand on the networ".
Commission9s /ie's
The Commission reiterates its directive to BESCOM to continue to ta"e
action in ensuring**hours of single?phase power supply to @ural areas every
day between C 8M and C -M with provision for one hour of load shedding if
re)uired! to manage evening pea" demand between C 8M and *4 8M.
%51B Relia*ility o( Electricity u##ly
The Commission directs BESCOM to prepare and publish its wee"ly
feeder#substation wise supply schedules with effect from *.*.24** and report
compliance to the Commission. The Commission also directs that ESCOMs
shall submit to the Commission! by the *4
of every month! a report
istribution 9one wise! on the number and duration of interruptions in supply
during the previous month with reasons.
Com#liance *y BECO!
Monthly reports of distribution Lone wise number and duration of interruptions
in supply are regularly being submitted to the Commission from ;anuary
Commission9s /ie's
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
The Commission reiterates its directive to BESCOM to prepare and publish
its wee"ly feeder#substation wise supply schedules to the consumers by
using the (nformation technology within the stipulated period regularly.
%51? Directi&e on Res#onsi&eness to Consumers
The commission directs BESCOM to hold consumer interaction meetings in
each ONM Sub?ivision once in every two months according to a published
schedule. Such meetings shall be attended by officers of the level of the
Superintending Engineers along with the ivisional and Sub?ivisional level
Engineers. BESCOM shall submit a schedule of such meetings to the
Com#liance *y BECO!
;anasampar"a Sabhas are conducted regularly to solve the grievances of the
consumers on every Saturday $except Second Saturday% at Sub?ivisional
(nstructions have been issued vide Corporate Office circular dated
2D.*2.24*4! directing all Sub?ivisions to conduct customer interaction
meeting by the Superintending Engineers $Ele%. These meetings are held at
the Sub?ivision level which is presided over by 1urisdictional Superintending
Engineers $Ele!%. The field engineers would hear and solve the problems of
the consumers.
uring such interaction meetings! the consumers have voiced several types
of complaints relating to billing! power supply interruption! providing
intermediate poles! street light complaints! installation of solar water heater!
rectification of sagging conductors! etc. Such grievances are redressed.
Commission9s /ie's
The Commission appreciates the efforts made by BESCOM in conducting the
consumers6 interaction meeting in all Sub?ivisions of the Company. The
feedbac" of such meetings conducted in one @ural and Grban Sub?ivision
shall be furnished to the Commission on )uarterly basis.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
%51A Directi&e on Conser&ation o( Energy in Irrigation
The Commission directs that BESCOM shall set up an Efficient (rrigation
8romotion cell to promote drip#sprin"ler irrigation systems among farmers.
These cells should coordinate! with universities of -gricultural Sciences and
the various epartments of Eovernment to set up demonstration units of drip
irrigation and conduct consumer education programmes for the benefit of (8
set users.
Com#liance *y BECO!
BESCOM has already set up a SM cell in which Efficient irrigation
promotion can also be pursued. One such experiment to conduct consumer
education programme for the benefit of irrigation pump set users was done at
oddaballapura ONM Sub?ivision! JE7E=- programme under @GM
pro1ect with the assistance of GS-(.
Gnder the JE7E=-! existing irrigation pump sets were replaced by Energy
Efficient Star rated pump sets through ESCO model. Out of C4< irrigation
pump sets! 2>3 irrigation pump sets were replaced.
Gnder JE7E=- scheme! water conservation efforts have also been made
for about 54 hectares of land covering three villages out of AA villages. -
report on this implementation in three villages for 54 hectares of land is very
encouraging. Je are also in the process of exploring the possibility of
extending this to the balance A4 villages with the help of GS-(.
Commission9s /ie's
The Commission appreciates the efforts made by BESCOM in implementing
Efficient irrigation pump set program under ta"en by the JE7E=- under
@GM pro1ect with the assistance of GS-(. The Commission directs that
BESCOM shall set up an Efficient (rrigation 8romotion cell to promote
drip#sprin"ler irrigation systems among farmers by coordinating with
universities of -gricultural Sciences and the various epartments of
Eovernment to set up demonstration units of drip irrigation and conduct
consumer education programmes for the benefit of (8 set users. BESCOM is
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
directed to expedite the process to extend this programme to other areas to
reap the benefits and report the compliance to the Commission early.
