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3D Capture-the-Flag Wumpus Environment

By: Bhargav Brahmbhatt

Senior Project Proposal

Project Overview
- Topic and Domain: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Wumpus Environment used in CPE 480
- Goal and Objectives: Use the Capture the Flag environment to have students implement
the following AI concepts:
- different search algorithms
- logic, reasoning, strategies, planning
- learning
- Intended Users: students in the CPE 480 course who will be implementing various
concepts in the Wumpus Environment
- Relevance (why is this interesting, and what contributions does it make): the current
implementation of the Wumpus Environment works fine, however, it is lacking in the
graphical department, and could also possibly use slight changes to how the game is played.
This would provide an alternate environment for CPE 480 students to solve problems init
is the same for the most part, with slight modifications and a big graphical boost. It will also
implement a new portion of the environment that will let students implement the concepts
of AI learning.


- Existing Systems (perform similar tasks or use related technology): a formerly
developed project, TCX, from CPE 476, which was improved in CPE 480 to be playable by
AI agents; Wumpus Environment from CPE 480
- Main Methods, Technologies, and Tools to be Used: the project will make use of the
Java programming language for main engine, as well as OpenGL for the graphical
- System and User Requirements
- Main Functionalities of the System (what the system does): the system will provide
an implementation of the Wumpus Environment, which students will then make use of to
write methods that will allow the Agent in the environment solve the problems it faces
students will implement the concepts outlined in Goals and Objectives
- Main User Interaction Requirements (how the system is used): students will be given
base .jar files and some method stubs that need to be implemented, depending on which AI
concepts they are implementing for the assignment
- Main Non-Functional Requirements (e.g. performance, hardware/software needs,
privacy, security): be able to run Java code; be able to run JOGL code (Java OpenGL)

Evaluation Criteria
The environment will be in 3D. This environment will be created with the use of OpenGL,
specifically the Java port, JOGL.
The environment will allow students to implement and use their own agents to traverse the
environment and achieve its goals. The AI concepts students will be able to implement are
the following:
o Different search algorithms
o Logic, reasoning, strategies, planning
o Learning

- Examination of how the system works in an environment that is as close as possible
to the intended use
While CPE 480 will not be taught in Winter Quarter 2014, we will find willing students to
test the environment. These students will be a subset of students who are interested in, or
have taken CPE 480. This will allow the developer to understand what features are exciting,
what is lacking, and where bugs in the environment occur; information gleaned from
experiments will ultimately result in a more perfect environment for use in teaching.
- Expected outcomes of the experiments
Experiments performed will yield results that will help the developer create a more suitable
environment for teaching purposes. Ultimately, the goal with each iteration of development
and testing is to understand what features are exciting, what is lacking, and of course, where
the bugs are. This way, each cycle will result in a product that is closer to the intended one.

- MilestonesBiweekly plan for the first quarter
o End of Week 2: Basic understanding of JOGL; development of underlying
environment architecture
o End of Week 4: Functional environment with laid out grid; completed system
architecture; some 3D assets; beginnings of a world you can see
o End of Week 6: An Agent that is able to move around the map; a world with
defined boundaries, a goal, possibly obstacles (i.e. pits, Wumpus)
o End of Week 8: Agent is able to perform offline search algorithmsthis requires
the implementation of a fairy with similar capabilities to the Agent
o End of Week 10: Some completed levels that Agents will be placed in to find the
goal using anything up to offline search algorithms

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