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Show that the structure of the unit cell for caesium chloride(below) is consistent with
the formula CsCl.

2. MgO adopts an NaCl lattice. How many Mg
and O
ions are present per unit cell?

3. Using the values given in Table, determine an appropriate Born exponent for BaO.

4. By assuming an electrostatic model, estimate the lattice energy of MgO (NaCl
lattice); values of ionic ratios are given in Table Periodic.

5. A BornHaber thermochemical cycle for the formation of a salt MX
. This gives na
enthalpy change associated with the formation of the ionic lattice MX

6. With reference to the NaCl, CsCl and TiO2 lattice types,explain what is meant by (a)
coordination number, (b) unit cell, (c) ion sharing between unit cells, and (d)
determination of the formula of an ionic salt from the unit cell.

7. (a) Give a definition of lattice energy. Does your definition mean that the associated
enthalpy of reaction will be positive or negative? (b) Use the BornLande equation to
calculate a value for the lattice energy of KBr, for which r
= 328 pm. KBr adopts an
NaCl lattice; other data may be found in Tables.

8. Discuss the interpretation of the following:
(a) H
(298 K) becomes less negative along the series LiF, NaF, KF, RbF,
CsF, but more negative along the series LiI, NaI, KI, RbI, CsI.

(b) The thermal stability of the isomorphous sulfates of Ca, Sr and Ba with
respect to decomposition into the metal oxide (MO) and SO
increases in the
sequence CaSO
< SrSO
< BaSO
9. Calcule a) FE para o CaO e b) Densidade.

10. Predict the crystal type for each of the following using the radius ratio: (a) K
S (b)
Br (c) CoF
(d) TiF
(e) FeO .

11. Although CaF
has the fluorite structure, MgF
has the rutile structure. Explain this

12. The removal of two electrons from a magnesium atom is highly endothermic, as is
the addition of two electrons to an oxygen atom. In spite of this, MgO forms readily
from the elements. Write a thermochemical cycle for the formation of MgO and explain
the process from the standpoint of the energies involved.

13. Usando dados tabelados de raios inicos, calcule a forca de atrao coulombica
entre os ons Mg
e O
. Qual a forca repulsiva?

14. Mostre que a razo r+/r- e 0,225 para um arranjo tetraedrico.

15. Explique com base na ligao inica as seguintes propriedades dos compostos

a) Baixa condutividade eltrica no estado slido.

b) Altos pontos de fuso

c) So duros e quebradios.

16. Explique com base nos conceitos de polarizao:

a) O carbonato de berlio e instvel, o carbonato de magnsio decompe a 350
C e
o carbonato de brio decompe a 1360oC.

b) O fluoreto de prata e solvel em agua e o iodeto de prata apresenta um Kps de 8
x 10

17. Indique o composto com maior carter inico em cada par:

a) Cloreto de clcio e cloreto de magnsio.

b) Cloreto de sdio e cloreto de clcio

18. Ler as pginas 65 a 84 do Atkins de Qumica Inorgnica (3a ed) e resolver os
seguintes exerccios. 2.8 a 2.19.

2.8. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes
2.9. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes
2.10. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes
2.11. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes
2.12. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes
2.13. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes
2.14. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes
2.15. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes
2.16. D a configurao esperada para o estado fundamental de dada um dos seguintes

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