%520 Directi&e on re)uction in )istri*ution losses
(t is the Commission6s view that ESCOMs can reduce distribution losses to a
significant level by ta"ing up certain improvements in the existing distribution
networ"s. The State /evel -dvisory Committee of the Commission has also
discussed these issues on more than one occasion! and suggested specific
measures which should be ta"en by ESCOMs to substantially reduce the
distribution losses. Considering the obvious need for the ESCOMs in the
State to launch a ma1or drive in this regard! and after considering appropriate
technical advice! the Commission directs the ESCOMs to ta"e up the
following measures during the current yearB
$i% Im#lementation o( ./D
(n view of the obvious benefits in the introduction of .,S in reducing
distribution losses! the Commission directs that BESCOM shall implement
.igh ,oltage istribution System in at least one ONM ivision in a @ural area
in its 1urisdiction by utiliLing the capex provision allowed in the -@@ for the
$ii% Deman) i)e !anagement in Agriculture
(n view of the urgent need for conserving energy for the benefit of the
consumers in the State! the Commission directs that BESCOM shall ta"e up
replacement of inefficient pumps with energy efficient pumps approved by the
Bureau of Energy Efficiency! at least in one Sub?ivision in its 1urisdiction.

6iii7 2irantara Dyot"i $ Fee)er e#aration
The Commission directs that BESCOM shall ta"e all necessary steps to
complete 8hase?( of 7irantara ;yothi 8ro1ect in its area within the Financial
0ear 24*2 and also complete preparations for commencing the
implementation of 8hase?(( of the 8rogramme. BESCOM shall submit
monthly reports to the Commission regarding the progress of implementation.
6I/7 O#timiFing Trans(ormer Ca#acities
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
The Commission directs that ESCOMs should underta"e a systematic audit
of transformer loads in each Sub?ivision on a )uarterly basis and ensure
that transformers installed are of optimum capacity! "eeping in view the load
to be serviced. BESCOM shall report the results of the audit to the
Commission with effect from the last )uarter of the calendar year 24**.
Com#liance *y BECO!
$ii% Im#lementation o( ./D
The ivisional officer of @amangaram along with his Sub ivisional officer of
Channapatna have visited Tirupathi in -ndrapradesh on *3.4*.24*2 and
*D.4*.24*2 to study the implementation of .,S in S8C/ of -.8 /td!. -s a
pilot pro1ect! one of the feeders namely +odambally feeder $FA% which has
*5D nos of TCs has been selected and it is proposed to install 3CD nos of
TCs at an estimated cost of @s >44 la"hs. The pro1ect will be ta"en
up for execution in F0?*A.
$ii% Deman) i)e !anagement in Agriculture
BESCOM had ta"en up the tas" of implementing energy efficient pumpsets in
oddaballapur sub ivision under JE7E=- programme.
$iii% 2irantara Dyot"i $ Fee)er e#aration
The details of compliance is furnished under irective A! Talu"?wise Feeders6
$iv% O#timiFing Trans(ormer Ca#acities
-ction is still to be initiated. .owever! the tas" will be initiated by March 24*2
and completed during F0 *A
Commission9s /ie's
The Commission directs BESCOM to formulate a time bound action plan to
implement the above measures which will substantially reduce the distribution
losses. -s regards implementation of .,S! the Commission has issued
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
detailed Euidelines # Methodology to be followed by ESCOMs vide its letter
7o 2A#*2#<DD dated *D.4A.24*2 by entrusting the study to M#s 8@C/.
BESCOM is directed to follow these guidelines and immediately ta"e up
implementation of .,S programme in its 1urisdiction without any further loss
of time and report the progress#compliance to the Commission early.
The progress achieved in regard to separation of (8 loads under 7;0 Scheme
and emand Side Management in agriculture is not ade)uate. BESCOM
shall ta"e up SM in agriculture elsewhere immediately apart from the wor"
which is already completed under JE7E=- programme at oddaballapura.
-lso! the Commission is of the view that sufficient action has not been ta"en
in respect of optimiLing transformer capacities and directs BESCOM to
conduct the systematic audit of istribution Transformers in each Sub?
ivision expeditiously and submit the results of the audit to the Commission
%521 Directi&e on Im#ro&ing t"e ;uality an) reac" o( ser&ice an) A)o#tion o(
a customer-oriente) a##roac" in *usiness
The )uality of service provided by the ESCOMs is in need of urgent
improvement to meet the expectations and needs of the consumers. The
Commission has also noted that a large number of vacancies in the field staff
of the ESCOMs and non?availability of materials on a timely basis are two
important factors constraining the ESCOMs in providing )uality service by
underta"ing maintenance of the distribution networ" and attending to the
complaints of the consumers. The Commission views the matter seriously
and directs the ESCOMs to ta"e the following measures expeditiouslyB
6i7 Recruitment o( Fiel) ta((
The Commission! directs that BESCOM shall fill up at least 54 percent of the
vacancies in the cadres of ;unior Engineers! /inemen and -ssistant /inemen
during the Financial 0ear 24*2. BESCOM shall submit to the Commission a
report on the action being ta"en to fill up the vacancies as above in the
specified time limit.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
Com#liance *y BECO!
BESCOM has notified for recruitment of 534 number of -ssistant /inemen.
Similarly action is being ta"en for recruitment of other staff.
6ii7 er&ice Centres (or Im#ro&e) Res#onsi&eness
The Commission directs that BESCOM shall introduce the system of
ade)uately e)uipped :Service Centres6 at least in two @ural Sub?ivisions
and report the results of its operations along with details of additional
expenditure to the Commission. The BESCOM can introduce the proposed
:Service Centres6 even with outsourced personnel! if necessary! till the
recruitment of their own staff is completed.
Com#liance *y BECO!B
Circulars were issued for having more service centres and it is stalled for
clarification sought by Employees Gnion and the same will be resolved.
$iii% Customer-Oriente) A##roac" in er&ice
The Commission directs that BESCOM shall prepare a detailed training
schedule for their Operational and -dministrative staff! so that each field
level functionary undergoes training at least once in a period of two years.
The content and duration of the training programme shall be decided in
consultation with .@ professionals and the details of the programme and its
implementation shall be reported to the Commission on a )uarterly basis.
Com#liance *y BECO!
Circulars have been issued to all Sub ivision -EEs to conduct Customer
(nteraction Meetings $C(M% as per monthly schedule. -ll CEEs of 9one are
re)uested to monitor the implementation of Customer (nteraction Meetings on
day to day basis and also re)uested to send a comprehensive report to
EM$C@ N SM% office. -ll the -EEs of the Sub?ivisions are conducting
Customer (nteraction Meetings as per monthly schedule and furnishing the
details regularly. The monthly schedule of Customer (nteraction Meetings
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
$C(M% notified in 7ewspapers. Sample proceedings and photos of Customer
(nteraction Meetings conducted at various places are enclosed.
Schedule of training for operation and administrative staff of BESCOM as
*. BESCOM intends to conduct strategic planning wor" shop for one day for
senior officers of the level of SEE and above in the month of ;anuary?
2. Two batches of training programme for -sst. Ex Engineer in the month of
;anuary M 24*2 to be conducted by M#s. (nfosys at their campus.
A. For non officials $B8C M adhoc members% training programme will be
conducted during the month of ;anuary M 24*2.
One more initiative ta"en by BESCOM towards achieving better customer
oriented approach in service is that the existing CSC$Customer service
centre% catering to the complaint# grievance redressal needs of the Customer
is being upgraded! both in terms of infrastructure as well as 8rofessionally
managing the Customer .elpline.
This would provide the Customers easy access for grievance redressal round
the cloc". The proposed redressal system envisages scrupulous follow up of
consumer complaints# grievances from the time of registration of a complaint
till the time of redressal. -ny complaint lodged at the CSC will be closed only
after confirmation of satisfactory redressal from the customer himself.
Commission9s &ie'
The Commission appreciates the action ta"en by BESCOM for preparing a
training schedule and imparting training to its Operational and -dministrative
staff. The Commission desires that this is an important programme aimed at
motivating the employees and increasing their effectiveness by upgrading
their s"ill level! it shall be continued without any let up. The implementation of
this programme shall be monitored at corporate level for its usefulness and
reported to the Commission.
%522 !easures to im#ro&e (inancial &ia*ility
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
6i7 Reco&ery o( Arrears o( Recei&a*les
The arrears of receivables to the BESCOM from various consumers including
the /ocal Bodies is to the tune of @s.2!3C3.A< crores as on A*.A.24**. The
Commission is of the view that the realiLation of these arrears is crucial to the
financial viability of the ESCOMs. The Commission! therefore directs that the
BESCOM should immediately ta"e up the recovery of these arrears with
Eovernment6s assistance! so that at least AA percent of the arrears
outstanding as on A*.A.24** are realised every year over the next three
Com#liance *y BECO!C
*. Status of -rrears as on ;an?*2
$-mount in /a"hs%
-s on
-s on
in terms
$-s at the
end of
in terms
$-s at
the end
of ;an?
K of
to the total
(8 *AC232 *AC44A C4<< 22.55 22.54 <D
Jater Jor"s C*44* >>442 22D2 2C.C2 AA.C4 23
Street lights AA3A5 <2A2* *3C2 *3.*> 22.>A *5
$B;# -E.!
(ndustries N
Temporary% 2*54A 2*C2C CDC>5 4.A* 4.A* 3
Total 252C2* 2>CD5* >D3>A A A *44
te#s taken (or reco&ery o( I+ arrearsC
This is mainly attributable to the Balance mentioned figures as at end of ;uly?
2443 which is "ept froLen. The Company has re)uested Energy epartment
to get the same reimbursed by the Eovernment vide letter 7o
M#EM$@NT%#**?*2#>C4! dated 4A#4*#24*2. from -ug?2443 and onwards! the
bill is preferred on the )uantum of energy supplied to these categories of
Consumers and claim is reimbursed by EO+.
te#s taken (or reco&ery o( 0ater su##ly H treet lig"ts
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
The -rrears outstanding against Jater Supply and Street /ights installations
is due to the fact that the SFC grants provided to G/Bs#@/Bs#,8s#T8s etc is
in short of actual demand. -s such the matter is ta"en up with Energy
epartment! EO+ re)uesting them to ta"e up the issue with appropriate
department for increase of SFC grants of local bodies vide letter no
M#EM$@NT%#**?*2#>C5! ated 4>#4*#24*2.
Ot"er ArrearsC
-rrears outstanding in respect of the other category of consumers except the
above two categories! is less than *#Ard of demand.
Out of @s 2*C.2C Crores! @s 53 Crores is due from B;#+; category for having
consumed more than *3 units and recovery to the extent of <5 K of demand
only. -s such the company has ta"en initiative to educate them of facility
under B;#+; scheme and the necessitating payment of charges for
consumption in excess of *3 Gnits. Further! it is also informed that if they do
not want to pay for the excess consumptionO they are instructed to limit to *3
Gnits per month or face the threat of action as per regulations
6ii7 u*-Di&isions as trategic Business 3nits
The present organiLational set up of ESCOMs at the field level appears to be
mainly oriented to maintenance of power supply without a corresponding
emphasis on realiLation of revenue. This has resulted in a serious mismatch
between the power supplied! expenditure incurred and revenue realised in
many cases. The continued viability of the ESCOMs urgently calls for a
change of approach in this regard! so that the field level functionaries are
made accountable for ensuring realiLation of revenues corresponding to the
energy supplied in their 1urisdiction.
The Commission directs that BESCOM shall introduce the system of Cost?
@evenue Centre Oriented Sub?ivisions at least in two ivisions in its
operational area and report results of the experiment to the Commission.
Com#liance B4 BECO!
(n order to provide ade)uate emphasis for revenue realiLation and
minimiLing technical and commercial losses. a pilot pro1ect has been under
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
ta"en in the 1urisdictional Sub ivisions falling under *A ONM ivisions where
Technical wing and @evenue wing are separated and provided functional
(n these ivisions! Sub ivisional --O6s are designated as Sub?ivisional
@evenue Officers $S@Os% and concentrate specifically on Commercial activity
and under whose control Meter readers and /inemen are brought for effecting
Meter @eading#disconnection and reconnection and technical wing is
separated for emphasiLing on ONM activity. On successful completion of the
above! the same will be considered for extension to all the ivisions.
Further! separate @evenue department is being formed in BESCOM at all
levels from Corporate office to Sub?ivisional offices for effective and smooth
monitoring of revenue and related matters! so that technical wing can
concentrate more on ONM and system improvement activities .
Commission9s &ie'
The Commission directs that BESCOM shall continue the efforts for
realiLation of arrears without any let up and monitoring of this activity through
coordinated efforts at each Sub?ivision! ivision and Circle levels shall be
reviewed at corporate level regularly for its effectiveness. -s for introducing
the strategic business unit concept BESCOM shall expedite the process and
implement it early and report the compliance to the Commission.
%52, ummary o( Tari(( Or)er 2012C
The Commission has approved an -@@ of @s.*A425.A* Crores as against
BESCOM6s proposed -@@ of @s.*<AD<.DC Crores.
The revenue gap as wor"ed out by the Commission is @s. A>A.45 Crores
as against BESCOM estimated gap of @s.*5D>.>* Crores.
The Commission has allowed additional revenue of @s.A>A.45 Crores on
tariff @evision as against the proposed additional revenue of @s. *5D>.>*
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
-pproved increase in revenue is AK against BESCOM6s proposed
increase of *2 K.
BESCOM had proposed an increase of >A paise for all categories of
consumers other than B;#+; N (8 Sets. The Commission has increased
tariff for (8 Sets and domestic category by *4paise per unit and the
increase in tariff for other categories is at 24 paise per unit.
Considering the importance of providing drin"ing water supply under /T
Category! the Commission has reduced the tariff for /T Jater Supply
installations by 54 paise per unit. -lso the Commission has retained the
tariff for water supply installations under .T category at existing levels.
Jhile determining the revenue gap for F0*A! an amount of @s. D*.44 Crs
of @egulatory -sset set aside in the previous tariff order has been
absorbed in the revision of tariff.
Time of the day tariff is made mandatory for installations under .T2 $a%
and .T2$b% with contract demand of 544+,- and above. The existing
To on optional basis for categories under /T5! .T* and .T2$a% N
.T2$b% with sanctioned load#contract demand of less than 544+,- will
continue. The reduction of *25 paise per unit is continued for consumption
in the off pea" period in this system.
(n this Tariff Order! the Commission has reintroduced the cross subsidy
surcharge payable by open access consumers.
The Commission has also decided to introduce a mechanism for recovery
of Fuel Cost -d1ustment charge. Separate order in the matter will be
issued in due course.
Ereen Tariff introduced in the previous tariff order for .T (ndustries N .T
Commercial Consumers at their option! to promote purchase of energy
from @enewable Sources and to reduce carbon footprint is continued.
Consumers opting for green tariff have to 8ay @e. *.44#unitover and
above the normal tariff.
- new .T tariff category namely .T5 is introduced for consumers availing
temporary supply with a demand of C>.8 or more.
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission TARIFF ORDER 2012 -
C"a#ter $ % $ Re&ie' o( Com#liance o( Directi&es issue) *y +age 1,-
t"e Commission
The existing Tariff categories .T< $a% and .T< $b% for @esidential purpose
in urban and rural areas respectively are merged as .T< which is
applicable to all areas of the ESCOMs.
-s in the previous Order! the Commission has continued to provide a
separate fund for facilitating better Consumer @elations #Consumer
Education 8rograms.
The cap on short?term power at @s.< per unit to meet shortfall in supply is
%52@ Commission9s Or)er
15 In e<ercise o( t"e #o'ers con(erre) on t"e Commission un)er
ections %2: %@ an) ot"er #ro&isions o( t"e Electricity Act 200,: t"e
Commission "ere*y )etermines an) noti(ies t"e )istri*ution an)
retail su##ly tari(( o( BECO! (or F41, as state) in C"a#ter-- o( t"is
25 T"e tari(( )etermine) in t"is or)er s"all come into e((ect (or t"e
electricity consume) (rom t"e (irst metering )ate (alling on or a(ter
A#ril 20125
,5 T"is or)er is signe) )ate) an) issue) *y t"e Karnataka Electricity
Regulatory Commission at Bangalore t"is )ay: t"e ,0
A#ril 2012
)>- )>- )>-
6!5R5reeni&asa !urt"y7 6/is"&anat" .iremat"7 6K5rini&asa
C"airman !em*er !em*er

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